How to use the premises to earn money. What kind of real business can be done in a garage from scratch? Production of design objects and decorative sculptures

  • 04.07.2023

There are many ways to start a business without significant capital investment. And your garage can serve as an excellent start-up capital. We offer you 40 business ideas from Europe and not only for organizing mini-production in the garage.

The garage is very good to use not only for its intended purpose. There you can successfully place the production of furniture.

1. Cabinet furniture. First of all, this is the manufacture and assembly of cabinet furniture: wardrobes, kitchen sets, dressing rooms, etc. Such work will require insignificant financial costs, the availability of tools and, of course, experience with chipboard and wood. The markup on cabinet furniture is at least 100%.

2. Padding of upholstered furniture. Many people want to save money on buying a new sofa or chairs for their living room. That is why the upholstery of old furniture is a popular and highly demanded service. In addition, this service is used by people who have expensive antique furniture, and they are willing to pay well for quality work. You can earn not only on the constriction itself, but also on the sale of upholstery materials.

3. Tailoring of covers for furniture. Upholstered furniture often gets dirty due to small children and pets. And a removable cover on a sofa or chair can help out in this matter. It can not only be easily washed, but also replaced with a new one. Tailoring such a cover on an individual order will cost many times cheaper than buying a new sofa.

4. Frameless furniture. In addition to the "hard" one can arrange the production of frameless furniture. Now the demand for it continues to grow. According to manufacturers, this is one of the most successful starts, allowing you to fully recoup your initial investment in the first six months. For this mini production, you will need a sewing machine, two types of fabrics: for the inner shell and for the cover, as well as a filler (foamed polystyrene is best). At the initial stage, finished products can be sold via the Internet.

5. Garden furniture from snags and branches. Another interesting garage production idea is making garden furniture from snags and branches. In the production of such furniture, costs are minimized (it is not difficult to find suitable snags, branches, stumps, old boards even in the city) and only special impregnations and moisture-resistant varnishes will be needed. After all, it must be borne in mind that such furniture will be in the open air and it should be carefully processed so that it does not lose its appearance.

6. Decoupage, painting, aging. The modern furniture industry has not kept pace with the rapidly changing tastes of consumers. There is always a demand for original designed furniture. This is where your skills can come in handy. By the way, when decorating the interior in the Provence style, artificially aged furniture is used.

Home decor and souvenirs

Europeans and US residents are actively earning on their hobbies. Since the demand for handicrafts is only growing, this direction is very promising for us as well. We invite you to consider some interesting ideas from Europe for production in the garage.

7. Book holders. We are accustomed to the fact that books should be placed in bookcases, well, in extreme cases, on special shelves. In Europe, you can often see special bookends. This is a beautiful and fashionable accessory that can revive any interior. Now it is becoming a popular element of room decor. The most important thing in such holders is their exclusivity and originality of the idea. The material for the holder can be anything: wood, ceramics, liquid stone, gypsum, fireclay, plastic - the choice is yours.

8. Christmas and New Year decorations. It is customary to celebrate these holidays with the family, and I want the atmosphere in the house to be appropriate. The best way to decorate your home these days is with handmade decorations. Naturally, the production of Christmas wreaths, candlesticks, baskets, garlands and Christmas decorations will make it possible to earn additional funds.

9. Clock. Another productive idea is to make original wall clocks. Watch movements can be easily found at a reasonable price. You only need to have a hand in the design of the dial and bezel. The payback of this project is quite high, and the investment is minimal.

10. Souvenir magnets. The production of souvenir magnets is one of the least expensive and pays off as quickly as possible. The main thing is to make them as original as possible so that they do not get lost in a number of similar products and will definitely find their buyer. There are several production technologies and you can choose any of them, since any equipment can fit in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small garage.

11. Decorative candles. No wonder Father Fyodor dreamed of his own small candle factory. With a minimum of cost and effort, such a wonderful result. For the manufacture of candles, you can use both ready-made molds, and make them yourself (significantly increase demand). With the purchase of consumables and the sale of products, there will also be no difficulties.

12. Handmade soap. The demand for handmade soap continues to grow. The use of natural ingredients, the original form and packaging will allow you to find your customers quite easily. In addition, this soap is a great gift for mom, girlfriend or colleagues at work. Soap production technology is very simple and does not require large investments.

13. Ceramics. A small pottery workshop is a fruitful garage business idea. You can arrange the production of vases, original figurines and dishes. Although this requires certain costs for the purchase of materials, the payback is quite high. In addition, you can make a variety of souvenirs and sell them to gift shops.

14. Hanging bells on the door. If you know how and love to work with metal, making "wind music" is an idea for you. However, these bells can be not only metal. Traditionally, they are made from bamboo, but hollow branches of light trees can also be used. Such products can be sold through a network of souvenir shops.

15. Wine coasters and racks. You can use your skills in working with wood in the production of original wine coasters and special racks. The number of bars, cafes and restaurants that open every day is encouraging. High-quality original products can be successfully sold, as well as they can be made to order.

16. Souvenirs from children's things. A relatively new idea for a garage business from Europe is the production of souvenirs from children's things. Children's shoes, booties, nipples, any things are covered with bronze or copper. The only difficulty in "launching" this business project is the duration of the production process. The bronzing of the product takes from two weeks to a month. They work only on order, because the future souvenir is a purely individual thing.

17. Basket weaving. This folk craft is experiencing another revival. If you successfully position your products as environmentally friendly, preserving the environment, you can easily find buyers not only on the Internet, but also in supermarkets and souvenir shops (the demand for baskets traditionally increases before the Easter holidays).

18. Designer pillows. Making interesting furniture cushions will allow you to expand the circle of consumers through cooperation with furniture stores and interior designers. Offer them your products, and you will no longer need to rent premises for your own store - orders will come to you from furniture makers and designers. You can also quite successfully sell such pillows via the Internet.

19. Making mirrors to order. It is clear that in a garage, covering glass with amalgam is not the best idea. But it is quite easy to cut an existing mirror sheet and put it in an original frame. All you need is a finished mirror and baguette blanks. You can compete with professional framing workshops and offer customers a more attractive price.

20. Potpourri (dry flower arrangements). Making compositions from dried flowers is a fun way to show your creativity and earn money. To compose compositions, you can use both dried flowers (plants that do not require additional processing) and ordinary flowers. They are pre-dried, then assembled into a single ensemble. The original interior decoration can be offered not only to individual connoisseurs, but also to small cafes or restaurants to decorate the room.

21. Cornices, curtains and blinds. In the garage, you can also make cornices, blinds, roller blinds and pleated blinds. Here, not only independent work is possible, but also fruitful cooperation with salons for tailoring curtains. The manufacturing technology is quite simple and comes down to working with ready-made systems. All you need is to fit the curtain rod and cut the curtain fabric to the desired size.

22. Garden sculptures. It is not difficult to establish a small production of garden sculptures and flowerpots in the garage. The most popular materials in this industry are concrete and gypsum. The production technology is quite simple and does not require large investments. You can sell your products both directly and give them to stores for sale.

Products for pets

You can start making pet products in your garage.

23. Cat scratching posts. Pet stores will be willing to work with you if you offer sustainable, natural cat scratching posts. Besides, it is possible to make also game complexes. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the product. They can be both stationary and portable.

24. Beds and houses for cats and dogs. Soft beds, cozy houses for cats, original booths for dogs are still in demand. People are ready to spend impressive amounts on the comfort of their pets. The production of such goods can be easily established in your own garage, and you can sell finished products via the Internet. In addition, cooperation with pet stores will help to significantly expand the circle of customers.

25. Bird cages, birdhouses and feeders. Bird lovers can be offered interesting birdhouses, feeders and bird cages. It is difficult to find a really original and beautiful bird cage in pet stores. And here you can offer your services for the manufacture of cages according to individual sizes and according to the wishes of the customer. Production costs are low. And originality is always valuable.

Products for children

Parents always want the best for their children. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to start your own business and receive a stable income.

26. Sandboxes. Clients from cottage villages will be happy to purchase original frames for sandboxes for their children. It is best to make them from wood. You can develop several ready-made designs, as well as make sandboxes according to individual sketches. In this case, not only the quality of work is important, but also the original and bright design.

27. Kites. Another type of production that does not require special permits and compliance with GOSTs is kites. These lightweight, volatile designs are becoming popular again. This is a great kind of outdoor recreation, which will be equally interesting for both adults and children. Kites can be of various designs and sizes, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Construction and repair

Additionally, you can earn money on construction and repair not only by plastering and puttying. You can organize the manufacture of canopies and awnings. Lightweight prefabricated structures are willing to buy not only summer residents and lovers of "wild recreation" in nature. You can offer your services to cafes with summer playgrounds, summer holiday homes and boarding houses.

28. Countertops. Now there is a demand for products made of liquid stone. Quite costly production, requiring special equipment and certain skills. If you produce consumables yourself, the payback on equipment costs will be about six months. When buying materials from suppliers, the payback period will be reduced to 2-3 months, depending on the region of residence and the number of potential customers.

Countertops can also be made to individual orders from glass, wood, these materials can be combined with metal. The choice is great.

29. Making stained-glass windows. In the garage you can organize a small stained glass workshop. This is an interesting business. But several features must be taken into account. Stained glass production is divided into classical, film and modern.

The classical method of making stained-glass windows is the most time-consuming and costly: you need lead, bright durable glass, mastic, and you can’t do without special equipment and special knowledge.

Film stained-glass windows are the simplest, although they require some skill. A thin patterned film is applied to ordinary glass, with the help of which furniture doors, interior doors, and balcony windows are decorated.

Modern methods of making stained glass windows are divided into the following types: tiffany, sandblasting and fusing. The size of the initial investment and the rate of payback will depend on the chosen technique.

30. Making showcases for shops. Shop window dressing is a well-forgotten old way to earn extra money. The unitarity of Soviet shop windows has sunk into oblivion, now the owners of retail space are eager to attract customers with an original approach to advertising their goods. Having sufficient artistic taste, you can find customers and realize your ideas.

31. Woodcarving. Carved products can be not only an element of home decor, but also fit well into the interior of office space, catering establishments. Consequently, customers for such miniatures, or large works, can also be found among the owners of cafes and restaurants, "work shops" (relevant for big cities), and clubs. The production cost is low and the income is stable.

32. Hand stamping. From fiberglass, reinforced plastic, artificial marble, liquid stone, it is possible to produce both non-standard products in small batches and exclusive products. Products are made by hand with special die-forms, no additional equipment is required, the market is not yet filled and it is quite easy to find your niche.

Artificial marble and liquid stone can be used to produce electrolytic baths, fireplace portals, countertops, facing and floor tiles. From fiberglass, carbon fiber and reinforced plastic, you can quickly (in 1 week) organize the production of oar blades, hulls of boats, boats, jet skis and snowmobiles, drainage trays, roofing elements and much more.

33. Artistic forging. Connoisseurs of working with metal can engage in the production of small forged products in the garage, which are in constant demand: lattices, balcony railings, flower pots, stands for flowerpots, lamps, candlesticks. Of course, equipping a garage for a small forge will cost you a lot, but such a business quickly pays off.

34. Printing on ceramic tiles. There are several types of printing on ceramic tiles. The most popular are two methods: digital and sublimation. With digital printing, large images are applied to the tile, then it is fired. Such a tile calmly tolerates a humid environment and exposure to chemicals. With sublimation printing, the pattern is small (in the size of one tile) and is applied with a heat press. The former are used to decorate bathrooms and kitchens (aprons), the latter are souvenir products that can be “planted” on a magnetic tape. Both are in demand. But with a high payback, it also requires corresponding equipment costs.

Fashion accessories and promotional items

If you are a creative person, you can try your hand at fashion accessories and promotional items.

35. Manufacture of designer bags. In the garage, you can successfully place a small workshop for the production of designer bags. Materials are easy to get, and the choice of accessories is great. If you are additionally engaged in ceramics or rune stamping, then these artistic miniatures can become successful decorative elements. Payback of production - up to 3 months.

36. Original belts and buckles. You can also arrange the production of unusual belts and buckles. The choice of material is unlimited. This is wood, and plastic, and leather, and various types of fabric and metals. Anything your imagination tells you. In this case, the main thing is the original idea and high-quality execution. Such designer items are easily sold through the Internet, as well as fashion boutiques.

37. Silk screen printing, printing on T-shirts. A relatively new type of business activity that does not require special costs and large premises. As an idea for a mini production in the garage, it's just wonderful. Special equipment and consumables can be easily purchased from suppliers. There are always orders for such products. Even in small towns, where, it would seem, the niche is already occupied, with the right approach, you can find your permanent clientele. And the realizable possibilities of the Internet are completely endless.

38. Poster printing. Traditionally, printing houses are engaged in printing works. But, in most cases, they refuse to fulfill small orders. You can come to the rescue of customers who need a limited edition of printed products. Poster printing equipment can be purchased at a reasonable price. For starters, even a used one will do. Payback - up to six months.

39. Airbrushing. A very interesting idea for using the garage for its intended purpose. Even if you do not have the makings of an artist, using special patterns and ready-made sketches, you can transform a standard car into a work of art. In addition, drawings using airbrush technology can be applied to almost any object and give them individuality.

40. Production of key rings. It has already been mentioned above about the production of souvenirs, manual stamping. In a similar technique, it is possible to make key rings. But they can also be knitted, woven, ceramic, silicone, metal. Try yourself in different techniques, different styles and directions. Your choice will depend on the cost of the goods, and the rate of return.

This is just a small list of possible goods and services, the production of which can be organized without renting a separate room. There are a lot of ideas for mini production in the garage. Perhaps, after reading this article, you will come up with something else of your own and it will become an interesting know-how that will bring you profit.

For many people, the main goal in life is complete financial independence - to work for themselves, have their own business and not obey the picky bosses. A garage business is the perfect way to make that dream come true.

Converting a garage into a utility room is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Even with a small start-up capital and minimal effort, you can start a business that can provide a good income in the future. The main thing is to bring to realization one of the business ideas in the garage.

To begin with, entrepreneurs should decide on the specifics of their business project and its focus.. It is advisable to choose based on your own capabilities, skills and abilities - if you have creative potential and love collecting antiques, then you should not open a turning workshop, even if such a project can bring excellent profit in the future.

There are several main areas of the garage business:

  • production of various goods;
  • provision of services;
  • processing materials or raw materials.

Each of these areas requires certain equipment and investments. Moreover, newcomers to the business will have to develop their client base, which means they will have to conduct an advertising campaign.

Top 10 Working Ideas

1. Opening an outlet.

You can open a grocery store in the garage

In accordance with the current legislation, the garage belongs to the objects of stationary trade, which means that it is possible to organize a store in it. Before creating a business plan, it is desirable to analyze the demand for certain groups of goods. For example, in a large garage complex, you can trade in auto parts or consumables.

To organize a store, the premises should be insulated and provided with high-quality equipment, which will require a lot of money, time and effort.

2. Auto repair shop.

By opening a car repair shop, you can help your neighbors in the garage with repairs already on a reimbursable basis

If you are a car enthusiast with a lot of experience and are able to quickly fix even the most serious breakdown, then opening a car repair shop will be an ideal option to start making money on yourself. To do this, you will need hand tools (sets of wrenches, screwdrivers, jacks, etc.) and a welding machine. Before starting work, it is advisable to also take care of the safety of the workplace and equip the room.

Forge - a promising and uncompetitive option

Artistic forging is an extremely popular activity. This venture may seem quite expensive at first due to the need to purchase expensive materials, but, in fact, due to little competition in the market, with the right approach, it quickly pays off.

4. Car wash.

For a car wash inside the garage, you do not need to thoroughly re-equip the room

A car wash can be organized in almost any garage, you just need to equip the room and the area around. Run water and prepare the sewerage system, take care of fire safety and decide on the equipment. Additionally, you can organize services for cleaning the interior and washing the engine.

5. Production of decorative sculptures.

Making garden sculptures from plaster and concrete will require a minimum of costs, but at the same time it will be a great way to create a profitable business. A beginner in this business will need to learn how to prepare a solution and buy molds for casting: foam, wood or cardboard.

6. Laundry.

By opening a laundry, you can attract the attention of students from dormitories who are experiencing problems with laundry.

In small towns, it is very difficult to find a public laundry, so such a business, provided there is no competition, can pay off very quickly. First you need to acquire the necessary equipment and detergents, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign. The best option would be to organize a laundry in a garage near student dormitories.

7. Tire fitting.

If the garage is located near a gas station or a roadway, then it would be advisable to organize a tire fitting service. The room must be heated, ventilated and well lit. You will also need expensive equipment (compressor, vulcanizer, jack, tire changer), which is better to rent at the initial stage of the business.

8. Car tuning.

Car tuning gives room for creativity, but is relevant only for big cities

Fans of creativity will like the prospect of creating something original and specific from ordinary cars. But, unfortunately, this type of business will be relevant only for residents of megacities. In small towns it will not be easy to find consumers of this service, which means that, in addition to purchasing expensive materials, you will have to spend a lot on advertising.

9. Glass cutting.

In areas with a large concentration of industrial premises, the garage can be converted into a glass cutting workshop. The technology of work is quite simple, and if desired, even a beginner can master it.

10. Troubleshooting service.

Like its owner, the car also needs regular diagnostics.

This service is very popular with car enthusiasts, so you can make good money diagnosing car problems. You will need to purchase special software, an adapter and a scanner to determine the machine block code and report errors. Remember that the computer program must be updated regularly, as new car brands appear every season.

Best options for beginners

1. Rental of children's goods and toys.

Children's toys are not cheap, so recently their rental services have become in great demand. You can buy the most popular children's products, decorate the garage in a colorful and bright way and start promoting your services to the target group of consumers.

2. Antique shop.

The antiques resale business never loses its relevance. The main thing in this business is knowing the real market value of the thing, because you can earn up to 500% profit on transactions with those who want to get rid of stamps, coins or household items!

3. Pottery.

The pottery workshop can be interesting to visit for both adults and children

Creating clay products will not only increase income, but also help relieve stress, relax and develop creativity. It is worth starting with the manufacture of stucco ceramics, and after the appearance of the first customers, buy a potter's wheel and molds for blanks. With the successful development of the business, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

4. Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.

Tailoring atelier - a great business option for women

One of the best business ideas for women. All you need is a sewing machine, materials and the ability to sew efficiently and accurately.

5. Printing services.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with a copier or scanner, but the provision of printing services can bring significant profit in the shortest possible time. Especially if your garage is located near educational institutions or administrative buildings.

6. Production of wooden pallets.

Due to the wide use of pallets in various fields, such a business can be very promising.

You can make pallets manually and without special equipment. With a persistent search for reliable distribution channels, your business will quickly reach a net profit.

7. Sharpening of tools and knives.

In residential areas, sharpener services will be in great demand. In addition to sharpening kitchen knives, you can also make money on the processing of tools for beauty salons (hairdressing scissors and nail clippers).

8. Mini-workshop for the manufacture of furniture.

Handmade furniture will always be in demand

Huge competition in the furniture business should not frighten a novice businessman - with a well-chosen direction and a creative approach, you can build up a good client base in a short time. It is possible to manufacture custom-made cabinet furniture (cabinets, walls or beds) or frameless furniture (poufs, armchairs). Additional income can be obtained if you master decoupage, decorating or aging furniture.

9. Repair of household appliances.

This service will be relevant in any city and region. In order to start a business, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and have a personal vehicle on which you could deliver large-sized equipment.

10. Production of products on a lathe.

Turners, as a rule, do not sit idle

Turner services are in demand both among private firms that do not have a master on staff, and at car repair shops. To get started, you only need a lathe and a set of standard tools.

Ideas with minimal investment

1. Renting out premises.

This is the easiest and most effective way to get passive income without investments - you can receive from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per month. The specific rental price will depend primarily on the location of the garage, the presence of communications in it and its size.

2. Service of temporary storage of things.

Temporary storage service in your garage will help people avoid cluttering balconies

Many residents of megacities are faced with the issue of storing things that they do not use in the summer - skis, sleds, winter tires. The garage owner can benefit from this and earn from the provision of storage services. The profit, of course, will be insignificant, but it can be obtained after the first client.

3. Point of reception of secondary raw materials.

Some types of raw materials can be sold to organizations that are engaged in production and processing. These materials include paper, cardboard, glass, textiles, rubber and scrap metal.

4. Growing plants.

Growing vegetables or mushrooms in a garage can be commercialized

In a heated and well-lit garage, you can easily grow plants and mushrooms. This line of business does not require significant investments, because it is not difficult for an experienced summer resident to equip a greenhouse indoors, and the crop can be sold to small grocery stores.

5. Production of decorative products and souvenirs.

You can make festive New Year's goods (for example, Christmas balls), magnets, soap and candles, badges and souvenirs. The scale of production in this case does not depend on the amount of start-up capital, but only on your scope of imagination - the possibilities in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity are almost endless.

6. Sale of clothes.

Garage sales in Russia are still not widespread

Garage sales have long gained popularity in the United States, and in recent years in our country, enterprising garage box owners are adopting this experience. Establishing the sale of clothes (like a stock store or a second-hand store) means securing a year-round income.

7. Computer workshop.

Computer workshop - a win-win direction

If you are good with computers, you can try opening a computer repair shop in your garage. But keep in mind that for this the room must be dry, insulated and well lit.

8. Packing of goods.

The owners of wholesale depots and shops often save on the services of packers, so if you wish, you can easily set up production for packing bulk products and cooperate with large entrepreneurs, selling them ready-made packaged goods.

Who said that you have to live in the countryside to run a small farm?

The fashion for healthy food makes many residents of big cities go to the markets in search of homemade and quality products. Caring for a chicken is not difficult, their diet is as simple as possible, and if the size of the garage allows you to place a dozen laying hens in it, you will ensure yourself a stable profit.

10. Services of a personal trainer.

Perhaps the most original way to provide yourself with additional income is to organize sports training in your garage. If you are an experienced athlete and can offer original training methods, then you will not have to compete with large gyms - you can quickly build up a client base.

How not to make mistakes when choosing a direction of activity

In order to choose the right direction for your business project and not go into the red, you should follow just a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose the idea that can pay off as much as possible and bring profit in the shortest possible time;
  • Focus on customer needs;
  • Do not compete with big businessmen;
  • At the beginning of your project, try to do without hired labor to save money;
  • Do not buy expensive equipment to start production;
  • Make a business plan by analyzing all upcoming expenses and expected income.

A garage business for aspiring entrepreneurs is a great opportunity to start your own business without significant expenses. In the garage, it is possible to establish the production of goods, organize trade or equip premises for the provision of services.

Do not forget that the success of your business depends solely on your desire and hard work. And if you still doubt whether it is worth a try, then remember - the history of the famous Apple company began precisely with the assembly of computers in the garage.

One of the easiest and most affordable sites for small business development is a garage. Perhaps this unclaimed building will be a source of good income. At first, the garage business can be a side job, and then the main activity. Here are ten of the most promising ways to become richer.

Making decorative sculptures

The garage business can be based on the production of garden figurines from plaster or concrete. You will need to learn how to prepare a high-quality solution and acquire a variety of molds for casting - wooden, cardboard, metal, polyurethane or foam.

This will require a minimum of equipment costs. Even if the initial capital is only a few thousand dollars, feel free to start building a business in a garage. Ideas for the production of decorative products can be realized even in a room with a small area.

Casting of metal products

Among the possible range of products can be doorknobs, soldiers, weights for fishing tackle, etc. You will need a small electric smelter to work. You can either make it yourself or buy it. It is also important to have high-quality molds so that the finished products do not cause any complaints about the quality. In addition, the production room must be connected to a three-phase electrical circuit.

Working with foam

Considering the payback business ideas in the garage, one cannot fail to mention the artistic cutting of foam. It is best to work directly with customers, providing them with custom-made products. The only disadvantage of this type of activity is that you will have to purchase expensive equipment for the production of decorative items in the garage.

On the positive side: the vast majority of foam shops do not cut the material. Large firms prefer to earn on volume. This is where opportunities open up for organizing a successful small business. Any ideas in the garage can be implemented - from Roman columns to figured patterns from foam.

Glass matting

Business ideas in the garage include painting on glass using sandblasting or a special matting paste. Creativity in this matter is not needed: a stencil is superimposed on the glass, and it forms the necessary pattern.

As you can see, equipment for production in a garage in this case cannot be called complicated. You don't need thousands of dollars to get started. If you have free funds, you can purchase a sandblaster. It will cost 120-150 thousand rubles. As for the paste, the costs here will be significantly lower: a batch of material will cost a maximum of five thousand rubles.

The main desire. Even if you have to do only five or six jobs a month, you will be provided with an average salary. Advertising companies, souvenir shops, stained glass and glass workshops, as well as design companies may be interested in the above products.

car wash

You can wash cars in the garage. To open such a business, you will have to solve a lot of questions. With the right selection of equipment and employees, the business promises to be profitable. The number of car washes is growing rapidly, but this does not mean that small businesses in this area have no place.

On the contrary, many drivers recall with distaste the huge queues at large facilities. This fact explains the demand for car washes located in residential areas. In addition, the client can be offered to clean the interior, polish the dashboard, wash the engine, etc.

The choice of the appropriate equipment is fundamental. You need to decide on a group of devices. So, there is household and professional equipment. The latter is capable of performing its functions for up to eight hours daily, however, specially trained people are needed to work with it, and it is not cheap.

The choice of a supplier is also recommended to be taken with all responsibility. It is best not to spare money and order equipment from an official representative of the manufacturer. Experienced specialists will competently advise you and help you choose the right equipment. In addition, you can always count on a guarantee of equipment quality and after-sales service.

Don't forget to develop a marketing strategy with the mandatory inclusion of advertising costs.

Vehicle repair

Consider how to open a car service in a garage. The first step is to decide what services you will provide. So, you can repair bodies, engines, tire fitting, install alarms, embed locks, tint windows, change mirrors, bumpers, etc. It is important to take into account your own capabilities and the size of the room. Do not try to cover the entire range of services at once, start small. This will help to avoid large investments and, accordingly, large risks.

As the business develops, it will be possible to purchase appropriate equipment and expand the list of services. For example, a standard set of tools is needed to repair the suspension and transmission. The most versatile activities include painting and body repair, since the same equipment is quite suitable for such work for both expensive foreign cars and battered domestic cars. This fact allows us to count on the widest range of customers.

Production of cabinet furniture

Many garages are equipped for assembly shops for a wide variety of furniture items. To open your own business in this area, you do not need to overcome numerous difficulties. This is a profitable garage business. Furniture production ideas can be implemented without expensive equipment: the necessary components can be ordered from large manufacturers. All that remains for you is to organize a high-quality assembly of products.

Over time, you can expand your business and make any pieces of furniture yourself (as an option - according to the sketches of customers). To do this, you need to purchase a special machine and learn how to work on it.

Creation of frames for greenhouses

There is fierce competition in this area. Interesting ideas and innovative solutions will help to achieve success. For example, you can try to make the frame especially strong at minimal cost. In this case, the product will be in high demand. The required minimum of tools: milling and rolling machines, grinder, welding machine. Some craftsmen do without rolling and welding, fastening metal frames with bolts.

Organization of a point of sale

To open a store, you will need to make cosmetic repairs in the room, to conduct water. If the location of the garage allows you to bring communications to it, act! When choosing a line of business, consider the location of competitors.

A waste of time and money will be the opening of the fourth bread stall in a residential area. Your garage can be transformed into a store for household chemicals, cosmetics, auto parts, bottled water, food.

Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to coordinate everything with the SES, to familiarize yourself with the standards that determine the sanitary classification of commercial enterprises.

Mesh production

Such products become most in demand in the warm season. So, the chain-link mesh is used to shelter trees, enclose the territory, and it also acts as a base under the roof of sheds. This is a pretty good, and most importantly, low-cost garage business.

Ideas for the production of chain-link mesh do not imply the purchase of expensive equipment. Only one machine is needed to develop the business. The standard semi-automatic version will cost no more than forty thousand rubles. For an automatic machine, you will have to pay about two hundred thousand.

The wholesale price of the chain-link mesh is one hundred rubles per square meter. In this scenario, the cost of acquiring a machine will pay off quickly.


The garage can be empty or bring real income. Which option to choose is up to you. In principle, opening a business in a garage is not so difficult. Of course, it all depends on the specific direction. However, if you do what you love, then success will not be long in coming!

Is there a garage? So, you can safely open your own mini-production. The ten ideas below do not require capital investments and large business loans.


Starting your own garage business is a great idea for those who decide to go on their own "swimming". Moreover, there are wonderful examples for inspiration (including the creators of Harley Davidson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Apple and other world famous brands). It is too early to dream about the scale of the enterprise. To reach the scale of production, a competent concept of work is needed.

Features of planning a garage business

A mini-business with localization in a garage area includes:

  • business planning (first you need to choose a product or service, taking into account market analysis, personal skills, financial resources and demand);
  • organizational and legal registration of entrepreneurship (business registration);
  • purchase of possible equipment;
  • possible hiring of employees and their training;
  • monitoring of suppliers and procurement of raw materials for work;
  • development of technological aspects of production;
  • provision of services (or sale of finished products).

Top 10 Garage Business Ideas 2018

Below are ideas with minimal capital investment:

Tab. 1. Top 10 garage business ideas for 2018

Idea name

The amount of the minimum investment, in rubles

Implementation complexity

Repair of bicycles and small vehicles

Buying tools

Making felt boots

Purchase of equipment, search for suppliers of quality raw materials

Growing oyster mushrooms

20,000 materials + 65,000 utilities = 85,000

Constant maintenance of the required humidity parameters

Production of decorative stone and tiles

Purchase of equipment, raw materials and molds. Electrification

Production of metal products

Equipment, raw materials, carrying out a special line at 380 Volts, work skills

Making small stoves

Similar to paragraph 5

Styrofoam processing

Buying equipment, conducting electricity, workmanship

Frameless furniture

Selection of materials, purchase of sewing equipment, tools, development of technologies

Netting production

Purchasing a machine, installing an electric line, hiring an assistant

Preparation of elements for stairs

Carpentry equipment. Might need an assistant

1. Small vehicle repair services

The garage is an ideal place to open a small workshop, where customers can bring bicycles of various models, trolleys and wheeled cases for repair. Cyclists especially feel the need for skilled craftsmen.

No special investments are expected - it is enough to purchase a set of tools (the largest amount will be 20,000 rubles). But you will have to think about promoting your business - and at first very actively. Perhaps leave your business cards in sporting goods stores, post ads on the appropriate forums. Business is seasonal - in winter, demand drops.

2. Handmade boots

This product will never lose its relevance, and being handmade with high quality, it will always find worthy demand. The advantages of such shoes are obvious - they are environmentally friendly, warm and durable (a separate tribute must be paid to national traditions). Additional incentives should be the still minimal competition in the market and the easy process of learning to manufacture.

Initial costs will be about 50,000 rubles. This:

  • purchase of special carding machines and a set of tools;
  • search for raw materials (it is better that it be a permanent supplier of high quality wool);
  • purchase of auxiliary materials or ready-made pads for boots.

An additional emphasis is on communication (which is important in a full-time environment). And immediately you need to prepare for the fact that the work has a certain seasonality.

Experts say that the daily production cycle reaches 5-6 pairs of felt boots, which can be sold at a wholesale price of 600 rubles. Experimenting with decorative finishes will only increase the selling price of the product.

3. Mushroom plantations of oyster mushrooms

The garage room is "famous" for special climatic conditions - more precisely, dampness. You can use this to your advantage by growing mushrooms. An unpretentious oyster mushroom is perfect for this, in relation to which only one condition must be observed - a moisture index of at least 80%.

The cultivation technology is also simple - it is enough to fill plastic bags with straw or seed husks (which you can take for free at woodworking factories). The seeds of the future mushroom are placed in them (the starting material is inexpensive - about 50 cents per bag). If the conditions are met, the first mushrooms will begin to appear in three weeks. Now it is enough to maintain the desired humidity with a sprinkler tube (or constantly working special equipment) - and in a week the product will reach the required size.

To organize the process you will need:

  • purchase a special machine and a set of locksmith tools - up to 300,000 rubles of investments;
  • hire an assistant (required at some stages of work).

Now about profitability: it will fluctuate within 15-25% of the selling price. How quickly the project will pay off, sales volumes will show, which means that it is necessary to focus on advertising the product and finding customers.

10. Production of elements for wooden stairs

It is quite possible to start a carpentry career as a stair builder in a garage. A sufficient quadrature of the room will allow you to place machines (for a start, there will be enough turning, milling and grinding). Work will be carried out both with wood and plywood). All this can be "packed" in about 315,000 rubles. Plus there are certain costs for an assistant.

Certain items will be made. Future installation is carried out directly at the facility (preliminary dimensions are also taken there).

The demand for such products is active, and prices go from 40,000 to 250,000 rubles. The cost depends on the type of wood you choose. With a creative approach, the performer will quickly leave the garage for the workshop and receive a large number of orders.

Summarizing what has been said

Own garage opens up great opportunities for organizing a small production. Big incomes will not appear immediately, but with a certain persistence, the client base will grow very quickly.