Foreign trade turnover. Trade turnover of Russia Structure of exports from Russia

  • 15.03.2020

What does Hjccbz export? This question was asked by every inhabitant of our country. Today, Russia is mainly engaged in the export of energy resources such as oil products, coal and gas. Rolled steel is also exported along with ferrous and non-ferrous metals and minerals. Oil products form the largest share of Russian exports. In addition, the leading export items include natural gas, mineral fertilizers, timber, machinery, as well as weapons and various equipment.

Many are interested in what is the role of Yakut diamonds in the export of polished diamonds. More than three hundred million tons of oil, as well as about two hundred and fifty billion cubic meters of gas are exported to the countries of near and far abroad. We will tell you more about the exported products, the structure of Russia's exports and trading partners in our article.

Foreign trade of Russia

Russia's main trading partners today are such countries as China, Poland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, Great Britain, Finland and the USA.

Russia is engaged in providing a significant part of the needs of the Commonwealth of Independent States in oil products and gas. What else does Russia export? Timber, machinery and various equipment. Therefore, for most countries, in particular the neighboring countries, Russia has been and remains an important trading partner.

In 2012, Russia became a member of the World Trade Organization. In addition, our country is a member of the CIS free trade zone agreement and a member of the customs, as well as the Eurasian Economic Union.

Since 2014, domestic foreign trade has been under significant negative pressure from external trade policy other countries, which is expressed in the form of economic sanctions imposed against Russia. Retaliatory counter-sanctions from the side also have an impact. Russian government in the field of foreign trade. Thus, due to well-known political changes, the turnover in foreign trade in the country in 2014 decreased by seven percent compared to the previous year in 2013 and amounted to only eight hundred billion dollars.

As for the current stage, according to the data of the Federal customs service, the turnover in Russia's foreign trade over the past year amounted to 470 billion dollars. This figure is even lower compared to the values ​​of 2014 and 2015. If we compare the current trade turnover with previous years, the drop is more than eleven percent. One of the important components of foreign trade policy is export from Russia to China.

The decisive role in the negative change in indicators was played by last year's devaluation of the ruble, which occurred after a large-scale drop in oil prices in early 2016. Then oil quotes fell to below $30 per barrel due to excess supply on the foreign market. The reduction in demand for oil from one of Russia's most important partners, China, also had an effect. And the exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble increased sharply against the background of all this.

Export records of recent years

At the end of last year, Russia's exports, in terms of value, decreased by seventeen percent, amounting to $280 billion.

A similar picture is formed due to the fact that Russia exports abroad mainly hydrocarbons (gas and oil exports). Of course, along with the fall in their value, the total price of exports also decreased. Along with this, exports in physical terms increased. Russia during the whole last year did not reduce, but, on the contrary, increased their deliveries abroad, despite low prices.

Thus, oil exports in 2016 increased by almost seven percent to 200 million tons. But at the same time, income from it fell by eighteen percent to seventy billion dollars. The same thing happened in the export of other raw materials. Thus, in physical terms, the export of natural gas increased by thirteen percent, although in the first half of the year its price fell to $150 per thousand cubic meters.

Large commodity enterprises were engaged in increasing the volume of deliveries in order to maintain market share. In addition, in the conditions of devaluation, they had the opportunity to receive more revenue from exports in rubles.

The same has served as an incentive for companies in other industries. What does Russia export besides the materials mentioned above? Thus, our country has managed to increase the supply of most food products to China, and in addition, to the countries of Asia and Europe. In terms of wheat supplies last spring, Russia came out on top in the world, thus overtaking Canada and the United States.

In addition, the volume of exports of butter, meat, milk, cottage cheese and cheeses increased. Deliveries of engineering goods, as well as timber and other products, increased. This was influenced governmental support large enterprises, which was aimed at stimulating production and increasing exports. In addition, the devaluation of the ruble made it possible for Russian products to emerge victorious in competition with other countries. Russian goods were often supplied to the world market for more low prices, but it should be noted that this did not result in large losses for exporters.

So, as has been noted more than once, Russia mainly exports hydrocarbon raw materials, that is, oil, coal and gas, as well as chemical and metallurgical goods, along with machinery, equipment, weapons and food (grain exports, for example).

At the end of 2009, we were in second place in the world in terms of oil exports and were leaders in natural gas supplies. In the same year, seventeen billion kilowatts of electricity worth eight hundred million dollars were exported.


Yakutia occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation in terms of diamond mining. The countries of the European Union, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are considered one of the main importers of Yakut diamonds.

Arms export

Between 1995 and 2001, Russian arms exports amounted to approximately three billion annually. Later, it began to grow and in 2002 exceeded $4.5 billion. In 2006, this figure increased by another two billion dollars.

In 2007, on the basis of a presidential decree, Rosoboronexport became the sole state intermediary in the field of military-technical cooperation. As for arms manufacturers, they have lost the right to export the final products of Russian weapons. The share of our country in the world arms market in 2005-2009 was 23 percent, second only to the United States.

In 2009, Russia had military-technical cooperation with more than 80 countries, supplying products to 62 of them. The volume of domestic exports of military goods then exceeded two hundred and sixty billion rubles. The share of exports of combat aircraft at that time amounted to forty percent of the total exports of the main types of weapons.

What does Russia export today?

Today, Russia has multibillion-dollar arms supply contracts with countries such as India, China, Vietnam, Greece, Iran, Brazil, Syria, Malaysia, Indonesia, and others.

Food export

At the beginning of 2010, we were in third place in the world in the export of grain crops, behind only the United States and the European Union. In terms of wheat exports, Russia was in fourth place. These are good indicators for exported agricultural products.

Last year, food exports increased by four percent, reaching an all-time high of $17 billion. Thus, in the structure of exports, the largest part of it falls on wheat, which is 27 percent of the total food supply, which allowed Russia to come out on top. Next comes frozen fish, sunflower oil and corn. By the way, according to the results of last year, the export of agricultural products and foodstuffs from Russia increased by 4%.

Export of machinery and equipment

In 2009, equipment and machinery worth eighteen billion dollars were exported from our country. From 1999 to 2009, the share of total exports domestic cars and equipment increased by 2.5 times. In 2010, exports of machinery and equipment increased to $21 billion.

Car export

In 2009, about 42 thousand cars and fifteen thousand trucks in the amount of 630 million dollars. A significant part of the trucks exported from our country is supplied to the CIS.

Export of metallurgical products

According to 2007 data, Russia ranked third in the world right after Japan and China in terms of exports of steel products, which amounted to 27 billion tons per year. In 2008, we ranked first in the world in nickel and aluminum exports.

Software export

In 2011, total export volume indicators software and services for its development amounted to four billion dollars.

Export: Russia's trading partners

Now in the world media, as well as on the Internet, it is widely discussed that Russia allegedly does not have any serious foreign trade policy, and that domestic trade directly is very, very modest. But is it really so? According to statistics from the Federal Customs Service, last year our total trade turnover amounted to $280 billion. At the same time, the share of exports is 170 billion dollars. In any case, based on statistical data, we can confidently say that we sell much more than we buy.

It must be noted, however, that the trade turnover has decreased by eighteen per cent. And it is difficult to do anything about it, given the unfavorable economic situation along with sanctions and constant foreign policy pressure. Of course, all this seriously harms the joint foreign trade business. At the same time, it should be noted that exports decreased by twenty-five percent. And yet, with whom is Russia trading today?

So, the main trading partners of our country, even despite all kinds of sanctions, are still countries European Union, which is 124 billion dollars a year. The trade turnover with the representatives of the Eurasian Union at the moment is only nine billion, but it must be emphasized here that this is only so far.

Exports to China from Russia are important aspects of foreign trade policy. Trade turnover with this country is almost forty billion dollars. In second place today is Germany - it's twenty-four billion. The third position among the most promising trading partners for us belongs to the Netherlands. Therefore, trading with Russia is more than profitable, and in this regard, quite a few countries have not reduced the volume of trade with us, but rather, on the contrary, increased it. For example, countries such as China, the Netherlands and France have done this.

The table below shows the main partner countries with which Russia has foreign trade relations in terms of exports to date.

Name of partner country

Exported goods

Ferrous metallurgy products, equipment and components, machines

Oil products, precious metals

Military equipment and weapons

Hydrocarbons, military equipment and weapons, electricity, precious metals, non-alloy steel

Military equipment and weapons, vehicles

Hydrocarbons, mineral fuels, chemical industry products, metals, equipment and machines


Mineral products, precious metals, hydrocarbons, chemical products, non-alloy steel


Mineral products, precious metals, energy carriers, hydrocarbons

What has changed in 2017?

After, one might say, a disastrous 2016, the situation in terms of Russian exports turned to growth again. The main stimulus in the first half of the year was the stabilization of commodity prices along with the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate and production growth rates.

In the first half of 2017, foreign trade turnover continued to increase. In six months, they reached $270 billion compared to the same period last year in 2016. Thus, there was an increase of 28 percent.

In addition, positive changes in the field of foreign trade, which began in the second half of last year, continued in 2017. The decisive factor for this was the rise in oil prices, which happened after the agreements between the OPEC countries aimed at reducing the rate of extraction of black gold. As a result of all this, since the autumn of 2016, oil prices began to increase and in February 2017 they managed to reach their maximum level: a barrel of oil exceeded $56. In May of this year, the oil producers extended the agreement for another nine months, that is, until the end of March next year 2018. Most experts predict that this agreement will support oil prices until the end of this year. At the same time, the reduction volumes remain at the level of 1.8 million barrels per day. According to the cartel member countries, this will make it possible to eliminate excess supply from the market and prevent prices from falling again.

It is important to note that, along with oil prices, other commodities, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as commodities and gold, also rose in price. By the way, do not forget about the export of grain to Asian countries. In addition, following the increase in prices, the ruble began to strengthen.

Source: Ministry of Economic Development of Russia


The EU is the main trading partner of Russia, which accounted for 49.2% of Russian trade turnover in January-April 2014 (of which 70.6% were exports and 29.5% - imports). Russia, for its part, is one of the top three EU partners (after the US and China).

In January-April 2014, the volume of trade between Russia and the European Union decreased by 3.4% compared to January-April 2013 and amounted to 103.2 billion US dollars.

The volume of Russian exports decreased by 2.7% and amounted to 91.2 billion US dollars, while Russian imports decreased by 5.0% to the level of 38.9 billion US dollars (compared to January-April 2013. ).

The positive balance of Russia in trade with the EU countries in January-April 2014 amounted to 52.3 billion US dollars.

International trade Russian Federation for the main countries (taking into account the data of Belstat for the Republic of Belarus) (billion US dollars)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 January-April 2013 January-April 2014
EU 382,4 236,3 307,0 394,0 410,3 417,7 134,8 130,2
Rates of growth % 35,1 -38,2 29,9 28,3 4,1 1,9 - - 3,4
The share of the EU in the volume of foreign trade of Russia 52,0 50,4 49,1 47,9 48,4 49,0 49,6 49,2
Around the world 734,7 469,0 625,4 822,5 846,9 851,7 271,6 264,6
Rates of growth % 33,2 -36,2 33,3 31,2 3,0 0,6 - - 2,6
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
TS 60,1 69,6 66,2 19,3 16,5
Rates of growth % 35,2 15,8 - 5,2 - -14,3
Share in foreign trade volume 7,3 8,2 7,8 7,1 6,2
CIS 106,3 68,6 91,3 124,3 129,2 121,9 37,4 35,3
Rates of growth % 29,0 - 35,5 33,0 34,2 3,9 - 5,9 - - 5,5
Share in foreign trade volume 14,5 14,6 14,6 15,1 15,2 14,3 13,8 13,3
APEC 149,6 97,1 145,2 195,9 200,7 208,5 66,0 68,0
Rates of growth % 40,2 - 35,0 49,8 35,3 2,4 3,9 - 2,9
Share in foreign trade volume 20,4 20,7 23,2 23,8 23,7 24,5 24,3 25,7
EU 265,9 160,9 211,4 266,5 277,9 283,4 63,8 91,2
Rates of growth % 35,7 - 30,5 31,0 26,0 4,2 2,2 - -2,7
EU share in Russian exports 56,9 53,3 53,3 51,6 52,7 53,5 54,5 53,5
Around the world 467,6 301,7 396,4 516,7 527,1 530,1 172,0 170,6
Rates of growth % 33,0 - 35,5 31,4 30,0 2,0 0,6 - - 0,8
Share in export volume 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
TS 39,0 43,2 40,3 12,2 10,8
Rates of growth % 31,5 10,8 - 7,2 - - 11,5
Share in export volume 7,5 8,2 7,6 7,1 6,3
CIS 69,6 46,8 59,6 79,4 81,7 76,8 24,1 23,4
Rates of growth % 32,7 - 32,9 27,4 31,3 2,9 - 6,4 - - 2,9
Share in export volume 14,9 15,5 15,0 15,4 15,5 14,5 14,0 13,7
APEC 60,6 45,3 67,2 92,5 91,4 99,3 31,0 34,7
Rates of growth % 40,9 - 24,7 48,6 38,3 - 1,2 8,1 - 12,1
Share in export volume 12,9 15,0 16,9 17,9 17,3 18,7 18,0 20,3
EU 116,5 75,4 95,5 127,5 132,3 134,2 41,0 38,9
Rates of growth % 33,6 - 35,3 26,8 33,5 3,7 1,3 - - 5,0
EU share in Russian imports 43,6 45,1 41,7 41,7 41,4 41,7 41,2 41,4
Around the world 267,1 167,3 228,9 305,8 319,8 321,5 99,5 94,0
Rates of growth % 33,6 - 37,3 36,8 33,4 4,5 0,6 - - 5,6
Share in import volume 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,
TS 21,1 26,4 25,8 7,0 5,7
Rates of growth % 42,6 25,1 - 2,0 - - 19,0
Share in import volume 6,9 8,3 8,0 7,0 6,1
CIS 36,6 21,8 31,7 44,8 47,5 45,2 13,3 11,9
Rates of growth % 22,5 - 40,5 44,8 39,6 6,0 - 5,1 - - 10,3
Share in import volume 13,7 13,0 13,9 14,6 14,8 14,0 13,4 12,7
APEC 89,2 51,8 78,0 103,4 109,3 109,1 35,0 33,2
Rates of growth % 39,8 - 41,9 50,8 32,7 5,6 0,1 - - 5,2
Share in import volume 33,4 30,9 34,1 33,8 34,2 33,9 35,2 35,3

Source: Federal Customs Service

Commodity Structure of Russia-EU Foreign Trade in 2013

In the structure of Russian exports to the EU countries in 2013, the main share of deliveries falls on the mineral products commodity group (mainly fuel and energy products) - 85.0% of the total export volume.

The share of metals and products from them is 6.4%, chemical industry products - 3.6%, machinery, equipment and vehicles (1.6%), precious stones and precious metals - 1.4%.

Main export goods(over 86% of all deliveries): crude oil, petroleum products (liquid fuels not containing biodiesel, diesel fuel not containing biodiesel, straight-run gasoline), natural gas, coal, unwrought nickel, diamonds.

The structure of imports is formed by: machinery, equipment and vehicles- 50.6%, products of the chemical industry (22.6%), food and agricultural raw materials (11.2%).

The share of metals and products from them is 5.6%, other goods (mainly furniture) - 3.5%, wood and pulp and paper products - 2.9%, textiles, products from it, shoes (2.2 %).

The main imported goods (largest commodity items): electric power and electrical equipment, electrical household appliances, telephone equipment, cars and trucks, parts and components for them, medicines and blood fractions, foodstuffs.

For reference: in the total exports of the EU states, in the context of the main commodity groups the supply of industrial products dominates - 79.1%, mineral raw materials account for 9.9%, food products and agricultural raw materials - 7.5% of the total export volume (hereinafter, statistics from the WTO Secretariat are given).

The United States receives 17.3% of the exports of the EU countries (-0.7 percentage points compared to 2011), China - 8.5%, Switzerland (8.0%), the Russian Federation - 7.3% (+ 1.1 percentage points to the level of 2011), Turkey (4.5%).

The rest of the world accounts for 54.4% of export deliveries. In value terms, EU exports in 2012 (on FOB terms, excluding mutual trade between EU member states) amounted to USD 2,166.8 billion, remaining at the 2011 level.

The structure of imports of the EU countries is dominated by industrial products - 53.7% (-6.3 percentage points compared to 2011), for mineral raw materials and fuel and energy goods account for 34.6% (+4.4 p.p.), food and agricultural raw materials - 7.5%.

The largest suppliers of goods to the EU countries are: China -16.2% (-2.7 percentage points compared to 2011), the Russian Federation 11.9% (+1.5 percentage points), the United States - 11.5% (+0.1 p.p.), Switzerland 5.9% (+0.2 p.p.), Norway - 5.6% (+0.3 p.p.).

Other countries account for 48.9% of EU imports. In value terms, EU imports in 2012 (on CIF terms, excluding mutual trade between EU member states) amounted to 2,301.1 billion US dollars, a decrease of 4% compared to 2011.

The European Union, as an economic grouping, has a negative balance in trade in goods with the countries of the world. According to the results of 2012, the EU foreign trade deficit amounted to -134.3 billion US dollars, or 3% of the total trade turnover between the EU and the countries of the world (in 2011, the negative balance of the European Union amounted to 226.5 billion US dollars, or 5% of the volume of trade European Union).

The coverage ratio of imports of EU countries by exports in 2012 amounted to 0.94 (in 2011 - 0.91).

According to the results of 2012, the EU states rank first in trade in services with the countries of the world in terms of exports (830.6 billion dollars, the share in world exports of services is 24.80%) and imports (651.1 billion dollars, the share - 20.13%), and have a positive balance (+179.5 billion dollars).

In the export of services, the largest share (62.7%) falls on the sector of other business services, transport services account for 22.2%, tourism services - 15.0%.

In the import of services, a large part (54.0%) also belongs to the sector of other business services, transport services account for 23.6%, and tourism services - 18.7%.

At the end of 2012, the EU member states reduced the overall balance of trade in goods and services with a positive balance of +45.2 billion dollars (in 2011, a negative balance of about -76.5 billion dollars was recorded in trade in goods and services of the European Union. ).

Commodity structure of Russia-EU foreign trade in 2013 (according to Russian customs statistics)
TN VED code Name of product Export Import
billion US dollars Oud. the weight (%) Index 2013/2012 billion US dollars. Oud. the weight (%) Index 2013/2012
01 – 24 food products and agricultural raw materials 2,3 0,8 100,1 15,2 11,3 105,8
25 – 27 mineral products, including: 240,6 85,0 104,3 1,3 0,9 89,7
27 mineral fuels, petroleum and products of their distillation 239,5 84,6 104,3 0,9 0,7 87,3
28 – 40 chemical industry products, rubber 10,3 3,6 98,6 30,3 22,6 107,1
41 – 43 raw hides, furs and products made from them 0,4 0,1 104,6 0,4 0,3 95,9
44 – 49 wood and pulp and paper products 2,4 0,9 110,2 3,8 2,9 100,9
50 – 67 textiles, textile products, shoes 0,2 0,1 116,1 2,9 2,2 105,6
68 - 70, 91 –97 other goods 0,4 0,1 103,3 4,7 3,5 101,3
71 pearl, gems, metals 3,8 1,4 58,0 0,2 0,2 105,2
72 – 83 metals, products from them 18,2 6,4 88,7 7,5 5,6 103,0
84 – 90 machines, equipment, vehicles 4,6 1,6 122,5 67,9 50,6 97,4
Total 283,2 100,0 102,1 134,2 100,0 101,0

Both Russia and Belarus have a serious export potential for the growth of trade, and it is better to consider the formation of joint ventures, and the volume of trade can reach up to $90 billion. The expert thinks so Alexey Kuzmin.

The trade turnover between Russia and Belarus can be brought to the level of $50 billion. The President announced this Vladimir Putin at the Forum of Regions of the two countries.

"On the Russian market half of all Belarusian export products are supplied. Last year, trade increased by almost a quarter and reached $32.4 billion. And in January-August of this year, it added another 14.5%, and we are quite capable of bringing mutual trade to the level of $50 billion," the Russian president said.

"The volume of Russian investments in Belarus exceeded 4 billion dollars. Belarusian investments - 716.8 million," he specified.

BelNPP to help exports

It is more than possible to bring the trade turnover to the announced level, Aleksey Kuzmin, a leading expert of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, is sure.

“Belarus has a very good export potential, we also have something for export, except for oil and gas. By the way, an important element in the sharp growth of Belarusian exports may be the switching of our energy to the BelNPP as a guaranteeing supplier,” the FBA expert admitted. today".

Joint ventures

Kuzmin noted the not entirely hopeless situation in the Russian engineering industry, which can also send products to Belarus. At the same time, he stressed, to a greater extent, it is probably worth thinking not about trade, but about joint ventures with their export.

“Belarus, for example, has very good X-ray equipment, and we have a couple of new technologies that have not been used anywhere except for the Large Hadron Collider. These technologies are quite cheap for the mass market, and the joint development of this business in relation to industrial X-ray technology was would be beneficial for both sides. It is a laugh and a sin when we have German or American devices as X-ray security stations in Sheremetev. This is a technique that we can do better than they, but we have long ruined mass production, and the Belarusians kept it," Aleksey Kuzmin said.

The markets for X-ray technology are large, with annual multi-billion dollar revenues, but they are updated on average once every five to seven years. "This means the production of thousands of pieces of equipment, and it is not cheap," the expert said.

And fifty and ninety

If you carefully look in different directions, you can isolate other options.

“We are not very successful now, for example, we played in the project of electric buses for Moscow. But it is not very difficult to bring this to mind, especially since Belarusians have a well-established production of medium-heavy vehicles,” said Aleksey Kuzmin.

With the desire and the right approach, the production of a large number of items can be quite competitive - both in Belarus and in Russia. "If we talk about numbers, the trade turnover may be fifty billion or ninety billion. This is generally realistic," said the expert of the FBA "Economics Today".

Vladimir Putin called import substitution the priority sectors where both countries count on the maximum economic effect, industrial cooperation, Agriculture, construction, pharmaceuticals and public procurement.

"Today, Russia and Belarus face largely similar problems and challenges, as they say today. Ensuring long-term, sustainable growth, increasing competitiveness in foreign markets. Among the priority sectors where we are counting on the maximum economic effect, I would like to mention import substitution, industrial cooperation, agriculture, construction, pharmaceuticals, public procurement," the Russian president said.

The fall in world energy prices

As well as the international economic sanctions that have been in force against the Russian Federation since 2014, accompanied by a reciprocal Russian embargo on a number of import items, could not but affect the dynamics of the foreign trade indicators of the Russian Federation in the current year.

According to the data of the Central Bank of Russia, cited by Rosstat, in January-May 2016, the Federation's foreign trade turnover amounted to almost $172 billion, which is only 75.5% of the level for the same period last year. Export - $104.3 billion (less than 69% from January-May 2015) and import - $67.6 billion (less than 89%). The balance is positive, at the level of $36.7 billion. It should be noted that this figure has collapsed by more than two times compared to the balance for the same period of the 15th year ($75.4 billion). The numbers speak for themselves. Russia's foreign economic activity is curtailing.

The topic of this article is

analysis of individual items of export, import and foreign trade balance of the Russian Federation

for January-May 2016. The basis for the assessment is the information of the Federal Trade Service (FTS), which differs somewhat from the information of the Central Bank, but is accepted by experts as more accurate. Differences in gross values, within a few percent.

Russian export

It follows from the above diagram that despite the decrease in the scale of foreign trade, in relative terms, little has changed in the structure of Russian exports. Almost a quarter is accounted for by crude oil, natural gas - more than 12%. In total, for hydrocarbons - about 37%. Over 1/3!

Another export article, which gives more than 10% of foreign exchange earnings, is metallurgical products. Also, quite a raw component.
Russian import

Here, too, everything is quite predictable. Almost half (44.5%) are manufactured goods: instruments and equipment, mechanical engineering, transport. All that Russia has not learned to do. And will he learn... And under the sanctions, not everything is still possible and you can buy something. Even for petrodollars. A high share of imported chemical products- almost 20%.
Foreign trade turnover of the Russian Federation

Nearly $170 billion of total foreign trade turnover (data from the Federal Customs Service) was distributed by country as follows:

The main trading partner of the Russian Federation is the European Union, relations with which are now oh, how difficult. He has almost 44%. The main "European Union" part belongs to Germany - almost $15 billion out of $74.5 billion (20.1%). 59% of the turnover with the EU, in addition to Germany, is provided by the Netherlands, Italy, France and the UK. Kind, old and very developed Western Europe. Its "economic heart".

The share of China is 13.4%. It is growing, but I would like the pace to be higher. Nevertheless, "Celestial Empire" overtook its closest neighbors - the CIS with their 12.2%. The traditional largest partner-neighbors are Belarus (5.2% of the total turnover) and Kazakhstan (2.7%).

The United States looks like an outsider against this background - only 4.1%. The Americans were even ahead of the Belarusians. Why be surprised. The United States is the main ideologist of the anti-Russian sanctions policy. And it will end, apparently, still very, very soon.

Now the media and the Internet are widely disseminating information that Russia does not have serious trading partners and our trade turnover is very modest. But is it? According to the statistics of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FTS), from January to August 2016, our total trade turnover amounted to $288.5 billion, and of them export - $176 billion, and the import is $112.5 billion. Either way, we sell more than we buy.

It is worth noting that, nevertheless, the trade turnover decreased by 18.2%. Nothing can be done, the unfavorable economic situation, sanctions, foreign political pressure - all this harms the joint business. At the same time, exports decreased by 25%, and imports - by 4.8%. So who is Russia trading with?

Main trading partners of Russia by regions, January-August 2016

The main trading partners of Russia, despite the sanctions, are still the EU countries - $124.9 billion. The trade turnover with the countries of the Eurasian Union (EAEU) is still $9.4 billion, but this is still. However, if we look at the country equivalent, then the main trading partner is China - almost $40.2 billion. Germany is in second place with $24.9 billion, and the Netherlands is in third with $20.5 billion. So, it is profitable to trade with Russia and many countries not only did not reduce the volume of trade with us, but, on the contrary, increased it. For example, China, France and the Netherlands. The import of their goods and services to Russia has only increased.

The main trading partners of Russia by country, January-August 2016