Professions related to communication with people. Professions related to communication with people Working with technology or with people

  • 07.12.2020

If you like to communicate with people and you understand that working in a society of inanimate objects will quickly bore you, we will be happy to suggest several areas that are closely related to people. There you can fully reveal yourself.

First think about what your job will be: teach and educate, help, protect, inform, serve or manage. Now let's go over each direction.

I want to educate and educate

People who can communicate and share their knowledge make excellent , . Moreover, they can work not only in kindergarten, school or university. Teachers are needed in every field. You can be a trainer in a fitness center, teach vocals or drawing, teach the rules traffic to conduct public speaking training. First, a person becomes an expert in his field, and then proceeds to teaching.

I want to help

People come to medicine for various reasons, and the desire to help people is one of them. The profession has many branches, so the choice of specializations is huge.

Helping people deal with difficult life situations . Provide emotional and social support social workers . And, of course, volunteers who work on a voluntary basis. Volunteer is not a profession, but even something more.

I want to protect

Fighting for the life and health of people and other specialists - Their work involves constant risk. The militiamen stand up to protect life and human rights.

I want to inform

They are always in the midst of people and events. The vocation of media workers is to tell the new and explain the incomprehensible. Also, to some extent, representatives of other professions do the same: guides, consultants.

I want to serve

Perhaps the most contact with people are specialists from the service sector.

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On a daily basis, most of us communicate with the most different people and on a variety of issues. And if in communication with family members we usually feel easy and confident, then working dialogues do not always work out well and it happens that it is difficult for us to convey our ideas to colleagues or subordinates. They simply don't hear us.

In addition, if you run your own online business, then a significant part of your time is spent on online communication (with designers, editors, administrators, marketers, managers, etc.), which has its own specifics and its own laws. After all, if in a personal conversation you can explain something, as they say, “on your fingers”, then in correspondence it is not always so simple.

However, if you notice that you are unable to find mutual language with colleagues or employees, then do not despair. The situation can be directed in a different direction and for this it is not at all required to be a master of persuasion.

1. Be honest and natural.

Honesty earns you respect among your co-workers, peers and subordinates alike. If you are honest and natural, then it is always a pleasure to deal with you, because people know that you will not deceive or weave intrigues to get what you want, and therefore will do your job conscientiously. And this, in turn, is for the benefit of any project or business.

And vice versa - falseness in communication will not contribute to the development of good relationships. Therefore, be who you are - without pretense, hypocrisy and attempts to manipulate people.

2. Break down a complex task into simple ones.

Agree, there is a difference between the tasks “write an article” and “write an article on this topic, namely, make an introduction of 15 lines, paint 10 points and put a call to action in the final”. Not to mention difficult terms of reference. After all, you can’t just tell a designer: “Make me a website.” You will try to describe your wishes as accurately as possible, show examples, set deadlines. Treat any, even the smallest task with the same care - do not spare time for explanations, and in this case you will be heard and you will get exactly the result you expected.

3. Control your emotions.

When people do not control their emotions in communication and turn to screaming, it is unlikely that in such situations they hear each other - they simply do not have time for that. Shouting causes anxiety, fear, and fear reduces the ability to think. How will you feel yourself if someone significant, for example, your boss, speaks to you in a raised voice? Surely you will feel that you seem to be "stupid". Therefore, learn to control your emotions and conduct a constructive dialogue, because even in order to express your dissatisfaction, there are much more “adult” methods than switching to raised voices.

4. Forget about the “not” particle.

As you probably already know, our subconscious stubbornly skips the “not” particle in any phrase it hears. And then we wonder why our requests are ignored, and we think that people simply do not hear us and show us disrespect. And you just need to learn how to communicate with the right phrases. For example, instead of the words “No need to delay the release of the project any longer!” say "Let's release projects on time."

5. Ask instead of ordering.

Promote the interlocutor to the necessary actions not in an orderly tone, but respectfully and calmly persuade - with suggestions, questions and clear tasks. Do not give orders and do not control every step of employees and colleagues, otherwise you will nullify all their motivation and, as a result, they will not do their job as well as they could. Therefore, if you want the task to be done not only on time, but also with high quality, just ask, and then you will definitely be heard.

6. Correctly point out mistakes.

Evaluate the actions of your team members, not them personal qualities. If a person made a mistake, then, analyzing it, focus on his actions that led to the mistake, and not on the features of his character. Otherwise, pointing out a mistake can lead to a decrease in the initiative of the employee and a loss of self-confidence, and this will directly affect the entire project. Discuss together the algorithm of new correct actions and then you will hear each other, the consequences of the mistake will be eliminated, and friendly relations will be preserved.

7. Be a trusted team member.

Let colleagues know that you can be relied upon and that you are a person of your word, especially if you are a project manager or owner of your own business. Working for such a leader, people themselves will feel their responsibility and invest 100% in business. In any teamwork, it is important that people clearly know their tasks and solve them together, shoulder to shoulder and actively interacting. And when there is trust in such a team, then communication develops by itself and people hear each other.

8. Praise achievements.

If you do not stimulate a person with praise, then soon he will become indifferent and tired, and this will directly affect the overall results. Therefore, encourage your team and recognize their virtues - sincerely, openly and from the heart. In this way, you will not only maintain a positive atmosphere among the participants in the work process, but also help them feel their importance for the cause. With such a positive attitude, employees and colleagues will easily conquer new professional heights and move the business forward.

9. Learn to listen and hear yourself.

If you want to be heard, first of all become a good listener yourself. We are all imperfect, but sometimes we tend to demand more from others than we demand from ourselves. We can wait with irritation for someone at work to complete their task on time, while we ourselves easily forget that the child has been asking for a walk with him in the park for the second week already. So every day, train your ability to listen to others - regardless of who you are currently communicating with. This skill will be invaluable for both personal life and business.

The atmosphere of relationships in a business team is very important, especially for us women. After all, we, as a rule, are more impressionable and emotional, and therefore the environment is of great importance to us. And the success of the work, and harmony in personal relationships depend on the internal state.

Therefore, despite the fact that business is a professional part of our life, there should also be a place for love in it. That love, which is a good attitude towards people. If you wish your colleagues and employees well, then you will automatically communicate with them correctly - so that they will always hear you.

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How we feel about each other is largely the result of how we feel about each other. Most people build neutral relationships, some are openly antagonistic, but one way or another, the bulk of people are indifferent to you.

Worse than that! People with a difficult character do not care about you at all. They only care about themselves. By and large, they are all focused on themselves. That is why they are "difficult".

What can be done here? The answer is brutal: practically nothing. It is unlikely that you will be able to change them. Why waste energy? There is a much easier way out. Remember one simple axiom: "Difficult people are predictable people."

Since difficult people are difficult in themselves and communication with them is usually difficult for everyone, a certain behavioral algorithm can be clearly traced in their behavior. If you follow some time, you can track these behaviors in order to prepare to work with them. It becomes possible to build plans taking into account the characteristics of these people. They remain true to their habits, and all you have to do is skillfully maneuver them.

It does not follow at all from this that you become a soft-bodied opponent or a weak-willed opponent. This means that you will be guided more by the mind than by the emotions. The trick is to determine in advance what you want to get from such contact, make a plan accordingly and stick to it.

If you know that this person is a bore and a big fan of small details, give him these details. "I've included all the reference material I could think of in the report, including spreadsheets of our scenarios. Let me know if you need anything else."

If the other person you're talking to loves brevity, skip any introductions and get to the point: "I know you're very busy, so I'll get straight to the point. What do you think about the next phase of development?"

Tell narcissistic people how wonderful they are. "Jane, I know you're an expert in a related field, so I've summarized the details here and made a couple of recommendations. But I can hope that you will suggest any alternative directions, if you think they will be better?"

The strategy is simple. You will not change a difficult person if you yourself show "difficulty" in communication. They don't care about you, they only care about themselves. By determining what you want from the contact, and by preparing to maneuver, hypocrisy, give way, change - call it what you want - you will eventually come to victory. That is, you get what you want.

It's actually so simple that you might even think that it would be nice if everyone were "difficult" people, because "difficult" people are the easiest to manage.

There are 9 basic personality types that are classified as "difficult". Here is a brief overview of them, enough to become an expert in this matter.

Hostile - "Heavy Tank"

The term "Heavy Tank" accurately conveys what such a hostile person is doing. Tanks usually immediately go on the attack. They act offensively, abruptly, unexpectedly, and intimidatingly and destroy everything in their path. They attack the way people behave, their personal qualities. Tanks usually achieve short-term goals, but they pay for this with the loss of friends and damaged relationships.
Tanks have a strong need to prove to themselves and others the correctness of their view of the world. Above all put aggressiveness and confidence. The most important belief of a tank is: "If I can convince you to become weak and insecure, then in the eyes of others I will become strong and confident."

An approach:

Let him talk and get a little tired.
- Seize the initiative with any possible way.
-Get his attention by calling him by his first name or standing up or sitting down emphatically.
- Try to seat him too.
- Maintain eye contact.
- Don't argue with him.
- Be friendly.

Aggressive - "Sniper"

Snipers are completely different from "heavy tanks", but just as terrible. They prefer a stealthy approach. Hiding behind the parapet of friendliness, they shoot arrows at close targets; resort to indirect allusions; use not quite joking attempts to tease and release not the most innocent ridicule and barbs. Snipers use the tension in the team to create their own shelter from which to strike at the objects of their anger and envy.
They accompany their verbal attacks with friendly gestures, because of a retaliatory strike against them, it may look not as a defense, but as an act of aggression, as if you are attacking groundlessly.

An approach:

Expose them, get them out of the broodstuff. Don't let social conventions stop you.
- Do not focus on his point of view, involve everyone in the discussion.
- If you are a witness conflict situation with the participation of the Sniper, do not take part in it, but be able to insist that the conflict in your presence be stopped.
- Offer him an alternative to a direct fight.

Irreconcilable "Grenade Launcher"

It is characterized by barely controlled bouts of aggression fueled by rage. These outbursts can occur during a conversation or discussion that starts out quite amicably. They usually occur when the grenade launcher feels physically or psychologically threatened. The typical reaction of a grenade launcher to a threatening remark is anger followed by accusations.

An approach:

Give him time to breathe.
- If he doesn't stop, interrupt his outburst with some neutral phrase (Stop! Stop!)
- Show that you are serious about his words.
- If possible, take a break and talk to him alone on abstract topics.

Eternal "Complainer"

He moans bitterly and raises a fuss about everything, but never takes real action to make things right. A complainer is a person who finds defects in everything. Sometimes they have justified claims, but rarely do they really want to settle the problem.
Complainers perceive themselves as people who do not have power, but are able to give recipes for what should be done, and also as people who are perfect by nature. This confidence leads to the fact that they turn really useful attempts to solve the problem into claims and complaints.

An approach:

Listen to his claims, even if you feel guilty and lose patience.
- Make it clear that you understand the essence of his claims by responding with the wording of his statements in other words.
- Do not agree with his conjectures, but do not enter into an argument either, because this will end in an exchange of arguments like "accusation-acquittal" - and so on ad infinitum.
- Establish and announce the facts without giving any comments.
- Switch the conversation to a specific solution to the problem.
- If all else fails, ask him: "Well, how do you think this discussion should end?"

Unsociable "Buka"

Silent, reluctant conversational people, faced with any undesirable situation, fall silent. Ask them what they think at this moment and you will get an unintelligible grunt in response. In fact, the Buks use silence as a defensive weapon, trying not to give themselves away and thereby avoid reproaches. On the other hand, silence can become a weapon of aggression and offensive, a way to hurt you, to deprive you of access to yourself. Sometimes silence masks fear, sullen anger, it can also mean malicious non-cooperation.

This type of personality is incredibly difficult to work with because of the communication barrier they put up. These people are reluctant to openly talk, their speech is punctuated by long pauses. As a result, communication can break down, and interaction can be unproductive.

An approach:

Instead of trying to guess the essence of his silence - talk to him.
- Ask questions that do not allow one-word answers.
- Ask leading questions, helping the interlocutor.
- Do not fill pauses with your comments, wait for an answer without irritation.
- If you don't get a response, comment on what's going on. End with a question that allows multiple answers. Wait a little and do it again.
- Take it easy with cues like "I don't know" and "Can I go?"
- If the interlocutor has opened up, do not skip remarks that are supposedly irrelevant, grab the thread, and you can reveal an important problem.

Super flexible Claudel Models

Such a person behaves with you reasonably, logically, sincerely, is ready to support you, but does not always fulfill the promise. Such people want to be friends with everyone, they love attention. But their friendliness has a downside. They tend to lure you in with deceptive hints and references to the problem they are working on, readily go along with your plans for completing the task, and then let you down by getting nowhere.

This type of "difficult people" is especially problematic, because first they tame you into thinking that they are completely in agreement with your plans, and then let you down.

An approach:

Find out and identify the reasons that prevent him from doing his job.
- Let him know that you appreciate him as a person, ask about his family, hobbies, interests.
- Ask him to tell you about what can become a hindrance in your good relationship.
- Listen to his jokes. There may be a hint in witticisms and barbs.

Denier "Nihilist"

A person with a negative attitude towards others acts on the team like corrosion and can deprive people of any incentive to work. A negative is a person who, when working in a team, does not agree with any general proposals, but is also the first voice in the choir of critics of general success. Sometimes this criticism is perceived as constructive, although in fact it is more likely to destroy the progress made by common efforts.

Although these people are embittered at life for being unfair to them, they can take with deep interest and seriousness any task put before them. However, they will only be useful if they directly manage the process, because they believe that no one can cope with this better than themselves.

An approach:

Be on the lookout for the fact that he can inspire you and your team members with a sense of deep desperation at work.
- Speak optimistically about successes in solving similar problems in the past.
- Do not try to break his pessimism.
- Do not offer your own solutions until the problem has been thoroughly analyzed.
- Be the first to raise a question about negative sides one or the other solution to the problem.
- Make your intentions public without subterfuge or evasiveness.

Boring "know-it-all"

Know-it-alls have an all-consuming need for everyone to recognize their intellectual abilities. They are boring, boring, tiring in communication. Know-it-alls provoke irritation, resentment, anger, sometimes even aggressiveness in others.

Know-it-alls are very complex people. They can be bullies; they can be quite persuasive; besides, they are so sure of their rightness that it is useless to argue with them. They love to talk to you like an adult to a child, and it's terribly annoying!

The problems of know-it-alls stem from the fact that they need others to treat them as important and respected people. Usually people, having worked with a know-it-all, experience disappointment. As a rule, this leads to tension in working relationships.

An approach:

Make sure you are well prepared for the discussion, carefully review the relevant materials and check their accuracy.
- Avoid dogmatic statements.
- If you do not agree with his arguments, and want to disagree with him, do it in the form of questions.
- Give him a chance to save face.
- If possible, talk to him alone, without strangers.

Indecisive "Clam"

In the soul of the indecisive there is a person striving for perfection and trying to break through. The trouble is, he can't do it. There are two types of indecisive ones: one wants everything to be done according to his understanding and nothing else; the second deliberately drags out the discussion, offering more and more new points of view, confusing and causing annoyance to the participants in the process. Indecisive, as a rule, can hardly convey their thoughts, desires, opinions to others. The most they can do is to withdraw, because they are unable to survive the stress. To cope with stress, he begins to play for time, letting his colleagues down. They stop work without considering alternative ways its implementation.

An approach:

Help him talk about the conflicts and obstacles that prevent him from making a decision.
- Listen to phrases that are not directly related to the topic - this can lead you to the core of the problem.
- Offer your plan, help in making a decision.
- When a solution is found, show your support.
- Follow the progress of the task.
- Watch for signs of anger and attempts to withdraw from the conversation.
Materials from Roy Liley's book "How to work with difficult people" were used.

It's hard to find a good job. Some job seekers spend months and even years monitoring vacancies, sending resumes and interviewing. Financial reserves are dwindling, self-esteem is declining, and there is still no work. Who is in the "risk group"?

1. Flyers or people who change jobs frequently

Hiring mistakes are costly, which is why HR professionals are wary of candidates who don't stay long in one place. They seem unreliable. At the same time, in the modern world, people change jobs more often than 20-30 years ago. This trend will intensify in the coming years. Millennials love variety in everything, including work. 91% of respondents are not going to work in one place for more than 3 years.

Illustrate the value you brought in your previous jobs with facts and figures

Employers should pay attention to the advantages of candidates who often change jobs, namely flexibility and diversity of knowledge and skills. Applicants, in turn, can focus on their strengths, if not just list, but also describe in detail their achievements and skills in the CV.

Illustrate the value you brought in your previous jobs with facts and figures. You could write: "During N months of work at company A, I attracted X large customers, which led to an increase in annual income by Y%." Your future boss won't mind attracting big customers and increasing revenue in his company.

2. Chronically unemployed

Among the total number of unemployed, a significant percentage are those who cannot find a job for more than a year. They do not seem to be very successful candidates, firstly, because previous employers did not hire them, and secondly, because they could lose some of their work skills and the ability to work in a team.

Recruiting specialists recommend that those who cannot find a job for more than 6 months should do something useful. You can become a freelancer or volunteer. In addition, you should think about changing your job search strategy to a more aggressive one.

Don't wait for recruiters to find your resume online. Call the HR managers of the companies you are interested in directly, engage in networking, including in in social networks. Your chances will increase if an employee of the company brings your resume to the HR department.

3. Too skilled workers

It's not uncommon for job seekers with a brilliant resume to be told, "You're too good for us," and denied a job. A potential employer wonders why such a candidate agrees to a modest salary and an ordinary position. The thought comes to his mind: he will leave us as soon as he finds a better place, or he will ask for an increase in salary for his merits.

Don't send the same resume to different companies

If you are an educated and experienced worker, explain why you want to work for him. Transmittal letter- an appropriate format for explaining the reasons for your choice. Tell us about how your values ​​relate to the mission of the company and what prospects you see for yourself in this position. You may be tired of being in charge 24/7 and dreaming of a better work-life balance.