Introduction of bills to the State Duma. Submitting bills to the State Duma Amending maternity capital

  • 27.03.2020

The latest news about the future of maternity capital indicates that the program will change in the future, but now there is no talk of canceling this program. Today, we can confidently talk about the extension of the program until 2020. What will happen next is hard to say. The authorities acknowledge that economic terms maternity capital is very difficult in terms of implementation. Nevertheless, the government recognizes that the program is fully coping with the tasks that were originally assigned to it.

Previously, maternity capital was indexed in 2015, and today the figure reaches 453,026 rubles. In addition, due to the current economic situation in the country, Vladimir Putin signed a decree banning indexation until 2020. This is required in order to save budget funds. At the same time, experts agree that the program should change in the future. The most recent initiatives in this regard indicate that the State Duma proposed to abandon lump sum payment as part of maternity capital, and replace it with monthly payments that will allow parents to better manage money for the maintenance of children. In particular, it is proposed to pay three thousand rubles for one child, eight thousand for two and 15 thousand for three children. As expected, all parents will be able to receive benefits, regardless of the financial situation of the family. Families will be able to receive this support exactly until the child turns 18 years old. Recall that maternity capital is a family support program that has been operating in Russia since 2007. It is aimed at supporting families in which the second and subsequent children were born. It is now possible to use maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, educate a child, provide a mother with a pension, or to equip an apartment for a child with disabilities. Funds can be disposed of at your discretion after the child reaches the age of three. The only exceptions are when it comes to acquiring an apartment on a mortgage, or depositing funds into an existing mortgage loan. Read us in Yandex Zen

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about maternity capital

The State Duma discussed the abolition of maternity capital

Proposals to replace maternity capital with other forms of support for families with children were discussed in the State Duma. The authors of the idea, however, no longer insist on the abolition of the mother capital, but simply propose to strengthen support for families through benefits, and in addition to allocate land and cars to large families. However, in developed countries it is customary to support families with children with tax breaks and paying for nannies, Gazeta.Ru found out.
The continuation of the maternity capital program is again in doubt: on March 23, at a round table meeting in the State Duma, they discussed a proposal to replace it with increased child benefits and the issuance of land plots to large families. Experts suggest taking a closer look at foreign experience - in developed countries, it is used wide range measures ranging from tax cuts to subsidies for rent and babysitting.
France's experience could serve as an example for our country, says Melanya Aydinyan, PR manager at In this country, she notes, the state reimburses up to 85% of the cost of a nanny, deducts some more from taxes. “As a result, the family pays only 7.5% of total amount. To receive such compensation, a woman needs to work before giving birth, and a nanny must come for at least 16 hours a month,” says Aydinyan.
State compensation for the cost of a nanny in France depends on the family income, number and age of children. The maximum compensation (85%) is received by low-income families with a child under three years of age. For more affluent families and families with children from 3 to 6 years old, compensation will be 2-3 times lower.
In addition, in France, as in Germany, the state helps large families with a reduced tax rate.
“And the more children in the family, the lower the taxes for the household,” says Vasily Sharapov, a lawyer at the City-XXI Century development company. In the event of the abolition of maternity capital in Russia, he recommends the introduction of significant tax benefits for families with more than one child.
“If we calculate how much the state takes from Russian households in the form of taxes, it becomes obvious that a one-time payment in the amount of maternity capital is leveled over time due to the lack of significant tax benefits for such households,” the expert concludes.
Domestic reformers so far offer the simplest and most direct way of support: the distribution of benefits and gifts.
The authors of the latest proposals, State Duma deputy Sergei Vostretsov and head of the National Parents' Committee Irina Volynets, propose to pay benefits until the age of majority of children: 3 thousand rubles. for one child, 8 thousand rubles. for two and 15 thousand rubles. for three persons.
Families with more than four children will be given land plots, and those with more than six children will receive a Gazelle car in addition. From what sources the funds will be taken from is not specified. In a conversation with Gazeta.Ru last week, Volynets noted that they should be found and considered as investments in the future.
Moreover, if last week Volynets and Vostretsov were talking about replacing the mother's capital with benefits, calling it "pseudo support", then this week they have already softened the rhetoric. “We do not in any way criticize maternity capital, and even more so we do not plan to abolish it,” Volynets said in the State Duma, TASS quotes.

The Ministry of Labor leaves the poor on the conscience of the regions
The Ministry of Labor proposes to extend maternity capital until 2023, despite the fact that the state no longer has enough funds for indexation - it is frozen for the three-year period 2017-2019. The government continues to gradually improve the practice of providing and spending maternity capital.
So, in early March, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reduced the period for its transfer from one month to 10 days. In 2015, it became possible to spend mother's capital on a housing loan installment without waiting for the child's 3rd birthday, remind the Ministry of Labor. In 2016, families with disabled children received the right to spend it on goods for social adaptation.
“It is important to understand that maternity capital is a demographic measure that stimulates an increase in the number of births, and not a measure of social support, when funds go to the current expenses of families in a difficult situation,” the Ministry of Labor noted.
Social support for the population is within the jurisdiction of the regions, the press service of the department added. Each region has the right to independently introduce such measures.
In other countries, there are practically no analogues of maternity capital, experts say. In the United States, for example, the birth rate is not encouraged by the state, notes Sharapov from City - XXI Century. Social support for families is mainly provided privately through charity, as well as religious organizations.
Social policy in the US varies from state to state. “In the field of real estate, the state in the United States supports low-income families who are recognized as needing social assistance. For such families, regardless of the number of children in them, multi-storey so-called social rental houses are being built. More than half of the costs for the construction of such buildings are financed from regional budgets under special state programs, ”the lawyer gives an example.

The allowance is not as important as its amount.
“Our country has a well-developed system of support for families with children. However, the amount of social payments does not meet the needs of the population,” says lawyer Andrey Komissarov. In this regard, the government may need to consider the experience of other countries on non-monetary support or social support measures with certain conditions.
In the Czech Republic, for example, each new born child reduces the retirement age of the mother, cites the example of the Commissioners. In Sweden, there are subsidies for rent, and the amount of the allowance depends on the number of children and the earnings of the parents: the family receives a larger allowance if the parents earn less than the subsistence level.
In Finland, support measures have been established in the form of providing the child with the necessary supplies, organizing the child’s rest and providing additional educational services.
In France, there are also monthly benefits that begin to be paid at the birth of a second child.
In Estonia, for a certain time after the birth of a child, the mother receives full wages, and then - cash payments for the child. For single mothers, additional benefits are provided for paying for housing, for medical care and others.

In Japan, large families are given discounts in stores.
“Thus, depending on the model chosen by the country social security support is provided for either all families with children, or certain categories (low-income, large families).
Benefits can be expressed in cash benefits, in reducing the tax base, in receiving subsidies, in reducing the retirement age, ”the lawyer sums up.
The situation with benefits does not look rosy in all countries, says Petr Pushkarev, chief analyst at TeleTrade Group. So, in Spain there is a one-time allowance of 1,500 thousand euros, but after 4 months, the mother should return to work. In Poland, a one-time payment is only 120 euros, and monthly benefits up to 3 years are 10 times less. In the UK, there are only monthly allowances of just over 100 euros for the first child, and for the second and subsequent - 70 euros, with a minimum wage of 1200 euros. True, these benefits are paid for up to 10 years. In Israel, the monthly allowance for children is also less than the subsistence level, and the mother is entitled to only 3 months of maternity leave, including the time before and after childbirth.

Hanging pear, you can not eat
All experts almost unanimously emphasize that Russian maternity capital is a unique phenomenon in the world, but draw diametrically opposite conclusions from this. Some suggest keeping it at all costs as a great achievement, others point out that if such a tool were useful, it would be used not only in our country.
“Analysts in Congress (USA) most likely know that population growth can hardly be influenced by cash transfers and other benefits: all countries have experienced this, but they still continue to believe that subsidies will help increase the population. According to my estimates, maternity capital is a rather unique phenomenon in the world, almost not found in any other country, as it has restrictions on spending purposes, ”says Kirill Yakovenko, an analyst at Alor Group.
There is a similar system in the UK, he notes, but it is not connected with the purchase of housing, but with savings: “When a child is born, an account is opened for him, and both the state and parents transfer money there, that is, the subsidy is created jointly.

All about maternity capital in 2018

This is probably one of the most honest and motivating ways to get parents to create savings for a child.”
And yet family support benefits remain a popular measure, and in many countries they are higher than ours, even in the countries of the former socialist bloc.
In Belarus, for example, the allowance for the first child aged 0 to 3 years is about 8 thousand rubles in terms of Russian rubles. monthly. For the second child in Belarus they give about 9 thousand Russian rubles. “Such payments are comparable to what they pay in Sweden: for the first child - about 7200 rubles. per month, for the second - the equivalent of 15 thousand rubles, ”says Yakovenko.
Due to severe restrictions on the purpose of use, maternity capital is more focused on supporting families with incomes slightly lower than the average than on the poor - and the latter need state assistance more, Tatyana, director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the RANEPA, emphasized in an interview with Gazeta.Ru Malev. Therefore, it is time to "convert" it into an increase in child benefits, which are regrettably low today, she believes.
In Russia, 40% of a mother's average monthly income for the previous two years is monthly for up to a year and a half, after which care allowance is provided only in the amount of 50 rubles. per month, at the same time in our country there is a shortage of nursery groups in kindergartens, and the bulk of the population cannot hire a nanny for a one and a half year old child.

Life is almost like in the Emirates
Opinions on the replacement of mother capital vary, including due to the fact that not every family can use the certificate received, says Lyudmila Rubanik, head of the independent expert center for combating corruption. As a result, some families that are below the poverty line get involved with scammers and are sometimes completely penniless. And in other cases, everything ends with criminal cases, the expert notes.
“Everything has to be thought out. Maybe we need to give a choice (between benefits and maternity capital) and simplify the implementation of certificates, ”she suggests. While this requires the collection of a huge number of documents, "and it all comes down to not helping mothers, but creating difficulties for them."
But if we replace the mother's capital with benefits, "we can get into such a story as with the monetization of benefits, when we lose what was good, and the new will not take root," objected Georgy Fedorov, First Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber Commission on Social Policy.
Maternity capital is the “strategic financing” of the family, and monthly payments “will go nowhere” in a year, he said at a press conference this week.
“It is very important to keep maternal capital in the form of a solid and large lump-sum allowance, which the family can spend as a contribution to improving housing conditions, education or treatment of the child. And any options for an evenly “smeared” monthly allowance cannot be compared at all,” Petr Pushkarev agrees.
This program is unique, and its distant analogue exists only in United Arab Emirates, the expert emphasizes, where a family on the occasion of the birth of a child receives an amount from 50 thousand to 200 thousand dollars, a house or a villa. “However, the population of the Emirates is small, and it is almost impossible to come there and become a citizen of this country, which is why the state has the opportunity to provide its citizens from birth with oil revenues,” he explains.

The latest news about the future of maternity capital indicates that the program will change in the future, but now there is no talk of canceling this program. Today, we can confidently talk about the extension of the program until 2020. What will happen next is hard to say. The authorities recognize that in economic terms, maternity capital is very difficult to implement. Nevertheless, the government recognizes that the program is fully coping with the tasks that were originally assigned to it. Previously, maternity capital was indexed in 2015, and today the figure reaches 453,026 rubles. In addition, due to the current economic situation in the country, Vladimir Putin signed a decree banning indexation until 2020. This is required in order to save budget funds. At the same time, experts agree that the program should change in the future. The most recent initiatives in this regard indicate that the State Duma proposed to abandon the lump-sum payment within the framework of maternity capital, and replace it with monthly payments that will allow parents to better manage money for the maintenance of children. In particular, it is proposed to pay three thousand rubles for one child, eight thousand for two and 15 thousand for three children. As expected, all parents will be able to receive benefits, regardless of the financial situation of the family. Families will be able to receive this support exactly until the child turns 18 years old. Recall that maternity capital is a family support program that has been operating in Russia since 2007. It is aimed at supporting families in which the second and subsequent children were born.

Matkapital can be spent in a new way

It is now possible to use maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, educate a child, provide a mother with a pension, or to equip an apartment for a child with disabilities. Funds can be disposed of at your discretion after the child reaches the age of three. The only exceptions are when it comes to acquiring an apartment on a mortgage, or depositing funds into an existing mortgage loan. Read us in Yandex Zen

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“This program was initiated by your obedient servant. In 2006, they started talking about it, in 2007 it was introduced and is designed for the period up to 2016 inclusive.<...>We initially and consciously chose this period, because we must be absolutely sure that the federal budget will cope with the obligations that it has to pay this maternity capital.

<...>What will happen after the 16th year? I believe that in one form or another we will have to continue programs to support the birth of children in our country, but they must be more targeted, they must be more targeted.<...>I do not think that maternity capital will be completely abolished after 2016, but I also think that this is not the only measure necessary to support families with children. No less, and maybe more help (at least for residents of large cities) will be the development of social infrastructure and a network of preschool institutions.

What questions about maternity capital did citizens want to ask the President in 2015?

Parents whose family has a second child after 2007 receive maternity capital. The amount of payments was indexed annually until 2015. Since 2016, the increase in the amount of maternity capital has been frozen until 2020. From January 1, 2019, a number of changes to the procedure for registering maternity capital come into force.

Whether maternity capital will be canceled in 2019, the latest news of the program, whether there will be indexation of payments - we will figure it out in this article.

Latest news and program changes

November 12, 2018 in the State Duma the Ministry of Labor and social protection prepared a draft law on amendments to Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Additional Measures state support families with children. It is planned to simplify the procedure for obtaining maternity capital to build a house. After the adoption of the amendments it will be enough to send a notification to the authorized body about the planned works, in which to indicate the dimensions of the future building, the total living area, the number of floors. AT within 7 days a notice should come from the department about permission to use maternity capital funds for the construction or repair of a house.

The law is currently being reviewed and discussed.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019

The maternity capital for the second child increases every year. Initially, the exact amount of payments for the second child was 250,000 rubles. In 2018, the exact amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles.

Consider in the table the value of indexation of maternity capital from 2007 to 2018 in correlation with the value of inflation.

Year Amount (rub.) Indexing Inflation
2007 250, 000 0 11, 9
2008 276, 250 10, 5 13, 3
2009 312, 163 13 8, 8
2010 343, 379 10 8, 8
2011 365, 698 6, 5 6, 1
2012 387, 640 6 6, 6
2013 408, 961 5, 5 6, 5
2014 429, 409 5 11, 4
2015 453, 026 5, 5 12, 9
2016 453, 026 0 5, 4
2017 453, 026 0 2, 5
2018 453, 026 0 3, 1

The size of the MK has remained unchanged since 2015. The Ministry of Labor explains this by the fact that maternity capital is not a standard monthly allowance. This means that it is not subject to a constant increase due to inflation in the country.

Indexation of maternity capital in 2019-2021

If we talk about Will there be indexing?, it is unlikely that the amount of these payments will increase. Due to the temporary cancellation of the indexation of MC payments for the next few years, the amount will remain unchanged and will be 453 thousand 26 rubles. The amount of maternity capital in 2019 remains unchanged.

On September 27, 2018, Dmitry Medvede announced at a government meeting that maternity capital would be raised to 489,000 rubles in 2021.

“In 2021, maternity capital will grow to 489 thousand rubles,” he said. “We have already budgeted money for its indexation.”

Medvedev said that work will continue to create places in kindergartens for children under three years old, in addition, the government will work to improve the quality of medicine in order to increase the life expectancy of the population. According to TASS.

Options for using maternity capital in 2019

All conditions explaining what MK can be spent on also do not change. This also applies to the timing, since it is allowed to use assistance for the usual needs of a young child only a few years after his birth.

The most important conditions for using MK - is to meet the needs of children:

  1. Acquisition of housing. Financial assistance is provided subject to two important conditions - the transaction must improve the living conditions of the family, and the children must receive rights to part of the property.
  2. Education of children. Funds can be spent on any needs related to education. For example, to pay for a hostel at an appropriate institution or for courses.
  3. Acquisition special goods for a child with a disability.
  4. Formation of a funded pension for the mother. But only the mother of the baby has the right to use MK in this way. The father does not have this opportunity.

It is forbidden to spend money on the needs of parents or third parties. There are so-called urgent goals for the implementation of which money is provided ahead of time.

These include:

  1. Payment of a mortgage loan or repayment of other loans for the purchase or construction of housing. This also includes participation in a housing-construction cooperative, or DDU.
  2. Receiving assistance for low-income families - monthly payments from maternity capital. The money is paid out over a year and a half. It can be used if the second child was born on January 1, 2018, and the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level in the region.
  3. Payment for services for the maintenance of children in kindergarten, nursery group.
  4. Compensation for the money spent on the purchase of goods (services) for a minor with a disability.

Payment mat. capital in cash strictly prohibited by the state, as well as its cashing. Parents can use this benefit by bank transfer through the FIU.

Monthly child benefits from maternity capital in 2019

In December 2017, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed a decree aimed at introducing a new law for state support of families with young children. This normative actFederal Law No. 418 dated 28. 12. 17, a regulatory mechanism to support families in which the average per capita income per family member is below the subsistence level in the region.

The first-born allowance is paid from the federal budget and amounts to about 10 500 rubles in 2018. In 2019, it is planned to increase this amount by approximately 1 thousand rubles. As for the surcharge for other children, a mat is used for this. capital provided for a second child.

Mother and father (adoptive parents) can apply for a supplement through the social security authorities. How much this material assistance amounts to is indicated in the federal law. After registration, the bank account of the mother or father will receive an amount equivalent to the regional subsistence level.

On average, the amount of the supplement for the second child will be the same as for the first child. A little more than 10 thousand rubles. For example, in the capital the living wage is 15 thousand rubles, and in the Belgorod region - a little more than 8 thousand rubles.

Conditions for this supplement:

  1. The family must correspond to the status of the poor. According to Federal Law No. 418, the amount of income per month per person should not exceed the established PM by more than one and a half times. A newborn baby is taken into account, as well as all income, including pensions, scholarships that family members can receive.
  2. The child must be born (be adopted) after January 1, 2018(after the entry into force of the law).
  3. Mom and dad must be legally married. Without a certificate of his conclusion, it makes no sense to submit documents.
  4. It is allowed to spend money on any needs, including food, clothing, travel.
  5. Monthly payment is provided for the first 1.5 years after the birth of a child.
  6. The payment can be made together with the standard maternity allowance for the care of a newborn, paid by the FSS or social security authorities.
  7. "Putin's" allowance is paid only for the first and second child. And it cannot be issued third newborn child. For large families there are additional regional benefits.
  8. One year after the submission of documents, the applicant needs to re-register the surcharge. This is necessary to confirm the financial situation of the family. Without renewal, payments will be suspended.

Monthly child benefits from maternity capital from January 1, 2019 will be paid under the same conditions as in 2018.

Changes in maternity capital in 2018

The Parental Support Program has been in place for 11 years. The end date is constantly being pushed back. It was not known whether maternity capital would be canceled or whether the Government would increase its size. In 2017, a Federal Law was adopted extending its validity until 2021. It is valid from January 1, 2018.

New changes in the use of MK include:

  1. Possibility of receiving a monthly fixed allowance. Those, to whom it is due, can issue and receive them within 1.5 years from the date of birth of the baby.
  2. The certificate allows you to pay for child care services. Meaning preschool institutions where mom and dad send their children if necessary to continue labor activity. Pay Kindergarten for funds from mat. capital is allowed without waiting 3 years from the birth of the baby.
Matkapital Major changes

The changes introduced to the Federal Law and Government Decrees on maternity capital are of a constructive nature and are aimed at eliminating the reasons that hinder its effective application in practice, as well as at strengthening incentive functions aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country.

    Strengthening control over the spending of maternity capital

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 37-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children”, which is primarily aimed at strengthening control over the spending of maternity capital.

    Now federal law it is clearly established that housing purchased using maternity capital must comply with sanitary and technical standards and be recognized as suitable for year-round use.

    The possibility of directing maternity capital to a residential building in SNT

    The Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 217-FZ “On the conduct by citizens of gardening and horticulture for their own needs and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation”, defining that a garden house can be recognized residential building, and a residential building - a garden house in the manner established by the Government of Russia.

    Since, according to the norms of the Federal Law of February 29, 2006 N 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, maternity capital funds can be used to purchase or build a residential building, new legislative initiatives clarify the rules and regulations, subject to which the owner of the certificate can direct maternity capital funds to a residential building located on the territory of a horticultural non-profit society (SNT).

    Reduction of the term for issuing a certificate for maternity capital

    Amendments to Article 5 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children" came into force, halving the period for obtaining a maternity capital certificate.

    The ability to use maternity capital funds to pay the principal and interest on loans issued to repay previously granted mortgage loans after the emergence of the right to maternity capital

    Decree No. 631 of May 31, 2018 “On Amendments to Clause 3 of the Rules for Allocation of Funds (Part of Funds) of Maternity (Family) Capital for the Improvement of Housing Conditions” was adopted, which allows using maternity capital funds to pay the principal and interest on loans issued for repayment of previously granted mortgage loans after the emergence of the right to maternity capital.

    The procedure for using maternity capital funds for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities has been simplified

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2018 No. 60 amended the Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled in order to simplify the use of maternity capital funds for the purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities.

    It is expected that such a decision will significantly improve the mechanism for the use of maternity capital by citizens for the purchase of everything necessary for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities.

    Introduction of a new monthly payment for the birth of a second child from maternity capital

  • The possibility of directing maternity capital funds to pay for the care of a child in a nursery

    Federal Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children" comes into force, removing the restriction on the use of maternity capital funds to pay for paid educational services for the implementation of educational programs for preschool education when the child reaches the age of three.

    Such an initiative was made by President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the National Action Strategy for Children on November 28, 2017. At the same time, a significant expansion of places for toddlers was also announced.

    Extension of the maternity capital program until the end of 2021

    In order to maintain positive demographic trends, Federal Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children" sets the deadline for providing maternity capital until December 31, 2021.

    As you know, the maternity capital program, in accordance with previous changes, was calculated for the period until December 31, 2018.

    The extension of the maternity capital program for another three years has become one of the key program messages of the President of the country V.V. Putin at a meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the National Action Strategy for Children on November 28, 2017.

    Opportunity to obtain information on the amount of the balance of maternity capital

    The amendments introduced by Federal Law No. 411-FZ of December 20, 2017 “On Amendments to Articles 6 and 12 of the Federal Law “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children” came into force, establishing the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of information on the amount maternity (family) capital or in case of disposal of part of the maternity (family) capital on the amount of its remaining part on paper or in electronic form at the request of the certificate holder.

    Changing the rules for filing an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds

    The new Rules for applying for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital and the list of documents necessary for exercising the right to dispose of funds of maternity (family) capital (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 02.08.2017 No. 606n.

    The rules specify the list of documents required for the exercise of the right to dispose of maternity (family) capital and attached to the application.

    The term for the transfer of maternity capital funds to the applicant has been shortened

    Amendments have been made to a number of legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, which establish the procedure for channeling maternity capital funds. In particular, the term for transferring maternity capital funds has been reduced from 1 month to 10 working days from the date of the decision to satisfy the application for the disposal of these funds.

    In addition, the Rules for allocating maternity capital funds for improving housing conditions have been brought into line with the changes made to the Law on Maternity Capital: in the list of documents required for managing funds, a copy of the certificate of ownership has been replaced by an extract from the Unified state register real estate.

    Changing the list of documents for the direction of mother capital for housing

    Federal Law No. 470-FZ was adopted, amending Article 10 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children", clarifying the list of documents required for channeling maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions families.

    According to the law, in the list of documents submitted for the issuance of maternity capital funds for the construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction, a copy of the certificate of ownership of real estate is changed to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN) on rights to real estate.

    The law is aimed at simplifying the procedure for channeling maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions and comes into force on January 1, 2017.

    Suspended indexation of maternity capital until January 1, 2020

    Federal Law No. 444-FZ dated 19.12.2016 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part of Changing the Procedure for Indexing Payments, Allowances and Compensations Established by the Legislation of the Russian Federation and Suspension of Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Additional Measures" state support for families with children.

    In accordance with Article 12 of the above law, until January 1, 2020, Part 2 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children", which establishes the rules for indexing maternity capital, has been suspended until January 1, 2020.

    In this way, indexation of maternity capital is suspended until January 1, 2020.

    The law comes into force on January 1, 2018. As you know, earlier part 17 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of 04/06/2015 N 68-FZ indexation of mother capital was suspended until January 1, 2018.

    Provision of a lump-sum payment at the expense of maternity (family) capital in 2016 in the amount of 25 thousand rubles

    Federal Law No. 181-FZ of June 23, 2016 “On a lump-sum payment at the expense of maternity (family) capital in 2016” comes into force, which provides for the possibility for citizens eligible to receive maternity capital to receive a lump-sum payment at the expense of mother capital funds in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

    An application for a lump-sum payment must be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation directly or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC) no later than November 30, 2016.

    The possibility of directing maternity capital funds for the initial payment on a housing loan, without waiting for the child to reach 3 years of age

    Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On Amending Articles 7 and 10 of the Federal Law “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children” was adopted, which established the possibility of using maternity (family) capital funds to pay the down payment on a loan ( loan), without waiting for the child to reach the age of three, in connection with the birth (adoption) of which the right to additional measures of state support arose.

    In accordance with the amendments, the wording of the use of maternity (family) capital funds "to repay the principal debt and pay interest" was replaced by "to pay the initial contribution and (or) repay the principal debt and pay interest."

    The law was adopted in pursuance of the instructions following the meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy on July 8, 2014 (minutes No. 39, paragraph 4 of section I) on improving the mechanism for using maternity (family) capital funds allocated for the payment of the down payment when obtaining a loan for the purchase or construction of housing.

    Reduction of the list of organizations providing loans for the purchase or construction of housing using maternity capital

    In accordance with the Federal Law of March 8, 2015 N 54-FZ "On Amending Articles 8 and 10 of the Federal Law "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children", the number of institutions that can provide loans for the purchase or construction of housing is significantly limited , the repayment of which is possible by means of maternity capital.

    Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Federal Law N 54-FZ from the list excluded microfinance organizations operating in accordance with Federal Law No. 151-FZ of July 2, 2010 "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations", and subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ for credit consumer cooperatives established the requirement to carry out its activities for at least 3 years from the date of state registration.

    The possibility of obtaining a state certificate for maternity capital in multifunctional centers

    It will be possible to receive state certificates for maternity (family) capital in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). Their issuance will be ensured by representatives pension fund RF.

    This innovation was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2014 N 496 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 N 797", which significantly expanded the list public services, the provision of which is organized on the principle of "one window".

    Exemption of maternity (family) capital from personal income tax

    Maternity capital - a means of budgetary support for families with children, is not considered by the state as a form of income for an individual.

    November 29, 2012 Federal Law No. 205-FZ "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" was adopted, according to which paragraph 34 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is set out as follows:

    "34) income received by taxpayers from the implementation of additional measures to support families with children, in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children" and adopted in accordance with him the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts;".

    Thus, the uncertainty in the issue of exemption from personal income tax on income received by taxpayers in the implementation of additional measures to support families with children, and at the regional legislative level, has been removed.

    The possibility of using maternity capital to pay for the maintenance of the child in kindergarten and to pay for the education of the child at school

    Changes have come into effect Rules for the allocation of funds (part of funds) of maternity (family) capital for the education of a child (children) and the implementation of other expenses related to the education of a child (children), which were introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2011 No. 931.

    The possibilities of using maternity capital funds in this part have been significantly expanded and now the owners of the maternity capital certificate can use it to pay not only for education, but also for the maintenance of the child in an educational institution. It can be either kindergarten or any educational institution, which implements the main general educational program of preschool education or basic educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education(school, gymnasium, lyceum and others).

    The possibility of using maternity capital earlier than three years from the date of birth of the child

    January 1, 2011 It entered into force Federal Law No. 440-FZ of December 29, 2010 "On Amendments to Articles 7 and 10 of the Federal Law "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children"", which removed the restriction "until December 31, 2010 inclusive", thereby allowing certificate holders to dispose of maternity capital funds for housing improvement without restrictions on the terms for concluding a loan agreement.

    Previously January 1, 2009 changes have come into effect maternity capital law contributed Federal Law No. 288-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children"", which made it possible to use maternity capital to repay a loan taken to improve the living conditions of the family, regardless of the date of birth of the second child, provided that the loan agreement for the construction or purchase of housing must be concluded before December 31, 2010.

    The possibility of self-construction of a house with the involvement of maternity capital

  • The possibility of obtaining the right to maternity capital in the event of the death of a child in the first week of life

    Paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 28, 2010 N 241-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and on the Procedure for Providing a Lump-sum Payment from Maternity (Family) Capital" established that:

    "3. Parents (one of the parents), whose children died in the first week of life, starting from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ "On acts of civil status", have the right to apply to the registry office to obtain a birth certificate for these children in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 143-FZ of November 15, 1997 "On Civil Status Acts", subject to the changes introduced by this Federal Law."

    Thus, the legislative basis for establishing the right to maternity capital in the event of the death of a child in the first week of life has been adopted.

  • The possibility of disposing of maternity capital not only by a woman, but also by her husband

Popular answers to questions about matkapital

What documents and what is generally needed to obtain maternity capital?

Maternity capital is issued for a child who is a citizen of the Russian Federation or has dual citizenship ...

The beneficiary of maternity capital is an adult, usually a mother, not a child. When receiving maternity capital, it does not matter who of the two children will be the "second child". The family can spend the maternity capital itself on both children, while the size of the maternity capital does not double ...

No. An application for a certificate can only be written if the second or subsequent baby is born after 01/01/2007...