Development of a business plan for educational services. Business plan of an educational institution. Types of educational institutions. The educational services market How to write a business plan for an educational institution

  • 07.08.2020

The article contains the main aspects of compiling business plan for an educational training center. The demand for educational services is growing every year, as people understand that without the appropriate knowledge and skills, there is no opportunity for development. The advantage of opening this kind of business is also a variety of different training programs.

To open educational center would need business plan. It will help not only to attract investments and apply for loans, but also to structure information, describe the project concept in detail and calculate profitability.

Key features business plan for an educational training center

The main sections of the business plan of an educational institution

The main section of any business plan- this is detailed description concept of the future project. In our case - providing center educational services . This includes the following items:

  • Legal registration and necessary documents;
  • List of services and their cost;
  • Target audience and the procedure for its involvement;
  • Need for space and equipment;
  • Requirements for teaching staff, etc.

All these positions are formulated on the basis of a detailed analysis of the market and its features.



As noted above, there is a wide variety of educational services. You can focus on one area or create a multifunctional center. Among the most requested services are:

  • Financial management training - investing, savings, growth strategies, etc.;
  • Professional skills courses, for example, training of future cooks, locksmiths, hairdressers;
  • Additional education for schoolchildren - preparation for exams, development of speed reading, memory;
  • Psychological trainings - personal growth, relationships between a man and a woman, courses for parents, etc.

The choice of one or another direction is based on an analysis of the existing demand for educational services within business plan.

Each specialization has its own target audience. The more variety of courses you provide, the wider the range of potential clients.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for the launch of an educational training center

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Educational training center sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of an educational training center

7 - Conclusions

The business plan of the educational training center is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business plan of the educational training center

To launch and mid-term planning of the training center, a business plan was required, and we bought it on the websiteplanpro. en. The plan turned out to be very informative. The financial schemes are understandable, it is possible to substitute any numbers into the formulas, just make any changes. Special thanks for the beautiful design.

Natalia V.Sh., Deputy Director of the training center

Feedback on the business plan of the dance studio school

To open a dance studio, we needed investments and private investments. The result exceeded our expectations - the document turned out to be exemplary, and we managed to get an investment in the amount of 5 million rubles. Thank you very much to the specialists from the site for the excellent work done!

Irina Petrenko, Nikolaev

Feedback on the business planprivate kindergarten

Bought on the website ready business plan, adjusted it a bit and got a loan from the bank. Received 30 million rubles we will spend on opening a private kindergarten for 100 places. Many thanks to the specialists from for the excellent work done!

Olga Veronkina, director of a private kindergarten

Feedback on the business plan of the educational training center

In order to attract funding for the opening of a training center, we needed a business plan. A month ago we used Plan-Pro services and downloaded finished project development of the educational educational center. First of all, we liked the fact that the kit includes a convenient financial model that allows you to change the parameters of the business plan for yourself, as well as the fact that the business plan itself is well structured and has everything necessary calculations. As a result, we received a loan from Sberbank for 900,000 rubles and attracted investments in the amount of 2.5 million rubles.

Krapivin E.A., Togliatti.

Analysis of the educational services market in a business plan

The competition in this market is high, but every year new directions develop, new training programs appear, which allows the entrepreneur to occupy his niche.

To do this, at the planning stage, it is necessary to analyze both consumers and competitors. educational center within business plan, as well as to study the main development trends and innovative approaches to learning.

Among the main competitors are the following:

  • Similar specialized and multidisciplinary schools;
  • Private trainers and teachers;
  • Online schools and courses.

In order to ensure a constant flow of customers, it is important to formulate your competitive advantages, which include:

  • Flexible pricing policy;
  • Availability of qualified teachers;
  • Unique and effective programs;
  • Individual approach;
  • Convenient location;
  • The ability to choose a convenient time, etc.

The business direction in education is one of the most popular today. will allow you to understand the specifics of this area and make the right decision regarding the feasibility of developing this business.

Legal registration of the activities of the educational project

If you hire teachers and issue a certificate upon completion of training, this type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing. The costs of its execution must be included in business plan for a training educational center.

The corresponding license can be obtained by both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur by contacting the territorial body of Rosobrnadzor with the following documents:

  • Copies of documents confirming registration as legal entity or an individual entrepreneur and tax registration;
  • Charter, order on the appointment of a director and other title documents for legal entities;
  • Documents confirming the ownership of a suitable premises or a lease agreement for it;
  • Conclusions of the fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological authorities on the compliance of the premises with all requirements;
  • Application for a license;
  • Confirmation of the qualifications and work experience of hired teachers;
  • Compiled educational programs;
  • Cheque state duty in the amount of 7,500 rubles;
  • Certificate of purchase of the necessary material and technical equipment in accordance with federal standards;
  • Confirmation of the availability of the necessary electronic and printed resources.

As a result, within 60 days from the date of acceptance of the full set of documents, a perpetual license is issued.

The algorithm for opening an educational center in a business plan

  1. Analysis of the industry, demand, supply, pricing procedure;
  2. Description of the concept of the future project;
  3. Determination of resource needs;
  4. Making a forecast of revenue, profit, costs and other indicators;
  5. Calculation of project implementation efficiency;
  6. Identification of risks and ways to overcome them;
  7. Consolidation in business plan educational organization ;
  8. Business registration;
  9. Selection of premises, carrying out repair work;
  10. Search for colleagues;
  11. Drafting educational programs;
  12. Obtaining a license;
  13. Carrying out marketing activities;
  14. Opening.

Starting investments of the educational center provided for by the business plan

To start a business to provide educational services in business plan the costs necessary to start the project should be foreseen. The following main items should be included:

  • Registration of a business and obtaining a license - xxx rubles;
  • Premises rent - xxx;
  • Repair and purchase of equipment - xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising - xxx;
  • Development of educational programs - xxx;
  • Cash reserve - xxx.

total amount will be from 5 to 50 million rubles. depending on the chosen niche and scale of activity. You can use like own funds and take advantage of loans or investments. This will require a professionally written business plan. Ready-made business plan for an educational center you can download right now from the link below. All the information is structured there and the necessary calculations are made. With the help of the compiled financial model, you will be able to control the main performance indicators of the company.

Search for a room and its equipment for an educational institution

The main requirement for the premises is the convenience of its location. Good transport accessibility is required. It is best to focus on the city center.

Indoors, it is important to provide the following zones:

  • reception;
  • classes;
  • administrative premises;
  • Sanitary units.

Do not forget about the need to comply with fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

AT business plan the following costs should be foreseen for the purchase of equipment for educational institution:

  • Computers and office equipment;
  • Furniture designs;
  • Interactive boards;
  • Projectors;
  • Educational materials;
  • Video surveillance, fire extinguishing and alarm system.

Advertising of an educational organization, provided for by the business plan

AT business plan it is possible to provide for the implementation of the following marketing activities aimed at promoting educational center:

  • Advertising on radio and television, in specialized newspapers and magazines;
  • Creation of a website and groups in social networks;
  • Distribution of leaflets and a bright signboard with pointers;
  • Outdoor advertising on buses and billboards;
  • Participation in olympiads and intellectual competitions as sponsors.

The financial model of the educational center in the business plan

To create a financial model, you will need to make a forecast of the main performance indicators educational organization in a business plan.

Current costs of an educational institution in a business plan

  • Rent - xxx rub.;
  • Utilities - xxx;
  • Staff salaries - xxx;
  • Updating educational programs and materials - xxx;
  • Marketing and advertising - xxx;
  • Tax deductions - xxx.

The total amount required for normal operation educational center, will amount to business plan from xxx rub. monthly.

Personnel plan of the business plan of the educational center

AT business plan it is necessary to provide for the costs of wages for the following positions educational organization:

  • Director;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Marketer;
  • Account Manager;
  • teachers;
  • Security guard;
  • Cleaning woman.

Income of the educational center in the business plan

The revenue generated from the collection of fees for the provision of services will be from xxx rubles. per month. In this case, the profit of the educational institution, calculated in the business plan, can reach up to xxx rubles. monthly. a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its

Business Income Plan

A necessary component of a full-fledged business plan is a flexible sales plan. It is important, on the one hand, to have a forecast for the business as a whole, and on the other hand, to be able to see the profitability in the context of a separate profit center or even a separate product.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Download a ready-made business plan for an educational center with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

The opening of this business is complicated by the need to go through the procedure for licensing activities and the presence of a high level of competition in the industry.

To make a profit, you should take care of taking into account all the nuances at the planning stage. The best way to do this is to write a business plan. We have prepared educational center business plan, which you can download right now from the link below and start implementing your idea without delay. All information is structured there, this document contains a calculated financial model. It will be required for negotiating with creditors and investors. We can also prepare an individual turnkey business plan, where we will take into account all your wishes.

An educational institution with a competent approach to organization can become a good source of income and a promising direction for further business development.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Business plan for educational services

Resume with a budget

A project to create a Higher Educational Institution, abbreviated as a university, is presented to your attention.

The project requires financial investments in the amount of 35300000 rubles, and pursues the following tasks:

  • Complete satisfaction of the educational services of the consumer market;
  • Creation of a highly profitable enterprise that brings stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

As it was written earlier, to establish such a project, funding in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles is required. To obtain the required amount, you can attract investors, or take a commercial loan from a bank at 14% per annum.

The profit that investors or the bank will receive is 2,269,289.24 rubles. The total profit for the time life cycle enterprise, which, by the way, is designed for two years, will amount to 118748222.76 rubles.

Estimated payback period of the enterprise: 9 months.

The loan must begin to be repaid from the first month of the launch of the enterprise.

Steps required to open your university:

1. Rent or purchase of a building, premises and various outbuildings
2. Obtaining a state license, passing certification
3. Carrying out a whole range of repair and construction works
4. Purchase and installation of all necessary equipment
5. Passing various state inspections: SES, Fire Inspectorate, Sanitary and epidemiological station, and other permitting authorities.
6. Search and recruitment of the entire faculty in the amount of at least 2 teachers per subject.
7. Hiring other staff (security, cleaners, secretaries, accountants, concierges, etc.)
8. Conducting an extensive advertising campaign

Types of training

Usually, university education is divided into several types:

  • Full-time education. All classes are held in person, as a rule, in the daytime, daily from Monday to Friday;
  • Extramural studies. Correspondence students have a separate schedule, and appear at the university, often, only during the session, doing the rest of the time on their own;
  • Evening form of education (part-time);
  • Distance form of education. Teachers give assignments to students in electronic format, he executes them and sends the answers back. All reading is done by the student himself.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of educational services in Russia

Equipment required in universities:
1. Desks, tables
2. Chairs
3. Boards, projectors, media boards
4. Stationery
5. Decor items: flower tubs, curtains, busts, portraits of scientists and prominent figures
6. Audio-video equipment, microphones
7. Office furniture, executive furniture
8. Toilets, shower rooms
9. Lighting, signaling
10. Library. Both electronic and regular
11. Equipment for the gym: simulators, mats, balls, bars, etc.
12. Executive class car for the rector of an educational institution.
13. Coffee machines
14. Buffet, canteen or something similar to provide food for students. Also, the buffet provides additional profit for the university itself, students invest in the university, and not in outside stores.

Continuing education is one of essential requirements in all areas of activity. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are trained on an ongoing basis, constantly expanding and deepening their knowledge. Thanks to this, educational or training centers have become widespread. Open your own training center - promising idea, requiring certain knowledge from the field entrepreneurial activity and a sound business plan training center.

The purpose of the training center is to provide additional education or advanced training for specialists of various levels. In connection with such specifics, the main consumers will be individuals or organizations interested in receiving various educational services.

Most modern companies implement international corporate standards as the basis of their activities. This allows you to increase the level of professionalism of employees, improve the microclimate within the team and increase productivity, while increasing the quality of the company as a whole. Compliance with certain standards promotes employee motivation and retention, preventing employee turnover.

The main reason why new market participants should take up this type of activity can be called a significant increase in demand, as well as a lack of modern training centers that meet the requirements of modern society. At the same time, an increasing number of companies, especially international ones, are striving to meet existing standards.

As for the form of entrepreneurial activity, for a training center that claims to cooperate with large corporations, the status of a legal entity is more suitable. When forming an LLC, its creator actually declares his seriousness and reliability, confirming these qualities with a charter and the contribution of authorized capital. In addition, applying for a loan to a bank in the status of a legal entity, it is easier for the applicant to get a positive answer. The same applies to cooperation with potential clients– more confidence is caused by training centers, formalized as an opening or closed joint-stock companies.

The process of registering an LLC includes the preparation of constituent documents according to the following list:

  1. - the charter, which will indicate the type of activity of the company;
  2. - the decision to establish an LLC;
  3. - decision on the appointment of the head;
  4. - minutes of the meeting of founders;
  5. - receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. — confirmation of the contribution of the authorized capital;
  7. — copies of personal documents of all founders.

These some other documents that may be requested from the tax service are submitted along with a completed application, which indicates the appropriate one for the selected type of activity OKVED codes. The main code may be 85.41 "Additional education for children and adults." But other basic and additional codes– it is important that the services offered correspond to the declared information.

Financial aspects of the business plan of the training center

An enterprise providing additional educational services, according to preliminary calculations, needs financing. The most rational way to get the necessary funds is to turn to lending. According to the provisions of the business plan, it will be necessary to obtain a bank loan of a commercial nature in the amount of 1 million 950 thousand rubles. This is the approximate size total cost this project. The duration of the project from the moment of its launch until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency will be 2 years. Taking into account the fact that the interest rate will be 14 percent, and payments on the loan will begin from the first month of the establishment of the center, the total amount of interest payments for this period will be approximately 123 thousand rubles. For the selected period, the overall economic effect will reach 9 million 242 thousand rubles.

Such figures can be obtained, given the fact that large training companies, relying on the long term, can focus on annual turnover from 1.5 billion rubles, subject to the conclusion of a contract of at least 3 million. But such centers must have highly qualified specialists who need an appropriate salary level, as well as a massive marketing campaign. Medium-sized training centers that do not claim to be premium trainers should expect that in the first year of operation big profit do not wait - during this period, all efforts and funds are invested in the development of the company, attracting qualified trainers and selecting a customer base. main reason, according to which most centers receive a zero balance by the end of the first year - the absence of really large clients. This is logical - in the first 2 years, the company only earns a reputation in the market.

In addition to lending as the main source of new business investment, entrepreneurs resort to other sources of financing. Approximately 30% will fall on the issuance of bonds, 25% - the placement of shares on the stock exchange, 23% - the participation of financial investors and within 14% - own funds.

Similar calculations can be obtained by analyzing the existing proposals in the industry, studying pricing policy and comparing this data with the expenses incurred during the opening and promotion of the company.

When planning the pricing policy of the future center, it is necessary to take into account all existing factors. So, average price open curriculum is between $300 and $700. True, in elite organizations, the cost can significantly exceed this figure. Corporate programs will cost from 3 to 5 thousand dollars. Depending on the territorial features, composition and saturation curricula and the qualifications and reputation of coaches, the price indicator can vary significantly upwards.

The profitable part of the business plan is determined by several important features - the level of demand, the state of this market segment and the nature of the proposals of a particular organization. At the same time, in order to avoid bias in the calculations, the lowest profitability threshold should be taken into account, not forgetting the existing risks.

Taking into account that the period during which the company will reach the level of self-sufficiency and will bring a stable income will be approximately 2 years, you should prepare a plan for the volume of services provided during this billing period:

If marked financial results will be maintained during the first two years and, in addition, the trend towards profit growth and an increase in the client base will continue (in this case, the growth rate will be from 20 to 55 percent per year), the annual growth in sales volumes will reach the level of 18 million rubles and more .

One of the main points of the business plan will be its expenditure side. If we take into account the most significant items of expenditure, we can draw the following conclusion:

Item of expenses 1 month, rub. 12 months, rub. One-time costs, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Buying or renting premises 93.8 thousand 1 million 125 thousand 187.5 thousand 1 million 313 thousand
Purchase of equipment 37.9 thousand 37.9 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 81 thousand 81 thousand
Creation of a website, hosting, purchase of scripts 92 thousand 92 thousand
Advertising expenses 50 thousand 600 thousand 200 thousand 600 thousand
Wage 738 thousand 8 million 856 thousand 8 million 856 thousand
tax payments 236 thousand 2 million 832 thousand 2 million 832 thousand
Unforeseen expenses 93.6 thousand 93.6 thousand
Total 882 thousand 10 million 880 thousand 1 million 30 thousand 11.5 million

Composing financial plan be sure to take into account all existing risks. The most significant factors include:

  1. - high competition, which has a constant upward trend;
  2. — uncertainty in market trends;
  3. high level investment.

All of these factors, common to most organizations providing continuing education services, can be overcome by providing highest quality services and developing an effective marketing strategy.

The tax part of the costs will depend on two main factors - the chosen taxation system and the income that the organization receives. But in general, the list of tax deductions for the training center will be standard:

The conclusion that can be drawn as a result of studying the market for additional educational and training services is very optimistic: this sector is very promising and is constantly open to new participants. By properly organizing the activities of the company, it is possible to make it a highly profitable business with a tendency to constant development and expansion. Having calculated financial investments and expected income, you can pre-plan all the steps for creating and developing an organization in advance.

Each good business begins with the construction of an action plan, so an educational institution is to make a forecast for the future, calculate the initial investment and payback, weigh the pros and cons. The potential of this kind of service is almost limitless, you can teach people anything that will help them in the future and will generate income. You can choose the direction of the institution, whatever you like, but in the current realities, in great demand enjoy marketing and business areas, finance and psychology. To open private courses, schools or universities means to open a profitable business with a future perspective.

Paid educational services

The choice of the number and type of provided paid services depends on the direction of your business.

There are such types of educational services:

  • Education of preschool children, their preparation for school.
  • Primary, secondary and higher vocational education.
  • Special education for people who graduated from universities.
  • Additional education for adults.
  • Providing tutoring services to students from other institutions.
  • Courses for applicants, advanced training courses.
  • Foreign language courses.
  • Courses for children of subjects not included in the school curriculum. For example, choreography, design, music.
  • Inclusive education for children and adults.

All of the above is not all the services that a private educational institution can provide. You can organize services for the protection of children, their rehabilitation, arrange cultural events and develop their leisure.

When choosing a direction, you can stop at one and provide services only in its direction, or you can choose several at once and develop them in parallel.

How to start opening a higher education institution?

At the very beginning, it is worth deciding on the profile direction of your educational institution. After that, you should start creating a business plan. It should contain the following items:

  • Educational charter.
  • Curriculum plan.
  • Methodical developments.
  • Job descriptions for staff.
  • Registration of a license for activities in the Ministry of Education.

It will not be easy to create your own university from scratch, it is better to focus on some popular courses: foreign languages, design, programming, training of masters of make-up and hairdressing.

Of course, you can start a business with the opening of a university, but it should be borne in mind that its popularity will depend on accreditation and how highly the diploma is quoted.

Obtaining a license to open a private, higher educational institution

A license to open an educational institution must be mandatory, without it you will not be able to conduct business in this area and issue certified diplomas to graduates.

In order to obtain a license, you will need to contact the Ministry of Education and provide them with a package of documents, which includes:

  1. An application for a license, which will indicate a detailed list of educational programs and services of the institution.
  2. Submit a certificate about the teaching staff and the estimated flow of clients.
  3. Provide a lease agreement, as well as information about the condition of the premises of the educational institution.
  4. Will be required founding documents, certificate of business registration, certificate of registration with the tax service.
  5. Provide reporting information on the material and technical support of the organization.
  6. Provide a list of acquired scientific and fiction literature.

After a specially appointed commission, the university can obtain a license for future activities. In addition, it is worth taking care of state accreditation - this is a document that will allow you to issue diplomas state sample which are highly valued by students and employers.

Be prepared for the fact that the accreditation of an educational institution takes place every five years, so you should take care of the quality of the services provided, the staff and the corresponding material and information support.

Budget places

The business plan of the university should contain a clause on the creation of budget places for students. Recently, commercial educational institutions have been able to open such places, but in a strictly limited number and in certain areas.

The list of destinations for which budget places are available:

  1. Education, pedagogy.
  2. Natural Sciences.
  3. Humanitarian sciences.
  4. Economics and Management.
  5. Informatics, computer technology.

Teaching Staff

The profitability of the enterprise, its reputation and the number of applicants to enter it largely depends on the recruited teaching staff. Qualified specialists who are able to convey information in an original way, it is not boring to give lectures and find an approach to all students are just worth their weight in gold. It can be very difficult to find such a specialist, since such people often do not sit without work for a long time and very rarely move from one place of work to another, even for more favorable conditions.

At the very beginning of your university Teaching Staff may be intermittent, but in the future it is recommended to conclude contracts and hire a professional staff of teachers for long-term cooperation.

Often, teachers working in private educational institutions are registered as individual entrepreneurs, which implies the absence of additional licenses for their activities. This is beneficial enough for the leader, but not for themselves. With such a scheme of actions, they cannot get several jobs at the same time.


by discipline

Business planning

on the topic:




Section 1. Summary

To develop a business plan, the author considered the creation of an enterprise specializing in additional education of the population. Additional education, in this case, can include the organization of various courses and trainings, conducting master classes and training seminars designed to increase the efficiency of labor and social activities of the population or certain categories citizens. The activities of the personal development center being created will not be focused on professional and qualification education but should contribute more to personal development and encourage self-development of the population.

Education within the framework of this course project is considered in the broadest sense of its understanding - as a purposeful process of educating and training an individual or group, which is a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence.

The organization presented in the business plan is the center of personal growth "Vector".

This project is characterized by the demand for this type of educational services among consumers.

The target audience of the project is mainly adults from 20 to 50 years old.

The range of educational services offered at the initial stage is five types of courses:

· Computer literacy course

· Legal Literacy Course

· Financial Literacy Course

· Personal Growth Course

· Communication course

In the future, it is planned to expand the range by introducing new programs and courses:

· One-time master classes

· Thematic trainings

· Periodic trainings

· Training seminars

· Professional training courses

· business game

According to the calculations made in the business plan, the total amount of the initial investment will be 870,320 rubles. At the same time, the break-even point of the project for the implementation of this business plan comes already after the third month after the start of the activity of the Vector center, and a full return of all start-up investments occurs on the eleventh month from the start of the start.

Thus, we conclude that, according to all financial and other indicators, the draft business plan can be recognized as successful and recommended for implementation.

Section 2. Description of the business, product or service

Even before the creation of a center for personal growth as an educational institution, it is necessary to decide whether documents will be issued to students and students who have completed training, which must confirm the completion of training in our center. And if they are issued, what sample will these documents be. To date, for the issuance of state diplomas and certificates to graduates of courses or training programs, accreditation of training programs and licensing of the teaching activity is required. In the case of individual teaching activities and the issuance of documents of an unapproved sample (without legal force), licensing and accreditation are not required. This option is more preferable for the personal growth center "Vector", because in this case the registration of the enterprise will be easier.

AT target audience center of personal growth "Vector" will include:

1) Heads of departments and enterprises who send the personnel of their organization for training at the Vector Center with the following goals:

a.Rally your team of subordinates

b.Get subordinates to work more efficiently

c.Enhance personal management skills

d.Establish communication within and with the team

2) Adults who choose individual or group classes for the purpose of:

a.Raising self-esteem

b.Gaining new knowledge

c.Determining the direction of self-development

d.Destruction of own complexes that interfere with communication in society

e.Acquisition of communication skills

f.Diversified personality development

g.Acquisition of teamwork skills

h.Establishing contacts and communications in a professional or social environment

Thus, the main target audience is adults from 20 to 50 years old, working in a team or looking for a job. Also, the target group can include student groups or work teams that have communication problems and need help in establishing effective relationships. The main goal of these people is self-development and the acquisition of new knowledge when attending trainings for personal growth and personal effectiveness. For our target audience, it is more important not to receive a “certificate” confirming the acquisition of another qualification, but the real level of knowledge, skills and abilities that they can receive at the Vector Personal Growth Center.

The main activities of the Vector center will be (with an indication of the average duration of training):

1) One-time master classes, which will be held by people who have achieved success in their field of activity (successful managers of "top" companies, popular bloggers, famous politicians, public figures, managers of popular projects). Duration - from one and a half to three hours.

2) One-time thematic trainings. It is advisable to attend such trainings with the aim of one-time obtaining any missing skills. Duration - from one and a half hours to 8 hours of training (with a lunch break).

3) Periodic training. When concluding a long-term contract (purchasing a subscription), these will be monthly thematic trainings for a group, or seasonal trainings (organization of regular corporate trainings, team building trainings for work teams or student groups). Duration - once a month from one and a half to two hours, or once a season from one and a half to three hours.

4) Educational seminars. During such seminars, there is an exchange of knowledge and an exchange of experience based on obtaining basic information on the topics of the seminar. The duration of one seminar is up to three hours.

5) Courses of personal growth and development of various thematic areas. The courses involve systematic attendance at classes held in various forms (lectures, seminars, practical exercises and game forms). Duration - from a strictly defined course (for example, 10 lessons of 2 hours) to a free visiting schedule (for example, on Mondays and Thursdays for two hours).

6) Professional training courses (the duration of training depends on the degree of initial training of students - from a weekly course of two hours a day, to regular two-hour classes during the academic year):

a)Computer literacy courses

b)Financial Literacy Courses

in)Legal literacy courses

G)Various other courses...

7) Business game. The direction has long been successfully used in education, as the example in the form of a game acquires necessary knowledge and skills. The duration of one game is from two hours to 8 (with a break for lunch).

The above areas of activity will be the main ones in the Vector center and require the direct participation and presence of students (listeners) in the classroom. But, besides this, work on personal development and remotely is possible on an individual basis. In this case, an individual training plan will be drawn up for the student, taking into account his personal wishes and preferences and in a form convenient for him. Such remote classes are possible, for example, in training in the preparation of business plans for an enterprise or in training in working with computer programs (1C, Photoshop, 3- D Mach and others).

Group classes can be in complete groups, or by free attendance (when the student knows, for example, that self-esteem classes are held every Monday and Thursday and he chooses the regularity of attending these classes). Permanent groups will also be formed in the Vector center:

· evening;

· morning;

· day;

· weekend groups;

· thematic groups.

Such a type of business as the organization of training has a seasonal nature: most often, the flow of students and students in the summer months is noticeably lower, and with the start of the “usual” academic year, the flow resumes.

Opening hours of the personal growth center "Vector": daily from 0800 to 2100 hours. The need for such a mode of operation is dictated by the need for morning, afternoon and evening groups - depending on the type of employment of students. For example, computer literacy courses are likely to be attended by pensioners who want to learn the basics of working with a computer in order to be able to communicate on social networks - it is more convenient for them to study in the morning (in the morning). And, if, for example, we take courses on working with the 1C: Accounting platform, then they are likely to be attended by novice entrepreneurs or people who want to improve their level professional knowledge- and it will be more convenient for them to study in the evenings, after the main work.

Section 3Sales and marketing

Centers engaged in educational activities in large cities are distinguished by a recognizable corporate identity, a memorable name, and their own logo. In order to attract the attention of potential consumers in the city of Khabarovsk, the name "Vector" was chosen. The word "vector" itself has a direct meaning - it is a directed segment, that is, a segment that has a length and a certain direction. The concept of this word is consistent with the definition of the direction of our activity and, moreover, is easy to remember.

Also, one of the basic defining components is a good location. Therefore, it is necessary for the office to rent a room in the city center, in one of shopping centers or business centers located in the center in the city of Khabarovsk.

At the beginning of its activity, when a constant client base not yet formed, it is necessary to cooperate with the promotion company. For cooperation, a well-known company in Khabarovsk, the Far East Association for the Quality of Advertising and Marketing, was chosen, which is located at: st. Gamarnika, 72 of. 301. She offers the following services: branding, organizing an advertising campaign, conducting marketing research, marketing outsourcing.

Also, at the initial stage of activity, in order to attract customers, it will be necessary to hold promotions and introduce various bonuses. For example, these can be shares:

· "Bring a friend - get a 10 percent discount!";

· "Repost us on Instagram - get one lesson for free!"

· … and other similar promotions widely known to marketers and PR people.

Special attention for the promotion of the services of the center "Vector" deserve social networks. This is one of the least expensive and, at the same time, highly effective methods of promoting services. It is necessary to create pages of the Vector Center in well-known and replicated social networks (, Instagram, Telegramm, Twitter, VKontakte, as well as other social networks).

Also, it is necessary to give preference to the "ordinary" methods of advertising, such as: posters, leaflets, distribution of business cards, advertising on cars, flyers, and so on.

In addition, one of the least expensive methods of "word of mouth" is that our graduates or those who are already studying will recommend the Vector center to their friends if we create a cozy and favorable atmosphere in our center and hire highly qualified staff.

It is important to apply the full range of measures to promote your services, this will bring a faster and more effective result.

Section 4. Production plan

It is necessary to outline the main steps that should be taken to create a center for personal growth "Vector".

Table 1 continued



The cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Bookcase for books

2 500

5 000


15 000

15 000

Personal computers

21 000

84 000


Of necessity

5 000

5 000


3 000

3 000

Electric kettle

2 000

2 000

Wardrobe for clothes

7 100

7 100


4 000

4 000


305 600

Step 4. Search for administrative staff, teachers and leaders of courses and trainings

Recruitment can be done in several ways:

1. Through specialized sites that post applicants' resumes (usually on well-known recruiting sites, access to applicants' profiles is provided to a recruiter for 15,000 rubles for an unlimited period, or for 200 rubles for one profile);

2. Search for employees through friends and acquaintances;

3. Placement of vacancy announcements on free Internet resources (Avito, and others);

4. Search for teachers in universities, technical schools, schools, and private and public centers for advanced training.