Fast food types of dishes. How to open fast food

  • 03.07.2023

The frantic rhythm of our lives is increasingly forcing us to cook meals for ourselves and our family from store-bought semi-finished products, use the so-called “just add water” quick meals, or even eat fast food. All sorts of "homemade" dumplings, "grandmother's" cutlets from who knows what, instant noodles and mashed potatoes, sausages, sausages and sausages have firmly settled in our refrigerators. And everything would be fine, but for some reason, such food does not add health to us and, most importantly, our children ... We need to cook normal home-cooked food, but that's bad luck - cooking home-made breakfasts, lunches and dinners takes quite a lot of time. So, let's look for and invent quick recipes! "Culinary Eden" has selected for you several recipes from which you can easily create a quick menu for the week.

Breakfasts. The breakfast menu is very varied. It can be homemade muesli or granola with milk, natural yogurt or juice, oatmeal, different types of scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs (from regular to fancy), pancakes (regular, with bacon or vegetables), hot sandwiches, salads, pita bread or pita with various fillings, lazy dumplings and cheesecakes, sweet and savory curd masses, as well as juices and smoothies. There are other interesting recipes for quick breakfasts.

100-150 g of red fish (salmon, pink salmon, etc.),
4 eggs,
1 stack flour,
salt, spices, vegetable oil - to taste.

Grind boneless red fish with a blender into a paste. Add eggs, salt and spices and mix well. Combine with flour and knead the dough for pancakes. Fry like regular pancakes in vegetable oil.

3 eggs,
2-3 quail eggs,
10 g milk
1 large sweet pepper
pitted olives (olives), herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil and peel quail eggs. Crack the eggs into a bowl, season with salt, pepper and whisk. Add milk, herbs and beat until foamy. Cut the fleshy pepper into rings about 1 centimeter wide. Cut olives or olives into rings, cut quail eggs in half. Preheat the pan, sprinkle with vegetable oil and lay out the pepper rings. Inside the rings, put half a quail egg, pour in the beaten eggs and put the rings of olives. Cover the pan with a lid and wait until the scrambled eggs set. Put the omelet on plates, garnish with herbs.

3 eggs,
⅔ stack. milk (sour cream, cream),
salt, pepper - to taste.

Beat eggs until foamy, add milk and beat again. Put two ordinary plastic bags one into one, pour in the omelette mass, tie it tightly and dip it in boiling water for 30 minutes. Put the finished omelette on a plate and cut. Green peas, corn, diced ham, mushrooms, cheese, etc. can be added to the omelette mass to taste.

5-6 eggs
2 tbsp soy sauce,
1 sweet red pepper
1 bunch of green onions

Whisk eggs with soy sauce and salt. Pour a thin layer of scrambled eggs into a pan with vegetable oil, sprinkle with finely chopped sweet pepper and wait until the scrambled eggs seize. Roll the omelette roll right in the pan and pour a new portion of the omelette mass, while lifting the finished roll so that the eggs flow under it. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and fry until tender. Roll both rolls together, pour over the omelet mass again, lifting the roll, sprinkle with chopped pepper, etc. Cut the finished multilayer roll into portions.

vegetables - to taste (zucchini, sweet peppers, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes - one each),
1 onion
1 egg (per person, if there are more people, increase the number of ingredients accordingly),
olive oil - to taste.

Cut the vegetables into cubes and fry in olive oil until tender, pepper and salt. In a pan, build slides of vegetables, make indentations and pour one egg into them, trying not to damage the yolk. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat until the eggs are cooked. Serve with any sauce.

1 pack of cottage cheese
1 egg
1 stack pancake flour,
salt, sugar - to taste.

Mix all the ingredients and roll out the sausage dough. Cut it into 12 parts, put the filling (dried apricots, prunes or thick puffs) into each cake and form pies. Fry in vegetable oil.

500 ml of kefir,
250 g cottage cheese,
200 g cheese,
150 g hard cheese
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
2 stack flour.


Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, hard cheese on a fine grater. Combine all the ingredients and prepare the dough of the consistency of pancakes (or even thicker). Let stand for 15 minutes and fry in vegetable oil like regular pancakes.

Dinners. Quick menu. To prepare a full-fledged first course for lunch, you need to either take care of the broth in advance, or cook an express broth. Soup broth is prepared as follows: take the sugar bones with the rest of the meat, put in cold water, add a small unpeeled onion, a small carrot, a couple of bay leaves and a few black peppercorns, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 2-4 hours (depending on the size of the bone). The longer the broth simmers, the richer its flavor will be. Don't let the water boil too hard! Strain the finished broth, pour into a clean bowl, cool quickly and refrigerate. Express broth is cooked as follows: pass 500 g of meat through a meat grinder, finely chop the bones, pour cold water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Without changing the water, put on fire, put 1 celery root, parsley, carrots and one onion, salt and pepper to taste. Boil the broth for about 30-40 minutes, strain and use to make soup. Use minced broth for cooking second courses. To prepare fish soups, you can also boil the broth from the scraps of any fish. To do this, when cutting the fish, cut off the fins, tail and head, capturing more meat. Put the trimmings in a saucepan (remember to remove the gills!), cover with cold water, add coarsely chopped carrots, onions and celery and simmer the broth, skimming off the foam, for 20 minutes. Strain the finished broth, separate the meat from the fins and tail.

½ stack of peas
100 g cheese
1 onion
1 carrot
2 tbsp sour cream
1 liter of water or stock
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Soak the peas ahead of time. Cover the peas with water or broth and cook for 10-15 minutes. Add diced onion, cheese and coarsely grated carrots, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs.


100 g carrots
100 g onion
3-4 celery stalks,
3 pcs. potato,
3-4 garlic cloves,
2 tomatoes
300 g noodles
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste,


Cut vegetables, grate carrots on a coarse grater. Saute carrots and onions in vegetable oil. Put vegetables (except tomatoes) in a saucepan, pour boiling broth and cook until potatoes are ready. Add the noodles and sliced ​​tomatoes to the soup and cook until tender. When serving, add greens and chopped garlic.

4-5 potatoes
1 zucchini
1 carrot
1 processed cheese (“Friendship”, “Orbit”, etc.),
1 liter of broth


Put the chopped vegetables into the boiling broth and let it boil. Boil a little over medium heat, add the cheese and cook until the cheese is completely dissolved. Add soy sauce to taste, remove from heat and puree with a blender until smooth. Sprinkle with herbs when serving. You can add meat from the broth to the puree soup or just serve it with crackers and sour cream.

2-3 potatoes
¼ stack. rice,
1 small carrot
1 onion
50 g butter,
fish broth.

Saute onions and carrots in butter. Put the cubed potatoes into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add the rice and cook until tender. Add roast, put bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, herbs to taste, cover and remove from heat. Sweat for 10 minutes and serve.

Kefir soup

2 stack kefir (or natural yogurt),
1 egg
8 tbsp rice,
2 tbsp flour,
2 tbsp tomato paste,
50 g butter,
salt pepper.


Melt the butter, add the tomato paste, pour in the broth and boil. Add rice and simmer until cooked through. In the meantime, carefully mix the egg with flour, gradually adding kefir, and pour the resulting homogeneous mixture into a pan with rice. Mix well, add spices and bring to a boil.

Soup with flounder and vegetables

600 g flounder fillet,
4 carrots
2 kohlrabi,
100 g fresh green peas
200 g white asparagus,
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp butter,
400 ml fish stock
500 ml of water
salt, black ground pepper, soy sauce, herbs.

Rinse the flounder fillet, dry and cut into pieces. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the vegetables into cubes, put in a saucepan, add oil and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Pour in the fish broth and water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Salt, pepper, add soy sauce. Add fish, bring to a boil, cook for 4-5 minutes and remove from heat. Garnish with herbs when serving.

1 medium head of cauliflower,
400 g broccoli,
400 g potatoes
400 g carrots
400 g cooked minced meat,
1 onion
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 l meat broth,
herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut carrots, onions and potatoes into cubes. Fry the onion in a pan, add the carrots and potatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Salt, pepper, pour over the broth and cook for 15 minutes under a lid over low heat. Add cauliflower and broccoli. Form small meatballs from the minced meat, dip into the soup and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Serve garnished with greenery.

Dinners. The quickest dish for dinner is a casserole. Tasty, satisfying and healthy. Ordinary naval pasta can be cooked in the oven: pour the almost finished dish with eggs, cheese and sour cream and bake in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Rice can be used instead of pasta. Pamper your family (especially kids) with lavash pseudo-pizza, shawarma with various fillings or quick pies.

600 g minced meat,
100 g cottage cheese,
3 tbsp oatmeal,
1 stack milk,
1 onion
250 g champignons,
1 sweet pepper
1 tbsp butter,
100 g hard cheese,
3 eggs.

Oatmeal pour ½ stack. milk for 10 minutes. Stew the mushrooms in butter until the liquid evaporates, add the chopped pepper, simmer for 2-3 minutes. Salt, pepper. Whisk eggs with ½ stack. milk and salt, add the grated cheese and mix. Add oatmeal, cottage cheese and chopped onion to the minced meat, salt, pepper and knead. Put the minced meat in a greased form, distributing it along the bottom and walls. Put the stuffing from vegetables inside and fill it with cheese and egg filling. Cover with foil and place in the oven at 220°C for 20 minutes. Then remove the foil and leave for another 20 minutes at 200ºC.

"Pizza" from lavash

2 sheets of thin pita bread,
300 g small shrimps
2 tomatoes
1 sweet pepper
1 onion
250-300 g of hard cheese,
tomato sauce, sour cream, herbs.


Boil shrimp in salted water. Cut the vegetables into slices, grate the cheese on a fine grater. In a greased form, lay the sheets of pita bread crosswise, smearing sour cream between them. Grease the top sheet with tomato sauce. Put the shrimps and sweet peppers, grease with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and wrap the edges of the top pita inside. Lubricate the surface with sour cream, lay out the tomatoes, onions, herbs, brush with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and wrap the edges of the pita bread. Grease again with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and place for 10-15 minutes in an oven heated to 200ºС.

Shawarma at home

Ingredients for one shawarma:
1 cutlet,
1 zucchini or potato pancake
green lettuce leaves or Chinese cabbage,
1 tomato
50-70 g of carrots in Korean,
ketchup, sour cream or homemade mayonnaise,
1 lavash


Spread the pita bread on the table. Put a leaf of lettuce on one edge, cutlet on it, grease with sour cream. Place a zucchini or potato tortilla on top of the cutlet, sprinkle with chopped lettuce or Chinese cabbage, put Korean carrots and pour over with ketchup. Lay the sliced ​​tomatoes on top of everything. Roll the pita bread into a tube, trying not to tear it, and tucking the edges. Press lightly and heat in a dry frying pan, pressing down with a lid or plate.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Not all those who want to open their own business have an impressive amount of investment. Therefore, they have to find those areas of activity in which they can invest relatively little, but at the same time have a good profitable business. Fast food establishments can be attributed to such a business. This food is very popular among people of different ages and different social strata. Brands, KFC, Subway, Burger King and others brilliantly prove this.

To successfully bring to life a business idea such as opening a fast food restaurant, you must have a high-quality business plan with detailed cost and profit calculations. This is the only way you can claim success in this type of business.

fast food business plan

You can order a business plan specifically for your case from specialized companies, or you can do it yourself. However, if you are not well versed in this matter, it is still better to trust the professionals, since the slightest miscalculation can lead to fatal consequences. We will give the approximate amounts that will be required to start a fast food business, as well as your possible income in this business.

  1. Registering a business and obtaining permits from various government agencies ~ $250.
  2. Repair of the premises ~ 1200 dollars.
  3. Acquisition of equipment ~ 2000 dollars.
  4. Conducting an advertising campaign ~ $ 300 (after the initial advertising campaign, it will be required to maintain it in the future, which will also take a certain amount of money).
  5. Purchase of raw materials (products) ~ 2500 dollars monthly.

We do not indicate the cost of renting a room, since this amount can vary significantly depending on the city, the size of the room and its location.

  1. Monthly revenue ~ 6000 dollars.
  2. Monthly net income ~ $900.

How to open a fast food cafe

First you need to decide on the form in which you will register your company. It is best to start with a form of individual entrepreneurship. Such an enterprise is formed quite quickly and without problems. Just like for any public catering establishment, for fast food it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, consumer supervision, fire inspection, and also register with the tax service.


Most people make the decision to go to fast food and have a snack spontaneously. Usually, no one plans to visit fast food establishments in advance, such as visiting a restaurant. Therefore, in order for visitors to enter your fast food, it must be located where there is a constant flow of people passing by. Fast foods are located along busy streets, near train stations, shopping and entertainment centers (or on their territory), educational institutions, business centers.


In big cities, competition in this area is quite serious. Fast food giants (for example, McDonald's, which is already available in almost every city) take over a significant part of the market. Therefore, when choosing a location for your business, carefully analyze the area for competitors, and if there are, examine their pricing policy and menu. If you have a clear competitive advantage, you can take the risk of opening your establishment next to another fast food. However, it will be less risky to open fast food places where such establishments are in short supply.

fast food menu

You need to choose the direction of your institution in terms of food. In principle, food can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the rule that unites this category of catering is observed - the possibility of fast food preparation and fast serving. In this regard, fast foods always use food preparations and upon receipt of an order, employees bring it to a state of readiness as quickly as possible and serve it to the client. The names of dishes in fast food can be as follows:

  1. Pizza;
  2. Sandwiches, hamburgers;
  3. French fries;
  4. Salads;
  5. Dumplings;
  6. Hot dogs;
  7. Pies, buns;
  8. Pancakes;
  9. Soups;
  10. Chebureks;
  11. Hot and cold drinks.

To make the menu more diverse, offer different variations of the same dish. For example, dumplings with different sauces, pancakes with different starters and toppings, pizza with different toppings, different sandwiches and sandwiches. From drinks, add tea, coffee, mineral water, juices, sweet soda to the menu.

You can specialize in any one dish, for example, dumplings. Then your menu should have a large number of different options for dumplings - not only with different sauces, but also with different fillings (different types of meat or other fillings). Then you get dumplings-fast food. Of course, in this case, you can include other dishes in the menu (pies, soups, etc.), but in smaller quantities. In the same way, you can make a pizzeria, pie, pancake, etc.


For fast food, you will need kitchen utensils for cooking. Among them may be:

  1. Fryers;
  2. Microwaves;
  3. Meat grinders;
  4. Refrigerators;
  5. Cheburechnitsa;
  6. Crepe makers;
  7. coffee machines;
  8. Ovens;
  9. And other necessary equipment depending on the focus of fast food.

It is better to use disposable plastic dishes. As a competitive advantage, you can try using eco-friendly dishes made from appropriate materials.

Room design

Despite the fact that fast food restaurants do not usually spend much time, it should be pleasant for visitors to be in the premises. Therefore, it is better to let the interior design be simple, but cozy. An important point is the cleanliness of the premises. Since fast food establishments are always full of people, and visitors at each table quickly change, maintaining constant cleanliness can be a problem.

Place special containers at each exit in which visitors can throw away used disposable tableware, plastic cups and paper packaging. However, visitors do not always do this, and simply leave rubbish behind them on the table. Your employees should be careful about this and promptly remove the trash from the tables so that the next customers can sit down at them.

Do you like cheeseburgers and hot dogs? Cook them at home - a dozen of the most famous dishes of fast food restaurants from

We have become accustomed to such a phenomenon as fast food. And we are firmly convinced that all such food is necessarily harmful, high-calorie and inedible. These beliefs, however, are not without foundation: rancid butter, meatballs of unknown origin, various stabilizers and preservatives do not make fast food a healthy food. But how sometimes it draws on harmful things! Having accidentally smelled the smell of hamburgers, hot dogs or french fries on the street, we, like children, cannot resist the temptation. invites you to try to cook fast food yourself - “fast food”, but from quality ingredients and in your own clean kitchen.


4 hamburger buns

700 g good quality beef

1 bulb

4 slices cheddar cheese

1 large tomato

Bunch of lettuce

Olive oil

Salt pepper


How to cook

    Turn the beef 1 time through a meat grinder, salt and pepper the minced meat.

    Roll into small balls, put on cling film, cover with a second layer of film and flatten to make a cutlet 1-1.5 cm thick. Fry in olive oil.

    Cut the onion into rings, the tomato into circles, the cucumber into slices.

    Warm the buns, grease with dressing, lay lettuce leaves, tomato, onion, cucumber, cutlet and cheese in layers. Cover with the other half of the bun.

Bon appetit!

mexican burritos

2 tortillas

1 chicken breast

100 g canned corn

1 red bell pepper

A piece of hot chili pepper

2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green onion

1 tomato

50 g Edam cheese

How to cook

    Grill chicken breast and cut into small cubes.

    Grind sweet pepper, chili pepper and tomato, mix with corn and green onions.

    Warm the tortillas, lay out the meat filling, then the vegetable, sprinkle with cheese.

    Wrap the edges of the cake, wrap in foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Bon appetit!

baked potatoes

4 potatoes without damage on the skin

4 tbsp. butter spoons

bunch of dill

200 g grated cheese

How to cook

    Bake the potatoes in the skin in the oven until golden brown for about 1 hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    Cut the potatoes on top, take out a little pulp with a spoon, salt.

    Mix grated cheese, butter and chopped dill, stuff potatoes.

Bon appetit!

Chips tacos with meat filling

Chips tacos

400 g minced meat

100 g sweet corn

2 red sweet peppers

1 hot chili pepper

1 large tomato

Several lettuce leaves

Several sprigs of parsley

Salt pepper

1 small onion

How to cook

    Cut the onion into cubes, peel the peppers from seeds and partitions, chop. Peel the tomato, free from seeds and juice, chop the pulp.

    Fry vegetables in a pan, adding corn and chopped parsley.

    Put the minced meat to the vegetables, salt, pepper and bring to readiness.

    Put a lettuce leaf, meat stuffing on the chips and garnish with parsley.

Bon appetit!


150 g matsoni

200 g grated suluguni cheese

1 sachet dry yeast

2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

A pinch of salt

A little melted butter for greasing

How to cook

    Knead the dough from flour, yeast, yogurt, eggs, vegetable oil and salt, leave it to rise for 30 minutes.

    Roll out the dough, place in the middle O cover the rest of the suluguni with the edges of the dough. Roll lightly again with a rolling pin and brush with a lightly beaten egg.

    Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and return to the oven for another 10 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wings

1 kg chicken wings

1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce

4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce

1 teaspoon sugar

4 tbsp. spoons of mild ketchup

Vegetable oil for frying

For sauce:

1 jar cream dor blue

Several sprigs of parsley

How to cook

    Rinse wings and pat dry with paper towels.

    For the marinade, mix all ingredients. Marinate wings for 2 hours.

    Fry in a pan or on the grill.

    For sauce: mix cheese and chopped parsley.

    Serve wings with sauce and carrot and celery sticks.

Bon appetit!

Hot Dog

4 hot dog buns

4 smoked sausages

1 small onion


How to cook

    Finely chop the onion, fry until cracklings in a small amount of butter.

    Cucumber cut into very thin slices.

    Put the heated sausage into the bun, distribute the cucumbers, grease with mustard and ketchup, sprinkle with onions on top.

Bon appetit!

Shawarma (shawarma) with chicken and mango

2 chicken breasts

Several sprigs of mint

pinch of cayenne pepper

Sea salt

2 tbsp. spoons of sherry vinegar

Olive oil

How to cook

    Peel the mango, cut the pulp into slices from the stone.

    Sprinkle chicken breasts with vinegar, salt, pepper, marinate for 10 minutes. Fry in olive oil. Cut into pieces.

    In a saucepan, heat a little olive oil, fry the mango, add mint. Save the separated syrup with oil.

    Heat the pita in the microwave, stuff with chicken and mango, pour over with mango sauce.

Bon appetit!

Shrimps in spicy batter

500 g large tiger prawns

5 st. spoons of soy sauce

1 teaspoon sherry vinegar

A little lemon juice

Pinch of red pepper

Sea salt


5 st. tablespoons of sesame seeds

Olive oil

How to cook

    Peel the shrimp, leaving part of the shell on the tail.

    For marinade: mix soy sauce, vinegar, lemon juice, pepper, add salt.

    Soak the shrimp in the marinade for 10 minutes, roll each in breadcrumbs, then in sesame seeds.

    Fry in olive oil, spread on a paper towel.

Bon appetit!

Chicken nuggets

2 chicken breasts

Olive oil

Salt pepper

Crushed crackers (not sweet)

4 tbsp. spoons of milk

How to cook

    Wash the chicken, dry it, cut into small equal pieces. Salt, pepper, pour milk and leave for 30 minutes.

    Pour crushed crackers into one plate, lightly beat the egg into another.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.

    Dip chicken pieces first in egg and roll in breadcrumbs.

    Fry on both sides.

Bon appetit!

Since we so often write from our reviews about fast food and everything connected with it, I would like to make a contribution to the "Modern Menu" section related to fast food. We thought about it and decided that dishes based on a combination of ready-made semi-finished meat and a bun are most associated with fast food. Either burger, Hot Dog or sandwich- all these dishes belong just to the hated by many and so loved by others - fast food.

One designer from New York recently made a masterpiece out of sandwiches. The idea was this - every day he bought different sandwiches and scanned them in section. What the designer Yon Chonko did can be considered art under the name "scanwich". For site pro food, these same "scanwiches" will be of great benefit, since we can show you, dear readers, how many sandwiches that are popular in our country and in the West look like when a hungry buyer looks at them, and we will also list main ingredients for their preparation.

1. Sandwich with bacon and turkey

This sandwich is a great snack. To prepare it you will need: bacon, tomatoes, salad, turkey, mayonnaise And fried toast bread.
From the intricacies of cooking the following - fry toast bread in grilled salamander or toaster. Since the sandwich turns out to be quite high, the bread fits not only on top and bottom, but also in the middle. The top layer is fried bacon with tomatoes, the bottom layer is turkey with cheese and lettuce.

Compound this sandwich, like its origin, tends to Italy, where most sandwiches are made on the basis of a baguette cut along, with the addition of exclusively Italian ingredients. So, this sandwich includes: capricola(cured pork back and shank), mortadella(the world-famous boiled sausage from Bologna), prosciutto(in fact, it is a ham, Italian ham grated with salt), salami sausage, provolone(Italian hard cheese with low fat content), pickled peppers.
In fact, the sequence of putting the ingredients in this sandwich is not very important, and it is absolutely impossible to spoil it, since all the products that are used in it have their own flavor and are felt each separately. Therefore, in this case, the cat Matroskin would not give advice to Uncle Fyodor about the wrong eating of a sandwich.

In fact sandwich Dagwood (Dagwood Sandwich) is an invention that was introduced into one of the famous American comics called "Blondie", produced since 1939. The protagonist of this comic, Dagwood Bumstead, constantly made oversized sandwiches with a combination of both compatible and not-so-compatible foods. Usually the height of the sandwich was about 30 cm, and in order to bite it off, the main character, of course, opened his mouth for the entire length of the sandwich.
Despite the fact that this sandwich appeared in a comic book, this did not prevent it from being included in the American Heritage Dictionary, as well as becoming a household name in the Webster Dictionary.
In 1950, entrepreneurs Bob Weiler and Art Lang opened a Dagwood themed restaurant in Toledo, Ohio, with hopes of building a national chain. They have not licensed the Dagwood name and have been ordered to stop using it under US copyright infringement. However, in 2006 a restaurant was openedDagwood's Sandwich Shoppes, which has franchise facilities in Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri (USA) and Georgia. Despite the fact that the network struggled for a financial breakthrough, it was not able to achieve the growth expected from its founders.
Today, a real Dagwood sandwich consists of: slices of toast bread, salami, ham, pepperoni, turkeys, cheddar cheese, provolone(hard italian cheese) lettuce, tomatoes, roasted red pepper, banana pepper,red onion, mustard, mayonnaise with low calories.

4. Roast beef sandwich

In this sandwich, everything is quite simple and concise. Take a hamburger bun, cut it in half lengthwise. The main thing in a sandwich is meat!
Roast beef recipe next: for its preparation, tender beef tenderloin is fried on the grill or baked in the oven. Juicy meat pieces fit between the halves of the bun, spread with mustard and voila - the dish is ready to serve.
The look of the sprout sandwich in the photo is rather dull, and you can safely decorate it with vegetables and other products. BUT! This will no longer be a branded Roast Beef sandwich, but a variation of it.


sweet sandwich for the preparation of which will require bread, bananas And chocolate or nut butter.

6 Fried Chicken Sandwich from Jin Market

This sandwich is from Jin Market on Hudson Street in New York. Its main ingredient is fried chicken chopped into pieces. Also includes low calorie mayonnaise, cabbage salad with arugula.

Bauru- traditional brazilian sandwich. Comprises: french bun, melted cheese,tomatoes, roast beef And pickles.

The secret to the steak sandwich is to use a fluffy bun, the kind used in French restaurants. Of the ingredients, the main place is occupied by pork steak chopped into pieces, with addition vegetables - tomatoes and lettuce. Such a sandwich, despite the steak used in it, is very light and will be an excellent snack.

The recipe is as follows: they lay out on toast bread walnuts, fried tomatoes, crushed chicken fillet, pickled red onion, greenery. You can add any of your ingredients to this sandwich.

10. Chip Butty Sandwich

Cheap british sandwich, which consists of fried potatoes, chopped with sticks and toast and ketchup. The British in this regard are very different from us - if we consider potatoes to be the second bread and do not eat potatoes with bread, then they do the opposite and even make sandwiches from these two seemingly incompatible ingredients. Well, if you are a representative of a British restaurant or pub - you can experiment in Belarus. The main feature of the sandwich is that it is very cheap.

Very appetizing Wichcraft burger, USA, which consists of buns, pork, red cabbage, jalapeno pepper And mustard.

12. Parisi Turkey Turkey Sandwich

The composition of the sandwich next: smoked turkey, fresh mozzarella, roasted red pepper, bun.

13. James Beard Ham Sandwich

unpretentious sandwich, consisting ofham, mustard, butter. All ingredients are placed on Rye bread

14. Chicken Sandwich by James Beard

The composition is as follows: chicken fillet pieces, cucumber, buttered whole wheat bread. Again, simple and tasteful.

15. Smoked Turkey Sandwich from Cafe Clementine, New York

A sandwich from this family cafe has the following composition: smoked turkey, bacon,salad, tomatoes, avocado. Spread the ingredients on grain bread.

Classical roll with lobster from the Urban Lobster diner. Usually the finishing part of preparing such a roll is heating it in contact grill.

This sandwich is made like this: turkey, brie cheese,tomatoes,salad, mustard spread between halves grain bread. The sandwich is ready!

The composition of the sandwich may be bewildering, but such a sandwich is really prepared: Vhetchina, dark turkey meat, mashed potatoes,beans, sweet potato pie, Cranberry Sauce,santa claus cookies, lollipops. All of this is posted on hamburger bun.

Ingredients for this sandwich: sliced turkey, crispy bacon, fused Cheddar, tomatoes, onion, Spicy Chipotle Mayo Sauce which includes mayonnaise, sour cream, chili pepper and lime. Everything is laid out on a fried bun with sesame seeds.

Ingredients: pastrami (smoked beef) and mustard. Laid out on Rye bread.

Portal administration pro food hopes that these uncomplicated burger and sandwich recipes will help you diversify your establishment's menu with new dishes that can be offered at certain times of the day, such as for breakfast or lunch.