Startup ideas from scratch. The best startups in Russia and around the world

  • 03.07.2023

Aspiring businessmen who are inspired by the idea of ​​their business are looking for opportunities to implement it. Often, to implement an idea, initial capital is required, which is not available. And the search for investors begins, and those who are weaker in spirit completely refuse to implement the idea. Is it really possible to organize a startup without a budget? To this question, there is already an answer: “Really!”.
In order not to be unfounded, the article provides examples from world practice, when startups were created with a zero budget, growing to companies with millions of turnovers. How did they do it?

Startup without a budget: what is the most important thing?

You should not immediately say that beginners have little chance of implementing global ideas. That dreams will remain dreams without the financial support of investors and a highly paid professional team. But everything is not as banal as it seems at first glance.
After all, there are examples of entrepreneurs who, despite the lack of money, moved towards their goal and achieved it. Why do some people succeed and others don't?
Why do teams that have high hopes do not live up to expectations, and someone without connections, money can bring the idea to life? A vivid historical example!

Inventor Samuel Langley had a good team and excellent connections. He worked at Harvard, was a professor of mathematics, he had open doors to the most successful people who could support him.
He was given a $50,000 grant from the US Department to invent the world's first flying machine. His work was covered by journalists, to whom he constantly promised the first plane.
At the same time, in Ohio, the Wright brothers were also trying to build an airplane. They didn't have a grant, they didn't have any connections, they didn't have funding. They were in their garage where they sold bicycles, they got together with their friends and invented the airplane. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers took off in the first plane and they changed the world.

What is the principled approach of S. Langley and the Wright brothers. Langley wanted popularity, wanted to be the first, the brothers, in turn, wanted to improve the world. And their friends who helped them were like-minded people who also had this dream.

Moving forward towards a dream depends on motivation and belief in success!

What is the secret of a successful startup?

Simon Seneca, a speaker on the popular TED show, came up with the following conclusions.

100% of companies know what they do, what product and service they produce.
- Some companies understand how they differ from others, what is their competitive advantage.
- Few companies know why they are doing this business. This does not mean profit, as it is only a result. Why is the original reason, belief in something, a dream, the engine of the process.

What can get you out of bed in the morning? Why is your startup needed? Why should he be loved? The answer to the question "Why?" is the secret key to the client's heart!

Scientists have studied the most successful people and concluded that they think, communicate, and approach their work in a very special way. What they do is fundamentally different from what others do.

Consider an example if Apple were the same as everyone else. How would she interact with her clients?
We manufacture computers. They are easy to use and beautiful in design! Want to buy?
This approach is the main one for many manufacturing companies.

A similar example in other sectors:

We have opened! Grocery store 24 hours! Come to us!
-We are a large law firm. We serve such and such prestigious clients. Waiting for you!
This approach is not efficient.

What is the ideology of Apple, which brought them popularity?
“Everything we do, we believe it sets new standards of quality. We believe that it is possible to think otherwise. Believing in this, we make our products easy to use, modern and beautiful. It just so happens that we make good computers, iPads, iPhones.”
The very first buyers of this product are the first to believe what they believe.
Believing in the ideology of the company that it is changing the world for the better, products are bought for a lot of money, despite the cheaper analogues of competitors!

Another example. The first MP3 player was released by the Singaporean company Creative Technology with the name 5GB3MP, but it was not popular. After 21 months, Apple released the iPod with the name "100 Favorite Songs in Your Pocket", which everyone loved. Feel the difference in the supply of goods?

When we talk about what we do, what we produce, this should not force people to buy our product. How can we make customers loyal over the years? Demand for a product cannot be sustained solely by constantly giving discounts.
We need something that will enable customers to become like-minded with the manufacturer. And this can only be done if we broadcast ideas in which we ourselves believe.

What target audience to attract?

Why is it important to find like-minded buyers? Because they are the engine in the formation of new demand!
There is an established rule for the development of demand. The entry of a product to the market consists of several stages:
1. 2.5% of customers who first buy a product are innovators;
2. 13.5% early adopters;
3. 34% previously majority;
4. 34% late majority
5. 16% laggards.

When buying a new product, the very first customers rely on intuition, impressions of the product, and they will be the engine of further sales through word of mouth. You need to find clients who will believe in what you are doing.

How to create a team of professionals without money?

When choosing people for a team, you need to look for like-minded people who will also believe in your idea, ready to work for free until the result, and not for the sake of getting paid.

A striking example was the creation of Facebook, when development partners were offered a share in the company instead of a salary, because no one knew what this could lead to.

There are also other non-monetary motivators, such as creating flexible working hours, a convenient place to work or the ability to work remotely from home, public praise of employees, and entertainment for them.

Where can you find employees? A good way to negotiate with higher and specialized educational institutions, where to get interns to get practice as interns. In turn, you can be useful to them as a mentor.

Instructions for the implementation of a startup!

  1. Make a plan for what you would like to achieve in the market, i.e. ultimate goal. Knowing it, you need to understand what you have to do approximately for this. The usual business plan is doomed to failure here. it is static, not flexible. Do not try to adjust the development of your new idea to some old market framework. Write what you would like, without being limited to anything.
  2. Analyze the current market situation in this area. Find niches that have the least competition. Choose one as the main one.
  3. Make a trial batch of a product or service, offer it to customers. You have to make sure people want to buy it.
  4. Make a short-term plan for the quarter. The main focus should be on achieving immediate goals.
  5. Officially register with the tax authorities. Build a system of repetitive business processes.
  6. The release of goods and services in proportion to sales.
    No need to make a large inventory. Minimize costs.
  7. Adjust business development.
    Take into account changes in market dynamics, remove inconvenient processes. Plan short-term, while leaving the opportunity to make prompt adjustments to the current plan.

Where to make money: 5 unique business ideas that will help you get rich! How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays? Working ways from Anatomy of Business!

Apple, Facebook, Google, SpaceX - all these projects started as simple experiments - these ideas seemed just crazy, but they tried to bring them to life anyway. Here are 20 more successful projects that their founders were engaged in in addition to their core business.

For many people, changing course is also a sign of weakness. This is tantamount to admitting that you don't know what you are doing. This seems especially strange to me. I believe that a person who cannot change his point of view is dangerous. Steve Jobs often changed his views depending on the situation, and I do not know anyone who considered him weak, ”writes Ed Catmull in his book Genius Inc. How to manage a team of creative people.

The founder of Apple (and 20 other people, which we will discuss below) were not afraid to go after their ideas. Even Y Combinator - the most successful business incubator in the world - asks candidates to submit their side project idea when applying (and many are chosen to implement their idea, instead of the company's idea).

Product Hunt

Do I need to have technical knowledge to open a business in this area? How about a business that is in the business of discovering new tech products? For Ryan Hoover, founder and CEO of ProductHunt, this has never been a problem. ProductHunt is a platform and community that helps people discover new tech products and interact with their team. Instead of agonizing over the technical aspects of his side project, he simply decided to do what he knew how to do:

“I wasn't an engineer, so I wasn't going to invest the time or money into building an entire site from scratch, but I could easily make a list of email addresses. So I did. Through the mailing list, I invited several hundred investors, founders and my friends who, in my opinion, would like my project and who had a nose for technical products.

Within a few years of launching the startup, ProductHunt had grown into a community of hundreds of thousands of users. AngelList recently acquired ProductHunt for $20 million.


How did a social network for activists evolve into a $1 billion collective discount service for 45 countries? And all this happened in just two years after the launch. Groupon's path to success is a bit strange and winding. However, it defines the spirit of this startup.

Initially, the project was called The Point. The platform was aimed at bringing people together around a certain action. One day, the founder of the platform, Eric Lefkofsky, saw how users came together in a large group to buy a product and get a discount. After that, the company began to develop as Groupon. The economic crisis of 2008 prompted Lefkofsky to launch Groupon in Chicago, and we already know the rest.


Now almost everyone has it. Previously, Twitter was a small side project of Odeo. Initially, it was used as an SMS service for a small group of employees. The project did not seem interesting to the press and investors then, despite the support of CEO Evan Williams. Here's what TechCrunch wrote about him ten years ago:

“What is this company doing to make their offer attractive? How do their shareholders feel about side projects like Twttr when their main product is a total bore? Only the design is good."

Little did they know then that the founders of Odeo had built a new business that changed the way we communicate online.


Craigslist (America's counterpart to Avito) is immortal. Although it cannot be attributed to the list of top tech companies, it is still worth saying a few words about the platform, which has been very successful in the US market for 20 years. But where and when did it all start? In the early 1990s, Craig Newmark, an IBM employee who had just moved to San Francisco, compiled an email list for local events (Craig's list, you know?). Craig thought the list would help him meet new people. The idea was picked up, the list became popular. People began to use it not only for meetings. In the future, this inspired Craig, and he left his job and took up the development of Craigslist. Today this company is worth $1 billion.


What do you do with the leftover photos from the landing page photo shoot? Create storage for royalty-free photos, of course. When the Canadian startup Crew hired a professional photographer to shoot, the photos turned out to be more than necessary. But instead of letting the photos get lost somewhere on the hard drive, the employees posted them on the site and gave them away for free. Then one HackerNews post went viral all over the internet and the photo was downloaded more than 50,000 times. Today, Unsplash has tens of thousands of amazing photos available for free download. Unsplash has become the place to go for free images.


You don't need a lot of money to create your own side project. Check out AppSumo, a site for daily deals in digital goods and services. The site was launched for a small amount - $50. Noah Kagan, the founder of AppSumo, in an interview shared a story about how he learned about the need to create a discount site for online companies. Then he was doing marketing for He invested his own money (plus $20 in cash from his mom) to create a landing page and collect email addresses. In the first year, the company's value reached $1 million.


There are many stories about how famous companies got their start in garages: Apple, Google, Amazon, HP. And Oculus. After a long day at the California State University Mixed Reality (MXR) Lab, founder Palmer Lucky was heading to the garage to try and build the future of virtual reality. After one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns, Luckey quit his job, dropped out of school, and sold Oculus to Facebook for $2.4 billion, $400 million in real money, $2 billion in Facebook stock (before they even had a product).


If you're looking for something related to home renovation or decorating, you'll most likely come across a listing on Houzz. The community serves over 40 million monthly users and employs approximately 1,000 employees worldwide. However, they started very modestly. One day, the founders of the company, the family of Adi Tatarko and Alon Cohen, while doing repairs, faced a lack of resources for home improvement. This prompted them to create their own. Their first users were twenty parents from the school where the children of Adi and Alon went, several architects and designers. Today the company is worth $4 billion.

Khan Academy

While teaching his relatives, Salman Khan, the founder of the educational platform Khan Academy, received a slightly ambiguous compliment: his students suggested that he meet online rather than in person. Khan did not ignore this remark, it only stuck in his head. So he started making ten-minute Youtube videos on subjects ranging from biology to art. At the same time, he worked as a hedge fund analyst. As the Youtube activity began to take off, Khan left his job and now has over 100 employees under his leadership.


How do you know you've got a killer side project idea? If you dropped out of college, somehow became the fourth employee at Pinterest, then quit your job to make this idea a reality, this is definitely it. The same thing happened to Sahil Lavigna. While working as a designer at Pinterest, he realized that selling digital products online was unnecessarily difficult. He tweeted his idea for approval and then created his side project Gumroad over the weekend. Now the platform for the sale of digital products (from mailing lists to generating discount coupons) in the West is used by everyone - from Eminem to Tim Ferris.


"It all started with a domain, a cheap server from Slicehost, and some stock art." Before GitHub became a $1 billion company, founders Chris Vanstrass and PJ Hiett built websites for the computer technology portal CNET. They didn't like the fact that it was so difficult to make changes to open source codes. So they created their own repository while working nights and weekends. To date, their side project has hundreds of millions in venture capital and approximately 20 million users.

We Work

One of the most important startups in the world may not have come into being at all. Before founding WeWork, Adam Newman sold children's clothing with knee patches in a small building in Brooklyn. According to Newman himself, at that time he "was mistaken and directed his energy in the wrong direction."

As an additional income, Newman and his partner rented space in the same building for little money and opened a “green” coworking space there. With the proceeds from the sale of their stake in Green Desk (the original co-working company), they founded a new co-working space. Today it is worth $20 billion and is coming to Russia this year.


How many happy IT consultants do you know? Most likely, in your circle, they either do not exist at all, or they are all unhappy. When Gagan Biani wanted to leave the consulting company Accenture, he took up a part-time job - Udemy, where he was one of the founders. This is a platform where anyone can create and sell their online course. Today, he's probably happy, because Udemy offers 42,000 courses and is worth over $170 million.


Remember Slack, which created its own messenger within the company, because nothing that existed on the market suited them. Or the Houzz founding family, who built their network because they couldn't find the resources to fix it. Whatever you choose, in any case, there will be a few people who will think the same way as you. Don't dismiss the idea of ​​a side project just because you feel like you're the only one who needs it.

2. Listen to the market

When Twitch first started, it never prioritized the gaming community. But when the founders saw more and more people streaming their games every day, they realized that this is what people want. At the very beginning, Groupon, then The Point, never set itself the goal of making money. He only wanted to unite for the sake of some social action. But once users banded together to get a discount on a product, the creators of Groupon saw the full potential.

3. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty

WeWork, Buffer, HubSpot, Imgur and Oculus - their founders weren't 100% sure what they were doing, but they took the risk anyway.

The truth is that you should just try - then any startup mistake can be prevented. Start small and see if your idea works. Create, for example, a landing page or a blog, send out cold letters to 100 potential buyers and see if they like your idea. Side projects are a great way to test the waters before getting serious about your next idea.

4. Colleagues and partners can validate ideas in the same way as users

Startup founders are often advised to get their ideas approved by real users. This, of course, is important. But when you're looking for ideas for side projects or just want to know if you're on the right track, it's important to listen to the inside as well. Talk to the team, employees or partners about the problems they are facing, even if those problems are not related to your company.

Planio as a company that creates a project management tool, it is very important to be even more productive and efficient. Therefore, they made it a rule to seek confirmation within the company before developing and releasing new features.

5. Moment matters

What's great about side projects is that there's usually no outside pressure. They can be launched at any convenient time. But this does not mean that you can just sit and wait for the “right moment”.

Side projects are a chance to explore the future. This is a chance to take advantage of modern tools to create applications and products that no one may yet know is needed. Think of Instagram, which was created solely because of the hype around location-based services like Foursquare. Subsequently, Instagram became the most popular social network for sharing photos.

Or even Oculus. Taking advantage of advances in technology and the imagination of people, they restarted an entire industry. All this happened because the founders looked to the future. At the same time, they did not forget to follow the course of events. It was important for them to know that they were directing their energy to the right side project, that it would not be wasted.

So what does it all mean?

Side projects are an incredible source of inspiration, a way to experiment. Often the business ideas at the heart of side projects are better and more interesting than your current activity. Why not try?

Opening your own company is the dream of many people. Just imagine: you work not for the boss, but for yourself. You organize production activities yourself and are responsible only for your own work. Later, when you start to achieve some success, you will have the opportunity to hire employees and earn more money, expanding your sphere of influence. This is a very interesting prospect, but most people do not even think that it can be realized, and not just kept in dreams.


The two biggest obstacles for many people who continue to take jobs they hate even though they dream of starting their own business are lack of money and lack of ideas. Almost everyone believes that to open your own company you need to have a huge budget, as well as be a creative genius who can take creative ideas from the void.

Resale of things

Trading in the modern world is very different from what it was 10-20 years ago. The fact is that technological progress has led to the creation of online stores that have not supplanted real ones, but have taken a much higher place in the industry. Naturally, in order to open your own online store, you will have to try and spend money: you need to create your own website, purchase a large range of products, find suppliers, promote the resource and advertise your activities.

But you can start small: there are now a huge number of web pages on the Web that sell things by hand. That is, someone sells his things, and someone is looking for what he needs and buys what the first person put up for sale. This is where it is easy to start your business. You can look for cheap items and then resell them for more. If you buy a wholesale supply of some popular product at a low price, then it is advisable to sell with a solid margin.

In general, there are many opportunities, and you can start such an activity with a minimal budget. If things go uphill, then you can gradually move to a higher level by opening your own online store.

However, this is far from the only startup with minimal investment. There are many other options for you to explore. Which startup with minimal investment to choose? Here it is already worth deciding what you personally like and give more pleasure.

Organization of holidays

Before considering another idea, it is necessary to refer to the term "startup" used above. What it is? Many users may not be aware of what this strange word means, but it has long been included in the speech of modern people. So what is a startup? What it is?

A startup is a new business that you open on your own, in most cases it starts with one person or a group of like-minded people. And your personal startup can specialize in organizing a variety of festive events.

You do not have to spend big money to provide services, as they will be intangible. Professionalism plays an important role here, so it is worth focusing on this aspect. It is recommended to start with a children's audience, as it is less demanding. When you host a certain number of events at a high enough level, you will definitely get noticed. You can help this with online promotion.

Advertising agency

How else can you make your startup? The idea of ​​an advertising agency may seem highly unrealistic to many, but it's actually much simpler than you might think. All you need is a creative mind and basic equipment like a computer, printer, scanner, and so on.

Then you just need to look for clients, of which there are plenty on the Web, if you know how to do it. An advertising agency can consist of one person or a small group of people, and it is not necessary to rent an office - you can engage in advertising activities right from home. So the advertising business is the area in which you can safely start your startup. The idea is very profitable if it can be implemented correctly.

"Husband for an hour"

It is quite possible that you have already seen ads for “husband for an hour” services that do not imply any intimacy, as some might think. In fact, such a “husband” should be a jack of all trades and be able to do a lot, from plumbing to repairing small and large household appliances.

However, such a startup has one big advantage - you don’t have to spend money on implementing your idea at all. You will only need to take the toolbox that is in every apartment and go to earn money. With startups in Russia becoming more and more popular, you will have to put in a lot of advertising to stand out from the rest. However, this will not be a problem if you will be remembered by your customers for your versatility and professionalism. As a result, you can gain such popularity that you will leave all startups in Russia far behind. They will envy you and take an example from you.

Cargo transportation

As mentioned above, online stores have changed modern trade, and this also affected cargo transportation. Now you can easily open your own business in this area if you have a driver's license and a car. How to start a startup of such a plan? It is always better to start on your own, delivering goods to online stores, as well as to customers of such outlets.

Even if you don't have a car, you can borrow it. With a good workload, it is realistic to make a profit of about 35 thousand rubles per month from one vehicle. And when the loan for the car is paid, the profit will grow to 50 thousand rubles. Naturally, if you decide to expand and buy more cars, you will have to think about salaries for drivers. But at least 20-25 thousand rubles from one vehicle per month you will be guaranteed. As you can see, profitable business start-ups do not always require incredible investments from you.

animal breeding

Startups with minimal investment in Moscow are a very real idea, but what about small towns whose population does not exceed 100-200 thousand inhabitants? Here the conditions are much more complicated, but you can always find your niche. For example, you can breed pets. Just study the demand and purchase those animals that are of more interest to the inhabitants of your city.

One of the most convenient and effective options is breeding rabbits. They are undemanding animals that breed at a fast pace, and for a thoroughbred rabbit you can get up to five thousand rubles. In order to open such a startup with minimal investment, you will simply need a project. It is necessary to analyze, make sure that demand does not fall, and also plan how you will keep the animals. Remember that they are not things and you will have to look after them and take care of them.

Shoe repair, key making and other manual work

As in the case of the “husband for an hour”, in this option you need to be good at doing what you are going to make money on. Equipment for work is not so difficult to buy. It can also be purchased on credit, which is easy to pay off over time. In a crisis, Russians are less likely to buy new shoes and try to repair old ones, so you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity. This is a low investment start-up that pays off fairly quickly.

Beauty salon services

As you can see, examples of startups with minimal investment are almost endless. You just need to determine what you can do best, as well as what brings you pleasure. Use the ability to do a haircut, make-up or any other beauty procedure, trying to charge for it. Initially, you can dye your hair or do your nails at home, so you don't have to rent a room. Build a client base, starting with your friends, and then expand and gain popularity.


Another very common and interesting option is tutoring. As part of this, you will need to teach the subject in which you are best versed. This is a service that is always very popular, but becomes especially relevant closer to the moment when school graduates begin to prepare for admission to higher educational institutions. Take advantage of the Internet. Start small and then expand - there is a chance that you will end up with your own author's school of foreign languages.


If you know how and love to cook, then you should use it not only to eat yourself, but also to feed others. Naturally, for money. This does not mean that you need to rent a huge area and arrange a restaurant with a hundred seats. Three or four tables are enough to get you started. Some do not make seats at all, selling takeaway food, while others simply cook meals at home and then deliver them to customers at home (or they themselves come to pick up the order).

Making crafts

Another startup for those who can work with their hands, only this time in a more creative direction. If you know how to sew, knit, carve wood, then at any time you can start making money on it. There are enough resources on the Internet where people sell what they do with their own hands, while earning good money. Later, you can create your own online store and even promote your own brand.

Web development

In today's Internet-based society, website development is incredibly in demand, so if you have the ambition, you can start making money without investing a dime in it. All you need is knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are tens of millions of sites on the Internet, but the demand for their creation not only does not fall, but is constantly growing. So you can discover a new career path by graduating as a director of a large IT company.

Internet consultations

This startup might be a bit like the one that was about tutoring. Its difference lies in the fact that you do not need to invite clients home and do not need to go to their home to teach this or that subject. All you need is a program that allows you to make calls over the Web, such as, for example, Skype. As a result, you will be able to give lessons on any topic without leaving your home and without leaving your computer. At the same time, the opportunities are not limited to school subjects: you can give legal advice, teach how to do business, and even make astrological forecasts and predict the future of clients. As you can see, the possibilities for starting your own business with minimal investment are unlimited.

The reluctance to hunchback "on an uncle" is quite natural for every person, because it is always more convenient and profitable to be the owner of your own business and decide for yourself how to work and how much time to spend on this. There are a lot of ideas for a startup from scratch, which are worth getting to know better.

Startup ideas from scratch

  1. Development and promotion of your project on the Internet. To do this, it is not even necessary to create your own website or: you can sell goods through various social networks.
  2. Clothes sale. Here, much will depend on the amount of initial capital and the target audience. The prospect of selling clothes from China is very tempting. Prices in wholesale warehouses can be called symbolic, so this type of business is very profitable.
  3. The sale of food products is associated with a variety of problems and nuances, so this startup idea for a small business cannot be called the most promising, which cannot be said about the sale of gifts of nature grown on your own land. All kinds of greens, fruits, vegetables and berries in the season are sold out like hot cakes. By the way, the sale of the latter can be arranged in winter.
  4. Monument business. If there are no funds to rent a workshop, you can learn how to install them and offer your services along with minor repairs, fixing household appliances, etc.
  5. The startup’s business ideas also include the manufacture of all kinds of crafts at home: soap, hairpins, “brownies” from straw, clay jewelry, etc.
  6. You can take up secondary production processes, for example, recycle garbage, car tires, paper, etc.
  7. Today, professional photo shoots are very popular. Someone does them just for fun, but someone needs it when applying for a job in a modeling agency. Enough to buy a professional

A platform for learning to program in English, with 16 million registered users (!). In 2012, the creators of Codecademy announced the launch of the Russian-language version, but they never finalized it: only a few menu items and tasks were translated.

There are no video lectures on Codecademy. Each lesson consists of a short funny text and a small task. The student enters the resulting code in a special field and proceeds to the next module.

There are no educational projects similar to Codecademy in Russia. Creating its analogue is not an easy task, but the result will be worth it: in 2016, the company attracted $42.5 million in investments.

When a developer launches an English-language application, he knows exactly where to start promotion: on the site. It's an incredibly authoritative resource for finding apps and services: 100-200 votes on Product Hunt can bring in thousands of new users. In addition, Product Hunt is an important source of information for foreign media.

When a developer launches a Russian-language application, the issue of promotion remains open. The Product Hunt community is in English and is not interested in local projects. So why not open a similar platform for Russian-language services and applications?

We all made mistakes of varying severity on the Internet: photos of 18+ from parties, obscene comments on Facebook. How to find and hide all compromising evidence?

For example, with the help of - a tool for managing personal reputation on the Internet. The service helps you keep track of mentions of your name on the Web and shows you a step-by-step strategy to improve search results.

The problem is that the service does not track content in Russian and does not take into account search results in Yandex. If these gaps are closed, BrandYourself can be used to create a new useful product for Russian-speaking users.

This is Uber for hairdressers and makeup artists. Instead of calling salons or looking for a master on the Internet, US residents can now order makeup and styling at home through the application.

Investors of the famous Y Combinator believed in StyleBee, and the company received $1.2 million from them.

Women in Russia face the same problems when looking for hairdressers and makeup artists as American women. And we need the help of Russian developers.

5. Eden

Imagine that all computer masters from the ads near the entrance are collected on one site. They will not only fix your appliances, but they will also bring friends with them to clean the floor and paint the ceiling. This is exactly what Eden offers - a service for ordering technical support, cleaning and minor repairs to offices.

Eden is focused on offices and is based in San Francisco. But nothing prevents us from adapting such a service for apartments, retail premises, cottages or warehouses in any region of our country. Dare!

New business ideas are the engine of progress. But there are advantages to using the experience of other projects: someone definitely needs an existing product and you can find a monetization model for it. In addition, the team can focus on development, rather than thinking about the idea. After all, the main thing is not to brag about a new concept, but to create a product in demand and develop it in the direction that is interesting to users.