How to make your work unique. How to bypass anti-plagiarism: tips from professionals. reasons why you should not cheat anti-plagiarism

  • 18.09.2020

Details Created: 03/21/2017 11:01 Updated: 05/17/2019 20:30 Published: 03/21/2017 11:01

How to increase the uniqueness of the text for free in anti-plagiarism: tips and secrets

“Everything new is a well-forgotten old.” So it was, is and will be. All works of the world are mostly non-unique, repetitive. But evil teachers (or customers) force them to hand over their work with 100% result. For this, special anti-plagiarism checkers are used, which, fortunately, can be bypassed. But, you see, there is not always time or desire to retell someone else's thoughts, this will not benefit anyone. And on the Internet there are a lot of ways to increase the uniqueness of the text, and they will be discussed in the article.

In what cases it may be necessary to increase anti-plagiarism:

  • It is necessary to increase the uniqueness of the abstract;
  • It is necessary to increase the uniqueness of the coursework;
  • It is necessary to increase the originality of the diploma;
  • Increase the uniqueness of your own text for delivery to the customer;
  • Raise uniqueness in word documents in formats: docx, doc, rtf or pdf.

Of course, there are other options when you want to increase uniqueness, but these are the most basic ones.

The main programs for checking for anti-plagiarism and uniqueness

The most popular copywriting service in Runet. It has its own verification module, tougher than all the others, which notices rewriting quite strongly (we will talk about it a little later). The text is considered unique at 100% on this service.

Advego Plagiatus

The toughest program to find anti-plagiarism. It's pretty hard to get around. The program is downloaded to a computer and checks every sentence of the text on the Internet. Antivirus often swears at it. The uniqueness of the text is considered high with more than 90% anti-plagiarism. - a service that allows you to check for free

The main program for checking for anti-plagiarism in universities. It is on it that all term papers and dissertations will be checked. It has the ability to connect all scientific works from the library. Finds many similarities, and therefore a percentage greater than 70% is considered good.

Etxt - Anti-plagiarism

According to the principle of action, it is similar to Advego Plagiatus. However, it has a more improved interface and an extended set of functions that improve checks. The uniqueness of the text is considered high when it reaches 100%.

Ways to increase the originality of the text

To date, there are the following ways to increase the uniqueness of the text online:

    • Rewriting;
    • Special programs that increase anti-plagiarism;
    • specialized sites;
    • Own retelling of the work so that the file has a high percentage.

These are all methods so far, but in the future, most likely, there will be new ones.

Rewriting - as an effective method of increasing the originality of the text

For some, this is a form of making money on the Internet, while for others it is a great opportunity to increase the uniqueness of the text. The essence of this work is that the performer rewrites fragments of the text, replacing words with synonyms and similar in meaning. Of course, this service is not free. The price for one thousand characters averages 25-40 rubles, depending on the professionalism of the performer. You can find performers on the popular, Etxt and Advego exchanges in Runet.

+ Unique article, document;

+ Fully preserved meaning;

+ Pretty low pay.

- Payment is still there;

- Estimated lead time is 2 days.

Programs specializing in increasing the uniqueness of the text

There are options for both programs that allow you to increase the uniqueness of the text for free, and paid versions that work a little better. The essence of these programs is to replace words with synonyms, add words to sentences, replace Russian characters with English ones, thereby trying to increase the percentage of document originality. All this affects the increase and increases originality, however, some programs notice the substitution of letters. When downloading such programs, you need to be as careful as possible, you can quite easily catch a virus.

However, their job is to use special online algorithms that are easily found by anti-plagiarism and cannot be deceived. Therefore, it is impossible to increase the uniqueness of the text online; their use is best suited for weak anti-plagiarists, and not such powerful sharks of this business as presented above.

The two most common anti-plagiarism programs are:

Antiplagiat Killer

Pros and cons of this option to increase anti-plagiarism:

+ The cheapest option of all;

+ Speed ​​of work, everything happens online;

- Their work is easily found by anti-plagiarists;

- There is a possibility to pick up viruses

Sites that will help increase originality

There are also sites on the Internet that specialize in increasing the uniqueness of text online. There are a sufficient number of such sites, make sure that it is not created by scammers. Usually they take money and don't do the work. Use only proven services and understand how to increase uniqueness.

There are usually two algorithms for the operation of sites:

      • The use of programs that increase text originality;
      • Rewrite.

The programs of such sites are different from those that are in the public domain. They use their own, special algorithms in programs that the checker cannot usually find, and they can easily help increase originality.

Sites that use rewriting are somewhat similar to exchanges. They usually have their own staff of rewriters who rewrite the uniqueness of the text and can increase the originality by 100%.

The most popular and reliable online service which will help:

Of course, you can find a bunch of other services that increase originality in the search engine, but this time-tested and user-tested one can check the work on it and immediately send it to increase uniqueness, if necessary. Often scammers earn easy money on naive people. Don't fall for tricks.

These sites provide an opportunity to increase the uniqueness of the text online for free, but only for the first time trial. Usually the first use is limited to 2000 characters. Then you have to pay money. Approximate price - 150 rubles. for the document. In addition, large sites quickly fulfill orders, maximum - in a day. This can be handy when you are pressed for time.

Pros and cons of this method:

+ High originality;

+ Speed ​​of work;

- Not for free;

- It is possible to stumble upon scammers.

Self-improvement originality

Usually teachers want you to increase the originality of the text yourself, remake several sources. This should help the assimilation of the material, expand your knowledge, etc. Well, if you have free time, you can do it yourself. So you will acquire knowledge, do not spend money and, perhaps, enjoy your work. And the tips below will help you increase originality.

Shingle's rule

Are you ready to receive unique text in 30 minutes?

Obviously, the student must study independently and honestly, especially when it comes to the creative component of the educational process: writing term papers and theses. With the ubiquity of the Internet, millions of ready-made reports, abstracts and other educational works have become available to students. As a result, the motivation to write them on your own has dropped sharply. The logical result was the development and implementation of control technologies in universities originality of texts. Today, most Russian universities are connected to the service, which allows you to check the originality of academic work online. This system constantly scans student websites and libraries, which allows you to instantly detect non-unique fragments in texts uploaded to originality check, term papers and theses. It would seem that the idea is useful and does not carry anything negative in itself. Only objective realities demonstrate the rapid growth of the Runet, and with it the publication of all educational literature in open access: textbooks, lectures, monographs, etc. As a result, even if you write the work yourself according to the latest sources, you still get a very low percentage of text uniqueness.

How to raise originality? How to bypass anti-plagiarism? In recent years, the lion's share of modern students has taken care of this issue. Fortunately, special services have appeared on the network that allow raise the originality of the text online for a few minutes. An unpleasant aspect was only the price of such services. In most cases, the prices for raising uniqueness depend on the number of pages. A term paper of 30-40 pages costs already poor students a serious "penny". And if there is more than one such work, then the task of bypassing anti-plagiarism deals a significant blow to the entire family budget. However, the world is not without "greedy people" and thanks to this, the unique project "Magician" was born.

The "Magician" originality enhancement system is the first wholesale text uniqueization service where the price is fixed and does not depend on the number of pages (and even on the number of documents). The project was appreciated both by the students themselves and by numerous authors of educational works, who received incredible profitable terms to develop your business.

Details Created: 19/05/2018 12:17 Updated: 07/05/2019 16:22 Published: 19/05/2018 12:17

How to increase the originality of the diploma text in anti-plagiarism?

There are not many authors in the world who are capable of clean slate write an interesting and useful article without referring in your text to thoughts or considerations from other works. The texts of the vast majority of copywriters are prepared using ideas gleaned from the work of other authors. Everyone who writes reviews for websites in 2018 or helps students write term papers and dissertations has their own tricks and secrets for independently achieving the required level of originality. In this article, we will talk about some ways to make almost any article pass the anti-plagiarism test with honor.

Where to check the uniqueness of an article

If you are writing a diploma or coursework, then it is best for you to use the service recommended by the university to control the uniqueness of your work. For everyone else modern internet offers anti-plagiarists - a lot of sites and software products created specifically for this purpose. The range of options is quite wide, the market includes paid and free programs, online services and standalone software. It is enough to type the corresponding request in the Yandex line, and the search engine will easily find hundreds of web sites with anti-plagiarism services.

Despite the different interfaces and conditions of use, all these projects work in almost the same way. You enter the material to be checked into a special form on the site and, after some time, during which the program is considered unique, you will find out the level of novelty. The program reports the percentage of uniqueness of the tested essay, indicates which passages of it are not original, and reports where in global network identical verbal constructions were found and how many matches were found.

After the check is completed, the writer faces the age-old Russian question “What to do?” to enhance originality. And a lot can be done.

Synonyms - area of ​​special attention

The first way to unify finished article, which comes to the mind of everyone who attended literature classes in school, is to replace words with their synonyms. Our “great and mighty” Russian language is famous precisely for the fact that almost every word in it has from two to five lexical units of a similar meaning. But do not think that it is enough to buy a dictionary of synonyms (or download it electronic variant), and it's in the hat.

What is the problem? Firstly, it may happen that after replacing some words with others with a similar meaning, the increase in uniqueness will not appear, and, secondly, sometimes the synonym word has a slightly different meaning, and as a result of its use, the semantic shade of the whole story will change.

Not a unique piece? Erase and forget.

An even less labor-intensive method to achieve the required originality of the material is simply to remove sentences and phrases from the text that the verification system recognized as plagiarism. The algorithm of work is simple and clear. We check what was written, and with an iron hand we delete everything that coincided with other people's works.

A great way for those who have the text "above the roof" written. Otherwise, there is a risk that there will be nothing left at all.

Retell in your own words

The next method we all, without realizing it, mastered back in school. Remember how you wrote presentations in class, retelling the classics in your own words. In order to correct an article that has not passed the anti-plagiarism check, you will have to remember the forgotten skills. Re-read your opus again and try to achieve the desired result by applying the technique of increasing originality through retelling or paraphrasing. Here are some features of the Russian language to help you. Rearrange the words, keeping the meaning of the sentence, change the passive voice to active and vice versa, ask questions, put forward hypotheses, expand enumerations.

Dilute but do not mix

Dilution technique - not less effective method independently increase the percentage of uniqueness of the text. She works like this. Having completed the plagiarism control, and having seen which passages of the text lack uniqueness, we begin to work with them. We carefully read the phrases and try to dilute them with additional words. Use adjectives that describe or qualify subjects and objects. Specify the described actions, describe appearance hero by adding adverbs to verbs. Expand the scope of the phrase by creating a complex sentence, introducing into it the circumstances of place, time, manner of action. In order to add uniqueness and reduce the percentage of matches with other people's publications, add introductory words do not skimp on epithets. By supplementing ready-made statements with new words, you change lexical constructions. And now, comparing new phrases with text fragments from other sources, anti-plagiarism will be forced to recognize your work as completely new and unique.

Change structure

A good way to increase the percentage of originality of a written document is to change its structure. To do this, it is not enough just to rearrange paragraphs and paragraphs. It is much better to completely change the breakdown of the material into semantic fragments. Make new headings. Increase or decrease the number constituent parts of his essay. Arrange listings. Change the order of the objects in the enums.

Insert text as an image

This method is especially good at helping to cope with the task of raising uniqueness in course projects. Each student's work must contain passages with descriptions of common places, common truths, introductory phrases, explanations for setting the problem - everything that thousands of students have already written many times before you. You can't do without it. But these paragraphs will definitely not serve to the benefit of the percentage of originality in your work. But there is a way out. It is necessary to write this obviously non-unique text in the form of a graphic file and insert it into the finished work in the image format. Then the teacher will be able to read your work, and from the point of view of the computer, another drawing will appear in the document, that is, a fragment that cannot be checked for uniqueness.

Who can help bypass anti-plagiarism

Today, the network has a lot of services specializing in checking the uniqueness of texts. Let's look at just a few of them:

Advego-plagiarism. A program that needs to be downloaded and installed on a computer. Has several levels of research. For the most accurate result, stop at a deep check, it will give the most honest assessment of the novelty of your work.

Etxt- Another downloadable program for installation on a computer. The good thing is that it offers a “batch” mode for checking the level of originality, examining several documents at once or even an entire site.

Antiplagiat-en a special site designed for online control of the originality of printed materials. Initially, the antiplagiatru portal was created to check student work. It is almost perfect for this purpose. It is not recommended for copywriters writing articles for web pages, as it is "sharpened" for interacting with a database of student papers.

content watch– a uniqueness check web project. In the process of working through the Internet, he finds articles published on the network, which include fragments of the work being checked. The report shows how new text differs from known works, highlights borrowings and tells where they were found.

Text - ru. Integrated into the content exchange, this plagiarism checker software not only searches the World Wide Web for exact word combinations, but also recognizes word-swap phrases and reverse-phrase articles. Its algorithms, trained to identify cognates, cannot be fooled by primitive grammar tools such as changing case endings, adding a diminutive suffix, or changing tenses.

Word macros to bypass anti-plagiarism

The use of Word macros can be a useful find for students whose educational institutions require that they submit their academic papers in the format Microsoft Word. For copywriters writing articles for web resources, this method is categorically not suitable. You can find the macros you need online. It also says how to use them correctly. Anyone who knows how to work in the Visual Basic programming environment can write the necessary codes himself. The general idea of ​​macros is to add a large percentage of original text to a non-unique document, which, being visible to a computer, increases the novelty of the material, but is invisible to humans. As a result, the professor reads the term paper, whose content was completely written off from someone else's work, and the anti-plagiarism checker, in addition to the chapters qualifying work, sees a lot of unique text. Since the program will analyze the entire summary text of the submitted material, it will show a rather high percentage of originality in the report.

Help Services

In the previous paragraphs, we have described in some detail the ways in which you can independently raise the originality of the text. And what about those who are not sure about the depth of their own knowledge of the Russian language or are not ready to waste time and nerves on an unequal battle with inexorable cheating control systems? For such authors, there is also a solution - to seek help from special services that offer services to increase the percentage of uniqueness of a thesis, course project or master's thesis.


So, we met with several the right way uniqueizations suitable for both student work and web journalists. Undoubtedly, the surest way to get 100% original material is to write its text absolutely independently, using the author's own language constructions, vocabulary and style, while relying only on his own ideas. However, this method requires a lot of time and deep learning material. Unfortunately, students and copywriters simply don’t have time for this.

Use the tactical schemes proposed by us to raise uniqueness on your own, and you will definitely succeed and be able to reduce plagiarism. Time after time you will get better and better.

And if there is no time for training, or there is no desire to do it more or less seriously, you can always order a service to improve uniqueness indicators by specially trained people.

Are you ready to get a unique text in 30 minutes?

Every year, the need to improve increases more and more noticeably. Most of the time, it is the students who suffer the most. The reason for the low plagiarism of students is the use of Internet sources when writing diploma or term papers.

How does this happen? For completely different reasons, students turn to the Internet. In their opinion, everything can be taken from the Internet. This is far from true. The Internet is a worldwide system based on The World Wide Web. Every year there are more and more Internet users, their number is estimated in billions. Accordingly, the number of uploaded works in the verification systems also increases. Thus, it becomes clear, no matter what material the student decides to use when writing, his work will not have high level originality during the anti-plagiarism check. If a student or a student used the World Wide Web in the future, he will not be able to bypass anti-plagiarism without the help of teachers and company specialists. Student writing a thesis or coursework using the Internet, as a result, it will have an originality percentage of no more than 35-40%. Of course, it is cheaper than buying a work or making it to order. After writing, you can spend the budget to increase originality for Antiplagiat Ru.

How to increase the level of originality in anti-plagiarism for free?

One of simple ways replace Russian letters with Latin ones. This is done very simply, in modern ways. You can use Yandex translator. Insert text into a line, select a language, use the copy-paste method, insert a sentence and do reverse translation. Until recently, such methods were a great success, until specialists and programmers of the system discovered it. Another already more complex and reliable way is rewriting. With it, you can increase the originality of the text in anti-plagiarism on your own. Rewriting - rewriting the text, diploma, term paper or any other work to complete originality. The method works and allows you to increase the originality of the thesis. For this method, you need to know certain rewriting rules, they accumulate over time, so you can’t do without a specialist. An even more reliable way is to write a term paper or thesis without textbooks, literature and other paraphernalia. The only thing you can use is notebooks with your own notes or notes, so you can increase the originality of the course work up to 70-75%. There are practically no students who use such methods of work. It is difficult to write in your own words more than 25 pages of text.

How does the anti-plagiarism system work? RU? was created by Russian programmers to facilitate, simplify and quickly check theses, term papers, dissertations, texts, and scientific papers. It's pretty easy to use. The system takes the text in separate sections or pieces, punches them one by one in the search databases, so it sees matches. For example, a separate section of the text is taken: “For a long time, people have thought about the mystery of the language and the mystery of its origin. How many unique linguistic legends, amazing tales, bold scientific assumptions the history of mankind knows. The system shows matches of the given text with sources, analyzes the text.

To start checking the text, you must register in the system. Then go to the mail and follow the link to confirm registration. Next, you just need to load the text and the program itself will give the result after a short wait. After analyzing your work, it will immediately become clear whether you should increase the originality of or not. If the originality according to is low, it will also be possible to increase the originality of the work.

Each student uniqueizes the work in different ways, it all depends on the requirements of the university, the budget, the complexity of the text and, of course, the amount of plagiarism.

Managing originality is quite difficult. This takes time and effort. You should also know that today it is almost impossible to get a thesis and term paper with originality of 95-100 percent, since originality in general has long since fallen due to the use of commonly used words and expressions. Universities require approximately 80-90 percent. Even if the student writes the paper on their own, without using the World Wide Web or anyone else's help, the percentage of originality of the work will still be no more than 45 - 55%. To write a quality work, a student, in addition to textbooks, will need all the notes during the training, as well as magazines, newspapers, author's texts. It may be that even with such a serious approach, the work after verification may contain plagiarism. This is very frustrating since several weeks have been spent in the library.

The question suggests itself. How to increase the originality of the text in anti-plagiarism? To increase the originality of, you should only work with a specialist. Why? By raising the originality of a term paper or a thesis on your own, you can “break wood”. A student for such work is not yet experienced, he does not know all the little things and nuances. Increasing originality requires experience.

Of course, you can try to increase the originality of the text in anti-plagiarism for free on your own. It is worth trying if the student is confident in his abilities and he has time for this.

Now it is interesting to know how university professors reacted. How did the appearance of affect them? In the process of the emergence of the system, the teachers had a considerable responsibility for checking texts for plagiarism. Teachers and educators reacted in different ways. Teachers of the "old school", who taught students back in the Soviet and post-Soviet times, reacted negatively. After all, the old system provided, in addition to teaching students and students, their development for improvement. The student could develop his abilities and in the future be a specialist in his field or activity. Now the student is like a machine. If the student scored the required percentage, good. If it is the other way around, then you will have to spend time on increasing originality instead of preparing for defense.

Of course, teachers worry about each student and try to help them in every possible way. It is useless to fight students and teachers against and resist the system, it can simply be deceived. Deceive with the help of specialists of the company.

Our company has been working with the anti-plagiarism system for more than a year. All specialists have been verified by years of regular work, and have professional skills in adjusting texts for verification programs. Every day we are faced with an increase in Anti-plagiarism university and anti-plagiarism ru. Teachers know firsthand what questions and problems students have in the process of increasing the originality of their work. There are also young specialists in our team, they themselves only a couple of years ago defended their projects and just like you fought against the injustice of plagiarism. If your text is not original, we will improve online with great pleasure.

Specialists will always go to meet you if you have any difficulties or questions. Remember, we have been improving the originality of for many years. Turning to us, the work will be original in a short amount of time. When applying, be sure to include:
. terms;
. desired final result;
. methods of self-raising (if you tried to raise);
. ask all your questions.

We will help to increase the percentage of originality of the text online today.

So, today we have to learn how to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism on our own. This is especially useful for a variety of copywriters, rewriters and those who create and fill sites with information. After all, the entire text, according to the rules of publication, must be original, special. Approximately 90-95%. Otherwise, you may be accused of plagiarism. In addition, even students are forced to work on essays and term papers. And young people also have to look for an answer on how to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism on their own. Let's try to deal with this difficult matter.


What will be required to complete the task? For example, first you have to find out where you allegedly used repetition and plagiarism. This will help check the text for uniqueness. Usually resort to the services of free services. In some cases, you can download a separate document in, say, Word format. And somewhere you have to copy and paste what is written into a special window.

A free text uniqueness check can take from 2 minutes to an hour. Depending on the service you are using. For example, if you need to check the uniqueness, "" will help with this. Check time - 1 minute. But there are limitations here. For example, do not upload documents or insert texts that are too long.

Also popular is the text uniqueness service called "Advego Antiplagiarism". Free and convenient. You can upload individual small Word documents. If you take the task very seriously, then it will be enough to register on the service. It is here that the text is scanned in the best quality. You can upload large texts and documents of different formats. True, in some cases, the results will have to wait about a few hours. As shown by a very rare occurrence.


So, here we have tested the Anti-Plagiarism system online. Now we are given the results of originality. You can work on text. What should you start with? After all, there are quite a few options for the development of events. Everyone is able to choose something suitable for themselves, based on their capabilities.

The most popular technique is to replace repeated phrases with synonyms. Yes, for this you will have to try, replenish your vocabulary, and sometimes turn to specialized services. But this is what will help increase the percentage of uniqueness. In addition, if you are a schoolboy or student, then this technique also make you re-read the entire text. This, in turn, will help you remember the information.

When you're done, use any Text Uniqueness service to test your changes. Be prepared for the fact that occasionally the result will not be the best. Sometimes the changes made lower the percentage of originality. All this is because it is impossible to write already known information so that it is completely author's.

We wipe the right places

But that's not all, no need to despair. If you are wondering how to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism on your own, then it's time to re-read everything that is written in your document. And clean it up a bit.

It's about erasing words that constantly stand out as unoriginal. Just do it wisely. As practice shows, it is necessary to treat the task extremely painstakingly. And only in this case you will succeed. Erasing repeated words, as well as non-original phrases, can increase uniqueness. "" and other services for checking the text, most likely, will reduce plagiarism by several percent with the right approach to solving the issue.


Knowledge of the Russian language and speech culture will help you answer how to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism on your own. But how? For example, if you skillfully replace words with synonyms, then a little success is guaranteed. But in the case of paraphrasing some sentences, with a radical restructuring while maintaining the meaning, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

To be honest, this is far from the most fast option development of events. But for independent text editing, it is quite suitable. Then even "Anti-plagiarism online" will increase your uniqueness. If you try hard, you can see 100% originality in the graph. But as practice shows, this phenomenon rarely occurs. And often people are able to change the text themselves by paraphrasing up to 98-99% uniqueness. This is enough for copywriters, and for the creators of sites, and for schoolchildren, and for students.

The cons of the approach are nothing more than long time implementation, as well as huge labor intensity. Especially when it comes to a huge essay, term paper or diploma, a long article or story. Pluses - a guaranteed increase in originality, gaining knowledge about what you write, speech development.


The main problem of anti-plagiarism, say, among copywriters, is the so-called keywords, which cannot be simply taken and erased. Or replace, rephrase, decline. In this case, you need to learn such a technique as diluting the text with "water". Extra or useful information, related to the topic of the report, which will separate the keywords with more characters. This helps to increase the originality of the written. And even free check the uniqueness of the text will give good results after this kind of work.

In truth, it is extremely difficult to crank out an idea without experience. Therefore, if you are not confident in yourself or do not have enough time, do not proceed with the method. Better try something else. But with experience, or at least good knowledge topics, you can try to dilute sentences with repetitive words and phrases in order to increase the percentage of originality. Try it, practice - you will definitely succeed. Sooner or later. After all, it improves with practice.


Combining two passages into a single one is another sophisticated way that experienced copywriters can offer to their colleagues and schoolchildren to get the uniqueness of the work. It is clear that this task can be carried out only if you have at least two texts on the same subject, as well as a lot of time and experience working with editors.

This is a very responsible matter. In fact, you will be using a symbiosis of two passages that will have to be rewritten. But the result will please everyone and everyone. Checking the text for uniqueness will give you the maximum performance. Nevertheless, is there a way out for those users who do not know how to edit the uniqueness of documents at all?

Apps to help

Of course there is. Indeed, in the absence of it, many people would have to suffer. Help you in this matter, for example, a program for the uniqueness of the text. There are different variations and names of it, but the meaning remains the same - load the document, then check it, select the parameters for changing, and then get the result.

The main problem with this content is the so-called "crooked" fixes, as well as the requirement to pay for the use. Many try to avoid this kind of proposals. After all, errors in the text are not an indicator of originality and typing skills on the keyboard. Perhaps, for an educated person, this consequence will be a huge shame.

Help Services

How to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism on your own? It would be nice to resort to a little trick - ordering editing online. A popular service in this task is "Antiplagiarism Express". For a fee, within 4 minutes you can get a text that will be unique. It will be from 85 to 100%. This is enough to pass an essay or thesis at the university, as well as if you work as a copywriter.

The algorithm of actions on "Antiplagiarism Express" is extremely simple - study the rates, upload the text, pay for its editing and wait for the results. If you have a small document (up to 36 pages), then 1 A4 sheet will cost 15 rubles, up to 75 pages - 13, up to 120 - 11 rubles. And above that - only 9 for editing one sheet of text. True, many doubt that the service is guaranteed to solve the task assigned to you. Therefore, it is better to work on the text yourself. Only such an approach can provide the highest uniqueness.


It is time to draw the final line of the conversation. We learned how to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism on our own. To be honest, this is quite a difficult task. Especially if you have no experience in text editing.

However, you can always deal with it. And the main thing here is practice. Set aside time to practice and then take action. Increasing the uniqueness under the order should be only in extreme cases. And contact only proven services. Checking the text for uniqueness and increasing originality is not such a cheap service when it comes to full-fledged abstracts.