Program for checking work for anti-plagiarism. Free and paid online check in Services where you can check the file for uniqueness

  • 10.04.2020
    • Check uniqueness
    • Choose a bypass method
    • Save the finished version
    • Deep text processing
    • Using synonymizers
    • Using the shingle rule
    • Using Word Macros

The question "how to cheat anti-plagiarism" is perhaps the most frequently asked on the Internet. As you might guess, information about ways to bypass the check for uniqueness is primarily of concern to authors (copywriters, rewriters), as well as students whose diploma and term papers have been checked for several years using various plagiarism detection services.

In those already forgotten times, when the Internet worked only on cards, the problem of plagiarism was not so acute, but over the past 10-15 years, the issue, as they say, has risen sharply. With students, everything is more or less clear: it is much easier to adapt someone else's thesis found on the net for yourself than to write it from scratch, developing diagrams, drawings and an explanatory note yourself.

But why are content authors also interested in ways to pass anti-plagiarism checks? Yes, because you often have to write about things that have already been written about many times before. And how, in this case, to increase the uniqueness of the text, if we are talking about, say, scientific developments in some specific area or specific individuals?

In this article, we will try to consider ways to increase the uniqueness of the text that have appeared or have not lost their relevance in 2019.

Sequence of actions for unique text

Select a service to check the uniqueness of the text

It should be understood that choosing a deliberately low-functional service for checking text for plagiarism is at least stupid - after all, after submitting the work, in 99% of cases we will be checked by a paid program with wide functionality, which means that we should initially use the most powerful resource possible.

Check uniqueness

After copying the text to be checked into the workspace of the program or resource, we run a check for uniqueness and wait for the information to be processed. It's strange, but different services show uniqueness in different ways - for example, the uniqueness of the same text can be rated at 95% in Advego Plagiatus, and on get a "pathetic" 60%.

What is the reason for such a scatter in the results?

different work algorithms. For example, Advego Plagiatus can work according to the shingle rule (“a sequence of words extracted from the text”; we will consider them in more detail in one of the following paragraphs), and can evaluate the text as a whole, according to the most advanced methods.

Keep the original

So, we checked the text for uniqueness, and the result of the check did not suit us (too low a percentage).

In such a case, we must first of all make a backup copy of our text in order to return to it in case the revision of the original turns out to be excessive and irreversible.

Choose a bypass method

After the backup copy is created, we return to the original and determine which way to bypass anti-plagiarism is best applied for our particular case (we will talk more about ways to bypass anti-plagiarism in the corresponding paragraph).

We make uniqueness 5-10% higher than required, since the paid version underestimates the value

Having decided on the bypass method, we process the text using the chosen method, taking uniqueness as a guideline, 5-10% higher than required. The fact is that paid plagiarism checking services, as a rule, underestimate the value of uniqueness by about this amount due to “advanced” search tools.

Save the finished version

When the goal is achieved, we save the finished version, send it to the customer and wait for approval.

Now that the sequence of actions has been determined, let's take a closer look at 14 working methods for bypassing anti-plagiarism.

14 Working Techniques for Uniqueizing Text

Deep text processing

The most honest way to uniqueize text. Does the uniqueness service consider uniqueness low? Reworking the text to minimize overlap with other similar articles posted online.

Retelling the text in your own words

Another completely honest way to uniqueize text. We read someone else's article and try to retell it in our own words, omitting details that are unnecessary in our opinion and highlighting the main theses. The effectiveness of the method in this case is limited by the vocabulary of the author and his ability to process information.

Use of synonyms use of epithets

Synonyms allow you to avoid the repetition of words, but the order of words in a sentence does not change from such a replacement. Therefore, it is recommended to use not only synonyms, but also various epithets - they allow you to diversify the source text, make it more vivid. But do not overdo it - after all, we do not write fiction, but articles.

As for tables and formulas, in the original, textual format, they will be regarded by uniqueness check services as duplicates from other resources, while anti-plaiator programs cannot recognize the text in the picture.

Using synonymizers

This method is identical to the previous one, but it is only suitable if we need to increase the uniqueness by a small amount - for example, the same notorious 5-10% margin for successfully passing the test on the customer's paid utility.

Adding automatic hyphens

Adding automatic hyphenation in the text also allows you to add uniqueness to the text, however, very slightly.

Using the shingle rule

A single is a sequence of words selected from the text (usually three or four, although options are possible). Many uniqueness checkers are based on the shingle rule. At the same time, it should be taken into account that each subsequent shingle “captures” a word from the previous one, forming a kind of “chain” of “link” phrases.

To use this method "against" the creators of plagiarism checkers, we must replace the first and last words in each bundle with synonyms. Such actions can still significantly increase the level of uniqueness of our text, despite the fact that in the latest versions of plagiarism checkers, developers have significantly complicated the way the text is evaluated.

Translation of text from sources in another language

Anti-plagiarism services, as a rule, look for matches in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, therefore, to increase the uniqueness of the text, we can use translated fragments from foreign resources.

Use of materials not indexed in search engines

When working, anti-plagiarists use search engines to find sentences and phrases copied from other resources. It is logical to assume that those sites that are not indexed in search engines can be reproduced in their texts without the risk of being caught in plagiarism. Another thing is that you can only find valuable information that was not indexed by search engines on closed forums ... where you will either not be allowed in initially, or they will stop letting you in after you publish classified information in your article.

Using Word Macros

If you want to know how to cheat anti-plagiarism using macros Microsoft Word We recommend watching the following video:

Replacing Russian letters with Greek

Modern plagiarism search systems have learned to find the letters of the Latin alphabet, but the developers have not yet reached the Greek. The logic is simple: if you replace some letters in words that are interpreted by the program as plagiarism, the percentage of uniqueness will increase. Although it should be borne in mind that the developers also do not stand still, and it is quite possible that the next time you try to increase the uniqueness in this way, the anti-plagiarism services will already adapt to such a “trick” and recognize the deception.

Replacing frequently repeated words

The more often specific words or phrases are repeated, the lower the percentage of uniqueness of the text will be. Avoid repetition, do not forget about synonyms and pronouns.

Method for Visual Basic Programmers

Using the Visual Basic software environment, you can create macros yourself (similar to the method described in the video, you can replace the letters of the document with Greek throughout the document)

Reworking the sentence from the end

This, of course, is not about any sentences, but about complex ones, in which the second part is subordinate to the first. If you can correctly swap them, then the uniqueness of your text will increase a little. Of course, you should not do this if it completely or partially loses the meaning of the paragraph: what is the use of uniqueness if the text becomes unreadable?

The use of the word "directly" and other

There is an opinion that the use of additional adverbs (in particular, the word "directly", which can be directly used in almost any sentence) allows you to significantly diversify the text and, accordingly, increase its uniqueness. However, adverbs should be inserted no more than 2-3 times per 1000 characters, otherwise customers will probably accuse you of an excess of “water”.

On this story about ways to increase the uniqueness of the text, we will finish and talk about methods that are only considered effective, but in fact will not help you in the difficult task of deceiving anti-plagiarism.

Ways that will NOT help to uniqueize text

Rearranging words and phrases

If you try to fool anti-plagiarism by simply rearranging a phrase from the beginning of a sentence to the end, you will not achieve an increase in the uniqueness of the text. The Russian language is certainly flexible and not as strict in the construction of sentences as the same English, but the developers of resources for checking uniqueness have long adapted to this.

Rearranging sentences and paragraphs

Everything is more transparent here: it doesn’t matter to the program which sentence comes first and which comes second, the main thing is that inside the sentence all the “bundles” remain in their original places.

With paragraphs, it’s not worth trying - just waste your time.

Latin letters instead of Russian

As mentioned above, the developers of anti-plagiarism services learned to detect Latin letters in Russian texts a long time ago - by banal spell checking, followed by autocorrect and repeated “run”.

Breaking or gluing sentences

It doesn’t matter at all whether you operate with simple sentences or compound ones consisting of these simple ones. A comma instead of a period, or a period that appeared where a comma was in the original, unfortunately, will not increase the uniqueness of the text.

Replacing dots with commas and vice versa, dots instead of spaces, and so on

An attempt to confuse the uniqueness checker with punctuation marks, again, will not lead to anything.

And the customer, presumably, will not be delighted when he finds dots instead of spaces in the text: if you are lucky, you will be asked to simply eliminate this defect, if not, they will permanently refuse your services.

Filling the background of text with white

Recoloring text in white is another idea that is immediately doomed to failure, because when pasted into the workspace of an anti-plagiarism program, all text will lose its original formatting - and the same will happen with your employer, especially if he also prefers to check the text by " copy-paste".

Hidden text out of view

Similar to the previous paragraph - all hidden text will definitely come out at the first detailed check.

Using programs to increase uniqueness

If there is demand, there will be supply. Apparently, the creators of various programs that supposedly "increase the uniqueness of the text" were guided by this simple law of the market. In fact, this is at best a useless trinket, at worst a Trojan for which you will also pay your hard-earned money.

To be fully equipped, it is not enough just to read our telegram channel. Although the information there is really useful and will help you write any paper without difficulty.

But what to do if you don’t want to write, but simply take ready-made information from somewhere and pass it off as your own?

Today, every teacher uses the Internet to search for "malicious violators" - those who completed the task (abstract, control, term paper) not on their own, but downloaded it from the Internet. Most often, the Antiplagiarism University program is used for this.

What is anti-plagiarism? This is a short report which allows you to quickly determine the authenticity and will show a sample text taken from other works.

Many universities have their own database of academic papers or they use an extended version of the program. All this makes the preparation process more difficult.

How do students write term papers, diploma dissertations, when these works usually consist of 70% borrowings (terms, quotes, theorems, formulas, etc.)?

Let's be honest: if you write the work completely on your own, then the percentage of uniqueness will be high. But such work takes a lot of time and effort, so students go to the trick and “copy-paste”.

It is better not to use the methods listed below to increase the uniqueness of the text! We only give examples of how others cope with this task. We strongly recommend that you manually process all the information.

Relevance and uniqueness of the work: how to bypass anti-plagiarism?

The more popular the topic, the harder it is to write unique work. Most of the works consist of what has already been written before: quotations, terms, formulas, etc. The student adds only his own point of view and the conclusions that he came to during the implementation.

There is a point of view that on all possible topics everything has already been written more or less important works. We just have to take old work and customize it for you

You can choose a modern and relevant topic of work. But in this case, it is often not clear where to get quality information for a term paper or essay. Yes, and teachers do not always keep up with the rapidly developing world and cannot verify the correctness of the calculations and results.

With old and standard themes, everything is somehow more proven, calmer. Find desired material much easier, but it will be more difficult to “pull out” the uniqueness of such work.

There is another reason that can turn anti-plagiarism into a real nightmare: inadequate or very strict requirements of the teacher. If when writing a term paper or a diploma, 70-80% of the uniqueness of the text is often enough, then sometimes especially harmful teachers can raise the bar to 90%.

6 stages of text uniqueization

Before you increase the uniqueness of the abstract or any other work, you have to perform a simple algorithm of actions. Through these steps, you can avoid the insidious traps of the teacher.

  1. Choosing a uniqueness check service. Try to choose a popular and maximally strict service with extensive functionality. At the university, your work will be checked by serious paid programs. And choosing a resource that is known to be powerful will help avoid problems with uniqueness. The following services for checking text for anti-plagiarism are considered especially strict among students: ETXT, Advego Plagiatus,, Findcopy and Antiplagiat resources .
  2. Uniqueness check. Using a special program or service, start checking the text for uniqueness. It is interesting that different programs / services can show different percentages of text uniqueness (for example, in the program Advego Plagiatus - 95%, and in ETXT - 60%). The trick is in different work algorithms. So, some programs work according to the shingle method (a certain number of consecutive words), others - by evaluating the entire text.
  3. Keeping the original version. Be sure to make a backup copy of the initial text, even if it has a low percentage of uniqueness. This way you can always return to the beginning if the already processed text seems oversaturated, meaningless and unrecoverable.
  4. Choosing a way to bypass anti-plagiarism. Immediately after creating a backup, choose the best method to bypass the uniqueness check system. There will be many of them, and we will discuss them in more detail later in the article.
  5. We increase the final uniqueness by 5-10% more than necessary. The fact is that university or any other paid programs that a teacher can use work with advanced tools. As a result, they almost always greatly underestimate the percentage of uniqueness.
  6. Preservation finished version . Once the work is done, bring it in for review! It's time to find out how you coped with the task.

So, we have determined an approximate sequence of actions to increase the uniqueness of the text. It's time to consider the current methods of how to pass the anti-plagiarism of a diploma, term paper, essay or other work in 2018-2019 for free (advice is collected from experienced professionals and knowledgeable students from the open spaces world wide web).

13 ways to bypass the anti-plagiarism system and increase the originality of a diploma / term paper / abstract for free

Let's dwell on the most popular and proven free ways to bypass the anti-plagiarism system in 2018-2019.

Deep rewriting

The most honest and proven way to cheat the anti-plagiarism system (university or another) and increase the originality of the text yourself is to write the same thing, but in different words. This is deep rewriting. At least the reviews about this method are the best, even among teachers. Yes, and a deception of the system, for that matter, this method cannot be called.

You just take non-unique pieces of text that the service considers plagiarism and rewrite them, rewriting the same thought in your own words. Try to omit unnecessary details, highlight the theses and main thoughts.

Adding synonyms and epithets

Try to replace frequently used words with similar concepts. This does not necessarily change the order of the words in the sentence.

Epithets also help transform the original text, making it colorful and vibrant. But for dry scientific work such an approach is unlikely.

It will be much more difficult to deal with tables and formulas. Here, no epithets and synonyms will help.

Let's tell you a secret: insert tables and formulas into your work as pictures (take screenshots, for example).

If this is not done, the verification services will regard the information in the tables as duplicates from other resources. But they have not yet learned to recognize the text in the picture.


So, find a suitable program on the World Wide Web, enter a piece of text and get a processed piece, which will raise its uniqueness by the treasured few percent!

Using automatic hyphenation

This method will help to raise the originality of the text only to a small extent. But this is a good technique if you only need to “submarine” a term paper or a diploma.

So, in an MS WORD document, set automatic word wrap. How to do this, see the picture below:

How it helps to bypass the program « Anti-plagiarism university » on one's own? The fact is that when copying such text to other services, some of the words are cut off, as it were, which allows the program to perceive them as unique.

shingle method

A single is a certain number of words in a certain sequence in a text. Most uniqueness checkers work on the basis of the shingles method.

By changing one word from this chain, you change the percentage of originality of the text.

Remember that each subsequent word can start a new shingle or be part of the previous one. Thus, peculiar chains of phrases are formed.

If the program shows that a whole paragraph is not unique, try changing every 2-3 words. So you will change almost all shingles, significantly increasing the uniqueness.

There is also a version that in order to increase originality, it is enough to change every first and last word of the shingle. But it won't always be easy, as it's often unclear where it starts and ends.

Translation of text into other languages ​​and vice versa

When a text is translated into another language, its structure changes. And when reverse translation from a foreign, the new structure is preserved. In addition, automatic translators often replace the original words of a text with synonyms.

As a worthy alternative, try to find a source of information on foreign sites, since most anti-plagiarism services are looking for matches in the Russian-speaking space.

Replacing Russian letters with Greek

Many modernized verification systems see replacements in Latin letters and bypass them. Although with old systems this trick can work.

But they have not yet “grown up” to the Greek language. Some craftsmen replace individual letters in the Russian text with similar letters of the Greek alphabet.

Changing frequently repeated words

The same words can often appear in the text. Just replace them with synonyms, phrases, pronouns, and other words that make sense. This will increase your originality.

Changing a sentence from the end

These are complex and complex sentences. It is enough to correctly swap the two parts in places, as the uniqueness of the document automatically increases.

For example, the word "directly" can be used in almost any sentence, since it will certainly fit in the meaning of at least some word.

In the vocabulary of an active reader, there are sure to be a dozen such words that can be alternated and used throughout the text. But don't overdo it! Excess water in the text will not play into the hands of the check. Text overloaded with words conveys the main idea less effectively. If there are no thoughts, pour water.

Help from outside

If you have a good friend, you can trust him to finalize your text. Let him retell the work in his own words, and you will rewrite.

By the way! If there are no acquaintances, you can contact a special student service, where for a purely symbolic amount they will increase the uniqueness or even create a job from scratch. In addition, for all our readers there is now a 10% discount on any type of work.

Little trick: if you don’t want to bother with increasing the uniqueness of the text, but you need to hand in the work, take it to the teacher not in in electronic format, but printed. It is unlikely that he will have the patience and strength to scan, recognize text and then correct errors in order to identify plagiarism .

Want to surprise him even more? Write your work by hand. Of course, this method is more suitable for preparing an abstract, and not such a voluminous work as a thesis or term paper. Otherwise, you risk being left without a hand. The leader will obviously be shocked, but there will be less nitpicking. Even if he is sure that the content is copied, the student at least made an effort to read and then rewrite the text. So there must be something stuck in his head.

Text uniqueization methods that don't work

Do not use old ways to bypass anti-plagiarism to increase uniqueness, such as:

  • replacing Cyrillic letters with Latin letters;
  • inserting a large number of introductory words, epithets;
  • synonymizing a large segment or the entire text.

Smart programs have long been able to determine where in the text there is an inappropriate Latin letter. This is done by running the information through a spell checker.

Epithets and introductory words are not suitable for highly specialized and scientific texts.

Synonymizing large sections of text is a great way to both laugh yourself and make the teacher laugh.

Do not use the following methods:

  1. Rearrangement of the members of the proposal in places. You can’t deceive the program this way: the developers have long set up tools to search for rearranged words.
  2. Rearranging paragraphs or sentences. The same works for repositioning sentences and paragraphs. Think about shingles, repeating consecutive words, etc. The program is not interested in the sequence of sentences, but in their content.
  3. Gluing or splitting offers. Some try to artificially combine separate sentences or break a complex sentence into simple ones. We say right away: it will not work!
  4. Change punctuation marks. Commas, periods, dashes, colons - the program does not care what punctuation marks are in the text. It only counts words.
  5. Change the text background. Some "craftsmen" supplement the main text with various nonsense, which they then simply paint over with white (they change the font color, so the text is not visible). This attempt is immediately doomed to failure, since when copying and pasting all the text into the area for checking for anti-plagiarism, all text is displayed, even invisible. And if the teacher sees this trick, someone will not be in trouble.
  6. The use of programs to increase the uniqueness of the text. On the network you can find a lot of services to change the uniqueness of the text. But let's say right away: they are all based on the principles that are listed in the paragraph “Methods for uniqueizing text that DO NOT WORK”. And using their help, you run the risk of getting all the forbidden tricks in your text at once, which will certainly be detected.

3 reasons why you shouldn't cheat on anti-plagiarism

There are several reasons why it is better to really work on a term paper or diploma, and not look for reliable ways to bypass anti-plagiarism and increase the originality of the text yourself:

  • you run the risk of getting caught and failing;
  • you risk getting caught and being sent back for rework;
  • you run the risk of falling into an outdated program.

In the first case, the teacher will simply send you home and will no longer want to deal with you. Not everyone has the patience and strength to forgive someone who tried to deceive.

In the second case, the teacher will have the strength and wisdom to forgive you, but he will send you to finish the work in a human way. That is, in fact, you will lose the time that was spent on processing the text and increasing the uniqueness. That being said, you still need to go and do what you've worked so hard to avoid. A damaged reputation will now always haunt.

In the third case, it is likely to use an antediluvian version of the program, while the teacher will have a full set of modernized tools for « capture of criminals » .

Remember: programs and services are getting smarter every day. What you used a week ago may not work today.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! Many of you, of course, know what is plagiarism Plagiarism is the deliberate use and appropriation of the authorship of someone else's work of art or science, inventions or ideas. Plagiarism violates copyright, thereby entailing legal liability. More often, plagiarism occurs in the publication of other people's works and ideas under one's own name. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prove plagiarism in Russia. which, unfortunately, is very often found in our Everyday life. In this article I want to talk about useful programs with which it is possible to check text for uniqueness .

For any Web master and author who writes articles on various themes, text plagiarism checker- essential tool. Accordingly, for advanced Web masters and authors, the material in this article will not be of interest. Who should first of all know about the existence of such programs and why they are needed:

Users who decide to create their own website to make money on the Internet or just for fun. And they began to proudly call themselves novice Web masters from the moment when they came up with the idea of ​​creating their own free site.

Users who want the writing of texts to bring good earnings. Such users are called novice authors.

So content and unique text Unique text is text that has no analogues in other sources., which is hosted on any Internet resource, serves as the main content Content - any information that is located on an Internet resource (for example, a website) that can be copied or downloaded to a computer, usually for personal use. It can be: Texts, graphics, multimedia, files of various formats. And the quality of the content directly affects the promotion of the site in search engines. To put it in simple terms, if, for example, you copy text from any site and paste it on your site, then search engines will never show this copied material at the request of users. For such “impudent” plagiarism, search engines can generally put your site under a filter and no one will visit your resource for a long time. A novice Web master needs to know about this. And for novice authors who want to make money writing and selling their articles, text uniqueness checker will be the best assistant and the main tool in creating a unique author's text.

As a rule, all programs with which you can check text for plagiarism, very simple and easy to use. The only difference between them is the quality and speed of checking texts. Let's take a look at some of the public Free plagiarism checkers.

Checking the text for uniqueness using the program Advego Plagiatus (Advego Plagiatus).

Among the authors and Web masters who work on the Advego content exchange, program Advego Plagiatus, which can check texts for uniqueness, perhaps the most popular. To download and install this free program on your computer, just go to the Advego content exchange. The program is very easy to use. It is enough to copy the text from any file and paste it into the main window of the program interface. Then, in the "Uniqueness Check" menu, select the "Deep Check" item (if this is important to you). The program will search the Internet for similar text and give you the result in the form of uniqueness percentages. Similar phrases and phrases found by the program will be marked in yellow, and the lower window will list the addresses of sites that contain similar text. To edit the text, just switch to "Text Editor" between the top and bottom window. As a rule, when editing the text, word combinations, word endings or replacement with synonyms are replaced. After editing, text uniqueness check repeats and this is done until the percentage of uniqueness suits you. And of course we don't forget check the spelling of the text .

As you can see in the screenshot, after checking the initial text about Advego Plagiatus, this program produced a uniqueness of 88%. This did not suit me, and after small changes and several checks, I stopped torturing the program for 99% uniqueness.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the developers of the Advego Plagiatus program are constantly trying to improve the application. And now out a new version Advego Plagiatus 1.3. with improved functionality and a unique opportunity to check the text for originality, which can be found in this note .

Anti-plagiarism program from the Etxt exchange.

Essentially, Etxt Anti-plagiarism program no different from Advego Plagiatus. The main difference is the difference in the output of percentages of the uniqueness of checking the same text and the multi-colored underlining of similar matches found. For free download and check text uniqueness program Etxt Anti-plagiarism, just go to this resource.

As you can see in the screenshot, when checking the same initial text about Advego Plagiatus with the Etxt Anti-plagiarism program, it turned out to be 91% unique. I want to note that the settings of both programs for the quality of the search were almost the same. But I can't say that the Anti-plagiarism program is worse than Plagiarism Advego. Each program works in its own algorithm and finds matches of various text fragments on different resources. For the reliability of obtaining a unique text, I use both of these programs.

Checking for plagiarism online for free in the Findcopy Internet service.

In general, Findcopy used to be called Miratools and was a partially paid Internet service that provided a number of additional features for a small amount, checking texts for uniqueness. Now this service has changed and allows any user to check text for uniqueness for free, but with limitations. You can check the text up to 18,000 printed characters without registration and about 40 thousand for a registered user. I think that it would be simply unreasonable not to use this opportunity. Of course, this service has its drawbacks. For example: you cannot make text corrections directly in the check result window. BUT online plagiarism checker corrected initial text in Findcopy (former Miratools) produced from 52% to 100% uniqueness. All results were unstable.

How to bypass anti-plagiarism - online program ANEXP

In conclusion, I want to say that it is impossible to achieve 100% uniqueness of the text simply by definition. And if any program gives you 100% uniqueness of the text, look into the program settings and make an adjustment. But this is another topic.

And at the end of this article I want to wish myself and all readers success and good luck. See you on the pages of the blog.

So, now I will tell you how check text for plagiarism for free. For those who write term papers or dissertations, or buy articles for the site, it is necessary to check the text for plagiarism. If this is not done, then all your work will go to waste and they will have to redo it.

As many people know, there is a website on the Internet, where you can check text up to 5000 characters without registration. If you need to check a larger text, then you need to register. To be honest, I didn't like the service. Apparently because before that I already got acquainted with the excellent software for checking text for plagiarism Etxt Antiplagiarism.

It is very easy to work with the program. You need to download the file and install it on your computer. After starting the program, select the file you want to check for plagiarism. As a rule, these are Word files. To check the text for plagiarism, click on the "Check for uniqueness" button (circled in red in the figure).

Checking text for uniqueness

Next, the verification will begin. Please note that the Extx Anti-plagiarism program, while checking the text for uniqueness, accesses the Internet. Therefore, during the test, an Internet connection must be established.

After a while, the result of checking the text for plagiarism will be displayed (see fig.).

Note that some of the text is highlighted in yellow, some is in brown, and some is not highlighted, i.e. remained white. What is white is a unique text, what is highlighted in color (no matter what), then this is plagiarism.

If the text is filled with a solid color, then it is borrowed word for word, i.e. completely stolen. When writing a term paper or a thesis, these parts of the text must be reworked, i.e. try to write it in your own words.

The uniqueness of this thesis was only 33%, which is very small. As a rule, the uniqueness of a coursework or diploma should be at least 50% (requirements vary in different universities). It is better to focus on the uniqueness of 70%, and if you buy a term paper or a diploma, then you need to require a uniqueness of at least 80%.

If we compare the results of checking the text using the Etxt Antiplagiat program and the site, then keep in mind that Etxt Antiplagiat will show uniqueness 2-3% higher than This is confirmed by several tests of different term papers and theses.

Personally, I liked the Etxt Anti-plagiarism program, so I recommend it.

Evgeny Mukhutdinov

6 free online services for checking text for uniqueness. Principles of operation of anti-plagiarism systems. Understanding what is plagiarism and what is not plagiarism.

There is no completely unique content. As there is no 100% protection against plagiarism. We can interpret our knowledge, add value to it in the eyes of the reader and try to become the first source for search engines.

This requires knowledge and experience, time and effort, so it is better to use special tools for checking the uniqueness of content. In this article, I will introduce you to some of these online services.

Anti-plagiarism online

All anti-plagiarism systems work on the same principle:

  • you specify the text or URL of the page, upload a file, etc.;
  • the search for borrowing your content through public sources begins (usually these are search engines, various databases, etc.);
  • search results are usually analyzed by anti-plagiarism based on their own algorithms;
  • the result should be a list of plagiarists and / or an assessment of the uniqueness of the content.

Online services for checking text for plagiarism may be inferior to a special software, but in general they give quite acceptable results for use.

1. Checking the text for plagiarism from TEXT.RU

According to the developers, the TEXT.RU online anti-plagiarism service is the most advanced available at the moment, and I agree with this. It checks according to a special algorithm that takes into account the tricks of rewriting, such as adding or rearranging words, phrases or sentences. The work of anti-plagiarism will not be affected by changing cases, tenses, etc. And most importantly, all this is free.

The service itself works quite quickly and efficiently; allows not only to check the uniqueness of the text, but also to find errors in it, as well as to perform its SEO analysis.

The service report for the test text looks like this:

Checking text for plagiarism from TEXT.RU

By registering, you can get a number of additional "goodies":

  • accelerated verification without restrictions on the number of texts to be checked;
  • saving the checked texts to the archive;
  • fixing uniqueness and a banner for placement on the site;
  • delayed check, etc.

2. Content Watch

Content Watch is an anti-plagiarism service for checking a text fragment or web pages for uniqueness online. Verification is carried out by searching the Internet for pages containing a full or partial copy of the specified text. At the same time, according to the found matches, the uniqueness of the text in% is calculated, as well as its uniqueness for each page with found matches.

The Content Watch report for the test web page looks like this:

content watch

It can hardly be called particularly detailed, but this is more than enough for solving a problem for private purposes.

It is noteworthy that there are a number of restrictions on the use of the Content Watch online anti-plagiarism service:

  • text length no more 3000 characters (and 10,000 for authorized users);
  • no more than 5 requests/day for one user (and 20 for authorized);
  • however, automatic access to the service is prohibited.


FindCopy is a fairly simple and free online service for checking the uniqueness of texts. Does not require registration and works quite fast.

However, despite the statements of the developers, there are a number of limitations. For example, the text cannot be more than 4000 characters, and there is some limit with the number of checks. However, the last limitation can be circumvented by clearing the browser cache.

The FindCopy report for the test web page looks like this:


Please note that a “public link” is created for verification, which is not good. However, the site itself is either closed for search engines, or already in the bath. Of the interesting, it is worth noting that during one of the tests a copy was found in social network, which other anti-plagiarists did not give.

4. is a system for automatically checking texts for borrowings from public network sources.

The service allows you to check:

The report for the test text looks like this:

However, for private use it is quite enough.

It should be noted that initially the service was created to check for plagiarism term papers and theses. So, first of all, it will be useful for students and graduate students.

In general, can be used for at least some initial check, but the results of its analysis should be treated with great suspicion. Better to be safe.

5. Checking the text for uniqueness from

The online anti-plagiarism service from cannot be called particularly serious. But it is simple and fast. There is a restriction for guests - the length of the text must be at least 10, but not more than 1000 characters. Without registration, you need to enter captcha.

The service report from, for a test web page, looks like this:

Checking the text for uniqueness from

As you can see, the service did not find anything at all. Although the previous services somehow found something there. So it's not worth trusting the result here, but nonetheless.

6. CopyScape

CopyScale is one of the oldest and most actively used online plagiarism checker services. Unlike the above listed anti-plagiarists, this is a foreign resource. However, he does his job well.

The CopyScape report for the test web page looks like this:


Of the interesting, it is worth noting the link to the Siteliner service, which produces general analysis site for duplicate content or something like that. It certainly won't hurt to look.

What is plagiarism?

We are all aware of what is “good” and what is “bad”, but somehow vaguely. Gaining experience and not having the ability to be creative, you can easily go beyond what is permitted, where plagiarism begins.

Plagiarism- this is the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of someone else's work, decision, etc., as well as the borrowing of their fragments without indicating the source of the borrowing.

It should be noted that not everything that we consider plagiarism is. Attribution of authorship is a mandatory sign of plagiarism.

Imitation, parody, borrowing ideas (without copying specific technical solutions or fragments of the work, since the ideas themselves cannot be subject to copyright), emulation and quoting are not plagiarism. Here you can list and specify for a long time, but this does not change the essence.

The uniqueness of the text is a very conditional thing. Modern search engines have sufficiently advanced anti-plagiarism algorithms to recognize not only the presentation, but also the content of the text.

However, we cannot fully use this tool for our intended purposes. The point is that getting the result here takes too much time. In addition, it will not be as obvious as in the case of the above online services anti-plagiarism.

In other words, there is a need for compromise. A compromise between borrowing, quoting and added value. I hope my article helped you with this.

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