Which body registers IP. How to open an IP - instructions and necessary documents. Reasons for refusal to register

  • 16.06.2021

To legally do business in Russia, you need to register with tax office. The simplest legal form of business is. You can register such a format yourself, but certain expenses will still be required. How much does it cost to open an IP in 2020, and is it possible to reduce registration costs?

The cost of registering with the IFTS

Please note: since 2019, applicants who submit documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur through the website of the Federal Tax Service or the public services portal are exempt from paying state duty (Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, this is possible only if there is an enhanced qualified electronic signature. In addition, the fee is not charged when submitting paper documents through the MFC, which have concluded an agreement on electronic document management with the IFTS.

AT registration procedure includes the submission of documents for and their consideration by the tax office. it public service for which a fee is charged. Not all applicants know that the state fee is paid not for the very fact of registration, but only for the fact that your documents will be accepted and checked for compliance with the requirements of the law.

official sizes different types state duties are established by article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Before you register an individual entrepreneur, it is better to check the amount of the fee, because by the time you filed your application, changes may have been made to the Tax Code. In 2020, the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles.

If errors are made during the execution of documents, then the IFTS will most likely make a decision to refuse to register an entrepreneur. The fee is not refundable, and on subsequent filings this amount will have to be paid again.

On October 1, 2018, a new provision of the Law “On state registration". This rule allows the applicant to apply for business registration within three months without re-payment of the fee, but only once. However, in the refusal decision, only paragraphs. "a" and / or "c" paragraph 1 of Article 23 of Law No. 129-FZ. If the reasons for refusal are different, the fee must be transferred.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur includes not only the cost of paying state duty. If you will send the documents to the tax office by mail or through a proxy, then you must notarize your signature on the application P21001 and a copy of your passport. The power of attorney for registration actions must also be certified by a notary. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the cost of notary services, which depends on the region of registration of the IP. Put here about 1,300 - 1,500 rubles.

The registration procedure will cost even more if you do not draw up the documents yourself, but entrust the preparation to professionals. In this case, the price depends not only on your city, but also on the range of services provided.

In addition to preparing the R21001 application, registrars can offer you advice on choosing a taxation system, accompaniment to a notary and tax office, filing and receiving documents by proxy, issuing an electronic signature and other additional options.

In the table, we have collected prices for registration actions when creating an IP.

Of all these expenses, only the payment of state duty is obligatory. If you personally submit an application P21001 to the tax or MFC, and there are no errors in the documents, then all your costs for registering an individual entrepreneur will not exceed 800 rubles.

Cash machine

If everything went well, and you received the USRIP record sheet, then it’s not a fact that you are ready to start a business. In order to receive payment from buyers and customers, you will most likely need cash machine.

Every year there are fewer and fewer situations in which you can work without a cash register. A small delay - until July 1, 2021 - was made for individual entrepreneurs without employees who provide services, perform work or sell goods of their own manufacture.

Most entrepreneurs, if their consumers are ordinary individuals, need a cash register. The average cost of a CCP will be 20,000 rubles, plus add here the costs of connecting the Internet and the services of a fiscal data operator. This is about another 5,000 rubles for the first year. In total, the minimum cost of installing a CCP is 25,000 rubles.

IP license

Only certain licensed activities are available to individuals: medical, pharmaceutical, educational, private detective, as well as road transportation of passengers.

If you have chosen one of these areas, then in order to start working, you need to issue and pay for a license. The amount of the state duty for the issuance of most licenses is specified in article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and amounts to 7,500 rubles. This must also include the cost of fulfilling license requirements. For example, to obtain an educational license, it is necessary to develop your own programs, prepare a room for students and the necessary material and technical support.

Optional expenses when registering an individual entrepreneur

Two attributes of business life - printing and checking account - will also require costs. True, neither of these is attributed by law to the mandatory conditions for the activity of individual entrepreneurs, but in practice, most entrepreneurs have a seal and open a current account for non-cash payments.

What else should an entrepreneur pay when starting a business

The law does not require the future entrepreneur to contribute authorized capital and have a legal address. However, individual entrepreneurs have their own specific expenses that the founder of the company does not have.

We are talking about ourselves, which must be listed for the entire period of registration as an individual entrepreneur. These costs can be called indirect because they are not related to the registration procedure itself.

And yet, you need to know about them before registering an individual entrepreneur, because these are quite significant amounts. The minimum amount of insurance premiums for yourself in 2020 is 40,874 rubles. The accrual of contributions begins from the first day of registration with the IFTS and stops only when the entrepreneur is deregistered.

For example, you registered an IP on February 1, 2020, but you will actually start a business only on June 15, 2020. During this period, the amount of 15,328 rubles will already “run up”, which is much more than the costs of the registration itself. And given that the business is not yet generating income, this amount should also be included in the start-up costs. .

Thus, when answering the question: “How much does it cost to register an IP?” - it is not enough to take into account only the cost of state duty. Such a small expense of 800 rubles can be dispensed with if you do not need a cash register or a license. And don't forget about insurance premiums, you will have to pay for them, even if you don’t really run a business, or there is no profit from it.

Would you like to register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow on a turnkey basis as soon as possible, with minimal participation and with a guarantee against refusals?

The tariff Registration of an individual entrepreneur in Moscow on a turnkey basis includes the preparation of all required documents for registering an individual entrepreneur, printing on automatic equipment, opening a current account with partner banks: Sberbank, Tinkoff,

Alfa Bank, Raiffeisenbank or Tochka, obtaining statistics codes, informing about the assigned number from the PFR fund, as well as joint filing of documents with the tax office and receipt at the 46th Federal Tax Service.

BUHprofi employees regularly monitor all changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, which allows you to register you as an individual entrepreneur without refusals and with a guarantee, as well as in the shortest possible time.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur in Moscow on a turnkey basis

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur - 4 800 rub. (all costs included, no additional fees).

  • 800 rub. - State duty for opening. Paid through the terminal at the tax office;
  • 4 000 rub. - services of our company (list see below).

The price of the service includes

  • Opening a current account in partner banks: Sberbank, Tinkoff, Alfa Bank, Raiffeisenbank or Tochka;
  • Production of printing on automatic equipment (a sample can be seen below)
  • Consultation on registration of IP on a turnkey basis in Moscow;
  • Choosing the optimal taxation system (USN-6%, USN-15% or OSNO);
  • Selection and coordination of OKVED codes according to your future activities;
  • Preparation of all necessary documents and applications;
  • Registration of an application for the transition to the simplified tax system;
  • Joint filing for State registration with the tax office and receipt;
  • Obtaining statistics codes;
  • Informing about the registration number assigned to you in the FIU;
  • Advice on reporting deadlines.

How long does it take to create a turnkey IP

It takes 5-7 days to register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow.

  • Preparation of the required kit - 1 day;
  • Registration with the IFTS - 3 working days;
  • Making a seal, obtaining statistics codes - 1 day;
  • Opening a bank account - 1 day.

The procedure for registering a turnkey IP in Moscow

To save your time, there is no need to visit the office, the completed questionnaire and the necessary information can be sent to us by e-mail. We need to send copies following documents:

  • Copy of TIN (if available);
    • A copy of the passport (page with photo and page with the last residence permit);
    • A completed application form. Download the questionnaire.

Next, we select OKVED codes for your type of activity and help determine the optimal taxation system, draw up an application for registration as an individual entrepreneur, and also prepare an application for the use of the Simplified Taxation System (STS-6% or STS-15% if applicable), then we coordinate the time of the visit tax office and together with our specialist we visit the tax office to submit a package of documents to the registration window. The state duty is paid by our employee in advance.

Step 1 of 5

IP registration

Select print

Open a bank account?

Submission of documents

Note: notarization of documents is not required, an additional state duty of 800 rubles is paid.

Select print

Open a bank account?

Opening an account with a partner bank is free!

Submission of documents

Note: the state duty of 800 rubles and notary services are additionally paid.


After submitting this form, the selected parameters will be sent to us for processing, along with your contact details. Our manager will contact you immediately after processing your application.

IP registration - preparation of documents

The main difficulty in the process of registering a business is to correctly fill out a set of documents for guaranteed passage in the registration authority. Our lawyers will take on this task and prepare a complete set of papers for the tax office. The service includes a detailed consultation on individual entrepreneur taxes and the registration procedure, as well as an individual entrepreneur seal, subject to the free opening of a current account in one of the Partner Banks.

IP registration on a turnkey basis

To save time, you can order the submission of documents by proxy with the "Turnkey IP registration" service. IP registration price with submission and receipt: 5000 rubles. + notary expenses + state duty. This type of service is advisable to use if it is not possible to apply on your own and get significant savings on notary expenses, which amount to about 5,000 rubles. (certify: application, copy of passport, power of attorney, copy of power of attorney). The seal is made free of charge in case of opening an account with a Partner Bank, also free of charge.


Documents for opening an IP

In order for the specialists of our center to begin the procedure for issuing an IP, copies or scans of documents containing the following information will be required:

  1. Copy of passport (first page and address page)
  2. TIN number
  3. Types of activity: main and optional additional. In free form or in the form of OKVED2 codes
  4. Phone number to indicate in the application (mobile is possible)
  5. The chosen taxation system (if necessary, it is selected as a result of consultation of our specialist)

Orders can be made by mail:

Sole proprietorship is one of the most common forms of doing business. A person who has become an individual entrepreneur is an individual who has passed state registration - this means that he has the right to legally engage in entrepreneurial activity. Opening an IP at the initial stage is the best solution to reduce the costs of creating and maintaining a business.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages individual entrepreneurship.

IP advantages:

  • favorable taxation (when using the simplified tax system, patent, UTII, no tax on dividends);
  • the possibility of applying the Patent system of taxation;
  • the possibility of exemption from the Sales tax (with PSN);
  • IP has a simpler opening procedure;
  • minor fines;
  • no need to register a branch;
  • ease of doing business (minimal document flow, simplified reporting);
  • seniority and the right to social benefits.

Prohibitions for registration as an individual entrepreneur:

There are a number of conditions under which an individual does not have the right to register an individual entrepreneurship:

  • position of a civil servant;
  • there is a judicial ban on the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.
  • some activities;

The main stages of registration of IP

I stage. Preparation of documents and opening of IP.
  • Choice of activities and suitable taxation system.
  • Collection and filling out documents (application to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate in the form R21001; selection of OKVED; government duty for registration of IP status - 800 rubles; notification of the transition to the USN or Patent, (if necessary). Additionally, you need to prepare a copy of your passport. We recommend completing this step remotely by exchanging data via e-mail or other means of communication, which will save time and reduce the number of trips to the office.
  • Hike to the administrative body for registration of individual entrepreneurship. Individual entrepreneurs can only register with the tax office at their home address. In the absence of permanent registration, it is allowed to submit documents for temporary registration, i.e. at the place of stay. You can submit documents to the tax office both personally and through an authorized representative. A power of attorney to submit documents to the territorial tax office will require a notarized one, as well as an Application with a copy of the IP passport. In the case of personal submission, documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur are not certified by a notary. It is allowed to send a set of completed documents remotely by mail in a valuable letter with a description of the attachment or in the form electronic documents with EDS.
Stage II (optional). Making a seal

This procedure is not at all mandatory, but most entrepreneurs decide that such an attribute is necessary. Printing can be on manual or automatic equipment, ink-filled or multi-colored - there is no clear guide to content and design (however, there are details without which they will not open a bank account if you decide to use printing on a bank card - these are OPF, full name, OGRNIP and place finding IP). Any other information, such as TIN, OKPO or website address, can be added additionally.

Stage III (optional). Opening a bank account and purchasing a cash register (CRE).

You should go to the bank with a Certificate of Registration of an Individual Entrepreneur, an Extract from the USRIP, TIN, a passport and a seal. Some banks are asked to provide IP statistics codes, although this document is excluded from the list of required documents for opening a current account. From May 1, 2014, the obligation to notify funds about the opening/closing of accounts has been canceled; clause 1 of part 3 of Art. 28 of the Federal Law No. 212 "On insurance premiums ..." It is also no longer required to notify the tax authorities about opening a current account, clauses 1 and 1.1 of Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which established such an obligation, have been canceled.

The cash register is issued for retail and cash sales if the USN 6%, USN 15% or OSNO is applied. In the case of using UTII and the Patent, you can not buy a cash register. When rendering household services the population needs to use either the cash register or the BSO under any taxation systems.

Legal center ─ quick registration of IP

At first glance, it may seem that the registration of an IP is a simple procedure and does not require much time. To some extent, this is true, but when it comes to important documents, communication with officials and representatives of the tax inspectorate, the help of professionals will not hurt. Employees of the Fiolent Legal Center are ready to provide individuals support in registration of individual entrepreneurship in any tax office. A set of documents for submission to the tax authorities in the regions can be prepared and sent to you by e-mail. Competent lawyers will advise on this issue and help you promptly prepare a complete package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur and subsequent procedures.

We know what needs to be submitted to the tax authorities, how to open a bank account, we can recommend financial institutions with minimal commissions. Our employees design and produce seals, customers do not have to search for specialists in this field. Getting the status of a sole trader with the help of our professionals becomes a simple task.

Other services of the Fiolent Legal Center that an individual entrepreneur may need:

  • legal advice on issues labor law;
  • professional accounting services;
  • optimization of taxation (registration of a single tax (UTII), patent, transition to a simplified taxation system, etc.);
  • judicial protection;
  • printing services (printing of leaflets, business cards and other printed products);
  • creation and promotion of sites.

Legal Center Fiolent ─ competent consultations of professionals. Take the first step on the path to success: register an IP with the help of our employees and start making a profit from your own business.

Free consultation on registration and taxes of individual entrepreneurs. Contact at the bottom of the page, or in the group.

The first question that interests all future entrepreneurs is how much it costs to open an IP. In the case of self-registration of an individual entrepreneur, the cost will be equal to the amount of the state duty - 800 rubles. Self-registration of an individual entrepreneur is not difficult and at the same time allows you to save up to 8,000 rubles on paying for lawyers and a notary. depending on the region.

The second question is what documents are required to open an IP. Everything is also extremely simple here, for registering an individual entrepreneur, only a passport and a TIN, if any, are enough. Registration of IP is carried out only at the place of registration of physical. persons (registration in the passport), and an individual entrepreneur can conduct his activities throughout Russia.

The third question is how long it will take to open an IP. The term for registering an individual entrepreneur is established by law and is equal to 3 working days. After receiving the documents evidencing the registration of an individual entrepreneur, you can immediately start working.

The final fourth question is what to do after registering an IP and what taxes the IP pays. The entire procedure for opening an IP on your own for free, as well as the sequence of actions after opening an IP, is presented in our complete step-by-step instructions for opening an IP in 2020.

How to open an IP step by step instructions 2020

Step 1. Prepare an application P21001 for opening an IP

Currently, online services for preparing documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are gaining popularity. Their main advantage, in addition to speed and convenience, is the correct completion of an application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001, an error in which may result in a refusal to register an individual entrepreneur. You enter the necessary data directly through the pages of the site and at the output you get documents ready for printing and filing for state registration of individual entrepreneurs.

One of these services is implemented by our partner - Online service for preparing documents for registration of IP in 15 minutes. The service is provided free of charge.

Even if you have not yet decided on opening an individual entrepreneur, you can prepare documents using the service right now, and later submit them for state registration at a convenient time for you.

You can also fill out an application for opening an IP on your own. To do this, you need to download the form P21001 of an application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]

Approach the issue of filling out this application with all responsibility, because the new form P21001 is machine-readable, which means that any deviation from the standard may result in a refusal to register an individual entrepreneur. In case of refusal, you will have to fill out and re-submit the application, as well as re-pay the state duty of 800 rubles.

Attention! When specifying the code of the subject of the Russian Federation 77 (Moscow) or 78 (St. Petersburg), clause 6.4. The city is not full.

To choice of OKVED should be approached carefully, choosing the OKVED code that corresponds specifically to your field of activity, so that in further work there were no questions and claims from the controlling departments. Preliminarily familiarize yourself with the types of activities prohibited for individual entrepreneurs.

Attention! One code must contain at least 4 digits. Additional codes entered line by line from left to right.

4. On Sheet B of the application, we indicate the procedure for issuing documents and a contact phone number. Fields Full name and the applicant's signature are filled in only by hand in black ink in the presence of a tax inspector when applying for state registration. It is not required to certify your signature with a notary when personally submitting documents for registration of IP.

Attention! We print out the finished application P21001 in one copy. Two-sided printing statements are prohibited. Completed application sheets do not need to be stapled or stapled.

If you have any difficulties filling out the P21001 application form or you are afraid of making a mistake and being refused, we advise you to use the free online service for preparing documents for registering an individual entrepreneur provided by our partner.

Step 2. Choose an IP taxation system

It is necessary to decide on the taxation system before submitting an application for opening an IP, since the regime will be applied from the date of registration of the IP. A notice of the future taxation regime can be submitted immediately with an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

The best option for beginner entrepreneurs is one of two types of simplified taxation system (STS):

Income (STS 6%)- 6% of the total amount of income is paid, while expenses are not taken into account at all and do not affect the amount of tax.

Income reduced by the amount of expenses (STS 15%)- tax is paid on the difference between income and documented expenses. The rate is 15%, but in the regions of power for different types of activities it can be reduced (the rate should be found in the regional law).

You can read about the patent taxation system (PSN) in the article - IP Patent. There is also a UTII regime (single tax on imputed income), but an application for switching to UTII is submitted only when you actually begin to carry out “imputed” activities. When registering an individual entrepreneur, such an application is not submitted. If you plan to choose UTII or PSN, it is still recommended to apply for the simplified tax system. Read more about the simplified taxation system in the article - All about the simplified tax system.

Step 3. Pay the state duty for opening an IP

The state duty for opening an IP is 800 rubles. To generate a receipt for payment of the state duty, use the service of the Federal Tax Service "Payment of state duty". Tax details are entered automatically when forming the state duty in accordance with the address you entered. After generating the receipt, you will only have to print it and pay it at any bank without commission. The service also allows you to make non-cash electronic payment with the help of partner banks of the Federal Tax Service, thus excluding going to the bank.

Step 4. Check the package of documents for opening an IP and take it to the tax

You must have an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur (one copy), a notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (two copies), the original receipt for payment of the state duty, a passport with a photocopy of it. At the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, in the presence of a tax inspector, fill out the full name field with a pen with black ink. and put the applicant's signature on Sheet B of application R21001. As a result, the inspector will issue you a receipt of receipt of the documents submitted by the applicant to the registration authority.

You can find out the address, work schedule and telephone numbers of the tax office at the place of your registration using the "" service.

You can track the state of readiness of documents using the service "Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are submitted".

Step 5. Take the documents evidencing the opening of an individual entrepreneur from the regulatory authorities

After 3 working days, the documents on registration of IP (subject to the correct execution of the documents submitted for registration) will be ready.

To receive them, you must have a passport with you and a receipt for receiving documents (issued by the inspector of the Federal Tax Service when submitting documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur);

Upon successful registration of IP, you will be issued the following documents:

Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the specified PSRNIP number (the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur);

Certificate of registration - a document on the assignment of TIN ( an identification number taxpayer). It indicates the IFTS, to which you will need to report, your TIN and the date of registration;

single record sheet state register individual entrepreneurs(EGRIP record sheet).

The application of the USN will confirm the second copy of the notification (you submit two copies when registering an IP, one with a tax mark remains with you). If necessary, in addition to the IFTS, you can request information mail on the application of the USN. It is sometimes required by counterparties to confirm the application of the simplified taxation system.

Step 6. Wait for a response from the FIU on registering an individual entrepreneur

After registering an individual entrepreneur, information is automatically transferred to the FIU, where the entrepreneur is also registered. This is necessary to pay fixed contributions IP. You will receive registration documents by mail to your registration address. If within a month there is no response from the fund, you should contact the FIU (in person or by phone). You may need to come to the FIU to obtain documents.

You will need to take with you:

A copy and original of the IP Registration Certificate (the document where the OGRNIP number is indicated);

A copy and original of the USRIP record sheet.

An individual entrepreneur without employees is not registered with the FSS.

Step 7. Get IP statistics codes

A notification (letter) on the assignment of statistics codes is issued by Rosstat. Document wears informational character and you don't have to get it. But, in addition to other codes, it indicates an important code - OKPO, which is needed when compiling reports. In addition, some banks still require notification of codes when opening a checking account. Therefore, it is better to have this document on hand. You can receive and print a notification with statistics codes on your own on the website or by contacting your branch of Rosstat.

Step 8. Print IP

The use of seals is being phased out and sole proprietors are not required to have one. However, in some cases, a seal is still required (for example, when issuing a power of attorney to the court). In addition, the customs of business turnover still keep the memory of seals. Counterparties will trust and trust your documents more if they are imprinted. Therefore, we recommend making an IP seal. There are no requirements for the print, usually stamp manufacturers have ready-made forms and print samples. In the future, you can apply your print as needed.

Step 11. Decide if you will have employees

If an individual entrepreneur will hire employees (under an employment or civil law contract), then it is necessary to additionally register separately as an employer with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. It is not necessary to do this directly when registering an IP. When there is a need for workers, then before concluding the first contract with the physical. an individual entrepreneur should go through the procedure of registration as an employer in the FIU and the FSS. Registration as an employer and the presence of employees will require you to submit additional reports to the FIU and the FSS.

Step 12. Submit a notice of IP activity

The commencement of some activities must be reported. The notification is submitted not upon the fact that the OKVED code is indicated in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, but when you actually begin to carry out the corresponding type of activity.

The notification is submitted by individual entrepreneurs working in the field retail, rendering transport services and services to the population (individuals). A complete list of specific types of activities that need to be notified is contained in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584.

Step 13. Choose where to keep documents and how to submit IP reports

Keep records of your activities from the first day. The book of accounting for income and expenses is maintained according to established rules, transactions, income and expenses should be recorded from the very beginning. And the first payment to the budget (for optimal taxation) is to be made at the end of the current quarter.

Options may be as follows:

Hire an accountant;

Understand everything on your own, keep accounts in Excel, and submit reports personally to the Federal Tax Service or send them by mail;

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