Agency services for finding clients. Agency agreement for the provision of intermediary services to find clients. The confidential side of the issue

  • 16.11.2019
to attract clients in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Contractor, acting on its own behalf, on behalf of the Customer and for a fee, carries out actions to search for potential customers for the Customer who need assessment services and other services of the Customer that he can perform as part of his activities.

1.2. The Order is considered completed if the Clients sent by the Contractor to the Guarantor in accordance with clause 1.1 of this Agreement have concluded an agreement with the Guarantor and paid for the services.


2.1. The Contractor undertakes:

2.1.1. In accordance with the instructions of the Guarantor, search for potential clients of the Guarantor - individuals, legal entities and negotiate with them in order to conclude an agreement for the provision of valuation services.

2.1.2. Transfer to the Guarantor data about clients and about the necessary services.

2.2. The guarantor undertakes:

2.2.1. Provide the Contractor with reliable information about the conditions for the provision of valuation services by the Guarantor, necessary for the execution of this assignment.

2.2.2. The Guarantor reserves the right to refuse to provide services if the client does not comply with the Guarantor's conditions for the client to enable the assessment. In this case, no remuneration is paid to the Contractor.

2.3. Within days from the date of receipt of the invoice for payment, the act of acceptance of the services rendered for the amount of remuneration and the invoice drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the absence of objections to the act, the Guarantor is obliged to pay the Contractor a remuneration in the amount and on the terms of this Agreement.


3.1. For the execution of an order under this Agreement, the Contractor receives a remuneration in the amount of % of the amount of the concluded agreements in accordance with the prices of the services of the Guarantor.

3.2. Payment of remuneration to the Contractor will be made by transferring funds by the Guarantor to the settlement account of the Contractor.


4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. A party that fails to fulfill its obligation due to force majeure must immediately notify the other party of the impediment and its impact on the performance of obligations under the Agreement.


5.1. All disputes and disagreements between the parties arising during the period of validity of this Agreement shall be resolved by the parties through negotiations.

5.2. In the event that disputes are not settled through negotiations, the dispute is subject to resolution by an arbitration court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The provisions not regulated by this Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing and is valid until "" 2019.

6.2. The term of the Agreement is automatically extended for another year, unless either party notifies the other party in writing days before the expiration of the next period of its intention to terminate the Agreement.

6.3. The Guarantor and the Contractor have the right to terminate the Agreement ahead of schedule with written notice to the other party at least days before the date of termination of the Agreement.

to search for clients to provide accounting and auditing services in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Principal”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Agent”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Agent assumes the obligation to search for organizations on behalf and at the expense of the Principal (including individual entrepreneurs) interested in providing accounting and auditing services by the Principal. Hereinafter, the organizations involved through the Agent are referred to as the "Client".

1.2. The order is considered fulfilled if the organization sent by the Agent to the Principal in accordance with clause 1.1 of this Agreement has concluded an accounting support agreement with the Principal (outstaffing, for conducting an initiative audit, for the provision of consulting services, for financial analysis).

1.3. For the execution of the specified order, the Principal pays the Agent a fee in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


2.1. The agent undertakes:

2.1.1. In accordance with the instruction of the Principal, search for potential clients of the Principal - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and negotiate with them in order to conclude a contract for the provision of services with the Principal. The Agent is guided by the information on the terms of cooperation with the Principal contained in the price list provided by the Principal.

2.1.2. The Agent does not have the right to independently conclude agreements with Clients, and is obliged to send them to the Principal's office for paperwork, or to give contact information Principal. Or - send the Principal to the clients attracted by him, the Agent, to conclude the Agreement.

2.1.3. Within days after the successful attraction of the Client, submit reports to the Principal on the implementation of this assignment, as well as control the inclusion of each new client in the list of the Agent's clients. The form of the report is Appendix No. to this Agreement.

2.1.4. The agent is not entitled to make any expenses aimed at the execution of this order.

2.1.5. Perform other duties stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. The principal undertakes:

2.2.1. Provide the Agent with reliable information necessary for the execution of this order on the conditions for the provision of services by the Principal specified in clause 1.1. actual agreement.

2.2.2. Keep a record of the Clients attracted through the Agent and timely accrue remuneration.

2.2.3. Within working days from the moment the Agent submits a report on the execution of the order, sign it or inform the Agent about the reasons for refusing to sign the submitted report.

2.2.4. The Principal is obliged to pay the Agent a fee in the amount and in the manner specified in clause 3.1. actual agreement.


3.1. From each Agreement concluded by the Principal with the Client, attracted through the Agent, the Principal pays the Agent a remuneration in the amount of % in a lump sum and % of all subsequent amounts paid by the Client during the validity of the Agreement concluded between the Principal and the Client. The amounts received to the Client's account from the Principal as remuneration under similar Agency Agreements are not taken into account in the calculation of remuneration.

3.2. The Principal pays remuneration to the Agent in the amount specified in clause 3.1. of this Agreement, within business days from the date of receipt of payment from the Client.

3.3. The remuneration is paid by transferring funds to the Agent's settlement account.


4.1. The Principal believes that the Client has entered into an Agreement with him through the Agent and, accordingly, approves the report and pays the Agency fee for this Client in cases:

4.1.1. When concluding the Agreement with the Principal, the Client verbally mentions the recommendation of the Agent.

4.1.2. The Agent notifies the Principal in advance of the possibility of concluding an Agreement with the Client.

4.1.3. Clients under the Agency Agreement cannot be transferred to another Agent in any way.

4.1.4. The obligation of the Principal to pay the agency fee arises only in respect of those payments of the Clients that were received after the signing of this Agreement by the Agent and the Principal.

4.1.5. If the Agent has several different service agreements with the Principal, then none of these agreements can be considered a Client agreement in relation to other agreements of this Agent.


5.1. For non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with applicable law.

5.2. The Agent assumes limited liability for the fulfillment by the Client of the agreement with the Principal. In case of termination of the Agreement between the Principal and the Client on the return of unused funds, the Principal charges the Agent a fine in the amount of % of the amount returned to the Client.

5.3. Neither party to this Agreement shall be liable to the other party for failure to fulfill obligations due to circumstances that arose beyond the will and desire of the parties and which cannot be foreseen or avoided, including declared or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockade, earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters.


6.1. All disputes and disagreements between the parties arising during the period of validity of this Agreement shall be resolved by the parties through negotiations.

6.2. In the event that disputes and disagreements are not resolved through negotiations, the dispute is subject to resolution. Arbitration Court Sverdlovsk region in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. The provisions not regulated by this Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


7.1. This Agreement is valid from the moment of signing the Agreement by both parties, within one calendar year.

7.2. Upon the expiration of this Agreement, if none of the parties has made a proposal to terminate it one month before the expiration of the term, the Agreement shall be considered prolonged for one year.



Agent Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Principal _________________

Agent _________________

Please note that the agency agreement is drawn up and verified by lawyers and is exemplary; it can be finalized taking into account the specific terms of the transaction. The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Under an agency agreement, one party undertakes to carry out legal and other actions, and the second party undertakes to pay a certain amount of money for the performance of these actions.

The agent can perform the specified actions:

  • in one's own name;
  • on behalf of the customer.

Important! the agent performs the actions specified in the contract at the expense of the customer.

An agency agreement can be concluded to carry out various actions (for example, to find and attract customers, sell goods and products of a customer, etc.).

Important! The text of the contract must clearly indicate all the actions that the agent must perform. If you do not specify a specific list of actions, then in the future the customer cannot refer to the lack of certain powers of the agent, and it will be very difficult to prove this fact.

If the agency agreement was concluded to search for clients, then it is necessary to clearly indicate all the powers of the agent related to the implementation of these actions. You can also specify the methods and procedure for searching for clients, the Agent can be given the right to conclude an agreement with the clients attracted by him. But in this case, you must provide the agent with a power of attorney.

Agent remuneration

The contract must carefully regulate the procedure for paying remuneration.

Important! It is necessary to fix the procedure and the moment of performing actions under the contract (from which moment the clients are considered attracted).

If an agency agreement was concluded to attract clients, then it is desirable to provide that the agent receives remuneration for each attracted client only when the client concludes the corresponding agreement. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for the deadlines for presenting information on the number of concluded contracts.

The contract must also provide for a time period for making payments. For example, it can be provided that the customer is obliged to pay remuneration within 20 days from the date of presentation of the agent's report.

The next thing to pay special attention to is the costs of the agent, i.e. the amount that was spent by him to attract customers. There are 2 options available:

  • the amount of expenses is included in the amount of remuneration;
  • the amount of expenses is not included in the amount of remuneration and is paid by the customer separately based on the report submitted by the agent.

Privacy issues

In practice, there are cases when the parties to the contract become aware of facts or data that constitute a commercial, banking or other secret. In such a situation, confidentiality issues need to be carefully regulated. In particular, it is necessary to provide that the parties are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of information that became known to them as a result of the conclusion of an agency agreement.

It is also necessary to indicate the responsibility of the parties in the disclosure of secrets. It is also desirable to indicate in the contract which actions can be considered disclosure (for example, providing information to third parties in writing or orally, etc.).

Completed sample document

providing agency services to find clients

______________ "__" ____________ _____

Hereinafter referred to as "Agent",

represented by ___________________________________________________, acting on the basis of
/position, full name/

On the one hand and

Hereinafter referred to as "Principal",
/full name of the organization/

Represented by ___________________________________________________, acting on the basis of
/position, full name/

On the other hand

collectively referred to as the "Parties" have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms apply:

  • Client- any physical or entity wishing to conclude an Agreement with the Principal.
  • Treaty - contract for the provision of services, performance of work, sale of goods, which is concluded with the client.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. Under this agreement, the Agent undertakes, for a fee, to perform the following actual and legal action:

  • search, attract Clients;
  • conclude on behalf of the Principal with the Clients Contracts in the form provided by the Principal;
  • accept funds from the Clients in payment for the Works under the Contract to the Principal;
  • Carry out other actual and legal actions in case of receipt of the relevant instructions from the Principal.

2.2. Agent not entitled / entitled attract subagents.

2.3. Agent not entitled / entitled conclude agreements similar to this one with third parties.

2.4. Principal not entitled / entitled enter into agreements similar to this one with third parties.

3. Obligations of the Parties

3.1. The agent undertakes:

3.1.1. Execute the order in accordance with the instructions of the Principal.

3.1.2. Not later than the next day after the conclusion of the Contract with a particular Client, notify the Principal about this and transfer the concluded Agreement and all necessary documents to him.

3.1.3. No later than ____________ transfer to the Principal's settlement account the funds received by the Agent from the Clients to the Principal in accordance with the concluded Agreements.

3.1.4. Quarterly submit to the Principal a report on the execution of the assignment contained in this agreement.

3.2. The principal undertakes:

3.2.1. Submit the Contract Form to the Agent.

3.2.2. Transfer to the Agent other information necessary for the latter to effectively fulfill the instructions contained in this agreement.

3.2.3. Pay the Agent remuneration in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

4. Agent Compensation

4.1. The Principal undertakes to pay the Agent a remuneration in the amount of ________ of the amount of each concluded Agreement. The specified amount of remuneration includes VAT at the current rate.

9. Disputes and disagreements

9.1. All disputes and disagreements under this agreement will be resolved through negotiations on the basis of current legislation and business customs.

9.2. The parties came to the conclusion that it is necessary to comply with the mandatory pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes. The procedure for resolving disputes is as follows _____________________________________________________________.

9.3. In case of non-settling in the negotiation process contentious issues disputes are resolved in court in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

10. Privacy.

10.1. The Parties undertake not to disclose information constituting a commercial secret of the other Party and which became known as a result of their mutual cooperation.

10.2. A commercial secret in this Agreement means all the terms of this agreement, all annexes to it, as well as any information that has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis and to which the owner cannot keep confidential takes all possible measures. Information constituting a commercial secret may be transferred in writing, in the form of photographs, electronically, graphically, or in any other form.

  • already known to the Receiving Party or is publicly known;
  • is or becomes publicly known as a result of an incorrect, negligent or intentional act of the Disclosing Party (the Party transmitting information to the Receiving Party);
  • legally received from third parties without limitation and without violating this Agreement;
  • independently developed by the Receiving Party, provided that the person or persons who developed it did not have access to the trade secret of the Disclosing Party.

10.4. The Receiving Party will maintain the same high level of secrecy to avoid disclosure or use of trade secrets as the Receiving Party would reasonably maintain for its own trade secrets of the same importance.

10.5. The Parties undertake to use information constituting a commercial secret obtained as a result of cooperation only for the purposes of this cooperation.

10.6. The Parties undertake, after the completion of cooperation, not to use the trade secret obtained as a result of cooperation for the purpose of competing with the other Party, as well as for the purpose of causing harm. Also, after the completion of cooperation, each Receiving Party shall return all documents and other information carriers transferred to it according to the other Party within three days from the first request of the Disclosing Party.

10.7. Under this Agreement, the Parties do not receive any rights to intellectual property the other Party.

10.8. If the Receiving Party is found guilty of disclosing a trade secret, the Disclosing Party, at its discretion, has the right to compensate for the losses incurred in connection with the disclosure or use of a trade secret, or to receive a fine from the Receiving Party in the amount agreed in writing upon transfer of information.

10.9. The Receiving Party shall not be liable for the disclosure of trade secrets if:

  • such disclosure is made with the written consent of the Disclosing Party;
  • relevant information was provided at the request of the competent authorities state power and/or local authorities.

10.10. The terms of this section come into force from the moment of signing this agreement and are valid for the entire duration of this agreement, as well as for 3 (three) years after the termination of all obligations arising from it.

11. Additional terms and final provisions

Additional terms of this agreement are the following provisions:






/specify additional conditions/

All notices and communications must be in writing by registered by mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

In all other respects not provided for by this agreement, the Parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. Details and signatures of the Parties:







legal address:

legal address:






Any business needs to expand to be successful. client base. One of the convenient means of delegation of authority in this direction is the involvement of agents in the search for clients. To regulate relations, the parties enter into an agency agreement.

The concept of an agency agreement

An agency agreement or a buyer search agreement provides that the agent will provide customer search services for the principal, that is, the entrepreneur whose goods or services need to be sold to the agent.

This agreement can be of the following types:

  • The agent seeks clients at his own expense and on his own behalf;
  • The agent acts on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal;
  • The agent acts on behalf of the principal and at his expense.

Depending on the type chosen, they line up and contractual relationship between the parties, specific conditions for cooperation are prescribed. The amount of remuneration also depends on the type of agency agreement. If the agent acts at the expense of the principal, then the remuneration is paid to him after the transaction by the principal himself. In cases where the agent works at his own expense, the remuneration is deducted from the payment for the goods or services by the agent himself. According to this scheme, air ticket offices and travel agencies most often work.

Sample agency agreement for the provision of customer search services

Currently, the network can find many samples of agency contracts for the most different types entrepreneurial activity, but there is no universal form. Like any other contract, it must reflect the specifics of the work of a particular enterprise. For example, an agency agreement to search for buyers from a manufacturer's company will be very different from an agreement concluded with an exporter of similar equipment.

But regardless of the specifics of goods or services, the agency agreement must provide the following information:

  • Names of the parties;
  • Subject of the agreement – ​​services for finding potential customers for the principal;
  • The obligations of the parties;
  • The procedure for calculating and paying the agency fee;
  • Agent reporting;
  • Responsibility of the parties.

Advice: there must be a clause in the agency agreement excluding the liability of each party for the actions of the other. For example, "the contractor is not responsible for the actions of the principal to third parties, and the principal is not liable to third parties for the actions of the contractor, including during the execution of this contract."

When concluding an agency agreement, in practice, the parties often impose various restrictions on each other related to the execution of the concluded agreement. The most common are the following:

  • The Principal undertakes not to carry out an independent search for clients on the territory of the agent's work;
  • The Principal is not entitled during the term of the contract to conclude similar contracts in the territory of the agent;
  • The Agent is prohibited from entering into similar agreements with other customers;
  • The agent is not entitled to search for clients outside the territory allocated to him.

The agent's reporting procedure is of great importance, since it is the agent's report that is the main indicator of his work, as well as the basis for calculating remuneration. The parties independently determine the procedure and terms of reporting, but these conditions must be fixed in the contract or in the form separate application. The specific form of the agent's report depends on the specifics of the activity. For example, if the agent's task includes , then a transaction report can be submitted immediately after it is completed. If a product or service involves a shorter transaction cycle and they take place more often, for example, services for renting special equipment, then a report can be submitted at a certain frequency, for example, once a week, month, etc.

Features of some agency contracts

The characteristic features of individual goods entail the need to take these features into account when concluding agency agreements to find buyers.

Contract for finding buyers for real estate

The owner of real estate may involve an agent in the search for buyers for the object being sold. In this case, the agent has an additional obligation to ensure the legal purity of the object. Therefore, an agency agreement to search for buyers for a property should provide, in addition to the standard provisions of such agreements, the following information:

  • Full name and data on the object being sold;
  • Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the object;
  • The scope of services provided - it can only be a search potential buyers or search for buyers and support of the purchase and sale transaction;
  • A clause on the removal of responsibility from the agent for the actions of the seller.

Copies of documents for the object being sold, as well as a copy of the seller's passport, must be attached to such an agency agreement.

Contract for the provision of services for the search for buyers of services

Agency agreements have become widespread in the field of sale of goods, but companies providing various services have increasingly begun to resort to the help of agents. For example, entrepreneurs who work in the field actively use the agency scheme. Often the owners transport company there is not even technology and advertising, but there are agents of carriers and agents of consignors. The business owner can only match requests from agents and receive a percentage of each order.

The agency scheme works well and in educational services. For example, an agent can search for clients on the course "", thus the course organizer does not need to spend his time on advertising and attracting clients.

In the agency agreement for the search for buyers of services, it is necessary to indicate a specific list of services in respect of which the agent works. Moreover, the contract may oblige the principal to provide all information about his services, including information about the availability of special permits, licenses, etc.

The role of the agency agreement in business

An agency agreement for the search for buyers can be concluded by any subject of legal relations, including an individual. For example, a car owner can instruct an agent. Thus, the owner of the car saves himself from unnecessary trouble, but receives a source of passive income.

In business, an agency agreement is one of the effective means of development. Attracting agents allows you to increase sales without additional investments. The agent replaces the sales manager, and the agent's job is often more efficient work staff member. The contractor under an agency contract works for a percentage of the transaction, so he not only sends out, but is looking for other options to bring each potential client to a real deal. As practice shows, in most types of services and wholesale trade the involvement of agents has a positive effect on sales dynamics. The situation is similar in sales of real estate, equipment and machinery.

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Do not forget that the agency agreement is also an opportunity to start own business without investment. A novice entrepreneur only needs to find a company that works with agents and start promoting their products or services. To date, many entrepreneurs in the wholesale trade are creating a business using this option.

In contact with


to search for a buyer, investor No. _______

Moscow "__" ____________ 20

__________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Principal",on the one hand, and

Sole Proprietor, hereinafter referred to as " Agent', on the other hand, collectively referred to as "Parties", and separately "Side", have concluded this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement)about the following:

1. Subject of the contract

1.1. Under this Agreement, the Principal instructs, and the Agent assumes the obligation, for a fee, to perform actions on behalf of the Principal aimed at searching for potential buyers, creditors, lenders, investors (hereinafter - "Client" or "Clients") expressing the intention to conclude purchase / sale agreements, provide loans, credits, investments related to property, shares / shares in the authorized capital of enterprises and real estate (hereinafter referred to as - "An object") specified in clause 1.2. of this Agreement. The principal owns the right to sell real estate objects and enterprises owning real estate objects

1.2. Under "Object" The parties understand: shares in the authorized capital of LLC "", non-residential premises (_________________________________________________________________________), which is confirmed by the Certificate of state registration rights on the form (___________________), about which in the Unified state register rights to real estate and transactions with it, a record of registration was made (_________________________________).

Restrictions (encumbrances) of rights to the Object are not registered.

1.3. The Principal guarantees the legal purity of the Object: it is not alienated to anyone, is not in dispute or under arrest, is not subject to pledge, is not burdened by the rights of third parties, both at the time of signing and during the entire term of the Agreement.

1.4. The Agent facilitates the conclusion of purchase / sale agreements, the provision of loans, credits, investments in the Object (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement with the Object").

1.5. Under "Agreement with the Object" The Parties understand any agreement between the Principal (the person specified by the Principal/owner of the rights to the Object or the owner of shares/shares in the authorized capital of the owner of the Object or being affiliated with the Principal) and the Client/Clients (the persons specified by the Client/Clients or persons affiliated with to the Client/Clients), including, but not limited to: loan agreements, credit, agreements for the sale and purchase of the Object, the sale and sale / alienation of shares / shares in the authorized capital of the Principal / holder of rights to the Object, including preliminary or other legally binding an agreement, according to the results of the conclusion of which the Client / Clients acquire the right to register the Object in ownership or other legal right to use and dispose of the Object.

1.6. Under "Client"/"Clients" in relation to this Agreement, the Parties understand the legal and / or individuals represented by the Agent, in any form, expressing their intention to provide a loan, credit, become a buyer / buyers of the Object owned by the Principal in any of the ways, including those specified in clause 1.6. actual agreement. The Client/Clients in the text of this Agreement also means the persons specified by the Client/Clients for concluding the Agreement with the Object, as well as persons affiliated with the Client/Clients.

2. Rights and obligations of the Principal

2.1. The principal undertakes :

2.1.1 . Provide the Agent with the necessary and timely assistance in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. At the written request of the Agent, provide information about the Object, namely: copies of documents on ownership, floor plans, drawings, specifications, explications; information materials, and the rights to use them, as well as other copies of documents (information) necessary for the subsequent conclusion with potential client/ Clients of the Agreement with the Object.

2.1.2. Not to enter into any contacts with the Client/Clients found by the Agent without prior consultations with the Agent during the entire Term of this Agreement.

2.1.3. Notify the Agent within five days of the signing with the Client/Clients attracted by the Agent of the Agreement with the Object, indicating the Transaction Price and payment terms, as well as the amounts received in fulfillment of these obligations.

2.1.4. Accept execution under this Agreement, sign the Certificate of Completion within 2 (Two) working days from the date of its receipt from the Agent or send a reasoned refusal to sign it in the manner and within the time specified in this Agreement.

2.1.5. Pay the Agent a fee in accordance with clause 5.1. actual agreement.

2.2 . The principal has the right:

2.2.1. Give the Agent oral and written recommendations, explanations on the implementation of this Agreement.

2.2.2. Request from the Agent general (available to the Principal) information about potential Clients/Client and held (ongoing) preliminary negotiations.

2.2.3. Be present in person (through representatives) at negotiations with a potential Client/Clients on the issues of concluding an Agreement with the Object.

3. Rights and obligations of the Agent

3.1. The agent undertakes:

3.1.1. Represent the interests of the Principal within the powers granted to him under this Agreement.

3.1.2. Provide advice to the Principal on: attracting a potential Client/Clients, preparing draft Agreements with the Object and the procedure for their coordination with a potential Client/Clients; on other issues related to the competence of the Agent under the concluded Agreement.

3.1.3. Conduct preliminary negotiations/meetings with the Client/Clients; assist in organizing and holding meetings between the Principal and the Client/Clients, as well as, at the request of the Principal, take part in them.

3.1.4. Maintain confidentiality with regard to information and information received in connection with the implementation of this Agreement.

3.1.5. Provide the Principal with the Certificate of Completed Works within 2 (Two) working days from the date of signing the Principal with the Client/Clients of the Agreement on Acquisition of Rights to the Object.

3.2. The agent has the right:

3.2.1. Receive remuneration in the manner and within the period established by this Agreement.

3.2.2. Require the Principal to recognize its obligations as duly fulfilled, in case of successful negotiations with the Client/Clients presented by the Agent to the Principal, as a result of which the Agreement with the Object was signed without notifying the Agent.

3.2.3. Refuse to execute this Agreement unilaterally if the Principal does not provide the information specified in clause 2.1.1. of this Agreement, copies of documents, or in case of revealing information that prevents the execution of the Agreement for the acquisition of rights to the Object through the fault of the Principal.

4. Certificate of completion

4.1. Within 2 (Two) business days from the moment of signing the Agreement with the Object, the Agent sends to the Principal the Certificate of Completion under this Agreement in 2 (Two) copies.

4.2. Within 2 (Two) working days from the date of receipt by the Principal of the act of completed work under this contract, the Principal is obliged to sign it or send to the Agent in writing, in any appropriate way, a reasoned refusal to sign it. If, within the specified period, the Principal does not send the signed Certificate of Completion to the Agent or a reasoned refusal to sign it, then the Certificate of Completion is considered signed, the Agent's obligations are considered to be duly fulfilled and payable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.3. The transfer of the Certificate of Completion is carried out by courier or registered mail with a notification of delivery of the latter to the addressee at the location of the Parties / Parties specified in vabz. 11 of this Agreement.

5. Amount of remuneration and settlement procedure

5.1. For the actions specified in clause 1.1. of this Agreement, the Principal pays the Agent a fee. The amount of the Agent's remuneration is 2.5 percent of the amount of money actually paid by the Client to the Principal in connection with the execution of the Agreement with the Object concluded between the Client/Clients and the Principal.

5.2. The Principal pays the Agent remuneration within 10 (Ten) business days from the date of settlement in full under the Agreement concluded with the Object between the Client/Clients and the Principal.

6. Liability of the parties

6.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Principal bears full responsibility for the content of all initial data and materials transferred to the Agent in accordance with clause 2.1.1. actual agreement. All claims of third parties on these issues are settled by the Principal independently and at its own expense.

6.3. In case of violation by the Principal of the term for the transfer of funds established in clause 5.3. of this Agreement, the Agent has the right to require the Principal to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.1% (Zero point one tenth) percent of the amount of the overdue payment (remuneration unpaid under this Agreement in favor of the Agent) for each day of delay, and the Principal undertakes to pay them.

6.4. The Parties shall be released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations stipulated by the terms of this Agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances, in the interpretation of which the concepts regulated by the Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation are accepted.

7. Disputes and the procedure for their resolution

7.1. The claim procedure before the judicial settlement of disputes is mandatory for the Parties.

7.2. All claim letters are handed over by the Parties by courier or sent by registered mail with notification of delivery of the latter to the addressee at the location of the Parties specified in par. 11 of this Agreement.

7.3. Sending claim letters by the Parties in other ways not specified in clause 7.2. of this Agreement is not allowed.

7.4. The term for consideration of a claim letter and sending a written response to it is 3 (Three) working days from the date of receipt of the latter by the addressee (Party).

7.5. If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements before the court, they shall be resolved in judicial order in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.6. Any agreements reached by the Parties are fixed by them in the relevant Addenda, Agreements and Annexes to the Agreement.

8. Amendment, addition, termination and termination of the Agreement

8.1. This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by the Parties during the period of its validity, subject to their mutual consent.

8.2. Any agreements of the Parties to amend and supplement the terms of this Agreement are valid if they are executed in writing, signed and sealed by the Parties.

8.3. About all changes in banking, postal, electronic and other changes in their details, the Parties are obliged to notify each other properly no later than 2 (Two) calendar days since their official approval. All actions performed by the Parties at the old addresses and accounts prior to the receipt of notifications of their change are considered to be properly performed.

8.4. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties, as well as unilaterally at the written request of one of the Parties, within the terms of the Agreement and in accordance with the current Russian legislation.

8.5. The Parties have the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally at any time only subject to the submission of a written request 10 (Ten) calendar days before the expected date of termination.

8.6. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are made in writing, have legal force and are an integral part of it.

8.7. The expiration of the Term or early termination of the Agreement does not entail the termination of the Principal's obligation to pay remuneration arising from in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, during its Validity Period, and not executed by the Principal at the time of its termination.

8.8 . This Agreement is made in 2 (Two) copies, having the same legal force, one for each of the Parties, is binding and valid for their successors.

8.9 . Relations between the Parties not regulated by this Agreement shall be governed by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Duration of the contract

9.1 . The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid for 1 (One) year.

11. Legal addresses, bank details and signatures of the Parties



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