Job search in Europe for the Russian-speaking population. Work abroad without knowing the language. Jobs for Russians in Europe without knowing the language - how to find a job if you can't do anything

  • 28.10.2019

Thousands of our compatriots seek to find work abroad. The average income in foreign countries is much higher than in Russia, so there is an opportunity to improve your well-being.

You can find a job for people of different ages, men and women who do not have a profession and qualified specialists, with any education or without it at all. In any case, it is desirable to know the language of the host country - ideally, or English. But in some cases, you can do without it.

Offers and options

According to the latest data, work abroad for Russians vacancies 2017 most often involve unskilled labor and work in the service sector. IT-specialists are in demand, the need for which has grown by 8% in recent years. As for people with humanitarian specialties, there are enough of them abroad.

Some decide on an independent job search, but, nevertheless, it is better to use special recruiting agencies that guarantee that the applicant will not be deceived. This is the safest option for Russians who want to find work abroad.

An employee of the recruitment agency will provide information on working conditions, residence, medical care in a particular country, as well as familiarize with the contract, work schedule, size wages.

The range of offers of employers is very wide. There are such main groups of vacancies:

Work under a contract for up to a year with a possible extension for another five years.
Seasonal work, which is typical for developed countries tourism. This is employment for a period of three months to six months at sea or ski resorts.
Paid internship or practice for students of the most popular specialties for the summer, half a year or a year.
Participation in volunteer programs in which participants are rewarded.
A permanent job, but it can only be obtained after obtaining a residence permit or citizenship in connection with marriage with a local resident.

This can be work in hotels abroad for Russian girls and women, nannies in wealthy homes, nurses or nurses to care for the disabled and the sick, housekeepers, saleswomen in boutiques, dancers.

Men are expected as workers of various specialties, security guards, waiters, cooks, builders, drivers, gutters and fish picklers, etc.

Workers of either gender are gladly hired to plant and harvest vegetables, fruits, guides and animators. Consider the two most popular jobs.

This option is the most popular for the fairer sex from 18 to 45 years and more. If the placement of a nanny in a family abroad requires compulsory knowledge of the language, then in a Russian family living there, this is not required. Medical or pedagogical education is welcome, but it is not a prerequisite for employment.

This position has the following benefits:

high pay;
accommodation, as well as meals, are paid by the employer, and these expenses are not deducted from wages.

But there are also negative sides:

often, the functions of a housekeeper are added to the duties of a nanny, and you need to be prepared for this;
little free personal time. Therefore, even at the stage of signing the contract, it is advisable to stipulate the volume of working hours and the presence of a day off.

Of course, as in every family, whether she lives in Russia or any other country, the nanny will have to be tolerant and accurate. Before making a decision, it is better to talk with women who have experience in similar work. This will make it possible to avoid many "pitfalls".

Seasonal work abroad for Russians

As already mentioned, such employment is possible for Russians of both sexes. As a rule, it is available in summer period. Although the farms are recruiting workers for only three months, but this work is the most highly paid and simple.

During the season, you can earn up to 20 thousand dollars, so couples go out to harvest with great enthusiasm - the money received in a short time is then enough to live on for the rest of the year.

Seasonal work involves moving from one farming to another, and sometimes not even within the same country. Labor is not only about harvesting. Such professions as mechanics, loaders, packers, carpenters, etc. are also in demand. However, there are no special requirements for employees.

Work abroad for Russians can be found in various states that are interested in the influx of labor. Many organizations are ready to assist in finding employment in any country in the world. You just need to decide on new conditions, test your abilities, find inspiration and not be afraid to plunge into new life.

(4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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For Russians, work abroad without knowing the language

It is difficult to find work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language. For example, construction vacancies are filled instantly with guest workers from Asia and Africa. The language barrier is a major barrier to career development even in low paying jobs. Russians work abroad and get decent money on a shift as assemblers, plumbers, and welders. Here the main criterion is experience, and knowledge of the language fades into the background. Moreover, with the rotational method, specialists are selected on a national basis, Slavic brigades are completed.

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  • Heavy truck driver required international law for trips to Eastern Europe and occasionally to Russia. Age - not older than 50 years, work experience of at least 3 years. Knowledge of European languages ​​at the initial level is welcomed and paid as an additional bonus. Signed labor contract, all conditions of employment are negotiated. A basic salary of 800 euros is paid plus a monthly 50% accident-free bonus. Accommodation is provided in a departmental hotel, a room for 2 people with all amenities.
  • Fresh vacancies for Russians abroad

    • A dairy yogurt factory in southern Spain is looking for sorters and packers. Work in shifts of 8 hours with an hour break for lunch. The worker is provided with overalls and clean linen when starting a shift. Young people from 18 to 30 years old are accepted, knowledge of the language is not required. The newly hired undergoes a week-long internship with the payment of benefits, and then starts working. The salary is paid 2 times a month. total amount which is issued to the employee should not be less than 850 euros.
    • Maid job in France. A girl 20 - 35 years old is invited to the position of a maid. Responsibilities include cleaning rooms and laundry. Communication only in Russian, for the development of colloquial speech of younger family members. The house is located in the suburbs of Marseilles, a double room is provided for living in a service annex to the house. It has its own kitchen, toilet and bath. The salary is paid weekly in the amount of 300 euros, which is about 1200 euros per month. Free meals and specials clothes.
    • The repair of autobahns in Germany requires a variety of qualified personnel for the repair and laying of the roadbed. Shift work, mostly at night. Basic knowledge required German language. It can be obtained by completing a 2-week accelerated course. The salary of a simple worker is 1000 euros, specialists who know how to operate road equipment receive from 2000 euros. All road workers are provided with free housing and hot meals. Shift method recruitment, minimum term 2 months, maximum - 6 months.
  • Work abroad from a direct employer

    • Estonia: janitor-cleaner without qualification and no work experience. Salary from 5 euros per hour. Men and women are accepted. Resume to email [email protected]
    • Portugal: operator of looms. Salary from 600 euros. Employer mail: [email protected]
    • Czech Republic: operator for the production of plastic castings. Salary from 900 euros. HR mailbox [email protected]
    • Poland: machine operator for plastics processing. Salary up to PLN 4000. Mail for communication: [email protected]
    • Slovenia: full-time joiner-carpenter with a minimum wage of 825 euros. Communication with the employer by mail [email protected]
    • Slovenia: master hairdresser with experience in haircuts and hairstyles. Salary is negotiable. Send resume by email [email protected]
    • Malta: Nanny for children over 3 years old, preferably with experience. Salary 170 euros per week. Mail to send resume: [email protected]
    • Cyprus: massage therapist with experience and knowledge in English. Salary from 900 euros per month. Mail to send resume: [email protected]
    • Iceland: care for the elderly and help with domestic problems. Experience is desirable. Mail: [email protected]
    • Romania: Demolition and demolition construction workers. Piecework payment. Write to mail: [email protected]
  • Reviews about work in Poland

    • Lydia: Let me share my experience of working in Poland. It is not suitable for everyone - only for girls and women who know how to sew on industrial sewing machines. For a long time I wanted to go to work abroad, but two reasons stopped me. The first was the fear of staying in a foreign country without protection, money and a passport. And the second is ignorance of a foreign language. Which of us, fifty years old, studied at least English in full at school and university? Only a few, because then it was not relevant. Therefore, when I saw an ad in the newspaper about hiring women for a garment factory, I called and signed up for a consultation. There were 9 people in our group, and 7 of us signed a contract of employment after consultation. Because we were presented with certificates and the registration number of the agency, we were shown the website and its pages in social networks, photos of the factory and dorm rooms. The contract was signed for 6 months. Everything was organized clearly - transport, accommodation in a hostel, acquaintance with the workplace in the shop. The first month was difficult - strangers, monotonous work on simple sewing operations, the inability to communicate in transport and in the store. But then new words and phrases were learned by heart - life forced them. So finding a job abroad without knowing the language is real. But only through official representatives.
    • Igor: Last year I decided to leave my comfort zone and went abroad to work in Poland. It is very difficult to find a job without knowing the language, it is very difficult to survive alone. My friend who lives in Krakow gave me the address of an office that recruits Russian-speaking workers. They offered a hard job, the kind that guest workers from Central Asia do here in Russia. He worked as a laborer, concrete worker, slinger for about 10 months, but he could no longer. Gradually learned the basics of Polish and got a job at McDonald's. He worked as a waiter, cleaner and loader. It was difficult, but gradually got used to it, began to speak fluent Polish. Now I work as a taxi driver, the earnings are not great, because the car is rented, but there is a prospect of earning decent money here.
    • Olga: I came to Poland on vacation, but the circumstances were such that I had to stay and look for work without knowing the language. I started by translating my resume into Polish and sending it out to job postings - mostly cleaning and washing dishes in restaurants. In one of the restaurants, they entered my position and took me to the washing up. They paid me 8 zlotys an hour (the standard wage for such work at that time) with the provision of a free lunch. There were no other foreigners in the team besides me, so pretty quickly I was able to start speaking Polish and new opportunities appeared to find a better paying job.

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    There were fears that they would be deceived - the Jews, after all, but worried in vain. The salary is excellent, it cannot be compared with ours, I received about 2200 per month, if we translate into dollars, about 2200. A standardized day, the salary was given out on time, all safety standards were observed.
    Everyone in Israel speaks Hebrew, and there are also many people who speak English. When you go out into the city, there are no big difficulties in communication. To buy something in a store or in the market - you explain yourself with the help of gestures. There was a funny case when, with a comrade, facial expressions and gestures, they showed the electronics seller that we need wireless headphones. He tells us so calmly: "Guys, why are you puffing up, say what you need."

    Feedback on work in London

    Alexey: I had experience of working abroad, or rather in London. We were sent to practice from the university. I stayed there exactly one month, made good money, we were paid 30 pounds a day. But the trouble was different, I didn’t know English well, but I can read and write, but alas, I can’t speak. I got into such a ridiculous situation in the store, they asked me what to serve, and I was confused and did not even know what to answer. Said the first thing that came to mind, took his water and walked out. Learn English! This may be of use to you.

    Feedback on work in Austria

    Anna: I was offered a job in Austria as a trade manager, I doubted for a long time. The problem was the poor knowledge of the language. Nevertheless, I decided to take a chance, I signed a contract for 3 months, in order to understand mine or not during this time, if I like it, I will renew it. After the first month of work, I understood. that was not wrong. Housing, working conditions, employer relations, everything is excellent!
    For those who do not know the language, a mentor was provided to help in adapting and learning the language. In a month I earned 1760 euros, which is excellent by our Russian standards. Fortunately, my contract was extended and they hinted at an increase in salary after 6 months of experience.

    How to get help

    If you want to get help from businessmen, famous people or charitable foundations write your request. We will send your letter to 39 addresses. The cost of the donation is 45 rubles.

    How to post your resume for foreign employers

    If you want to publish your resume in different languages, donate 50 rubles to get a job abroad. And submit your application. We will translate it and publish it on the website.

    For translation into 5 languages ​​- 150 rubles, for 4 languages ​​- 120, for 3 - 100 rubles, for 2 - 80 rubles, for 1 - 50 rubles.

    Working in Europe provides an opportunity for many people to realize themselves at a time when they are unclaimed in their own country. The unstable situation in the country leaves its mark on the work Russian companies. Many enterprises fail, and in order to somehow keep afloat, they reduce the staff. Young and established specialists are forced to look for work in European countries. How to find a job in Europe?

    What categories of Russians go abroad in search of work? Many students want to earn extra money during the holidays. will allow young people not only to have a good summer and save money, but also to better learn the local language, get to know the culture and just communicate with new people.

    Established specialists with experience are also not averse. foreign company will help young specialists to establish themselves, realize themselves, learn something new, and those who have taken place - to receive decent wages and move up the career ladder.

    Before choosing a job abroad, evaluate your strengths and abilities. Pay special attention to aspects such as age, education, foreign language skills, work experience, additional skills, course attendance and health, in the end.

    As for the choice of the country, the main point in is the knowledge of foreign languages. Do not think that having arrived in an unfamiliar country, not understanding the local speech at all, you will quickly find a suitable position. Without an elementary understanding of colloquial speech, you will not be able to get even a simple part-time job. Unless you find a job for Russian speakers.

    And for highly qualified job offers, knowing only English is not enough, since in France, Italy or Germany, even immigrants speak the state language.

    How to find a job in Europe without higher education? This can be done if you pass the courses and get a certificate. If we talk about a prestigious position, then your diploma will need to be translated into the national language. Do not lose sight of the fact that a document of education may not be listed on the European labor market.

    It is worth taking care of the legality of staying in the country. If you entered the state for the purpose of work, then issuing a tourist visa instead of a work visa can serve as a punishment. Therefore, you should apply for a work visa when the contract is signed by the employer.

    Remember that searching for a job can take a lot of your strength and energy, but do not despair and quit what you started. You must have strong motivation and then you will reach your goal.

    Five steps to search

    Are you interested in working in European countries? Remember the important rules without which you will not be able to get a job in another country. These rules can be considered as five steps that will allow you to get a job.

    • The first step is to study local laws. Knowledge of local legislation will help to avoid unpleasant moments. If you have not yet decided where to go in search of work, then make a list of countries that suit you according to all the criteria and familiarize yourself with the immigration policy. For example, strict requirements are set for, in Sweden you can find a vacancy even without a diploma of higher education, in the Czech Republic job search is simplified thanks to the created database of vacancies, and in Germany there are strict selection criteria vacancy, according to which you can get a position only with a diploma.
    • The second step is to create an informative portfolio that will contain information about your education and courses taken. To receive information about fresh vacancies, register on popular portals of your chosen European countries, for example, “I offer a job in Europe”, set search parameters and upload your portfolio. Using social networks and thematic forums, you can view job offers.

    • The third step is to study the feedback of immigrants about the countries you have chosen, listen to opinions and advice in order to accurately determine the choice of the state. According to Russians and Ukrainians, . Actually it is not. Italy is one of the countries in which unemployment is rampant. Without knowledge of the language and without connections, it will be very difficult for you to find a job.
    • The fourth step is to prepare a resume using the CV template and set it up so that the search will display results for given vacancies. Remember that the program will search for the tags you have specified.
    • Fifth step - do not lose sight of such an important indicator as expenses. You will need to pay taxes, rent for rented housing, buy food and things, pay for travel in local transport, in the end. These amounts should be taken into account when choosing a country in order to compare with the salary. Think about spending points in advance, otherwise you will be in for a very unpleasant surprise.

    How to find work for Slavs in Europe?

    Why Slavic people so attracted to work in Europe? Students are attracted by the opportunity to earn extra money, someone seeks to change their usual way of life and leave for a new place of residence, someone is looking for a better paid position, and someone just lost a job and wants to try something new.

    If you speak foreign languages, then it will be quite possible for Russians and Ukrainians to find work in Europe. You will not need to order an interpreter, you can independently go to an interview and communicate with the employer.

    But without knowing the local language, the dream that you will have a good job may remain unfulfilled, regardless of what position you held at home.

    In addition, you will have to resort to the services of intermediaries, which will entail not only additional costs, but also risks.

    Are there jobs in Europe for Belarusians? When choosing a country, it is necessary to take into account the economic situation. In states where high level unemployment, namely in Eastern Europe, it will be difficult to find a job even for citizens of the state. But even in countries with a low unemployment rate, immigrants are reluctant to accept them. In Western Europe, the situation is a little better, wages are higher here, but it is also more difficult to get a prestigious job.

    The average monthly salary in Europe is 1000 euros for a citizen of the state, and the salary foreign employee will be at least 20% lower. Subtract from these indicators the cost of housing, groceries and travel.

    As for the rules for obtaining and extending a work visa, the EU has set a strict framework. So, a visa is issued for a period of 1 year, if the immigrant extends labor contract, then instead of a visa, you have the right. And if the work under the contract is terminated, then the immigrant has 2 months to find a new job, otherwise he must leave the country.

    When an immigrant has a residence permit, he can invite members of his family. But in this case, he must have an income level that will cover the subsistence level of the entire family. The family program in Europe allows you to apply for permanent residence not earlier than after six months of stay in the country, and you can change the status of a residence permit to permanent residence after 5-7 years.

    What professions are most in demand in Europe?

    The European labor market is in crisis. Despite this, the EU needs qualified workers. If you think that you can easily find a position with a high salary, even if you are a highly qualified specialist, then you are mistaken. Representatives of demanded professions can get the job of their dreams. So before you pack your bags and take a letter of recommendation from a previous job, study the professions in Europe that European companies are in dire need of.

    We can say with confidence that the problem of unemployment will not affect graduates of medical universities. Working as a doctor is prestigious in Europe, especially in Germany. But it will be very problematic to get such a position even in a public hospital. You will need to collect documents and pass nostrification. As for the profession, Europe does not need therapists, but narrowly specialized specialists. The second position is occupied by colleagues of doctors - medical technicians and pharmacists. According to surveys, veterinarians are also included in this list.

    1. In Germany, there will be a shortage of science teachers and doctors. The surplus of personnel will have social work and architecture.
    2. France will need HR specialists, insurance managers, programmers, financial personnel and engineers.
    3. As far as doctors are concerned. This problem has been around for a long time. The country has developed a special program under which young professionals receive benefits, take language courses for free, they are offered the best vacancies and help to legalize a diploma from another country.

    Usually the way young specialist begins with a bachelor's degree in one state, continues with a master's degree in another, and ends with an internship or career start in a third.

    In order to get a legal job in Europe it is necessary to obtain a special permit, with which residents of the CIS countries may experience a number of difficulties:

    1. In some countries, there are simply no such permits for low-skilled workers.
    2. If citizens apply for a vacancy European Union then preference will be given to them.
    3. The employer does not want to spend time on the paperwork required by the job seeker for employment.

    What do you need to know to find a job in Europe?

    First of all, do not spray attention at once on everything European states. You need to focus your choice on two or three countries, depending on personal preferences and foreign language skills. With the help of various sources of information, best of all the Internet, it is necessary to study the local features of the employment of immigrants. Including using the site. It would be useful to join local communities in social networks and visit relevant forums.

    Secondly, you need to pay attention to the reality of finding a legitimate job. For example, the procedure for obtaining a work permit in England is one of the most difficult in Europe. Even first-class foreign specialists from the CIS countries do not always manage to get a work visa.

    It is much easier to find a job in the Czech Republic or Poland. In connection with the outflow of young personnel to more prosperous countries of the European Union, the labor market is open for qualified foreigners. To find a job in Germany, education must meet the needs of the applicant, that is, a person with legal education never get a job as an electrician.

    Ways to get a job in Europe

    1. Volunteering. One of the most simple ways employment in Europe. However, this is not exactly a job, but rather an opportunity to gain experience, because volunteering is not paid. But, at the same time, it becomes possible to live in Europe, make connections, learn local features and find the right one for yourself. workplace.
    2. Employment through education. A great immigration option for young people. A student visa allows you to work on a reduced schedule, and after graduation there is a chance to find a full-fledged job in Europe.
    3. Work in families. It can be considered as a temporary option. This type of earnings will not bring significant income.
    4. Seasonal work. For those who are not afraid of hard physical labor. For example, harvesting and working at a construction site. It is paid relatively low, but does not require special qualifications (read the article working abroad without knowing the language).
    5. international company. For such employment, the applicant must be a first-class specialist. Have higher education in the specialty and solid experience in the relevant field. This should include a well-written resume and transmittal letter. Knowledge of a foreign language is required.

    salary in Europe

    When choosing a European country for work, one of the most important factors is the level of average wages. The highest monthly wages are in Switzerland, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries. The least received in the Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe.

    Naturally, all of the above aspects apply only to official employment. There is also a large informal labor market in Europe. But that's a completely different story.

    Every person strives to learn something new. Some listen to stories about the adventures of others, others collect things and go to a new unknown life at their own peril and risk. And everyone knows, "who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne"! Humanity is progressing through the use of its skills and knowledge in different areas of the economy, in different territories. You cannot fully realize yourself sitting in one place, especially if this place has no prospects. Therefore, many Ukrainian citizens leave for Europe, some just to relax, and some in search of new job. However, the latter contingent prevails. Most of our compatriots are interested in making money, rather than in foreign holidays, for which our citizens do not have the funds. The shortage of jobs is forcing our compatriots to break away from their homes in search of funds for the existence of their families.

    Work for Ukrainians in Europe gives you the opportunity to earn decent money, provide for your family, realize yourself professionally, improve your qualifications, and all this along with official employment in Europe. Before you take such a bold step, you need to get full information about the job you are applying for. Learn everything about the country you are going to go to, take into account all the nuances of staying in this country, the conditions of work contracts, visas. The ideal option would be a trip abroad, for an already defined vacancy, for which the employer is already ready to accept you. In this article, we will consider what work for Ukrainians, what is called "shines" to our citizens in Europe.

    How to quickly find your job abroad? You can spend hours scouring information on various job sites, but nowhere will you find a guarantee of official employment. It is better to submit your resume to a company that is looking for work for its applicants. You should be very serious about compiling your resume, correctly state all your professional qualities. To find a decent paying job, you need to know foreign language, and two is better. Work for Ukrainians without knowledge of the language will not bring great material expectations.

    By contacting a similar employment company, you will receive information about vacancies for Ukrainians, confirm with a guarantee that your employment abroad will be only official, get a complete list of all required documents and you can prepare them in advance. If you process information on your own, wandering around all Internet sites, of course, you will be convinced that vacancies for Ukrainians, are offered in sufficient quantities for our citizens, but all of them are either low-paid, or with the presence of hidden unpleasant nuances, in terms of working conditions, living abroad. Most often offered vacancies for Ukrainians, are not legal, which threatens, at best, with deportation from the country.

    The most guaranteed way to move to live in another country is to volunteer in the country where you are supposed to live. Volunteers are required in all countries, but are not valued. Work abroad, in this type of activity does not imply payment. You will work for free, but you will get a huge practice in learning the language, you will find a lot of many acquaintances and friends. The listed advantages of volunteering will later help you get a stable, official, well-paid job. Don't forget to get Good work abroad, you must pass a language test of the country in which you are going to work, only then you will be issued a work permit. It should be noted that volunteering in Europe can last a sufficient period of time during which you can adapt in one country or another, and besides, living abroad as a volunteer is not expensive.

    The next option for employment abroad is work in a family, as a housekeeper, a nanny for children, a nurse for the elderly. Work abroad in this capacity, it may be a starting period for you, you should not be upset, you should be patient and find a better place for yourself in the future. Working in a family, you get a lot of practice in knowing the language, often free accommodation in the same family.

    The next option is to work abroad. Do you remember our parents, during their holidays they went “for apples”? Every self-respecting Soviet engineer, having a higher technical education, sacrificed his vacation in order to earn in a month for a furniture set, a refrigerator, a tape recorder. Especially lucky, it turned out to make money in this way, even on the Zhiguli. Today, there is a similar option for earning, a European employer offers seasonal work abroad, which is associated with harvesting. Work abroad seasonal , coincides with the calendar period of harvesting a crop. People who do not have special professional skills, or simply those who decide to quickly earn extra money in a short period of time, go to this type of earnings. It should be warned that work abroad harvesting vegetables and fruits, as a rule, is not official and when receiving wages, you risk being deceived. But if you still decide to take a chance, you have a chance to earn money, live in another country, practice learning a foreign language.

    Work in Europe
    It's always there, you just have to look for it. Currently, a large number of people have found work abroad and are successfully working there. A greater number of people doubt their abilities, they are afraid of being deceived, they are afraid to break away from their habitable place. The cost of moving, paperwork, foreign passports for many is an unbearable amount. Let's consider this question.

    Jobs for Ukrainians in Europe implies wide range activities, because there are a huge number of industrial enterprises and of course there is ample availability of vacancies for men and women. You can get a job as a handyman, picker, packer and this does not require special skills, you will be taught everything on the spot. If you do not disdain dirty work, you can find a place at a meat processing plant, a fish factory, a poultry farm, a farm, and wages are higher there. You can also get a job in catering as an assistant cook, seamstress. But in this case, it is still necessary to have the skills of a seamstress or at least the smallest experience in the enterprise. Catering. For people without special education, this is not the worst option, they still won’t earn any more in their homeland, plus the practice of the language, a period for adaptation. And do not forget, if you wish, unskilled low-paid work can be replaced in the future with better options. Start by improving your knowledge of a foreign language.

    For men jobs in Europe have the same wide range of activities. There are many vacancies at construction sites, welders, plumbers, carpenters, assemblers, builders of various specialties are also required everywhere. To work in such places, you must have experience.

    If you have an international driver's license, you definitely have a chance to find a job abroad. In Europe, drivers of regular buses, trolleybuses are always required, you can also work for trucks or loaders in warehouses, loading docks. The specialty of an auto mechanic is valued everywhere, both in Ukraine and abroad. A good car mechanic with experience has the opportunity to earn more abroad. Good specialist will always find work at the station Maintenance and will not disappear in any country.

    Remember, no matter what foreign employers promise you, do not succumb to offers of illegal labor. None of the wages and other possible benefits of living abroad compensate for the lack of guaranteed wage payments. It is not worth risking your own strength, time, moving costs, in order to end up being deceived. In this case, you can go to court and exercise your rights.