Job description of a junior ward nurse. Junior nurse - job description, duties. Responsibilities of a doctor in the organization of patient care

  • 31.03.2020

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1. Job Responsibilities nursing assistant nurse

2. The rights of a junior nurse to care for patients



Modern nursing in this period is undergoing a stage of active reform. The activity of modern nursing service is carried out in certain directions, which are developed and set out in the program for the development of nursing in Russian Federation. In 1997, in accordance with the Order of the Russian Federation of December 31, 1997 No. 390 "On measures to improve nursing in the Russian Federation", a program for the development of nursing in Russia was drawn up.

Relevance. A decisive role in ensuring proper patient care is assigned to the middle and junior medical staff.

Junior medical staff include junior nurses, housewives and nurses.

* Junior medical sister(nurse for patient care) helps the ward nurse in caring for the sick, leads the change of linen, ensures that the patients themselves and the hospital premises are clean and tidy, participates in the transportation of patients, monitors patients' compliance with the hospital regime.

* Mistress Sister deals with household issues, receives and distributes linen, detergents and cleaning equipment and directly supervises the work of nurses.

* Nurses: the range of their duties is determined by their category (nurse of the department, nurse-barmaid, nurse-cleaner, etc.).

The junior medical staff is directly responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the wards, corridors, common areas and other premises, their regular wet cleaning. Junior medical personnel often deal with very serious patients with severe motor dysfunctions, urinary and fecal incontinence, who have to change linen several times a day and carry out sanitary and hygienic treatment, and spoon-feed. Such patients are often a burden to others, and often to themselves. Caring for them requires great patience, tact, compassion.

Junior nurses assist in feeding seriously ill patients, changing their underwear and bed linen, serving, cleaning and washing vessels and urinals, sanitizing, accompanying patients to various examinations, and ensuring delivery of tests to the laboratory.

The purpose of this work: to study the main responsibilities of junior nurses in caring for the sick.


1. To study the job responsibilities of nursing assistants;

2. Consider the rights and responsibilities of junior nurses;

3. To study the technology of the main procedures carried out by junior nurses in the performance of their functional duties.

medical nurse duty sick

1. Responsibilities of a nursing assistant

A person with a secondary (complete) general education and additional training at courses for junior nurses in nursing without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education, additional training at courses for junior nurses in nursing and at least 2 years of work experience in the profile.

Appointment to the position of a junior nurse for patient care and dismissal from it is carried out in the established current labor law by order of the head of the health care institution.

The Nurse Nurse reports directly to the Chief Nurse.

The nursing assistant should know:

Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of healthcare institutions;

Organizational structure of the healthcare institution;

Techniques for conducting simple medical manipulations;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene, patient care;

Fundamentals of the treatment and diagnostic process, disease prevention, propaganda healthy lifestyle life;

The main methods and techniques for providing pre-medical medical care;

Ethical standards of behavior when dealing with patients;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety and fire protection;

Nursing Assistant Nurse:

1. Carries out simple medical manipulations, such as setting cans, mustard plasters and compresses.

2. Carries out control of cleanliness and order in the premises of a medical institution.

3. Provides assistance in caring for patients under the guidance of a nurse.

4. Monitors compliance by patients and visitors with the internal regulations of the healthcare institution.

5. Participates in the transportation of seriously ill patients.

6. Makes a change of bed and underwear.

7. Monitors compliance with the rules of the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime when using and storing patient care items.

2. The rights of a junior nurse to care for patients

The nursing assistant has the right to:

1. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the optimization and improvement of medical and social assistance, including on issues of their work activities.

2. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3. Receive information from the company's specialists necessary for the effective performance of their duties.

4. enjoy labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation

The nursing assistant is responsible for:

1. For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for in this job description

2. For the organization of their work and the qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the enterprise.

3. For ensuring that subordinate employees comply with their duties.

4. For non-compliance with internal regulations and safety regulations.

For offenses or omissions committed in the course of therapeutic measures; for errors in the process of carrying out their activities, which entailed serious consequences for the health and life of the patient; as well as for violation labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a junior nurse for patient care may be brought in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the misconduct, to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.


1. Kazmin V.D.. "Handbook for nurses and nurses" (in questions and answers), 2009.

2. Mukhina S. A., Tarnovskaya I. I. “A practical guide to the subject “Fundamentals of Nursing” Moscow Geotar-Media Publishing Group 2008.

3. Mukhina S.A. Tarnovskaya I.I. Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: Textbook. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2008.

4. Obukhovets T.P., Sklyarova T.A., Chernova O.V. Fundamentals of nursing. - Rostov e / d .: Phoenix, 2002.

5. Petrovsky B.V. - "Deontology in medicine". - M.: Medicine, 2010.

6. Order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n "On approval of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare"

7. Professional standard "Junior nurse for patient care" 2010.

8. Guide for averages medical workers/ Ed. Yu.P. Nikitina, V.M. Chernyshev. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007.

9. Directory of a nurse. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2006.

10. Khetagurova A.K. "Problems of ethics and deontology in the work of a nurse" Supplement to the journal "Nursing" No. 1, 2008.

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Approximate daily routine of patients of the therapeutic department and job responsibilities of a junior nurse

for patient care.

Times of Day


Responsibilities of a junior nurse

7.00 – 7.30

8.00 – 8.10
8.10 – 8.30

9.00 – 9.30
9.30 – 11.00

13.00 – 13.30

14.30 – 16.30
16.50 – 17.20

20.00 – 21.30

Rise, thermometry

morning toilet

Taking medicines

Doctor's bypass

Fulfillment of doctor's orders
Taking medicines

afternoon rest


Visiting patients with relatives

Taking medicines

Fulfillment of doctor's orders

Evening toilet

Preparation for sleep

Night sleep

Turns on the light in the wards (in winter), distributes thermometers, monitors the correctness of thermometry, writes down the data in the temperature sheet.

Helps to wash seriously ill patients, remakes or straightens the bed, transports biological material to the laboratory, ventilates the wards.

Participates in handover.

Distributes medicines prescribed for taking before meals, distributes medicines for taking after meals.

Participates in rounds, writes down appointments or prepares patients for examinations, accompanies patients to diagnostic rooms.

Cares for seriously ill patients, puts compresses, performs other manipulations.

Distributes medicines.
Helps distribute food, feeds seriously ill patients.

He ventilates the wards, monitors the state of silence in the department, and the condition of the patients.

Distributes thermometers, monitors the correctness of thermometry, writes data to the temperature sheet.

Controls the composition of the transmissions.

Distributes medicines, monitors their intake.

Helps distribute food, feeds seriously ill patients.

He puts enemas, jars, mustard plasters, distributes medicines, helps the nurse on duty to perform evening injections. Ventilate the rooms.

Washes, washes the seriously ill, straightens the bed, creates a comfortable position in bed. Ventilate the rooms.

Turns off the lights in the wards, covers the patients, monitors the silence in the department.

Makes rounds of patients on an hourly basis. The joint venture is carried out continuously throughout the day.

The nursing assistant provides the following types of care:

Accepts a patient from the admission department, participates in shifting him from a wheelchair to a bed or accompanies a walking patient to the bed, checks the quality of sanitization, introduces the regimen and internal rules of the medical department;

Monitors the cleanliness and order in the wards, the regularity of their ventilation, the air temperature in the ward, the observance of personal hygiene by patients and the regularity of changing bed and underwear;

Carries out the supply of the vessel and the urinal, hygienic care for a seriously ill patient, assistance with vomiting, change of underwear and bed linen in compliance with the principles of infectious safety;

Takes part in the distribution of food, feeding the seriously ill (Fig. 3), monitors the sanitary condition of the wards, bedside tables, refrigerators, sanitary and hygienic cleaning of the catering unit;

Measures body temperature, respiratory rate, pulse, conducts anthropometry, determines water balance, enters data on a temperature sheet, puts jars, mustard plasters, compresses, enemas, takes care of a permanent catheter and a removable urinal, distributes medicines, injects medicines into rectum, externally, in the eyes, nose, ears;

Collects biological material (feces, urine, sputum) and transports it to the laboratory;

Prepares patients for various examinations and transports them to diagnostic rooms (Fig. 4);

Carries out the nursing process in case of violation of meeting the needs of a seriously ill patient, preventive measures at the risk of developing bedsores, caring for stoma patients;

Provides first aid in emergency cases.

Fig.4 Transportation of a seriously ill patient

Fig.3 Feeding seriously ill patients

From the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated July 23, 2010 N 541n Moscow “On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare”:

Job Responsibilities . Assists in the care of patients under the guidance of a nurse. Carries out simple medical manipulations (setting cans, mustard plasters, compresses). Ensures cleanliness of patients and rooms. Ensures proper use and storage of patient care items. Makes a change of bed and underwear. Participates in the transportation of seriously ill patients. Monitors patient and visitor compliance with internal regulations medical organization. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, sterilization conditions for instruments and materials, prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

Must know: techniques for conducting simple medical manipulations; rules of sanitation and hygiene, patient care; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements . Primary professional education in the specialty "Nursing" without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education, additional training in the direction professional activity no requirement for work experience.

The junior nurse reports directly to the ward nurse, as well as to higher officials.

The job description of a junior nurse for patient care also reflects the rights and responsibilities of a specialist.

Nursing Assistant Nurse has the right to :

  • Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the optimization and improvement of medical and social assistance, including on issues of their work activities.

  • Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  • Receive information from the company's specialists necessary for the effective performance of their duties.

  • Enjoy labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Nursing Assistant Nurse is responsible :

  • For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for in this job description

  • For the organization of their work and the qualified execution of orders, orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise.

  • To ensure that subordinate employees comply with their duties.

  • For non-compliance with internal regulations and safety regulations.
For offenses or omissions committed in the course of therapeutic measures; for errors in the process of carrying out their activities, which entailed serious consequences for the health and life of the patient; as well as for violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a junior nurse for patient care can be brought in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the misconduct, to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

Infection control and prevention of nosocomial infection

Scale of the nosocomial infection (HAI) problem
It is known that nosocomial infections represent an urgent problem of modern health care.

More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates proved that cleanliness is the prevention of disease. Modern doctors only confirm this idea, which is why the requirements for hygiene and cleanliness are so high in medicine.

The problem of nosocomial infections arose in ancient times with the advent of the first hospitals. One of the main functions of hospitals until the 19th century was the isolation of infectious patients, while the prevention of nosocomial infections was practically absent, and the conditions for keeping patients did not hold water. The frequency of wound infection reached 100%, about 60% of amputations ended in the death of patients. Mortality was extremely high among women who gave birth in a hospital: for example, during an outbreak of "puerperal fever" in 1765, 95% of puerperas died. Despite the fact that individual measures of treatment and prevention were known in antiquity.

Fig. 5 I. Semmelweis observes the processing of the hands of doctors and obstetricians
In 1843, Oliver Wendell Holmes first concluded that medical staff, infecting their patients with "puerperal fever" through unwashed hands. After conducting examinations, Holmes came to the conclusion: "The disease known as puerperal fever is contagious, since doctors and nursing staff often transfer it from one patient to another." In 1847, the Hungarian obstetrician Ignaz Semmelweis proved that hand washing prevents nosocomial infections. From the very beginning of his obstetric practice, he was interested in the problems of puerperal fever, which was considered the "scourge" of European obstetrics in the 19th century. A huge number of women had to pay with their lives for the birth of a child. The disease began on the third or fourth day after childbirth, a high temperature appeared and a few days later the woman died,

despite all the efforts of doctors to help get rid of the disease. The neonatal mortality rate was also high. Everyone considered this to be quite normal. For more than two years, Semmelweis was tormented by this issue, continuously monitoring the work of doctors and midwives. In May 1847, he found the reason and immediately suggested that all doctors, midwives and students, before starting work, thoroughly wash their hands and keep them in a bleach solution for several minutes (Fig. 5). This decision initially provoked protests from the staff, but after a month the mortality rate dropped and out of a hundred women admitted, only two died.

The emergence of antibiotics in the 40s of the 20th century caused the emergence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. This led to the realization of the need for an integrated approach to solving the problems of nosocomial infections. Already in the middle of the last century, the first programs for the epidemiological surveillance of nosocomial infections and documentary evidence of the need for infection control programs appeared.

Virginia Henderson made a great contribution to the prevention of nosocomial infections.

Prevention of nosocomial infection not only in Russia, but also in all countries of the world is the main task. In recent years, according to WHO, significantly more cases of nosocomial infections have been recorded.

As defined by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, nosocomial infection (HAI) is any clinically recognizable infection, which affects the patient as a result of his admission to the hospital or seeking medical care, or an infectious disease of an employee as a result of his work in this institution(regardless of the time of manifestation of clinical symptoms).

Nosocomial infections in some cases lead to death, and if the outcome is favorable, the length of the patient's stay in the hospital increases (on average by 10 days), and the cost of his treatment increases by 4 times.

The structure of nosocomial infections in hospitals is specific and is determined by the bed capacity, the profile and nature of the treatment provided in the medical organization, as well as the nosology and age composition of the hospitalized. In most large multidisciplinary hospitals, purulent-septic infections, intestinal infections, hepatitis and HIV are more common.

Often there are so-called classic infections: measles, rubella, mumps, influenza, tuberculosis, diphtheria, dysentery.

Nosocomial infections are "superimposed" on the main diseases of the patient in the form superinfections or reinfections (superinfection- layering of a pathogen of a different type of infection on an already existing infectious disease; reinfection - This is a repeated infectious disease caused by the same pathogen), worsening the condition of the body, lengthening the time of recovery and treatment, and thereby bringing economic damage to both the patient and the medical organization. In addition, during the entire period of hospitalization, a patient with nosocomial infection under certain circumstances is a source of infection for other patients and staff.

AT medical organizations Nosocomial infections pose a serious danger to patients and healthcare workers.

Concept developed Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being, determines the main directions for improvement national system prevention of healthcare-associated infections. The strategic task of healthcare is to ensure the quality of medical care and create a safe environment for patients and staff in organizations engaged in medical activities. Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs), are an important component of this problem due to the widespread negative consequences for the health of patients, staff and the economy of the state.

The general criterion for classifying cases of infections as HAIs is the direct connection of their occurrence with the provision of medical care (treatment, diagnostic tests, etc.). Therefore, HAIs include cases of infection that not only join the underlying disease in hospitalized patients, but are also associated with the provision of any type of medical care (in outpatient clinics, sanatorium and health institutions, institutions social protection population).
Factors contributing to the spread of infections

related to medical careHCAI) :

The growth of HCAI is generated by a complex of factors, including:

  • Creation of large hospital complexes with a peculiar ecology: high population density, represented mainly by weakened contingents and medical personnel, constantly and closely communicating with patients; isolation environment, the originality of its microbiological characteristics (the circulation of a number of strains, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms).

  • The presence of a constant large array of sources of infectious agents in a number of patients admitted to hospitals with unrecognized infectious diseases, persons in whom nosocomial infections are superimposed on the underlying disease in the hospital and medical staff (carriers with erased forms of infection).

  • Activation of natural mechanisms of transmission of pathogens of infectious diseases, especially airborne and contact household, in conditions of close communication between patients, medical staff in the LU.

  • The unsystematic uncontrolled use of antimicrobial agents leads to the formation of resistant hospital strains of microorganisms that are resistant to the hospital environment (UV, the action of disinfectants and drugs).

  • An increase in the number of patients being cared for and cured due to the advancement of modern medicine, an increase in the number of elderly people and the presence of a large number of newborns and children with weakened immune systems.

  • Introduction of new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures using complex technique, which requires special processing methods.

  • Underestimation of the problems of nosocomial infections and economic difficulties in the country.

  • The sanitary condition of medical institutions and the hygienic culture of both patients and staff, the effectiveness of disinfection measures and sterilization.

  • The state of catering and water supply.
The main goal of the national concept for the prevention of infections associated with the provision of health care is to define a strategy for the prevention of HCAI in order to reduce the incidence and associated disability, patient mortality, and social and economic damage. For this, it is necessary to develop theoretical basis management of HCAI and the introduction of scientifically sound system epidemiological surveillance and a complex of effective organizational, preventive, anti-epidemic and therapeutic and diagnostic measures.
Types of pathogens that cause nosocomial infection
Currently, about 100 nosological forms of nosological infections associated with more than 200 types of microorganisms have been described (bacteria - 90%; viruses, molds and yeast-like fungi, protozoa - 10%).

The causative agents of nosocomial infections, depending on the degree of pathogenicity for humans, are divided into two groups:

  1. obligate pathogenic, which account for up to 15% of all nosocomial infections;

  2. opportunistic pathogens, which are the cause of 85% of nosocomial infections.
VBI Group obligate pathogenic nature presented parenteral viral hepatitis (B, C, D), the risk of infection with which exists in all types of hospitals. This group also includes salmonellosis, shigellosis, chlamydia, influenza, acute respiratory, acute intestinal viral infections, HIV infection, herpetic and etc.

Obligate pathogenic microorganisms have factors of active penetration into the internal environment and suppression of the body's defenses, they release exotoxins. The development of the epidemic process of nosocomial infection caused by obligate pathogenic microorganisms occurs more often as a result of the introduction of infection into the hospital from the outside due to non-compliance with the anti-epidemic regimen.

The bulk of the nosocomial infections at the present stage is called opportunistic pathogens. These include representatives of the following genera of microorganisms:

a) Gram-positive bacteria: aureus and epidermal staphylococci(up to 60% of all cases of nosocomial infections), streptococci and etc.; b) Gram-negative bacteria: Enterococcus, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus, Citrobacter, Pseudomonas and others (Fig. 6).

Most types of opportunistic microorganisms are normal inhabitants of the skin, mucous membranes, intestines, and are observed in all or many people and in large quantities, without pathogenic effects on a healthy organism. They are often found in water, soil, food products, on objects and other objects external environment. Opportunistic microorganisms cause disease in weakened people when they enter normally sterile cavities and tissues in an unusually large infectious dose. The term "purulent-septic infections" is often used for them.

The emergence and spread of diseases caused by opportunistic microorganisms are entirely determined by causes that act only in hospital conditions. A pathogen of a certain type, adapted to the specific conditions of a hospital, resistant to therapeutic and disinfection-sterilization measures is called hospital strain.

Fig.6 Pathogens nosocomial infections

Characteristics of causative agents of nosocomial infectionsby localization

pathological process
VBI of the urinary tract. Most commonly caused by Gram-negative bacteria ( E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Serration, Pseudomonas etc.), among gram-positive there are enterococci, staphylococci, group B streptococci. Urinary catheters are the main factor in urinary tract infection. The risk of infection increases with the length of time the catheter is in the urethra.

Respiratory infections. Previously, the main reason was considered streptococci and staphylococci, there is now a clear predominance Gram-negative bacteria, and nosocomial pneumonia caused by these pathogens is more severe than those caused by gram-positive ones, with a mortality rate of up to 50%. At present, there is no doubt that the causative agent of pneumonia is legionella. Sporadic outbreaks of nosocomial pneumonia can cause acinetobacter, pseudomonas. Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A predisposing factor for pneumonia is endotracheal intubation. The risk of pneumonia after surgical interventions is high.

Surgical area infections. The leading role in the development of these infections (up to 15% of all nosocomial infections) is played by the banal cutaneous endoflora ( staphylococci, enterococci others); in debilitated and elderly patients, mixed infections are often observed (a combination of several pathogens of a specific infection). In burn hospitals, the leading causative agent of nosocomial infections also remains Staphylococcus aureus, In second place - Pseudomonas aeruginosa and enterobacteria.

Infections of the digestive tract. The causative agents of nosocomial gastroenteritis are salmonella, shigella, coli, aeromonads, campylobacter.

bacteremia and sepsis. Bacteremia is most often caused enterobacteria, These include: coli, klebsiella, enterobacter, serration, Proteus, besides, pseudomonads. The primary sources of infection are often the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary system and the skin. Predisposing factors are surgical interventions, medical manipulations.

Among gram-positive pathogens, the main one is Staphylococcus aureus, less often epidermal and saprophytic. The cause is abscesses of the skin. Contamination occurs through various medical instruments.

Methods of transmission of some causative agents of nosocomial infections

An indispensable employee in a medical institution is a junior nurse. She has a huge responsibility. This employee takes care of the sick, takes care of them. What exactly is the job of a nurse? What does the junior nurse do? What manipulations can a junior nurse perform? How to get this position? We'll tell you in the article.

Responsibilities of a Junior Nurse

The job of a nurse is to help and care for patients. But this wording is too general. Let's try to clarify: what exactly is the junior nurse obliged to do? The answer to this question is contained in her job description.

Accounting for all medical staff can be conducted remotely directly from your smartphone. Set the schedule, salaries, all the necessary documentation in the Clinic Online service.

Functional duties of a junior nurse:

  1. Perform simple medical manipulations;
  2. Help patients to maintain hygiene, wash their hands, wash their faces, etc.;
  3. Keep the premises clean;
  4. Store the tools necessary for work in suitable conditions;
  5. Change bed;
  6. Collect and recycle medical waste;
  7. Transfer materials for analysis to the laboratory;
  8. Disinfect and sterilize instruments;
  9. Avoid complications after injections; development of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.

A nurse assistant is an employee who helps the doctor. Its main functions are to assist the doctor and help patients. It depends on how high-quality services are provided in the clinic. The employee monitors whether the patients are on the mend. She controls whether they receive proper care.

This employee has the right to:

  • Get the information she needs to do her job;
  • Express your position to optimize the work of the institution;
  • Suggest alternative ways to solve problems;
  • Inform the head of the provision of all necessary equipment and materials;
  • Engage in development, improve skills;
  • Join an association of nurses.

What category of staff does the junior nurse belong to?

A nurse assists during an appointment with a dentist, therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, neurologist. It helps to carry out operations, put anesthesia and so on. The category of personnel to which it belongs is junior medical personnel. In addition to it, this category includes:

  • Sanitary (ka), who also performs auxiliary functions;
  • Sister-mistress, keeping order in the institution;
  • A nurse taking care of patients in the wards.

The employee is appointed to the position by the head of the medical institution. A special order must be issued for this. Dismissal occurs in the same way. Her immediate supervisor is the head nurse. The junior nurse is subordinate to the senior nurse, as well as to the doctor, head of the department. These are her direct superiors.

Nursing Assistant Nurse: Her Responsibilities

The junior medical staff also includes the junior nurse for patient care. Her duties and rights are regulated by the job description. Such a document must be in any medical institution. It is quite universal, but it is adjusted taking into account the specifics of a particular organization.

Depending on the department in which the employee works, the tasks may vary. So the junior nurse in the intensive care unit will have their job responsibilities. As a rule, to her functional duties patient care includes:

  1. Assistance to those patients who cannot eat and move independently.
  2. Monitoring how the regime is observed.
  3. Moving documentation.

Responsibilities of a junior nurse during and after breakfast

There are many things to do in the morning. Breakfast starts at 8 o'clock and lasts for an hour. At this time, she can help the ward nurse, who feeds the patients with breakfast. To do this, she needs to change clothes and wash her hands. If help is not required, then you can start cleaning. Then by the end of breakfast and by the time the doctor goes to the wards, everything will be cleaned.

Then the treatment of patients begins, they attend procedures, consult with a doctor. After the patients have had lunch, daytime sleep begins. At this time, silence must be observed. It is necessary to strictly monitor compliance with the sleep regimen, because it is very useful for restoring the body. Therefore, it is forbidden to make noise, you need to speak quieter. Patients who are awake should not disturb others. When patients wake up, the junior nurse pours tea for them, helping them drink it if necessary.

Cleaning as one of the duties of a junior nurse

Maintaining cleanliness in the room is possible only with the help of wet cleaning. According to the rules during the day it is held at least three times. Used to kill microbes bleach. For washing, a solution of cold water and bleach is made: 10 to 1. The mixture can be stored in a dark glass vessel. The volume of the vessel is calculated depending on the number of chambers. Usually the maximum volume is 20 liters. The mixture needs some time to stand.

After 12 hours, it can be poured into smaller containers and used. But it should be stored only in a dark place, otherwise it will stop killing germs. The finished mixture can be diluted in water. 200 g of bleach solution is enough for a bucket of water. For cleaning, you can use the following tools: brushes, mops, rags. Hands during cleaning should be protected with rubber gloves. It is recommended to wash the floor in the ward with sweeping movements directed towards the exit. Small rubbish can be swept away and thrown away or destroyed.

Communication of a junior nurse with visitors

It is required to constantly monitor strangers who come to patients. Those who wish to visit the sick person can do so at a designated time. At the same time, strict rules are observed. Visitors should not bring germs into the department. Therefore, you can not sit on the bed with the patient or kiss him. Noise is also prohibited - loud conversations, laughter. To maintain a stable emotional background of the patient, he is not recommended to talk about something bad.

Visitors often bring food to the sick. In general, this is not prohibited, but there is a list of what cannot be brought. This must be controlled by employees. At the same time, you must remain polite and courteous. Their task is to protect the patient from the harm that a visitor can unintentionally inflict on him. For example, he can talk for a long time, not noticing that the patient is tired of talking and wants to rest.

Evening duties of a junior nurse

The patient's day ends with dinner and treatments. After the last meal, the third wet cleaning of the room is done. During cleaning, do not forget to ventilate the room. In addition to cleaning, the junior nurse must help her colleagues in performing the necessary medical and sanitary procedures. When patients fall asleep, she controls their sleep.

In order to maintain a restful sleep for patients, the ward must be quiet. Therefore, telephones are not placed next to the beds of patients. Sound sirens are replaced by light alarms. The furniture is equipped with rubber feet so that it can be moved silently. During sleep, no cleaning is carried out, and medical procedures, if they are not urgent, are postponed until morning. If something bothers the patient at night and you need to turn on the light, then he can turn on the nightlight.

Requirements for a candidate for the position of a junior nurse

In order to qualify, you need to have a secondary (complete) education and take courses. These may be refresher courses or retraining courses. The duration of the course is at least 16 hours. Work experience is not required. This is due to the fact that the necessary theoretical base and work skills are acquired already in the learning process.

The position of "junior nurse for patient care" is accepted by specialists who have completed one of two courses:

  • advanced training courses, duration - 16 hours
  • professional retraining program, duration - 250 hours.

Education in this specialty is impossible without working out in practice. At the end of the course, the student defends thesis and passes two state exams (written and oral).

How is the training for a junior nurse

Training for a junior nurse is regulated by the relevant professional standard. There are two options.

  • the applicant has already received a complete secondary education. He can prepare for work in one academic year, which is 10 months.
  • the applicant received basic general education. Then the training period will be 2 years 10 months.

The duration of training in the future may decrease or increase. It depends on how the general standard in education changes. For example, remote learning is now actively developing. Perhaps new technologies will significantly change the approach to training young professionals. The level of training when applying for a job may be different. Later, when moving along career ladder the person with the best level of education will have an advantage.

What knowledge should a junior nurse have

After training in an educational institution, passing practice, a nurse learns some general norms. These are, in particular, the norms of labor protection and safety. Also important are the norms of communication and ethics when talking with patients and their visitors. In addition, she must know:

  1. What manipulations can a junior nurse perform;
  2. What methods are used to perform these manipulations;
  3. The structure of the human body and features of its functioning;
  4. How to care for a patient if it is: an old man, an adult, a child;
  5. How to provide first aid;
  6. How to observe the sanitary regime and hygiene rules;
  7. What to do with waste in a medical institution;
  8. What regime is observed in the organization;
  9. How to properly prepare documents.

Note that if the junior nurse has only secondary education or primary medical education, she will not qualify for a promotion to ward nurse.

Qualification requirements. Secondary (complete) general education without presenting requirements for work experience.

General provisions:

Nursing assistant refers to junior medical staff.

A person who, depending on the category of payment, has: - secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the courses of junior nurses for patient care without presenting requirements for work experience;

Secondary (complete) general education, additional training in nursing courses for junior nurses and at least 2 years of work experience in the profile.

The junior nurse for patient care is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician (head of the medical institution).

Must know:

Techniques for conducting simple medical manipulations;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene, patient care;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, and fire protection;

Ethical standards of behavior when dealing with patients.

In her activities, the junior nurse for patient care is guided by the internal labor regulations, orders of the head, medical institution, this job description and reports directly to the head of the unit.

Patient Care Responsibilities:

Provides assistance in caring for patients under the guidance of a nurse;

Carries out simple medical manipulations (setting cans, mustard plasters, compresses);

Ensures cleanliness of patients, premises;

Monitors the proper use and storage of patient care items;

Makes a change of bed and underwear;

Participates in the transportation of seriously ill patients;

Monitors compliance by patients and visitors with the internal regulations of the healthcare facility.

Has the right to:

Submit proposals on issues related to their activities for consideration by their direct management;

Receive from the specialists of the institution the information necessary for the implementation of their activities;

Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties.


For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of a nurse.

Job responsibilities:

Provides pre-hospital medical care, collects biological materials for laboratory research;

Provides care for patients in a medical organization and at home;

Performs sterilization of medical instruments, dressings and patient care items;

Assists in the doctor's treatment and diagnostic manipulations and minor operations on an outpatient and inpatient basis;

Prepares patients for various types of examinations, procedures, operations, for outpatient doctor's appointments;

Ensures the fulfillment of medical appointments;

Carries out accounting, storage, use of medicines and ethyl alcohol;

Maintains personal records, information (computer) database of the health status of the population served;

Supervises the activities of junior medical staff. Maintains medical records;

Carries out sanitary and educational work among patients and their relatives on health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Collects and disposes of medical waste;

Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilizing instruments and materials, the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

Must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; theoretical foundations of nursing;

Fundamentals of the treatment and diagnostic process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment;

Statistical indicators characterizing the state of health of the population and the activities of medical organizations;

Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical organizations;

Fundamentals of the functioning of budget-insurance medicine and voluntary medical insurance;

Fundamentals of valeology and sanology;

Fundamentals of dietetics;

Fundamentals of clinical examination, social significance of diseases;

Fundamentals of disaster medicine;

Rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, the main types of medical documentation;

medical ethics; psychology of professional communication;

Basics of labor legislation; internal labor regulations;

Rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Job description of a junior nurse for patient care [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

real job description developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor relations In Russian federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Nursing assistant refers to junior medical staff.

1.2. A person who, depending on the category of payment, is appointed to the position of a junior nurse for the care of patients:

Secondary (complete) general education and additional training in nursing courses for junior nurses without presenting requirements for work experience;

Secondary (complete) general education, additional training in nursing courses for junior nurses and at least 2 years of work experience in the profile.

1.3. The junior nurse for patient care is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician (head of the medical institution) on the proposal of [fill in as needed].

1.4. The nursing assistant should know:

Techniques for conducting simple medical manipulations;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene, patient care;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, and fire protection;

Ethical standards of behavior when dealing with patients;

- [fill in as needed].

1.5. In her activities, the junior nurse for patient care is guided by the internal labor regulations, orders of the head, medical institution, this job description and reports directly to [fill in the right one].

1.6. [Enter as required].

2. Job responsibilities

Nursing Assistant Nurse:

2.1. Assists in the care of patients under the guidance of a nurse.

2.2. Carries out simple medical manipulations (setting cans, mustard plasters, compresses).

2.3. Ensures cleanliness of patients and rooms.

2.4. Monitors proper use and storage of patient care items.

2.5. Makes a change of bed and underwear.

2.6. Participates in the transportation of seriously ill patients.

2.7. Monitors compliance by patients and visitors with the internal regulations of the healthcare facility.

2.8. [Enter as required].

3. Rights

The nursing assistant has the right to:

3.1. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by their direct management.

3.2. Receive from the specialists of the institution the information necessary for the implementation of their activities.

3.3. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.4. [Enter as required].

4. Responsibility

The nursing assistant is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]