I have an idea how to implement it. How to evaluate where and to whom to sell an idea for a business in Russia. We ship in bulk, buy in bulk

  • 18.09.2020
February 28, 2011 at 03:03

How to sell an idea?

  • I'm PR

I am often visited by various ideas for startups in different directions, from websites to real physical businesses. Ideas both small - “the same, only with mother-of-pearl buttons”, and large, for the production of something in a certain way or for full-fledged commercial sites.

Traveling through the expanses of the Internet, I could not help but notice that the question of “selling ideas” at different stages of their development is not my only concern, messages like “there is an idea for a million, I don’t, I just won’t give it to you, how to get money for it, at least ten thousand?”

Relatively recently appeared sites for startups that help to find investors have partially solved this problem, but not everyone is useful.
After all, investors do not give money for an idea or even for good business plan. They usually give money for the implementation of the idea by the author. And what about those who do not want to / cannot implement?

After spending many sleepless nights thinking about the way to "sell ideas", I came up with one option, which in itself is a complete idea. And since above, I spoke about the lack of time for their implementation - and I want to present it to the public.

Some more lyrics

What is an idea? This is a certain amount of information. At the moment we are interested in information that can help make money. A new diet for weight loss in 10 days is also an idea, but in itself it is of little interest to us at the moment. But the idea of ​​​​how to make money with a description of several diets is already more interesting.

How can you sell any information?

1) According to the principle of money in the morning, chairs in the evening. This is how you can sell movies, music, software, books, but this is not suitable for single materials. The driving force in this case is the feedback of those who bought it, and we have only one buyer planned.

2) According to the principle, chairs in the morning, and if you like it, money in the evening. So now some content is being sold, but it doesn’t suit us either, with each subsequent “initiate”, the idea falls in price.

3) For trial versions - read one chapter, if you like it - buy a book. This is already more interesting and, with some stretch, can be used to “sell ideas”, listen to the description and get money for money. detailed business plan, but I don’t think that under such a scheme they will give a lot of money for an idea, the probability that it is bad is still too high.

4) According to the principle of development to order or brainstorming - here's your money, work for the result. Works in some directions for "selling ideas", but this is more for slogans / logos, etc.

There are other ways, I don’t remember now, and I obviously don’t know everything. But I know one that, in my opinion, may well be suitable for our task.

We ship in bulk, buy in bulk.

The invented method is based on two "if":

If you can’t get a million from one investor for an idea, then why not get a thousand from a thousand investors for it, and who of them implements it - what difference does it make to me?

If I'm afraid to buy one idea for a million, then why not buy a million thousand such ideas, some one will surely like it and shoot, but it will be the sale of new diets or socks with mother-of-pearl buttons - what difference does it make to me?

And now the very description of the site-service

When registering on the site, we choose for ourselves one of two roles: the seller of ideas or the buyer (call them what you want, I'm for clarity).

Can publish his idea on the site in almost any form, from the simplest “wouldn’t it be nice to make socks with scented” to well-thought-out concepts with ready-made calculations, research and a business plan.
When published, he assigns a buyout price to his idea. Moreover, for ideas at different stages of maturity, you can set a price within different limits (more on that later).
Everything published is moderated by the administration to screen out outright nonsense.
Everything approved by the moderator is published in one general directory broken down by direction, degree of maturity, etc.
If within a few months the idea is not redeemed - it goes to the archive.

Registered for money - a certain subscription fee per month. For registration, it is quite possible to lure with demo versions of mature ideas, and in the future even examples of successful implementation.
Gets access to the entire catalog of published ideas without any restrictions. (although naturally, as the site is filled, you can think of different tariff plans depending on quantity/quality/sections).
Naturally, he can try to implement any idea from the catalog immediately after reading it.
If he saw something really interesting in the catalog, he can, in addition to his monthly fee, pay the same redemption price, thereby removing the idea from the catalog, i.e. limit yourself to the circle of possible competitors, this will make you visit the site more often and keep track of new items.
In addition, depending on the desire of the seller - you can also invite him to cooperate with any plan for the redeemed idea, the seller's contacts are transferred to the buyer.

Accordingly, all sellers within a few months receive their small monthly amount, (the sum of all subscription fees of buyers minus the percentage of the site, divided by all active ideas multiplied by a certain idea maturity coefficient).
Those who come up with really worthwhile things and bring them to maximum maturity additionally have a chance to actually sell their idea (purchase price minus the percentage of the site), and possibly also receive an invitation from the buyer for joint implementation / work / etc.

Graphically it looks like this

On this, in principle, that's all, maybe I missed something from my thoughts, I'm writing from memory and it's already late at night. I am happy to read comments and answer any questions.

And of course, I would gladly use such a site myself.

We are all different. Some people are better at generating ideas and concepts. Someone - to work out plans. At the third - consistently and methodically to implement. Therefore, the question of how to sell an idea is relevant not only for those who are looking for investments for their project. In fact, an original concept, a fresh look, and an innovative solution to an old problem can bring huge profits. On one condition: that there is someone who implements all this in practice.

So how do you sell an idea? There are several ways, they differ in cost, complexity of implementation, and the participation of the human factor. The first of these is to find an investor or partner. Announcements can be given on special portals, and on ordinary boards, and even in newspapers. This implies either the creation of a joint venture, or a percentage of a share of the profits, or a kind of "franchise". A more difficult and time-consuming way to sell an idea is to make an offer for a potential stakeholders. Send out your offer, while it is important not to reveal the very essence, but only to describe in general terms what the concept is about. Otherwise, you can be almost one hundred percent sure that your idea will be "taken away" and you won't be able to get anything for it. Reliability and conscientiousness of partners is a key point. Many businesses fail precisely because everyone starts to "pull the blanket over themselves." Therefore, the selection of those to whom you can entrust your idea must be very strict.

Another way is competitive. If you are looking for ways to sell an idea, you can take part in various competitions and tenders. For example, many organizations promise funding for the most interesting and innovative projects. Therefore, if your idea causes responses, you can count on the fact that someone will want to invest in its implementation. Another issue is the division of responsibility and the formal structure of the business. That is, whether the author of the concept will be a third-party consultant, employee, shareholder or manager depends on who organizes the competition for grants and under what conditions. Recently, original auctions of projects have also been created, where various mechanisms for evaluating and connecting investors and creators of "intangible values" are used. You can look for similar sites and learn how to sell an idea with their help.

It should also be remembered that any "intangible assets" - that is, knowledge, skills, projects, know-how, concepts, brands - also cost money. And a lot. And not only at the very beginning, but also at any stage of the functioning of the enterprise. Therefore, it is desirable to either patent the idea if possible, or sign an agreement regarding copyright from the very beginning.

The third, already quite common way to sell an idea for a business is to create an information product. It could be electronic book, video, program. A course of study, training, materials for a seminar can also act as such a product. That is, what other people who are ready to implement or invest in a business may be interested in. When the product is ready, the question of where to sell the idea is solved quite simply. You can do this on your website, you can - through the mailing list or through special virtual content stores. Another option on how to sell an idea is to take part in various affiliate programs. Or write an article in a specialized magazine. However, in this case, even if they pay, then only for the text. And not for the idea itself, which, if skillfully implemented, can bring a huge income.

Short answer: no. Nobody will buy it.

The cost of your idea:

0 r. 00 kop.

Why can't you sell an idea?

Since you're interested in selling an idea, there are a few assumptions you can make about yourself and tips that will save you time.

You are not unique. Every month this page is read by at least 300 (three hundred!) people. They all carry an idea in their head and are interested in whether it can be sold.

Most likely, you are a fairly young person with little life experience - this prevents you from correctly assessing the prospects.

Is the idea really original? Why don't you want to check it out? The reason is one of two things:

  1. Fear. You are afraid to find out that someone came up with it before.
  2. Inflated self-esteem. You are so confident in the originality of the idea that you cannot imagine that it has already occurred to someone.

Checking an idea for originality with the help of search engines is not so difficult. Formulate your idea in different ways and search the Internet.

Sometimes teenagers come up with an idea for a computer game and think they can sell it to developers. However, as you can easily see from various interviews, developers do not need ideas for games. Rather, they need time, money and additional labor. The same applies to mobile applications.

Very often people are looking for how to sell an idea to Google or Yandex. They can be advised to part with naive dreams, study well and try to get a job in one of these companies in the future.

Finally, no one has yet heard of such cases where a person from the outside managed to come somewhere, agree and sell his idea.

What to do with an idea if it cannot be sold?

Write down your idea. When more ideas come up, write them down too.

If the idea is really good, try to implement it yourself or together with like-minded people. Try to prototype.

Who can submit an idea?

If you have not only an idea, but also a team of people capable of implementing it, this may be of interest to investors who would invest in you, as well as help with connections and advice. You can try to contact a business incubator or a startup accelerator (see Startup Ideas). But keep in mind that the investor will not be interested in the idea itself, but in the profit that he will receive by buying a stake in your business. With one bare idea, you should not look for an investor - it will be difficult to convince him that this can bring money. So be prepared to work on a business plan.

Here is what Sergey Karpov, managing partner of AddVenture investment fund (from here) says:

This is what happened in the 2000s. There was a crazy boom, and everyone thought the ideas would take off. Now most sane people understand that there is no point in hiding the idea, you can talk about it openly as much as you like. People who can do something with their hands in the segment can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Those who know how to do something well with their hands, you know by name. If they start doing this project, then you need to invest in them, and nothing good can be built around ideas.

If you don’t want to work on bringing the idea to life on your own, but want to “push” it, get money and live in peace, then you will only be disappointed.

How else can you find funding?

You can turn your attention to Planeta.ru or Boomstarter - these are platforms for attracting investments in projects through crowdfunding (collective or "popular" financing). Anyone can participate in financing. The amount required to launch the project is determined, and if it is collected within a certain period, the author of the project receives it. If not, all funds raised will be returned to sponsors. It is recommended to look at what kind of projects are successful there, and also take into account that a lot of effort will have to be spent on organizational issues.

Known attempts to implement the buying and selling of ideas

The night before, I came up with an idea (online program) that I think could be in demand by catering companies [...] I understand that the easiest option is to go to the company's management and propose this idea.

Let's save the time of reasoning and immediately imagine ourselves in the place of the director of the restaurant. A young man comes from the street and talks about his very valuable idea. Let's say the idea is to kiss the ass of every customer for a paid bill, not on the day of payment, but on the next visit to the restaurant. What should the director of the restaurant do next? Immediately put money on the table for development? Any normal person will say "idea ok, come when it's ready". It doesn't bind him to anything.

Let's say your idea is not found by a search in Yandex (although, as practice shows, almost all brilliant ideas are found by a search). Let's say you found programmers, captivated them with a task, and received a beta version a year later. Then the most difficult thing will begin - to convince at least someone to use it.

An idea is worth nothing until there is a person behind it who can bring it to life. Nobody ever buys an idea. Buy faith in the possibility of its implementation.

A fucking idea for an internet service came into my head, but I don't have the money to make it happen. How to sell it? For example, such giants as Google or mail.ru?

I have to disappoint you: there is no shortage of cool ideas in the world. Anything that can cross your mind has probably already occurred to thousands of other people more than once. And a simple search will prove it. Nobody wants just cool ideas. Everyone needs cool ideas at the right time and to the point. This is where the number of inventors of ideas decreases sharply. Sometimes there isn't even anyone.

Take, for example, the banking business. For example, the sector of plastic cards. Thousands of very highly paid bank employees around the clock trying to come up with at least something new in their field. Whoever succeeds is super young. But there are very few new ideas.

So if you are able to come up with a hundred great ideas to order, you will not be lost in life. And if you have one idea, then nobody needs it.

And one more thing, about the syndrome of the Russian inventor:

I noticed long ago that there is a characteristic type of Russian inventor. He is talented, productive, inventive. And so he invented something.

At this point, the inventor begins to pupate like a caterpillar. It is covered with a special waiting cocoon. And he begins to wait for a buyer to appear who will allow him, the inventor, to soon fly like a butterfly.

A Russian inventor usually values ​​himself in simple discrete values: $1 million, $5 million. If the idea is crude and undeveloped, then one million is enough. If there is a patent and a prototype, then five.

The Russian inventor believes that if he has an idea, then he is provided for until the end of his life, it remains only to wait for the appearance of the one who will bring the dough.

It's amazing how many Russian inventors I have met in my life. Instead of a million, they all got x** and butter, but that did nothing to correct their expectations.

Andrey Koshcheev, founder of the DomaVkusnee company ():

How much does an idea cost? Andrey, how much would you pay for a great idea that will increase Doma Vkusnee sales by 35%?

Three pennies. That's what good ideas are worth. Any. Even the most brilliant Even those ideas that changed the world.

Karl Engelbart, who invented the computer mouse, received only $10,000 and a state charter for his invention. John Pemberton, the inventor of the Coca-Cola formula, fetched $1989 for his idea. Today the Coca Cola brand is worth $70-80 billion. For comparison, the entire Gazprom costs about 2 times cheaper. Norwegian inventor Johan Vaaler invented stapler paper clips, but did not make money from it, because he could not attract investments, find production facilities, or organize sales. The same thing happened to the inventor of the photocopier, the McDonalds brothers and many others...

Why is that? Everything is very simple.

Investors don't believe in ideas. Investors believe in teams that can deliver results. Employers don't believe in ideas. Employers believe in people who know how to work and get things done. Women don't believe in ideas. Women believe in men who can provide for their families. Men don't believe in ideas. Men believe in women who know how to cook borscht [...]

I don't believe in ideas either. The idea - it is like hemorrhoids - in any case, will remain forever with the inventor.

Egor Rudi, co-founder of the Profi.ru service ():

I have always wondered why it is so important for everyone how the idea for a business was born? [...] But does it matter much? I have thought about this many times and now I think that it is more important how personalities appeared in our business. "It's not what is important, it's important how" - I always tell my employees about this.

Sergey Grigorovich, founder of the game studio GSC Game World ():

The modern world is so complex that any idea is already plagiarism. The world cannot develop if ideas have authorship. Initially, we have some kind of emotional barrier: we don't want to steal ideas and we want to create our own unique things. The problem is that this doesn't always work. Legislatively, ideas are not patented, and, as a result, it is very important to abandon such a barrier.

Opinion of illustrator Sveta Dorosheva ():

Stealing something really worthwhile is essentially impossible. After all, you can steal only in the amount of your own abilities. Like a thief on foot, he can only carry what he can carry. And if there is a full dragon cave of jewelry, then all the same, he will only carry a bag with a maximum of its own weight. It's as if I, let's say, stole the idea of ​​uuu ... well, let's say, from Pelevin. I would have spied what he was writing there right now, and would have stolen it! That would be laughter. Well, I stole it. What's next? How to realize it, because I don’t know how to write like that?

The opinion of the famous entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko ():

When a person with a "unique" idea approaches me as an investor (a certain number of "pioneers" regularly knock), I immediately suggest that he go to work as a floor cleaner. Because nobody has invented anything unique since the time of Adam. Entrepreneurs do nothing but come up with new ways to satisfy old needs.

Nir Eyal, behavioral design researcher and investor ():

People tend to think that ideas are rare things, gems to be collected and hidden. But in fact, the essence of creative work [...] tells us exactly the opposite: if some kind of insight comes to your mind, then most likely it is in the minds of other people as well.

Where I live - in Silicon Valley - there's one hallmark of newcomers to the tech community: they ask me to keep their ideas private.

It doesn't matter who came up with the idea first, or even who implemented it first. It is much more important who implemented it on the market most successfully. This is mentioned in an interview by Ivan Pupyrev, technical manager of the Google ATAP Advanced Technologies and Projects division:

I worked at Sony and a couple of things came to market there. Tactile screens, which we invented in the early 2000s, entered the market in a touchscreen product. And then the iPhone came and killed everyone. So it all kind of faded away. Then we made a content design system for regular phones with buttons. The iPhone also killed everything. Then we made a PSP version of the Vita, where the touchscreen was on the back. This was also our development in the 2000s, it was a stormy project. The iPhone also came and killed everything. That is, the iPhone killed everything to hell.

In flight: 7 epic startup failures (see point 6)

  • Why you shouldn't be afraid of stealing ideas (video) - DigitalOctober.tv
  • Summary

    In order to sell an idea, it is necessary to develop it, bring it to some specific objective form of expression or product, i.e. it is necessary to present the idea in the form of a certain product. This commodity can be expressed as a work of literature, science, art or technical description, project, any other product.

    Can an idea be sold?

    When a new original thought arises in the head - idea , often the next thought is - “It would be nice to sell this idea!” But there is no need to hurry. Quickly and well rarely is obtained. Especially with ideas.
    So is it possible to sell an idea and how to do it? They say that nowadays you can buy everything. But to sell, especially, to sell well is a problem. Moreover, ideas are often taken for nothing or almost for nothing, and many methods have been developed for this.
    Let's try to answer the question about the possibility of selling an idea, and, above all, here in Russia. To begin with, let's answer the question - "Do they even want to buy ideas and who can buy them?" If we talk about ideas, as such, i.e. about original, relevant and even constructive thought, such cases are not known in practice. Naturally, who wants to buy an idea, and how to do it? But there is no clear definition of the term "idea". Often, ideas are understood not only as thoughts, but also various forms of their implementation and / or development up to pilot tests. In other words, we can talk about selling an idea in some concretely expressed objective form or at a certain stage of its development.

    If something is to be sold, then it must have a price. And if something has a price, then it is already a commodity. Price (and cost) is the most important characteristic of the product, the most important economic characteristic. Other important characteristics are consumer characteristics, from which, however, the price follows. From this we can conclude that if you want to sell an idea, then you need to treat it like a product. You need to define primary and secondary consumer properties, target audience, competitors (competitive field), cost and price. Naturally, the original idea does not have these properties. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about its sale.
    It is necessary to bring, develop the idea to the point of acquiring consumer and certain marketing characteristics. At the same time, the more these characteristics will be and the more complete, more specific they will be, the higher the price will be. Such characteristics can have objectively expressed forms of the idea, carried out at various stages of its development. Each idea, if it is supported by the authors, develops. At the same time, its forms of expression or implementation develop, they are filled with more and more content. Naturally, the cost of the idea also increases at the same time. In other words, if you want to sell, then in any case it is about creating a certain product and its implementation.

    Ideas may refer to various areas human activity. The forms of its expression and/or implementation may also be different. The most common form is a description, but it can also be a graphic design, a drawing, a musical theme, and much more. Naturally, the forms of expression improve as they develop, and within the limit of their improvement, the work itself is realized. As intermediate forms of expressing ideas, for example:
    in the field of technology - a description and / or diagram and / or sketch of a device,
    in the field of science, a hypothesis or definition,
    in the field of floristry - a sketch of a bouquet,
    in the field of music - a musical theme,
    in the area of fine arts- various sketches and sketches.

    When considering the possibility of selling an idea, it is imperative to take into account the possibility and duration of its implementation. The complexity and duration of the implementation of the idea significantly reduce its attractiveness. On the contrary, ideas that are easily implemented in a short time attract people to it. great attention and are of considerable interest. These are the so-called short implementation ideas. Such ideas are often design ideas in the field of clothing, interior, floristry, ideas of folk crafts, single or small series production, gardening and decorative arts. In these and many other areas where large investments of funds and resources are not required, and the way out finished products carried out within hours or days, a breakthrough and implementation of the idea is possible.
    If it is necessary to invest additional funds (which the authors often do not have), the process of implementing the idea becomes much more complicated. Here it is necessary to look for associates, associates, and if they are not there, then investors, sponsors. The presence of associates and associates allows you to create your own team, which greatly facilitates the achievement of the intended goals. In the case of attracting sponsors, investors, funds, you fall under strict control and practically lose your power over the idea, even if you have know-how in reserve. In any case, it is necessary to implement the idea to the highest possible level of implementation, and only then sell or attract investors. Another piece of advice - try to put yourself in the position of the buyer, stand in his place. Look at the idea from the outside, would you buy it?Now improve!

    Demand for ideas

    At present, in the world and especially in Russia, new ideas are in little demand, and the attitude towards ideas on the part of representatives of business and authorities is indifferent or even negative. The reason for this is that most of the ideas and proposals are not new and are in fact a flood. This can be easily verified by looking at numerous sites on the Internet with publications of so-called "new", "innovative", "business" ideas. In most cases, these are either reprints, or the absence of a new and original one, or anti-scientific proposals. Often, the authors do not even bother to look, and what was and is still on this topic. Many believe that if something came to their mind, then it is a priori original. But in fact, a lot has already been done in technology. And often new ideas for any author have long been known or implemented. Even experienced inventors sometimes find themselves in this position, especially if they invent in an adjacent field. On the other hand, in many foreign companies the reason for the rejection of ideas from the outside is the corporate policy and developed development strategies. Corporate policy involves the use of only its own employees, and the use of outside ideas is a decrease in the fund wages own employees. Every large company has a development strategy, and there are already plans for development, development and implementation, taking into account the actions of competitors.
    The latter provisions are especially understandable in the light of the world economic crisis. If companies had free money, then there would be opportunities to test new ideas. Now they have the opportunity to acquire from outside only proven and cost-effective developments. They don't have the opportunity to take risks.

    In Russia, the reasons for the rejection of ideas by the middle and big business somewhat different. In general, there is money, but there is no desire. The administrative resource, relatively easy and fast money, the sufficiency of the resource base (for most enterprises of the mentioned business) create immunity to new and development. Why take risks, strain, if it's so good? If everything is ready, tested, on a silver platter and with big profit, then they might take it. This has been repeatedly verified by experience. Of course, there are cases of implementation of developments from outside. But in all cases it is somehow advanced and turnkey solutions rather than pure ideas.
    Thus, each author of the idea needs to develop it as much as possible and promote it on his own to the maximum possibility of implementation and implementation - this is the main principle for the successful implementation of the idea. A frivolous attitude to one's idea can devalue and even destroy it. The most preferable option for the author is his own realization of his thoughts and intentions, organization own business or as part of a team of like-minded people.

    If you value your idea, want to sell or implement it on your own, then you need to take care of its protection. Otherwise, your idea will have another author. At the same time, protection is necessary at all stages of its development, in each case of the disclosure of its new features. As the idea develops, it is enriched with new content, new elements, new features. These signs, one way or another, are revealed to various people as the idea is needed to be implemented. At different stages of development, various norms of copyright and patent law can be used for protection. Already in the early stages, it is necessary to take care of fixing and / or confirming the authorship of the idea, confirming copyright for its descriptions and other forms of expression. When developing technical modalities, various types ofpatenting of technical solutions . In some cases, it is possible to use the know-how regime as a means of protection, but one must take into account the difficulty of maintaining this regime. It is better to use this regime as part of the protection along with patenting andcopyright .

    In addition to property (monetary) value, an idea also has a non-property value. This value can only be determined qualitatively. It characterizes the potential benefit for an individual, a group of people or the whole of humanity and, as a rule, expresses goals, objectives or activities. The value of such ideas lies and is expressed, first of all, in the expression of respect and gratitude to its author. Its measure is the degree of prestige, popularity and reputation of the author, as well as an assessment of his potential intellectual and business opportunities. Many ideas also have methodological value, which shows the methods of obtaining, developing new and original logical solutions.

    How to sell an idea?

    But still, what to do if you decide to sell the idea? As previously mentioned in the first place it is necessary to present the idea as a product, commodity. This the goods should be protected with the help of copyright and patent law, develop an implementation project and a business plan for implementation, implementation. Be sure to indicate the planned profit and justify it convincingly. If this is difficult to do, the social effect should be indicated, especially for social projects. And it is no longer necessary to say that you are selling an idea. Remember that you are already selling a certain product, development and presenting a project with a business plan. Please note that the vast majority of businessmen, manufacturers and investors are primarily interested in economic indicators, material benefit. In rare cases, they may be interested in issuing new products, but here they will be interested in the cost of implementation and the potential capacity of the sales market. The more fully you present, describe the marketing characteristics of the product, the more chances for investment or purchase.

    If you are addressing some big leaders, businessmen, then the primary, absentee consideration of your proposal takes 1-3-5 seconds. And they are primarily interested in the purpose (usually clear from the name) and economic efficiency. Try to meet these people or at least talk in person. The effectiveness of face-to-face meetings is much higher. Don't be discouraged by your first setbacks. Some persistence is needed. During meetings, negotiations, do not talk about secrecy or the preservation of know-how, do not ask to sign documents on the preservation of confidential information. All this is very annoying for potential partners, investors, sponsors, spoils the impression and significantly reduces the chances of successful negotiations - after all, you came to them and do not trust. It must be understood that all of the documents mentioned are easily bypassed if necessary and practical value in most cases they don't.
    If you are afraid of theft of information, then protect it as much as possible in advance. Pre-protect all information, all data that, in your opinion, is of value. Take advantage of various copyright and patent protection options. Availability of various registrations and especially patents increases the value and value of your developments and/or works.

    In history, including the history of the development of technology, art,few people were able to EASILY promote or implement their ideas. But there are plenty of examples of difficult and even difficult development and advancement. If you decide to promote your ideas, it is unlikely to be easy. Soberly assess your capabilities and if you have the strength - go ahead!

    To publish / register ideas and other works, go to the page "Registration of ideas " and press one of the buttons
    "Independently" or "Through administration"

    Among the ordinary "gray" people live talents, owners intellectual property. Some of them once in their lives came up with a smart idea, and someone is a real generator of ideas. Some safely forget them, others remember and share them with their friends for free, and the most pragmatic not only remember, but also make business on their ideas. The question of how to sell an idea for a business arises at the stage of realizing all its "genius" and value. But do not rush to sell a business idea, because truly exceptional ideas are rare, you need to soberly assess the chances of its right to exist.

    A worthwhile idea should meet the following parameters:

    • it should inspire, not only the author, but also those who wish to acquire it;
    • people must need this product or service;
    • the author must understand the process of implementing the idea in order to be able to calculate the probability of its successful implementation;
    • a business idea should be something unique, different from existing ones.

    Ways to Sell Ideas

    The first option is to patent the idea and receive "royalties" for the use of intellectual property - a percentage of the profits of the activity of the person who brought the idea to life. At the same time, the inventor must pay for the patent out of his own pocket (from 3000 rubles), but in return the idea will be his personal property for 20 years.

    The second is to get money and forget about dividends, that is, to sell the right to use your ideas.

    The third option, the most difficult one, is to build a business based on the idea yourself.
    Here is a video "How to sell ideas?" Alexandra Semenova from CorusConsulting

    Who might be interested in a business idea?

    Companies of different sizes may be interested in buying business ideas: large, medium and small. New ideas are an opportunity to get ahead of your competitors, a way to expand your business. Enterprises are ready to pay large sums for ideas: they help to avoid bankruptcy, because the market requires diversity, opening up new perspectives.

    Investors are also willing to pay decent money for a business idea if they are interested in some innovative project and they see the future in it. Usually, investors buy implemented ideas that are already profitable.

    Potential buyers of a business idea can be future entrepreneurs who have decided on the direction of the business they want to do, but do not know how to make the dream come true and whether the idea is profitable.

    When trying to sell an idea, you need to remember that the value of a business idea lies not so much in the idea itself, but in the ability to use it in business and make a profit. Therefore, it is necessary to give a business idea a material form, bring it to the development stage.

    You can, of course, sell the idea in the form of a concept. This is a kind of "semi-finished product" without in-depth development, but with obvious material benefits. In this case, it is also necessary to provide a detailed description, explain the prospects, benefits and risks. For the purpose of greater visualization, illustrations and video materials can be used. But an idea in the form of a concept is much less valuable than one based on calculations and supported by tangible facts.

    The best way to sell an idea is to create your own website and place advertising information about the ideas on it so that no one can use it for free.

    For a business idea to be interesting to potential investors, it must be presented in an interesting way. When working on a business idea, it is necessary to achieve not only a colorful and high-quality “packaging”, but also its “core” must be meaningful and weighty. When describing a business idea, there are several factors to consider:

    • it should not require large investments;
    • the idea should have advantages over existing analogues;
    • it is necessary to provide a feasibility study for its implementation;
    • the payback period should be short;
    • the embodiment of the idea should not contradict the current legislation.

    After presenting the idea to an investor or potential buyer it should give the impression that it was created just for him, that this idea is exactly what he is looking for.

    In order for the idea to be justified, it is necessary to draw up a carefully thought-out business plan for a successfully operating enterprise, consisting of a description of the business idea, the costs of its implementation, the sequence of implementation, factors affecting the implementation of the idea, the payback period, the advantages and disadvantages of the idea.

    The cost of complete information about an idea sold in should not exceed 500 rubles.

    You will need money to develop and maintain your site. You can post a business idea for free on sites selling and buying ideas, giving thesis information about the product.

    You can agree with SEO administrators on placing links to the developed site from other resources for an appropriate fee. There are such specialists on freelance exchanges.

    If there is a danger that a business idea can be used without the fact of a sale, you need to write a summary of the business plan and send it by letter with notification. In this case, it will be possible to prove that the idea has a legitimate author.

    What is the income?

    Success in selling an idea directly depends on the quality of the prepared project: the higher the quality, the easier it is to sell. And work High Quality can only be done after some experience has been gained. Therefore, after gaining experience, selling ideas will be very easy, and you can turn this type of activity into a real business.

    When implementing business ideas via the Internet, novice businessmen will earn approximately 500 rubles per idea.

    If this is a global idea, the income can reach 1 million rubles, and not even one, and not even rubles, but dollars.

    "Pros". This type entrepreneurial activity good because it does not require large capital investments, you do not need to rent an office, hire employees, you can do it at any convenient time. And the biggest advantage of a business is that if you have a brilliant idea, you can earn a lot of money.

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