Extract from the EGR. How to get an extract from the tax register at the Inn or order it online for free. Order an extract from the register with an EDS

  • 13.11.2019

Information on individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. from Contour

Only here you can find detailed data on IP!

The most convenient search. It is enough to enter any number, surname, name. Only here you can find OKPO and even accounting information. Is free.

What data you need to enter (you can choose any of the parameters):

  • Name of company
  • Code (TIN, OGRN)
  • Legal address

What data can be obtained:

  • Full company name
  • Abbreviated brand name
  • Legal address (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Main industry (OKVED)
  • Region
  • Telephone
  • Name of the legal form
  • Authorized capital (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Net asset value
  • Other messages and documents

Inclusion of information in the Unified federal register information about the facts of the activities of legal entities is carried out on the basis of Article 7.1 federal law dated August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" (as amended by the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228-FZ "On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Russian Federation in terms of revising the methods of protecting the rights of creditors in the event of a decrease in the authorized capital, changing the requirements for business entities in the event of a discrepancy between the authorized capital and the value of net assets") from January 1, 2013 (paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228-FZ).

Rosstat website

You can also use the website of Rosstat (you need to click "get data about codes" at the top) (For Moscow, but there may be other regions). Find out by the TIN number of an individual entrepreneur or Organization your statistics codes (OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF)

Website of the Federal Tax Service

Unified State Register of Legal Entities

What needs to be entered? It is enough to enter ONE of the fields: Name (simply Yandex, Gazprom, etc.) and/or OGRN/GRN/TIN and/or Address and/or Region and/or Date of registration.

What information will I receive?

  • Name legal entity;
  • Address (location) of the legal entity;
  • OGRN;
  • Information about the state registration of the organization;
  • Date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (registration of a legal entity);
  • The name of the registration authority that made the entry (Tax);
  • Address of the registration authority;
  • Information on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Information on state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • Information about licenses, registration as insurers in funds, information about registration.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities (acre. Unified State Register of Legal Entities) is a federal information resource containing general systematized information about legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The register is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia through the territorial bodies.

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    Unified State Register of Legal Entities - how to search for information about companies and legal entities

    How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP in in electronic format?


  • records of state registration during the creation, reorganization, liquidation of legal entities;
  • records of state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • records of changes in the information contained in the state register, including in connection with errors made by the registering authority;
  • documents submitted to the registration authority.

The procedure for maintaining the register and access to data

Entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are made in chronological order. Each entry corresponds to the state registration number (GRN). For each legal entity, the number of the first entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is the main  state registration number  (OGRN).

The register is kept on paper and electronic media. In the event of a discrepancy between paper and electronic records, paper records take precedence.

With the exception of certain personal data about individuals ah, the information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are open and publicly available.

On request person concerned the registering authority is obliged to provide information and documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of:

  • extracts from state register;
  • copies of the document (documents) contained in the state register;
  • certificates on the absence of the requested information.

An extract from the register is provided no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the relevant request in the form established by law.

Bodies state power and a legal entity about him an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is provided free of charge, other persons - for a fee.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be necessary to perform certain legally significant actions. Information from the register can also be obtained in the public domain via the Internet. Such information does not have the legal force of a properly executed extract.

Registry data about the legal entity

  • full and abbreviated name in Russian;
  • the location of the permanent executive body of the legal entity (the person performing its functions);
  • way of education;
  • information about the founders (participants);
  • in a relationship joint-stock companies- information about the holders of registers of their shareholders;
  • in relation to limited liability companies - information on the size and nominal value of shares in the authorized capital of the company owned by the company and its participants, on the transfer of shares or parts of shares as collateral or on their other encumbrance, information on the person managing the share transferred in accordance with the procedure inheritance;
  • originals or notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • information on succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, for legal entities whose constituent documents are amended in connection with the reorganization, as well as for legal entities that have ceased their activities as a result of the reorganization;
  • the date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents, or, in cases established by law, the date of receipt by the registering body of a notification of changes made to the constituent documents;
  • method of termination of activity;
  • information about being in the process of liquidation;
  • the size specified in founding documents commercial organization authorized capital;
  • data of a person entitled to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney;
  • information about branches and representative offices;
  • taxpayer identification number, reason code and date of registration with the tax authority;
  • number and date of registration as an insured:
    • in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • information about being in the process of reorganization;
  • information that a legal entity that is a business entity is in the process of reducing its authorized capital.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS can be obtained about any legal entity or individual entrepreneur, signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS is necessary for passing a tender, competition, bidding, checking a counterparty when concluding an agreement, as well as providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS to government agencies.

You can get an online extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS from the tax office on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Below are the instructions for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS from the tax office:

1. You must register on the site https://service.nalog.ru/vyp/
Register by entering your details.
Registration takes about an hour, which is not fast!!!

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS has the same force as an extract or certificate of absence of information on paper received from a tax authority with a signature official and certified by the seal of the tax authority.

2. After registration, enter your personal account https://service.nalog.ru/vyp/

3. Click on "Submit a new request for an extract." For example, I want to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Bank of Russia, enter the TIN of the Bank of Russia and click on the "Generate request" button.

4. After that, your request for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will appear in the list of requests, where the request number, date, TIN and status of the request will be indicated.

After a few minutes, the status will change, where the download link will appear.

Download an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an electronic signature

After changing the status, it will be possible to download your statement to your computer. The statement will be in PDF format.

Example pdf file extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Bank of Russia can be viewed at.

On the last page of the pdf file of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an electronic signature, we will see a seal that the document is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS

To order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS and receive it as soon as possible without visiting the tax office and wasting time on registration, enter the TIN, phone number and email in the form below and receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with an EDS within 15 minutes.

The service works in an automated mode, submits requests to the tax,
receives and sends you an extract, has a direct connection to the tax servers.

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN, read "ienen") is a special digital code that is issued to individuals and legal entities in order to streamline and control the payment of taxes.

TIN plays one of the main roles in the individualization of legal entities and individuals with the status individual entrepreneur(IP) as taxpayers.

Check TIN and get information about the counterparty

TIN of a legal entity and individual entrepreneur

Entity receives TIN from the tax authority at the place of registration of the person simultaneously with other registration documents.

Individuals with IP status can obtain a TIN in two ways:

1) simultaneously with assigning them the status of an individual entrepreneur and issuing a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
2) at any time before registration as an individual entrepreneur (in this case, upon registration You don't need to get a TIN again.).
Without a TIN, an individual will not be able to obtain IP status.
Legal entities and individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur, when concluding any contracts, are obliged indicate your TIN in the details.
TIN must be located on the seals (for individual entrepreneurs - if there is a seal).

TIN of an individual without IP status

Individual can get a TIN from the tax authority at the place of residence.
Currently obtaining TIN by individuals is voluntary. Exception: TIN is obligatory for an individual when appointing him to the position of a civil servant.
In practice, when applying for other positions, they are often asked to present the TIN along with other documents. Such a requirement cannot be mandatory, as it is not reflected in Labor Code RF.

TIN check

Anyone on our site can free check the correctness of the TIN counterparty - a legal entity or an individual with the status of an individual entrepreneur, as well as the fact of making an entry on the registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Knowing the TIN and the name of the organization, you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities to check:

  1. reliability of documents received from the counterparty (since legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to indicate the TIN on any issued by them local acts and documents);
  2. the fact of the existence of a legal entity (there are situations when an unscrupulous counterparty acts in a transaction on behalf of a non-existent legal entity with a mercenary purpose);
  3. reliability of the legal address of the counterparty;
  4. last name, first name and patronymic of the director of the legal entity and other data on the legal entity.

An individual can via the Internet, and knowing the TIN - the amount of taxes and fees owed. TIN check individuals is carried out free of charge online.

Counterparty verification: procedure in questions and answers

Checking a counterparty by TIN is a mandatory procedure that sooner or later all business representatives face, regardless of their line of business. Is it worth it to cooperate with the counterparty, can he be trusted and make an advance payment - this is only a short list of questions that can be answered by carrying out such a procedure as checking the counterparty by TIN.

If we consider private situations, the need to check the counterparty can be useful to an accountant who wants to make sure that the activities of a potential partner of his company are transparent before concluding an agreement. By the TIN number on our website, you can get an extract about the legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as extended financial data on the legal entity.

It would be rational to present the basic information about the verification of the counterparty by TIN in the form of questions and answers in order to achieve a high degree of understanding of the need for this procedure and the features of its implementation.

What is a verification of a counterparty by TIN?

Checking the counterparty by identification number includes the search for information about him and its further analysis, aimed at determining the integrity / dishonesty of a potential partner.

Who checks counterparties?

In most cases, checking the counterparty by TIN is the responsibility of employees legal service and economic department. If such structural divisions not at the enterprise, the person authorized to conclude the contract will be responsible for checking the counterparty.

Why do you need to check the counterparty?

Verification of the counterparty is carried out to minimize the financial risks from cooperation with him. Analysis of the data obtained by TIN will help to avoid delays in deliveries, problems with the quality of goods or services, and will make it possible to stop fraudulent schemes of the counterparty.

In addition, this check is necessary to avoid sanctions from the tax authorities: if violations are found, then the responsibility for choosing a counterparty will fall entirely on your organization. The consequences can be different (exclusion of a transaction of a dubious nature from expenses, refusal to accept VAT deduction), so it is necessary to check the counterparty.

What exactly is studied when checking a counterparty?

Features of checking the counterparty - the procedure, obligations of the parties, the criteria for which studies are carried out - are not established at the legislative level. The concept of “counterparty verification” is currently not prescribed in regulatory legal acts, and is absent in the Tax Code.

Along with this, in 2006, a Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court RF, which somewhat clarifies who should check the counterparty. It is devoted to the issue of assessing the validity of a person receiving a tax benefit. It may be deemed unfounded judicial order if it turns out that the taxpayer acted imprudently. In practice, this means that business representatives are responsible for checking the counterparty. In fact, in most cases, the audit is carried out by accountants.

What documents are most often requested when checking a counterparty?

The absence of a written counterparty verification scheme somewhat complicates the process. At the same time, standard practice has already been established, which involves the collection and study of such documents of the counterparty as the charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of state registration and tax registration, a letter from statistics, which indicates activity codes, documents proving the identity of the counterparty and confirming his authority .

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official state body that stores information about legal entities. Its databases contain all information about citizens in the status of legal entities who have the right to engage in a certain type of activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Main reasons for getting

In many cases, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for own enterprise may be needed rather urgently due to a number of reasons:

  • obtaining or renewing a license;
  • opening a bank account in the name of the company, taking a loan or a loan;
  • sale of an enterprise or individual blocks of shares;
  • filing a claim in arbitration;
  • registration of urgent documents at the notary;
  • making changes to the main documents of the enterprise;
  • changes in data in the statement itself;
  • decision to submit an application for participation in a tender or competition.

There are options for obtaining a registry extract for another legal entity. Exists 4 main reasons for which an extract should be ordered.

  1. Confirmation of legal authority from the management of the enterprise.
  2. Obtaining information that is of a financial nature and is not secret.
  3. Clarification of the current status of the enterprise and information about the date of its registration in the unified register.
  4. When filing a lawsuit in arbitration.

Most often, an extract for a third-party enterprise is ordered in order to check the reliability of a future partner or supplier. The information contained in the document will help to verify the legality of the existence of the partner’s enterprise, as well as allow you to check how well the legal entity pays taxes or find out the correspondence of the codes with the real services provided by the enterprise.

This document from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be obtained using the website www.egrul.ru. All documents are in the public domain and are free to download. Format - PDF.

Provision on request via the Internet

To facilitate the process of obtaining required documents and significantly reduce the time for obtaining them, you can request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities using sites on the Internet. The state register is obliged to provide information in electronic form for citizens of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the official website of the Federal Tax Service nalog.ru, which provides these documents for free, extracts can also be obtained on the Internet with the help of other organizations. The most reliable of them are - portal public services www.gosuslugi.ru and federal Service state statistics www.gks.ru. Currently, there are many sites that provide various information of a legal nature.

This procedure takes a little time, but sometimes a certain amount of money is required for obtaining an extract. Most often, the price rises for urgency and for being in a large region. For example, average price receipt of an extract on the same day in Moscow is about 2000 rubles.

To receive a request, you need to go to the selected site and create a new application. In it you need to indicate the OGRN or the organization whose extract you want to receive. In electronic form, you can receive an extract in Excel or PDF format. But it is worth remembering that the extract is not legally supported by anything and is strictly informational in nature.

Features of an electronic document

The extract is not classified information and can be obtained both by your own organization and by a third-party company. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for your own organization is free. It contains basic information about the enterprise, including the type of activity, data on the registration of the enterprise, information about the license, the composition of the management and the number of founders, as well as the history of the reorganization of the enterprise.

What information can be obtained using an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP?

The samples presented above contain original extracts from state registers, where information can be found. In general terms, from these documents you can find out information about yourself or about a potential partner of the company.

In particular, extracts contain information on whether a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur is currently operating. If not, then when the legal entity or individual entrepreneur was liquidated.

You can also find out when and where the company or activity of the individual entrepreneur was registered, verify information about CEO, find out what type of activity is performed at the enterprise or what the individual entrepreneur does.

But it is worth remembering that such extracts from the state register do not provide information about the following:

  • passport data of an individual;
  • place of residence or registration;
  • individual bank accounts.

Is this document legally binding?

An electronic statement is white paper, which you can get using the official database of the tax authority. It is fully objective data, but is not legally significant.

For all organizations, it's just a piece of paper. In order for the electronic document to take effect, a seal is required, which can only be obtained from the local tax office.

The document can be useful in cases where you are not sure about a partner or supplier and want to make sure of their legal situation. For Individual Entrepreneurs, using an electronic statement, it is convenient to monitor the expiration date or renewal of an IP license.

For a free receipt of an extract via the Internet, a special service has been created on the website of the Federal Tax Service. To start working with the server, you must first register on the portal. To do this, after entering the site, you must click on the "Register" button and enter all the required contact information.

After filling in all the fields on email, which you specified during the registration process, an email will be sent. You must follow the link in it, thereby confirming your data and future account in the tax service system.

Enter your email address and password. You have landed on the application page. To create a new appeal to the Federal Tax Service, you need to click the "Submit a new application" button. In a new dialog box, you will be prompted to fill in the following fields:

  • OGRN of the organization;
  • OGRNIP of an individual entrepreneur.

After the formation of the application, the site service will automatically send an e-mail message stating that your application for obtaining an extract, according to the specified information, has been successfully registered.

Using the personal account system on the website of your tax authority, you can track the progress of the application for the creation of an extract. The term for making such statements ranges from several minutes to three to four hours. It all depends on the workload of the tax service website.

AT personal account you can refresh the page using the F5 key and monitor the readiness of the statement. After the preparation of the statement is completed, a line will appear in the corresponding window with the inscription: "The statement has been generated." Then you can click on this line - a PDF document will be available for download.

What should I do if I do not know PSRN/OGRNIP/TIN?

If you do not know the information about PSRN / PSRNIP / TIN, then you need to proceed as follows:

  • if you need information about a legal entity, then instead of PSRN or you can choose the format for filling out information to provide an extract in the form of the name of a legal entity. To do this, enter the name and region of the location of the legal entity. faces;
  • if information about an individual entrepreneur is required, then other information can be specified instead of OGRNIP / TIN. These include - Surname, Name, Patronymic and region of residence.

By the name of a legal entity or contact details of an individual entrepreneur, the server of the site egrul.nalog.ru will provide you with a whole list of names of organizations and entrepreneurs. To familiarize yourself with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP, just select the required line from the list and click on the line with the full name of the organization in the first column. The download of the file will start and the PDF document will be saved. It will be possible to find out all public information from the state register.

These services of the tax service portal are informative and do not contain passport data. Using extracts, you can get urgent information that is required to confirm the OKVED codes of organizations in order to make adjustments to.


In August 2015, the Federal Tax Service introduced new amendments to the laws. Now statements can be obtained free of charge only in electronic form. If you need an extract on paper and stamped by the tax service, you will have to pay 200 rubles. Such a document will be ready within five working days.

If you need to urgently issue this document, then the tax will make it for 400 rubles the very next day.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in a few minutes is presented in this video.