How do I envision my future profession? How do I envision my future profession? In the conditions of a group-family GKO "orphanage" Okhansk"

  • 10.05.2020

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Composition “Choice of profession” An important problem of adolescence is the choice of profession. At this time, the interests of a significant part of adolescents are extremely unstable. They are generated by acquaintances and comrades. Less influence is exerted by school and family. The degree of choice ranges from the absolute “yes, only this profession attracts me” to “I don’t know how it will turn out.” Adolescents in the first place put professions in which it is possible to make independent decisions, contact people and receive a useful product of activity. In second place are professions in which there is a creative nature of labor. In third place is work from which you can get new impressions. Recently, an important factor influencing the choice of profession has become a financial reward for the work done. It has been established that adolescents rarely choose the professions of their parents. But there is no doubt that they listen to the opinions of adults. At 10-12 years old, guys often have a clear idea of ​​​​what they will work with. This affects the lack of life experience, as well as a slight need for self-realization. For children at the age of 14-15, the choice of their future profession causes much more difficulties and doubts. Which is not surprising. Adolescents, who are already facing this question, are guided by three positions in choosing a profession: I want - the interests, inclinations of the child, the desire to engage in a matter of interest to him; I can - the level of preparedness, the level of knowledge, the availability of abilities for the chosen type of activity; it is necessary - the demand for a profession, the need for it in society. This also includes reflections on a number of factors that are also important: the prestige of the profession, the system of remuneration, place of residence. In a market economy, the prestige of one profession is replaced by the prestige of another. And vice versa. Therefore, when choosing a profession, it is not worth relying only on this factor. Note, and it has become habitual, that higher education increases prestige. But we should not forget that a certain number of adolescents are generally not inclined to engage in mental activity. It will be much easier for such guys to find themselves if they start their education from a college, a technical school. Often this helps in further admission to a higher educational institution. A teenager receives knowledge and ideas about the chosen profession in middle-level educational institutions. And if you wish, you can study further purposefully. Also, teenagers evaluate professions depending on gender. But this is unlikely to affect the choice of profession. But the phrase: “This is not a woman's (man's) business,” can hurt the child's pride. So, let's hope that a significant number of boys and girls motivate their choice by the presence of sustained interest to this profession, the abilities, inclinations, knowledge necessary for this business, as well as acquaintance with activities close to their future profession. The emergence of the need for self-determination indicates the achievement by the personality of a teenager high level development. If such a need does not arise, you should not force him to make a decision. Attempts by parents, especially in families of the intelligentsia, to speed up this event, this process with the help of psychological pressure always lead to a reaction of protest or an increase in anxiety. It is noted that early self-determination usually has its costs, since hobbies in adolescence are often casual and frivolous. A teenager may have a poor idea of ​​the activities that he will have to do. And, of course, he believes that all professions are divided into “bad” and “good”. The categorical choice and the lack of desire to consider other options is a departure from painful hesitation. Subsequently, this is likely to lead to disappointment.

After graduating from the university, at the age of 25, I will take the position of a recruitment manager at Interantenna LLC.

My role will be to organize personnel office work. My responsibilities will include: scheduling the search for employees, necessary for the enterprise, search for employees by information bases data, review applicants' CVs, conduct interviews with applicants, check applicants' references, examine applicants' profiles and information from previous jobs, present candidates for vacant positions leaders structural divisions for negotiations.

Important qualities will be stress resistance and the ability to rationally use time. It will be necessary to have knowledge in the field of general and special psychology, sociology and psychology of work, ethics business communication, bases of the organization of personnel office-work.

At the age of 30, I will take the position of head of the personnel department at Interantenna LLC.

My role will be to control, organize the work of personnel department staff. It will be necessary to have the gift of persuasion, initiative, the ability to work in a team and flexibility of thinking, to have experience in the field of personnel selection and the ability to manage subordinates.

At the age of 35, I will take up the position of Deputy Chief of Human Resources and social issues VOO "Interantenna"

My role will be to distribute duties and operational tasks from the head of the organization to subordinate employees. It will be necessary to have the ability to gamble and take responsibility for possible risks, set short-term and long-term goals and determine priority areas for development, have experience in organizing the work of employees and the ability to manage subordinates.

You will need knowledge in the field of organizational, managerial and personnel tasks, general and special psychology, sociology and psychology of work, ethics of business communication, and the basics of organizing personnel records management.

My professional goals

What exactly am I going to do to achieve my goals?

Professional Goals Analysis "end - means"
Required Funds In stock Out of stock Practical action
During my time at university
Time Information Aspiration study information, independent work, to make a presentation.
Time Information Aspiration Time Aspiration Information Attending lectures, taking notes, studying the material.
In the first 5 years after graduation
1. Get the position of a recruitment manager at Interantenna LLC Time Knowledge and skills Aspiration Time Aspiration Knowledge and skills Graduate from the Academy of SibADI, master the theoretical and practical material.
In the next 10 years
Time Experience Aspiration Time Aspiration An experience Actively participate in the affairs of the organization, perform diverse work, self-develop.


Professional Goals situational analysis
Personal qualities In stock ( strengths) out of stock ( weak sides) Actions for their development
Long term goals
1. To take the position of the head of LLC "Interantenna" Responsibility, purposefulness, focus on results, organization. Responsibility, Purposefulness, focus on results. Organization. Attending trainings, professional development
Medium term goals
1. Graduate from the SibADI Academy. Goal-oriented, result-oriented, learnable.
2. Get the position of a recruitment manager at Interantenna LLC Purposefulness, focus, activity, sociability, initiative. Purposefulness, focus, activity, initiative. sociability Engage in conversations more often, read books.
Short term goals
1.Successfully complete the study practice. Goal-oriented, result-oriented, learnable. Goal-oriented, result-oriented, learnable.
2.Sdat session without academic debts. Goal-oriented, result-oriented, learnable. Purposefulness, learning.

"My profession is my future"

In the life of every person there comes a moment of choosing a profession. This is a responsible step that everyone must take on their own. As children, we dream of becoming a teacher, a policeman, a doctor, a driver, an actress, a singer, an astronaut, and even a president. Playing in childhood into adulthood, there are no impossible tasks for us. But time passes and childhood leaves, forgetting to wave goodbye. Before we even looked back, we approached the threshold of adulthood. Will not be there more games. But no one will take away our dream. All we need to take with us into adulthood is a childhood dream.

A dream is the beginning of all professions. Someone dreams of traveling and writing books, someone dreams of becoming a chef and opening a restaurant, someone dreams of becoming a designer and inventing their own clothing collections, and someone wants to convey knowledge to children. Fulfill your dream, become who do you want to be.

The world of professions is diverse and amazing. And every job is important. There are no important and important professions. All of them are needed, they are simply in demand in different ways. The choice of a profession must be treated responsibly and deliberately, because you will need to associate your whole life with it. As the ancient philosopher Confucius said: "Choose a job you like, and you will not have to work a single day in your life." After all, doing what you truly like is very cool. Get pleasure and joy from your work. Your work will reflect you as a professional in this field, as you will put a piece of your soul into it. Just imagine how “cool” it is to wake up thinking that today you will do a lot of new things. But if you choose a profession not to your liking, you will never get that pleasure from it. Neither prestige nor high wage won't bring you that simple joy. You will wake up with thoughts: "Back to work, when it's already vacation." And you will live from Saturday to Saturday in anticipation of your vacation. You will not be able to feel that there are many bright moments in life, because your work will be a routine for you and you will do it automatically. So your whole life will pass, in anticipation of weekends and holidays. Don't let this happen! Choose a profession that you like. That you like it and that you are useful.

I'm in the ninth grade and I'm starting to think about my future profession. I am responsible for the choice of profession, as the choice of profession determines your future path. I want my profession to be interesting for me not only when I study, but also after graduation. Because many people like to study, but they don’t like working in this activity, and they go to work not in their specialty. In my future profession, it is important for me that it be interesting for me. All professions are so different, but in one they are connected. It doesn’t matter what job you choose, what matters is what benefit you bring to the people of the country!


Firstly, the knowledge and skills acquired here will help me achieve my main goal.

Secondly, the prestige of the institute is very high.

Thirdly, Ie and M have a very strong teaching staff.

Fourth, and most importantly, in Ie and M I will be able to gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. According to Quintilian: “Practice without theory is more valuable than theory without practice.” Here, practice is already from the first year at serious enterprises in the city of Penza, which allows students to earn good reputation and gain work experience while studying. This will serve as an impetus for the development of my future career.

Fifth, there is a very interesting organization– The Institute of Student Leaders, which gives each student the opportunity to receive additional education within the framework of Ie and M.

I take a very responsible approach to studying at the institute. It is important for me to become not only a professional, but also to receive recognition in this capacity. I use the knowledge and initial experience acquired at the institute to achieve my main professional goal - to become a media mogul and have a network construction organizations throughout the country and abroad.

How do I envision my future career?

In the life of every person there are many difficulties and unexpected turns of events. I will also have to overcome many obstacles, but I am sure that I can become a real specialist in the field of economics. To achieve this goal, you need to work hard on yourself now and, of course, gain experience with all possible ways. Experience is very important, but it comes with time. So now you can't lose it precious time.

I would like to make my career in some prosperous firm, climb up career ladder, open your own construction or design firm.

In my understanding, making a career means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. This means prestige in terms of public opinion.

In order to become an expert in your profession, you must have personal qualities such as ease of communication, perseverance, willpower, self-confidence, etc.

To reach the main goal, it is necessary to go through almost the entire life path. Progress towards a different goal will take place in stages, step by step, through the solution of intermediate tasks.

Desired income (rub.)

Estimated work

Sales consultant in a construction or design firm

Sales manager in the same company

Deputy Director regional office construction or design organization

Owner of a construction (design) company

Owner of a network of construction (design) firms

Media tycoon, owner of the largest construction (design) company in the Russian market

At the age of 18, I will take a part-time job as a sales assistant in a construction or design organization in order to accumulate some knowledge and experience in my chosen field of activity. For this position, I need such qualities as communication skills, attentiveness, courtesy and, of course, some knowledge. I think it will interesting job, because I will be able to communicate with buyers and more experienced colleagues at work. Estimated income is 1500 rubles, because I have no work experience. Thus, I will take the first step towards the intended goal.

By the age of 22, I plan to get a position as a sales manager in the same firm. A month will be enough to demonstrate to colleagues their capabilities and prove that there is noticeable progress in the work. My responsibilities will include the conclusion of contracts with clients, product advertising. Desired income 4000 rubles.

By the age of 25, I want to move up the corporate ladder and get the position of deputy director of the regional office in a construction (design) company. Having achieved this, I will need to master the art of managing people. The experience and capital accumulated during my time in this position will help me to a large extent to take the leap and become the owner of my own company. Estimated income 10,000 rubles.

At 30, I will open my own business. It will be a construction or design firm. Construction has always been and will be held in high esteem. It has great prospects, despite the fact that it has existed since ancient times. It is especially pleasant to build civil buildings, residential buildings. I want to bring something new to these construction industries. We want the houses to be comfortable for living and have an exceptional interior. This will bring great benefits to people.

Design is closely related to construction and has a wide field of activity. Both the construction and design firms will undoubtedly prosper and pay off in a very short time. Desired income in this position is 30,000 rubles.

By the age of 35, I plan to expand my business and create a network of firms throughout the region. I think that by the age of 40 I will have a certain amount of money capital to achieve my main goal, because I think that at this stage, a quite reasonable salary will be 300,000 rubles.

And by the age of 40, I will expand my business so much that I will become a media mogul. Branches of my company will operate throughout the country and, I hope, abroad. This will be the result of my professional path, the peak of my career. Estimated income is about 5,000,000 rubles. To prosper so successfully, I will need tremendous willpower and drive, enterprise and optimism, professional competence and all the qualities that a manager should have.

My professional goals

Whoever does not know in which harbor he is sailing, there is no favorable wind for him.

My main professional goal in life is to make a career and open my own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent, even financially. But at the same time, work should be fun. I want to live in order to work, and not vice versa. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from the institute, get a diploma and work in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills, because now a large amount of information can be retrieved from the screen of the manitor. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​also plays a huge role in modern life, so it is desirable to know at least one foreign language. This gives great benefits in dealing with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. It is also useful to study the specifics of the economy of other states: you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

1. My profession is a manager............................................... ....................3

2. My successes and achievements .............................................. ......................four

3. Why did I enter RSUTS .............................................. ...............5

4. How I envision my future career...............................................6-7

5. My professional goals ............................................................... ................8-10

6. What I am going to do to achieve my goals .............................. 11-13

7. Introspection ............................................... ...............................................14-16

8. List of references .............................................................. .17


I was born in the Altai Territory, in a prosperous, creative and talented family. From childhood, I strive to imitate my parents and be the first in everything. While studying at school, I took part in various educational Olympiads and in creative competitions, where he always took only first places, especially in hockey. I have shown leadership skills. My parents repeated to me more than once that I was able to dominate and manage, showing the best and high quality. My most important quality is a clear vision of the goal, which is presented to others only in very vague outlines or is not seen at all. All this influenced the choice of my profession. It was not for nothing that I chose the profession of a manager. Manage yourself - manage everyone. Management - means the creation, management, control and the most efficient use of socio-economic systems and models of various levels. Management is a profession, and people who professionally carry out the function of management are managers. The fate of an enterprise or firm depends on them; the professional fate of even an individual person, an employee of this enterprise, may depend on them. Managing effectively is not as easy as many people think. I fully understand the complexity of being a manager. Managers do not just sit in easy chairs and sign some papers, they have very serious and responsible tasks, their duties include:

skillful use of human resources, encouraging employees to move up the career ladder, control of employees' activities.

organization of production

extending it with rational methods

organization of exhibitions and product presentations

ingenuity, ability to manage oneself and one's time, foresight, efficiency. I am interested in the profession of a manager. I'm sure what I did right choice professions.


I am now only eighteen years old, however, during this time I have achieved many successes. I will write about this in this section.

One of my main achievements is graduating from secondary school. From the first grade I really love to study and learn new things. I constantly took part in school and city Olympiads in chemistry, social science and history. And also every year I was sent to regional hockey competitions. In addition to studying for ten years, he took an active position in the life of the class and school.

As a 5th grade student, a very young boy, I was very interested in German. And so for seven years I was passionate about learning German. Now I know him perfectly. The first goal I aspired to was achieved.

Upon graduation from school for academic excellence and active public life I was listed in the district Book of Honor.

And I also want to note my main achievement - this is admission to the Russian State University of Tourism and Service. Studying here, I will acquire all the knowledge and skills to build my career.


A modern person simply needs to have an idea about economic theory, because our life depends on economic laws no less than on the laws of nature. I entered the RSUTS and the Faculty of Economics not by chance. Everyone knows that the profession of a manager is the most prestigious and highly paid profession during this period of time. In addition to the fact that many of my friends study here, there are a number of decisive reasons for my choice.

Firstly, the knowledge and skills acquired here will help me achieve my main goal.

Secondly, the prestige of the institute is very high.

Thirdly, RSUTS has a very strong teaching staff.

Fourth, and most importantly, at RSUTS I can get not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. In the words of Quintilian, "Practice without theory is more valuable than theory without practice." The practice will serve as an impetus for the development of my future career.

I take a very responsible approach to studying at the institute. It is important for me to become not only a professional, but also to receive recognition in this capacity. I use the knowledge and initial experience acquired at the institute to achieve my main professional goal - to become a media mogul and have a chain of stores.


In the life of every person there are many difficulties and unexpected turns of events. I will also have to overcome many obstacles, but I am sure that I can become a real specialist in the field of economics. To achieve this goal, you need to work hard on yourself now and, of course, gain experience in all possible ways. Experience is very important, but it comes with time. Therefore, this precious time cannot be wasted now.

I would like to make my career in some prosperous company, climb the corporate ladder, open own shop. In my understanding, making a career means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. This means prestige from the point of view of public opinion.

In order to become a specialist in your profession, you must have personal qualities such as ease of communication, perseverance, willpower, self-confidence, responsibility, etc.

To achieve the main goal, it is necessary to go through almost the entire life path. Progress towards the goal I have set will take place in stages, step by step, through the solution of intermediate tasks.

At the age of 18, I will take a part-time job as a loader in order to accumulate some knowledge and experience in my chosen field of activity. For this position, I need qualities such as communication skills and

attentiveness. Estimated income is 3000 rubles, because I have no work experience. Thus, I will take the first step towards the intended goal.

By the age of 22, I plan to get a position as a product display worker in the same company. A month will be enough to demonstrate to colleagues their capabilities and prove that there is noticeable progress in the work. My responsibilities will include the display of goods in the hall of the store. Desired income 6000 rubles.

By the age of 25, I want to move up the corporate ladder and get a position as a purchasing manager. Estimated income 13000 rubles.

At the age of 30, I want to become the head of the Kopeika chain of stores. Having achieved this, I will need to master the art of managing people. Estimated income 35 000 thousand rubles.

By the age of 35, I plan to be an executive director, and carry out the initial stage of opening my own business. I think that by the age of 40 I will have a certain amount of money capital to achieve my main goal, because I believe that at this stage the salary will be 300,000 rubles.

And by the age of 40, I will expand my business so much that I will become a media mogul. This will be the result of my professional path, the peak of my career. Estimated income is about 4,000,000 rubles. To prosper so successfully, I will need tremendous willpower and drive, enterprise and optimism, professional competence and all the qualities that a manager should have.


My main professional goal in life is to make a career and open my own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent. But at the same time, work should be fun. I want to live in order to work, and not vice versa. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from the institute, get a diploma and work in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills, because now a large amount of information can be extracted from the monitor screen. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​also plays a huge role in modern life, so it is desirable to know at least one foreign language. This gives great benefits in dealing with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. It is also useful to study the specifics of the economy of other states: you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

I also think that it is necessary to communicate with business professionals as much as possible and gradually gain experience from them.

For now, my goal is to do well at university. After the end of the first course, I will have the next goal - to find the desired job. Then the next one will follow. This will continue until I achieve my ultimate goal.