Modem yota 4g lte speed. Yota modem: settings and testing. Yota Many. Standalone modem that works for a long time

  • 22.05.2020

Internet technologies do not stand still - this is a fact. Surely many of us have heard of this format. mobile communications like 3G. Maybe one of us now has a card of an operator providing third-generation communication services inserted on a phone or tablet. So, imagine, 3G technology is outdated. In many respects, it is inferior new connection, which is several times faster - 4G LTE. What it is, and why the transition to a new and improved communication format will not happen as quickly as we would like, we will tell further.

4G connection - the best internet in the world

So, let's start with the fact that today the fourth generation technology (or LTE Internet, as it is also called) is the most advanced format for remote communication in mobile network. It can be called the best in comparison with those formats that existed before (2G and 3G in particular). The reason is simple - high speed transmission means in practice, it can be seen from the simplest example: if in the third generation network we can download a movie in 40-50 minutes, then when working in LTE, downloading the same amount of data can be achieved in some 7-8 minutes. Is it really impressive?

Why are we still on 3G?

However, do not rejoice at such a high speed prematurely. In fact, operators are experiencing a large number of problems associated with the construction of a 4G network. First of all, this is the high cost of equipment that needs to be launched additionally in order to block the existing one. Roughly speaking, in order to provide Internet in the 4G LTE format, MTS (like any other operator) is forced to re-build a huge number of towers. All of these are high operating and financial costs.

How to find a device to work in LTE?

In addition to the problem associated with building a fourth-generation data network, there is another one. It consists in the device with which subscribers are connected.

Let's put it this way: in order to fish, you need to have one of the most advanced gadgets (since only the "top" models, as a rule, are able to work with this format). Therefore, a logical question arises as to whether it is worth making such a quick transition to a 4G LTE network, a modem for which is not so easy to find. Operators obviously proceed from the fact that it is not so expedient to do this very quickly. Therefore, we continue to use mainly Internet services in the 3G network.

Modem Yota 4G (LTE)

Of course, some attempts to popularize communication in the fourth generation network are being made by individual operators. Let's recall a modem that supports communication in LTE, which is actively promoted by Yota. They have several models of different modems on their site that are suitable for working with all devices. Their cost fluctuates between 1900 and 6900 rubles, and as a bonus when buying some devices, the user can receive a free unlimited Internet online for a month.

Thus, when buying a 4G LTE router, you can also get a certain period of free use of services, which is beneficial for those who would like to try working with Yota. In general, this operator is spoken of in a good way, because, judging by the basic tariffs, its prices are quite adequate. This fact attracts many users.

Yota tariffs

Let's present detailed information regarding operation in the LTE network through this operator. At Yota, all tariffs, which are called as follows: “for a smartphone”, “for a tablet” and “for a computer”, have different speed, but they are all unlimited. For 390 rubles per month, you can purchase a package with a data transfer rate of 1 Mbps; for 590 rubles, the speed increases to 3 Mbps, and for 790 rubles, an unlimited speed package is offered.

This is advantageous, given that the size of the packets is not limited in any way. Let's just say which tariff to choose depends on why you want to connect LTE (4G). Reviews indicate that even with a minimal package, you can comfortably view mail, communicate in in social networks and check the weather. At the maximum rate, respectively, the user can watch videos and movies online. Convenient, isn't it?

MTS tariffs

True, not all mobile operators have such comfortable and affordable tariffs as Yota. From another largest operator - MTS, buying 4G (LTE) wifi router, you can also get a month of the Internet as a gift. Prices here start from a lower mark - 1350 rubles per device. True, with the tariffs themselves, the operator is not so smooth. See for yourself.

MTS offers, in addition to the outdated Connect tariff, 4G LTE plans of a new type: Mini, Maxi, VIP. The cost varies between 350 and 1200 rubles. per month of use. True, even the maximum tariff here does not imply unlimited access to the network - the package size is limited to thirty gigabytes. Unless, as a bonus, the user can activate the service of unlimited nightly Internet use. But, you understand, even if you do not take into account the promotion, according to which the Yota 4G LTE modem is provided as a gift when ordering a certain number of months of using the service, this operator has more favorable conditions than MTS.

Beeline and Megafon tariffs

As for other providers of mobile Internet services in Russia, the situation is not too different there. Yes, both Beeline and Megafon are ready to offer the user unlimited tariffs at the maximum fee. Again, if you buy their 4G LTE mobile router (each operator has a company store where you can buy it cheaper), you can get access to a bonus in the form of a free month of using the service. But they, when compared with the Yota operator, have higher prices.

Feedback on the quality of services

You should also take into account the reviews that subscribers leave about a particular operator. In particular, many people talk about such minor problems as a sharp loss of network signal while on the Internet. Users even provide snapshots of boot logs showing dips in the speed time graph. What caused such troubles and whether they can somehow be avoided is unknown. Probably, the Yota 4G LTE modem has nothing to do with it, and the problem lies in the work of the provider.

In general, as users note, the quality of the signal and its level depend largely on the place where the device is located. Of course, there are maps on the operator's website that mark the entire zone of the Moscow Region as a territory covered by a 4G network signal. However, this is a myth. There are practically "dead" zones even in Moscow itself, not to mention the area beyond its borders. They said that building an LTE connection is expensive. Here is the policy of providers and there is proof of this: they do not build new 4G LTE towers because it is unprofitable and expensive.

How to choose an operator?

However, if you would like to try connecting yourself to a service such as 4G Internet, you should think about the operator you would like to contact. If you already have a SIM card ( starter pack) of one of them, you can connect the service to it. Thus, you can save money on buying a new card. In addition, it is possible that you will receive more loyal conditions as a regular customer.

If it is clear that the tariff plans of your operator are less profitable than those that another provider has, we recommend that you learn more about them in order to switch to it.

Within the framework of this article, we note that many people call the Yota operator optimal. With it, you can best feel all the delights of 4G LTE (what it is, we examined above) and experience the benefits of the fourth generation network.

How to go?

If you already have a device that supports a 4G network, you can safely switch to this communication format. Of course, you need to have a SIM card of the tariff plan that includes services high speed internet. From the usual ones, by the way, they are no different. And to find out whether your phone or tablet supports this format or not is very simple: its name indicates it. For example, Samsung 4G LTE Galaxy S5. And so on.

For the most part, the newest models of the middle and higher price classes, as a rule, support work on this network. If you have a flagship gadget in your line at all, you can be sure of 4G compatibility one hundred percent! Here is another example. One of the best phablets from a Korean company - Samsung Note 4G LTE - supports the format. And so with any other brand.

Disadvantages of 4G in Russia

Of course, in Russia the culture of using high-speed mobile Internet has not yet reached the scale that can be observed in the West. In the USA, for example, many operators are trying to transfer subscribers to the LTE format as soon as possible, offering both smartphones that support this network and more. profitable terms for those who thought and switched to such a tariff.

As for Russia, here everything is sadder in terms of technology. Despite the presence of a huge number of tablets and smartphones, most of them belong to the budget class, and therefore they do not support operation in LTE. Operators see low activity on a high-speed Internet network, and therefore are in no hurry to increase coverage. In turn, users complain about failures in signal reception and lack of coverage in most regions in general. It turns out a kind of vicious circle, from which it will be possible, given the economic situation, not soon.

However, you should not despair. Residents of the capital, at least now, can use the services of operators, instantly loading pages, downloading music in a couple of seconds and downloading full version favorite movie in minutes. Perhaps, having felt the delights of LTE communications, users will spread the idea of ​​switching to such a communication format, which will allow operators to invest more in the development of this direction. In addition, very soon even cheap mobile devices will support 4G. And this will mean only one thing: 4G will become more and more accessible in our country, and this process is inevitable.

A fundamentally new device is a modem and a Wi-Fi module in a common housing. In fact, a mobile-stationary router for the Yota LTE network, or a pocket Wi-Fi router without a battery, as someone likes to think.

The organized presentation of the new device in itself hints at the company's attention to this direction of development of mobile terminals. Although Igor Torgov spoke about a relatively narrow consumer niche and that they do not count on mass sales of the device, so far only 25,000 copies of Yota 4G have been purchased LTE WiFi. In my opinion, many will pay 2,900 instead of 1,900 rubles. for versatility and additional functionality Wi-Fi from the outlet. But it's the market that will put everything in its place, he knows how.

Modem Yota 4G LTE is a router, but was called a modem due to the form factor and to avoid confusion, the term "router" is often associated with a completely autonomous handheld device. And this router does not have a battery, and it needs external power supply. The Wi-Fi module is built into the case, and the modem has become noticeably wider and longer than its predecessor (see photo above).

The declared price is 2,900 rubles, a special program for the preferential replacement of previously purchased LTE modems is not yet planned. Even before the official release of the device on June 20, I was looking for information about it on the net and came across an offer from one of the dealers: 4,350 rubles. for pre-order, there is a Trade-in program. Those. you give your old Yota LTE modem to the dealer and get a new Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi minus the purchase price of the old modem. Presumably, they will sell you a new modem for 3,500 rubles and they will also attach your old one to someone, but this is already the cost of Russian business. The official price of a standard LTE modem has been reduced to 1,900 rubles, and we can assume that now for the previous 2,900 rubles. Yota users receive a fundamentally new device with additional functionality.

The modem provides for the installation of a micro SIM, is locked for the Yota LTE network and does not work with a MegaFon SIM card. The maximum number of simultaneously connected users is 8 via Wi-Fi or 7 via Wi-Fi plus one directly via the computer's USB socket. Accordingly, with a USB connection, the Wi-Fi module also works (you can disable it programmatically).

Consumer niches

Here everything looks quite simple. And it’s not easy, given the audience of Yota users with its minimum price tag of 400 rubles / month (Moscow) for unlimited at a speed of 512 Kbps, faster is more expensive. But more on that below.

  • Stationary Mobile Internet at home or in the office. Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi copes with this successfully and with an important advantage in the form of complete solution. No router or computer required, just a standard USB power supply. Two restrictions: the number of simultaneously connected users is no more than 8 and the size of the apartment / office, the Wi-Fi module does not differ in range.
  • In the country. If there is Yota LTE coverage and Wi-Fi range is enough, then the option is excellent. In most cases, an outlet in the attic, and all is well.
  • Mobile Internet in the car. Suitable for city trips, started the engine - in a minute with the Internet. For long trips it is worse: the coverage is “spotty”, and the modem will not be able to jump to 3G / 2G. Also, to get the Internet in the parking lots, you will have to play a little with food.
  • On trips and business trips. If there is a Yota LTE network at the destination, the option is very tempting, this is obvious.
  • as a mobile router. Also an option, although the two-component modem + external battery design looks bulky. But with a decent-capacity battery, you won’t have to worry about the outlet, and other devices will live much longer with the Internet via Wi-Fi instead of getting it through their own 4G / 3G modules.

Now about the administrative and financial disadvantages. The price of the Yota contract (subscription fee) implies active use of the Internet, and all road-mobile options are only suitable as additional ones. And then, provided that after leaving home, you will not leave your family without the Internet. An additional device on the same personal account would be an excellent solution, but how to divide the speed? In Yota subscription fee at any time is determined by the access speed, and the possibility of intelligently dividing the speed into n-devices is not yet provided. Perhaps in the future there will be tariffs with traffic packages, they are thinking about this topic.

Direct competitor to Russian market - Huawei modem Mobile Wi-Fi Smart E355, which has the advantage of supporting 2G / 3G and SIM cards of all operators. In the minuses - the lack of support for LTE and, accordingly, a slightly different target audience.

Equipment and design

As already written, due to the additional module wifi modem became wider and longer than its predecessor. Some additional, albeit small, space was taken up by the SIM card holder. But the dimensions remained within reasonable limits, and thanks to the good proportions, the modem does not look like an awkward monster.

Neat and compact box made of white cardboard. Gone are the days of avant-garde-futuristic packaging design in the form of a cylinder of transparent plastic, sorry. But okay, the box is more practical and many times cheaper, plus the packaging of branded devices is now designed in the same style as that of MegaFon.

Included is the modem itself and the "Operating Manual", that's all. Formally, nothing else is needed, the modem successfully works in the USB socket of the computer. But using it directly in the adapter is more rational.

Yota insists on a 1.5 A adapter. Indeed, more and more modern devices are equipped with just such adapters, 2.0 A is also not uncommon. On the other hand, 1.0A adapters and external batteries are still widespread, and 1.5A may not be found on the farm. My Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi worked successfully in the 1.0 A adapter in a variety of modes, I did not notice any problems. Perhaps they would have appeared during long work at full load, but it is not necessary to run for a new adapter right on the day you buy the modem.


Open USB plug, five-position rotator, handy lug to easily grab the plug with your finger to rotate from the closed position. Compared with the first model of the Yota modem, several small but useful changes have appeared. We have already seen all this in the MegaFon M100-1 modem, which was released at the end of last year. I don’t see the point in repeating, those who wish can read the review and see the photo (section “Design”).

As I wrote above, the modem requires a Yota SIM card in micro SIM format, it does not work with SIM cards from other operators. It is desirable to grow a nail flat and correct sizes(can be filed with a needle file) or use a suitable tool.

A small complaint about the quality of the paint for marking the slot for the SIM card: after two or three removals and insertions of the card into the slot, the marking areas were erased. Did you draw the markings with chalk, or what?

A duplicating microUSB socket is traditionally present, which is good. Otherwise - Spartan minimalism and the absence of any mechanical buttons and switches. There are no antenna jacks, there is no slot for a memory card either.

Thanks to the rotator, the absence of additional slots and the use of micro SIM, all the giblets (including the Wi-Fi module) were stuck into a body of acceptable size. The dimensions of the modem are even slightly smaller than those of the popularly beloved Huawei E392. On the other hand, Huawei E355 with Wi-Fi module is clearly more compact, but it does not support LTE and the reception quality is very mediocre compared to E392.


  • Dimensions: 92x35x13mm.
  • Weight: 50 grams.
  • WAN communication standard: UTRAN REL8 Cat24.
  • Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11 b / g (data transfer rate up to 54Mbps), the ability to connect up to 8 devices (inclusive).
  • LAN communication standards: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 1x1.
  • Antenna: built-in.
  • Connection type: USB and micro USB (version 2.0 and higher).
  • SIM card: Removable UICC 3FF.
  • System requirements: Windows starting with Windows XP SP3; Mac OS since Mac OS 10.5; Linux and others with support for CDC/RNDIS devices.
  • Working temperature: from 0° to +30° C.

There are no complaints about the declared characteristics. Outwardly, we have a slightly wider and fatter Yota modem, which has an additional Wi-Fi module. Internally, the device is made on a relatively inexpensive (compared to Quallcom products) Israeli Altair chip with support for LTE Band 7 and Band 20. There are no Band 20 (~ 800 MHz) networks in Russia yet; military operators must purchase new equipment capable of operating in other frequencies, the infrastructure of facilities, laboratories, educational buildings and almost toilet paper for employees of the Ministry of Defense who are mastering the new equipment purchased for them. If someone is not in the know, including this is all called "clearing frequencies". But sooner or later the Band 20 frequencies will be cleared and LTE networks will be launched, then support for this range in the modem will come in handy.

I am also upset by phrases like: “... Also, the modem implements a forced download and upload speed limit of 20 Mbps.”. The limitation of 20 Mbps in the Yota LTE segment is implemented at the platform level, and the speed characteristics of modems, routers, etc., do not go against this at all. There are no hardware speed limits in the modem itself, now it is simply not necessary in the Yota network.

The Yota SIM card inserted into MegaFon's LTE router once again confirms this: we run into a platform limitation of 20 Mbps. Although in the same LTE FDD network, the same router in the same place and at the same time shows confident 25-30 Mbps with a MegaFon SIM card.

Interface and control

This part of the Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi review is simple and concise. Due to the fact that the control interface does not indulge us with a wealth of settings. But you also don’t need to install special programs and drivers; during the USB connection, the computer will briefly inform you about the appearance of the next new RNDIS device.

There are few settings: you can disable the Wi-Fi module programmatically (the only user from the computer) and close the Wi-Fi network with a password, which is highly recommended when you first start the device. Automatic Wi-Fi shutdown by timeout is also present in the settings, but by default this option is set to OFF, thanks to the software developers.

After the automatic upgrade of the modem firmware, additional functions of port forwarding and DHCP settings appear, already something. But, in general, the developer's approach is clear: here is the Internet via Wi-Fi as a bonus to the standard modem functionality, the rest is your personal difficulties.

See the screenshot for the current (at the time of preparation of the review) version of the firmware. Firmware updates are downloaded to the modem automatically as they are released without warning.

Impressions from work

It turned out not without surprises. In a nutshell - the little animal liked its "iron" component, it works perfectly. The software part is not very good yet, but we hope for improvements and correction of shortcomings.

From the moment of the first connection, there were no complaints about the modem. Excellent data transfer speed via Wi-Fi, the device was easily powered from a regular adapter for a smartphone. There were no problems with connecting the computer to the resulting open network either. Here I would sit down and quickly write a gracious review, but the devil pulled the modem to drive in different, potentially demanded modes.

Let's start with the positive. The built-in Wi-Fi module turned out to be unexpectedly good in terms of its speed indicators, data transfer is almost lossless. Surprisingly for a router of this size, I was mentally prepared for speed losses of 10-20 percent compared to a direct USB connection.

Having looked at the consistently good speedtest indicators, I tried several pairs of measurements in a row: from a computer via a USB connection of a modem and a smartphone via its own Wi-Fi module. The difference is minimal, see photo above. For a Yota device, this is an extremely important indicator, because the mobile Internet of this operator is chosen as an alternative to wired. Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi transmission is very good, and if additional functionality is not needed and the number of connections suits, then the modem should be comfortable to use "as is".

The range of the built-in Wi-Fi modem did not please. With the stated 30-50 meters, the monitor shows a tolerable signal level maximum within the next room (the walls are not monolithic and not even brick). According to the behavior of the indicator, I got the impression that the Wi-Fi module can automatically adjust the power, but I could be wrong.

A pleasant surprise was stable and fast data transfer at very weak signal Wi-Fi, see screenshot above. With such monitor readings, data from other routers is barely transmitted to me or not transmitted at all, but here everything is very decent. I admit that the real range of Wi-Fi is somewhat greater than it seems visually from the signal strength indicator.

A separate topic, which for some reason was not paid attention to at the presentation, is the possibility of the new modem working in other routers. They could not answer a direct question immediately and were even slightly puzzled. Indeed, why bother with all sorts of combinations with routers, when everything is already there? In fact, the question is relevant, despite the presence of its own Wi-Fi module in the modem. Many Yota users have already developed their own home “infrastructure” with a stationary router, home network, television, and a torrent client programmed into the router. And if the 2.4 GHz band in the user's home is very noisy and he solved this problem by installing a "pedigreed" router with support for the 5 GHz band? The new advantages of the Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi modem are invaluable when traveling, in the country, etc., but this does not exclude the scenario of its regular use as a regular modem. That is, many people will pay 1,000 rubles. more and will buy this modem for the sake of ease of use and additional convenience on the trip, but are not ready to give up their usual services for the sake of these advantages.

At first, I could not make friends with Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi with any of the routers tested for this purpose. Including with two Keenetic routers, each of which works perfectly with previous models of Yota LTE modems (Giga II and Keenetic 4G routers). After updating the firmware of Keenetic routers, the Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi modem finally worked with Keenetic Giga II, for some reason it refused with Keenetic 4G. I think that this is a matter of time, a matter of time. ZyXEL keeps abreast of modem novelties on the market and tries to promptly add their support to the software of its products. Fortunately, the procedure has now become much simpler and more convenient for the user, it is enough to start updating the firmware components.

While users of Keenetic routers may encounter crossword puzzles when docking Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi. If I understood correctly what I saw, with the first version of the modem firmware inserted into Yota router The 4G LTE indicator turned on, but the Keenetic modem did not recognize it and did not let it go to the Internet. After auto-updating OTA (Over the Air, over the air) of the modem firmware to version, the indicator of the modem inserted into Keenetic stopped lighting up, and after being inserted into the router, the modem itself was blocked to death for 20-30 minutes, refusing to start up with any adapters and in the USB- computer socket. Then he woke up and began to work in regular modes. I killed a lot of time for all sorts of experiments, until I figured out just to let the device lie down and rest.

Based on the results of my “dances with a tambourine”, so far I can recommend following algorithm actions:

  • Start Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi in normal mode from a computer USB port or a suitable adapter (recommended 1.5 A) and do not connect anything for 2-3 hours and do not go into the settings. Anyway, the modem's firmware will be automatically updated, so it's better to let it immediately and not in the process of experimenting with the settings.

  • If you plan to use a modem with an external Wi-Fi router, then update the firmware in the router before you try to insert a new Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi into this router.
  • If the modem has stopped showing signs of life, then leave it alone for 20 minutes and occupy yourself with something useful for the soul or society. Then you can continue the experiments.

They write on the forum that with the updated Keenetic 4G firmware, the modem started up in this router, I readily believe. Once launched in Keenetic Giga II, then it should work in Keenetic 4G. Perhaps there really is some kind of defect in a particular instance of the modem, although it does not look like it behaves with a second router and different cords / adapters.

Unfortunately, no firmware can change the geometry of the case. The new Yota 4G LTE is wider than its predecessor, and you won’t be able to plug a modem into the router case of the previous model line. Which, in my opinion, is even good: with a USB extension cable, the modem works faster and more stable. So the user will be forced to make himself better.

It seems that in Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi is software-protected and the Keep Alive function (maintaining an active connection to the network) works successfully. For two days of continuous operation and very rare connections to the device via Wi-Fi, the modem never fell off the network.

Perspectives and Conclusions

The modem itself turned out to be quite good and works quite well. The size of the minimum subscription fee and the specifics of Yota tariffs are a natural limiter to the popularity of Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi, the consumer niche is much smaller than it could be. On the other hand, the extra 1,000 rubles. for such additional functionality not to the detriment of the rest - God knows how much money, the device will find its users.

In a fairly near future (even this summer), Yota is threatening to bring to the market new model pocket router with a larger battery. The price, of course, should be higher, but for an all-in-one device, this is logical. Another thing is that tariff restrictions on popularity will also apply to the new pocket router. The operator is hardly satisfied with this state of affairs, so there is reason to hope for some serious progress in the billing structure. If this happens, then Yota 4G LTE Wi-Fi may become of interest to a larger number of consumers.

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Sergey Potresov ()

Iota is a young provider that provides 100% unlimited mobile internet. In addition, not so long ago, he began the expansion of voice services in almost all regions of the country.

The range of offers of the operator includes not only services, but also branded goods. The online store presents Eta compact modems complete with SIM-cards. They differ in appearance, size, purpose, cost, and unites the devices - a high speed of data reception / transmission. Short review Yota models Modes is presented below.

USB modem Yota

This model is the simplest and visually resembles a small keychain. Its main function is to connect high speed internet on a computer or laptop via a USB port. After the modem has turned on, the user does not need to install any drivers, activation occurs automatically within 15 seconds. Other features of the device include:

  • Matte body "under the metal";
  • Light weight and compact;
  • The presence of backlight;
  • Swivel portable USB port that allows you to connect the device vertically;
  • SIM card slot;
  • Cost - 1990 rubles.

For ease of use and setup tariff plans it is recommended to install on your PC a special Yota Access program, which is adapted for operating systems Windows, Mac and Linux.

Wi-Fi modem for Internet distribution

This Iota 4G modem differs from the previous model in the presence of a Wi-Fi module. A multifunctional device solves two problems at once: it connects a stationary computer to the Internet and distributes the network via WiFi. Other features:

  • More massive body;
  • Increased weight;
  • Illuminated Yota logo;
  • Flip-out USB connector;
  • Built-in antenna with amplifier;
  • SIM card slot;
  • A slot to which you can connect a USB cable that allows you to connect with any other equipment (for example, a Wi-Fi router);
  • Does not require software installation;
  • Connects up to 8 devices to the network at the same time.

It is convenient to use such a modem in a car during a trip and always be online. To set a password for the dispenser, after turning it on, go to the website. The cost of the device is 2950 rubles.

Mobile 4G router

A compact mobile router is a very necessary thing for people who work online. If you are tired of looking for a password-free Wi-Fi for your computer, tablet or smartphone, then the new Yota 4G modem is designed for you. To activate wireless network just turn on the gadget.

Construction and design features:

  • The case is made of durable plastic, the coating of which has a pleasant silvery, matte shade;
  • LED indicators on the side panel;
  • Removable back panel, removable battery;
  • Work up to 6 hours at full load;
  • Side power button;
  • Light and thin (86 grams);
  • Automatic creation of a Wi-Fi network.

Does not require installation of additional software. Complete set: modem itself, cable charger. The price on the official website is 2990 rubles.

One of the most advanced mobile can rightly be called. The device distributes the Internet to 8 devices, has an ascetic design and is distinguished by long-term performance. Model Description:

  • Wear-resistant coating;
  • Illuminated logo indicating the presence of a connection;
  • USB cable for charging and connecting to a PC;
  • Convenient switch;
  • Black and white screen displaying the number of connections, battery remaining, signal stability;
  • Up to 16 hours of continuous operation.

The cost of new equipment is 4750 rubles.

LAN for office

This is a great router that can serve any computer. If you are having trouble with your office wired internet, it will become best solution. At the same time, the monthly subscription fee will be only 2,700 rubles (at maximum speed).

The router connects up to 32 devices, has advanced security settings. Supports IP telephony. On the rear panel is a four-port communicator for creating local network. The price of the device is 4990 rubles. The Wi-Fi signal range is at least 50 meters.

In this review, we will discuss the Yota Wltuba-107 modem for connecting to fourth-generation networks from the Yota operator. The device is presented in two versions - with the distribution of Wi-Fi and without it. The modem was born in 2013, since then it has been tested by thousands of subscribers. Let's explore it specifications, let's talk about the problems of unlocking for other operators. In general, the device is quite stable - communication interruptions are minimized.

The Yota Swift Wltuba-107 modem is made in a traditional form factor - in the form of a kind of flash drive, with a protruding connector for connecting to a USB port. Unlike its predecessors, it is equipped with a slot for a micro-SIM SIM card, which is inserted into the corresponding slot under the modem. Depending on the selected modification, the device can be connected to the computer in three ways:

  • Directly to the USB port.
  • Via a micro-USB cable.
  • Via Wi-Fi - for this, the device is connected to any charger or other computer.

Please note that when connected via a USB extension cable, the modem may experience a lack of electricity - use extension cords with thick conductors or with additional power (otherwise disconnections cannot be avoided).

Consider the characteristics of the Yota 4G LTE Wltuba-107 modem:

  • Compatible with operating systems Windows XP-8 (for sure it will work with Windows 10), MacOS.
  • Speed ​​- up to 70 Mbps for reception, up to 40 Mbps for distribution.
  • The transmitter power is +23 dBm.
  • Operating temperature - from 0 to +30 degrees.
  • Connection interface - USB 2.0 or USB 3.0.
  • Case dimensions - 82x28.1x12.3 mm.

If you got a modem without a SIM card, feel free to go to the nearest Yota office and buy the necessary SIM card there.

Connecting to the Internet is done as follows. In the first step, install the SIM card under the USB connector. Step two - connect the device to a free USB port, wait for the network connection icon to appear (as on a local network, no drivers are required). The next step is to go to Personal Area, replenish the balance, select the access speed and use the Internet. Connection to the World Wide Web is performed automatically, when a connection is established on the Yota Wltuba-107 modem, the operator's logo lights up.

To get to the Yota Wltuba-107 administrative panel, go to or Here you can specify the signal strength, check the software version, the current data transfer rate, the maximum peak speed in this communication session. In models with Wi-Fi, access point setting (network name, password) is available.

The firmware of the Wltuba-107 modem is performed manually, and only at your own peril and risk. If you are sure what you are doing, download the firmware file, go to and upload it to the device. Remember that with your inaccurate actions you can bring the gadget to an inoperative state.

Main problems

We analyzed the reviews of the Wltuba-107 modem from the Yota operator and found out that the device is not characterized by the longest survivability - many users complain about its failure in the first months of operation. But if it has lived for more than four months, it will continue to work.

The second problem occurs when you try to unlock the device. There are no intelligible instructions on this matter, and they are not in our review either. When contacting Yota technical support, you have to listen to the attempts of consultants who are trying their best to dissuade subscribers from this undertaking. According to some reports, unlocking the Wltuba-107 modem is possible only in official Yota offices and only during the warranty period.

Yota is a wireless high-speed Internet network newest generation based on Mobile LTE technology. Extensive coverage area, free access to « the world wide web”, no restrictions on time and traffic, uninterrupted connection even at a speed of more than 100 km / h - Yota is absolutely universal, it fully satisfies the needs of modern users.

4G LTE modem Yota

Compact USB modem from Yota. Provides a stable high-speed connection to the Internet using LTE technology. Works on the Plug&Play system, i.е. does not require driver installation. Supports the following types of operating systems: Mac OS, Linux, MS Windows (except Win XP SP2).

1 850 rub kill

The list of equipment needed to access wireless Internet in the Yota coverage area is ridiculously small - it's just a modem or router (depending on what kind of access you need to get: individual or collective). To connect to the Internet, you no longer need to call the wizard, waste time negotiating with the support service and understand complex technical documentation. Forget about the time-consuming and time-consuming setup of complex equipment! Now it is enough to buy an external 4G LTE modem to access and connect it to any device equipped with a USB port and you can safely dive into such an attractive "abyss" of unlimited Internet.

A compact, lightweight, stylish device for connecting LTE Yota wireless Internet has many advantages, among which the main ones are affordability and simplicity. It is convenient and not at all burdensome to use. The 4G Internet modem for the Yota network is capable of operating at a speed of 10 Mbps, providing a stable signal level in any area within the coverage area. Now it has become even easier to communicate, work, listen to music, watch videos or download any necessary information: by buying a modem to connect a laptop to the Yota network, the user provides himself with unhindered Internet access anytime and anywhere.

website: wide choice and attractive prices for modems for the Yota network

For those who have not yet managed to buy a modem for Yota and make sure of the high functionality of this indispensable device from their own experience, the online store site offers a wide range of high-quality, certified equipment necessary for quick and easy connection to the network. Our customers do not need to look for an alternative and compare the cost of Yota modems offered by various dealers, because we know exactly what reasonable savings are and strive for mutually beneficial cooperation. Online store site warns against unnecessary spending - we sell USB modems for the Yota network at the most affordable prices!

All tariffs created for Yota network LTE modems are unlimited. The user has the opportunity to choose a test weekly or full access with a monthly payment. It's so easy to control your expenses with Yota! Haven't decided to buy yet? Then compare how much the modem for the Yota network costs with unlimited tariff and how much does it cost fixed connection with similar speeds. And if you remember that the capabilities of LTE 4G modems are practically unlimited, then the choice becomes obvious.