How to determine the type of conditions for displaying an ad. Position and ad rating. How impressions and clicks on additional relevant phrases affect the CTR of original phrases and cost per click

  • 16.05.2021

Use the Search Page (CTR+F) to find the question you need.

You have chosen the "Manual bid management" strategy and set impressions only in ad networks. What impression management options are available to you?

Setting a weekly budget

Choice of display sites

Setting a daily budget

What metrics can be optimized using Yandex.Direct's automated strategies?

Place where ads are shown

Number or cost of clicks


average price targeted action

Which of the following strategies would you recommend to lower your cost per conversion while keeping your budget the same?

“Average cost per conversion” or “Weekly budget: maximum conversions” – the second strategy will target the most converting impressions

If the maximum CPC limit is not set when choosing the Weekly Budget strategy, what will be the maximum CPC?

It will not exceed 10% of the weekly budget and 50 c.u. e.

It will be equal to the amount of the established weekly budget.

It will not exceed 10% of the weekly budget and 450 rubles.

A car repair shop advertises a scheduled inspection service. The workshop can service no more than 50 cars per week, advertising budget limited. What strategy is suitable in this case?

Weekly click package.

Average cost per conversion.

Manual bid management.

Manual bid management.

Average return on investment.

Average cost per conversion.

Select tasks that can be solved using automatic strategies in Yandex.Direct.

Maintain an average ROI of 2.

Get conversions for a given average cost.

Always show ads only in the selected place in the ad unit.

Show your ad only during peak shopping hours.

Spend no more than a certain budget.

The campaign has a sufficient number of clicks for the last 28 days, which is calculated using a special formula

What conditions must be met in order to be able to choose the Weekly Budget: Maximum Conversion strategy?

The campaign has exceeded the threshold for the number of targeted visits in the last 28 days.

Link markup is enabled in the campaign parameters or the counter number is specified.

The campaign had at least one targeted visit and exceeded the threshold for the number of targeted visits and clicks in the last 28 days.

The site has a Metrica counter installed and at least one non-composite goal set.

The advertiser plans to expand the business, so he wants to attract the maximum audience to the site. Which of the automatic strategies solves this problem?

Average cost per conversion.

Weekly budget: maximum clicks.

Weekly click package.

For what period will the system try to spend the specified amount if you select the "Weekly budget" strategy?

For a week from Monday to Sunday.

For the last 7 days.

For 7 working days.

Large online store household appliances plans to sell heaters. It is important for the store to keep a certain percentage of return on investment. Which of the automatic strategies is suitable in this case?

Average cost per conversion.

weekly budget.

Average CPC.

The key task of the advertiser is to increase the profit from investments in online advertising or keep it at a certain level. What strategy would you recommend to an advertiser?

If he already has accumulated statistics, the Weekly Click Pack will do. You need to slightly increase the number of clicks in the strategy settings.

"Weekly budget: maximum conversions" - the more conversions to orders, the higher the profitability.

A strategy with manual bid management and set CPCs at the level of the first special placement. The more traffic, the higher the profitability

Average return on investment.

When does Yandex.Direct optimize the cost per click, conversion, or other indicators without going beyond the limits set by the advertiser?

When choosing any automatic strategy.

When shown on networks. The chosen strategy or other settings do not matter.

When choosing a strategy with manual bid management.

When choosing the "Weekly budget" strategy on the campaign page, you can set the priority of key phrases (high, medium, low). What does this mean?

Low priority keywords will only appear on the All Ads page.

Phrases with a high priority will be placed in special placement, with a low priority - in dynamic impressions.

Phrases with a higher priority will be promoted to better positions whenever possible. If the budget is not enough, such phrases are turned off last.

In the campaign, the strategy "Weekly budget: maximum conversion" was chosen. The advertiser raised CPCs, leaving the budget unchanged. There are more conversions, and their average price has decreased. Why?

This is a fictional situation, it does not happen. Conversions should get more expensive as bidding goes up.

The advertiser is engaged in the delivery of drinking water to apartments, houses and offices in Moscow. The purpose of the advertising campaign on the search is to increase the number of orders for the delivery of water to apartments and houses. Choose the most suitable queries.

drinking water + home delivery, water delivery in Moscow, drinking water delivery

ordering water to the office, water delivery to the office, buy a cooler to the office

water for the house, water for the house, water for the dacha

water delivery, drinking water, water cooler

Key phrase: electric boiler for heating. For what and for the search query ad impressions will not be shown?

buy an electric boiler for heating

Key Phrase: [towel dispenser]. The square bracket operator has been used. Which search query will not show ads?

wall mounted towel dispenser

paper towel dispenser

order towel dispenser

buy towel dispenser

The ad group uses key phrases: buy a husky puppy, husky puppies, husky puppies in Moscow. Announcement headline: #Husky puppies# in Moscow. How phrases are substituted in the title?

buy a husky puppy in Moscow, husky puppies in Moscow in Moscow

The user is looking for flights from Oslo to Chicago. Choose an operator usage option that will allow the advertiser to correctly consider the direction of the flight

[Oslo-Chicago] Tickets

Key phrase: buy an apartment + in Moscow. The plus operator is used. What search queries will be shown?

buy a small apartment in Moscow

Moscow apartment loan

buy an apartment in Moscow

Moscow to buy an apartment + on credit

Moscow buy an apartment

buy a two-room apartment in Moscow

Key phrase: last-minute [tours to Egypt]. The square bracket operator has been used. What search queries will be shown?

last minute tour to egypt

last minute Egypt tours

hot tours to Egypt

Egypt hot tours

lit tour to egypt

buy a stroller in Moscow

buy a stroller online

buy a stroller in Moscow

where to buy a stroller

Key phrase: buy a stroller. What search query won't show?

buying a stroller

buy a stroller online

buy a stroller in Moscow

where to buy a stroller

The purpose of the campaign in networks is to increase the number of installs of a mobile application for reading books with a built-in library. Choose the most relevant queries.

download reader, app for books, reader for android

fiction, novels by Tolstoy, Idiot summary

fb2 books, pdf books, mobi books

Query: everything for artists. Choose how to use operators so that the search engine will consider all the words in the query.

Everything for artists

Everything for artists

all + for artists

"everything for artists"

+all +for artists

Default Phrase - Entry to the Dentist's Office .

The ad group uses key phrases: Buy a smartphone before 20000, Buy an inexpensive smartphone, Inexpensive smartphones. Announcement title: #Smartphones from 10,000 rubles.#. How phrases are substituted in the title?

For all phrases, the title will look like Smartphones from 10,000 rubles.

buy a smartphone under 20000, buy an inexpensive smartphone, cheap smartphones

Buy a smartphone under 20000, Buy an inexpensive smartphone, Cheap smartphones

Key phrase: rest + on Baikal. The plus operator is used. Which of these search queries will not show an ad?

inexpensive vacation Baikal

holidays on Baikal cheap

family holidays on Lake Baikal inexpensively

holidays on Baikal 2017

Search query: how to grind coffee. Choose a combination of operators that will allow you to take into account all word forms in the query.

how! grind coffee

How to grind coffee

"how to grind coffee"

+how to grind coffee

Key phrase: inexpensive vacation. Which of these search queries will show your ad? The display condition is a phrase.

cheap vacation

cheap tours

rest cheap

relax inexpensively

In what parts of an ad can a template be used?



The user is looking for a bus from Moscow to Riga. Choose an operator usage option that will allow the advertiser to correctly consider the direction of the bus.

"Bus Moscow-Riga"

Bus [Moscow-Riga]

Bus +from Moscow +to Riga

Bus! from Moscow! to Riga

Key phrase: !sell a smartphone. The exclamation point operator has been used. What search queries will be shown?

Moscow sell smartphone

sell smartphone

I will sell a smartphone in Moscow

I want to sell a smartphone in Moscow

where to sell a smartphone in Moscow

Query: used car. Choose the correct use of operators, in which the search engine will take into account all the words in the query.

used car

car! used

car + used

used car

Key phrase: buy a house inexpensively. For what user requests will the ad be shown?

buy an inexpensive house

where to buy a house cheap

buy a house!cheap

inexpensive house

The ad group uses key phrases: buy a women's bag, buy a leather bag, Buy a summer bag. Ad headline: #Buy a women's bag#. How phrases are substituted in the title?

For all phrases, the heading will look like Buy a woman's bag

buy a women's bag, buy a leather bag, Buy a summer bag

buy a women's bag, buy a leather bag, buy a summer bag

Buy a women's bag, Buy a leather bag, Buy a summer bag

The headline of the announcement uses the template: #Application to the dentist's office#. Key phrases of the group: Enroll in the dentist's office, Dentist's office, Find the dentist's office. The ad was shown for an additional relevant phrase: dental office. What will the user see in the header?

An additional relevant phrase is a dental office. They are also substituted into templates.

The shortest key phrase is the dentist's office.

The default phrase is an entry in the dentist's office.

Key phrase: discount coupon. Negative phrase: "discount coupon". The quote operator is used in the negative keyword. What search query won't show?

Discount coupon

discount coupon

Moscow Discount Coupons

discount restaurant coupon

Search query: how to pass MOT. Choose a combination of operators that will allow you to take into account all word forms in the query.
Search query: how to pass MOT. What combination of operators will fix the form of each word?

+how!pass +then

How to pass

how to get through

Key phrase: buy a car + at the bottom. The plus operator is used. Which search queries will not show?

buy a car in Nizhny Novgorod

buy a car on credit Nizhny

buy a car in Nizhny Tagil

Key phrase: "tickets Moscow-Chelyabinsk". Quote operator used. What search query will the ad appear on?

tickets Chelyabinsk Moscow

buy tickets Moscow Chelyabinsk

tickets Moscow Chelyabinsk search

Key phrase: concert tickets. Which search query will not show ads?

buy concert tickets

concerts in Moscow

concert tickets price

Key phrase: how to grind pepper. Operators are not used. What search queries will trigger ad impressions?

Red pepper

harm of ground pepper

ground pepper

how to grind pepper

ground pepper

The advertiser is engaged in corporate catering and baking. The purpose of an advertising campaign in networks is to increase the number of corporate orders baking. Choose the most relevant queries.

logo gifts, corporate gifts, logo cookies, logo gifts

cupcakes, cakes, eclairs

sweets recipe, baking recipe, how to make cheesecake

Alyonka, Red October, Babaevsky

Advertiser - art school. The purpose of the advertising campaign on the search is to attract new students to watercolor courses. Choose the most relevant queries.

landscapes in watercolor, portrait in watercolor, drawing in watercolor

buy watercolors, buy watercolors, artistic watercolors Leningrad

watercolor lessons, watercolor master class, watercolor course registration

learn to draw, learn to sketch, art school

On the bidding page next to the keywords one number of clicks, and in the report "By keywords" - another. Why do the numbers diverge?

The bidding page displays only clicks from the main Yandex search for the last 28 days of ad impressions, while reports show all clicks

Where can I see in statistics how many clicks were made on a virtual business card?

In the Report Wizard for a single campaign or for all campaigns

In the Report Wizard for an individual campaign

Only in Yandex.Metrica

What Impressions and Clicks Are Displayed on the Bidding Page?

From all sites in the last 28 days.

From the main Yandex search for the last 28 days of the phrase.

From all sites for the entire duration of the campaign.

How to determine the type of conditions for displaying an ad?

Build a Daily Statistics report.

Make a slice according to the display conditions in the "Report Wizard".

Order a special report through "Order Reports".

Build a report "Search queries".

Which of the following actions can lead to an increase in the CTR of a phrase?

Removing targeted queries from the list of negative keywords.

Adding negative keywords to a phrase.

Adding a keyword to the ad text using a template.

Replacing the landing page with a more relevant one for the ad group.

Phrase refinement by operators.

What CTR do we see on the bidding page?

CTR phrases in guaranteed impressions.

CTR phrases in special placement.

Generalized CTR in Special Placement and Guaranteed Impressions.

The site has simplified the order form. What metrics might be affected?

Target price.

Goal conversion percentage.

Number of ad impressions in Yandex.Direct.

CTR of key phrases in Yandex.Direct.

In a search campaign, you found a large number of untargeted queries. There are a lot of clicks on them, but there are no conversions on the site. How to find and reject such requests in Yandex.Direct statistics?

Copy all non-converting keywords from the "Phrases by Day" report and add them to negative keywords for campaigns or groups.

You can select and deselect all unnecessary ones right in the "Search queries" report.

You can find non-targeted queries in the Report Wizard, copy them and add them to negative keywords for the entire campaign.

What is indicated in the “Conversions” column in Yandex.Direct statistics?

The number of goals achieved in Metrica.

The number of users who reached the goal in Yandex.Metrica.

The ratio of the number of clicks to the amount of cost per click.

The number of visits in Metrica, within which the goal was achieved.

Maria wants to reallocate her campaign budget to the most effective regions and devices. But first, she needs to figure out which devices and regions consistently show good result. How to quickly get this data?

Explore already accumulated statistics using slices in the Report Wizard.

Create and run multiple campaigns one at a time for different devices and different regions.

Split ad groups across different devices and regions to collect statistics.

The number of impressions for the phrase has increased. Keywords CTR, conversion rate (CR) and cost per click (CPC) remained unchanged. How will the price of the target change?

Will not change.

Will rise.

Will go down.

The account has several campaigns. Of these, three work for the same region, but with different goods. You need to build a report only for these campaigns. What are the ways to do it?

No way. You can view statistics for only one campaign, or for all campaigns at once. It is not possible to build a report on a part of campaigns.

Order a report on the "Order reports" page.

On the "My Campaigns" page, put the necessary checkboxes and click the "Show statistics" button.

There is a special section - "Statistics for all campaigns". There, in the Report Wizard, you can select the necessary campaigns from the list and build a report on them.

Metrica reports show that the campaign had many conversions from Yandex.Direct for the same search query. How can I find out which keyword was used for impressions?

Using the report "Phrases by day".

Using the "Search queries" report.

Using the "Order Reports" tool.

Using the Report Wizard.

The system picked up an additional phrase (air humidifier for an apartment) with a higher CTR and conversion than the original phrase (home air humidifier). What to do with an additional phrase to increase the effectiveness of an advertising campaign?

Replace the original phrase with a more effective additional one.

Add it to your keywords and ad text to increase your CTR.

You can do nothing - the system will automatically increase the number of impressions for a more effective phrase.

How can adding negative keywords to a keyword affect the performance of an advertising campaign?

Increase CTR

Reduce the cost of achieving the goal.

Increase the number of impressions due to more precise queries.

Reduce the reach of the audience in networks.

One of the keywords has a significantly lower percentage of conversions for the Purchasing goal than the others. How to reduce the cost of conversions of clicks from this phrase?

Replace the ad landing page with a more relevant one.

Assign a higher bid for a keyword to get more traffic.

Clarify the phrase with negative keywords and reduce the number of inappropriate impressions.

Make the announcement more detailed so that it only attracts interested users.

How is the CTR forecast calculated in Yandex.Direct?

Calculated once a week for each active ad.

Calculated separately for each ad impression, taking into account the interests of a particular user.

Calculated as a whole for the campaign, taking into account the history of impressions and "domain karma".

What does the audience coverage indicator in networks mean?

The exact value of impressions based on the accumulation of statistics

Ad Click Probability Prediction

Ad impression probability prediction

In the entire campaign of the online store, the minimum price that is valid on the search is high. What can be done to reduce it?

Specify display region. In different regions, the minimum price applicable to the search is different.

How can I manage impressions by synonyms and additional relevant phrases?

Selection of targeting and bid adjustments.

Manage the share of the budget that can be spent on impressions for both types of phrases.

The right choice of negative keywords.

The ad is shown by key phrases and according to the audience selection criteria to those who have already visited the advertiser's website. At the same time, the campaign has adjusted bids for women over 45. What setting will work on the search if the user matches both?

Both will work - the impression will be based on the selection of the audience, taking into account the adjustment of rates.

Only bid adjustments and search terms will be considered for impressions.

What are the opportunities and benefits for the advertiser to place ads in networks?

Show ads with a video or image.

Automatic CPC reduction for sites with lower predicted conversions.

The ability to show ads on specific sites and pages.

Advertising campaign ads are shown both in search and in networks. CTR in networks below. How will this affect the ads that appear on search?

CTR for networks and for search is considered separately. Therefore, CTR in networks and its changes do not affect impressions and prices in search.

This will reduce the CTR in the search. To display ads in special placement, you will have to assign higher bids than if ads were only in search.

This will reduce the CTR in the search. To show ads in guaranteed impressions, you will have to assign higher bids than if ads were only in search.

Why can the price of entry to Special Accommodation be the same as the price of the first seat in Special Accommodation?

The rest of the special placement positions are occupied by Yandex.Market offers, so an ad can only be placed in the first place.

It can not be.

For this ad, the entry threshold for special placement is very high. As soon as the advertiser overcomes it, he will immediately get to the first place in the special placement.

The remaining positions are occupied, and the ad can only be placed in the first place.

Your client is looking for his ad in a specific position for a specific phrase, but sees it in a different position. Your location regions and display regions are the same. Why in the search ad can be shown in different positions to you and the client?

We have different browsers.

The campaign has bid adjustments by gender and age. We belong to different socio-demographic groups.

Due to the influence of user factors on ranking in Yandex.Direct.

The campaign is shown only in networks. In the ad group there is the phrase "cheap tours to Egypt" (in quotation marks). How will this group's ads appear?

Ads will be shown only on sites where this phrase occurs, and to those users who searched exactly for this phrase.

In this case, ads can be shown only under the conditions of audience selection. Quotation marks prohibit impressions in networks.

Ads can be shown on any thematic sites about Egypt and about tours.

On which sites can Yandex.Direct ads appear?

On external SSP sites - on websites and in applications.

In applications and on Yandex project websites.

On the main page of Yandex.

Which statements about ad impressions in networks are true?

The same platform can place both search and thematic advertising.

On networks, ads can be shown with all extensions and images.

Ads can only be shown to users who have already visited the advertiser's website or have asked Yandex about the relevant goods and services.

The group has a regular ad and a mobile one. Which one will be shown on a mobile device?


The system will randomly select one of these announcements.

The one with the best performance will be shown.

Where does an ad appear if its bid is lower than the minimum bid for search?

In dynamic impressions, on the "All ads" page.

Only on the "All listings" page.

What metrics are taken into account when selecting ads to show in all positions in search results?

Quality factor.

Click-through rate and cost per click specified by the advertiser.

Keyword performance.

Key phrase without stop words.

The ad is shown according to the audience selection condition to those who abandoned the order placement on the advertiser's website. At the same time, the campaign has a bid adjustment for men aged 35 to 44. What settings will affect impressions on networks if the user matches both?

Only bid adjustments will be considered when serving.

Both will work - the impression will be based on the selection of the audience, taking into account the adjustment of rates.

When showing, only the audience selection condition will be taken into account.

There are two ads in the advertising campaign. For the first one, the key phrase (buy paints) is used, and for the second one, "buy paints" (in quotation marks). The query in the second ad has a higher CTR, Quality Score, and bid combination. Which of these ads will be shown to the user when he enters the query: buy paints into the search box?

The second ad has a combination of CTR, Quality Score and a higher bid.

The second declaration is the use of operators to give precedence to a phrase.

The first ad - it is shown for all variants of similar requests.

Where can image ads appear?

On the mobile devices in networks.

On the search page for all ads.

In search results on the Yandex.Maps service.

On the platforms of partner SSP networks.

How are ads selected for guaranteed impressions?

The block selects ads with the best combination of cost per click, quality coefficient and CTR.

The ads from Yandex.Direct with the highest bids are selected for the block.

The block selects Yandex.Direct ads with the highest CTR product and bids per click.

The ads from Yandex.Direct with the highest CTR are selected for the block.

Choose the correct continuation of the statement. If the regular ad phrase is exactly equal to the dynamic ad phrase, then:

A dynamic ad will have priority when shown.

the system will choose the most effective ad from these two for display.

The display priority will be given to the regular ad.

The keyword (online store for fishermen) and the audience selection condition "Visited the online store.rf" were simultaneously added to the ad. How will the ad be shown?

In the search, the ad will be shown by the key phrase, and in networks - both by the key phrase and by the condition.

In the search, the ad will be shown by the key phrase, and in networks - by the audience selection condition.

The ad will be shown in search and in networks to users who typed a query (online store for fishermen) and were previously on the site online store.rf.

The advertiser has set geographic targeting for the whole of Russia. How will keyword impressions be calculated in different regions?

Keywords will only compete on CTR in the selected region.

Depending on the number of competitors in different cities, the same on-demand ad may appear in different blocks.

Regardless of the specific city, each click will be paid at the average price.

Where are ads shown in Yandex.Direct by default?

On all types of devices where there is a target audience.

Only on desktop. Impressions on mobile must be configured separately.

On desktop and tablets. According to statistics, they buy only there.

You need to show ads in search at one time, and in networks at another time. How to do it?

Set up hourly bid adjustments for groups with ads for networks.

Separate ads for networks into a separate campaign.

Set up a different display schedule in one advertising campaign.

There are no mobile ads in the group. Will this group's ads appear on mobile devices?

No, they will not do. For impressions on mobile devices, you need to create special ads.

Yes, they will. Ad type does not affect placement.

No, they will not do. There is a separate campaign type for impressions on mobile devices.

Yes, they will, but taking into account CTR and competition on the desktop.

What business problems can be solved with the help of impressions under the conditions of audience selection?

Find new potential clients similar in profile to the existing ones.

Increase the conversion of site visitors into customers.

Sell ​​additional goods or services to those who have already made a purchase.

Show ads in the search not by keywords, but by interests.

Attract new visitors to stores and branches by displaying ads to those who regularly visit certain places.

What is the order in which ads appear in special placement and guaranteed impressions?

In random order.

In descending order CTR.

In descending order, the combination of bid, quality factor and CTR.

In descending order of the product of CPC and CTR.

There are no competing ads on request in Special Placement, but the price of entry to this block is still very high. Why?

It can not be. The entry price in the absence of competitors will be minimal.

Special placement has an entry threshold that does not depend on the presence of competing ads. It is possible that a block does not contain any ad.

The ad CTR for this query is not sufficient for Special Placement.

The phrase has insufficient Quality Factor for Special Placement.

How are ads sorted on the search results page by all Yandex.Direct ads?

In descending order of cost per click.

Ads are placed in random order.

In descending order of the quality factor.

Click-through rate, CPC, and Quality Ratio are taken into account.

The group consists of two mobile ads. Can they be shown on desktop?

They can, because there is no desktop ad in the group.

A group cannot contain only mobile ads.

They can't because these are mobile ads.

How can I improve my account's Quality Score?

Consolidate all high-performing ad groups into one ad campaign and turn off the rest.

Add a virtual business card to your ads.

Increase the CTR of phrases.

Complete as much as possible all the additions to the ads.

Refine geographic and time targeting.

The advertiser plans to create a separate advertising campaign and adapt it as much as possible for impressions on mobile devices. What actions will help make the campaign effective and increase reach on smartphones?

Adding to mobile ad groups.

Keep targeting only users latest version iOS.

Add image ads in formats popular on mobile devices.

Adaptation of ad texts for mobile devices.

What shows the productivity of phrases?

The effectiveness of the phrase, taking into account the statistics accumulated on it.

The share of all possible impressions that the advertiser will receive for this phrase in conjunction with the ad group.

How well developed the phrase is in conjunction with a specific ad.

How does the "Include holidays" option work in time targeting?

Turns off impressions on holidays.

Includes impressions on public holidays.

Allows you to schedule impressions on holidays or disable impressions altogether.

How does time targeting work in Yandex.Direct?

It limits the number of clicks during certain hours.

It allows you to limit the cost of displaying ads at certain hours.

What are the benefits of adding mobile ads to a group?

Mobile ads can be targeted based on the interests of mobile app users.

More accurate calculation of cost per click and CTR - for mobile ads, only data from mobile devices is taken into account.

Increases the group's CTR and allows the rest of the group's ads to get into Special Placement at a reduced price.

In mobile ads, you can adapt the texts for mobile devices.

Can I create my own virtual business card in one advertising campaign for each ad group?

Can. A virtual business card is created when you add new group ads or when editing an existing one.

It is forbidden. A virtual business card can only be created for the entire campaign.

Is it possible to add the following display link to the domain as a display link: ad-in-direct?
Choose the correct statements about the displayed link.

In it you can specify additional information about the advertised product or service.

An advertiser wants to show ads to people who have already visited his online store. What can he use to solve this problem?

Smart banners.

Automatic strategies.

Dynamic ads in search.

Impressions according to the conditions of selection of the audience.

The advertiser has changed the ad campaign for impressions in networks. What changes will improve placement efficiency?

Add image ads in different formats.

Adding images.

Adding mobile ads.

Write the same title and ad text.

Adding audience selection criteria.

How to make image mobile ads?

Upload ready-made banners or collect pictures of the appropriate sizes in the Constructor - for example, 960 × 640.

Ready-made image ads are ticked "Show on mobile screens".

There are special ad formats for mobile screens, image ads are not shown on mobile screens.

Why create image ads in different sizes?

The more different formats, the higher the CTR of the ad group and the higher the account quality score.

To increase the chances of passing moderation.

To increase audience reach. Ad block formats may vary on different devices and sites.

Select all false statements about the virtual business card.

It can make the ad more visible and clickable.

It cannot be added if the organization does not have an address.

It helps the user to view the advertiser's contacts and additional information about him.

Clicks on a business card cost less than a link to a website.

Is it possible to exclude a region by adjusting bids by region?

You can set a downward correction of minus 100%.

Yes, but only at the campaign level. You can't set adjustment for an ad group.

No, you can't completely exclude a region by adjusting rates, but you can lower your rate by 90%.

Do I need to fill in additional fields in ads? For example, clarifications, address and phone number.

Not necessary. They are not always shown and distract users from the link to the site.

The more fields filled in, the better. They all increase CTR.

Which advertiser is best suited for segment targeting based on location data?

small network grocery stores, each of which works for residents of one area.

Well-known electronics network.

A computer company entering a new market.

A furniture hypermarket that is trying to attract as many customers as possible.

The campaign is shown only in networks. Targeting for Krasnoyarsk is configured, advanced geotargeting is enabled. How will advanced geotargeting affect impressions in ad networks?

Ads will be shown to anyone who has ever searched for a product or service in Krasnoyarsk, regardless of their current location.

Ads will be shown to residents of Krasnoyarsk and people outside the city who visit Krasnoyarsk more often than other places.

Shows will be only for residents of Krasnoyarsk.

What is interest targeting in Mobile App Ads campaigns?

Special retargeting setting available only in this type of campaign. Interest-based targeting sets up impressions in ad networks.

Bid adjustments for users who are interested in applications of a certain category.

The more different types of ads and banner formats, the higher the chances of getting a good forecast.

Which of these advertisers would benefit from dynamic ads?

Online pharmacy.

A small barbershop that offers discounts every day on different types nail coloring.

A large online electronics store with thousands of different products on its website.

For which objects can you set up time targeting in Yandex.Direct?

For each ad only.

How do bid adjustments improve ad performance?

You can pay less for clicks of users belonging to the target audience.

You can reduce the likelihood of your ads being shown to people who are not in your target audience.

The owner of an online store of tableware and kitchen goods creates an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct. The site has several sections with different types of products. How best to group his products within the account?

Create a separate campaign for each product on the site - each with only one keyword and one ad.

Combine them into two ad groups: one for the search campaign, the other for impressions in networks.

Create several ad groups, each with its own theme: for example, Grill pans, Steamers, Serving utensils, and so on.

Combine them into one ad group: Direct will show ads with those products that are searched for more often.

There is a lot of traffic from mobile search, but a lot of bounces. For the same phrases, the traffic on the desktop is of high quality, the bounce rate is acceptable. What would you advise an advertiser to check?

Usability of the mobile version.

There is a lot of traffic from mobile search, but a lot of bounces. What would you advise an advertiser to check?

Usability of the mobile version.

Page loading time. According to statistics, many sites take a long time to load and users lose patience.

Rates. They should be made as low as possible so that the traffic does not load the site so much.

Key phrases - they should be made as narrow as possible so that only interested people visit the site.

Ivan wants to increase the reach of his mobile audience. What is the best way to do this?

Create separate campaigns for different types of mobile devices.

Set higher bid adjustments for mobile devices.

Set downward bid adjustments for desktop.

Raise all rates - reach will grow on all types of devices.

Why create ads in Yandex.Direct in different formats?

A variety of ad types and banner sizes allows you to show ads on more different sites and devices.

Of all formats, Yandex.Direct selects the ad with the highest click-through rate for display.

The campaign has image ads. The task is to track calls only for them, without taking into account all other types of ads. How can I do that?

You cannot specify a phone number in image ads, but you can set up dynamic call-tracking for them on the site.

Specify a separate number in the virtual business cards of groups that contain only image ads and no other types of banners.

Indicate on the banners a separate number that is not used in other advertising formats.

How useful is a virtual business card for an advertiser?

When viewing from a mobile phone, you can call the specified number with one click.

It increases the click through rate of the ad.

Clicks on a virtual business card are free.

When shown in Yandex search from a business card, the phone number and company hours of operation are displayed.

Which objects in Yandex.Direct can be geo-targeted?

Both for the entire campaign and for individual ad groups.

For each ad group only.

How do impressions and clicks on additional relevant phrases affect the CTR of the original phrases and the CPC?

They are taken into account in the CTR calculation in the same way as impressions and clicks on the source phrases, but do not affect the CPC.

They are taken into account in the calculation of CTR and affect the cost of a click in the same way as impressions and clicks on the original phrases.

They are not taken into account in the calculation of the CTR of the original phrase and the cost per click on them.

Why do I need to specify the number of the Metrica counter in the parameters of an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct?

To understand what people who come from Direct are doing on the site. This helps to understand why there are clicks, but no order conversions.

Why do I need to link the Yandex.Metrica counter to Yandex.Direct?

For the site monitoring to work correctly - if the site becomes unavailable, Yandex.Metrica monitoring will disable advertising in Yandex.Direct so that the budget is not wasted.

This allows you to configure the conditions for selecting an audience by goals and Yandex.Metrica segments.

The metric is needed to enable some automatic strategies. The bundle helps to optimize advertising costs not by CPC, but immediately by CPA or even by ROI.

To understand what people who come from Direct are doing on the site. This helps to understand why there are clicks, but no order conversions.

How useful are clarifications for an advertiser?

Increase the attractiveness of ads and CTR.

Provides an opportunity to provide potential buyers with additional information.

Increase the productivity of the phrase.

Allows you to display your ad in expanded format.

The productivity guidelines say, "Include the entire phrase in the title." At the same time, the exact key phrase has already been added to the title. Why does the system offer such a recommendation?

The group had a draft that didn't have the key phrase in the title. The performance recommendations take into account deleted ads.

There is an announcement in the group, the title of which consists only of the template.

There is another ad in the group whose title does not include the keyword. The productivity score is calculated for all ads in the group.

You want your ads to appear in higher positions on search, but there is no way to increase the cost per click. What else can you do to improve the performance of your ad?

Type the ad title in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Fill in the details.

Add a virtual business card to the ad group, specify the most detailed data in it.

Add an image to each ad.

The advertiser made several changes to the campaign. Which of them will increase the efficiency of placement?

Remove all negative keywords.

Filling out clarifications.

Refinement of geotargeting - setting only for those regions in which the advertiser's business operates.

Adding a virtual business card.

Disabling phrases with a low CTR.

Using templates in ads.

An advertiser-airfare aggregator wants to quickly generate ads based on their data feed. Which of the Yandex.Direct formats will solve its problem?

Dynamic ads.

Graphic ads.

Text-graphic ads.

Smart banners .

Inform in the texts of ads about discounts, promotions, gifts, etc.

Be sure to indicate legal name your organization.

Set up geo-targeting and in the ad text indicate the name of the city or region in which the product or service is sold.

Include keywords in your ad text.

Created a new campaign. Opposite the key phrase we see the prices of the positions. Do competing listings count towards line item prices?

Yes, all competing on-demand ads are counted, except those stopped by temporal targeting.

No, they don't count. The system takes into account the CTR forecast, phrase performance, and account quality score.

Yes, all competing ads for a query are counted. Competitor bid adjustments are not taken into account.

Can geotargeting settings affect the cost per click on an ad?

No, CPC takes into account all competitors for the selected keyword.

No, the price is only affected by the time of impressions and the number of competitors who are competing for an impression right now.

Yes, there are different numbers of competitors in different regions, so clicks will cost differently.

The advertiser specified two adjustments: +400% for mobile devices and +300% for men aged 18-24. How will the rate be adjusted for a 23-year-old man with a mobile phone?

Only the first adjustment will work because it is larger.

Both adjustments will work.

Adjustment by sex and age will work, because such adjustments have a higher priority.

Let the bid for the phrase be 12 rubles. Three adjustments are established: + 300% for women from 25 to 34, - 80% for St. Petersburg, + 50% for mobile devices. According to the ad, a 40-year-old Petersburger goes from a mobile phone. How will the rate be adjusted?

3.6 rub.

For which objects in Yandex.Direct can you set bid adjustments by display region?

For each ad.

per ad group.

The advertiser, using the price wizard, set the setting "On the search: set the price of the 1st special placement + 10% of the price, but not more than 100 rubles." Entering after 2 hours, the advertiser sees that the rate is not enough to get into the special placement. Why could this happen?

The Price Wizard changes rates once an hour. In the near future the rate will be changed.

The price master has not yet had time to change the bid for the second time.

The Price Wizard changes bids for all phrases once. If the ad is then forced out, the price master will not change anything a second time.

On one site in the external network, the CTR is higher, and on the other, the conversion is higher. Which site will have lower bids and CPCs and why?

The cost per click will be lower on a site with a higher CTR. The higher the CTR, the lower the CPC.

There will be no difference in bids and cost per click. The system will show ads more often on the site that gives more clicks to the site.

Direct will lower rates on the site where the conversion is lower. The decrease will be proportional to the predicted number of conversions. Accordingly, the cost per click on this site will also be lower.

The cost per click on a virtual business card will be 0.3 rubles. below the maximum bid.

The account has two active campaigns. On one, the funds are about to run out, and on the second, 1,900 rubles are left. Right now, it is not possible to replenish the account, and campaigns cannot be stopped. What can be done to keep campaigns going?

Connect Shared Account.

Transfer funds from the old campaign to the first one.

Transfer funds from another account.

Let the bid for the phrase be 1 ruble. The advertiser has set a downward adjustment for men of all ages by 90%. At what rate will a corresponding ad be shown to men?

At a rate of 1 rub. You cannot make this adjustment.

At a rate of 0.1 rubles.

At a rate of 0.3 rubles, since the rate cannot become less than the minimum value for this currency.

Campaign level and ad group level have different up-adjustments for mobile devices. What adjustments will be applied?

The adjustment set for the group will be applied.

Adjustments will be cumulative.

The adjustment set for the campaign will be applied.

What indicators affect the cost per click in external networks?

ad CTR.

Projected Conversion.

Site quality factor.

Phrase productivity.

Does Direct regulate bids for impressions in ad networks?

Yes. Yandex.Direct lowers bids for impressions on sites if it predicts a low conversion rate on the site.

Yes. Direct can either increase or decrease rates for individual sites depending on the predicted transition probability.

No. Bidding always takes place at the maximum rate set by the advertiser.

The campaign has an automatic strategy with a maximum bid limit. How will region adjustments work?

The bids that the system assigns during the operation of the automatic strategy will be adjusted, taking into account the restrictions set by the advertiser.

They will not work in automatic strategies.

How are all monetary indicators indicated in the advertiser's account?

Including VAT according to the law Russian Federation.

Excluding VAT.

Including VAT, the rate varies depending on the country of the advertiser.

The account has two active campaigns. On one, the funds are about to run out, and on the second, 1,900 rubles are left. Can I transfer funds from the second campaign to the first?

Yes, you can - the function "Distribute Equally" is made specifically for such cases.

No, you can't - the minimum transfer and balance amounts are at least 1,000 rubles each.

Yes, you can - the minimum transfer amount is 300 rubles.

The ad is shown throughout Russia. Three bid adjustments are configured: +100% for mobile devices, -50% for Nizhny Novgorod, -50% for women. What adjustments will work if a woman from Krasnodar clicks on an ad from a mobile device?

Only the adjustment for mobile will work.

Only adjustment by sex and age will work.

Adjustments for mobile phones and by gender and age will work.

The campaign has the key phrase "flower delivery". The display region is Moscow and the region, expanded geographic targeting is enabled, an upward adjustment of + 200% for Moscow and an upward adjustment of + 50% for mobile are set. A man in Tver types in a search box on a computer: flower delivery in Moscow. Does he have a chance to see this ad?

No, because if there are adjustments by region, advanced targeting doesn't work.

No, because the man uses the desktop.

Yes, as advanced geographic targeting is enabled.

Let the rate for clicks on your ads be 72 rubles. You've entered a +20% mobile adjustment and a +50% regional adjustment for your store's neighborhoods, so you want to attract more shoppers. Someone clicks on an ad from a mobile while near your store. What will be the rate?

122 rub. 40 kop.

201 rub. 60 kop.

129 rub. 60 kop.

Three sitelinks have been added to the ad. The user clicked on the main link and on several quick ones. How many clicks will the advertiser pay for and how will their price differ?
An advertiser wants to know the average CPC in an advertising campaign including VAT. Is it possible?

Yes. The average cost per click with VAT can be found in the advertising campaign statistics.

Yes. All prices in the interface are displayed including VAT.

Can I transfer funds from a campaign that is running or in the "activation in progress" status?

Yes, any amount.

Yes, transfer the difference between the account balance and the reserve required to complete the campaign.

No, you can only transfer from a stopped campaign.

Let the rates for all key phrases be 2000 rubles. The advertiser has set a 30% upward adjustment for mobile devices. What will be the maximum bid for mobile referrals as a result?

At a rate of 2000 rubles, since the adjusted rate turned out to be more than the maximum for this currency.

At a rate of 2500 rubles, because the rate cannot exceed the maximum value for this currency.

At a rate of 2600 rubles.

Let the rates for all key phrases be 1800 rubles. An advertiser has set a 500% up-adjustment for mobile devices. At what rate will bidding on desktops go?

At a rate of 2500 rubles, because the rate cannot exceed the maximum value for this currency.

At a rate of 2700 rubles.

At a rate of 1800 rubles, since the adjustment is set only for impressions on mobile devices.

All adjustments that suit the user will be applied sequentially

Only adjustments by device type and social profile will be applied. Regional adjustments do not work simultaneously with others

Display region adjustments will be applied. Other adjustments will be ignored by Yandex.Direct

Campaigns are set to increase bid adjustments for certain regions, for mobile devices, and for certain gender and age. What adjustments will be applied and how?

Only adjustments by device type and social profile will be applied. Regional adjustments do not work simultaneously with others.

Display region adjustments will be applied. Other adjustments will be ignored by Yandex.Direct.

At the intersection of adjustments, all coefficients are summed up.

At the campaign level, there is a downward adjustment for women over 45, and at the group level, an upward adjustment for women over 45. What adjustment will be applied?

Such conditions cannot be set.

A downward adjustment will be applied.

An upward adjustment will be applied.

How are bids, CPCs, and predicted click through rates related in Yandex.Direct?

The lower the predicted probability of a transition from a particular site, the cheaper the clicks on it.

If the bid for the keyword is low, the ad will be shown on sites with low quality.

The predicted transition probability does not affect prices.

There are several active and several stopped ads in the group. What price is displayed in the "Price on Search" column?

The aggregated price is displayed only for the group's active listings.

Only the price for the selected group ad is displayed. The search price varies depending on the selected ad.

The aggregated price for all ads in the group (active, stopped, archived) is displayed.

An ad with a virtual business card is displayed on mobile devices. All users clicked on the phone number and immediately called, they did not go to the site. Will such transitions be cheaper or more expensive than transitions to the site?

Clicking on a phone number is free.

There will be no difference in cost - clicks to a business card cost the same as clicks to a website.

Clicks to business cards will be more expensive - they do not increase CTR, so Direct will always charge the cost per click specified in the interface.

The owner of a chain of clothing stores wants to motivate discount card holders to buy more online than offline. What is the best way to do this?

In the ads, offer the owners of discount cards an additional discount in the online store.

Place goods from an online store on Yandex.Market.

You have created several segments in Yandex.Audiences. Now we need to determine the percentage of users who were on the site and find out what they did there. How and for which segments can this be done?

You can specify the number of the Metrica counter, but the data will be pulled up only for the segments created by the Metrica segments.

You can specify the number of the Metrica counter, but the data will be pulled up only for segments created according to the goals of the Metrica.

If you specify the Metrics counter for any segment, the statistics will be pulled up for all types of segments.

Data about user behavior on the site will be pulled up automatically if Yandex.Audience and the Metrics counter are on the same login.

The advertiser wants to expand the circle of its customers. In order for the business to flourish, it is important to attract only those who spend at least a certain amount per month. What tool will be the most effective and not labor-intensive in this situation?

Targeting using Yandex.Audience or Metrica to existing customers with a certain solvency.

Setting up geotargeting for the most economically developed regions of the country.

Look-alike targeting to people who are similar to existing customers and have a certain solvency.

Use bid adjustments to target ads to people of a certain gender and age.

How to understand that a segment in Yandex.Audience is suitable for look-alike targeting?

In the segment statistics, you can see the user similarity index. The higher the similarity, the more the segment is suitable for creating a look-alike segment.

This cannot be understood in advance. You can only experiment and track impression statistics for the look-alike segment.

Is it possible to create an audience selection condition that consists only of unfulfilled goals (“None completed” block)?

Yes, such a condition can be used both for impressions on it in networks and for adjusting bids.

No, the None completed block can only be used in combination with the At least one completed or All completed blocks.

Yes, but this condition can only be used to adjust rates.

You were approached by the owner of a restaurant located next to a large office center. “There is a food court with restaurants in the office center, but I want office workers to come to my place for lunch. How to attract these people? Leaflets are no longer working, and my budgets are small.” What advice would you give to a restaurateur?

Using Yandex.Audience geosegments, target ads to the location where the office center is located.

Add more key phrases with the name of the office center to the campaign. For example: where to eat in moscow city.

Set up a campaign in Yandex.Direct for the entire city.

Is it possible to combine Metrica goals, Metrica segments, and Audience segments in one audience selection condition?

You can only combine the Metrics and Audiences segments.


You can only combine goals and Metric segments.

How does the cost per click differ for a link to an advertiser's website and for a virtual business card?

The cost per click on a virtual business card will be 0.3 rubles. below the maximum bid.

A click on a virtual business card is not paid.

Two months ago, Ilya ran a campaign for people who regularly visit shopping center"Rainbow". The campaign worked in segments based on geolocation data. Now Ilya wants to run a new campaign for the same target audience. Do I need to create new segments?

Yes, you need to collect new segments to exclude non-target users. For two months the information is outdated, some users may have moved.

It is better to collect new segments in order to add users who have recently started visiting Raduga to the sample.

No, you can use the same segments - the information is updated automatically.

In the campaign, the conditions for selecting an audience by look-alike for fifty thousand contacts are set up. There are downward adjustments for men and for all people under the age of 44, and upward adjustments for mobile phones. Few impressions and clicks. What hypotheses need to be tested?

The stakes are too low.

Fifty thousand contacts are not enough to build a quality look-alike. The technology only works with millions of contacts.

Too narrow targeting and audience selection conditions are set.

Seasonality of demand for a product or service.

What does the reach indicated on the Yandex.Audience page mean?

Cookies on different devices for the last 30 days.

The exact number of users found.

The number of impressions by segment.

Is it possible to make the CPC automatically change depending on the time of day?

No. There is no automatic adjustment of rates depending on the time of day.

Yes, you can with the help of audience selection conditions.

Yes, hourly bid adjustments are available in time targeting settings. It only works for manual bid management.

Yes, you can set up hourly bid adjustments for both automatic and manual bid strategies.

Some visitors to the online store put products in the shopping cart, but do not checkout. What advice can you give the owner of this site?

Check that the terms of delivery are conspicuous and well described.

Check the usability of the site, the convenience of placing an order.

An online store owner wants to offer a discount to people who were on the site but didn't buy anything. What is the most effective way to set up ads?

Use the audience selection condition: set up ads for those who have not visited the site by the Metrica segment.

Use the audience selection condition: by the Metrica segment, set the display for this segment of site visitors.

In the ad, offer this segment of visitors a discount or other special conditions purchases.

Describe the promotion on the pages to which the links in the ads lead.

Why is the reach value on the Yandex.Audience page greater than the number of uploaded contacts?

An ad can be shown to the same person multiple times.

One person can use several devices (work and home computer, smartphone, etc.).

This should not be. If this happens, it's a bug.

The Yandex.Metrica counter and the Yandex.Direct campaign are registered under different logins. What condition must be met in order for the goals of the counter to be available for setting the audience selection condition in a Yandex.Direct campaign?

The counter number is specified in the campaign parameters.

The campaign has Yandex.Metrica markup enabled.

Direct and Yandex.Metrica belong to the same person.

In the "Reach" ad group from the "Retargeting" campaign on the AAA login, a condition for selecting the audience " Best Clients". For which ad groups will the Best Customers match criteria be available?

The Top Customers condition will only be available for the Reach group setting.

The Top Clients condition will be available to set up all groups in all AAA login campaigns.

The "Top Customers" condition will be available for setting up all groups, but only in the "Retargeting" campaign.

Which impressions are affected by the enabled "Advanced geographic targeting" option

For impressions in Yandex search.

For shows in YAN and external networks.

For impressions in YAN, external networks and Yandex search.

Campaign type "Advertising mobile applications". If an app becomes unavailable in the app store, what happens to the Yandex.Direct announcement?

Ad impressions will continue

The ad impressions will be suspended, and a notification will be sent to the advertiser's mail.

After all, we can see the statistics of Direct. What is the unique benefit of this tool? In that it combines data from different tables. And it allows us to compare the impact on the performance of several conditions in the aggregate. For example, in the table by phrases, we see click statistics and CTR for specific keywords. But we can’t see in which cities of the region which phrases are clicked on more often, and how the cost of a click differs. In the Report Wizard, we can compare keyword clicks based on the region, site, and even the position where the ad was placed.

The Yandex Direct Report Wizard allows you to see the big picture.

How to work with the Yandex Direct Report Wizard

On the campaign statistics page, select the "Report Wizard" tab.

We are prompted to create a new report where we set:

    Grouping (by period, by days, weeks, months, etc.). The grouping determines the intervals into which the statistical data will be divided. Consider what indicators you will analyze. If the dynamics by CTR or changes in the cost of a click, then it is better to choose by day/week. If you are interested in the statistics of key phrases in comparison (which ones are clicked more often, which are more expensive), then it is preferable to indicate “for the selected period”.

    The period for which statistics will be shown. Here you can select any period of time during which the campaign was shown. The new Yandex Direct Report Wizard allows you to compare data in different periods. To do this, you must click the "A / B Compare periods" button and set the time of impressions for comparison. This tool will help you track how the changes made to the campaign have affected the statistics.

    Number of lines per page.

On the right, we mark the columns whose values ​​we want to see. You can choose all or just the ones you are interested in. In addition to the usual ones (impressions, clicks, CTR, spending), you can estimate at what average positions the ad was shown, and the average positions when making a click.

To display some of the indicators (depth, conversion, bounce rate, profitability, goal price), you need the Metrica counter on the site. Data for the rest is taken from Yandex Direct statistics. The Report Wizard groups the required indicators in one table, taking into account the selected conditions.

On the left, select “slices” for displaying data: which ad, where it was shown (region, platform, position), for which key phrase, etc. The choice depends on what we are analyzing:

  • specific ads (by number) or ad groups (ads can be grouped according to the tags set for each, when selecting the "Labels" slice, or by types: text-graphic, dynamic, etc.);
  • display condition: specific key phrases and additional search-relevant ones; audience selection conditions - for thematic sites, targeting conditions (for a campaign with dynamic ads);
  • display location: site type (on search / YAN), statistics on specific sites, on external networks (outside Yandex search and YAN systems);
  • display region: targeting region and location are different when setting up advanced geotargeting in campaign settings;
  • position (special accommodation, etc.). Without adding slices for ads and keywords, statistics will be shown as a whole, only by placement. You can compare not only the CTR, but also the cost of the goal for different placements;
  • click location (works with disabled impressions, CTR, average position). Allows you to compare which part of the ad is clicked on more often: title, links, text, business card. Users mostly click on what caught their attention the most. With the help of these statistics, you can determine which headlines and texts are more noticeable to the visitor, and improve the quality of ads by combining the best;
  • image - helps to evaluate which ads with which image are clicked on more often (specific images or with a certain size);
  • visitors (from which device they come in, age and gender).

After selecting all the necessary indicators and conditions, click "show" or export the report to Excel.

Filters in the Yandex Direct Report Wizard

We set filters when it is necessary to evaluate a specific condition by different parameters. For example, we want to see statistics for the keyword "buy furniture", taking into account the location in special accommodation.

Filters can be set to any condition and indicator from those presented in the Yandex Direct Report Wizard. You can save report settings for later use.

Ad position is the position of the ad in the auction results relative to other ads. For example, position 1 means the ad was shown first, position 2 means the ad was shown second, and so on.

The position of an ad does not necessarily correspond to its position on the page. For example, position 1 does not guarantee that the ad will be shown above the search results. Sometimes the ad with the first position is even shown below the search results - when there are no ads above them at all. Accordingly, position 2 only indicates that the ad is the second in order of display. For a text ad, this can either be second above the search results, first below the search results (if the ad with position 1 is shown at the top of the page), or second below the search results (if there are no ads at the top of the page).

To find out where your ads rank on the search results page, analyze ("% of impressions on the top position" and "% of impressions on the top position itself."). If you want your ad to appear at a specific location on the page, target ("Search Network Top Position RPV" and "Search Network Top Position % Impressions Received"). A "Target impression share" bidding strategy that targets the top of the page or top position is a good fit for this purpose. It is not recommended to set rates based on , because with the growth of rates, its value may decrease. This is due to the fact that when the bids increase, the ad begins to yield to a larger number of competitors.

How the ad position is determined

  1. Your bid. Its meaning corresponds maximum amount that you are willing to pay per click on an ad. In most cases, the real price will be below this value. In addition, the rate can be changed at any time.
  2. Quality of ads and landing page. Our system analyzes how relevant the ad and the web page the user clicks to are to the search query and calculates a Quality Score based on this information. You can find it in your Google Ads account. By increasing your Quality Score, you will also increase your Ad Rank.
  3. To ensure the highest quality of ads, we only show ads that exceed the rank threshold set for a specific line item.
  4. The conditions under which the search is performed. Rankings are based on factors such as the content of the user's search queries, location, device type (such as smartphone or computer), search time, other search results and ads on the page, and more.
  5. The expected effect of the choice of extensions and ad format. When creating an ad, you have the option to add extensions to it - additional information such as a phone number or links to specific pages on the site. Google Ads calculates how extensions and various formats The ads you use affect the effectiveness of your ads.


Let's say there are five advertisers competing for four positions above the search results, with ad ranks of 80, 50, 30, 10, and 5.

If the minimum rank to show above search results is 40, then only the first two ads with ranks 80 and 50 will meet this condition.

If the minimum impression rating under search results is 8, two of the remaining three ads with a rating of 30 and 10 will meet this condition. An advertiser with a rating of 5 does not meet any of the conditions, so their ad will not be allowed to show.

The values ​​of the "Average position" indicator in our case will be as follows: an advertiser with an ad rank of 80 and the first position above the search results will receive an average position of 1, an advertiser with an ad rank of 50 and a second position above the search results will receive a position of 2, an advertiser with an ad rank of 30 and the first position under the search results is position 3, and an advertiser with an ad rank of 10 and a second position under the search results is position 4. In other words, the term "position" refers to the order of the ads, not to the specific locations of the ads on the search results page. So, in our case, two of the four available positions above the search results, which are located immediately below the displayed ads with a rating of 80 and 50, remained unfilled, but the "Average Position" indicator for the next two ads with a rating of 30 and 10 will take values ​​of 3 and 4, respectively.

The placement metrics at the top of the page will be as follows: an advertiser with an ad rank of 80 and the first position above the search results will receive 1 impression at the very top and any other position at the top of the page, an advertiser with an ad rank of 50 and the second position above the search results will receive 1 impression on any positions at the top of the page, an advertiser with an ad rank of 30 and the first position under the search results - no impressions at the top of the page, as well as a competitor with an ad rank of 10 and the second position under the search results.

To increase your share of impressions at the top position and at the top of the search results page, you can:

  • improve the quality of ads and landing pages;
  • raise rates.

The higher the quality of an ad, the higher its ranking

An ad rank is calculated every time someone types in a search term and your ad enters an auction. It is based on criteria such as bidding, expected CTR at the time of the auction, ad relevance, landing page quality, etc. We consider a variety of factors when evaluating these criteria. You can increase your ad rank by improving the following characteristics:

  • Expected CTR of the ad. It is calculated based on the statistics of ad impressions and clicks on it, taking into account the position, selected extensions and other characteristics that could affect the visibility of the ad.
  • The relevance of the ad to the search query. The extent to which the ad matches the search query that was specified by the user.
  • Landing page quality. It depends on whether the page matches the content of your ad and whether it is easy and quick to find the information you need.

Why Ad Quality Matters

  • Admission to participate in the auction. Based on the ad quality criteria, the system evaluates your ad and determines whether it is eligible to serve.
  • Actual CPC. The high quality of your ad will often allow it to show at a lower cost per click than competitors' ads (i.e. you pay less when a user clicks on an ad).
  • The position of the ad. The higher the quality, the better position the ad can take on the page.
  • Ability to show extensions and other ad formats. Ad rank determines whether it can be shown with extensions, sitelinks, and other formats.

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This document is valid if located at .

A prerequisite for the provision of Yandex.Direct Services by Yandex is the acceptance and compliance by the Advertiser with the requirements and provisions set forth in this document.

1. Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms, which are not defined in the Offer, are used in the following meaning:

Display Rules, Rulespresent document, posted in the public domain on the Internet at: .

Click Through Rate (CTR) - the ratio of the number of Clicks to the number of Impressions of an Advertisement.

CPC - amount debited from the Advertiser per one Click.

Bid - the maximum CPC, set independently by the Advertiser, or automatically in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the Ad Group.

Ad group – a set of ads combined by the Advertiser, for which the Advertiser has selected a single list of keywords/phrases and single display settings (including bid, geotargeting, etc.). Number of ads in the group: from 1 to 50. Only one ad from the Ad Group is selected to be displayed on the Ad Spaces specified in section 2 of the Rules according to the rules set in the client web interface. The conditions provided for in these Rules apply equally to both the Ad Group and individual ads within the Ad Group. For the purposes of section 3 of the Rules, an “ad” means an ad within an Ad Group selected in accordance with the rule specified in clause 3.16 of the Rules.

Mobile ad – An advertisement marked by the Advertiser during creation as a "Mobile ad" in order to apply the display conditions specified in clause 3.16.1 of these Rules. It is not possible to change the type of an Advertisement after it has been created.

Smart banner (Banner) - Advertisement, which consists of a permanent part (a template that includes the information provided by the Advertiser before the start of placing the Banner), as well as a variable part (information about the Product Offers of the Advertiser's website, which is provided by the Advertiser (in the form of Feed) to be added to the permanent part of the Banner when displayed such Banner), or only from the variable part.

Graphic ad – Advertisement, with the exception of Smart banner, Mobile ad and Dynamic ad (provided for in clause 3.15.4. of the Rules), with the "Graphic" type selected by the Advertiser during creation. It is impossible to change the type, as well as the format of such an Advertisement after it has been created.

Feed – a file containing information about the Advertiser's Product offerings that make up the variable part of the Banner.

Product offer – an offer of goods/services, information about which is published on the relevant pages of the Advertiser's website specified in the feed.

Search banner – Advertisement, with the exception of Image Ad, Smart Banner, Mobile Ad and Dynamic Ad (provided for in clause 3.15.4. of the Rules), with the type "Banner on Search" selected by the Advertiser when creating it. It is impossible to change the type, as well as the format of such an Advertisement after it has been created. An advertisement of the specified format is not placed on Advertising Spaces located on Yandex services adapted for mobile devices.

Directory Information - information about organizations available in the directory of organizations on the Yandex.Maps service ()).

The Rules may use terms not defined in section 1 of the Rules. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the Offer. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Rules and the Offer, one should be guided by the interpretation of the term defined: first of all - by the legislation of the Russian Federation, secondly - on the Yandex.Direct Website, then - established (commonly used) on the Internet.

2. Advertising spaces

Ads may be shown on the following Ad Spaces:

2.1. on the search results pages of the Yandex.Search service (;

2.2. on sites (on site pages and in applications) of Network (Networks) members (for the purposes of these Rules, Networks mean sites of the Yandex Advertising Network (), as well as external networks) - the number of ads depends on the settings of the site or application;

2.3. on the search results pages of sites participating in the Yandex Advertising Network;

2.4. on the pages of search results on the Yandex.Maps service (, in mobile application Yandex.Maps and in the Yandex.Navigator mobile app;

2.5. on the pages of search results for ads (https://yandex.xx/search/ads) of Yandex.Direct - all ads for which the corresponding keyword/phrase is set by advertisers as a display criterion;

2.6. on search results pages on Yandex partner resources*.

Graphic ads and Video ads can only be shown in the places specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules. The search banner can only be displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in clauses 2.1 and 2.6 of the Rules.

At the same time, Ads may not be displayed in the places specified in this section 2 of the Rules, in cases where the automatic status "Few impressions" has been assigned to the Ad Group in the client web interface.

3. Conditions for displaying ads

3.1. Advertisements may not be displayed on pages of Yandex services optimized for mobile devices. The place where ads are shown on pages of Yandex services optimized for mobile devices may differ from the places where ads are shown provided for in these Rules.

3.2. When selecting ads for display on the Advertising Spaces specified in clauses 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 of the Rules, the key phrase/word/search query is taken into account (if the Advertiser uses the additional functionality "Autotargeting") (without stop words)) , Quality Ratio (as this term is defined in clause 3.10), CTR forecast and Bid.

At the same time, when selecting ads for display, when calculating the forecast of the CTR indicator, only Impressions and Clicks on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules are taken into account. Impressions and Clicks on other Ad Spaces do not affect the calculation of the CTR forecast in any way.

For the purposes of calculating the CTR forecast, impressions and clicks are determined and counted separately for: a) personal computers and tablets, b) mobile devices. For the purposes of these Rules, mobile devices are understood to mean devices classified as such automatically by the Yandex.Direct system.

3.3.1. Ads not selected for display in the Premium block on the search results pages on the Yandex.Search service (Advertising spaces specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules) are displayed at Yandex's discretion in other places on the search results pages.

3.3.2. On the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules, ads are shown for a search query that exactly matches the key phrase () specified by the Advertiser. This rule does not apply to Smart Banners, Dynamic Ads, and Auto Targeting functionality.

3.3.3. Ads may not be displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in Clause 2.1 of the Rules, since, on some requests, they may be superseded by a block with information about Yandex services and products.

3.3.4. Ads with higher rates specified in clause 3.2 of these Rules fall into the Premium block and/or are shown with an extended design (i.e. with additional information, images, and other elements provided by the Advertiser as part of the ads).

3.3.5. In the Ad Space specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules, to the right of the search results, in most cases, a Banner is shown on the search, for which the product of CTR and CPC is the highest. At the same time, it is possible to automatically rotate Banners in the search on the specified Advertising space without taking into account the product of CTR and CPC. Ads that are not selected for display in the Insert on an Advertising space specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules may be shown in other places provided for by the Display Rules.

3.3.7. The user may be shown the title of the ad, and/or the Link and/or the image (subject to the restrictions established by these Rules), while the display of the full text of the ad is not guaranteed and may not be carried out. In relation to such ads, the Advertiser assumes all guarantees and obligations provided for by the Offer.

3.4. Ad impressions can be set to an entry threshold that does not depend on the presence of competing ads. Therefore, it is possible that the ad is not shown even if there are no competing ads

Ads with higher scores (CTR forecast, Bid and Quality Factor) are placed in higher positions and/or shown with an extended design (i.e. with additional information, images, and other elements provided by the Advertiser as part of the ads). The terms of this clause do not apply to the Search Banner.

3.4.1. If the Advertiser in the parameters of the Advertising Campaign has set the criterion for displaying Advertisements "Manual bid management with optimization" (if such a criterion can be set), the CPC is calculated automatically. At the same time, the Rate for each impression on the Advertising Spaces specified in clauses 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 of the Rules is calculated individually, taking into account the automatic assessment of the probability of conversion (commitment by the User who clicked on the Link from the ad, the targeted action on the Advertiser's website). The bid can automatically increase (compared to the size set by the Advertiser) if the probability of conversion is high and, conversely, decrease if such probability is below average.

3.5. The selection of ads for display and their display on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules is carried out by Yandex automatically based on the compliance of the subject matter of ads with the interests of the User, including on the basis of data provided by the Advertiser using the Audience Service (). Using the "Audience" Service, the Advertiser agrees without fail with the document "Rules for the provision of the "Audience" service", published on the Internet at: .

When choosing in the parameters of the Advertising Campaign the criterion for displaying Advertisements "Independent management for different types of sites", the Advertiser can set the Rate for display on the thematic pages of YAN partner sites, taking into account the coefficient applied by the Advertiser in accordance with clause 3.17. Rules. The "Audience Reach" value displayed in the Client's web interface when the Advertiser sets the Rate for displaying an ad on the thematic pages of YAN partner sites is informative and means the approximate number of Ad Impressions as a percentage of the number of Impressions of advertising materials for this keyword on the thematic pages sites of YAN partners.

If the Advertiser in the parameters of the Advertising Campaign has set the criterion for displaying Advertisements "Manual bid management with optimization" (if such a criterion is possible), the CPC is calculated automatically using the "Keep the average bid below the average bid on search" functionality. described in clause 3.15.3 and clause 4.4.1 of the Rules. This rule does not apply to Image Ads and Video Ads. At the same time, the Rate for each impression on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules is calculated individually, taking into account the automatic assessment of the probability of conversion (commitment by the User who clicked on the Link from the ad, the targeted action on the Advertiser's website). The bid can automatically increase (compared to the size set by the Advertiser) if the probability of conversion is high and, conversely, decrease if such probability is below average.

Advertisements specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules may display ads with images included in them by the Advertiser that meet the requirements for them published on the page (hereinafter referred to as the image), with the exception of Image Ads and Video Ads, which are not covered by the specified functionality. . Depending on the settings chosen by the Network member, ads may be displayed with images included in them, or without displaying images. Yandex does not guarantee that the ad will be displayed with the image included in it. The display of an ad on the Advertising space specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules is considered to be carried out properly (in accordance with the advertising materials provided by the Advertiser and the conditions of placement determined by it), regardless of the display of the image included in the ad when displaying the ad.

In relation to ads without images included by the Advertiser, abstract background images may be automatically generated, including, in particular, the colors used in the settings of the sites of the Network (Networks) participants on which ads are placed, or fractal backgrounds generated in shades of the specified colors, or domains , indicated in ads, or ad headings, designed in graphical form.

For technical reasons, images may be displayed in cropped form (does not apply to Image Ads). In relation to ads with such images, the Advertiser assumes all guarantees and obligations provided for by the Offer.

3.5.1. On the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules, ads may be displayed subject to the specifics provided for in clauses -, 3.17. of these Rules. This rule does not apply to Image Ads and Video Ads. The User is shown the title of the ad, and/or the Link and/or the image (subject to the restrictions established by these Rules), while the display of the full text of the ad is not guaranteed and may not be carried out. In relation to such ads, the Advertiser assumes all guarantees and obligations provided for by the Offer. The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners consisting of a fixed and a variable part. If in order to view the full text of the advertisement, in accordance with clause of the Rules, it is necessary to first make a Click, then such a first Click, carried out for the purpose of viewing the full text of the advertisement, is not taken into account for the purposes of calculating the cost of the Services provided and is not reflected in the statistics . The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners consisting of a fixed and a variable part.

3.6. The selection of ads to be displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.5 of the Rules, their distribution across pages and the determination of the order of the Advertisement on the page is carried out in descending order of the value calculated taking into account the indicators: CTR forecast, CPC and Quality Ratio. In this case, the ordinal place of the ad on the page is determined in accordance with the established CPC, taking into account the coefficient established by the Advertiser in accordance with clause 3.17. Rules, i.e. selected ads are placed on each page in descending order of the value calculated taking into account the following indicators: CTR forecast, CPC and Quality Ratio.

3.7. The display of ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in paragraph 2.1 in the Insert block and paragraph 2.4 of the Rules may be accompanied by the display of a special mark on the map, linked to a point in the area corresponding to the address indicated by the Advertiser on the contact page (virtual business card) for this ad. When Users access the tag, the Expanded tag** block is displayed, which contains the Advertisement and/or provided by the Advertiser Contact Information.

3.7.1. In the Client web interface, the Advertiser can enable/disable the option to display the store rating on the Yandex.Market service. When the rating display option is enabled, ads in the Premium block and under the search results in the Ad spaces specified in clause 2.1 can be displayed with the display of the store rating on the Yandex.Market service, provided that:

    for this store, the publication of a rating on the Yandex.Market service is available.

The terms of this clause do not apply to the Search Banner.

3.7.2. In addition to the rules specified in clause 3.2 of these Rules, the selection of ads for display on the Locations specified in clause 2.4 of these Rules is carried out using the following functionality: in addition to keywords/phrases (without stop words (), selected by the Advertiser through of the client web interface, when selecting ads, words and phrases that correspond to the category (s) of the first result of organic (search) results in the directory of organizations of the Yandex.Maps service () (hereinafter referred to as "Head Phrases") are also taken into account. For example, in addition to of the key phrase "buy a sofa" chosen by the Advertiser, the phrases "frameless furniture", "upholstered furniture", etc. may be taken into account in the selection. of this clause of the functionality, the Advertiser undertakes to ensure control over the compliance of Heading Phrases with the requirements of the legislation, including the requirements federal law dated March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising", Federal Law No. 135-FZ dated July 26, 2006 "On Protection of Competition". At the same time, the use of the functionality specified in this paragraph is enabled for all Advertisers by default. The Advertiser can add the Heading Phrases specified in this paragraph to the list of negative keywords on the page of the relevant Advertising Campaign.

3.8. When keywords intersect in different ads in the same Advertising Campaign, bids for these keywords will not raise each other's CPC. For Impression, only one ad will be selected, which has the best value calculated taking into account the indicators: CTR forecast, CPC and Quality Ratio.

If the Advertiser uses the additional functionality "Autotargeting" Advertisements that are in the same Advertising Campaign, the bids for "Autotargeting" will not raise each other's CPC. For Impression, only one ad will be selected, which has the best value calculated taking into account the indicators: CTR forecast, CPC and Quality Ratio.

3.9. When key phrases intersect in ads leading to pages on the same site, only one ad will be selected during the impression, which has the best value calculated taking into account the indicators: click-through rate forecast, CPC / CPM and Quality Ratio.

If the Advertiser uses the additional Autotargeting functionality, in ads leading to the pages of the same site, only one ad will be selected during display, for which the value calculated taking into account the indicators: CTR forecast, CPC and Quality Factor is the best.

3.10. During the operation of Advertising Campaigns, the following indicators are monitored that affect the minimum CPC for display on the Advertising Spaces specified in clauses 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 of the Rules (hereinafter referred to as the CPC effective on search) or CPM:

A) quality factor.

The quality factor depends on a large number of indicators and is calculated in real time. The main indicators include: the general relevance of the ad to the query, statistics on the ad, the relevancy of the ad to the site page to which the Link from the ad leads, and other parameters.

B) Efficiency parameter.

The value of this parameter depends on a large number of indicators that are calculated in real time. The main indicators include statistical data (Impressions, CTR, the number of days of activity of Advertising campaigns) aggregated by the advertised domain or phone number (if it is specified in the "virtual business card").

3.10.1. In cases where the Rate is set by the Advertiser below the minimum CPC in effect on the search, the Ad will be displayed only on the advertising spaces specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules and on the Advertising slots specified in clause 2.5 of the Rules. The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners.

3.10.2. When determining the minimum Search CPC for an Ad Group, the Quality Score and Performance dimension are taken into account at the same time. At the same time, the minimum CPC is calculated in such a way as to ensure (but not guarantee) the display of the majority of ads from the Ad Group on the Advertising Space selected by the Advertiser in the manner specified in clause 3.17 of the Rules. The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners.

3.11. When placing ads, Yandex has the right, at its discretion, to recognize ads as similar. Ads (of the same or different advertisers) are recognized as similar if they simultaneously:

    placed on the same or overlapping keywords (phrases);

At the same time, sites are recognized as similar if a significant part of the range of goods (works, services) offered on the sites sold in the same region coincides, and / or there are other signs that suggest that the same goods are offered by the same (affiliated, having close relationship) by the supplier, regardless of the slight difference in the range, different design, structural organization of sites, price differences, as well as the ownership (administration) of the sites by different (s) persons (s).

When placing Advertisements for the corresponding keyword (phrase) from the Ad Group recognized as similar, the User is shown only one ad, in which the value calculated taking into account the indicators: CTR forecast, CPC / CPM and Quality Factor is the best. All other Advertisements of such a group are recognized as duplicates and are not shown (are not placed). The CPC charged by advertisers for duplicate ads is not taken into account (including when determining where other ads will be shown) during the entire time that such ads are suspended.

In these cases, Yandex makes a decision to recognize ads as similar, taking into account the assessment of the information at its disposal, at its sole discretion.

    other actions from 5 to 180 minutes (the average processing time for these actions is 40 minutes).

3.12.3. If the display of an Advertising Campaign is stopped, the services will cease to be provided from the moment Yandex processes this action. At the same time, during this period, Clicks / Impressions are paid in accordance with the Cost per Click / CPM set by the Advertiser;

3.12.4. Information about the processing of actions related to changing the status of the Advertising Campaign is indicated in the Client's web interface.

3.13. When displaying ads on Advertising Spaces on mobile devices, the Advertisement may contain a Link to the site and/or a Link to the contact page, by clicking on which the user enters the dialogue mode, allowing the User, at his discretion, to make a call to the contact phone number specified by the Advertiser for of this announcement in a virtual business card. The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners, Image Ads, Video Ads and Search Banners.

3.14. The conditions for displaying ads, as well as other conditions provided for in sections 3, 4 and 5 of these Rules, and applicable to the display of ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules, also apply to the display of ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.6 of the Rules .

3.15. In the Client's web interface, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to perform additional settings / strategies for displaying ads, as well as additional functionality for managing Advertising campaigns. By applying the appropriate settings/strategies or starting to use the relevant functionality, the Advertiser agrees to the terms of their application/use specified in the Client's web interface.

3.15.1. By applying the "Mobile Pricing Settings" additional setting in the "Bid Adjustments" section, the Advertiser understands and agrees that the CPC increased or decreased by the percentage set by him is applied to all impressions on mobile devices, regardless of whether a Mobile Ad was shown or an ad that is not a Mobile Ad.

3.15.2. When creating an Advertisement, the Advertiser is given the opportunity to use the additional functionality "Mobile Application Advertising", which is used by him to create Advertisements for display on mobile devices on the Advertising Spaces specified in clauses 2.1 ‒ 2.3, 2.6. Rules. Ads created by the Advertiser using the "Mobile Application Advertising" functionality, when shown on the specified Advertising Spaces, may include a mobile application icon, information about the mobile application, an image and/or video, and a button, which is a link included in the Advertisement that redirects those who applied to it by clicking users to an information resource (website/mobile application) on the Internet, the address (URL) of which is specified by the Advertiser for this Advertisement. The content of ads created by the Advertiser using the "Mobile Application Advertising" functionality is updated once a day. The advertiser is obliged to monitor the relevance of the content of such an ad and stop showing it if the information about the mobile application becomes irrelevant.

3.15.3. By selecting the “Keep average bid below average search bid” functionality, the Advertiser understands and agrees that the automatically calculated CPC will be applied to all impressions of Ads in those Advertising campaigns for which the specified functionality is selected by the Advertiser, on the Advertising slots specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules. The Advertiser has the right to disable this functionality through the Client's web interface or using the API.

3.15.4. When creating an Advertising Campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use the additional functionality "Dynamic Ads", which is used by him to create Advertisements for display on the Advertising Spaces specified in paragraphs 2.1 - 2.6 of the Rules (if technically possible). Additional functionality "Dynamic Ads" allows the Customer to automatically generate the titles of Advertisements, links in them, determine keywords for displaying an Advertisement based on an automatically performed analysis of the content of the site specified by the Customer for the relevant Ad Group. This rule does not apply to Image Ads and Video Ads.

3.15.5. When creating an Advertising Campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use the additional functionality of the "Smart Banner" to create ads for impressions at the display locations specified in Section 2 of these Rules, as well as in the Sidebar (in all cases - only if technically possible).

The placement principle is dynamic placement.

The variable part of the banner may display no more than thirty Product offerings from any category selected by the Advertiser in the Client's web interface. At the same time, the display of such Product offerings is automatically rotated.

In order to use this functionality, the Advertiser must perform the following actions in the Client web interface:

    Upload the Feed or a link to the Feed, as well as the login and password to access it (if available). At the same time, Yandex is not responsible for the inability to access the Feed due to the presence of a password and login that were not provided;

    Provide the Permanent Part of the Banner in a form ready for distribution;

    Select and customize the appearance of the template (text color, etc.).

The display of prices in Product offers is carried out without taking into account kopecks.

Using the additional functionality of the "Smart Banner", the Advertiser agrees that he is responsible for the compliance of the content of the Advertisements created by him using the specified functionality with the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the law on advertising. Yandex does not guarantee the absence of errors in the operation of the specified functionality.

The "Smart Banner" is displayed to users who have previously visited and/or the sites of Network members, taking into account the potential correspondence between the interests of the user to whom the Advertisement is shown and the subject matter of such Advertisement, automatically determined by Yandex.

3.15.6. When creating an Advertising campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to automatically correct spelling and punctuation errors, which is used by him to create Advertisements for display on the Advertising Spaces specified in these Rules. This functionality is enabled by default.

Using this functionality, the Advertiser agrees that he is responsible for the compliance of the content of Advertisements created by him using this functionality with the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the law on advertising. Yandex does not guarantee the absence of errors in the operation of the specified functionality, as well as its compliance with the goals and expectations of the Advertiser.

The advertiser has the right to cancel such a correction at any time if he considers the ad text to be corrected by mistake. In this case, the Advertiser edits the corrected Advertisements or contacts the support service via the form feedback by the address: .

3.15.7. When creating an Advertising Campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use an additional type of Advertisements "Graphic" to create ads for impressions at the display locations specified in clause 2.2. of these Rules

Banner size: 240x400, 728x90, 300x250, 300x600, 336x280, 300x500, 970x250, 640x100, 640x200, 640x960, 960x640;

For the purpose of providing services for the placement of Image Ads, the Advertiser is obliged to provide for placement advertising materials containing all the information required by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the information provided for in paragraphs. 5.1. and 5.2. Rules. For the purposes of the Advertiser creating an additional type of "Graphic" Advertisements (clause 3.15.7 above), Yandex may provide the Advertiser with the opportunity to use a special interface for creating such advertisements (web constructor) (hereinafter referred to as the Creative Builder). At the same time, when creating such Ads using the Creative Builder, the placement principles, as well as technical requirements to Advertisements (including, but not limited to, the format, size and maximum weight of the banner) are agreed between Yandex and the Advertiser through the Web Client Interface.

By using the Creative Builder, the Advertiser agrees that he is responsible for the compliance of the content of the Advertisements created by him using the Creative Builder with the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the legislation on advertising and intellectual property. Yandex does not guarantee the absence of errors during the operation of the Creative Builder.

3.15.8. When creating an Advertising campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use a special interface (constructor) to create contact pages in turbo format (hereinafter referred to as Turbo pages), Links to which the Advertiser can indicate when creating the corresponding Advertising campaigns. Using the Turbo page constructor, the Advertiser agrees that he is responsible for the compliance of the content of the Turbo pages created by him using the constructor with the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the law on advertising and intellectual property, on the protection of personal data, without being limited to the above. At the same time, all the rules and restrictions provided for by the Offer, the Terms of Use of the "Turbo Pages" service, posted in the public domain on the Internet at the address: (in the part in which they are applicable to Turbo pages) and Rules for the Advertiser's website. Yandex does not guarantee the absence of errors in the operation of the Turbo page builder, in particular, Yandex does not guarantee the correct display of Turbo pages and is not responsible for the distortion of contact pages when they are displayed in turbo format. Yandex also has the right to block the use of a specific Turbo page, or all functionality for the Advertiser in case the Advertiser violates the terms of the Offer, the Rules and/or any binding document. Yandex does not compensate for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the Advertiser or third parties as a result of the use or inability to use Turbo pages.

Using the Turbo pages, the Advertiser automatically, free of charge, unconditionally and irrevocably grants Yandex a non-exclusive right to use the content of such Turbo pages throughout the world for the period of use of the Turbo pages at the discretion of Yandex, including, but not limited to, reproduction, copying, selection , systematization, transformation, modification, editing, translation, publication, distribution of the contents of the Turbo pages (in part or in full) by any legal means, bringing to the public. Also, by using the Turbo pages, the Advertiser confirms that it has the appropriate rights and authority to grant Yandex the said rights to use the content of the Turbo pages. The Advertiser agrees that the content of the Turbo pages may be used by Yandex in the ways indicated in other Yandex services and software applications, as well as in advertising or marketing materials posted on Yandex resources on the Internet in order to attract the attention of other users to the Turbo pages or to other Yandex resources and services. With such use, Yandex has the right to use the corresponding content of the Turbo pages both with and without the Advertiser's indication. Yandex has the right to transfer the rights specified in this clause to third parties. If the Advertiser is not entitled to grant Yandex the right to use the content of the Turbo pages in the specified ways, it shall refrain from using the Turbo pages.

When using the function of placing feedback forms, the Advertiser guarantees the compliance of the content of these forms, as well as the purposes of their use, with the legislation applicable to the regulation of relations, including the obligation to obtain all consents provided for by law from persons filling out forms for the transfer of data to the Advertiser.

All comments, requests and / or claims related to the operation of the Turbo pages must be sent through the feedback form located at: .

3.15.9. When creating an Advertising Campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use the additional "Autotargeting" functionality, which is used by him to create Advertisements for display on the Advertising Spaces specified in paragraphs. 2.1, 2.3-2.6 of the Rules. Additional functionality "Autotargeting" allows the Customer to automatically configure the display of Advertisements for search queries based on an automatically performed analysis of Advertisements to which the specified functionality is applied, as well as the content of the site specified by the Customer for the corresponding Advertisement. This rule does not apply to Image Ads and Smart Banners.

3.15.10. When creating an Advertising Campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use the additional functionality of the "Search Banner" to create ads for impressions on the Advertising Spaces specified in clauses 2.1 and 2.6 of these Rules.

The placement principle is static placement.

Banner format: GIF, JPEG, PNG;

Banner size (pixels): 240x400

Maximum banner weight: 120 Kb

The Banner is not displayed on search in Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7. Display of the Banner on search in other browsers and other versions of the Internet Explorer browser is carried out in the normal mode.

For the purpose of providing services for placing a Banner on a search engine, the Advertiser is obliged to provide for placement advertising materials containing all the information required by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the information provided for in paragraphs. 5.1 and 5.2 of the Rules.

3.15.11. When creating an Advertising Campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to use Video Ads - of the Video Ad type to create ads for impressions at the display locations specified in clause 2.2. of these Rules.

A video ad with a video provided by Yandex and already shown to the User may be shown to this User (according to Yandex) no earlier than 1 month from the last time this User was shown any Advertisement from another Advertiser with the same video.

3.15.12. When using the "Native Advertising" functionality for the purpose of placing Advertisements on the Advertisements specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules, the Advertiser agrees that individual elements of Advertisements (heading, text, size and presence of an image, but not limited to) can be adapted the owners of such Ad Spaces in accordance with the design of the Ad Spaces at the discretion of their owners, while some elements of the Ads may not be displayed or displayed in a modified form. The Advertiser undertakes to independently bear all the risks and responsibilities associated with the use of such functionality, including ensuring that the Advertisements displayed when using the "Native Advertising" functionality in a form adapted to the relevant Advertising Spaces comply with all the requirements of the Display Rules and the Offer.

3.16. When choosing to display ads from the Ad Group, on the Advertising Spaces specified in section 2 of the Rules, with the exception of the display of a Smart Banner, which consists of a fixed and variable parts, the following conditions apply in addition to the rules described above:

3.16.1. if the Group has both ads that are not Mobile ads and Mobile ads, ads of the first type are displayed mainly on personal computers and tablets; Ads of the second type are on mobile devices. If there is only one ad type in a Group, these ads can be shown on any device, regardless of its type. The terms of this sub-clause do not apply to the Search Banner.

3.16.2. predominantly shows the one ad from the entire Ad Group that has the best CTR predictor among the ads included in the Ad Group. In the absence of sufficient statistical data to apply such a condition, the selection of ads from the Ad Group for display is carried out according to the principles of automatic rotation of such ads.

3.17. The Advertiser can set in the client's web interface an increase and/or decrease coefficient to the CPC, which will affect the selection of an Advertisement for display in the Advertising Spaces, as well as the position at which such an advertisement can be shown.

The coefficient is set by the Advertiser depending on the characteristics of the User: demographic (gender, age), retargeting, geotargeting, and, if applicable, depending on the functionality chosen by the Advertiser: Smart banner (with or without a variable part) or Video add-ons. Also, the coefficient can be set by the Advertiser depending on the time (hourly rate adjustment).

For the purposes of determining the gender and age of Users, as well as geotargeting characteristics (the most frequent coordinates of the user's location, which, according to Yandex, correspond to a given geographical region), data obtained based on an analysis of the behavior of such Users on the Internet using the "Crypta" technology () is used. To determine the retargeting characteristics of Users, the data obtained using the Yandex.Metrica counter code installed on the Advertiser's website is used. At the same time, Yandex does not guarantee the absence of errors when using the "Crypta" technology, as well as when determining the above characteristics of Users. When setting the coefficient depending on time (hourly rate adjustment), the time is determined depending on the time zone chosen by the Advertiser.

3.18. Advertisements can be shown both by keywords/phrases selected by the Advertiser, and by automatically determined synonyms of keywords/phrases selected by the Advertiser, as well as, if the Advertiser uses the additional "Autotargeting" functionality for search queries. The advertiser can exclude impressions for specific keywords/phrases/search queries from automatically determined synonyms by adding such keywords/phrases to negative keywords ().

4. CPC

4.1. In cases where the Rate, taking into account the coefficient set by the Advertiser in accordance with clause 3.17 of the Rules, exceeds the amount of the balance of funds on the Advertising Campaign / General Account (the balance of funds for all Advertising campaigns placed under the Advertiser's login) or the amount of the service cost limit set by the Advertiser, it is considered that the Rate is equal to the amount of the balance of funds on the Advertising Campaign / General Account or the amount of the service cost limit set by the Advertiser (its unspent balance), respectively.

4.2. The display of ads with images included in them by the Advertiser, in accordance with paragraph 2 of clause 3.6 of the Rules, can be carried out provided that the Rate for such ads is set by the Advertiser (taking into account the coefficient set by the Advertiser in accordance with clauses 3.17 and 3.15.1 of the Rules) in the amount of not less than indicated in the table published on the page. At the same time, the minimum CPC for a Smart banner is determined in the same amount as the minimum CPC for ads with images included in them by the Advertiser.

4.3. In the Client's web interface, all cost indicators are indicated in the currency (Russian rubles or foreign currency) determined in accordance with the rules established by Yandex in the Client's web interface.

Prices indicated in Russian rubles or foreign currency in the Client web interface do not include VAT.

4.4. When Advertisements are displayed for automatically determined synonyms of keywords/phrases selected by the Advertiser, as well as when the Advertiser uses the "Impressions for additional relevant phrases" option, the CPC is set automatically, taking into account the Rate set by the Advertiser independently. At the same time, the CPC so set cannot exceed the Rate set by the Advertiser independently for key phrases for the respective Ad Group.

4.4.1. When the Advertiser uses the “Keep the average bid below the average search bid” functionality (not applicable to the Search Banner), the CPC is set for the key phrase within the Ad Group automatically, taking into account the Rate set by the Advertiser independently. At the same time, the Cost per Click automatically set in this way for display on the Advertising slots specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules may be less than the Cost per Click debited from the Advertiser when displayed on the Advertisement slots specified in clause 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6 of the Rules .

4.5. The rules of this Section 4 shall apply to the extent that they do not contradict the conditions specified in clause 3.5 of the Rules.

5. Other terms

5.1. Announcements on medical topics, as well as announcements in which the objects of advertising are biologically active additives or products that, in accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" refers to products structurally similar to weapons, accompanied by standard warnings provided for by the Federal Law "On Advertising" and/or Yandex's advertising policy, namely:

Accompanying ads with warnings of the specified type is carried out by automatically determining the subject of ads and / or through the support service using the feedback form at: . At the same time, in cases where Image Ads and a Banner are placed on the search, the advertiser is obliged to provide these ads with warnings already included in accordance with this clause 5.1. Impression rules (including when creating ads using the Creative Builder). The Advertiser undertakes to provide control over the proper definition of the subject of the announcement and the obligatory presence of the necessary warning in the announcements of the relevant subject.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Advertising”, advertisements in which the objects of advertising are products intended for use as substitutes for breast milk, and products included in the diet of a child during his first year of life, are accompanied by a warning such as “Consult a specialist. For nutrition of children from ________ (indication of age limit ranging from 0 to 12 months).

Accompanying ads with a warning like “Consult a specialist. To feed children from 11 months of age" is performed by default by automatically determining the subject of the ad or, in the case of placement of Image Ads (including when creating ads using the Creative Builder) and a Banner on the search, by the advertiser itself when providing such ads for placement. If the Advertiser has not chosen an age category for an ad with an ad for a qualifying product, the ad will be accompanied by the default warning above or, if it is an Image ad, the ad will not be placed. The advertiser has the right to change the age limit at any time through the client's web interface or contact the support service via the feedback form at: , if he considers the ad to be unaccompanied by a corresponding warning. The advertiser is obliged to inform the support service via the feedback form at: about the need to display a warning for the ad, if the ad was not automatically assigned a corresponding warning. It is the advertiser's responsibility to properly categorize the ad and ensure that ads contain a warning indicating the appropriate age limit to advertise eligible products.

5.2. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Advertising", they are accompanied by an indication of the category "18+", "16+", "12+", "6+", "0+" ads, the object of advertising in which is information products that are subject to classification in accordance with with the requirements of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", namely, mass media products intended for circulation in the Russian Federation, printed materials, audiovisual products on any type of media, programs for electronic computers ( computer programs) and databases, as well as information disseminated through entertainment events, through information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and mobile radiotelephone networks.

The definition of the category of information products is made by the Advertiser when making an advertisement on its own by selecting the appropriate category through the Client web interface or, if this is a Graphic ad, by specifying it as part of such an advertising material, or using the Creative Builder. If the Advertiser has not chosen a category for an ad with an advertisement of the relevant information product, the ad is automatically assigned the "18+" category, with the exception of the Image Ad, Smart Banner and Dynamic Ads. The advertiser must independently add the category of information products to the Image Ad (including when creating ads using the Creative Builder) and the Banner on the search. The Smart Banner and Dynamic Ads with the corresponding advertised item are assigned the "18+" category. Ads are accompanied by a category of the specified type by automatically determining the subject of the ad. The advertiser has the right to change the category at any time through the Client's web interface or contact the support service via the feedback form at: , if he considers the advertisement not subject to age categorization. At the same time, the Advertiser agrees that, based on the technical features of the Smart Banner and Dynamic Ads functionality, it is technically impossible to change the "18+" category to another one. In this case, the Advertiser either removes the category or stops placing such an ad. The advertiser is obliged to inform the support service via the feedback form at: about the need to set an age category for the ad, if the ad was not automatically assigned an age category. The advertiser is responsible for the proper determination of the age category of the ad and the mandatory presence in the ads of the appropriate indication of the age category for advertising the relevant information products.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Advertising", advertisements in which the objects of advertising are banking, insurance and other financial services and financial activities contain the name or name of the person providing these services or carrying out this activity (for a legal entity - the name, for individual entrepreneur- last name, first name and (if available) patronymic). Name or name of the person providing banking, insurance and other financial services or financial activity, is determined automatically on the basis of documents submitted by the Advertiser and/or information provided in official registers. Control over the correctness of the automatically determined name is provided by the Advertiser. If the Advertiser does not agree with the name determined automatically, the Advertiser shall contact the support service using the feedback form at: .

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Advertising", advertising related to the attraction of funds from participants in shared construction for the construction (creation) of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects must, in particular, contain the company name (name) of the developer. The name of the developer is determined automatically based on the documents submitted by the Advertiser and/or information provided in open sources. Control over the correctness of the automatically determined name is provided by the Advertiser. If the Advertiser does not agree with the name determined automatically, the Advertiser shall contact the support service using the feedback form at: .

Announcements, the objects of advertising in which are activities for the return of debts of individuals, in pursuance of the requirements of the Federal Law "On the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals in the implementation of activities for the return of overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal Law on microfinance activities and microfinance organizations" are accompanied by a warning "Interaction only by mail in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 4 of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 230-FZ", except when the specified activity is carried out by a credit institution or a person carrying out activities to return overdue debts as the main activity , included in the state register, upon submission to Yandex of the relevant supporting documents.

5.3. Website icon (favicon).

The Advertiser agrees that if the site to which the Link from the ad leads, with the exception of the Smart banner, in the root directory contains a site icon (file: favicon.ico) available for indexing by the Yandex search engine (), then the ad when shown on Advertising spots may include a site icon. The advertiser undertakes to ensure that the site icon complies with the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the legislation on advertising and protection of competition.

5.4. If the advertiser filled in quick links for the ad (additional links that can be displayed when the ad is shown), they can be displayed when the ad is shown in the Premium block, and can also be displayed when the ad is shown on other placements specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules (except cases of displaying ads to the right of the search results, as well as in the Sidebar), and in other advertising spaces specified in clause 2 of the Rules.

Ads may be displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2 of the Rules, displaying the company's working hours, company phone number, and other information specified by the Advertiser on the contact page when creating/editing the ad. The rules specified in this paragraph do not apply to Turbo pages.

This paragraph does not apply to Image Ads and Search Banners.

5.4.1. In this case, if for an ad the advertiser fills in the description for all completed quick links, such an ad with quick links and a description for them can be displayed when the ad is shown in the Premium block.

5.5. When displaying Advertisements for automatically defined synonyms of keywords/phrases selected by the Advertiser when the Advertiser uses the "Autotargeting" additional functionality, as well as when the Advertiser uses the "Impressions for additional relevant phrases" option, the Advertiser undertakes to ensure compliance control of the automatically defined keyword/phrase synonyms. phrases selected by the Advertiser and/or added keywords/phrases, and/or compiling the text of the Advertisement/content of the content of the Advertiser's website (if the Advertiser uses the additional "Autotargeting" functionality) to the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the Federal Law of 13.03.2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising", Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 26, 2006 "On Protection of Competition". The advertiser can set a limit on the cost of services when using the "Impressions for additional relevant phrases" option as a percentage of the total cost of services. The specified restriction applies to the cost of services provided for at least one week from the date of establishment of such restriction.

5.6. The Advertiser may set a limit on the cost of services when displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.2 of the Rules, as a percentage of the total cost of services. The specified restriction applies to the cost of services provided for at least one week from the date of establishment of such restriction. The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners.

5.7. In order to improve the quality of the Yandex.Direct system and the services provided, as well as to develop new offers for advertisers, Yandex has the right to conduct experiments from time to time in which the display of ads on personal computers and mobile devices of individual Users and / or search queries selected by the system at random may be carried out on Advertising Spaces with a change in the conditions for determining geotargeting (for example, taking into account the region specified in the User's search query) and the conditions for displaying Advertisements, including, but not limited to, changing the selection conditions and the order of placement of Advertisements on Advertising Spaces provided for by these Rules, as well as changing the unified display settings selected by the Advertiser when placing Advertisements or the parameters of an Advertising Campaign. When conducting experiments, Yandex does not guarantee that all Advertisements, without exception, will be shown in compliance with the order in which Advertisements are placed on advertising spaces and the selection conditions specified in clauses 3–5 of these Rules, as well as compliance with the conditions for determining geotargeting and other conditions provided for by these Rules. Rules, the display of Advertisements may also be accompanied by additional information and reference materials of Yandex services (for example, information about the ratings of a store/organization/product, but not limited to the above) or additional information from the site specified in the Advertisement (for example, contact details, information about sections of the site whose domain name is specified in the Advertisement and other information from the site specified in the Advertisement.The Advertiser guarantees the accuracy of the information and information posted on the site specified in the Advertisement, and also confirms that it has all the necessary rights and permissions to the site specified in the Advertisement, materials and information posted on it and agrees to the use by Yandex of information from this site when providing services for displaying ads), as well as data/information specified by the advertiser when compiling the Advertisement in the client web interface or transferred to Yandex in another agreed way. At the same time, the conduct of experiments does not affect the Rate set by the Advertiser in accordance with paragraph 4 of these Rules and does not entail its change. Payment for the Services is carried out in accordance with the Cost per Click, determined in the manner provided for in clause. 4 of these Rules. Information about the fact of conducting such experiments is available to the Advertiser when contacting the support service by sending a request via the feedback form to the address indicating the reason for the request and the number of the advertising campaign.

5.9. The title of the ad and the Site Address (the domain name specified by the Advertiser for this ad), if it is shown to the right of the ad title, are separated by the "/" sign.

5.10. For the purposes of this document, the designation "xx" used in the domain names specified in this document means any top-level or second-level domain zone in which Yandex administers the domain with the specified name.

5.11. When displaying ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.1 of these Rules (with the exception of the Inset block), a part of the ad text may be shown to the right of the title if it is technically possible. In this case, the title and the part of the ad text shown to the right of the title are separated by a "-" sign. If it is not technically possible to display part of the ad text to the right of the heading, the Site Address may be displayed in this place (clause 5.9 of these Rules).

5.12. Displaying ads on Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.4 of these Rules, as well as in clause 2.1 of the Rules in the Insert block, may be performed in an abbreviated form for technical reasons, of which Yandex notifies the Advertiser via the Web interface. In relation to such ads, the Advertiser assumes all guarantees and obligations provided for by the Offer.

5.13. If additional information was specified by the advertiser when creating/editing ads (in particular, clarifications, quick links, pictures, prices, videos, etc.), it may be displayed when ads are displayed. Yandex does not guarantee that ads will be displayed with additional information specified by the Advertiser. By specifying additional information, the Advertiser agrees that he is responsible for its accuracy, as well as the compliance of the content of Advertisements with legal requirements, including the requirements of advertising legislation. The terms of this paragraph do not apply to Smart Banners.

5.14. When displaying ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.1 of these Rules, the Advertiser may be offered to use the "Display Link" functionality. When using this functionality, the Advertiser can change the visual representation of the Link. With regard to the Displayed Link, the Advertiser assumes all obligations and guarantees provided for by the Offer. The Display Link is not guaranteed by Yandex.

5.15. Announcements in which the objects of advertising are the services of microfinance organizations, insurance or credit organizations (banks) may be accompanied by a special label (“Central Bank of the Russian Federation” or another), if the site specified in the Announcement is included in state registers, directories or lists posted on the site

Ads, the objects of advertising in which are vehicles, may be accompanied by the sign (mark) "Official dealer" with a pop-up window containing a short text message "According to", if the site specified in the Announcement, according to OOO "Yandex.Verticals" is the site of an official dealer in accordance with the document "Terms for the provision of services on the service", posted on the website (

Announcements, in which the objects of advertising are works or services for the assessment (confirmation) of conformity, including for the acceptance and consideration of documents necessary for the performance of these works and (or) the provision of services, may be accompanied by information about the name / surname, name and patronymic of the person performing such works and (or) services, as well as the number of the record of accreditation in the register of accredited persons, if the person performing such works and (or) services is accredited in national system accreditation according to the data of the Rosaccreditation register posted on the website

5.16. When showing ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.2. of these Rules, the Advertiser may be offered to use the "Video Extension" functionality. As part of this functionality, the Advertiser is invited to supplement the Advertisement with a standard video provided by Yandex or a video uploaded by the Advertiser independently. Videos uploaded by the Advertiser independently must comply with the requirements set forth in the document "General Rules for Creating Advertising Materials for the Yandex Video Network", published on the Internet at: .

An Advertisement with a video provided by Yandex and already shown to the User may be shown to this User (according to Yandex) not earlier than 1 month from the moment of the last display to this User of any Advertisement of another Advertiser with the same video.

The Advertiser undertakes to check the Advertisements for which the "Video Add-on" functionality is used. In relation to such ads, the Advertiser assumes all obligations and guarantees provided for by the Offer.

This functionality is not available for Smart Banners, Video Ads, Image Ads, and Mobile Ads.

5.17. The Advertiser agrees that neither Yandex nor any other third party transfers (alienates) the exclusive right to the Advertiser and does not license the Advertiser the right to use those results of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as RIA) that are used by Yandex when providing Services using the functionality " Video Extension and Video Ad. The Advertiser may not use such RIAs outside of Advertisements, unless otherwise agreed between the Advertiser and the respective copyright holders of such RIAs.

5.18. The Advertiser agrees that if the Advertisement contains a Link to a contact page (virtual business card), the information specified by the Advertiser on such a contact page (virtual business card) can be used for Yandex to automatically establish a correspondence between such contact information and Directory Information. At the same time, the display of Advertisements on the Advertising Spaces specified in clause 2.4 of the Rules, as well as in clause 2.1 of the Rules in the Insert block, may be accompanied by Directory Information automatically installed by Yandex in accordance with the terms of this clause, including, but not limited to: photo relevant organization, panorama, reviews about the organization, ratings / number of ratings, category / heading, nearest metro station (if applicable), additional signs of the organization (average score, availability of wi-fi in the organization), etc. This functionality can be enabled for the Advertiser's Advertisements specified in this paragraph by default (of which Yandex notifies the Advertiser via the Web interface) and by checking the appropriate checkbox by the Advertiser to enable this functionality in the Web interface. At the same time, the Advertiser undertakes to independently ensure the reliability and legality of the Directory Information placement. The Advertiser also assumes all obligations and guarantees provided for by the Offer in relation to such Directory Information when displaying its Advertisements using the functionality described in this paragraph. At the same time, the Advertiser may refuse to use this functionality by disabling the corresponding checkbox in the Web interface.

5.19. In some cases, the Advertiser may be provided with functionality that allows automatic generation of Advertisements (including Smart Banners) based on the settings and data filled in by the Advertiser via the Web interface and/or a special form on the Yandex.Ru website. The Advertiser undertakes to check all Advertisements for which this functionality has been used. In relation to such ads, the Advertiser assumes all obligations and guarantees provided for by the Offer. In addition, the Advertiser independently decides on the start of displaying such Advertisements, having read them through the Web interface (for example, in drafts of Advertising campaigns).

5.20. In some cases, at the discretion of Yandex, the Advertiser may be assisted in the preparation of Advertising campaigns for placement as part of the provision of Yandex.Direct services (preparation of a media plan). In this case, Yandex, with the consent of the Advertiser, provided through the Client web interface or by e-mail, prepares the media plan.

By giving consent to the preparation of a media plan, the Advertiser undertakes, in case of acceptance of the prepared media plan, to place an order for the provision of Yandex.Direct services in the amount of at least 1,000 rubles (excluding VAT) or in the amount of the balance of funds on the General Account at the time of acceptance of the media plan.

Based on the results of preparing the media plan, Yandex sends the Advertiser a notification via the Web Client Interface and/or by e-mail with a proposal to accept or reject the media plan. The prepared media plan is available to the Advertiser in the Client's web interface from the moment the above notification is sent in the "Drafts" section.

In the Client web interface, the Advertiser is provided with the following options: to accept the media plan or refuse the media plan, including sending the Advertising campaign to the archive or deleting it. The Advertiser agrees that if within 10 calendar days from the date of sending the above notification by Yandex, the Advertiser has not performed any of the above actions in the Client web interface, the media plan is considered accepted by the Advertiser with subsequent placement of Advertisements under the terms of the Offer and these Rules.

Acceptance of the media plan means the Advertiser's consent to place Advertisements in accordance with the media plan if there are sufficient funds to place ads or as part of an order for Yandex.Direct services placed by the Advertiser on a deferred payment basis.

The Advertiser guarantees that he has read the media plan, that all Advertisements within the media plan (their content, placement settings, keywords and other data) comply with the requirements of the law, the wishes of the Advertiser, and are reliable. The Advertiser is solely responsible for the compliance of the content of Advertisements within the framework of the media plan adopted by him in any of the above ways with all the requirements of the law, including the requirements of the legislation on advertising.

5.21. In relation to ads in which the objects of advertising are goods with a remote method of their sale, the Advertiser, in pursuance of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Advertising", undertakes to indicate in the virtual business card information about the seller of such goods: name, location and state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity; surname, name, patronymic, main state registration number of the record of state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur. The advertiser is responsible for the accuracy of the specified information. If it is impossible to provide such information due to technical reasons dependent on Yandex, the Advertiser must contact the support service using the feedback form at: .


* for the purposes of these Rules, the Yandex partner resources include the service.

** Expanded label– a block containing an advertisement and contact information provided by the Advertiser, displayed on the map of the Yandex.Maps service (