What you need to create a business simulator. Team-building business simulations (various scenarios and formats). Advanta Mortgage Corp experience

  • 28.10.2019

Find out what business simulation is, what are the purposes of its use, what is the essence of technology and the differences between business simulation and business games, get acquainted with examples of business simulation and ready-made cases.

From the article you will learn:

What is a business simulation, what are the purposes of its application in business

Business simulation or simulation game refers to modern technologies, which are used not only for staff development, but also for evaluation. The bottom line is that employees can gain experience in solving complex problems by participating in a simulation game where real business processes are simulated that are close to the conditions and specifics of a particular company.

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The main purpose of a business simulation is:

  • in staff development. simulation game serves as an excellent simulator that helps develop managerial skills, hone certain qualities and shape business thinking. If a used game, in which real business conditions are simulated, participants train, master the skills of behavior in difficult situations that arise in real conditions. In addition, group forms of such games allow you to learn interfunctional interaction, the basics of mutual assistance;
  • in staff appraisal. During the game, it is quite easy to determine the level of development of the skills of a specialist. The HR manager will be able to assess the ability to prioritize, analyze the situation, build an effective chain of interaction with other participants, solve tasks etc.

Business simulation example

Before concluding an agreement with a provider for the purchase of a simulation interactive game, you should first try out this game by running a demo version. If it turns out that there are some negative parameters and the result is incorrect, you should point this out to the developers. If everything is quickly fixed, this is a strong argument in favor of cooperation with the selected provider.

Business simulation in a bank: an example


  • formation of management principles;
  • management strategy development ;
  • teamwork skills;
  • work out the technology of accepting complex management decisions.

Suggested concept:

Become a leader in terms of capitalization for several years in the face of competition between several large banks, achieve efficient work in the unstable market economy.


  • building a management team;
  • distribution of roles;
  • development of a strategy for the next 5-7 years;
  • selection of the main portfolio of products or services with which work will be carried out;
  • choose the direction of development and determine the pace;
  • find a balance between risk and benefit;
  • work outbusiness competencies ability to plan and achieve results.


As a result of the business simulation, all goals were achieved. In the final definition, this was reflected in the efficiency of the bank. Employees have learned to make decisions, interact, set goals and achieve them, develop in a highly competitive environment.

Types of business simulations and business games

Business simulations and business games are divided into two groups:

Standard games are relatively more accessible and much cheaper. Adapted require an investment of time and material costs. But at the same time, adapted business simulations have a great developmental meaning, their specificity is aimed at honing the skills that employees currently need.

Over the past 15 years, a huge number of employees have received various trainings and they have the impression that they “know everything”. Unfortunately, this knowledge does not always translate into reality. working life. Hence the popularity of business simulation - immersion in virtual reality with laws real business. It may include a business game, and case studies and role-playing games. But the key principle remains - reliance on real business processes. This feature distinguishes business simulation from training. There is a minimum of theory and a huge amount of practice that involves participants, reduces the criticality of their perception and provides a field for practicing skills. However, this method can also help with those employees who have not been trained on the desired topic - just for them, theoretical blocks are included in the business simulation. And in this case, the simulation becomes for them both problematizing, and teaching, and reinforcing, and motivating.

During the business simulation, participants independently draw conclusions and gain their own experience, which they then implement into the working reality. The Standard Business Simulation is a typical simulation training program. This model is actively used in personnel training by many companies. A business simulation adapted to the client, i.e. made “to order”, is created taking into account individual features companies and business specifics. If we take into account when developing what the participants already know and use it, we get an environment in which intrinsic motivation on the use of these tools increases many times over. Also, employees work out algorithms in various practical cases and it is much easier and easier for them to transfer this to their daily activities.

There are two main types of business simulations - desktop and those that involve the use of IT technologies in the simulation.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Desktop business simulations Electronic business simulations
Technical side Simplicity and visibility. Participants can see how their finances move in accordance with the management, production, marketing cycles. The ability to use a large number of indicators and sections of success, complicate or simplify the game depending on the level and preparedness of the audience
Terms and Conditions Possibility of carrying out in any conditions (no dependence on technology, for example) Required internet and technology. In order not to waste time processing the results of game rounds (everything is on the server), be flexible in the choice of indicators and their evaluation. Analyze across different sections. There is also the possibility distance learning, finding the coach and participants far from each other. In this case, you can use the classic "virtual" meetings to discuss the results and "homework"
The role of the coach High level of dependence on the qualifications of the coach. Feedback on the results can only be obtained after the trainer has manually processed the results received from the participants. This often negatively affects the dynamics of the program and reduces the interest of the audience in the process. The teacher must have a deep understanding of the topic, because reaching the top audience, he can only rely on himself. The influence of the coach's qualification on the quality of the result is lower than in board games: the game itself contains so much information, tips and comparison criteria that in some cases the coach looks like an "absolute genius"*.
Results processing Problems can start when you need to gather a large audience. The process of collecting and processing data becomes endless, in parallel it is necessary to answer the questions of the participants. Plus banal inconveniences such as finding a suitable room, etc. Fast processing (5-15 minutes depending on the number of comments), which allows you to keep the intrigue of the program throughout the game
Other possibilities Thanks to the thoughtfulness and richness of information, the convenience of the interface for the trainer, it is possible to certify internal specialists for conducting in-house business simulations for the programs. As a result, this allows to significantly reduce the cost of the program for the company.
* According to the creator of IT business simulation Capstone, Daniel Smith.

Like any automating element of labor, business simulation reduces the role of a person. The "engine" of the game is interesting in itself, and the program can give such a level of analysis and recommendations on the game that it takes extra effort to fail the training. In terms of the quality of the result for participants, business simulations based on software safer for coaches, who have a lot of opportunities to look like experts due to the opportunities that IT modeling provides specifically for leaders. On the other hand, it does not follow from all of the above that business simulations based on IT modeling can be conducted by anyone.

The main tasks that business simulation solves:
Implementation of new business processes with minimal resistance;
Search for errors and ways to optimize current business processes;
Formation of the strategic vision of the company and business;
Adapting to changes in the company;
Search for solutions difficult situations in company;
Development of skills for any necessary competencies;
Improving the quality of cross-functional interaction;
Introduction of corporate culture and values;
Evaluation of employees in situations as close as possible to reality;
Team building in a business environment;
Changing your attitude towards your work. "Restart" motivation for their work activities.

In the United States, where business modeling is most popular, instructors with Ph.D. (academic degree corresponds to our Ph.D.). In other respects, information content, visibility, the ability to compare a large number of indicators, and, most importantly, the speed of processing the results of game periods, allows you to maintain a high level of involvement of participants throughout the program.

In addition to the technical side of the issue and the aspect of fascination for the players, it is possible to distinguish two formats for the learning process.

The first one is the classic educational process used in Western universities, when during the semester each lesson corresponds to one game period (1 fiscal year). Between meetings, students receive homework assignments, analyze cases, etc. In this format, participants have time for a deep understanding of the game and a better mastery of knowledge.

The second is corporate training, where time constraints in practice are of key importance, since the separation of employees from the work process is rarely easy. In this case, programs from 2 to 3 days are used, where participants are completely immersed in the gameplay.

If the effectiveness of business simulations within an academic university has been proven over the years and is obvious (this is a combination of format dynamism, the ability to integrate knowledge gained in other subjects, and build a holistic picture of business interaction inside and outside a virtual corporation), then the experience of business games in corporate universities not so clear.

From positive sides It is worth noting the variety of tasks that can be solved using simulation within the framework of training center. Starting from teaching specific knowledge in the field of business understanding: working with financial information, pricing, disposal production capacity and ending with the choice of company strategy and the development of influence skills in the team.

An undoubted important advantage of a business game is an emotional experience for the result - participants rejoice and rejoice when they take first place in the market, grieve, lose profits, suffer from poorly predicted sales and aggressive actions of competitors. Sincerely experiencing a variety of and often unexpected feelings creates a high level of both involvement and learning. This level is hard to achieve with another tool - a seminar or training.

A high level of professionalism of developers in the field of game modeling is required;
duration. Development time from 1 to 6 months;
High responsibility of the Customer: in particular, the ability to clearly formulate a request, understanding the root of the problem, willingness to share the necessary (real!) Information, etc. are important.
The cost of the product is higher compared to training.

With all the intensity of emotions and tension of nerves, according to the feedback of the participants themselves, they are most pleased with the safety of the decisions made. Some even wrote that they were able to “play hooligans and try out a number of absolutely absurd actions.” This aspect is an advantage of a business simulation, as participants can try the most incredible scenario of managing a company, test their hypotheses in action and the worst that can happen to them is the realization that their decisions are wrong.

The poignancy of the experience makes business simulation an ideal tool when you need a format that combines elements of entertainment and education so that the time and money spent on such an event will bring not only good mood but also practical benefits. HR departments often face similar challenges when organizing an event for their management. In the course of a special term - "training" - from the English words training (training) and entertainment (entertainment).

The experience of conducting such a game indicates that in this case the motive of entertainment will quickly prevail among the participants and the educational element is reduced to a minimum. In these situations, it can be recommended to focus on the aspect of group dynamics and prepare a program in the spirit of team building. A holistic vision and business management especially contributes to the understanding by managers of the role of a function adjacent to them, the role of foreign departments in achieving the company's result.

In terms of areas of knowledge, business simulation most fully meets such tasks as programs such as "Finance for non-financiers". The game not only provides knowledge of basic terms and reports, but also allows you to understand how to use financial information to make management decisions. As a result, boring and poorly remembered terms turn into "live" indicators of the company's health.

The use of simulations for function leaders can be very valuable. As a rule, this category of managers is more focused on the work of only their department. They do not always see the activities of their function as part of the activities of the company as a whole. This perception of the work of their unit often leads to complexity in cross-functional interaction, and often to conflicts.

The situation can become more complicated if such a function leader is moved around career ladder to a higher management level where an understanding of the business as a whole is required. Simulation is a great opportunity to demonstrate how each function is important to the organization and ignoring the interests of colleagues can lead to sad consequences, to form in managers a common understanding of the business, which is necessary for leaders, from the middle management level to the highest level of management. Based on all of the above, the reader may get the impression that, finally, there is a tool for personnel training that can solve all three problems (interesting for participants, useful for the company and strengthens the credibility of HR) that arise every time before the training service and staff development when choosing a program.

Advantages of business stimulation:
The ability to quickly "immerse" in a business situation and understand business processes;
During the game, participants learn to manage both tactical and strategic goals;
Business simulation is a risk-free zone - mistakes in the game will not lead to the collapse of the business. This allows you to try different strategies and tactics, observe their consequences and draw conclusions.
During the game, participants independently draw conclusions and gain their own experience, which is then much easier and faster to implement into the working reality. Overcoming critical thinking.
Employees can participate in the simulation different levels, which will rather enrich the game and make it more useful;
The opportunity to gain experience in decision-making from different positions, to see the process from different points of view;
The possibility of a systematic analysis of the situation, the development of the ability to see and take into account more than one causal communication, but a system of interrelated factors affecting the result;
A high degree of freedom in the development of the situation requires the participants to use knowledge and skills in an integrated way, the ability to be flexible in choosing tools and approaches to the solution;
Constant monitoring of activities and the scheme of the game "Decision - Result - Analysis - New Solution" allows you to demonstrate the effect and result of possible solutions in the shortest possible time;
Teamwork and the competitive moment provide a high emotional involvement of all participants, ensure the exchange of best practices.

Do you need to evaluate an employee for certain competencies? Due to deep immersion, participants give out exactly the model of behavior that they adhere to in real life. Just when developing, it is necessary to take into account that it is the assessment that is the key goal. Business simulation allows you to lay the desired behavior model in certain situations. This effect is achieved through an almost instantaneous system of rewards and punishments. The gaming environment gives feedback to the participants very quickly. If everything was done as it should, the team receives points / points / money, if it deviates from the course, it is fined or gets a problem situation that needs to be solved or receives information about the negative reaction of the market. There are many mechanisms. Thus, participants unconsciously adopt the "correct" model. Often, following the results of the game, an action plan is developed aimed at maintaining the created models in daily work activities.

If at the moment there is a problem in the company that it is not clear how to solve, a model is developed in which you can work out several options for action, see how the environment will react, refine the solution and find a way out.

In other words, this method multifaceted and allows you to solve a large number of problems. The main thing is to correctly remove the request and develop exactly the business simulation that will solve the necessary tasks.

Naturally, this training format has both disadvantages and limitations. First of all, these are the requirements for the level of the audience: as a rule, it makes sense to offer simulation games for the level of employees not lower than the level of function managers, when the discussion of company tactics and strategy, as well as the importance of cross-functional interaction, will not be a conversation about very distant and theoretical things.

The second limitation, or rather risk, is the "dumping" of the educational process into a desire to win or lose. In this case, the participants are interested, they are involved, but we do not solve learning problems, because as a result, the participants do not care how they achieved certain results. They are all focused on winning or losing. Ultimately, if you do not set special educational tasks such as conducting “Finance for non-financiers”, when the program is combined with large theoretical blocks and its result is precisely the acquisition of specific knowledge, then participants may simply get lost in the abundance of terms, thereby reducing emotional involvement in Game. Therefore, a possible recommendation is to make the simulation game sum up the “school year”, when there is an opportunity to give the necessary basic knowledge during the year in the usual training or seminar format, or, alternatively, to conduct virtual sessions before or after the game.

It is critical to adapt the level of difficulty of the game in accordance with the level of managerial responsibility and the educational tasks facing the organizers. For example, for an audience for whom it is important to understand how marketing tools, you can connect the Advanced Marketing module, for those who are still not very sure why the company needs an HR service and why quality management systems are being implemented so persistently, you can connect the HR and Quality Management modules.

The process of the game has a very clear structure and its own patterns of development. The first round - participants get used to working interfaces, learn to read information about the market and the actions of competitors. The second is to take measured steps. As a rule, it is in the third round that the teams are already fully aware and understand the business management process.

Then the consequences of earlier decisions begin to negatively affect. This is also due to the delayed effect of many market factors. It is very important to give participants the opportunity to weigh and understand the relationship between their ideas, decisions and results. Sufficient time should be allowed for working with large amounts of data and group discussions. The coach should be especially careful to follow the process in the teams. With a careless reduction in time, the main meaning of a business simulation may disappear - the realization of what information is important for making decisions, which of them led to certain results. This can lead to a pending action effect. The moment chosen to end the game should, on the one hand, be joyful and memorable (each team finally wins and starts generating profits), and on the other hand, it should be understood what decision and how it influenced this or that result. Only in this case, the participants have, as the trainers call it, "insight" - the realization of how simple things can significantly affect the result, the feeling of "how much we still don't know", etc.

Experience of Russian Railways

In July 2010, the Corporate University of JSC Russian Railways began its work, within the framework of which a 1.5-year program "Corporate Leader" was launched, aimed at developing and training more than 1,500 top managers of the management apparatus, branches, subsidiaries and dependent companies (SDCs) and personnel reserve for these positions. To solve the problem of forming a culture of customer orientation in the third semester of the Corporate Leader program, it was decided to use the business simulation format, since it allows:

  • simulate real business processes as close as possible to the specifics of the Company's business;
  • effectively consolidate and develop the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that was formed as a result of the training sessions in the first two semesters.

The business simulation "Railway transport management: building a culture of customer orientation" is intended for the development of employees of 4 categories:

  1. heads of departments, departments, branches and subsidiaries and affiliates;
  2. personnel reserve for these positions;
  3. deputy heads of departments, departments, branches and subsidiaries and affiliates;
  4. promising youth leaders.

The purpose of the simulation is to form a comprehensive view of managers about the activities of the company (understanding the relationship of various functions and their impact on final result) and a culture of making consistent management decisions.

The business simulation for the program was developed British company Business Today International in close cooperation with internal experts and faculty of the Corporate University. The process of adaptation to the specifics of the company took about 3 months. It included a test run of the game for employees, followed by their feedback on what needed to be changed and improved.

1. The game does not reflect your real business processes and may be divorced from your reality
2. Limited application - only where the specifics of your company's business processes are not critical
3. Conclusions based on the results will need to be “sold”. Since you can meet resistance “But it doesn’t work like that for us”
4. Positive Feedback other companies does not guarantee a similar response in yours.

The duration of the business simulation was 3 days, 8 astronomical hours each. It was conducted by teachers of the Corporate University, certified by the developer company. The business simulation was a board game with a set of game pieces, a playing field and tables to fill in, in which a phased business process of cargo transportation is simulated. The participants are divided into three teams. Each task is to increase financial indicators your company.

It was not uncommon for players to stay after practice ended to plan their future moves better than their opponents. Often the second day of the simulation began with the words of one or more participants: “I woke up at night and thought, thought and understood what to do...”. This shows how seriously the idea of ​​training in the form of a business simulation was taken by the audience.

Throughout the semester, corporate university lecturers accumulated experience in conducting business simulations and made adjustments to the game. Basically, the changes concerned the simplification of visual information, instructions, forms to fill out, tables for calculating the economic results of the game.

Business simulation in the project of the Corporate University of Russian Railways was used as a consolidating stage after the training programs, which made it possible to provide conditions for applying the mastered system of knowledge, skills and abilities in a situation as close as possible to the real one. Key Feature was the use of their own experience and knowledge of the participants. When they are faced with the fact that the existing capabilities are not enough to solve the problem, they begin to independently look for new ways of action, request Additional information. This is where the real learning and development takes place. Participants are given the opportunity by trial and error to find the right solution. Only unlike real business, in the simulation, the cost of these errors is not so high.

An important point is the maximum approximation of the simulation to the client’s business, which allows, in the process of conducting a business simulation, to increase the level of involvement of participants when they understand that they are not playing in the next version of Monopoly (under the guise of “simulations”, unfortunately, sometimes they sell such games), but immerse themselves in their own business environment, face their typical business processes and tasks, and understand that the assessment of their actions in the game will be tied to the same indicators as in real activity. In the project of the Corporate University of Russian Railways, this component was given special attention, which ensured maximum emotional involvement and immersion in the gaming environment, which were noted above.

BIRC experience

"We recommend using systems approach, then BS should be accompanied by follow up sessions. For example, control over the implementation of agreements reached through working groups. Our company also participates in such support by moderating these meetings, incl. introducing various contracts of participants, ratings, etc. This gives the result:

  • in achieving KPI "s of departments, by increasing staff productivity
  • in increasing the motivation and involvement of employees
  • in a more relaxed implementation of current projects and in the implementation of changes, etc.

There are many different approaches to creating a BS based on their business processes. One of them is the "Six D Principle":

  1. Define - define the purpose of the business
  2. Delineate - describe the desired behavior
  3. Describe - describe the target audience
  4. Devise - develop game mechanics and activity cycles during the BS
  5. Don "t forget - do not forget about interactivity and dynamics, people will better learn the material if they are interested!
  6. Deploy - use the right tools - game scores, team indicators, ratings, illustrated paraphernalia.

The experience of the Pizza Hut restaurant chain

Several hundred managing directors of Pizza Hut restaurants went through a simulation game that immersed them in the management of a fictitious company and allowed them to experience first hand what it means to be personally responsible and accountable to banks and shareholders when things do not go so well. “Despite university education, most of the managers did not have close communication, for example, with finance. They all know pretty well what happens to them personally in their restaurant,” says Jack Landers, director of training effectiveness at Tricon, the provider that developed the business simulation for Pizza Hut. During the game, managers had to raise capital, manage production and marketing, and calculate salaries. Through all these activities, they not only learned about the basics of managing a company, but also understood how their work affects the overall result.

“It is not enough just to get to know the best-practice companies, it is important to find out why they are the best. Business simulations are more than just a pleasant form of training employees on balance sheets and marketing strategies”, - claims Landers and the participants of the program. It is a powerful tool for demonstrating how the daily actions of each manager affect the results of the company - positively or negatively.

Pizza Hut managers also played the Zodiak game developed by Paradigm Learning. In the game, participants live for three years - three hours of game time - running a fictional company, Zodiak Industries. First, they sign a loan with a bank and attract as many investors as they see fit who are willing to invest $1 million each in their company. After attracting finance to the business, players purchase raw materials, begin to produce and sell goods. At the same time, they must invest in the development of new products, pay taxes, purchase equipment and raw materials. Progress is measured in balance sheets where they should measure key indicators and analyze the results. The goal of the game is to get a company with a profitable balance sheet and fully repaid debts.

“We don't have the ability to test exactly what managers are using from the Zodiac game, but I've never received so many calls from regional managers who are surprised by the new approach to the work of their restaurant managers. They begin to think like business people, not like "pizza makers."

Experience of Advanta Mortgage Corp.

In the 1990s, the Advanta mortgage company was losing $10 million annually. The new CEO considered the simulation game the best way turn the company in the right direction, becoming the main controller of the game creation process. Now it is adjusted every year to reflect changes in the marketing strategy.

The game "Deep pockets" should familiarize each employee with the strategy of the company and the participation in its implementation of various departments. This game, developed by PriSim Business War Games Inc., begins with a series of workshops and discussions that teach players how a mortgage company works. Then they are divided into teams of 3-6 people, each of which must successfully manage the management of the Deep Pockets company (capital - $ 600 thousand.). Teams present their results for each period of time and make a number of decisions for the future period. Also, companies must determine which categories of borrowers they will sue, which regions require close attention, what skills and competencies their staff lacks. Participants enter their decisions into a computer that generates a profit and loss statement, competitor analysis and an industry newspaper.

Participants are a mixture of professionals from all departments of the company - marketing, accounting, HR, etc. The game shows how the company makes money and allows players to interact with people from different functional departments of the company, to see how other people's activities affect the company. For example, an accounting player might understand how spending on sales training can impact a company's ability to reach a larger market. On the other hand, the "non-financial" personnel of the company may have many discoveries about the monetary side of the company's activities.

Despite the fact that the company did not measure ROI, the training manager is sure that the effect of the simulation is very large: “The game initiated discussions about the company's business strategy among the staff. Once, our CEO, talking to company executives, said: “Yes, we have a situation here, like in Deep Pocket. Everyone understood what it was about, remembered their gaming experience and made a decision, but for real business.”

Simulations are one of the ways to simulate real business processes. For example, you can test the idea of ​​opening regional warehouses for a retail chain. To do this, tables with employees are placed in the large hall, imitating the work of regional stores, warehouses and even suppliers. Based on the data of past periods on deliveries, something imitating goods is transferred from table to table, there is an exchange of simplified applications, invoices and even money. In such a simulation, it is possible to simulate a month of operation of a real supply chain in an hour with a different number and regional location of warehouses. As a result, there will be an understanding of the most optimal configuration, typical work problems, business process requirements, and much more. Sometimes computers and virtual calculations are used for simulation. It happens that everything goes on special software under the control of a business analyst.

Quite often, business simulations are used to develop solutions for the development of a company. Participants of the strategic session are divided into business units, suppliers, customers, regulators. The interests and basic rules of behavior of each participant are formulated, and then they imitate the implementation of a project, the introduction of a new service, or just a few years of “life together”. As a result, scenarios for the future appear, a better understanding of the reasons for the decisions of key stakeholders, hidden driving forces of events.

In addition to analyzing business systems for risky or very responsible decisions, simulations are actively used to train new employees.

For example, Opel factories have special workshops where beginners assemble simplified wooden car models, studying not only the assembly process itself, but also the rules for obtaining shift assignments, progress reports, a way out of emergency situations. Everything that will come in handy when they are allowed into the real shop. Simulations are used in primary education and advanced training of pilots, drivers, operators of complex and dangerous equipment. Some companies use them for training office workers, more related to "business tasks". After all, working with money, live clients and contractors is no less responsible for the company than, for example, piloting an aircraft.

I think that the similarity of what is described with children's games, an imitation of adult life, is already noticeable. Actually, this differs from children's games only in the seriousness of the subject - “business topics”. And, probably, somewhere here lies the key difference between a business simulation and a game. If there is no fun and excitement in the game, then it turns into a very serious simulation. BUT if you add passion and fun to the simulation, simplify it a bit, then this is already a game. As a rule, games are much simpler than simulations in terms of rules and organization. Well, often the name “game” is used so as not to scare potential participants with the terrible word “simulation”.

What are the limitations of the use of business simulation

Simulation will be useful if you understand the mechanics and laws of the real process, select and accurately calculate the means of their simulation. A business process is far from simple. For this reason, simulations most often run on worked out known scenarios. And the set of such scenarios is not to say that it is very large. The number of skilled simulation organizers is quite limited: at the Russian School of Management, we spent more than one month to find Russian market a few really worthwhile experts in business games. If a beginner takes on the implementation of a game / simulation, then often it fails. What seemed simple in the book or from the outside, suddenly does not work and the participants behave “wrong”. Participants torment the script to the end and scatter with relief.

Simulation requires time, people, space, and equipment. It is not always possible to borrow all this from a real business, even for a short time. And after all, it is not only necessary to drive it away, but also to prepare it. In a simulation, to get the full benefit, you need organizers, participants and observers. Based on the results of the simulation, it may be necessary to analyze the results and prepare a report.

When I decided to develop a simulation of a fairly well-known "beer game" - I thought that everything would be quite simple. It has been played for over half a century. But it took me four groups of “experimental students” and six months of testing to figure it out and work it out. Then I found out that usually this game is played 2 orders of magnitude easier, and that's how it was intended. And some "tricks" replace the live decisions of the participants with tables of random numbers. And the simulation turns into an instructive story of the lecturer. But now I have in my arsenal a simulation that is the most complicated in terms of internal mechanics and a variety of business aspects. And I haven't seen anything like it yet. A year ago, I decided to repeat the "feat" and make a new simulation, but I could not find the time and find enough "guinea pigs" to work out the mechanics. Here lies the half-baked simulation “in the table”.

An important feature of many simulation options is that they, like real life, obey probabilistic laws. Those. the simulation in your runs can embody an extremely unlikely event. And it is not always possible to understand that in real life this is unlikely to happen. In one of the simulations, I use a deck of cards to simulate changes in worker productivity. And it happened that only aces were drawn from the deck in a row. Of course, the participants laugh and take into account the unusualness of such a phenomenon. Even in such a situation, instructive conclusions can be drawn, but the risk of getting an erroneous benchmark remains.

But perhaps the biggest limitation is the reluctance of adults to play even simple simulation games. “Are we in the theater?”, “We have a job, and here are these toys.” It’s just that training, even boring, is normal and familiar, but the business game is already “some kind of nonsense”. A big multi-day meeting with a transfusion from empty to empty is normal, and simulating the stages of a project is already stupid. As usual, a lot depends on habits and stereotypes.

Advantages and disadvantages of business simulation as a tool for staff development

In class, I like to puzzle participants with the question: how long ago did you have training in a skill that is key to your work? Not using it in practice, not getting an explanation from a colleague - how to do it, not reading a book on this topic, not participating in a "training", namely training. Multiple repetition of the basic action for better understanding, mastering, developing the most effective way execution. Most often, no one can remember professional training. Well, except for the sales staff.

Think in a pattern surest way screw up the case.

John Enright

business simulation is a thematic business a game, in which the business environment is modeled, as much as possible close to the realities of the market and taking into account the specific tasks of the company.

The conditions of the game are developed by a business coach so that, through trial and error, the participants find the optimal solution to the tasks. And in the process of searching, we acquired skills and experience that in the future will be able to apply in professional activity. business simulation, in addition to the tasks of development and training, can effectively solve tasks related to the diagnosis of the group and even the assessment of individual competencies.

Business simulations for executives allow participants to gain experience in solving complex managerial problems in artificial conditions.

And business simulations for managers on sales provide an opportunity to gain experience, for example, non-standard solutions for the development of sales in a shrinking market.

Regardless target audience, which the game is focused on, is general rules. In this format no theory. The participants are immediately immersed in the atmosphere of the game - the coach reads out the legend, voices the goals and objectives of the team. Then the participants begin to solve the problem situation with the help of their knowledge and skills. When they come to the conclusion that the problem cannot be solved by the usual methods, they begin find new ways of doing things on your own, ask for more information from the coach, generate ideas. This is where learning and development takes place. Each member can feel the value of new knowledge through their own experience of trial and error. And the main plus is that, unlike in real business, the cost of these errors in the simulation is not so high.

Our arsenal includes developed business simulations with various legends and scenarios for various business tasks. One of the scenarios of the game is offered as an example.

Business game "Expert 2020"

(on the example of a bank)

Game hypotheses:

    The efficiency of departments has sufficient opportunities for growth. The market situation is constantly changing and requires managers to change. Not all department heads work for a team result, they “pull the blanket” on themselves.

Game Goals:

    Increase the efficiency of collaboration. Designate areas for team growth. Prepare the team to work in a changing environment, teach them to take risks. Develop skills for making non-standard decisions.

Developed competencies:

    Strategic thinkingRisk management Initiative Result orientation Systematic Teamwork

Game legend: In one of the states, a decision was made to create a banking system that did not exist until that time. The state became resource-rich, which ensured the need to create such a system. To achieve this goal, the best experts in this field were selected - participants in the gathering of innovators.

As part of the implementation of this project, they have the opportunity to earn money and get the status of a professional high level in your homeland.

Their tasks at this stage are two:

To build a bank, teams must earn money. To win the right to become a state-owned bank, the teams will have to prove to the state committee that this particular team of experts is the most effective: has experience and is able to share it, is able to absorb knowledge in the field of innovation, is able to generate and implement innovative ideas, is customer-oriented, and knows how to work with the media etc. Each task is valued in game money.

Game plan

1 part. Formation of teams of experts

The breakdown of all the participants of the rally into separate teams, each of which will represent its own separate bank in the Expert project.

The division into teams can be carried out at the choice of the customer:

    In a probabilistic way by issuing individual attributes to participants In a special way - according to lists defined by the customer.

The choice by the teams of the name of the bank.

2 part. Elections to the State Banking Committee

"HARD CHOICE" During the exercise, the election of 1 team member to the State Committee on Banking, as well as the development of group decision-making skills.

3 part. Participation in the events of the project "Expert"

Each team of experts goes through several stages within the framework of the "Expert" project and earns money to build their own bank, and also forms an opinion about themselves with the state committee on banking to decide which bank will become state-owned - which team will win!

Stage 1. Mastering the theory of innovation

    Participants discuss on the topic: “What is innovation? What does it give the business and me personally? To implement or not to implement?” In a unique way, in the form of a text game, they master the theoretical information given to them on innovations - having studied the theoretical material on their own, the participants compete in answers to independently developed questions like “Pinwheel”.

Depending on the number of correct answers, teams earn money to build a bank. Members of the State Banking Committee play the role of observers in each team, checking the correctness of the theory answers, and gaining knowledge in this way.

At all other stages, teams will now be able to use the knowledge gained to better pass them.

Stage 2.Preparation and presentation of the construction project

Each team, already using theoretical knowledge of the idea generation technology, is preparing a construction project for their future bank, which will be built from real building materials. Analysis of the price list provided to the teams for building materials that will need to be purchased allows the teams to form a budget for the construction and motivates the teams to earn money when passing the stages.

Members of each project team present their project to other teams and the state committee on banking. The committee distributes its available budget among the teams depending on the quality of the project and presentation. Thus, the teams have the opportunity to increase the amount for the construction of their bank and continue to replenish their budget, going through other stages of the Expert project.

Stage 3.Best Practices Forum

Each team prepares its presentation for the forum based on its real work experience. If it is necessary to fix the best practices, the teams can be given the task not only to speak, but also to submit their speeches in printed form to the State Banking Committee. The committee members evaluate the performances, which gives the teams the opportunity to earn money as well.

Stage 4. Shooting videos

The teams are developing a script for a 2-minute video that will be broadcast on local television for future bank customers. After that, with the involvement of specialists, the video is filmed and mounted. Participants watch the videos, the committee evaluates them. Based on the results of viewing, the teams earn money.

Stage 5 Presentation of innovative proposals for the development of the bank

Each team develops proposals for transforming the work of the bank and a plan for their implementation, after which it presents and defends. If it is necessary to fix proposals, teams can be given the task not only to speak, but also to submit their speeches in printed form to the State Committee for Banking. Members of other teams and the State Committee may ask a certain number of questions to the performing team. According to the results of the performances, the budget of the teams for the construction of the bank is replenished.

It is possible to replace the stages or introduce additional stages into the program after a detailed clarification of the request from the customer.

4 part. Bank building

    Purchase of building materials. Teams use the money they earn to buy building materials.
    Bank building. A bank is being built on a specially designated site, a sign is being prepared and a presentation of their facility for other teams and the committee is being prepared.
    Presentation of the built bank. Teams have the opportunity to see all the built objects and listen to the presentation of other teams.

The committee evaluates the work, obtaining additional information to decide which bank will become state-owned.

5 part. Completion of the project "Expert"

    Final discussion and awarding of teams and individual participants based on the results of the best innovations for the entire training Announcement of the state bank and awarding of the winning team of experts

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Svetlana Shishkina,
CEO and company founder
Outstaff Capital

The strength of this game model is that it is as close to reality as possible, it makes it possible to work out processes in detail, offer new models and solutions, work in a team and, at the same time, show your individuality as much as possible, make many mistakes and correct mistakes without damage and risks for yourself. business and its members.
Speaking of limitations, it is worth noting that it is impossible to apply the same business simulation in different companies. This is indeed a very powerful unique product that requires individual development for the business of a particular company.

Chebykina Olga,
Head of Staff Assessment and Development Department, IBC Human Resources

Business simulations have their limitations.
First, each business simulation is unique! It cannot be carried out without changes for another company. That is, there is no standard typical product, it is developed for a specific situation, company, client.
Secondly, the focus of attention, unlike most business games, is directed not to the human factor, but to the functioning of systems.

Thirdly, business simulation is much more expensive business game due to its uniqueness. However, many companies go for these expenses, realizing that the effect can be significant.

Business simulation, as a multimedia device, allows you to play the situation again and again (or like a chess game, played each time with new tactics). Keeping track of all the moments associated with changes, and allowing you to predict the consequences.
Thus, a well-designed business simulation is a powerful resource for predicting and developing strategic thinking and decision making.
The shortcomings of a business simulation are eloquently indicated by its “limitations”.

Guzel Garayeva, HR Director, OBI Russia

We see only the advantages of using the strategy game as a tool for staff development - we have not encountered any disadvantages, if any. The main advantage is that we have received a comprehensive training tool that completely imitates the business activities of OBI hypermarkets. The game not only develops practical skills in managing sales, costs, service and personnel, but also systems thinking. During the game, employees learn to analyze the situation, prioritize and anticipate possible risks.

For 10 years we have been actively engaged in training through classical trainings, but over time, interest in them began to wane. This is how the idea to introduce an innovative learning tool was born. We have created for our target audience - young people aged 25 to 40 who grew up on Warcraft, Age of empires, etc. - a new effective and attractive format: a computer simulation game. In addition to high efficiency, she added flexibility to the process (everyone chooses a convenient time and place for the game).

Vadim Efremov,
CEO, Blended Learning Strategist,

Of course, simulation is great and effective, because a person learns in conditions as close as possible to reality. But there are also pitfalls:
1. Recreating reality is very expensive and not always necessary. If we are talking about the control of a combat aircraft and the threat to human life, not to mention tens of millions of dollars, then the simulation is absolutely justified. When it comes to training call center employees, it is much easier and no less effective to give them a script and train them on "live" clients
2. Simulation is a complex algorithm that reproduces the laws by which the system lives. If an error crept into the algorithm, then users will learn not at all what they need.
3. A simulation-based game must be very well done in terms of instructional design - simulation by itself does not teach anything. It is important to set up a "user path", following which the user will be able to draw the conclusions and train the skills that are needed.
In general, simulations are the future. With a reduction in price software development and development of algorithms artificial intelligence, business simulations in the next 10 years will become the predominant learning environment - this is my opinion.