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How often do we complain about ourselves for not being able to approach the person we like and start a conversation? Or about the fact that the authorities are not in high esteem precisely because of their isolation and taciturnity? More sociable colleagues receive highly paid jobs only because they know how to charm management with their charm and eloquence. Do you want to take your personal or professional relationships to the next level? high level? Read Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins' Turn on Charm the Secret Service Method and your dreams will come true.

Good personal relationships are available to everyone. It's not a matter of luck or chance. They build harmonious interaction with others, those who have certain knowledge on this issue. The authors of the book "Turn on the charm according to the methods of the special services" will teach you everything you need to know. After reading this psychological guide, your likability quotient will increase significantly. You will even be surprised how quickly and easily you turn into a completely different person - open and sociable.

The main formula of friendship, derived by Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins in their work, is equal to the combination of proximity, intensity, frequency and duration. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such a psychological equation. The authors also provide information about non-verbal signals emitted by a person. You will learn to read people like an open book... gestures, facial expressions of an opponent will give you more information about a person than what he says. The book "Turning on the charm according to the methods of special services" is provided with illustrations, which will further contribute to the memorization of important information. The most important thing people forget about when talking is the ability to listen. Those who have this quality in their arsenal are considered smart, educated people, it is easy and pleasant to work with them, because they are not fixated on their own person.

Jack Schafer, Marvin Carlins' book "Turning on the charm according to the methods of the special services" will be useful for everyone. It is worth reading for those who have started working in a new team, who conduct sales trainings, who want to find love or improve personal relationships. Illustrative examples and methods will help you establish contact with various people, regardless of age, gender, position in society. And do not forget that one of the authors of this psychological guide is a former FBI agent who has devoted more than 15 years of his life to the topic of counterterrorism research. And who, no matter how an agent of such a powerful intelligence service, does not know how to provide psychological impact and convince other people.

On our literary site, you can download the book “Turning on the charm according to the methods of special services” by Jack Schafer, Marvin Carlins for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have big choice books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

Jack Schafer, Marvin Karlins

The Like Switch:

An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People Over

Published with permission from Touchstone, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. and literary agency Andrew Nurnberg

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

© John Schafer, Ph.D. and Marvin Karlins, Ph.D., 2015

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

* * *

This book is well complemented by:

Robert Cialdini, Steve Martin and Noah Goldstein

Mark Goulston and John Ullman

Mark Goulston

To my wife Helene, endowed with love, strong character and, moreover, patience, which allowed her to endure my eccentricities during the thirty years of our marriage.

Jack Schafer

To my wife Edith and daughter Amber. Thank you for who you are, for what you have achieved, for the love that has enriched the lives of many people.

Marvin Carlins

How to call for favor

No one would have thought to decipher the FBI abbreviation as the Federal Office of Welcome. I worked in this organization for twenty years as an agent specializing in behavioral analysis, and over the years I developed the ability to quickly assess people, understand their characters and strategize with them. It was my job to convince people to cooperate with the FBI against their home country, or to identify criminals and persuade them to confess, sometimes without saying a single word to do so. As a behavioral analyst, I developed a strategy for recruiting spies and making friends out of sworn enemies. In other words, I acquired skills and developed techniques that turned enemies of the United States of America into friends and willing spies for my country. In short, my task was to win the sympathy of the people.

The case of Vladimir (I changed the names and personal characteristics of the people mentioned in the book and sometimes creating a character from several to make the examples more illustrative) perfectly shows what the essence of the matter is. Vladimir illegally arrived in the United States for the purpose of espionage. He was caught trying to get hold of secret documents from the Department of Defense. As an FBI special agent, I was assigned to work with him. At the very first interrogation, he declared that he would not talk to me under any circumstances. In order to overcome the resistance of the arrested person, I began by simply sitting opposite him during interrogations and reading the newspaper. I read for quite a long time, then folded up the newspaper, put it on the table, and left the office without saying a word. Day after day, week after week, I came for interrogation, read the newspaper, left it on the table and left, and Vladimir sat opposite him, handcuffed to the table, with a blank look.

For the next month, we talked about anything but espionage. Then, one fine day, Vladimir suddenly said: "I'm ready to talk about what I was doing." He began to express his thoughts freely and frankly, not because he was forced to do so by force, but because he liked me and he began to consider me his friend.

The interrogation technique I used with Vladimir may seem pointless. But in fact, I carefully planned my actions in order to get the arrestee to want to confess and cooperate with the FBI. In this book, I will reveal my secret and explain how I won Vladimir's affection, and how, using the same technique, you can win the sympathy of almost anyone for a while or for a lifetime. I will be able to do this because it turns out that the communication skills I have developed for the purpose of gaining the friendship of potential agents and their recruitment can be used just as effectively to establish friendly relations at home, at work and in any other places and situations of communication.

I must admit that at first I did not understand that it was possible to use my professional skills in Everyday life. This possibility came to my attention only at the very end of my FBI career. At the time, I was teaching young intelligence officers how to recruit agents. One day, before the start of a new semester, I arrived at work half an hour before class to prepare the classroom. To my surprise, there were already two cadets in the class. I didn't recognize them. They sat like exemplary students in the front row with their hands on the table. This behavior of the cadets surprised me a lot: they rarely showed up for classes at such an early hour. I asked what happened, who they were and why they came so early.

Do you remember Tim from the previous group? one of the cadets asked.

“Yes,” I answered.

A couple of weeks ago, Tim and I were in a bar. He told us about your lectures on influencing and building trust.

“So what?” I asked, still not understanding what he was getting at.

- Tim boasted that in the classroom he learned how to pick up any girl.

“And they decided to test him,” continued the first. We chose the first woman we saw who was sitting at the bar and suggested that Tim, without a word, invite her to sit at our table for a drink.

- And what did he do? I asked.

“He accepted the challenge,” the cadet exclaimed. “We thought he was crazy and taking on too much. But after forty-five minutes, the woman actually came up to our table and asked if she could sit in our company. We couldn't believe our eyes, but that's exactly what happened.

I looked at them searchingly.

Did you find out how he did it?

- Not! - exclaimed one of them, and then they confessed in unison: - We came to learn!

At first, I felt bewildered and reminded them of our profession. I said that the purpose of the classes is to train cadets in the skills of working in intelligence, and not to educate pickup masters. But after a moment's reflection, it suddenly dawned on me, to my own surprise. Thinking about Tim's eccentricity, I realized that methods for recruiting spies can also be used to win love games. Moreover, in a broader sense, this technique can be used in all cases when it is necessary to win the favor of a person in almost any interpersonal interaction. This insight became the starting point for the work on this book and determined its content.

After I left the FBI, I continued to work on my doctoral dissertation in psychology and began teaching at the university. It was during this time that I fleshed out my vision by writing a book designed to help people establish successful interpersonal relationships at home, at work, and in all places where such relationships are needed. For example:

Novice sellers can use these methods to attract new customers;

Experienced salespeople will also benefit from the book by learning how to maintain and develop existing relationships and, of course, attract new buyers;

All wage-earners, from Wall Street managers to restaurant waiters, can use the suggested tactics to interact more effectively with management, colleagues, subordinates and customers;

Parents can apply new knowledge to correct, maintain and strengthen relationships with children;

Consumers will learn how to get better service, get better deals, and attract favorable attention from service personnel;

And, of course, people who want to establish friendships or romantic relationships can use the suggested skill development techniques to overcome difficulties in this difficult task (which is becoming increasingly difficult in the digital age).

This book is for anyone who wants to make new friends or strengthen existing relationships, make casual encounters more enjoyable, and get more tips and bonuses.

How to deal with friendship challenges

People are social beings. The human species is programmed to find friends. This desire is rooted in our distant primitive past, when unity gave best odds rise to the top of the food chain as we emerged from the caves and began to fight for survival in a hostile and merciless world. If you think that at that time making friends was a pleasant and easy thing, then, unfortunately, you are mistaken. Today, the results of many sociological surveys and studies show that there is a growing number of people in the world who feel lonely and unable to even make an acquaintance, let alone build meaningful, deep and lasting relationships. The problem is exacerbated by the widespread introduction of social networks into our lives, which further isolate people from each other and prevent the establishment of trusting personal relationships.

Making contact with people, especially strangers, is always difficult. Moreover, these contacts are associated with unpleasant and even frightening experiences. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. In either case, you experience fear: fear of embarrassment, fear of rejection, fear of offending and hurting other people's feelings, fear of making a bad impression, and even fear of possible manipulation and shameless use of you by another person.

Fortunately, establishing a relationship does not necessarily lead to disaster. If you want to, despite the difficulties, make friends or just improve your existing relationship with someone, take heart. You are not alone, and your situation is by no means hopeless. I wrote this book specifically to relieve your anxiety about maintaining relationships at work and at home, with loved ones, or having to enter into new relationships with strangers. The methods described in it are based on cutting-edge scientific evidence, so they will give you a chance to learn how to like people without saying a word. In this book, you will find various tips for using non-verbal signals, with which, just like with the help of words, you can instantly win the favor of any person. However, in the end you still have to speak. Words turn a feeling of sympathy into friendship, and sometimes into long-term relationships that last a lifetime.

Fruitful personal relationships are, without a doubt, available to you. It's not a matter of chance or luck. Friendly, trusting relationships are established through the application of proven scientific knowledge and proven methods of interaction with others.

So, now you are only three steps away from the unconditional ability to make friends.

1. You must be imbued with a sincere desire to master the methods and techniques described in the book, and do not regret this work. These methods are similar to the electrical tools used by construction workers. The trick is to let the tool work. For example, in my early youth I sawed wooden blanks with a hand saw. One day my father allowed me to borrow a circular saw he had recently bought. I set to work, pressing down on it as I would on a hand saw. Seeing this, my father patted me on the shoulder and told me not to push so hard and let the saw calmly and do its job well. The techniques described in the book require exactly the same common sense approach. When applying them, be calm, be yourself and let them work for you. You will be quite surprised by the result.

2. You must constantly apply new knowledge to interact with people around you in everyday life. What you know the best way any action is good only in cases where you use it in practice. Remember that knowledge without practical application- dead knowledge.

3. Reinforce the learned material with constant practice. The friendship skill is like any skill. The more often you use it, the better you get. The less often you use your skill, the sooner you lose it. After taking these three steps, you will realize that making friends has become as familiar and inconspicuous for you as breathing.

The ability to evoke sympathy is available, it is in front of you. To master this art, simply use the information in the book and watch your LQ (likability quotient), or likability quotient, rise.

1. Formula of friendship

I realized that people will forget what you said and forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

Operation Seagull

This person's code name is Seagull. He was a high-ranking foreign diplomat. If we were able to recruit him, it would be a great and valuable asset for the United States of America.

However, we had to solve one difficult question: how to convince a person to abandon allegiance to his native country? To do this, it was necessary to somehow make friends with Chaika and make him an offer that cannot be refused. To cope with such a task, patience was required, a careful collection of information about all aspects of the life of this person and the establishment of friendly relations between him and an American whom Chaika would trust.

According to our information, he was passed over for promotion several times, and, in addition, our employees managed to overhear Chaika telling his wife that he liked life in America and would gladly retire and settle in the United States if it were was possible. In addition, Chaika was concerned that he was entitled to a small pension in his homeland. Armed with this information, security analysts suggested that the diplomat could be won over to our side if he was offered sufficient financial compensation.

Now he had to establish a close relationship with Chaika without frightening him with the prospect of rough recruitment—a difficult task. FBI operative Charles was instructed to establish contact with Chaika, gradually get closer to him and bring the trust of the relationship to such an extent that it would be possible to make him a specific offer. This is how a good wine is brought to the required maturity in order to enjoy its bouquet later. The agent was warned that if he was too hasty, Seagull would likely become alert and avoid contact. To begin with, the agent had to stick to the tactics of establishing friendly relations. The first thing Charles had to do was to please Seagull without saying a single word. The second step would be to express the sympathy that has arisen in words with a hint of a lasting friendship.

Preparing for the first important meeting Charles and Chaika lasted several months. Surveillance found that once a week, the subject left the embassy building and went shopping in a couple of blocks from the embassy grocery store. Charles was instructed to regularly catch the eye of Seagull in different places route. The agent was warned not to approach Chaika so as not to arouse suspicion, but simply caught his eye: he was, so to speak, “here”, so that a foreign diplomat would notice him every time.

Being himself an intelligence officer, Chaika very soon noticed an FBI agent, who, admittedly, did not seek conspiracy. Since Charles made no attempt to approach Chaika or speak to him, he felt no threat. He was just used to the fact that an American from time to time catches his eye.

Several weeks passed, and once, once again, being close to the American, Chaika looked into his eyes. In response, Charles nodded his head, indicating that he noticed this gesture, but showed no more interest and did not make an attempt to establish verbal contact.

A few more weeks passed, and only after that Charles began to contact Chaika more intensively on a non-verbal level. : look into his eyes more often, raise his eyebrows, tilt his head and put his chin forward a little. The human brain interprets these gestures as "friendly signals".

Charles took the next step in rapprochement with Chaika two months later. He followed him into the store, but kept a respectful distance. Now, each time the diplomat visited the store, Charles followed him, still keeping his distance, although several times he passed Seagull in the aisles of the supermarket. At the same time, the agent began to look into the eyes of his object even more often. Charles noticed that the diplomat always bought a can of peas from the store. After waiting a few more weeks, Charles followed Chaika to the shelf with peas, and when he reached for a can, smiling, he also took a can of peas from the shelf and turned to Chaika: “Good afternoon, my name is Charles, I am an FBI special agent.” He smiled back and said: "For some reason I thought so." After this harmless meeting and acquaintance, a strong friendship was established between Charles and Chaika. In the end, Chaika agreed to supply his friend from the FBI with valuable information.

To a casual observer, Agent Charles' months-long stomping on the spot might seem unnecessarily long and incomprehensible, but it was not by chance that he waited so long. In fact, the recruitment strategy was carefully thought out and worked out as a virtuoso psychological operation, the purpose of which was to establish friendly relations between two people who, on their own, would not only not make friends, but also never get to know each other.

As a specialist in the FBI analytical center, I, along with my colleagues, took part in developing a scenario for the recruitment of Chaika by our operational officer. The goal was to make Chaika get used to Charles' presence and to make the first acquaintance grow into friendship - if, of course, the agent managed to make a good impression on the target of recruitment. The task was complicated by the fact that Chaika himself was an experienced intelligence officer and could be suspicious of any attempt by an outsider to get to know him. Then in the future he would avoid the suspicious stranger at all costs.

In order for Charles to successfully implement our plan, it was necessary to create such conditions that it would be psychologically comfortable for a foreign diplomat to communicate with an American agent. Therefore, Charles had to take several specific actions, which he did with great and m success. These steps are no different from those that any person who wants to establish a short-term or long-term friendship with someone should take.

Using the Seagull case as an example, we now explore what led Charles to success in recruiting. In this case, the FBI agent used friendship formula.

Friendship Formula

The formula of friendship consists of four main components: intimacy, frequency, duration and intensity. These four variables can be written as the following simple mathematical equation:

Friendship = Intimacy + Frequency + Duration + Intensity

Proximity is the distance between you and another person, as well as your regular appearance in his field of vision. In Chaika's case, Charles didn't just walk up to him and introduce himself. Such behavior, on the contrary, would only repel the foreigner. The peculiarities of the situation demanded a more cautious and balanced approach. It was necessary to give Chaika the opportunity to get used to Charles and not perceive him as a threat. To achieve this goal, the factor closeness. Intimacy is an indispensable component of all interpersonal relationships. Just being in the field of view of the target of recruitment is critical to establishing personal relationships. Proximity awakens in the object sympathy for you and causes mutual attraction. As a result, people begin to be drawn to each other, even if they do not exchange words.

The main condition for creating intimacy is to be in a safe environment. If a person feels threatened by the overly intrusive and too close presence of another person, then he is alert and tries to sneak away, avoiding further rapprochement. In the scenario of making contact with Seagull, Charles kept enough distance so that he did not perceive him as a source of danger and the fight or flight reaction did not turn on.

Frequency refers to the number of contacts you have with another person per unit of time, while duration refers to the duration of each contact. As time passed, Charles added the impact of the second and third factor of friendship - frequency and duration. He did this by being seen more often by the diplomat during his trips to the store (frequency). After a few months, Charles turned on the duration component, spending more time with Seagull whenever he came into his line of sight—for example, walking him to the store, increasing the duration of each contact.

Intensity is the ability to satisfy the psychological and (or) physical needs of another person as much as possible through verbal or non-verbal behavior. The last ingredient in the friendship formula, intensity, was added gradually as Chaika grew accustomed to Charles's presence and became aware of the FBI agent's apparent reluctance to make immediate contact. In this case, the intensity was expressed in the factor curiosity. When a new stimulus appears in a familiar environment (in our example, a stranger appeared in Seagull's environment), the brain determines whether this stimulus represents a real threat or an imaginary one. If he identifies it as a real threat, then the person will try to eliminate or neutralize it, the fight or flight reaction will turn on. If, on the contrary, a new stimulus is not perceived as a threat, then it becomes an object of curiosity and a person seeks to find out who it is? Why is he here? Can I use it to my advantage?

While at a safe distance, Charles piqued Chaika's curiosity, which prompted him to find out who the man was and what he wanted.

Chaika later admitted that he recognized Charles as an FBI agent at first sight. True or not, Chaika caught the friendly signals that the FBI man was sending him. And his curiosity only increased after he found out that Charles actually works for the FBI. Certainly, the foreign diplomat understood that they wanted to recruit him, but he wanted to know for what purpose and at what cost. Since Chaika was dissatisfied with his career growth and worried about his imminent retirement, he no doubt played out various scenarios of interaction with Charles in his mind, including espionage activities for the benefit of the United States.

The decision to become a spy is not made overnight. It takes time for a potential candidate to rationalize his tactics and justify abandoning his allegiance to his state. The recruiting strategy allowed time for the seeds of betrayal to sprout. Chaika's imagination itself supplied the material for the maturation of this thought. In addition, he spent this period trying to convince his wife to join him. When Charles finally approached Seagull directly, the diplomat no longer viewed the FBI agent as a threat, on the contrary, he saw him as a symbol of hope - hope for better life in future.

After Chaika had already decided to agree to work for the FBI, he had to wait some more time until Charles finally turned to him. He later admitted to Charles that this period was the most painful. Curiosity has reached its peak. Why doesn't the American take the next step? Indeed, when Charles introduced himself to Chaika in the store, he asked: “Why did you wait so long?”

Jack Schafer

Former FBI special agent, professor of psychology, consultant. For more than 15 years he has been engaged in counterterrorism research, teaching special agents the techniques of influence and persuasion. Author of six books and numerous articles. His company, Schafer and Associates, trains lawyers, employees law enforcement and security services.

Marvin Carlins

Professor of Management at the University of South Florida, with a PhD in Psychology from Princeton University. He is the author of 24 books, including the bestsellers What Every Body Is Saying and It's a Jungle in There, and more than 200 articles in professional, scientific and popular magazines. Advises large international companies.

Frankly, the words “according to the methodology of the special services” in the title of the book alerted me and reduced my desire to read it. It's not that I'm not a supporter, but even a zealous opponent of hypnosis, NLP and other manipulations with human consciousness. Namely, for some reason, such associations arise for me when the concepts of “human relations” and “special services” occur in one sentence.

But, after this book was recommended to me by a person with the same mindset and tastes as me, I started reading. The book was interesting, understandable and practical. In addition, my fears were not justified, and I parted with another cliché about the methods of the special services.

Of course, the information obtained from the book can be used to harm others, misleading them about the sincerity of their own intentions. But if you sincerely want to make friends with other people, establish or return lost relationships, then you will definitely like this book and will be useful.

Feature of the book - spy stories

One of the features that enhances interest in an already fascinating book is real stories from the life of an FBI special agent, helping to understand how the friendship formula works in practice.

Friendship Formula

And all these miracles happened thanks to the formula of friendship, which turned out to be so simple that it was hard for me to believe in its effectiveness, if it were not for life stories. Here is the formula:

Friendship = intimacy + frequency + duration + intensity.

Think of the formula as the real foundation upon which the house is built. Houses come in a wide variety of forms, as do friendships, but the construction of the foundation is usually always the same.

Our body is our letter

Several chapters of the book are devoted to the non-verbal signals that we send to and receive from others. This topic has been talked about a lot and often lately, but the problem is that many people unconsciously wear a mask of hostility and are genuinely surprised that others shun them.

Therefore, the information in these chapters will not only help you recognize friendly and hostile signals, but also teach you how to give them to others. To facilitate the perception of the material, the book is provided with a sufficient number of photographs. Naturally, you will learn to "read" other people and get advice for when you receive hostile signals.

You will be amazed at how many non-verbal signals people exchange when they meet. But even more surprised that, having lived for so many years, you did not know how many non-verbal signals you send all your life.

"Turn on the Charm the Secret Service Way" by Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins

Speech is not just information

After we deal with non-verbal signals, the turn will come to improve our speech. Many people think that the main thing in a conversation is to correctly formulate the thought that we want to express. But it is not so.

Communication is not just about sharing facts and ideas; when interacting with living people, any ideas must be properly presented.

"Turn on the Charm the Secret Service Way" by Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins

In a conversation, not only the logical component is important, but also the coloring of words that your interlocutor will hear. Important intonation, facial expressions, gestures. But the most important skill in a conversation is the ability to listen to the interlocutor. After all, to learn to speak, a person needs two years. And to learn to listen - the whole life. The book will help you learn the latter much faster.

We are friends online

And in the end, we get a nice bonus in the form of a whole chapter on online relationships. The authors will talk about why online communication attracts people so much, what advantages it has over offline communication, and give some advice on etiquette.

A large part is devoted to security: how to recognize scammers, how to check the accuracy of information on the Web and real life, how to detect deception in user profiles, how to reduce the likelihood of being deceived on the Internet, and how to expose a deceiver to clean water.

Your relationship is in your hands

What challenges and problems do you face in the field of relationships with other people? Find a soul mate or restore a broken relationship with an existing one? Beat shyness and make friends? Make friends with an interesting person? Networking?

So know:

Fruitful personal relationships are, without a doubt, available to you. It's not a matter of chance or luck. Friendly, trusting relationships are established through the application of proven scientific knowledge and proven methods of interacting with others ... The ability to arouse sympathy is available, it is in front of you. To master this art, simply use the information in the book and watch your LQ (Likability Quotient), or likeability quotient, rise.

"Turn on the Charm the Secret Service Way" by Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins

The power of charm according to the methods of special services. Meet the book "Turn on charm according to the methods of special services" from the MIF publishing house. The book Turn on the Charm was written by 2 intelligence agents Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins. Read the article and find out how to use the power of charm and the secrets of charm from the book to make friends, business partners and a spouse.

The power of charm according to the methods of special services book

For a long time I have not seen books written according to the scheme: a textbook with illustrations and explanations for them.

However, the MIF publishing house again pleased with the high-quality translation of the book, provided with explanatory photographs and practical advice which are easy to follow even for the inexperienced reader.

This is probably how the methodology should look for intelligence agents who use their charm to the fullest to instantly “become their own” in any campaign, among strangers.

Cover of the book "Turn on charm according to the methods of special services"

We, as readers of the book by D. Schafer and M. Carlins, can use the secrets and power of charm to become "charming cutie" or "charming bastard“, and achieve your goals in communication: make many friends and acquire useful connections and acquaintances.

“I realized that people will forget what you said and forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”. Maya Angelou

All Dale Carnegie books that you can find and download - without comments, as well as:

  • The psychology of persuasion Robert Cialdini, Steve Martin and Noah Goldstein

  • Communication Mastery Paul McGee

  • Laws of Influence Susan Weinshenk

  • The Art of Influence Mark Goulston and John Ullman

  • I hear right through you Mark Goulston

People who feel threatened instinctively hide their carotid arteries, pulling their heads into their shoulders, and open their necks when they meet a person from whom nothing terrible is expected.

head tilt- a very friendly signal. People who tilt their heads to the side when communicating seem much more attractive and trustworthy to each other.

A man who comes up to a woman with his head slightly tilted to the right or left, she will find more interesting and handsome than he really is.

Turn on the charm: HEAD TILT

In the same way, men find women who tilt their heads to the side more attractive when they talk.

Turn on charm. Secret 3: SMILE

Smiling causes our brain to produce endorphins, and this is one of the pleasures. That is why smiling people bring joy and pleasure from communicating with them.

Smile is a powerful signal of friendliness. A smiling face appears more attractive, likeable, and less arrogant.

A smiling person is easier to approach at a party with strangers.

Turn on the charm: SMILE

The only difficulty is to smile sincerely, people immediately distinguish a sincere smile from a fake one.

The Power of Charm: The Smile Test

Look at the last picture I took from the book “Turn on the Charm” and determine: in which photo: the left or the right smile of a young man is sincere?

So what have you determined? Write in the comments How did you answer and why - what signs did you rely on?

Turn on the charm: CONCLUSIONS

  • The most important conclusion from this article: buy yourself a book, written by Jack Schafer and Marvin Carlins and translated by MIF for you, as it will become a rarity very soon.

  • Use 3 charm secrets. When you go to a bar, to a party or to new office, For a moment raise your eyebrows, slightly bow your heads at and smile. Sincerely. Enjoy chatting with new friends.

  • Write your own charm secret in the comments. Write comments - and you will find at least one friend and mentor: the author of this blog -.

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Turn on the charm according to the methods of the special services and forget to turn it off- here is another secret of happy communication, full of pleasure and enthusiasm.

Read the best materials of the psychologist of happiness on this topic!

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