Exercises for the end of the intellectual warm-up for thinking. Psychological exercises and training games. We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training

  • 18.11.2019

Each coach should have a whole set of simple and effective warm-ups in his arsenal to get to know each other, activate attention and increase the activity of participants. Warm-ups for training add dynamism to the process and make learning truly fun.

Warm-ups for getting to know each other

These exercises accelerate the process of forming the participants' trust in each other, create a friendly atmosphere of communication and contribute to the activation of the participants.

  1. "Tell me about me". Divide the participants into pairs. For 5 minutes, they should discuss the following questions:
  • What do I expect from the training?
  • My most forte- this is…
  • The best thing I do (I'm good at)...
  • What would I like to improve in myself?
  • What unites me with a warm-up partner?

After the discussion, each participant tells about his partner what he managed to learn from the conversation. We check with the person about whom the accuracy of the information was told whether everything was correctly transmitted.

  1. "My mom says I am"

The essence of the warm-up is simple: each participant talks about himself on behalf of another person. This can be any relative, acquaintance, colleague, leader, etc.

  1. "No one knows what I am"

The participants continue the two phrases "many know that I am..." and "no one knows that I am". This warm-up allows you to get to know already familiar colleagues from the other side and allows participants to open up more fully.

Warm-ups for attention training

Such warm-ups are often referred to as "afternoon warm-ups". The purpose of these exercises is to increase the concentration of participants' attention, to return them to a collected working state.

  1. "Thirty three"

Participants count aloud in a circle, starting with one. Those who come across numbers containing 3 (3,23,30, etc.), as well as multiples of three (6,9,12, etc.) should silently clap their hands. The one who makes a mistake is out of the circle. The game continues until the participants reach 33, or until there is a winner.

  1. "C Word"

Divide the participants into 2-3 teams (depending on the size of the group). Within 30 seconds, each team needs to find and memorize as many items in the room as possible with the letter "C". After 30 seconds from each team in turn voices its subject. The team that remembers the most items wins.

Warm-up options "Red object", "Light object"

  1. Next

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant throws the ball to any other and calls a number from 1 to 20. The one who caught the ball must immediately name a number 1 more. Then he throws the ball and pronounces his number from 1 to 20. The bottom line is that the participant is forbidden as “his number” to choose one that is 1 more than the one he called when he caught the ball. Example "5 - throws the ball. 6 - catches the ball second. 11 - throws the ball to the third. The third catches and calls 12.

At first, it is hard for the participants not to name a number by 1 more than the previous one on the machine. The exercise allows you to form the skills of maintaining concentration during intense activity.

Warm-ups - icebreakers

These warm-ups are similar to the familiarization warm-ups, but they are used throughout the training in order to increase the activity of the participants and activate them to work together.

  1. "Napkin"

The coach passes napkins around and asks everyone to take “as much as they need”. He then asks each participant to tell as many facts about themselves as there are napkins in their hands. Facts should be directly related to the topic of the training (for example: my ways to fulfill the sales plan)

  1. "Fruit"

The coach asks to pay for "apple", "orange" and "peach". Further, when he calls the word "apples" - all the "apples" stand up and change places, the same thing with "oranges" and "peaches". When the coach says "fruit salad", everyone stands up and changes places. After that, the participants remain seated in their new places.

  1. "And we are alike!"

Participants are divided into pairs and make a list of 5 general qualities(character traits, facts from life, work experience). After everyone is looking for a new pair. The one who quickly finds common features with 5 participants receives a prize.

You can choose the training warm-ups that best suit your training and topics. In any case, warm-ups should not be ignored, as they are responsible for the dynamics of the work, the involvement and attention of the participants.

Many do not know or do not understand the very meaning of the word training. So what is training? Translated from English, it means education, teaching, and in the classroom, training takes place as a training of knowledge and skills. Training is a type active learning, during which certain knowledge and skills are developed not only in theory, but also supported by practical exercises and games.

There are a lot of exercises, and each simulates a real life situation. They can be divided into types: communicative - for teamwork; correctional - aimed at correcting behavior, envy, greed, fears; psychotechnical - the direction of psychology; pedagogical - for teachers; developing - for the development of memory, imagination, attention, and others personal qualities; games and entertainment - for the younger school age and teenagers.

Trainings are individual, group and corporate, their final result aimed at solving a problem and achieving a goal. The very first founder of training was Dale Carnegie. Now they are becoming part of modern society, they are especially actively carried out for their employees by different companies.

Not a single training session is complete without training exercises, and especially psychological exercises stand out which help to understand oneself, identify one's strengths and weaknesses, and also teach to understand others, to become more successful, happier. These exercises are varied and aimed at developing different qualities, so the specialists of the training portal have developed the main psychological exercises:

These are the main and well-known psychological exercises for training, but there are also some fun exercises:

training games

In addition to psychological and interesting exercises, there are also training games. Games are mainly intended for children of primary school age to make it easier for the child to survive the transition from kindergarten to school. Training games will teach communication skills, sociability, how to behave in various situations, prepare for a more adult life. There are also warm-up games that should be held at the beginning of the training, so that it would be easier for the participants to tune in to the main lesson. There are quite a few warm-up games, but the main ones can be singled out: “acquaintance” - a game for getting to know the group with each other; team building games; role-playing games; psychological games; business games.

The choice of exercises, or games, training methods depends on the goal set before the lesson. For example, if this group gathered in order to learn how to work as a team, then both exercises and games will develop for team building. The correct selection of the teaching method contributes to the rapid memorization of the material, and its use in a life situation. In general, anyone who wants to achieve personal growth, develop different qualities, to achieve certain goals in life, must engage in training.

The warm-up is aimed at developing attention, a sense of rhythm, and gives motivation for a team style in work.

Everyone sits in a circle, the coach takes on the role of leader. To begin with, the trainer asks the group to pay off in order.

"So now we're all- secret service officers. Our task- transmit the signal over the radio from one to the other so that the chain is not interrupted and the signal is not lost. To pass, we begin to slap ourselves on the knees(coach sets the rhythm, slow at first). On the first clap we call our number, on the second- the number of the person to whom we send the signal, for example: “First- fifth." The fifth picks up the baton: "Fifth- eleventh, and so on. The service loses one of the employees who hesitated or made a mistake. This participant leaves the circle. Numbers retired or non-existent cannot be called.

The trainer sets the pace of the warm-up, gradually accelerating it. The exercise is carried out until the participants begin to transmit the "signal" without errors.

To ten


The warm-up is aimed at developing the speed of reaction and concentration.

“Stand, please, all in a circle. I'll be the leader."

The leader begins to turn around his axis and count aloud from one to ten. Then he stops, points to one of the participants and calls any number from one to ten.

“The one I point to must show on the fingers the number I have named. Those who are on the right show in turn, also on their fingers, the remaining numbers up to ten in ascending order. Whoever makes a mistake or delays becomes the leader.”

The trainer must set a fairly fast pace from the very beginning and maintain it by stimulating the participants. Otherwise, interest in the warm-up can quickly fade.



Dynamic, exciting workout. Trains dexterity and attention. Suitable as an addition to a wide range training topics.

3-5 balls are required for holding (sheets of paper crumpled into a ball can be used).

"Our task- throw balls to each other so that not a single ball falls on the floor. Ready? We started."

The coach alternately throws balls into the circle, the participants throw them to each other. After the balls have started to fall, a new instruction follows.

“Each of you must remember two people: the one from whom he receives the ball, and the one to whom he throws it. Let's think: how to make everyone participate?

“Now switch places randomly. But you have to throw the balls to the same people as last time.”

The third stage of the warm-up, as a rule, goes without problems, since by this point the participants have already remembered to whom they throw and from whom they receive the balls.

Give a friend a gift


This exercise helps reinforce positive emotions and also helps trainees make friends.

“Look at your neighbor on the right and think about what you will give him. You can give anything: from TV to great happiness. When you come up with it, don't say it out loud."

Make sure all participants have decided on gifts.

“Now give your gifts to those to whom they are intended, but this must be done without words, silently. If your opponent guessed what you were giving him, then he accepts your gift and accompanies it with an emotional exclamation: “Wow!”

The coach himself must set the “format” of the response: either it is an emotional exclamation, or some kind of physical movement.



This exercise perfectly increases group dynamics, relieves fatigue, and enhances concentration.

Participants sit in a circle. The coach (leader) removes his chair.

"Change places those who have ..."

He names an object (or actions) that some people have, for example: black shoes, a ring on their hand.

“Those of you who have this item should switch places. The leader must have time to sit on a free chair, and whoever did not get a chair becomes the leader. If you have the specified item, you must move to another seat. The new presenter repeats: "Change places, those who have ..."

Absolutely all team members are involved in this warm-up. To keep the participants active, if the leader starts to get lost, the trainer can prompt him: “Who brushed his teeth in the morning”, “Who has children”, etc.



Fun, dynamic workout.

The trainer divides the participants into groups of three.

“Two participants depict “houses”, while they stand facing each other and hold hands. The third participant stands between the first two, portraying the "tenant".

The host remains "homeless". He starts the game, but at the same time is a full participant.

At the command of the leader "Houses are looking for tenants" all the "houses", without disengaging their hands, leave their "tenants" and look for new ones. Residents remain where they are.

On command Residents looking for houses all "tenants" leave their "houses" and look for new ones. "Houses" at the same time remain in place.

If the leader received a command "Earthquake" then everyone leaves their places: the “residents” are looking for new “houses”, and the “houses” are looking for new residents.

The “tenant” left without a “house” becomes the leader.

The warm-up has no time limit and ends when the coach deems it necessary.

Tyr-tyr, machine gun


When used correctly, this warm-up can be a huge success. It is quite appropriate to use it in an "advanced" audience. Especially in the afternoon to relieve fatigue and as an "alarm clock". For beginners, such a warm-up should be applied carefully, with caution and not earlier than the second day of training.

“The task ahead is not difficult. It is necessary to say loudly, in unison, a nursery rhyme from the time of the first half of the twentieth century, accompanying each line with certain movements. You need to pronounce in syllables:

TYR-TYR, PU-LE-MET(put clenched fists forward, to the beat of the verses “scribble” from an imaginary “maxim”),

YOU-SHE ROOFS-SHI SA-MO-YEARS(arms are straight, to the sides, rotate forward, depicting the "corn" on the turn).

BAM! ARTILLERY(swinging fist to own palm)!

SKA-THET KA-VA-LE-RI-YA(jump in place, while turning around its axis and waving an imaginary saber)!

The first time the trainer acts out the rhyme himself, then he repeats it with the participants. You can repeat several times in a row, speeding up the pace.

Guess the melody


This warm-up perfectly concentrates the attention of the whole group. In addition, not a single participant will remain uninvolved.

The coach starts as a leader.

“Now I will, using only gestures and facial expressions, without making a single sound, show you a verse and (or) chorus of some famous song. Your task is to guess what song it is about.

We complicate the task: you need not just guess, but reproduce exactly the fragment that the presenter demonstrated.

Participants first guess individual words, then phrases, etc. The facilitator, again only with gestures and facial expressions, explains to the participants how successful they are in their guesses. The host has the right to speak again only after one of the participants is the first to complete the task.

Guessing the melody himself becomes the leader.



This warm-up can also be used as an independent exercise. It helps to master open and closed questions. It also increases the activity of participants and the concentration of their attention, allows you to gain the ability to quickly rebuild depending on the situation.

Participants sit in a circle, in the middle - a "journalist".

“The journalist asks any participant open or closed questions. But the participant to whom they are addressed must remain silent. They will be answered by neighbors on the left or right, depending on the type of question(this is set by the trainer). Whoever makes a mistake or gets confused becomes a journalist himself.”

The trainer needs to monitor the correctness of the questions and whether the participants answer correctly. Also, if necessary, he can correct the wording of the questions.

Once upon a bus


Moving and fun workout. Can be used in any part of the training or after lunch. Helps to increase group dynamics.

The trainer divides the participants into two groups and asks them to stand in two circles, facing each other, forming the outer and outer circles.

"Inner circle-these are "tickets", and the outer- "passengers". Each passenger has only "his" ticket, standing in front of him. In the center stands a "hare"-stowaway.

If the number of participants is even, the coach himself can play the role of a "hare".

“At the command “Let's go,” the circles begin to rotate in opposite directions.

At the “Controller” command, passengers begin to look for their tickets, and the “hare” has the right to catch any “ticket”. A passenger left without a ticket becomes a "hare".

The game can be made more difficult by setting the condition: the participants in the exercise must play silently.



The exercise is aimed at developing group cohesion, it is carried out only with a “warmed up” group.

"Your task- to all at the same time pronounce (simulate) a sound similar to: A boiling kettle. A vacuum cleaner. Creaking door. Braking car. The siren of the ambulance. The crackling of wood in the fireplace. Driving a nail into the wall. The buzz of an electric razor. Rain drumming on the roof, etc.”

Initially, you can allow the group to select a leader who will signal the start. A complication may be the requirement to start imitating everyone at the same time, without giving the leader the opportunity to stand out.

civil defense


Warm-up for uniting participants, helps to remove aggression, team building. It is recommended to use it when the group is in a "warmed up" state.

Participants walk around the room. The coach shouts out the phrase:

""Attention! We were attacked by cave lions (hungry wolves, pirates, remorse, nasty hiccups, etc.) ". After the danger signal, all participants should gather in a close group in the center of the room, hiding women (small, blond, etc.) in the middle .) and say in chorus: “We will fight back ... (cave lions, pirates, etc.)”. Then the group again disperses around the room and the game continues.

The more creatively the participants relate to this exercise, the more interesting and exciting it turns out. You can recommend group members to use gestures and express maximum emotions.

Four forces


The warm-up helps to activate the participants in the new team and set them up for work.

“There are four elements: air, earth, water, fire.

I throw the ball to one of you and name one of the four elements: air, earth, water, fire. As soon as the ball is caught, I start counting to three.

Your task- be in time, while the count is running, answer:

to the word "air"- the name of the bird or insect;

to the word "earth"- the name of some animal that lives on land;

to the word "water"- the name of a fish or sea animal;

you don’t need to answer anything to the word “fire”, you need to have time to clap your hands three times.

Words cannot be repeated. Who did not have time to answer or made a mistake, is out of the game.

Fish, animals, birds


The exercise requires the attention and concentration of the participants.

The warm-up is performed by sitting in a circle or a semicircle.

“I, pointing at each of you in turn, say: “Fish ... animals ... birds ... fish ... animals ... birds.” If I say “Beasts!” to someone out of turn, he must respond within three seconds and name some animal. Be careful: you cannot repeat the already named word. Whoever repeats or delays in answering becomes the leader himself, and I will take his place.

Alternatively, when pronouncing the word "animals", you can throw the ball to the one for whom it is intended. The duration depends on the interest of the participants or on the moment when all the animals are listed.



A fun and moving workout. It is advisable to carry it out after a break or lunch.

“I ask the participants to stand in a line one after another in the center of the room.

Place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Now imagine that you- one big snake. Participant in front- this is the head and the last- it's a tail. Head task- catch your tail. And the task of the tail- avoid capturing the head. If the head manages to catch its tail, the snake becomes shorter, that is, this participant is eliminated from the game, and the one in front of him becomes the tail.

After a few minutes, depending on the result, the trainer can offer the participants themselves, if desired, to choose the roles of the “head” and “tail”.

Perseus and Medusa Gorgon


Active exercise, it can be done at any time. It will help participants relieve physical fatigue and focus on achieving the goal.

The trainer divides the participants into two groups.

“The first group stands in a circle, facing outward. Stretch your arms to the sides to touch the shoulders of those standing next to you. You will be a "Medusa Gorgon", you can move your arms and body, but you cannot leave your seat, squat, and you must also have your eyes closed (or blindfolded). Your task- not to let “Perseus” into the circle, while it is impossible to use force, it is enough to touch it with “tentacles” (hands).

Second team, you- "Perseus". Your task- the maximum number of participants to get into the circle without touching the "Gorgon". Those touched by Gorgon are out of the game."

If the game is active and with interest, you can swap teams. The game can be interrupted earlier if it drags on and causes difficulties for the participants.

Sleeping Pirate


This exercise can be carried out both with one team and with two, if the number of participants in the training is more than 12 people. The exercise is aimed at developing a creative approach to problem solving.

“One volunteer is selected from each team, they will be “sleeping pirates”. They are blindfolded and “treasures” (sheets of paper, markers, badges, etc.) are placed at their feet.

Players of the opposite team are located in a wide circle around the "sleeping pirate". At my signal, the players try to get the "treasures". The player caught by the "pirate" returns to the starting position. Each player can make three attempts. Only one "treasure" can be taken per attempt. The team that completes the task more successfully wins.

As an option, to complicate the game, you can invite the participants to play silently so as not to provoke the “pirate” with their voices.



This exercise allows participants to apply creative thinking to a given problem.

For this exercise, several rooms (or one large one) are needed to prepare the players.

The trainer divides the participants into two or three groups (the size of the mini-group is from three to seven people).

“Each group needs to prepare and show a “sculpture” on a given topic within 10-15 minutes, and all members of the group should be involved in it. So, the tasks for the groups: the first is preparing a sculpture called "Love", the second- "Joy" and the third group- "Hate".

The trainer can independently set the symbolism for the “sculptors”, linking it with the subject of the training. Sculptures that symbolize human feelings and emotions usually cause great difficulty.

You can hold a competition for the best sculpture with the distribution of prizes.


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Difficult but interesting exercise. Develops non-verbal communication skills, helps to strengthen relationships between the participants of the training.

Before the exercise, the coach needs to prepare any pair of items, preferably markers (two of each color).

The trainer asks the participants to stand in a row and put both hands behind their backs. Then he gives a marker in the hands of everyone and pronounces the conditions of the game.

“The following rules must be observed:

1. You can not pronounce words.

2. You can’t look at what color the marker is in your hands.

3. Find “your” partner, the person who has a marker of the same color as yours.”

It is almost impossible to find “your” couple on your own, so the participants will have to look for contact with everyone. Observers can be involved in the discussion of the exercise.

Printing house


Exercise for cohesion, attentiveness and mutual understanding of the participants of the training.

The coach asks the players to name all the letters of the alphabet in turn.

“You need to remember the letters you named. Since we are one close-knit team, I propose to voice some text or sing a song, naming only “our” letters. When you say a letter, you have to stand up if there is a gap- everyone gets up and sits down. If there is a dot in the text- everyone clap their hands, if a comma,- all stomp their feet once, if an exclamation point,- everyone stands up and makes one revolution around its axis.

It's better to try on a song that everyone knows first, and then move on to poetry or prose. Alternatively, you can distribute blanks with a text that participants will read.

Caribbean crisis


The warm-up is reminiscent of the war in the Caribbean, but nevertheless it is popular in training.

The trainer divides the group into two subgroups.

"The first group, you- surface ships. Your task- walk through the room from this wall to this one. When you move, you make a sound that resembles the sound of a motor. If a torpedo (paper ball) hits you, you are out of the game.

The second group, you- submarines. You protect this water area (room). You stand in one place with closed (blindfolded) eyes, and you have two torpedoes (paper balls) in your hands. Your task- do not miss surface ships.

There are many scenarios for this warm-up, for example: submarines stand in a line at arm's length and try to touch the surface ships "swimming" between them with their hands.

Hunt for titra


The warm-up promotes mutual understanding of the participants and non-verbal communication.

“I ask you to organize a circle with a diameter of three meters.”

All participants sit on chairs in a circle, facing the center. The coach must check that the distance from the chairs to the center of the circle is at least one and a half meters. He places three markers in the center of the circle.

“The exercise is done silently. Your task- take these three markers at the same time and return to their chairs, but one person can take only one marker. If more or less than three people stand up at the same time, the attempt is repeated.

This exercise can be complicated by the following tasks: it is necessary to touch the chair with some part of the body or ask the participants to pay for the first or second. For example: the first group picks up two markers and the second one picks up one.

two camps


Warm-up helps to relieve emotional and physical stress, sets up for teamwork.

Teams are placed in two lines opposite each other, the distance between them must be at least three meters.

“I will ask the teams to select one representative each, who will line up with rivals. Your team task- swap places. To do this, "friend among strangers" throws the ball to his team. The player who catches the ball moves with the ball to the opponent's line. If the ball falls to the floor, the right of play passes to the other team. The team that first occupies the enemy camp will win.

The right of the first move is decided by lot. To complicate the game, you can build lines in two or three rows. It is important that the players do not leave the territory of their "camp".

34. Once Upon a Time in America


Warm-up contributes to the development of non-verbal communication skills, logic, communication.

All participants sit in a circle and close their eyes. The trainer goes around everyone and touches the shoulder of 3-4 people.

"All of you- residents of a small American town. And there are gangsters in your town too (those whom the coach has touched). The rules are: I I say “Night”, all the inhabitants “fall asleep”, lower their heads and close their eyes, only gangsters “wake up”. The task of gangsters, without uttering words, is to agree among themselves and find a victim for themselves.

When the gangsters decide on a victim, the coach announces: "The day has come." All residents wake up.

"Last night there was an attempt on(participant name). Unfortunately, the case is fatal and you are out of the game. The task of the inhabitants- hold a discussion and figure out the gangsters, and the gangsters themselves can also take part in the discussion.

If the residents have guessed one of the gangsters, he is out of the game. After discussion, the coach announces: “Night has come” and the game continues.

35. Me + you


An exercise in understanding and cohesion. Understanding your partner means successfully completing this exercise.

The trainer divides the participants into pairs and asks them to stand near one of the walls of the room.

“Take one sheet of A4 format(or the coach distributes the sheets himself) for every couple. Stand facing each other, hold a sheet of paper between your foreheads, put your hands behind your back. Your task- randomly move around the room to the opposite wall. You can't talk. If you drop a leaf, start over.”

An interesting exercise. It can be carried out both with elements of rivalry (who will reach the wall first), and without it. To make it more difficult, you can place chairs around the room, which will create additional obstacles for the participants.

super clip

This warm-up encourages participants to interact and work as a team.

The trainer divides the group into four subgroups (for a square) or three (for a triangle).

"Each subgroup- is the side of a square (triangle) and you- single team. I ask you to make a geometric figure around me(coach or facilitator must remain in the center).

Now everyone must remember their location relative to me. At the command "Collection" you must take your places relative to me. The side that lines up first must shout "Gop" in unison. Now I say the command “Disperse”, and you must disperse around the room and move randomly.”

The trainer turns around its axis and gives the command "Collect". After the exercise, you can ask the team that most often uttered the victory cry, what helped it to win, what principle the members of this team were guided by, etc.

Web and spider

Active, moving workout. It helps to relieve unnecessary stress, switch attention between the topics of the training.

The trainer asks the participants to make a big circle.

“I need two volunteers. One will be a cat and the other a mouse. You are in a circle with closed (blindfolded) eyes. The cat needs to catch the mouse. You can't go outside the circle. Clap your hands so you can identify yourself.

When the cat catches the mouse, they either switch roles or stand in a circle, and new volunteers take their place. You can complicate the exercise by giving the cat the right to leave the circle.



Warm up for communication skills. The final result depends on the accuracy of the instructions.

Gambling workout. The trainer first involves four people, and then the whole group.

“Two participants stand opposite each other at opposite walls of the room.

You are astronauts, your task is- dock your spaceships. You can manage them only with words, remaining in your places.

"You- spaceships going to dock. You must have your eyes closed (bandaged). You listen only to the commands of your "cosmonaut" who will guide you. The docking is considered completed when the ships close their palms with each other and squeeze their fingers into the lock. Now stretch out your arms, point your palms forward and spread your fingers. Ready? Let's fly!"

There is one more person in front of them. The coach instructs them.

When many players with the same name participate in this warm-up, the "ships" have to filter out the voice of their "astronaut", which makes the exercise extra difficult.

holy place


Warm-up with the use of non-verbal communication skills.

The trainer invites one volunteer to sit on a chair in the center of the room. The rest should become around the seated person.

“The task of those who are standing is to persuade the person sitting on the chair in turn to give you a seat. But it is necessary to persuade silently, with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The one who yielded joins his persuading colleagues, and together they begin to persuade the newcomer.

As an option, a volunteer can be taken to the next room and given instructions:

“Now you go in and sit on a chair. You will be asked for something. Guess what, but you can't talk."

Instruct others:

“All together persuade your colleague to get up from the chair. You can't talk."

After this warm-up, you can discuss how difficult it was to persuade someone who did not manage to sit on a chair ...

turn around


An exercise in communicating with people, the ability to convince oneself to be right.

One volunteer is asked to leave the room. The rest receive instructions.

“Stand in line one at a time, turn your back to the door. Now you will be individually asked to turn around. You should turn around when you really feel like it."

Volunteer run the room.

"You must persuade each of this line to turn to face you."

The exercise can be made more difficult by instructing those standing in the line to turn around when they hear a word or phrase from the driver (for example: “My dears, around”, etc.).

43. Rose? Carnation?


An intellectual warm-up in which participants need to identify a pattern.

The trainer picks up a marker and starts to rotate it.

“I have a flower in my hands: a rose, a carnation, a rose, a carnation. What? Some of the participants must express their opinion.

Then I ask another question.

"Listen carefully! I have a flower in my hands: a rose, a carnation, a rose, a carnation, a rose. Which?"

It doesn't matter how many times you call the rose or the carnation, it doesn't matter how and in which direction you rotate the marker. The answer to your question depends on the first phrase: "Listen carefully." If you said it, then the answer to your question should be: "Rose." And if you didn’t say this phrase, then the answer to your question is: “Carnation”. The coach can ask this question around the circle. If someone guesses, he needs to ask a few more questions. If a person appears who has solved the algorithm, he is appointed leader.



This active, moving warm-up challenges participants to exercise non-verbal communication skills and develop responses.

The trainer divides the participants into two groups, and in one group there should be one more person.

“The smaller group sits on chairs in a circle. And one empty chair is added. large group one person stands behind the backs of the chairs.

The person standing behind the empty chair must lure one of those sitting on the chair to him, and it is advisable to do this so that the person standing behind the person you are luring does not notice anything.

The task of the bodyguards(those behind the chairs) is to guard those who sit in your chair. As soon as you notice that your ward is about to run away, put your hands on his shoulders.

The task of the person sitting on the chair is to quietly escape from his bodyguard.

The next leader is the one who has a free chair.

virtual walk

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Relaxing exercise. Participants can show all their originality and creativity.

The trainer asks the participants to stand in a circle in the center of the room, while he steps aside.

“Although we started our training not so long ago, I suggest you take a walk. Imagine that you and I went out into the street.

Participants must move one after another in a circle. Next, the coach sets the conditions, and the participants must follow the new conditions.

“Suddenly it began to rain heavily, your clothes start to get wet, you are in a hurry to go home. You ran under a tree, and under it there are a lot of pine cones, which are very uncomfortable to walk on, very. The rain is over, the sun is out, the asphalt is heating up, it's getting hotter and hotter. You have ten meters left to go home. You are going home. It's already late at night. I can not see anything. You got lost, etc., etc.

When conducting this exercise, it is necessary to pause so that all participants have time to change their gait, feel the “weather” in a word, and reorganize.


- 102-

Exercises for the development of observation and ingenuity of the training participants.

The coach invites a volunteer and asks the rest of the group to line up.

“I ask everyone to take some arbitrary pose, depict some kind of gesture and freeze in this position.”

The trainer then instructs the volunteer.

"You are a scout, your task is- photograph and remember the environment, appearance, posture and order of standing participants. At you have two minutes. Now I will ask you to go to the next room.”

The trainer gives the group ten seconds to change their posture and appearance, then invites the "scout" and asks him to find the changes and restore the picture that he was supposed to remember.

47. On the fishing

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Exercise for observation.

The trainer asks the volunteer to stand in the center of the circle, the rest of the participants sit on chairs, forming a circle.

“Participants should take turns saying the names of the fish without repeating themselves. Standing in the center- fisherman- must remember who named what fish.

Now I will ask the fisherman to leave the center of the circle, and the participants to change seats (swap places).

When the participants change seats, the coach gives the instruction to the “fisherman”:

“Now you will “fish”. You must remember who called which fish, and, passing outside the circle, touch the person’s shoulder and say the name of the fish that he called. If you guess correctly, these people exit the circle and count as your "catch."

The coach may invite other participants to "fish" or introduce an element of competition by nominating two fishermen. Whoever catches more "fish" faster and more, he won.


A universal exercise that can be "attached" to almost any topic of training.

The coach divides the group into two teams (preferably at least six people in each). Give each team one sheet of A4 paper.

“You have five minutes to discuss, then you must make an airplane out of this sheet. The team whose plane flies the farthest wins. The most important- comply with the following conditions:

Only two people assemble the plane at the same time.

These two people can only make one kink, then they must give way to another pair.

You can use only one hand, put the other behind your back.

When conducting this exercise, it is advisable to involve one observer from each team and ask them to monitor the opposing team in order to comply with the three rules (count penalty points). The coach needs to specify which model of the airplane the teams will assemble, as there are about 20 ways to assemble the airplanes.

Like - don't like

This warm-up helps the participants of the training to concentrate, concentrate attention, helps to create a working mood.

“Everyone who has the number 7, or a multiple of seven, or one that contains the number 7, must say instead of the number: “seven up”. If a person makes a mistake, then until the end of the warm-up, he must pronounce the number without opening his mouth.(alternatively, instead of a number, he should jump up and clap his hands).

When explaining the problem, the coach sets a time limit: count to one hundred in two minutes or less.

The time limit incentivizes participants by making them perform better and better on repetition. Nevertheless, it is recommended to perform this warm-up for no longer than 10 minutes, since interest in it may fade.

First people

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Thematic warm-up for communication trainings. It can be used outside the context of the training as a bridge between topics or to quickly switch attention, for example, at critical moments of the training that are not foreseen by the plan.

The trainer gives instructions:

“Armenian archaeologists discovered on Mount Ararat the well-preserved remains of the first people- Adam and Eve. Please answer the question: “How did archaeologists determine that it was Adam and Eve in front of them? By what signs? You can ask me leading questions, but only those that I can answer either "yes" or "no". Other types of questions are not allowed. Those who know the answer in advance, I kindly ask you not to answer ahead of time.

If the participants did not guess, you need to voice the correct answer:

“The first people were not born, but created. Therefore, the complete absence of navels was found on the remains of Adam and Eve.

The warm-up takes approximately 10 minutes.

Engine racing

- 116-

Warm-up for concentration, teamwork, strengthening the feeling of the elbow.

The coach divides the group into two teams:

“Become, please, in a chain, one after another. standing first will be a locomotive, and the rest- wagons. Now everyone, except for those who are standing first, raise your left legs so that everyone has the opportunity to take hold of the ankle joint of the person in front. The first train to reach the finish line in this position wins.("The finish can be determined by a chair, a cube, a ball, etc.) etc.), without losing a single trailer.

If there are not too many participants, you can warm up for one “train”. In this case, the spirit of competition disappears, but the emphasis on teamwork remains. If time permits, the warm-up can be repeated.

54. Wider circle


Fun, active workout. Lots of movement. Develops agility and reaction speed.

The coach chooses two of the participants, the highest:

“Stand face to face and hold hands. Your hands form a circle. You must catch any of the participants in this circle. Caught becomes another sector of the circle. You catch the next one with three, then four, and so on. A task- to catch in a circle all the participants of the training. Those who have not yet been caught can only move within the given limits(the coach needs to pre-determine the boundaries within which the movement of participants is possible).

It is hardly worth doing this warm-up more than once.

The space for the game should be large enough, depending on the size of the group.

Royal Battle

- 120-

A fun, dynamic warm-up that is appropriate for any group of participants.

To warm up, you will need sheets of paper of two colors, crumpled into balls, and two baskets. The number of balls must be the same.

The coach prepares the playing field in advance. In the middle of the court, he marks the so-called neutral zone with two lines. The facilitator divides the participants into two teams:

"Your task- throw balls at the enemy team. You can't step into the neutral zone. You cannot pick up a ball that has fallen on the neutral zone. Balls thrown by the enemy and falling into your territory must be thrown back. That team will be the winner, on the territory of which there will be fewer balls. The balls that hit the neutral zone are divided by color and recorded as "minus" for the teams. Time to continue the battle royale- 3 minutes".

Alternatively, you can mark crumpled white sheets of paper with markers of two colors, each team has its own color.



A very fun warm-up, creates a mood, awakens excitement, positive emotions.

The trainer offers the group a balloon (pre-inflated):

“I ask everyone to stand in a circle. Your task- pass this ball around in a circle as quickly as possible.

The coach keeps time. After the task is completed, the coach announces how much time has passed.

“Now try again to pass this ball in a circle, but without the help of hands. Try to fit in at the same time. You can consult about the method of transfer.

The coach again marks the time, at the end he invites the participants to repeat the exercise if they did not meet the original time.

This warm-up should not be offered at the beginning of the training, when the participants are not familiar with each other and the group is not yet sufficiently “warmed up”. This warm-up is easier in a mixed group, where there are representatives of both sexes.



Basically, this warm-up is used in team building trainings. Develops motor activity, cohesion of the group.

The trainer invites the participants to stand in a circle and hold hands.

“I will start the wave. Your task- transmit the wave around the circle in the form in which you received it. The wave must return to me unchanged and in no case should it get lost along the way.

The coach starts the wave, waits for it to return, stops, starts the wave in the opposite direction. Starts the wave again, starts the oncoming wave at any moment, stops the warm-up as soon as the interest of the group begins to fade.

"Now let's applaud each other."

The coach must set and maintain the pace of the warm-up, follow the group, accurately determining the time to complete the exercise.


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Dynamic workout. Develops a sense of comradeship, promotes group cohesion, relieves excessive tension. It is applicable for training of any subject, although the key direction is team building trainings.

The coach asks the group to line up behind each other's heads.

“In the jungles of South America lives a little-studied mysterious centipede. Its peculiarity is that it always moves with its tail forward. I ask everyone to close their eyes and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The one standing last will be the head of the centipede. He keeps his eyes open. Your task- go around this room three times around the perimeter. The "head" will point the way to the "tail" with a voice. The "tail" is strictly forbidden to open its eyes, otherwise the centipede will "die" before reaching the finish line.

Previously, additional obstacles, such as chairs, can be placed on the centipede's path. If the trainer notices that one of the participants did open his eyes, the centipede is invited to start the journey all over again.

The beauty and the Beast


The warm-up provides an excellent emotional lift, it “warms up” the group well, switches the attention of the participants.

The coach divides the group into two teams.

“Stand in two lines facing each other. We play up to three victory points.

Three figures participate in the game: Beauty (makes a curtsey and looks coquettishly); Monster(arms raised, fingers splayed like claws, threatening growl "P-p-p"); Knight(pulls out an imaginary sword and says "Oooh" threateningly).

If the Beast eats the Beauty, the team showing the Beast gets one point. If the Knight kills the Beast, the team that showed the Knight in turn gets one point. If Beauty seduces the Knight, the team that revealed Beauty scores a point in that round. If both teams show the same figures, a draw is declared (only in this round) and no points are awarded.

Teams are given 30 seconds to choose which figure they will show.

At the signal of the coach, the teams turn to face each other and, on the count of "three", they show the figure that they have chosen. The coach takes on the role of referee and assigns points to the teams.



A warm-up raises the mood of the participants, allows you to quickly switch from one training topic to another, this is a great way to get the group on the right track in case of deviating from the topic.

The trainer selects three or four types of animals, depending on the size of the group. For example: elephants, sparrows, cobras, frogs. He tells each participant in the ear the type of animal that he will represent.

"Your task- find your herd. You can't say who you are. You can make sounds that you think the represented animal makes. These sounds are what you need to navigate. Gesticulation is also prohibited. So, which “herd” will gather faster?”

The initial conditions can be varied within wide limits. For example, participants can only look for their herd with their eyes closed. Or show your animal with gestures, you can’t pronounce sounds. You can choose animals that are similar in appearance, “voice”, etc., to complicate the task.


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A warm-up increases the speed of switching attention, perception of information, trains memory and helps to increase the activity of both the group as a whole and each participant of the training individually.

All players sit in a circle. The coach also participates and starts as a leader.

“We have opened a new zoo. We are all animals, inhabitants of this zoo. Our chairs- these are the "cells" in which we live. So who are we(each participant comes up with the name of the animal, the names should not be repeated)?

Zoo management gave us the opportunity to choose neighbors(the leader goes into the circle, freeing his chair - “cage”).

The one who has an empty “cage” on the left must knock on it twice and name the person he would like to see in it. The “cage” is considered reserved, the named one is transplanted there. You can not name the host and animals that are not residents of our zoo. The one who made a mistake or delayed the time becomes the leader himself. Leader's task- take an empty "cage" until it is booked."

Cat dog

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The warm-up is aimed at concentration of attention and perception of information, gives additional motivation for teamwork.

You will need two small items, for example, markers of different colors.

The coach asks all participants to stand in a circle, he joins the group, holding markers in his hands.

“To the one to my right, I pass the red marker. Before taking it, he turns to me and asks, "Who?" I answer: "Cat". After that, he takes the marker and passes it to the next one. The next also, before taking the marker, asks: "Who?" The transmitter turns to me again and asks again: "Who?" I answer again: "Cat." The transmitter turns to the next and answers him: "Cat." After that, the next one takes the token and passes it along the chain, repeating the procedure described above. The marker should go around and back to me. Similarly, I pass a blue marker to the left, labeling it "Dog".

The warm-up can be completed when the group begins to cope with the task without hesitation. If the exercise goes smoothly, you can add more "hamster".

Pass the motion


The warm-up is aimed at working in a group, helps to increase attention, relieve tension, and helps to cheer up.

The coach takes part in the warm-up and also keeps the score.

“I ask everyone to come up with any repetitive movement (as an example, the coach shows any simple movement from morning exercises).

I'm keeping score. Since we are 14 people, I will count up to 15. On the count of "one", you begin to make your movement and at the same time follow the movement of the person sitting to your right. On the count of two, make the move your right neighbor did and continue to follow the same neighbor's move. On the count of three, change the movement again, and so on. At the expense of "fifteen" each should return the movement that he himself came up with. Ready? We started."

The coach needs to monitor the dynamics of the warm-up. At the end, you can conduct a “debriefing”: did everyone return to his movement unchanged? When, for what reasons, did the transmission of information fail?

Cocked hat

The warm-up is very simple, aimed at raising the mood, trains attention.

The coach gives instructions. He does it slowly and intelligibly, so that everyone understands.

“Surely each of us at least once in his life dreamed of becoming Napoleon. Everyone remembers that Napoleon's favorite headdress- cocked hat. Now we will utter the famous phrase in chorus: “I have a cocked hat on my head. I have a tricorne on my head. And if not a cocked hat, then the head is not mine. Then we will gradually replace words with gestures. However, the words themselves cannot be spoken. Instead of the word "head" you need to slap yourself on the head. Instead of "me, mine"- show yourself. Instead of the word “cocked hat”, three fingers are thrown out, and then the elbow is put forward (the coach illustrates the instructions with gestures).

The phrase is first pronounced with words, then we replace one word with a gesture, then two, three words.

The pace must be fast enough. The warm-up ends when the group without hesitation copes with a phrase that consists almost entirely of gestures.

fox hunting

- 140-

Fun, dynamic workout. Relieves stress, switches attention between training topics.

“Do you want to be in the shoes of both a fox and a hunter at the same time? Experienced hunters claim that The best way catch a fox- is to put salt on her tail. Place one hand behind your back and press the back of your open hand against your back. The open palm will be the tail of the fox. With the other hand, you need to “pour salt on the tail” of the fox, that is, touch the palm pressed to the back. Everyone's task- catch as many foxes as possible and at the same time remain uncaught. The one whose palm is touched must remain in place, but can "pour salt" within the reach of other "foxes". The fastest and most agile will win."

The coach plays the role of an arbiter, monitors the observance of the rules of the game by the participants.


- 142-

The warm-up is aimed at working out closed questions, creates a mood, and increases the friendly atmosphere in the group.

To warm up, you will need pieces of paper, pins or tape.

“I ask everyone to stand in a circle and turn at the back of each other’s heads. Take a piece of paper, write on it the name of some famous hero of cinema, cartoons, fairy tales or our present. The main thing is that the hero is recognizable. Glue the piece of paper to the back of the person in front. The task of each player- use closed questions to guess whose name is written on your back. You can ask any of the participants.

The warm-up is carried out until all the heroes are revealed.

funny balls

- 144-

The warm-up is aimed at working in a team, develops coordination of movements, concentration of attention.

For a warm-up, 6-8 balloons (pre-inflated) are required.

The coach divides the group into two teams.

“I ask each team to stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will give each team half of these balls. Your task- hold the balls in the air without disengaging your hands for five minutes. You can't just hold the balls. They must be in the air. A dropped ball cannot be picked up. The team that can hold the most balls wins.

The warm-up continues until time runs out, or one of the teams unhooks their hands, or until all the balls fall to the floor.

The last chair

Bank of psychological warm-ups

1 .Warm-up "What would that mean?"

- They hang him, becoming discouraged; he is bullied, conceited; they shove it everywhere, interfering with other people's business. (nose)

- Not flowers, but wither; not palms, but clapping them if they don’t understand something; not underwear, but they are hung by gullible and curious. (ears)

- He is in the head of frivolous, frivolous people, he is advised to look for him in the field, when someone has disappeared without a trace, they throw words and money at him, who does not appreciate them. (wind)

- It is brewed, starting some unpleasant, troublesome business, and then disentangled, unraveling this business; you cannot weld it with someone with whom it is difficult to come to an agreement; torn shoes “asks” her. (porridge)

- It is pounded in a mortar or carried with a sieve by those who are engaged in useless business; it is typed into the mouth when they are silent; it cannot spill inseparable friends; dishonest people hide the ends in it, sometimes they come out of it dry (water)

- They swallow it, stubbornly not wanting to talk about anything; it is well suspended in a person who speaks smartly, easily; they pull or pull for him, persistently forcing him to speak out; they keep him behind his teeth when they don’t want to say too much. (Language)

2. Warm up "Explainers" - by three characteristic actions it is necessary to guess the word.

Grows in the garden, put in Olivier, sometimes on a dress (polka dots)

They like to drink tea with her, the driver turns her, this is the wife of the drum (steering wheel)

They sometimes sit down there, now it’s unfashionable to use them, before everyone put them on in the rain (galoshes)

Girls have it, it comes from sand, in the village they need it in July (braid)

All the students love her, everyone rushes there, it’s hard to run after her (dining room)

She grows in the garden, there is such a game when her nose looks like (potato)

Everyone was waiting for it to end, a nuisance between changes, she says: “This will be for you for life ...” (lesson)

There are four of them in the class, they are measured with a protractor, a place for punishment (angle)

3. Warm up « Earth, water, air ».

When I say "earth" you will try to say the name of one animal, with the word "water" - you call the inhabitants of the water, "air" - means that you must name the bird. It is important to hear your comrades so as not to repeat yourself.

4. Warm up « Puzzles"

What is the name of a man in a marine uniform?

Who is building the house?

Who heals people?

What is the name of a person who extracts oil?

What is the name of the person who cleans the streets and yards?

What is the name of a person who repairs cars?

What is the postman holding in his hand?

Glass house for fish?

The dishes from which soup is eaten?

Which is bigger bush or tree?

Let's complicate the task

What happens when the night ends?

What vehicles travel on rails?

What is usually written on the envelope?

Who swims in the aquarium?

5. Warm up "Analogues"

Pick a couple for the word. I will say a couple of words. In the first pair, I will say both words, and in the second one, and you will guess the second.

Summer - hot, winter ... Morning - evening, day ...

Eagle - bird, pike ... Sheep - pet, wolf ...

Left - right, top ... The sun has rays, the rain ...

6. Warm up « How are they similar and how are they different?"

Notebook and book

Boots and sneakers

Fish and bird

7. Warm up « Name it in one word.

Soup, porridge, cutlet Yula, pyramid, doll

Eagle, sparrow, crow Chair, sofa, cabinet

8. Warm-up "Why"

Why do you need a phone?

What are books for?

Why does mom go to work?

What are scissors for?

Why does butter melt in a hot pan?

Why does freezer water freeze?

The boy spilled the jam on the floor. What should he do now?

On Sunday we will have guests. What should we do?

Katya went for a walk and got lost. What should she do?

9. Warm up "Who was?"

    1. Horse (foal)

      Butterfly (caterpillar)

      woman (girl)

      Fur coat (fur)

      Dog (puppy)

      Ice (water)

      Bread (flour)

      Flower (by seed)

      Fish (caviar)

      Dress (fabric)

    1. Sheep (lamb)

      Kefir (milk)

      Sausage (meat)

      Deer (deer)

      River (stream)

      Scarf (yarn)

      Jam (berries)

      Bird (chick)

      Man (boy)

      Porridge (groats

    10. Warm-up "Fables"

    Cucumbers play hide and seek

    Babies grow up in the garden

    Pike swim on the bottom

    The wolves howl at the moon

    Swifts in the north in the ice

    Walruses in the swamp in the reeds

    Cats dream of mice

    Siskins hunt in the mountains

    Cats swim in steep waves

    Donkeys perched on the bushes

    Let's complicate the task

    People walk around in a fur coat all year round

    red apples

    Night comes at dawn

    Deeper in the sea than in a spoon

    A mouse is bigger than a cat

    Fish don't drown in the river

    Cold in a burning stove

    Flowers bloom in winter

    The day ends sometime

    11. Warm-up "Suggest the word"

      A cucumber is a vegetable, and a tulip is...

      Which is longer, an hour or a day?

      What season is before autumn?

      What number is between 5 and 7?

      What day of the week does Friday come after?

      A car, an airplane, a ship, a bus - this is ...

      Before going for a walk, I went to see a friend. What was before?

      Instead of wearing boots, I put on socks. What should have been worn?

    12. Warm-up "Name the extra word"

      Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov, Peter

      Monday Wednesday, March , Friday, Sunday

      Leaf, bud, bark, scales , branch

      dark, light, blue , bright, dim

      Nest, hole, chicken coop, barn , lair

      Milk, cheese, sour cream, salo , curdled milk

      birch, pine, oak, tulip , spruce

      Second, hour, year, evening, a week

      airplane, boat, skates , train, bus

      Rose, tulip, chamomile, lemon , carnation

    - Surgeon, ophthalmologist, salesman , dentist, pediatrician

      Book, newspaper, magazine, word , brochure

      Book , briefcase, suitcase, purse

      Stove, fire, candle, hot plate

      Watch, glasses , scales, thermometer

      Airplane, nail , bee, fan

      Grandfather, teacher, dad mom

      Frost, dust , rain, dew

      Apple , book, fur coat, rose

      Milk, snow, cotton wool, coal

    13. Warm-up "Pencils"

    Children are given cards of different colors - white, black, gray, red, green, yellow, blue, blue, pink. A verbal instruction is given: “Look what color card you got. Now listen to the verse. Everyone, having heard his color, claps his hands once. Like this: (cotton). Be careful! So..."

    Once I was given
    Box of pencils:
    You can color them all
    Everyone, from heels to ears.
    white, pink, green,
    Yellow, red, blue, black,
    Gray (or plain)
    And sky blue.

    I took a clean notebook
    I'll draw in order:
    The sky is light blue
    The sun is yellow and big.
    I paint the clouds white
    Blue is for you, river!
    Red poppy, green meadow.
    I looked around...
    “Why didn’t you take me?!” -
    What pencil said that?

    (Children: “Gray!”, “Black!”, “Pink!”)

    Come on, I'll turn the leaf
    And I'll start all over again.
    Maybe I'll draw a house.
    Simple - well, gray - a pillar of smoke,
    Green for the roof, red for the door.
    So. What is left for me now?
    I'll paint the windows pink
    Let the cat be black and white
    On the windows - yellow flowers,
    Let them grow for beauty!
    I'm completely exhausted...
    What pencil did I forget?

    (Children: "Blue!", "Blue!")

    Then I decided to do this:
    Perhaps I'll draw a square.
    On the square - a big parade,
    And flags of all colors hang!
    Yellow, grey, black, white,
    Blue flies proudly, boldly.
    blue, green, red,
    Bright pink. Wonderful!
    Did I mark all the colors?


    All mine now...


    14. Warm-up "Halves"

    Instructions: Now I will read you one rhyme. Listen carefully and hear the task that you have to complete .

    Miracles are happening in the world!
    I fell asleep in my apartment
    And suddenly I saw in the window
    On the table next to the bed
    Where lay the half-tablecloth,
    huddled in disarray
    All my half notebooks
    Half books, half books
    And other little things...
    Together they jumped out the window
    Half mice, half cats;
    Half-lions and half-tigers
    Played half games
    Caught for fun
    Half forks, half spoons,
    And these animals dived
    In the half-window-half-door.

    Pricked half ears
    All my half toys.
    Howl rose to glory here:
    Half wow, half meow...

    I tossed and turned in bed -
    Well, dream, in fact!
    Scared - no lie:
    Suddenly already I - half-I?!
    Finally, fully awake
    smiled with relief,
    Dispelled my worries:
    Arms intact, legs intact...
    For a long time I tried to count
    Yes, I lost count.
    So tell me for mercy
    How many "semi-" did I dream?

    After the first reading, I ask: “So what are we going to do with you?”

    After listening to the children, I repeat: “Yes, we need to count how many words in this funny dream that begin with “semi-” (20).

    I read the poem again.

    15. Warm-up ""What does not happen in the world"

    Guys! Have you ever thought about a blue apple, a cat with wings or a talking teapot? Let's play a game where you come up with an answer to the question "What does not happen in the world?". The leader becomes the center of the circle, in his hands is a hat. To the music, everyone moves in a circle, holding hands. As soon as the music breaks, the host puts on a hat to any of the players, asking a question.

    16. Warm up "Chineward" : we call words, each new word must begin with the last letter of the previous word. For example, Pinocchio, Lake, Cleaning ...

    17 . Warm-up "Orange":

    - I havein the hands of an orange. Now he will roll around our circle. As soon as it falls into your hands, you must define it by answering the question: "What is it?". Words cannot be repeated. Apply non-standard definitions.

    18. Warm-up "Beast-bird-fiction":

    Now let's play interesting game. First I will be the leader, and then one of you. The host stands in the center of the circle, begins to quietly count the players: "The beast, the bird, the fable." Suddenly he stops near one and loudly says one of these words. The player must name what he has dropped out within 5 seconds. If a fable falls out, you need to name something that does not happen in the world.

    19. Warm up "Six" : students count in order of number, who gets the number 6, the number divisible by 6, or the number containing 6, should not name it, but instead say the word "Bam".

    20. Warm-up "Hut-path-bumps"

    Let's split into three groups and play. At the command "Hut" - we raise our hands up, "Path" - they stop, line up in a row, putting their hands on the shoulders of the player standing in front, "Kochki" - everyone sit down. Until the command sounds, everyone moves freely.

    21. Warm up « "Why?"

    - Now think about how to make something unexpected out of the usual, by answering the following questions:

    Why bake pies?

    Why celebrate birthdays?

    Why play musical instruments?

    Why do they go to school?

    Why do people quarrel?

    Why give gifts?

    Why do they travel?

    Why do they go to the bath?

    Why do hair?

    22. Warm up "Possible reason":

    I suggest that you do interesting task to practice the ability to make hypotheses. I name the events, and you guess why it happens.

    The bells are ringing;

    The grass turned yellow;

    The helicopter circles over the forest all day;

    A police car stands by the road all day;

    The bear did not sleep in winter, but wandered through the forest;

    Friends quarreled.

    23. Warm up "Find and Touch"

    Now you have to actively relax. First spread out throughout the office. I will read tasks to you, but you must complete them within 5 seconds. Latecomers are out of the game.

    Find and touch something glassy


    Which weighs about 5 kg.,

    How to decorate a house

    Which is twice as low as you

    transparent and light,


    What needs to be handled with care

    What are the health benefits


    Related to virtuality

    That weighs about 100 kg.

    24. Warm up "Ball in a circle":

    Guys, throw the ball in a circle, while asking a variety of questions: from trifling and comic to serious and voluminous. (What's on your mind right now? What games do you like? Etc.)

    25. Warm-up "Different social roles":

    Every day of our life is filled with various situations, we do different things, visit various institutions, we can say, we play a large number of roles. I will name the place, and you, accordingly, your role in this place.

    School, street, pharmacy, cafe, cultural center, tundra, shop, gym, bus, beach.

    26. Warm-up "Birds - fish-animals"

    Let's count to three. The first numbers are birds, the second are fish, the third are animals. Choose a creature for yourself, and then introduce yourself "Did you know that I ..."

    27. Warm-up "If life is fun, do it like this ..." - (everyone comes up with movements, - everyone repeats.

    28. Warm up "Proverbs are joking"

    I throw a proverb ball to everyone that has a joke in it. You return the ball to me with the proverb corrected.

    Two boots - container,

    A mustache is good, but two is better,

    Hunger is not a brush

    Alone in the ashes is not a warrior,

    A coward is afraid of his laziness

    Crush soda in a mortar,

    A coward feeds, and laziness spoils,

    Found a goat on a stone

    Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into fashion,

    Spinning like a loaf in a wheel

    They don't look for a beaver from a beaver,

    Don't make an elephant out of flour

    Elk does not paint a person.

    29. Warm up "Recognize by voice":

    Now we will all stand in a circle, and in the middle - the driver, we blindfold him. Now we go in a circle, perform movements, then stop and sing:

    We played a little

    Now we are in a circle.

    You guess the riddle, who called you - find out! (Silently point to one participant who calls out to the driver. The driver must name his name (you can change the voice). Everyone should be in the role of the driver.

    30. Warm up "Mirror":

    - Now we will play an interesting game, where each of you will play the role of the "Mirror" and the one who looks into it. Condition: it will be necessary to show movements and facial expressions on a specific topic, which I will name. The "mirror" should not just stand idle, the movements must be done continuously. Even if it will be difficult to come up with a new one, you can not stop.

    31. Warm-up "No one knows that I ..." - tell about some event, case, interesting fact from your life. ("No one knows that I woke up earlier than my parents today")

    32. Warm-up " "Neighbour's too" - (Everyone who has it says in a circle: “I have an ear (points to the ear), the neighbor too (shows the neighbors on the right and left).

    33. Warm up "Sculpture - movement - sound" - pay off for "3", each number has its own task: 1- depict a sculpture, 2- show movement, 3- pronounce a sound.

    34. "Training emotions"

    Frowning like an autumn cloud

    Draw an angry person

    Get angry like an evil sorceress

    Draw two sheep on the bridge

    Hungry wolf

    The child who lost the ball

    Get scared like a hare that sees a wolf

    A chick that fell out of the nest

    Kitten being barked by an angry dog

    Smile like a cat in the sun

    Draw a sly fox

    As if I saw a miracle

    Drip like a little frequent rain

    Fly like a sparrow

    Fly like a seagull

    Walk like an old grandmother

    Jump like a funny clown

    Walk like a little child

    Walk over bumps through the swamp

    Walk like Garfield the cat

    35. P warm-up "Argentine rain" - it is proposed to listen to the sounds of rain: for this you need to perform in the silence of the movement.

    Rub palms, snap fingers, pat knees, stomp one foot (repeat several times)

    36. Warm-up "Elephant - Palm - Crocodile" - commands are pronounced - the children must show the necessary movements: “elephant” - grab the tip of the nose with the left hand, pass the right hand through the formed ring, clenching the palm into a fist. "Palm" - hands above the head in the form of a palm tree. "Crocodile" - depict the mouth with your hands. (commands change quickly, trying to confuse children)

    37. Warm-up "Who was born in May":

    Who has blue eyes - wink three times

    Who was born in the summer, he will take the neighbor on the right by the hand and smile

    Who loves ice cream, he will say in a whisper: “Guys! Let's live in peace!"

    Who loves dogs barks three times

    Who loves cats will meow three times

    Who drinks coffee with sugar and milk will look under his chair

    Who has freckles, let him run in a circle

    Who has a brother will clap his hands

    Who has a married sister, let him say to the neighbor "This does not concern you"

    Who flew on an airplane, he will wave his arms like wings

    Who ate a delicious breakfast in the morning will stroke his stomach

    Who loves to draw will take himself by the nose

    38. Warm-up "I take with me"

    Each of you, going to school, takes some things with you. I will offer you various things. If you agree, raise your hand, if not, wave your head from left to right. Be careful: you may have the opportunity to bring unnecessary things to school!

    Briefcase, bag

    sofa cushion

    Change of shoes

    Paints, brushes and painter's suit


    Pens and pencils

    Diary and textbook



    Notebook, pens

    Several nails

    Soap and washcloth


    Pouch of Sloth


    Willingness to learn

    39. Warm up "Forbidden Movement" "Forbidden Word" »- yellow, instead of it you need to say the word "abracadabra"

    The sea is blue, but the moon? What color are chamomile petals? And the middle one? What color is an orange? What color is a lemon? What kind of pencil do you need to take to draw the sun? What color can trees be painted in summer? And in autumn? What color is the pencil case, pen, hair clip, elastic band, etc. for ...? Name the colors of the rainbow. What flowers can make orange? What color did you paint your mood with? What word was forbidden?

    40. Warm-up "Dwarfs-giants"

    The participants of the game stand in a circle. The host says "dwarfs" or "giants." Everyone squats at the word "dwarfs", everyone stands up at the word "giants". Those who made a mistake stand inside the circle, and then perform some task.
    The game develops attention and coordination of movements.

    41. Warm-up " PARADE-ALLE»

    Participants sit in a circle and march to the music of “Parade-alle”, sitting, marching, holding banners in their hands. They smile and blow kisses. The host plays the role of an entertainer and announces the numbers, randomly choosing from a circle of participants. The numbers may be as follows:
    Bears on a motorcycle
    · clowns;
    a tightrope walker
    trained worm, etc. (use whatever you remember from the circus acts).
    The facilitator can assist the participants in their roles. The game ends with a general exit - a parade-alle.

    42. Warm-up " ONCE MOBILE...

    One mobile, two mobiles
    (palms with the outer side alternately applied to the opposite ear),

    Pagers, pagers
    (palms with the inner side are alternately applied to the opposite thigh).

    woman driving a car
    (describes the silhouette of the female body).

    It's all right, it's all right
    (demonstrates the gesture "OK").

    Fingers, fingers
    (a gesture is demonstrated with the index finger and little finger extended).

    Come on together, come on together
    Girls scream:
    Young people shout:

    43. Warm-up "ONE FLOWER ..."

    The leader pronounces certain words and accompanies them with movements, the participants memorize the words and movements and do them together with the leader. Boys and girls compete to see who screams the loudest. The words are as follows:

    One flower, two flowers
    (arms alternately bent at the elbows, hands at head level, without bending the arms at the wrists, we make circular movements with the hands),

    Hedgehogs, hedgehogs
    (both arms are bent at the elbows, hands at the level of the head, without bending the arms at the wrists, we make circular movements with the hands),

    Anvil, anvil
    (we squeeze our hands into fists and knock alternately one on the other),

    Knives, knives
    (arms are bent at the elbows at waist level, palms down and move alternately one above the other),

    Run in place, run in place
    (arms bent at the elbows move at waist level, simulating running),

    Bunnies, Bunnies
    (palms over head represent ears)

    Come on together, come on together
    Girls scream:
    The boys are screaming

    44. Warm-up " ADJUSTER"

    Among the players, a leader is selected - a "regulator". Everyone sings a song, and he raises his hand up and moves it clockwise down.
    Three rules:
    hand up - sing a song loudly (or jump and stomp);
    hand in a horizontal position - the song subsides;
    hand below - sing a song "to yourself."
    The "regulator" slowly raises his hand, and the game begins.
    The host needs to keep the game dynamic, for this you can constantly change the pace of the game so that the participants follow the movements of the "regulator" and clearly follow the instructions.

    45. Warm-up " BOXES - CARTILAGES - MATCHES»

    The participants are divided into three groups. The first group shouts: “Boxes!”, The second: “Cartilage!”, The third: “Matches!”. First, the groups try to shout loudly and in unison separately. Then, at the sign of the leader, all three groups shout at the same time. The host replies: “Be healthy! This is how an elephant sneezes."
    The facilitator focuses on the last phrase, because the participants, pronouncing their words, do not hear the result very well.

    46. ​​Warm-up "X" SHOVEL »

    The game realizes the motor need of children, develops their auditory attention, organizes them.

    If the children at the beginning of the lesson cannot calm down after the break, the teacher can clap their hands in a certain rhythm and ask the most noisy student to repeat the clapping. Then immediately offer to repeat the same claps to anyone who heard the given rhythm. Then all the children repeat the clapping. The facilitator selects the children with a glance.

    Then the claps are given in a new rhythm, and the game continues.

    Rule: who claps without catching a glance, he misses the move.

    Instead of clapping, you can use tapping with your fingers, etc.

    47. Warm-up " ARROW"

    Children stand in a circle. Everyone has a colored circle (about 5 cm in diameter) fixed on their clothes - red, orange, green, blue, yellow, purple, etc. In the center of the circle is a child depicting an arrow (arm extended to the side). Children all together pronounce the words under which the “arrow” rotates:

    Arrow, arrow, circle
    Show yourself to all the circles
    And how sweet are you
    Tell us quickly! Stop!

    On the last word, the “arrow” stops and names the color of the circle to which it points. The facilitator asks questions, for example: “What orange-colored vegetables and fruits do you know? What flowers are not blue? What is yellow? etc. The child who answers correctly gets a token. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

    dreamer artist

    The teacher invites the children to imagine themselves as artists for a minute - mentally pick up a brush and palette and draw in the air in front of them (on an imaginary sheet of paper) ... Then the teacher reads the poem, depicting actions with gestures along the way.

    I'm an artist - just a miracle!
    I take a brush and paints in my hands. (moves hand with imaginary hand)

    I will draw now

    Wonderful fairy tale!

    Here is a huge dome of the sky. (sweeping circular movements of an imaginary

    brush on an imaginary sheet)

    Here on it is a circle of the sun

    And orange

    The rings are coming off him! (“draws” the sun, rays, rings of light)

    Instead of a cloud cracker

    I'll paint it in bright blue. (movements that copy the work of the artist - “draw” and


    "Bam!" - and popped like a cannon! (sharp upstroke with brush)

    And the green shower came! (intermittent brush movements)

    Lemonade rain from the sky

    Pours on the grass from the clapperboard,

    And there is a candy in the grass - (smooth, rounded movements with a “brush” - draw


    Chocolate yummy!

    Suddenly, the candy began to grow. (circular movements with a “brush”, the candy grows)

    Higher, higher! Up and up!

    I will separate it with a brush,

    One piece for everyone! (sweeping "criss-cross" hand movements)


    The teacher invites the children next to each other to turn to each other and imagine a meeting of merry friends who have not seen each other for a year.

    Hello my dear friend! (depicting joy, surprise, hugs)
    Haven't seen you in a year.

    I can say hello

    I shake my friend's hand! (we shake hands)

    And I want to be friendly

    Tap another on the shoulder. (pretend to pat)

    I smile at him fervently (smile)

    I'll build a face, (we build faces)

    And drown like

    Marching in line. (stomp feet)

    I wave my hands - (we wave our hands like wings)

    I'll scratch my other back. (scratch each other's back - just fun!)

    I'll fix his collar, (we fix each other's collars)

    I'll sing a song loudly (sing: la-la-la)

    We are now with him, side by side

    Let's clap our hands - clap! (clap)

    Wink, sit comfortably

    … And let's continue our lesson.

    balloon blower

    The teacher addresses the students: “Guys! I invite all of us to take a short break. Relax and play the game "Balloon blower". A ball blower is a profession that was invented in a fairy-tale land (or maybe just in a fairy tale). I will tell you about it in a poem, and you try to support me with inhalations and exhalations (these are the rules of the game). Just listen carefully. I will tell you to breathe in and out, you repeat after me. So let's start:

    I'm not a pilot, not a seamstress,
    Not even a lifeguard.

    And my profession

    Balloon blower!

    I take a deep breath... (deep breath)

    I breathe out boldly ... (exhale)

    colorful balls

    I do it well!

    Here I will inflate the first ball ... (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale)

    The ball is beautiful red.

    Bright as a flame

    Not dangerous at all.

    Here I will inflate the second ball ... (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale)

    Something very tight… (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale)

    Oh, how stubborn!

    The ball is the greenest!

    And now the third ball ... (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale)

    Yellow like the sun... (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale)

    Ouch! Ran up and disappeared

    Flew out the window! (wave to him)

    And the fourth I take

    I will give it to you!

    bright turquoise

    I inflate again ... (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale)

    How naughty are you

    What are you resisting?

    I’ll take in more air ... (deep breath, exhale)

    What are you not pouting? ... (deep breath, exhale)

    My ball is growing, growing ... (deep breath, exhale)

    Become equal to me! …(deep breath, exhale)

    Bach! Boom! Like a hundred claps! (everyone clap their hands)

    The ball burst into a hundred pieces! (deep breath)

    The main thing is not to lose heart!
    Let's make a new one! (everyone clap their hands)


    The teacher announces a minute of unloading: “Guys! Attention! Sports moment! Most recently, our entire country watched the Beijing Olympics on TV. We were worried about our athletes. I really wanted them to win in every sport. Now let's imagine ourselves in their place. I read you a poem - a slogan, and you repeat the actions that they say. Attention! Athletes! Get ready! Started! ".

    I'm walking along the path (everyone walks at a sporting pace)
    And race walking

    I know very well.

    One-two, one-two!

    I add a step! (go faster)

    One-two, one-two!

    I am a swimmer
    I'm going to swim

    I disperse the waves ... (hand actions)

    One-two, one-two!

    I dive head first! (actions of the neck and shoulders)

    I am a gymnast.
    One two Three!

    How beautiful, look

    I do slopes. (we do tilts to the right, to the left, forward, backward)

    And then bows. (we bow)

    I am a heavyweight.
    I rise to the sky

    Two hundred and forty kilograms (torso tilt forward, strain, depict

    lift bar)

    I'll bring you medals!

    I am a football team. (everyone is running)
    I will score a lot of goals. (depict dribbling the ball across the field)

    Let everyone know

    What is not better

    Us - Russian players!

    Hooray guys!
    We won! (jumping in place - hooray!)


    Teacher: "Guys! Let's take a break from the lesson for a moment. And listen to the rain.
    To perform this exercise, children place their fingers on the edge of the table they are sitting at. The teacher offers to quietly drum his fingers on the table and shows how this is done, reads a poem consisting of questions. Teacher: "Guys! Each of you mentally responds to questions asked. If the answer to the question is “yes” or “this is me”, then the fraction on the table is strengthened by the one to whom it refers. It turns out that at some moments the rain grows and turns into a cheerful downpour, at others it subsides, becomes barely audible. So let's hear our rain!"

    - Who was born in the summer?
    - Who in the spring?

    - ... in autumn?

    - ... and who - in the winter?

    - Which one of you guys
    Likes chocolates?

    - Who braids ribbons in pigtails?
    - Who drives the ball across the field?

    Who can move their ears?
    Who helps mom around the house?

    - Who has a cat in the apartment?
    - ... or a dog (vice versa)?

    - Who sings well?
    - Who has a brother?

    - ... and little sister?


    -…and garden?

    - Who draws?
    - ... sculpts?

    - ... glue?

    Who knows how to make everyone laugh?

    - Who reads poetry aloud?
    Who are our students?

    At the concert

    The teacher reads, and the guys clap their hands, in accordance with the lines of the poem.

    We are at a concert today.
    The audience is good.

    Applaud the artists

    We will be in hand.

    There is a pianist on the stage.
    How virtuoso he played!

    We applaud him!

    The whole room applauds.

    And now the baby sings
    About the dog and about the book.

    We applaud her

    We applaud more.

    Here is the venerable, famous
    Bass came out to the microphone

    Surprised us with vocals.

    We applaud him

    For the whole hall, for the whole country!

    The clown has run out!
    Instead of a nose - a cone from a Christmas tree,

    Instead of a hat - a lid from a jar.

    A monkey sits on his shoulder.

    We will clap him.

    We will drown him!

    Ends our concert
    Amazing Expert

    By various miracles -

    The magician came to us.

    Once and waved his wand

    He brought us back to class.

    We applaud all of us
    To admiring spectators-te-lyam!


    Teacher: Friends! Let's pretend we have wings! We can fly How would we do it? “We move, we circle, we play flight!”

    I have wings behind my back (hands behind my back)
    I can fly above the ground. (hands up)

    I soar up and the world - Hey! (hands - high up, we wave)

    Fits on my palm.

    I'll circle a little in the clouds. (waving hands, spinning around)
    I will shoot down like an arrow and - Ah! (squat)

    I'll ride a cumulus cloud

    I'll ride it to the sky steeper! (we do short squats - jump!)

    From the steep, I will jump down and run. (run in place)
    I'll clean the wings, rest. (hands down)

    Spread my fingers like feathers (shake hands)

    I straighten up, shake myself up a little. (straighten your back, spread your shoulder blades,

    stretch your neck)

    ... I will leave you a feather as a keepsake

    Soft, fluffy in the palm of your hand. (blow off an imaginary feather from the palm, do

    deep breath in and out)


    Teacher: "Guys! Imagine how great it is to be ... a flower! Grow from a tiny seed, and delight everyone around with beauty and harmony! Feel how you are filled with light, strength and peace. Let's touch these feelings! Listen and repeat the movements.

    The seed fell into the ground (squatted down, bowed their heads, covered their heads with their hands)
    Quietly slept until spring. (we breathe evenly - inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale)

    Started and woke up, (started, “trembled”, raised their heads)

    The sun has just risen.

    Stretched: is it morning? (pulled hands up, "towards the sun")
    And the sprout went up (slowly get up)

    look at the ray of light

    Breathe in a sip of air. (go up to full height breathe evenly and deeply)

    He loosened the leaves and pens.
    Ah, what a beautiful plant! (spread arms out to the sides)

    Clouds ran up in the sky

    And the spring rain fell. (smoothly move shoulders, elbows, fingers)

    And then the bud is beautiful
    Getting ready to open up. (shake your head, tilt your head to the right, to the left,

    back and forth)

    Grew up, grew stronger, accumulated all the strength -

    Bah!!! Opened! Look! (sharply threw up his hands up, stood on tiptoe)

    And the wind blows
    The first meadow flower! (we swing to the right, to the left, we smile !!!)


    The teacher addresses the children: “You know, guys, when we write, read, think about something very seriously, the muscles of our face tense up. And then the face needs its own gymnastics. What kind of gymnastics is this? And let's try it with you! You just need to try on a different facial expression - surprised (demonstrates), sad, cheerful, even angry (!) And of course do not forget about a smile!

    I have kittens.
    I'm surprised, guys, (surprised facial expression: eyebrows raised, eyes wide


    If I see how they

    Play ball, naughty.

    I sometimes get angry and frown my eyebrows, (we get angry: the eyebrows are shifted, the corners of the lips are lowered)
    If they mess up, argue,

    And the lace from my sneakers,

    Deftly divided into two.

    I laugh at them if (laughter: mouth open wide, eyes narrowed)
    They catch a fly on the fly.

    ... When they sleep, embracing together -

    I'm walking on tiptoe.

    Like on thin ice.

    Sleep cat's shore. (facial expression concentrated, tense)

    Here we woke up. Kitty Kitty Kitty!
    Head over heels down! (smile)

    You will hurt yourself! Carefully!

    ... Can I pet you? (raising eyebrows - questioning expression)


    "Guys! - the teacher addresses the children. “I suggest doing a little gymnastics for our eyes. After all, they worked so hard today - they helped us read, write, look at drawings, diagrams! Nothing special needs to be done. Let's just use our imagination and imagine the following picture ”(exercise for the pupils of the eyes)

    A guest came to us in the morning
    From an open window

    Our sweet dream was interrupted.

    Buzzed, buzzed,

    Right in your ear! Right in your ear!

    street small,

    But annoying fly. (we watch an imaginary fly - move the pupils to the left,


    Up flew up to the ceiling, (raised the pupils up)
    Dive down to us, (pupils down)

    She sat on the pillow on the left, (pupils - to the left)

    Moved to the sofa.

    To the right of the dog lay Athos,
    So she is on his nose. (pupils to the right)

    Circled above me, (pupil movement: left - up - right - down)
    And I wanted to eat. (squinted)

    Changed my mind: to the kitchen
    She flew to breakfast. (opened eyes)

    Have a rest? Great! With new forces - further!

    Warm-up "Yes" and "No" do not say!

    Have you had breakfast today? Do you like your hairstyle?
    Are you late for class today? Are you left handed? Do you love cinema?
    What flowers do you like and what don't you like? Why?

    Is the train flying? Butterfly with horns? Is the mouse gray? Do people sleep at night? Do you have a phone? Is smoking harmful to health? Does the cat climb on the roof? Is it May already? Holidays are coming soon? Do birds build nests in spring? Do you like ice cream?

    you chose your future profession? Is it bad to eat a lot of sweets? Can you be considerate?

Games catalog.

Games are workouts.

Exercise "Hello".

The host invites everyone to shake hands, but in a special way.
You need to greet with two hands with two participants at the same time, while you can release one hand only when you find someone who is also ready to say hello, i.e. hands should not remain idle for more than a second. The task is to greet all the members of the group in this way. There should be no talking during the game.

Game "Palms"

Participants sit in a circle and place their palms on the knees of the neighbors: the right palm on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left palm on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The meaning of the game is to raise the palms in turn, i.e. a “wave” ran from rising palms. After pre-training, palms raised at the wrong time or not raised at the right moment are out of the game.

Game "Run hands"
Participants are divided into teams of six people.
Each team forms a circle. All players extend their right arms to the center and place their palms on top of each other.
The players now shift their palms: the lowest hand starts the journey to the top, followed by the second player's hand, which is now on the bottom, and so on. Hands must move strictly in turn, and at the same time only one player can move the hand.

After the team members learn to work quickly and smoothly, the competition between the teams begins: who will quickly change the position of the hands. Once a team has successfully completed the regrouping, all of its players will have to shout with one voice: “Done!” Play this game two or three times and conclude by asking if the feeling of the players' hands has changed.

In the heat of the competition, it is often difficult to determine the end of the competition, so for convenience, you can mark the hand of the first player, for example, with a cross. If you have enough time, run the competition with your left hands and, which is quite difficult, with both. In the latter case, the hands of the same participant should not lie one on top of the other. The success of the game largely depends on how developed the ability of the players to concentrate and coordinate movements.

Exercise Find and Touch.

Description of the exercise
The facilitator suggests moving around the room and touching different objects and things with his hands. For example, find and touch something that is cold, rough, a thing that is about 30 cm long, something that weighs half a kilogram, the word "Forget-me-not."

The psychological meaning of the exercise.
Warm up exercise. Develops sensitivity to others, but at the same time activates both observational and analytical abilities. Participants contact each other, paying attention to different aspects of reality.

Game "Construction"

Please line up in alphabetical order.

Line up in a row by foot size, from smallest to largest.

An exercise. "Rebuilding"

Purpose: identifying a leader, monitoring how well the members of the team can act in a coordinated manner.

Participants are asked to stand in a circle. Task - silently rebuild in a square. Then, just as silently, rebuild into a triangle.

Exercise "Signal"

Participants stand in a circle, close enough, and hold hands behind each other's backs. The leader sends a signal in the form of a sequence of fast or longer, light or strong squeezing. The signal is transmitted in a circle until it returns to the leader. As a complication, you can send several signals at the same time, in one or in different directions.

Exercise "People - to people"

After pronouncing the phrase “People - to people”, the players are divided into pairs. Then the players perform all the commands of the leader (such as “ear to shoulder”, “right foot to left hand”, etc.). After the leader pronounces the phrase “People - to people”, the players should be redistributed into pairs.

1. Games to recognize each other.

"Me too".

Preparation: Move tables and chairs aside to make room for play.

1. Group members randomly sit on the floor or sit in a circle. There should be free space in the center of the room. The first volunteer stands there, he will be the leader in this game.

2. The leader carefully observes the people sitting around him. He needs some common (and conspicuous) common detail inherent in some players, but not to call it out loud, but only say the names of the people to whom it refers, and ask them to stand next to him.

3. The remaining players must determine what is similar in all the people called to the middle of the circle.

4. The one who guesses first becomes the new leader and goes to the middle.

Everyone else sits back on the floor.

5. The game can be played multiple times so that each player is selected at least once.

Notes: at first, a common feature may be some characteristic detail of the player’s appearance: an element of clothing, eye color, hair color, etc. Gradually, the selection principle can become more complicated: only women, only funny players, only those whose name contains a certain vowel, etc.

"Everyone - some - just me"

Description of the game: chairs line up in a circle one less than the number of players. Everyone sits on them, and the driver stands in the center of the circle. The driver calls some sign that can come up to all the guys sitting in a circle, only to some of them or to one person. Immediately everyone who believes that the named refers to him gets up, runs to the center of the circle, and then tries to take any free chair (but not his own). The driver does the same, but he does not need to run to the center of the circle, he is already standing there.
Comment: the teacher can start the game by giving the children examples different signs: “Everyone who likes to chat; everyone with a red ribbon in their braid. The driver can use this game by choosing signs that will help him learn more about children, for example: “Anyone who wants to go camping” or “Anyone who loves the Babylon 5 series.” At the same time, the facilitator should still have the right to "veto" a question that may be offensive to someone.

"Four Corners - Four Choices"

Target: Increasing the level of cohesion of the participants.

Time spending: 30 minutes.

Game stages:

1. Informing. Set aside chairs and tables so that participants can move freely around the room. For the duration of the game for each round you will need four large sheets of paper (A3 format) and adhesive tape. Attach sheets of paper to the four corners of the room and write the names of the colors (red, blue, green, yellow) on them. Sheets are attached in prominent places.

    Group members stand in the middle of the room.

    Announce to the participants that during the game they will get to know each other better. First, everyone walks around the room, then everyone stops at the sheet of paper that seems most suitable to him.

    All participants gathered in one corner tell each other why they chose this color. Everyone has to remember everyone who is in the same corner (3 minutes).

    In the second round, you can write on new sheets of four seasons.

    In the third round, you can use the names of four musical instruments, for example: violin, saxophone, harp, drum.

    In the fourth, draw geometric shapes on paper (one on each sheet), such as a triangle, a square, a circle, and an irregular shape.

    After each round, the players gather in the middle of the room. The order of the game is strictly observed: the participants must stop near the sheet of paper on which the inscription they like the most. At the same time, they remember everyone who stopped nearby.

Game discussion:

    Which participants most often ended up in the same group?

    What players were in the same group rarely or never at all?

    What interesting things did each of you learn about the other members of the group?

Remarks. Possible entries:

    tools: hammer, saw, pincers, needle;

    cities: Paris, Rome, Moscow, Shanghai;

    drinks: coffee, tea, coca-cola, milk;

    animals: lion, antelope, snake, eagle;

    buildings: villa, bungalow, castle, temple;

    famous people: A. Einstein, J. Puccini, W. Shakespeare, Bill Gates.

Treasure hunt.

Description of the game: the participants of the game move freely around the class and talk to each other. The player's task is to find one similarity and one difference with everyone he talks to. The more people he interviews, and the more interesting the similarities and differences, the better.
For each participant in the game, you will need the following card:



Comment: before starting the game, the teacher can give examples of similarities and differences (both he and I live in the same house, but I have a dog, and none of the animals lives with him; and she and I want to become photo models, but I love macaroons and she is ice cream).

Game "Catastrophe"

2. Games for the development of trust.

Walk with a compass

Description of the game: as in the previous game, the guys are divided into pairs. In each pair, one person is a “tourist” (slave), and the second is a “compass” (leader). The “tourist” closes (or is blindfolded) his eyes, and the “compass” stands behind him and puts his hands on his shoulders. The task of the "tourist" is to move around the class (you can arrange chairs, as in an obstacle course), the task of the "compass" is to direct his movement.

"I'm falling".

Participants walk around the room. Suddenly, someone, shouting: "I'm falling", begins to slowly sink to the floor or fall (only forward!), The rest should immediately rush to his aid and catch him before he touches the floor. Once the falling person is "rescued" the exercise continues. At the same time, safety measures must be observed so as not to get damaged.

Ships and rocks

Description of the game: half of the players are “ships”, half are “rocks”. "Rocks" are seated on the floor, "ships" close their eyes and randomly move around the room. When the “ship” approaches, the “rock” makes a hissing sound with which “waves roll on the stone”. The purpose of the "rocks" is to prevent a "shipwreck". Then the players change roles.