Download presentation methods in the lesson. Teaching methods (presentation). Active teaching methods in elementary school

  • 14.03.2020

School teaching methods

Slides: 15 Words: 1111 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

Content. Definition of the concept of "teaching method". Different approaches to the classification of teaching methods in modern didactics. Classification of teaching methods in high school. Means of education. Teaching methods. The term "method" from the Greek. "methodos" - a way to move towards the truth. Classification of m / o according to the source of knowledge (verbal, visual, practical). Modern classification of m / o in higher education. There are 2 groups of methods: Methods of the first group are divided into 2 subgroups: Information-developing Problem-search. Reproductive Methods: Retelling educational material. Performing an exercise according to the model Laboratory work according to the instructions. - Teaching methods at school.ppt

Forms and methods of teaching

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The concept of methods, teaching methods. Active Methods learning. The problem of choosing teaching methods. The concept of teaching methods. The implementation of the educational, upbringing and developmental function of learning depends on the choice of method. The concept of teaching methods. Verbal methods (methods of presentation). The presentation of educational material can be in the form of an explanation or description. Explanation is a form of mastering theoretical educational material. The duration of the story is no more than 10-15 minutes. in primary school, 30-40 min. - for seniors. Conversation is a question-answer form of mastering educational material. - Forms and methods of teaching.ppt

Technologies and teaching methods

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INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES Head of the Department of Development and Quality of Education Ph.D. Taranukha S.N. Necessity of use: Criteria of the indicator of state accreditation " Methodical work» «The use of innovative methods in the educational process». The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, which established the competence-based approach, fixed the requirement for the use of interactive methods in the educational process. Innovative methods can be implemented both in traditional and distance learning technologies. Thus, the dependence of learning technologies on the goals of education. - Technologies and teaching methods.ppt

Teaching methods

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Teaching methods. Ways joint activities teacher and students. Classification of teaching methods. Classification of methods according to the “source of knowledge”. Classification by increasing degree of independence of students. Three main groups of methods. Organizational methods. Requirements for the effectiveness of methods. verbal methods. Demonstration. Exercises. Independent work. Control methods. Practical Methods. Didactic workshop. Grounds for classifying teaching methods. - Teaching methods.ppt

Ways of learning

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Active forms of work with teachers. Great boon. Development of empathy of teachers. Strong and weak sides. Introduction by the trainer. Participant category. Glossary. Teaching methods. Active and interactive teaching methods. Forms of interactive learning. binary lesson. Choice of method and form of training. What distinguishes a modern lesson from a traditional one. Means of education. Learning process. Learning outcomes. Fireplace filled to the brim with wood. Information for thought. Mechanisms for organizing the educational process. Explanatory way of teaching. Stages of a creative lesson. Problem learning. - Ways of learning.ppt

Approaches in education

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Educational and methodological support for the introduction of GEF LLC. Competence approach in education. The essence of the competence approach. Assimilation of the amount of information. Competence approach. Knowledge. The level of education. Competence and competence. Competence. Individual psychological feature. Competence. Competence is educational. Educational competencies. System-activity approach in education. Conceptual provisions. Parameters of personal development. Socio-professional personality traits. Cooperation between teachers and students. Development occurs in activity. - Approaches in education.ppt

Differentiation and individualization of learning

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DIFFERENTIATION AND INDIVIDUALIZATION OF LEARNING IN A MODERN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION: problems of methodology and technology. Differentiation and Individualization of Learning Process in Modern High School. New Meanings of Differentiation and Individualization New Philosophy of Differentiation and Individualization. Differentiation of Learning – Part of the Educational Management. Differentiation as part of educational management. Differentiation as a Principle. According to the level of actual development (IQ, special abilities). By learning objectives (by the final tasks that will be solved). - Differentiation and individualization of learning.ppt

Teaching strategies

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Teaching strategies in new conditions. Lecture. Conceptual apparatus. Basic concepts. passive strategies. Ways of communication. Implementation forms. Selection conditions. Saving time. active strategies. Joint discussion. Individual questions and comments. Increased public interest. Possibility to prevent evasion from the topic. Interactive strategies. Organizer. Group work. Readiness for the topic under discussion. Expansion of the resource base. Strategies for working with information. System approaches. Creative approaches. Subordination. Positions for comparing strategies. Strategy choice factors. - Teaching strategies.ppt

Active learning

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Technology of active learning. History of occurrence. Dewey, K. D. Ushinsky and others. The views of supporters of student activity. Socrates (399 BC) saw the surest way to manifest the abilities of man in self-knowledge. He insisted that education should teach to think. V. A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970) called for special measures and techniques to support the desire of students to be pioneers. didactic background. Active learning technology includes: It embodies the following principles: activity of the individual; problematic; unity of education and upbringing. Game training has proved the high efficiency of using game, competitive, command methods learning. - Active learning.ppt

Methods of training and education

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Teaching methods Educational methods Research methods. Six figures of thought. The target is a triangle shape. Accuracy is a circle figure. The point of view is a square figure. Interest is a heart shape. Value - a diamond figure. The result is a rectangle shape. Teaching methods. Method (from the Greek method - a way, a way to something) - a way to implement an activity as a system. Reception of training (teaching reception) - short-term interaction between the teacher and students, aimed at the transfer and assimilation of specific knowledge, skills, skills. Classification of teaching methods according to Babansky. - Methods of training and education.pptx

Individual educational route

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Individual educational route. Normative-legal bases of the IOM organization. Organizational and pedagogical document. Humanitarian and system-activity approaches. Individual educational trajectory. A differentiated educational program. Educational program. IOM design principles. Tutor support. Stages of IOM implementation technology. Organizational and pedagogical conditions. Content basis of IOM. Temporary structure of IOM. Implementation forms. Control structure. Possible risks and preventive measures. - Individual educational route.ppt

Forms of study at the university

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Forms of organization of training at the university. Lecture. The main form of organization of education at the university. lecture requirements. Analysis of different points of view. Types of lectures. Introductory lecture. Lecture-information. Overview lecture. Problem lecture. Lecture-visualization. Binary lecture. Lecture with pre-planned mistakes. Lecture-conference. Lecture-consultation. The variety of species speaks of the creativity and skill of teachers. Functions of lectures. The lecture informs the student about the achievements of science. The lecturer explains and explains the essence of the theory. The lecture is carried out through the evidence of the lecturer's statements. - Forms of study at the university.ppt

Research Seminar

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Research Seminar. History of Russian everyday life. Mastery of primary skills. Acquaintance with accepted practices in the academic community. Mastering the primary skills of academic work. Learner competencies. Genres of historical writing. History of everyday life. Search for information resources. Bibliographic search. Informational resources. Research project. Compilation of a bibliography. - Research Seminar.ppt

Systems approach

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Systems approach. The main mission of education. Education for All Achievements. Access to preschool education. Achieving the goal of education. Problems of the quality of education. Indicators. International monitoring. Part of the students. The quality of education. Text. Second grade text. The impact of poor quality education on development. Lack of resources. Continuous reproduction of global inequality. Main starting points. inadequate technical tools. Complete analysis. Low ‘absolute’ specified criterion. UNESCO response. Baseline conditions for KDKOO. Quality educational system. - System approach.ppt

Active teaching methods in elementary school

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The use of active teaching methods in the classroom in primary school. paper properties. Method. Working on riddles. Problematic situation. Introduction to the properties of paper. interactive technology. active method. The attitude of the participant to his own action. Peculiarities. Way out of the current problem situation. - Active teaching methods in elementary school.ppt

Active forms of learning

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Active forms of teaching the basics of life safety in elementary school. Objectives: Ensuring a healthy lifestyle, maintaining health. Ensuring the personal safety of the younger student. Tasks: - development of knowledge about healthy way life; - possible causes of hazardous situations of various nature; security measures and rules; rules of conduct in a dangerous situation; use of rescue equipment. Forms of work that increase the level of learning activity. Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons ( business game, competition, seminar, excursion, integrated lesson); Non-traditional forms of training sessions (integrated, united by a single theme, problem; combined, design, creative workshops, etc.); Game forms; Dialogic interaction; Problem-task approach (problem questions, problem situations, etc.). - Active forms of learning.ppsx

Interactive learning

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Innovative technologies in vocational education. Classification of innovative learning technologies. Education based on psychology. interactive method. Passive teaching method. Active learning method. Interactive teaching method. Interactive learning technologies. The role of the teacher in the implementation of the interactive method. Classification of interactive technologies. non-imitation technologies. simulation technologies. Forms of interactive learning. Problem lecture. Seminar - debate. Educational discussion. Brainstorm. Didactic game. Work forms. Internship. Project-based learning technologies. - Interactive learning.ppt

Active learning methods

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Active teaching methods. Signs of active learning methods. Signs of active learning methods Problematic. Mutual learning. Individualization. Study of the studied problems and phenomena. Directness, independence of interaction of students with educational information. Motivation. The creative nature of the educational cognitive activity. Competitiveness, playful nature of the classes. emotional impact. Classification of active learning methods at the university (A.M. Smolkin). Non-imitation. Imitation. Gaming. Non-game. Active teaching methods: lectures and reports. - Active learning methods.ppt

Interactive forms of learning

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The method of using interactive forms in the organization of educational activities of students in the study of the course of the ORKSE. Interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning. Basic principles of interactive strategy. Types of interactive teaching methods. Positive and negative sides of interactive strategy. What associations does the word "game" evoke in you? Game (in education). Own definition of the concept of "Game". The potential of game approaches in teaching. Tasks of educational games. Dangers and difficulties. Elements and characteristics of the game. Classification of games. - Interactive learning forms.ppt

Student-centered learning technologies

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Seminar. Acquaintance with the essence personally technology oriented. Association method. The role of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Development of a knowledge system. Person-oriented technologies. LORO technology. The technology of complete assimilation of knowledge. Technology of multi-level education. The technology of collective mutual learning. Benefits of CSR. Modular learning technology. Learning module. Principles of the educational process. The results of the psychological and pedagogical examination. Planning and technology of implementation. The scheme of the complex analysis of the lesson. Generalized mechanism of learning technology. - Student-centered learning technologies.ppt

Traditional and learner-centered learning

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Organization of the educational process. Plan of the teachers' council. Factors that determine the system of UVP. Pedagogical concepts. Features of the modern mass man. Formation of the human image. Trends in modern society. Education. The formation of man. Trends in the development of modern theoretical foundations of pedagogy. attitude towards the student. Results of research into the psychological mechanisms of personality development. Positive aspects of traditional education. The main educational processes of traditional education. The main educational processes of LOO learning. - Traditional and student-centered learning.ppt

Modular learning system

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Terrible danger. The concept of "module". The composition of the module. Differences of modular training. The purpose of modular training. Initial scientific ideas. The sequence of actions of the teacher. Routing. Creation of a modular program. Private didactic purposes. The sequence of actions of the teacher when compiling the module. The form of the training element. - Modular learning system.ppt

Modular schooling

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Modular education in elementary school. Research and discovery of the method. Development of the educational process. Module. MO is an independent didactic system. Basic principles of modular technology P.Ya. Yutsevichen. traditional system of education. The difference between the modular system of T.I. Shamov. Algorithm for compiling a module. Advantages of MO. Goals and objectives of the group. Work plan. Forms and methods of work. - Modular school education.ppt

Multilevel training

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Technology of multi-level education. Multilevel training. Activity. appropriate level. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Scientific ideas. Test results. The individuality of each student. Separation of students. The need to design goals. Technology principles. Creation of pedagogical conditions. Work with students. actions of teachers and students. Preparation of educational material. Leveled teaching methodology. Students. Fact. The volume of material. The level of compulsory training. Success in learning. multilevel approach. Lessons of consolidation and generalization. Work forms. - Multi-level training.pptx

Programmed learning

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Programmed learning. Training is considered poorly managed. The average overall pace of learning the material. Ignorance by the teacher of the course of assimilation by students of the reported knowledge. Difficulty in independent work of students. The emergence of programmed learning. Optimization of alignment and management of the educational process. Create an optimal environment for learning mathematics. Basic forms of programming learning. Linear program. Characteristics of the linear program. Questions or gaps. Program framework. Expanded program. Answer. Explaining the reason. The purpose of the branched algorithm. - Programmed learning.ppt

Differentiated learning

Slides: 21 Words: 893 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Chinese parable. Technology of differentiated learning. The structure of pedagogical technology. Manufacturability criteria. Question history. The goals of differentiated learning. The concept of differentiation. differentiated learning. Types of intra-class differentiation. The system of joint activity of teacher and student. Stages of organizing differentiated learning. Criteria. Group features. Students with learning disabilities. Directions of differentiation of training. Differentiation of educational tasks. Technology system. Unjustified and inappropriate equalization of children is excluded. - Differentiated learning.ppt

Technology of pedagogical workshops

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Technology of pedagogical workshops. The essence of technology. Workshop principles. Workshop stages. Induction. Self-construction. Socioconstruction. Socialization. Gap. Success analysis. Dear technology. Restrictions on the use of technology. Insufficient readiness. The restrictions are not insurmountable. - Technology of pedagogical workshops.ppt

Interactive teaching methods

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Interactive teaching methods. activity method. The word "interactive". Interactive learning is learning through experience. Experiences by participants of a specific experience (game, exercise, situation) Comprehension of the experience gained Generalization Application in practice. It solves three main tasks: Educational and cognitive task (eg: to find out, identify ...) Communicative and developing (eg: development of learning skills) Socially oriented. The main features of the interactive: Special techniques for interactive have been developed (for working in pairs, groups, collectively): Brainstorming Two, four - together Mosaic Microphone Aquarium Live line Big circle Who is more? - Interactive teaching methods.ppt

Learner-centered learning

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Student-centered learning. aim Russian education currently. School task. Student-centered education. Student-centered education includes the following approaches: Multi-level Differentiated Individual Subjective-personal. Feature of the personality-oriented approach. The educational process should be aimed at. Assimilation of knowledge. The development of cognitive forces. Methods of assimilation and processes of thinking. Development of creative abilities. Pedagogical technologies based on a personality-oriented approach. Technology of individual training Collective way of training. - Learner-centered learning.ppt

Person-Centered Technologies

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The main conceptual ideas of the technology of personality-oriented education. Development trends modern foundations Pedagogy: The system of relations "teacher-child". Conceptual positions. 1. The center of the concept is Man. 2. Transition to the sphere of subject-subject relations. 3. Creation of conditions for the disclosure of personal potential. 4. Self-education. Values ​​of personality-oriented education. Man. Culture. Creation. Model of personality-oriented education. Personal development. Accounting for features. Selection of groups. homogeneous groups. The child is a unique individual. - Person-Centered Technologies.ppt

Modular learning

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Organization of modular training. Project program. Tasks: Program. Composition of the group. Features of modular learning (MO). Distinctive features MO. The content of training is presented in complete independent complexes. Forms of communication between teachers and students are changing. Relationships become more equal. MO tasks. Development of intelligence, memory and speech of students. Formation of communication skills. Formation of self-knowledge skills based on reflection. Theoretical basis MO. Activity approach to learning (research by A.N. Leontiev). The theory of developmental learning (L.S. Vygotsky). - Modular learning.ppt

Modular learning technology

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Modular learning technology. The concept of pedagogical technology. The importance of modular learning. Modular learning. The essence of modular learning. Directions for the implementation of modular training. Level-by-level differentiation of training. Accounting for the individual pace of mastering the educational material. Individualization through the organization of assistance and mutual assistance. Organization of individual control. Students work at their own pace. A variety of educational elements offered to the student at each modular lesson. Requirement for modular training. Fundamentals of modular learning technology. - Modular learning technology.ppt

Pedagogical workshop

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Pedagogical workshop as a creative method of implementing the philosophy of education. What is a pedagogical workshop? Problem field of the pedagogical workshop. Pedagogical workshop as a creative process. As a result, in the process of intuitive search, something new appears in the minds of the participants. At the next stage, there is an understanding of the laws of the creative process (reflection). Pedagogical workshop - a form of self-awareness (reflection). Reflection. Both types of reflection are constantly operating in the pedagogical workshop. Pedagogical workshop as an insight. The ascent is planned in advance by the head of the workshop. - Pedagogical workshop.ppt

Independent work in the lesson

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Requirements for independent work. Having a specific goal. The presence of a specific task. A clear form of expressing the result cf. Definition of the check form cf. Mandatory performance with each student who received the task. The content of the tasks must correspond to a specific TDT. Tasks to individualize to ensure successful completion cf. Five groups. Questionnaire for students. Our teachers apply the principles of management in teaching. Table for collecting data characterizing the formulation of independent work in the lesson. Have you been in class independent work? -

What is a visual teaching method?

Visual teaching methods are understood as methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the visual aids used in the learning process and technical means(ICT).

  • Observations
  • Illustrations
  • Demonstrations


This is an independent work of students on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher.

Observation is distinguished by the complexity of the psychological structure, is associated with all cognitive processes, and prepares students for abstract thinking.

Observation techniques

  • show-observation
  • demonstration-observation
  • notes and drawings
  • photographing and description

illustration method

involves showing students illustrative aids, diagrams, posters, tables, paintings, maps, drawings, layouts, sketches on the board, flat models.

Demo method

usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, equipment, experiments, codoscopes, films, filmstrips, tape recorders, computer programs, presentations.

Method demonstrations

consists in showing the operation of real devices or their models, various mechanisms, technical installations, in setting up experiments and conducting experiments, in demonstrating processes (of various origins), design features, properties of materials, collections (minerals, art products, paintings, samples of materials, etc.) .d.).

Demo method

AT modern conditions special attention is paid to the use of a personal computer (PC), which significantly expands the possibilities of visual methods in the educational process.

ICT is an important link in the visual teaching method.

Modern ICTs include:

  • educational electronic manuals;
  • receiving additional information through the Internet;
  • educational presentations;
  • multimedia aids and others.

Conditions for the effective use of visibility:

  • a) the visualization used must be appropriate for the age of the students;
  • b) visibility should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson;
  • c) observation should be organized in such a way that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;
  • d) it is necessary to clearly highlight the main, essential when showing illustrations;
  • e) to think over in detail the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena;
  • e) the visualization shown must be exactly consistent with the content of the material;
  • g) involve the students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid or a demonstration device.

Takova a brief description of visual teaching methods, classified by sources of knowledge. It has been repeatedly criticized in the pedagogical literature. Its main disadvantage is that this classification does not reflect the nature of the cognitive activity of students in learning, does not reflect the degree of their independence in educational work. However, it is this classification that is most popular among practicing teachers.

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m o e a r b h d l y u h k

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Teaching methods

Method (literally, the way to something) means a way to achieve the goal, a certain way of ordered activity.

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According to the source of knowledge.

a) verbal methods (the source of knowledge is the oral or printed word); b) visual methods (observable objects, phenomena, visual aids are the source of knowledge); c) practical methods (students gain knowledge and develop skills by performing practical actions).

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Visual teaching methods

illustration method demonstration method

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Practical teaching methods

Exercises. creative works

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Classification of teaching methods depending on the nature of the cognitive activity of students

Explanatory-illustrative Reproductive Problematic Partial-search method, or heuristic method. research method.

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Lesson types.

introduction to new material; a lesson in consolidating what has been learned; a lesson in the application of knowledge and skills; lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge; a lesson in checking and correcting knowledge and skills; combined lesson.

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1. Lesson of familiarization with new material

1. message of the topic, goals, objectives of the lesson and motivation learning activities; 2. preparation for the study of new material through repetition and updating of basic knowledge; 3. familiarization with new material; 4. primary understanding and consolidation of connections and relationships in the objects of study; 5. setting a task at home; 6. Summing up the lesson.

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2. A lesson in reinforcing what has been learned

1. checking homework, clarifying directions for updating the material; 2. communication of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, motivation for learning; 3. reproduction of what has been learned and its application under standard conditions; 4. transfer of acquired knowledge and their primary application in new or changed conditions in order to form skills; 5. summing up the lesson; 6. setting homework.

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3. Lesson in applying knowledge and skills

1. checking homework; 2. motivation of educational activity through students' awareness of the practical significance of the applied knowledge and skills, communication of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson; 3. comprehension of the content and sequence of application of practical actions in the performance of upcoming tasks; 4. independent performance of tasks by students under the supervision of a teacher; 5. generalization and systematization of the results of completed tasks; 6. Summing up the lesson and setting homework.

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4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

1. setting the goal of the lesson and motivating the learning activities of students; 2. reproduction and correction of basic knowledge; 3. repetition and analysis of basic facts, events, phenomena; 4. generalization and systematization of concepts, assimilation of a system of knowledge and their application to explain new facts and fulfillment practical tasks; 5. assimilation of leading ideas and basic theories on the basis of a broad systematization of knowledge; 6. Summing up the lesson.

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5. Lesson for checking and correcting knowledge and skills

1. familiarization with the purpose and objectives of the lesson, instructing students on the organization of work in the lesson; 2. checking students' knowledge of factual material and their ability to reveal elementary external connections in objects and phenomena; 3. checking students' knowledge of basic concepts, rules, laws and abilities to explain their essence, argue their judgments and give examples; 4. checking the ability of students to independently apply knowledge in standard conditions; 5. checking the ability of students to apply knowledge in changed, non-standard conditions; 6. Summing up (in this and subsequent lessons).

slide presentation

Slide text: Any human education is nothing more than the art of promoting nature's desire for its own own development. I. Pestalozzi

Slide text: good methods There are only as many as there are good teachers. D. Poya Prepared by Bortnikova G.V.

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Slide text: The story involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainees. Educational lecture - a systematic presentation of the material. Conversation - the presentation of information in the form of a dialogue between the teacher and the student on a set of issues of the topic. Discussion - discussion of the problem.

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Slide text: Illustration - showing students various illustrative aids: posters, tables, diagrams, drawings from a textbook, sketches and notes on the board, models of geometric shapes, natural objects, etc. Demonstration of instruments, experiments, showing films, filmstrips, slides, etc.

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Slide text: Exercise - repeated execution learning activities for the development of skills and abilities. Laboratory work - conducting experiments, calculations, experiments by students in a laboratory, allowing them to study processes. Practical work- fulfillment of tasks for the processing of materials, the manufacture of objects, work in school areas, in workshops, etc.

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Slide text: Method didactic games. Essence - modeling and imitation. Algorithm training.

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Slide text: Solving a problem by expressing ideas for solving it

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Slide text: Recognizing a term Definition of a concept Disclosing the scope and content of a concept Establishing links between a given concept and another Practical interpretation of a concept

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Slide text: Positive emotions in relation to the activity. The presence of the cognitive side of this emotion. The presence of a direct motive coming from the activity itself.

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Slide text: Cognitive games. The method is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. Educational discussions are a method of creating a situation of cognitive dispute. Creating a situation of success in learning by differentiating assistance to students in completing educational tasks of the same complexity

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Slide text: Compliance of methods with teaching principles. Compliance with the goals and objectives of training. Correspondence to the content of this topic. Compliance with learning opportunities for trainees: age, psychological; level of preparedness. Compliance with the existing conditions and the allotted training time. Compliance with the capabilities of assistive learning tools. Compliance with the capabilities of the teachers themselves

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Slide text: Name of the decision Characteristics of this level of decision making Stereotypical decisions The teacher invariably prefers a certain stereotype of the application of teaching methods, regardless of the specifics of the tasks of the content, the characteristics of the trainees. Trial and error decisions The teacher tries to change the choice of methods taking into account specific conditions, but does this by spontaneous trials, making mistakes, choosing a new option and again without a scientific justification for the choice. Optimized Decisions Decisions that are made by scientifically based selection of the most rational methods for given conditions in terms of some defined criteria.

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Slide text: 1. By the source of knowledge Verbal Visual Practical 2. By the nature of cognitive activity Explanatory-illustrative Problem presentation Partial-search Research 3. Active and intensive methods Method of didactic games Learning by algorithm 4. Methods of science as teaching methods with concepts

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Methods of pedagogical research

Plan The concept of "Methodology of pedagogical research" Classification of research methods Theoretical methods Empirical methods Mathematical methods

The concept of "Methodology of pedagogical research" Method (Greek - a way of knowing) - "the path to something", a way to achieve a goal, a certain way ordered activity of the subject in any of its forms. Methodology - from the method ("method, way to the goal") and logic ("scientific doctrine") - the doctrine of the structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity. The presence of a methodology is a sign scientific organization any activity, because thanks to the methodology, the activity becomes the subject of awareness, learning and rationalization. The methods of pedagogical research are understood as methods for studying the experience of pedagogical activity, as well as pedagogical facts and phenomena, establishing regular connections and relationships between them with the aim of further scientific development of the theory of education and improvement of its practice.

Classification of research methods Methods of pedagogical research are divided into empirical (methods of studying pedagogical experience), theoretical (methods of theoretical research) and mathematical (statistical).

Theoretical methods Theoretical methods of research make it possible to clarify, expand and systematize scientific facts, explain, predict phenomena, increase the reliability of the results obtained, move from abstract to concrete knowledge, establish relationships between various concepts and hypotheses, and single out the most significant and secondary ones among them. Theoretical research methods include analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, abstraction, generalization, concretization and modeling.

Analysis is the decomposition of the whole under study into parts, the selection of individual features and qualities of a phenomenon, process or relations of phenomena, processes. Analysis procedures are included in any scientific research and, as a rule, form its first phase, when the researcher moves from an undivided description of the object under study to revealing its structure, composition, properties and features. Synthesis - connection various elements, sides of an object into a single whole (system). This is not a simple summation, but a semantic connection. Synthesis as a cognitive operation appears in various functions of theoretical research. Any process of concept formation is based on the unity of synthesis and analysis. Empirical data obtained in a particular study are synthesized during their theoretical generalization. In theoretical scientific knowledge, synthesis is carried out in the function of interconnection of theories related to the same subject area, as well as in the function of combining competing theories. Synthesis plays an essential role in empirical research.

Comparison is a cognitive operation that underlies judgments about the similarity or difference of objects. Comparison reveals quantitative and quality characteristics objects, their classification, ordering and evaluation are carried out. A comparison is a comparison of one with another. In this case, the bases, or signs, of comparison play an important role, which determine the possible relationships between objects. In pedagogical research, as a rule, three types of comparisons are used: - comparison of pedagogical phenomena on one basis (for example, the performance of students in control and experimental classes after experimental training); - comparison of homogeneous pedagogical phenomena on several grounds (for example, knowledge and skills of students in control and experimental classes in terms of speed, strength of knowledge assimilation, ability to use them creatively, etc.); - comparison of different stages in the development of one pedagogical phenomenon (for example, the level of reading skills of students by year of study).

Abstraction is one of the main mental operations that allows you to mentally isolate and turn into an independent object of consideration certain aspects, properties or states of the object under study in its pure form. This method underlies the processes of generalization and concept formation. Abstraction consists in isolating such properties of an object that do not exist by themselves and independently of it. Such an isolation is possible only on the mental plane, in abstraction. For example, the geometric figure of the body does not really exist by itself and cannot be separated from the body. But thanks to abstraction, it is mentally singled out, fixed, for example, with the help of a drawing, and independently considered in its special properties. One of the main functions of abstraction is to highlight the common properties of a certain set of objects and fix these properties, for example, through concepts.

Generalization - highlighting common features in phenomena, i.e. summing up the results of the study. Induction and deduction are logical methods for generalizing empirically obtained data. The inductive method involves the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion, and the deductive method - from a general to a particular conclusion.

Concretization is a thought process that involves providing the subject of a particular expression. When concretizing, pedagogical concepts are enriched with new features, since this method is aimed at highlighting the development of the subject as an integral system. Comparison. As a method of pedagogical research, comparison consists in comparing the results of the study with the intended goals. In the process of research, the results obtained are compared not only with the goals, but also with the state of the object before the start of the study, which makes it possible to trace the dynamics of the phenomenon under study. Classification. Its task is the logical distribution of pedagogical facts, phenomena, processes with a sign inherent in the group.

Pedagogical modeling is a method of creating and studying scientific and pedagogical models. A scientific and pedagogical model is a mentally represented or materially implemented system that adequately reflects the subject of pedagogical reality under study. Signs of a scientific model: 1) an ideal system optimized for learning; 2) adequately reflects the object of study; 3) is capable of replacing the modeled object; 4) studying the model gives new information about the subject of research. The main advantage of the model is the integrity of the information presented, which makes it possible to implement a synthetic approach in the knowledge of this object. Pedagogical modeling helps to comprehend the subject of research in various conditions.

Empirical methods Empirical methods include observation, conversation, questioning, pedagogical testing and others. Their common feature is their focus on the direct study of the controlled object, the collection and systematization of factual material about the process and results of the educational system. The empirical nature of cognition inherent in the methods of this group is an important prerequisite for the reliability of the revealed facts.

The method of observation is defined as the direct perception by the researcher of the studied pedagogical phenomena and processes. Along with direct observation of the course of the pedagogical phenomenon, indirect observation is also practiced, when the process itself is hidden, and its real picture can be fixed according to some indicators. For example, the results of an experiment to stimulate the cognitive activity of students are being monitored. In this case, one of the indicators of shifts is academic performance, recorded in the forms of assessments, the rate of assimilation of educational information, and the volume of learned material. The very cognitive activity of students lends itself to registration indirectly. There are several types of observations. Along with direct and indirect observations, continuous and discrete observations are singled out. Continuous observations cover processes in a holistic way from beginning to end. Discrete observations are dotted, selective fixation of certain phenomena and processes under study. Observation can be neutral when the researcher conducts it without being involved in real activity. Observation from the position of the head of the pedagogical process suggests that the researcher himself participates in the process, combining practical tasks with research. And finally, the included observation implies the inclusion of the researcher in the structure of the actions of the subjects by an ordinary performer of all cognitive operations together with the students for self-testing in the role of the latter. The varieties of scientific observations in pedagogy also include open and secret observation. The first means that the subjects know the fact of their control, and the researcher's activity is perceived visually. Covert surveillance involves covert monitoring of the actions of the subjects.

Questionnaires - a method of collecting information using questionnaires - specially designed questionnaires that require written answers. The main types of questionnaires: - open (respondents must formulate the answer on their own); - closed (respondents must choose the most appropriate answer from several ready-made options); - mixed (combined), providing for the possibility of both choosing from ready-made options, and self-formulation of the answer. Questioning is most effective if you want to identify the collective opinion on any issues and the needs of a significant number of people. Depending on the purpose, teachers, students, their parents, representatives of the immediate social environment can be surveyed. When applying this method, it should be remembered that the results of the survey, even those obtained on large samples, reflect the opinions, attitudes, stereotypes of thinking and perception of the respondents, the features of this social group, and therefore they may diverge significantly from established scientific facts.

Pedagogical testing is a method in the process of application of which the subjects perform certain actions on the instructions of the inspector. Currently, a lot of test methods have been developed for the school, which make it possible to identify the level of learning in various subjects, the level of personal development of students and teachers, to study and evaluate the abilities, interests and needs of participants in the educational process. Computer testing is becoming more and more widespread, which makes it possible to significantly facilitate and speed up the verification and primary processing of results. Pedagogical experiment - a special method empirical research, which consists in the fact that the researcher intervenes in the pedagogical process in order to create the best conditions for the study of pedagogical phenomena. There are two types of pedagogical experiment: ascertaining and forming (transformative). In a stating experiment, specially created conditions make it possible to reveal new facts. With formative - to change the course and result of the pedagogical process.

Mathematical methods These methods are used in pedagogy to process data obtained by observation and experiment, as well as to establish quantitative relationships between the studied phenomena. The essence of mathematical political methods is to describe pedagogical phenomena using quantitative characteristics, use cybernetic models to determine optimal conditions management of the process of training and education.

Methods for establishing quantitative dependencies include registration, ranking and scaling (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, etc.). The registration method consists in the fact that certain established facts revealed during the study of the subject of research are recorded: it is fixed in a certain way. This allows you to accumulate information and translate it into numerical indicators, identify not only the presence, but also the number of certain phenomena, events, determine their frequency (number per unit of time). For example, tardiness, absenteeism, various achievements of students and teachers, etc. can be recorded. When ranking, the objects and phenomena under consideration are arranged in a certain sequence, for example: the most important is assigned the 1st rank, the less important - the 2nd, etc. This method it is necessary when there is no ready-made scientifically based method for evaluating the property under study, since it is almost always possible to use ranking by the speed of completing tasks, by the number of errors made, by the frequency of answers, etc. Scaling involves "the introduction of digital indicators in the assessment of certain aspects of pedagogical phenomena" (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, etc.). When scaling, each of the identified indicators is assigned a certain number of points, and on the basis of this, scales for evaluating the phenomenon under study are compiled for each evaluation criterion. As a method of knowing a controlled object, scaling allows you to formalize the data obtained, converting them into numerical indicators, compare them with existing standards and identify deviations, which greatly facilitates the processing of large amounts of information.

The method of calculating elementary statistics makes it possible to represent managerial and pedagogical phenomena in absolute terms. Different formulas can be used for such calculations. In pedagogical research, the most common are percentage, total and arithmetic averages. The methods of statistical identification of relationships include graph plotting, comparison of elementary statistics, the method of correlations, factor analysis, etc.

List of literature used Slastenin Vitaly Alexandrovich, Isaev Ilya Fedorovich, Shiyanov Evgeny Nikolaevich. Pedagogy 2007, Moscow "Academy". V.V. Kraevsky METHODOLOGY OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH: A guide for the teacher-researcher. Samara: SamGPI Publishing House, 1994. 165 p.