Learning to enjoy life is bad. How to learn to enjoy life advice. Translation and inner harmony

  • 29.10.2019

Hello dear readers. Today we have a guest post. I want to continue the topic I started on the “positive psychology” blog, I like this topic, I want to develop it by helping people. This article presents 6 tips on how to enjoy life. But I supplemented these tips by adding 4 more tips, from myself, at the end. I think you will like these tips, and if someone is helped, then my joy will know no bounds! The topic is quite interesting. Each of you will find something new and interesting for yourself. We all live, grow, develop, rejoice and grieve. But how to truly enjoy life, how to learn to see the good in everything?

“How to learn to enjoy life?” is such a simple and, at the same time, incredibly complex question. And its complexity, first of all, lies in its rhetoric. After all, for everyone the concept of the joy of life is different.

There is no strict clear recipe, following which one could be guaranteed happy man. But, nevertheless, there are universal recommendations, following which you can get as close as possible to this state.

How to learn to enjoy life:

a few fundamental principles

1. Good mood

Start every day with a sincere smile. “As you meet, so you will spend,” this saying can be attributed not only to the new year, but also to each new day.

Do you want to spend the whole day exclusively on positive emotions? No problem! The main thing - do not forget to smile, opening your eyes to a new amazing day.

So you will develop one of the most useful habits: to start the day by sending a positive impulse to the Universe. And she will answer you the same, strengthening it many times over.

There is also a physiological aspect to this. The brain reacts to a positive emotion, which manifests itself in the form of a smile, by releasing a huge number of hormones into the blood, including: the hormone of joy, the hormone of happiness, adrenaline (in optimal quantities for excellent health and muscle, emotional tone).

Interesting fact! Even if you woke up with not the best state of health, mood - it does not matter.

Even an arbitrary smile sends positive signals to the brain, and it reacts accordingly, in much the same way as described above. So, smile more often and you will be happy (in the literal sense of these words)!

2. Taking care of your body

Morning exercises are an integral part of the awakening process. So, you have already woken up, smiled and even had time to brush your teeth. Excellent. Start charging. After all, in fact, the process of awakening you have just begun.

Prepare your body and brain for a new successful day. After all, they have not yet left the dormant phase. Charging will allow you to activate all the muscles, organs, every cell of your body, and set the brain for optimal activity.

Thanks to charging, you will feel in great shape all day long. Isn't it happiness to be healthy, vigorous, active? Of course - happiness!

3. Harmonious nutrition

Eat right, eat healthy, eat healthy. In a healthy body healthy mind.

Trite? More like right! The chances of absolute happiness increase exponentially if your health pleases you.

It is no secret that a person is what he eats. The comparison is figurative, but the essence is clear.

The state of human health largely depends on nutrition, and productivity, activity, initiative and much more depend on the state of health.

Everything is interconnected. But, as a result, we come to one single conclusion: proper nutrition is a direct path to happiness and joy!

4. Favorite business

Do what you love. sociological research conducted a few years ago in different countries around the globe, shocked not only the public, but also the scientists themselves.

As it turned out, more than 80% of people of working age go to work that they do not like and often despise, just to feed themselves.

It turns out a kind of paradox of modern life, which can be expressed as in a joke: “I bought a car on credit so that it would be more convenient to get to work. I'm going to a job I hate so I can pay off my car loan."

Do not drive yourself into such limits. Don't look for excuses.

To say that you were forced to go to study in a place where you did not want to study in order to get a job that you obviously hate is just an excuse.

Realize this, and you will have a chance to change your life, finally starting to enjoy every new day. Do what brings you pleasure!

5. Life is full of optimism

Always look at everything with optimism. The world doesn't owe you anything. Do not expect that everything that you can enjoy will be presented to you on a silver platter.

As a rule, those who want to rejoice rejoice in any situation, and those who are used to doing the opposite will find negativity everywhere and in everything.

Do you want an example? Yes please! The yacht is sinking. On the shore is the owner of the ship and his friend. A friend screams: “Oh, horror. Catastrophe!" And the owner: “But now you don’t have to spend money on fuel.”

This mini story is a display Everyday life each, only on a multiple scale. And it's up to you to decide: to rejoice at the "sinking yacht", or to be killed because of it.

6. Source of inspiration

Find a source of inspiration, and harmony will fill your body and soul. Happiness and joy can be found not only within oneself, but also outside: in relationships with other people.

How well you treat them will depend on their desire to do something good and pleasant for you.

Therefore, start with yourself. Show special attention and care to your loved ones. Communicating with children and parents is where true happiness lies. This is the source of inner harmony, from which the outer one will also come.

7. Comparison is not appropriate here

Don't compare yourself to others. They are not like you, they have a different path and their own tasks and goals, their own lessons that they go through.

You should learn to sincerely rejoice in other people's victories and look at people, taking something good from everyone for yourself.

8. Dream and plan

Do not stop there, plan, set goals. A person who has no goals and plans does not know where he is going and what to do.

Dream, plan, set goals and achieve them!

9. The past is our blessed experience

We are most often either in the past or in the future, forgetting about life in the present moment of time. In the past, I propose to close the door and hang a lock: “My blessed and perfect experience!” An experience that I had to go through in order to understand what this or that action leads to!

10. Thanksgiving Habit

It's really a habit. We often look around, forgetting how much beauty has been given to us. How much beauty is given to us every day, every minute and second. , I am definitely convinced of this, not whining and requests, but gratitude.

And in conclusion, do not forget that every person is as happy as he allows himself to be happy. So don't deny yourself this! Here are some tips on how to learn to enjoy life!

look into yourself

The ability to enjoy life is the ability to see this life from a certain angle. To see something cool and attractive in the familiar, ordinary, everyday. There are people who can do it easily and simply. How? Largely due to the special device of the psyche, which helps to brush aside anxieties and worries, not pay attention to the imperfection of the world, be open to other people, quickly adapt to changes and not lose hope.

There are also people who have a harder time enjoying life, because - again due to their mental makeup - they get stuck in unpleasant experiences. Negative emotions, memories are poorly erased. There is their accumulation, layering on each other: a person has not yet moved away when a car almost ran over him, and then they also stepped on his foot.

Because of this, the world around is perceived as complex, dangerous, unkind, requiring struggle and overcoming. Nothing good can be expected from him. What is the joy of life?

If you belong to the second group of people, you just need to know this mental peculiarity of yours - to know that it is more difficult for you than for other people, not to wind yourself up, not to boil in the cauldron of your experiences and treat everything lightly and with humor.

Understanding your characteristics allows you to improve your life in many ways and focus on starting to enjoy it.

It is impossible to enjoy the beauty of nature from the window of a high-speed train, and the grandiose architecture - on the run, buried in the phone. So it is impossible to enjoy life in the everyday bustle, which, as it seems, will never end.

Teach yourself to stop, “surface” from the whirlwind to look around and enjoy the current moment, simple and seemingly insignificant things - cuddle a pet, bake your favorite cake, delve into an interesting book, admire a sleeping child. While you “fell out” of the world, nothing will definitely happen to it, and some problems may even disappear by themselves.

Try to spend less energy on non-constructive experiences. The past cannot be returned, but valuable lessons can be learned from it. The future is unknown, and this impossibility to look into it gives rise to a lot of anxiety. Replaying situations that have already become history and worrying about the future takes a lot of energy that could be spent on the present. To improve the quality of the life that exists now, and not that is waiting "around the corner".

Therefore, with an effort of will, return yourself to the "here and now", solve urgent tasks, urgent and important. Be sure to praise yourself and rest, recover after their implementation. In our clear, rational and planned world, it is very important to be able to relax and be spontaneous. At least sometimes. Indulge in pranks and mischievous acts.

On your deathbed, all you have left of value is the piggy bank of life. And in it - not money and benefits, but memories and impressions.

Determine your real possibilities

Society makes a huge number of demands on everyone, both men and women - we must be competent, attractive, and successful. From the need to do too much flawlessly, on the "five", you easily fall into despair. Determine what you can "reach" and don't take on more than you can handle. Don't burden yourself with things you can live without.

It is vital - to know the limits of your real possibilities, to set yourself an interesting, complex, but feasible bar. If this bar is prohibitive, fate will forever click on your nose. You cannot solve all the problems of the Universe and be an iron robot, effortlessly coping with all life's challenges.

But it is in your power to internally free yourself from many social expectations and determine for yourself a list of achievable goals and deeds. And then just enjoy your successes and new knowledge - without depreciation and self-criticism. Then make a new list, complete it and rejoice again.

And one more important point. We follow the lives of familiar and unfamiliar people through social networks, and it seems to us that their lives are much more interesting, richer, tastier ... But this is not so, this is a distorted picture of the world. In the virtual space, people spread all the best that they have, sometimes specially creating beautiful image successful and happy person. And you need to understand that there, behind the window, there is the same life as yours, your worries and calluses, and not an eternal, carefree holiday.

Master the art of small steps

The ability to enjoy life, like any new skill, is primarily the art of small steps.

Great joy is also made up of small, weightless joys. Train yourself to see all the good things in life (and thank fate for it). Look for the bright side in what is happening, and in the actions of other people - positive intentions. A few drops of positive emotions each

Say good, kind words to yourself, learn to protect yourself internally and not reproach for mistakes. Move more - with active and regular physical activity, hormones are produced that improve the emotional state.

Be sure to devote time to what brings pleasure and from which the soul sings. Each of us has things that nourish, saturate and delight - do them more often.

And fewer unrealistic expectations. High expectations lead to deep disappointment. As Zh.E. Renard, "when they complain about life, it almost always means that the impossible was demanded of her." It doesn’t happen that everything always develops successfully and smoothly. You can't just laugh and never cry. In life there will always be problems, daily routine, troubles, and sometimes moments of grief, hopelessness, a sense of injustice.

But this is not our whole life. It also has the pleasure of a job well done, and the pleasure of being with nice people, and unexpected good fortune, and little surprises. And everyone decides for himself what he first notices and appreciates. What fills your life. And how free and happy he is in this diversity of life.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! We haven't seen each other for a long time. Tell me what's new, good things happened to you. The child brought another deuce from school, quarreled with her husband, at work they delay wages? Is this your news? Are you saying nothing else is happening? And the fact that you have the opportunity to wake up every morning, enjoy a new day, work, get out with your family on vacation - is this not happiness?

Of course, apathy, depression, periodically visit everyone, but it is in our power to drive uninvited guests away from us in time. Otherwise, they can turn into terrible things: disappointment in life, loss of its meaning and even suicide. I am not exaggerating at all. According to statistics, most suicides before a fatal step experience a prolonged depression ...

How to learn to enjoy life: the advice of a psychologist confirms that everything is as simple as two and two. So let's not memorize, but just read and remember this multiplication table of our own peace of mind and happiness.

Remember the famous song from the children's cartoon? “What a wonderful day! What a wonderful stump! How beautiful I am and my song! This is how you should start every morning. positive attitude- is the key to good events in life. It all starts with you and your attitude. No one will light a “light bulb” inside you if you do not do it yourself. And how, I'll tell you now.

Let a smile become an obligatory exercise of your morning emotional charge. Even if everything is bad, problems have accumulated at work, disagreements in the family and an eternal lack of finances, it is necessary to smile. We went into the bathroom and looked at ourselves in the mirror. Barely made up, disheveled from sleep, but so cute and funny in those pajamas. Smile to yourself and your day will be completely different.

Keep exercising on your way to work. Wink at a baby who is reluctantly walking with his mother by the hand to kindergarten. Let everyone around you be dissatisfied and half asleep, but you radiate positive and infect everything around with it! Psychology says that it is the morning positive charge that determines how your day will go.

If you work close to home, then give up the car and public transport. Take a walk, especially if the weather is good. During physical exertion, the hormone of happiness is released, and you deprive yourself of this gift, standing idle in traffic jams and jostling in crowded buses.

Walk in gym? Perfect! And if this is not possible, then make it a rule to practice at home, at least 10 minutes of exercise a day will help you not only put your figure in order for the beach season, but also your thoughts. You will notice the result after a week of training.

Family skiing, cycling or just evening jogging should be a replacement for routine TV evenings.

Is it time for you to go to the hairdresser? Sometimes only a change of image can lead out of a protracted depression. Let's start with the hair. If you are afraid to radically change something, then at least tidy up the split ends of your hair, make a restoring mask or lamination. Well, for mood, paint a few strands in bright colors. Fortunately, now such a “coloring” is even in fashion.

Surprise yourself and others, experiment, and then apathy will not have a single chance. It is also necessary to think about the beauty of nails. It is better to allocate the whole day and visit a beauty salon. Put yourself in the hands of the masters and let them do whatever they want with you, within your financial limit. Chocolate wrap, massage, manicure, haircut. I assure you, you will leave the salon a different person. And how many admiring male glances you will catch on the way home! It's also worth it, you know.

At home, also try to surround yourself with beautiful things. Change the curtains to brighter ones, buy a beautiful flower, even if it is artificial. Or maybe you dare to do a little renovation? Sometimes a change of interior can completely change the atmosphere of the house. And that's what we need!

Remember the joke? "-What is your dream? - Lose weight. "Why don't you do something about it?" “How then can one live without a dream?” And that's true. You can't live without a dream. Without this, we wither, fall into despondency, get lost in the “home-work-home” cycle. Don't let routine suck you in. Come up with a dream for yourself, let it pull you up, even if it seems impossible. Do you want a brand new foreign car? So dream! Start saving for it.

When there is an incentive, life begins to give us chances for the implementation of our plans. See here for a job posting! They pay more, the work is more interesting, and what if this is the job of your dreams, on which you will earn money for a car in a year or two? Do not get lost, try and everything will definitely work out.

It is not necessary to dream about something expensive and hard to reach. You can dream of something more real and no less pleasant. For example, to meet a friend who has not been seen for 15 years or go to the seaside with the family in the summer, buy that beautiful dress in size 44, but first lose 5-8 kilograms. These are small joys, without which life will not be bright and full. Dream about them, and ... "come true" your dreams.

Happiness does not always come to those who simply wait for it without doing anything. It likes to hide and sometimes you have to run after it. Therefore, we leave the sofa and go looking. It can wait for you anywhere. And on the seashore, and in the nearest park, and on the children's swing in the yard.

I know many couples who spend their weekends not sitting at home, but going on excursions to small towns nearby. And you know what? They almost never quarrel, they just have no time. In the summer they sunbathe and swim, in the fall they go hiking, go to concerts and exhibitions. Every day is maximally filled with events, each of which brings emotions. Is this not happiness? Do not kill time, spend it wisely, be active, and then you will not have to lose heart, that's for sure.

Here you throw up your hands and say: “Yes, what kind of shopping, if there is no money anyway!” Leave the negative! I don't mean going to expensive boutiques with crazy prices. The main thing here is the process. Nothing cures depression like shopping. Take a look at a beautiful swimsuit and imagine how you would look in it in the summer on the beach (remember tip number 4). Well, now the matter is small: work more actively on the figure and buy this swimsuit from the salary.

Try on a couple of extravagant outfits and take a selfie in the fitting room. Behave like a girl, it is this lightness that you are missing right now. Well, if there is not enough money for new clothes, it does not matter. Shopping sometimes does not require big expenses. Go through the sales, buy a beautiful new scarf, fragrant soap, pretty linen. Even these small amenities will noticeably cheer you up.

I will not give quotes like: “Here you are complaining about life, and in Africa children are starving.” You yourself know that you live no worse than the rest. Watch TV for at least a couple of hours. There was a terrorist attack, and there a plane crashed, people drowned, children are terminally ill. Now turn it off and say, "Aren't you ashamed?" In comparison with such troubles, everything is just wonderful with you. Husband, healthy kids, work, a roof over your head.

You need to be grateful for what you have, enjoy the little things, and then you will find inner peace of mind and happiness. Someone does not have the opportunity to hear or see, but they are happy every day. Let's do an experiment. Blindfold your eyes for half an hour with a tight bandage, feel what it's like to live in total darkness. Or put ear plugs in your ears and live half a day without hearing your favorite music, birds singing outside the window, or the laughter of your children. Well, how? And you're worried about salary delays and a couple of extra pounds.

Of course, there are times when it is really difficult to tune in a positive way.

For example, you or you have lost someone close to you. When it’s really hard, you can’t do without a face-to-face consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist. But in any case, you need to continue to live, for yourself, for the sake of children. Do not indulge in the sin of despondency, sometimes re-read my advice, dream, travel, smile and do at least one good deed every day. Then you will learn to enjoy life and please everyone around you.

How to learn to enjoy life? This is a question that has revealed its relevance right now, when there are, it would seem, all chances for positive life but something gets in the way. Someone discovered in himself the inability to rejoice, the habit of noticing shortcomings, others even believe that life consists of a series of unpleasant moments and a bunch of negative emotions, and in general they are surrounded by one negative. For example, let's take a woman in years, lonely, with little money, living a boring life. How does she spend her life? He gets up, goes outside, sees dirt or indecently behaving young people and gets angry, cursing everything around. It's raining - she swears again. He comes home, turns on the news, hears negativity and gets annoyed again. This is how her life goes. But after all, she will be able to change it and diversify it, with some effort, find a life partner, earn a little more money and spend it even on small, but joys. However, more often, even if there are opportunities to enjoy life, people are often dissatisfied with it, under any conditions they lack resources, it seems that only problems surround them.

Even without radically changing your life, under any of its conditions, you can learn to live much happier. Can this woman concentrate on the positive, find a reason for joy, communication with interesting people.

But how to learn to enjoy life and see the positive? This requires certain efforts on oneself, changing the habits of grumbling, criticizing, being in a depressive state of mind. It is worth noting that we live in a unique time - never before have people had such high level life as it is now. In ancient times, kings lived worse than the average person today. Constant wars and disease, absence a wide range food, medicine, entertainment. However, even during this period of prosperity and calm, people often find several negative points out of all the positive and concentrate only on them, forgetting to see the positive realities - the shining sun, the world, arms and legs, water and food, clothes, friends, their own potential and many opportunities. and entertainment in the modern world.

How to learn to live here and now to enjoy life?

Learn to overcome your weaknesses. To achieve what you want, you need to make efforts to form the right habits, overcome obstacles, remove the negative from yourself that you are used to by force of will, replacing it with positive. In other words, you should overcome yourself and get out of your comfort zone. As long as a person does not make these efforts, he is forced to exist in the cramped room of his automatisms. If you learn how to do all this, you will inevitably become a successful person who knows how to enjoy not only positive moments in life, but also share someone else's happiness without envy, which will multiply the joy by the number of your friends and acquaintances.

How to learn to enjoy life and see the positive? To do this, all psychologists advise to develop the state of being here and right now, enjoying it. When you walk in the park - do not soar, thinking about the past or the future, in the clouds, but enjoy right now surrounding nature, take a deep breath of fresh air, look at the sun, smile at the sky. When you communicate with a good man- feel the pleasure of this communication, start a conversation about what is important and pleasant for you, translate the topic into a positive direction. When you eat - feel the taste, enjoy the food. Even when you go to bed - feel like you are lying in a warm apartment, covered with a soft blanket.

Develop the habit of always seeing the good, thinking about the bright. It means moving away from scenes, not watching someone waste money and words, burning their lives, not even entering companies where you get a negative charge. Strive to enjoy the nature around you, harmonious music, bright people, after communication with whom you have good mood. Learn to choose creative material for your attention and thoughts, properly set up your filters for this.

How we think is how we feel. In a difficult moment, it helps to reconsider the good that you have. Also reconsider what you have from the bad, learn to get rid of the unnecessary, both outdated attitudes and experiences, and things. Activate pleasant ones, make sure that your attention is occupied by joyful moments, for which you can hang your favorite vacation photos, throw out old furniture associated with a difficult past, and purchase a simple but comforting one. When a person reviews what has become unusable, he realizes that half of everything can be endured - the territory will be freed, and changes will come to this place. Most often, we ourselves prevent change from entering us. Create a positive environment, and joy can settle in you.

In order to feel good in a relationship - give your partner what good he can think of, set him up for positive points. For example, write what good things you thought about, what pleasant things you experience right now - then he will start thinking about your positive. Charge it with lungs - it will return them to you, multiplying.

Think in images as much as possible. When we turn on our heads all the time, it only gets in the way. Even a very smart person who quotes great truths, but does not let them through his life, turns out to be a couch philosopher, and his reasoning easily turns into criticism of what is happening. It is easy to talk about the bad things around, while getting up and starting to live life personally in all its fullness is the realization of the program that you have chosen for yourself.

It can be argued that everything is decided by the universe, but God has no other arms, legs, except human ones, it depends on you what kind of life you will create. This, moreover, does not mean that you need to smile through force, even when it’s bad. Let us your sincere reaction. However, try your best to program good. We program it when we plant flowers, have children, invest in a better future - we program all the good things when we increase it.

Indulge yourself in pleasurable moments, whether it be exotic fruit shopping, a glass of wine with friends, or an unplanned weekend getaway. Set aside a small amount of money in case it will be difficult, “lay straws” so that at a moment of crisis you will not be upset, but be sure that everything is fine with you.

Pay attention to truly happy and relaxed people, observe what they do, how they behave. If it is difficult for you to rejoice as they are, the roots are most often worth looking for in childhood. A common reason is that the child was not praised enough and demanded a lot of him. As a result, now, having become an adult, he does not praise himself or others at all, demanding the maximum according to the program.

For example, a child rejoices, jumps in a puddle, even enjoying the fact that he smears the dirt over himself. Mom comes up, scolds and spanks him. At the bodily level and at the level of consciousness, an attitude is formed in him - he will have to pay for joy. Or, in childhood, the child did not know exactly how his parents would behave in the next minute, they would shout or rejoice, scold or praise, because in his adult life he seems to put on a shell, is in constant protection, can never relax. Naturally, it is difficult for him to experience joy.

Also, parents convey their beliefs to the child, for example, that if you laugh for a long time, then you will definitely cry. Parental messages are fixed, and the child waits all his life for the consequences. How to fix these programs, are there specific recommendations?

One of the interesting tips of psychologists is to find your joy in the body. Where she lives? Maybe she's like a sun ball in her chest or warm waves in her stomach. Focus on your feelings. After, when you have found your joy in the body, you need to give it special attention - increase it, perhaps it will transform in size, change color, become brighter. Mark the time - you need 5 minutes to shift your attention to your joy. You need to do this exercise for 21 days. But start by doing it for 5 days, then take a break and when you feel the need again, continue.

The next way is to start a feeling of joy at the bodily level, so that it is then remembered in the mind. This exercise will be easy for those adults who already have children. But if there are no children, there are still memories of your own childhood. Remember how exactly in childhood you admired some trifle, for example, when your mother bought you ice cream or your favorite candy - what you could buy yourself now and be happy. Having bought this thing for yourself, stay alone, activate the sensations, as if you were having fun in childhood, and be sure to rejoice, just like in childhood, with your body - you can shake your hands, jump, scream with joy. Run the body to feel a sense of euphoria and joy through it. Give it to yourself, and then your inner child will be filled with impressions, and it will be easier to enjoy the more complex, adult.

And the third, simplest and at the same time difficult way is to stop looking down. When we look down, we trigger negative emotions. When it's up, we have an emotional upsurge, a surge of hormones, joy starts even at a physiological level. Looking at the clouds, we see a certain perspective, remember pleasant moments, launch hope for the best and brightest.

The life of every person is a long journey, which is full of joy and surprise, sadness and disappointment. Every day brings something new, what it will be, it is impossible to guess in advance. But one thing can be said for sure - every day is unique, one of a kind, so it should be happy. How to love life and enjoy every day is a question that many people ask, and it is worth thinking about its solution.

Unfortunately, not everyone treats their life like a gift or a holiday. From many people emanates a continuous discontent, which can often infect even optimists. Something urgently needs to be done with this, because everyone should learn to live in a new way, enjoying even the smallest amenities.

To achieve a certain goal, you always need to try hard. This law also applies to those who have not yet learned to love this life and enjoy every day. Important steps to help achieve this goal include the following:

  • you need to set only specific goals and move towards them;
  • it is worth learning to live in the present, and not in the past or future;
  • it is necessary to give more than to take, because this process gives simply enormous pleasure;
  • all your pleasant memories are worth writing down;
  • you must always look in your actions for what is worthy of praise;
  • strive to make tomorrow even better than today.

You need to clearly set yourself up for the fact that failures can happen in life, but these are trifles compared to the fact that you can enjoy the sunlight, birdsong, beautiful flowers and all the delights of this world. The main thing is to understand that if a person is healthy, has a family and a favorite job, friends, is fond of something, lives in a good house, then he is already happy and every new day is just a gift from heaven.

Advice! To learn how to live in a new way, it is worth delving into your past. It is there that you can find the cause of discontent, analyze it, put it out of your head and start all over again. clean slate, as it was in the first days after birth.

How to learn to enjoy every day?

Psychologists have repeatedly talked about how to learn to enjoy life, reinforcing the theory with real practical actions. But not always a person can pull himself together and take the first steps to success, and in fact they are the most important. To understand exactly what these steps should be, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail the techniques that psychologists suggest using.

Psychological techniques and techniques

To understand how to learn to love life and fully enjoy every sunrise, you need to put into practice the following psychological techniques:

  • instill in yourself and develop an understanding that making mistakes is normal and thanks to failures you can gain new life experience;
  • it is worth looking into the eyes of your fear and understanding that the problem is located exclusively in the head and it has no good reason;
  • you should stop complaining about yourself and understand that there are a lot of people in the world who have a much harder time, they don’t whine;
  • there is no need to wait for the world to change to a mark convenient for a person, but it is worth starting to perceive it as it really is;
  • it is worth trying to look at the world a little wider, practicing honesty and responsibility in your affairs.

Psychologists advise slowly thinking about each action and situation, carefully studying the examples of other people who, despite the problems, have learned to live positively. This will really help to understand that not everything in life is so bad and you can find a way out of any situation.

To be able to enjoy life and appreciate every day, a person needs to work a little on himself.. Everyone can change their pessimism into an optimistic attitude if they follow these tips:

  • you need to learn to pay attention to every little thing;
  • it is worth setting yourself up optimistically at the beginning of the day;
  • it is worth believing that every day will bring a lot of good;
  • you need to learn to perceive failures as just a useful lesson that will help you achieve success in the future.

Are you able to enjoy life?


Even in the morning, you should give yourself the mood that every day is beautiful and interesting, it is unique and original, and you need to catch every moment that will never happen again.

Short conclusion

The ability to enjoy every day is an art that everyone can learn. There are so many wonderful examples around that are simply inspiring. It is worth just looking at a person who lost his health and was left without wealth, but still rejoices, and one can understand that having virtually everything, there should be no reason for anger and disappointment.

Every day is a real value that nothing can compare with. You just have to learn to live now and at this moment, without thinking about too much and without worrying about trifles.