Advertising in social networks features. Benefits of social media advertising. Social Media Ads: Key Benefits

  • 09.11.2019

It is able to reach a multi-million audience in a matter of moments, because every third person spends at least one and a half hours a day to view information on social networks. That is, people are daily influenced by Internet advertising, without even knowing it.

In the process of communication, information data may contain hidden advertising, exchanging such information, users receive messages about a particular product or company. So a certain advertising text affects a specific potential client.

1) On the Internet, there are many opportunities to broadcast information for a specific target audience. If we take advertising in a contact as an example, then there is the possibility of choosing consumers by gender, age, status, place of residence, interests, and so on.

2) Advertising in in social networks may have a hidden form, that is, unobtrusive for the buyer. For example, a user may casually mention or leave a review about a company or product. often works in this way.

4) Today, advertising on social networks is one of the most budgetary types of advertising. It is sometimes used even by firms with a limited budget, since it is possible to get by with free methods.

5) Finally, another important advantage is the possibility of rapid distribution. Advertising in a contact is built in such a way that it allows each user to post a message they like in their community or on their wall, for this it is enough to put a "like" and tell their friends. In Odnoklassniki, the “class” serves as such a distribution button. Thanks to such opportunities, any information can be very quickly distributed on the social network.

Advertising in social networks and its features.

Advertising in social networks also has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other types of advertising, such as ads in the media and on TV.

Internet advertising in social networks should be two-sided. This means that for efficiency it is not enough just to promote the product within the social network, you must also use the external promotion of the resource. That is, the company must have a website optimized for a social network. For example, a visitor liked some article on your site, he should be able to share this news on the social network from your resource page. At the same time, another user who sees your site on a social network should be able to visit it by clicking on an external link.

The second feature of advertising in social networks is linking to the audience. Even the most effective advertising slogans will not give a return if they are not aimed at target segment. Therefore, the choice of a segment with potential clients from total weight users is the most important stage of promotion.

Advertising on social networks is a kind of phenomenon of the century, because it can give deafening results, or it can go unnoticed, it can require a bunch of financial injections, or it can turn out to be free and at the same time no less effective.

Agree, for any business it is important to find the fastest, shortest path to the target audience. Does this job well contextual advertising. It is she who for many years holds leadership among the tools of Internet promotion.

I think these services do not need a special introduction: Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords and Begun. We have already talked about them a lot and will talk more.

With the development and growing popularity of social media, there has appeared and is gaining momentum targeted advertising.

The term itself "targeted advertising" means the display of advertisements that are not linked to the content of the web page, but to a specific group of users identified on the basis of their previous behavior or personal data.

  • The ability to advertise a product without a website is convenient for small businesses. You can create a page of your company in social networks, with a description of goods or services, and bring customers to it.
  • Flexible settings: you can select different target groups according to a wide range of parameters (geography, age, gender, education, interests).
  • The ability to work with each user group separately, create different ads for different audiences.

Targeted advertising in social networks and beyond is an effective channel of communication with the audience. In their own profiles, users indicate a lot of information that is so necessary for advertisers - this is not only gender, age and marital status but the interests and hobbies of the user.

The development of this advertising channel is just entering the active phase! I am sure that in the near future the quantity and quality of user data will only grow and advertisers will get more advanced targeting tools.

Of course, first of all they came to social networks large companies, whose rates in the same context have already exceeded all reasonable limits - they actively use targeted advertising to attract buyers. This is especially noticeable in the banking segment.

I am sure that no business should avoid advertising on social networks. Social networks are one of the main entry points of the audience to the Internet and not having representation in them is no longer profitable for almost any business.

There is no minimum effective budget for targeted advertising. You can spend millions to attract an audience, or you can invent beautiful story and due to its viral distribution among users, get a huge audience coverage and a lot of free targeted transitions to the site.

From experience, I can say that you can notice the results of an advertising campaign on social networks with a budget of 10 thousand rubles.

  1. Be sure to create company pages and gather your audience on social networks. Even if it is now at a minimum, tomorrow the situation may change.
  2. Don't be afraid to experiment! When it seems that you are using all the advertising channels at 100%, you need to look around and conduct a series of experiments - maybe changing the button on the purchase page, replacing the advertisement in the context, or an invented contest for your audience on social networks will bring a huge result and make your Internet advertising is even more effective.

Below is a video fragment, where Semyon Poletsky (Project Manager of SocialTank, teacher at the online courses "SMM Manager" and "Manager of contextual advertising”) talks about the main differences between targeted advertising and contextual and display advertising.

As a result of a joint study conducted by comScore and the social network Facebook, it turned out that the majority of European Internet users are quite satisfied with the range of opportunities for communication and information provided by social networks, and are not at all eager for the wild expanses that lie outside the "cozy zhezheshek". Moreover, the proportion of time the average European spends on social media is increasing by an average of 17% per year! At the same time, the myth that the main audience of social networks is young people was debunked - in fact, the differences between age groups were not very significant.

One of the main reasons for the growing popularity of Facebook as an advertising platform is the significant expansion of the advertising opportunities of the social network, including the emergence of new ad formats designed for mobile users - this was the conclusion of marketers from the Kenshoo Inc. campaign. According to the study, in the first half of 2012 advertising budgets for Facebook increased by 32% compared to the same period in 2011. Kenshoo CMO Aaron Goldman: "Merchants are opening their wallets as Facebook continues to innovate with new ad formats and targeting features."

"Seven times measure cut once". Do you need Facebook to promote your company?

The issue of promoting goods through social networks and increasing sales is the most controversial in the IT industry today. We will not get into the depths of disputes, we will dwell only on indisputable facts.

First, let's look at the numbers:

15 million - this is 18% of the total working-age population of Russia (according to the study) and to a greater extent - these are residents of the central region of Russia. Therefore, before deciding to promote through Facebook, be sure to evaluate whether your target audience is on this network.

There is? Does the quantification meet expectations? Then feel free to proceed to get acquainted with FB tools.

One of the most popular (due to its simplicity) types Facebook promotions is targeted advertising or TGB(text-graphic blocks).

Here they are:

TGB is the fastest and easiest way to draw the attention of your audience to your brand or your products.

Types of ads in TGB

Which type of ad is right for you depends on the goals of your advertising campaign.

Your goal is to reach a new audience, attract "likes" to your public page and tell about your company or its products to those who do not know you yet.

2. Attracting traffic to third-party resources

In this case, the type of announcement is similar to Yandex.Direct ads: selling ad + transition to the landing page.

3. Post promotion

The goal is to draw the attention of the audience to interesting and useful materials that you post on your account pages.

Suitable for two situations:

As a useful video, I propose to watch a fragment of the lesson with Andrey Yablonsky “Promotion through social networks”. You will see a wonderful KPI pyramid on social networks and hear a couple of interesting cases.

At the end of the article, we emphasize once again that before advertising through Facebook, analyze the presence and activity of your audience in this network, pay attention to the features of the work of FB services.

And remember that selling through social networks is the most relevant topic for today and everything connected with it will develop. Therefore, it makes sense to periodically return to the topic if during this period you decide not to use promotion through social networks.

It's no secret that any social network today is a huge community of people who spend at least an hour a day in front of a monitor. Most often, each of the participants in any social network “sits” in it for several hours, chatting with friends, watching entertainment content, reading some news, and so on. All this time he remains "within" this site, being a potential advertising contact. It would be foolish not to use different advertising tools to monetize and make money on such a large audience.

Therefore, today advertising on social networks is both a powerful tool for making money (for owners of groups and promoted pages), and a channel for selling their goods and services (for entrepreneurs, business owners). And don't use it effective tool is tantamount to giving up the most powerful stream of customers.

In this article, we will try to learn a little more about how social media advertising works. To do this, we will analyze different formats for buying advertising in the most popular Russian network VKontakte, as well as collect the opinions of some advertisers working with different types of advertising (for comparison of effectiveness).

What are they advertising?

So, to begin with, we will determine what (most often) advertising on social networks is used for. Who buys it and for what purpose? How much money are advertisers willing to pay in order to get their share of traffic?

If you ever went to VK, you probably noticed an ad block on the left of the page. It is arranged quite simply: on top of it is a headline offering a certain product or service, below is a picture with a company logo or “face” - a person representing the product. Text may follow (although this is optional). In fact, the formats in which social media advertising is offered are quite different, and you could meet them all.

To understand who and why buys a place on the VK page, you need to understand the audience this resource. Considering that there are millions of users in this social network, we can say that the audience here is quite diverse, and it can be targeted using different filters. Remember for yourself: you indicate in the questionnaire on the site your gender, age, as well as the place of study and work. Advertisers who need to sell any product can customize their ad to show it to you.

Therefore, the answer to the question of the purpose for which VKontakte advertising is ordered can be completely different, because the audience of the site is different, which means that there are all sorts of product manufacturers - companies that need the attention of all these people.

In other words, social media advertising is used by a wide variety of businesses, from the owners of a local cinema to the largest online lingerie store. Everyone can find their buyer on VKontakte (as in any other network) and “get through” to him with the help of their ads.

Where do they advertise?

Of course, despite the diversity of people spending time on their favorite sites, their age, gender, income level and place of residence, advertising on social networks is also different. VKontakte, for example, has a more youthful focus. And if we talk about Odnoklassniki, then this site is more likely for an older audience. The Mamba dating site is unlikely to be visited by children and older people, as well as those who already have their soul mate. Here you can find lonely, adventurous people. That is, each social network has its own “core” - a group of users united by some common features. You should be guided by it if you are promoting advertising on social networks of one kind or another.

Advertising types

Each social network has its own advertising format. Often sites work with different types to give the advertiser more tools to reach their client. It is rather difficult to cover all types of advertising materials that operate on the RuNet, so we will talk about the most popular network - VKontakte. Here is the largest audience, and hence the most active market for advertising services. Therefore, using her example, we will see what online advertising in social networks is.

Ad block

The classic and most popular, apparently, format for promoting your services is placing ads in a side ad block. The latter is located on all pages of the VKontakte website, and you can see it every time you visit this resource, on the left side. We talked about it a little higher.

This block is configured from the advertising account, available to all users. It allows you to change settings such as payment format (per clicks or per 1000 impressions), audience (gender, age, groups, preferences and many other settings), cost, appearance ads (picture and title, picture + title and text-description) and more. In fact, placing ads on social networks in a specially designated block (which is probably available on all sites, since this is a fairly common format) is represented by a special configurator. It also gives a wide range of options for what your ad will be. Your task is to set it up in such a way as to interest your client, replenish the account balance and start showing ads.

Record promotion

Another interesting option providing information about their products is advertising records. You can see them if you open the "News" section. Advertising services on social networks using such posts is a common way to promote yourself as "organically" as possible without causing irritation to users.

Good day to you, dear friends! Today we continue with you the topic of attracting Internet advertising from various channels.

As you remember, in the last article we talked about some of the secrets and subtleties of this effective advertising tool. I am sure you have learned a lot of interesting and useful information that you can successfully put into practice.

The theme of our today's inclusion " High quality social media advertising».

I decided to share this topic into 2 parts. She's too big. Therefore, today we will talk more about what generally lies behind the concept of "Quality advertising in social networks" and about the main advantages and disadvantages of promoting affiliate programs in social networks. Why earn money on affiliate programs? I think you have not forgotten what exactly our mailing list "" is dedicated to.

I will not say banal things like:

“Social networks have gained immense popularity today and can be a great tool for affiliate marketing and every self-respecting money maker should know how to drive social traffic to your own or someone else's site as an affiliate.”

Etc. This is a no-brainer. I am sure you have heard these phrases more than once. Just watch a short video below and you will be horrified by what social networks have become today:

Since we have decided to touch on this topical topic, such as high-quality advertising in social networks, then I think you should know ...

What is social media advertising?

In fact, there are 2 abbreviations that help to understand what lies behind the concept of advertising on social networks. Let's take a look at them.

SMM (Social media marketing) is the process of attracting visitors and attention to a brand or product through social networks.

In other words, it is a set of measures to use social networks as channels for promoting various companies and solving other business problems.

I am sure that you have met official tapes and groups of famous Russian and world brands on the open spaces of various social networks. This is just an example of SMM promotion.

SMO (eng. Social media optimization, SMO)- optimization of the site for social networks or, in other words, a set of measures that are aimed at attracting visitors to the site from social media sources: social networks, blogs, etc.

Here, however, things are a little different. The main task of SMO promotion is to form a community of interests within the site itself, to which visitors come from social networks. It is not the brand, not the name of the company or product that plays a big role here. Here, the basis of everything is quality content that attracts visitors to the site and turns them into regular visitors.

But what does this have to do with promoting affiliate programs and making money from them? - you ask. The most direct and we, if desired and able, as partners of any product or service, can use both SMO and SMM promotion for this.

And if we create high-quality content (video, audio, article), post it on social networks and people go from the content to the page of our site where our partner link is placed or directly to the official website of our partner product or service, then this is already an example SMO marketing.

Most Popular Social Networks

In fact, there are many social networks. Hundreds. Maybe thousands. But we don't know about all of them. And we know, as a rule, only about those that are heard and those that we ourselves use. To promote affiliate programs, 3 social networks are most suitable. I am sure you are familiar with all three:

1) Pretty simple for the user

2) Includes moneymaker tools

3) Well visited (to put it mildly)

4) Various traffic social level(ability to find targeted traffic)

Biggest rookie mistake

Many times I have heard:

“Here I registered in one affiliate program. Posted links on social media. Already 30 transitions and NOT A SINGLE ORDER.

That's funny. It's ridiculous to think that 30 social media clicks will get you a sale. Especially if you recommend it to your friends who have no idea what you are promoting and how this product or service can help them. For social media advertising NEED TARGET AUDIENCE. Even if 2,000 people who are not interested in your affiliate product or service go, the result will most likely be zero.

My tricky way to advertise on Twitter

But… it was a very cunning scheme. Let me tell you a little about how I did it ...

I created a twitter account. I found accounts of well-known infobusinessmen and added to the followers of people who read this same infobusinessman. That is, these were people who were really interested in the topic of the information business.

In a couple of days I could add a couple of hundred such people. A certain percentage was added to me as a reader. This is called mutual following.

In this way I could add several thousand people, several hundred of whom read me. Well, if you didn’t read it, then at least you saw some of my posts in the general feed.

Then I wrote various messages. They could lead like free courses, trainings, and on selling pages. But the goods at the same time were inexpensive - 300-900 rubles. And of course - my messages were more or less enticing. That is, a very large part of the readers followed my links. And there were sales. There were few of them - 5-7 per month, but they were.

I don't know how this method works today. But I'm sure it can be used. Therefore, wind on your mustache.

Social Media Ads: Key Benefits

First of all, of course, I would like to touch on the advantages of this type of advertising:

In many social networks, advertisers can show their ads strictly targeted to target audience. Such advertising is also called targeted, when you can assign gender, age, profession, place of residence, marital status, hobbies of the visitor. This makes it possible to show your ads only to those who will be interested in the goods and services you advertise.

In many social networks, you have the opportunity to quite deeply analyze the process of conducting advertising company, evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising company in many ways and, based on this analysis, adjust the course of your advertising company to achieve the best result.

3) Large audience

As you know, social networks are visited by millions of users every day, which gives a huge potential for an advertiser. No tool can bring as many visitors to your site, affiliate product or service as effective quality social media advertising. If you use social networks and advertising tools correctly, you can get tens of thousands of visits and hundreds of affiliate sales per day. Here, of course, it will not do without special knowledge and a robust advertising budget.

Cons of social media advertising

In fact, there are a lot of minuses, as well as pluses:

- It is very difficult to filter quality traffic

— There is no clear forecast of the result of the launched advertising campaign

- Lack of knowledge of tools for effective advertising

But many disadvantages can be minimized if you know how to use advertising tools effectively and learn how to do it. It really is. Many startup failures advertising campaigns occur precisely because a person does not know how to properly use advertising tools, test advertisements and then correct them.

What is the best way to advertise on social media?

Eternal question. And in many respects it is determined by what social networks are created for in general - for communication and entertainment. Therefore, entertainment goods or general consumer goods are more often sold. That is, what is interesting to the majority. Generally. For example, now, in the summer, T-shirt advertising will go well 🙂

Again, the product or service to advertise on social media should be chosen based on exactly how you will advertise and what you will advertise. For example, on VKontakte, you can advertise goods and services using your own groups and publics, other people's publics and groups, as well as through advertising network the most social. Depending on the choice of advertising channel within the social network itself, the advertised goods and services will differ. We will talk about this in more detail in our next inclusion.

  • Shoes
  • Loans
  • Online Games
  • dating services
  • Cell Phones
  • Tourist services
  • Etc.

In the next issue...

And in the end, I just want to cheer you up and show you this funny video. Check out how the General Secretary lights up 🙂

Friends! I look forward to your comments and additions! And, of course, I will be glad to your "likes".

Happy summer mood and Happy Independence Day!

Sincerely, Your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev