Technique of effective direct sales or how to sell what is not for sale? How to learn to sell a product? Buyer psychology

  • 12.04.2020

From this article you will learn:

  • How to Prepare to Sell New Products
  • What difficulties await those who plan to sell new items
  • How best to sell new products
  • How best to sell new items online

In order to successfully sell a product / service, you need certain knowledge and skills, and if you are a novice entrepreneur, then this article is for you. We will tell you how to competently learn how to sell a completely new product that has not yet managed to prove itself. We hope that the article will be useful for you and help you decide how to sell new items: where to start and what to strive for.

Before you sell new items, get ready!

If you really want to sell your product, then you must be prepared for everything: for any questions from the customer, perhaps not very good mood(anything happens), to any force majeure circumstances. But remember that you, your appearance, your mood and presentation materials should always be on top, no matter what.

Not everyone knows how to sell new items. The right approach is when you prepare for a meeting in advance, double-checking every detail so that you don’t fail on this little thing.

It is no secret to anyone that the market for goods and services is overcrowded. It would seem that it is replete with everything necessary that a modern person needs, and there is nothing more to offer. But this is not so, useful novelties always find their buyer. However, in order to interest the client, you need to offer him something original, something the consumer really needs, then you will be able to successfully sell New Product.

Once the world did not believe wet wipes, however, this is such a hot commodity that, probably, every first person in a car or purse will definitely have them. They also did not believe in mobile phones, but how can we imagine our life now without them? Maybe your project will become so necessary that it will bring you huge profits and recognition.

In any case, the most vulnerable are financial questions, therefore, well-designed price policy, clear arguments in favor of your product will be the best reference points. So how do you sell new items? Do not overestimate the cost of your product, let it be in the middle price segment; a novelty that is too cheap will rather cause a distrustful reaction, a too expensive one will scare away.

Nobody wants to get a "pig in a poke", think about what might hook your potential customer for sure, which will make them hesitate. Don't hesitate, speak clearly and confidently. When presenting a new product or service, tell us how it has already brought the first positive results to you or, perhaps, to your friends/colleagues. The novelty must work, then it can be successfully sold.

There is one trick that works flawlessly on people of any age and status: calling a person by name, you will certainly win him over. You don’t need to do this too often, everything should be in moderation, but do not forget that a person likes to hear his own name the most.

Remember, to impress, you have only one chance, the first and only, the second time no one will step on the same rake, people value their time, because "time is money."

You value yours too, so make a plan and stick to it. Nothing should throw you off course, which is why it is so important to remain calm and confident no matter what.

So, the show of the novelty was successful, you have placed a potential client to yourself, now you need to leave contacts and something that will not let the customer forget about you as soon as he walks out the door. Something non-binding, informal is fine: for example, a notebook or an unusually shaped pen with your company logo, perhaps an invitation to a free event dedicated to the presentation of a new product, etc.

Always keep on hand mobile phone, do not confuse contacts, be friendly.

Love what you offer.

In order for your clientele to be extensive, you will need to think about advertising campaign your novelty.

A lot depends on the resources you have at your disposal. But you can get by with a little, for example, organize a free meeting for a group of people and present your new product there.

First, you can gather your friends on it, 10 people; ask them to support you with their presence, organize an informal meeting with tea / coffee, leave them some of the products as a memento of the meeting. Next time, ask these same people to invite their friends or give them products "with a margin." There is a possibility that a person will also give this novelty to his relatives / friends, will be able to appreciate its merits, and he will really like it. The more people you can attract, the greater the return.

Now the method of advertising their new products - products / services - through advertising has become quite popular and effective. social networks. How to sell new items via the Internet, many entrepreneurs know.

The expanses of the Net are full of all sorts of webinars, you can find any of them and listen to a course on how to sell new items, this will definitely not be superfluous.

Difficulties faced by those wishing to sell new items

The main difficulty is that new items are reluctant to buy. Many people ask themselves: how to sell new products if they have not yet had time to prove themselves? And how to persuade people to start trusting them the way they trust what they are used to? Let's try to figure it out.

For example, a photographer who bought an expensive professional camera, a bunch of equipment for it (flash, reflectors, lenses), has been using it for a number of years and, in general, it suits it in all respects.

But time and progress do not stand still, here he is already offered an improved model of the same camera, but with a built-in Wi-Fi module. The photographer simply does not understand why he should buy a new camera, which is far from cheap due to, in fact, one single function that has changed, and even the old expensive equipment does not fit the new one. The consumer does not agree to endure new expenses, he is quite ready to use what is. The novelty in this case did not find its buyer.

Here, of course, you can understand both sides: both the seller and the consumer. The new built-in feature is not so useless, it saves a lot of time for those who constantly post their pictures on the Internet, perhaps even earning money from them.

The seller has been developing new functions for years, investing a lot of money in his developments, he created a new product, both in design and in internal capabilities, superior to the old one, but, unfortunately, not everyone was able to appreciate it.

How to sell new items and what new items will be in the greatest demand? There are a number of goods, especially expensive ones, that are not so easy to exchange for new ones. Especially if a proven product has never let the user down.

When it comes to hygiene products, let's take ordinary soap as an example, here the market is quite flexible, people can change their habits, try something new without losing money, so it's easier to sell here. Soap will not be with you forever, it will eventually run out, it is easy to replace it with a new one.

And things like cars, technology can not always find a quick response. potential buyers, here we need undeniable arguments that the seller must prepare in order to successfully sell his goods; everything is simple and complex at the same time.

According to ongoing market research, about 45-47% of new products do not resonate with potential clients and curl up at the root.

In fact, buyers sometimes overestimate old goods / products / services, this is not always taken into account. Only if you manage to convince the consumer of the opposite, and this can only be done by letting him understand the benefits and often not all at once, but by offering your new product / product / service - with some frequency, something will come of it.

You probably remember how managers used to walk around the apartments, offering you not only a vacuum cleaner with new super features, but also cleaning any of your carpets at the same time. Apparently, these people thought out in detail how to sell new items.

It's strong enough marketing ploy, sales were really high. Not all people willingly allowed strangers with unknown products into their homes, but many were caught by this bait. The result really exceeded all expectations, perhaps the whole focus was in the cleaning agent, but the main focus was on the vacuum cleaner, and in addition to it, they already bought detergents. Thus, the sellers killed two birds with one stone.

  1. The first thing to remember is that success does not come to everyone at once. There are exceptions, but they are extremely rare, you should not rely entirely on luck. You will have to be patient, develop a clear plan for promoting your new product / service, and act.
  2. In case Plan A fails, you should always have a Plan B. Do not panic if something went wrong, you can still fix it, the main thing is to act carefully and not take extra steps. The client broke the deal - this happens, and often, take it for granted and move on, at the same moment start looking for a new one. Don't focus on one.
  3. The new ones that sell well have only a few different points from the old ones, and don't make much of a difference in price (or are slightly cheaper). For example, you can launch a line of new cleaners / detergents that have these and those properties, and even with a 1=2 promotion.
  4. Now it has become fashionable to sell environmentally friendly products. People have become more savvy in the field of consumption, they want to maintain their health for as long as possible, and therefore, products marked with an “eco” icon or simply not containing chemical additives are in use. Such goods are willingly trusted, they will be sold faster than usual.
  5. Here is another important point that will tell you how to sell new products. You can try to reach customers who have not formed strong attachments to a particular type of product. For example, people who do not consider themselves professionals in a certain type of activity. The hobby area is quite suitable for this; you can just start surfing and you don't need a professional board and suit. You want to get goods of optimal quality, but at the same time from a cheaper price niche. Or you often play tennis with friends, while not being a professional tennis player, but you will not be satisfied with a racket that will weigh (conditionally) under 5 kg, with sliding handle and poorly stretched, breaking strings. Yes, you will not buy the same racket as Andre Agassi, laying out the last money with shaking hands, and you hardly need a form of several tens of thousands of dollars right now. But you are a self-respecting person, middle segment it will suit you perfectly: not expensive and not cheap, no one has yet canceled the rule of the golden mean.
  6. You should also not release a novelty that literally requires the consumer to apply non-standard efforts to use it. A person who is left-handed by nature will not be able to use goods that were clearly intended for right-handed people. The seller may simply not have taken this into account, but he will understand when he loses a number of customers. All products should be aimed at a wide audience, unless, of course, they are specific, then this is a completely different story.
  7. What you should never do is publicly scold another product/service or its seller. So you will only scare people away from you and significantly lower your reputation in the eyes of customers. If you want to sell successfully, always be friendly and at the same time ready to stand up for what you have created.

It doesn't matter what business you're in. Whether it's online sales, a small stall somewhere in the city center, or maybe large stores with hundreds of visitors, you will definitely ask yourself the question: "How to sell and attract more and more new customers." With the right sales technique, even the smallest, most seedy store can bring in many times more than a beautiful and polished supermarket. Of course, I exaggerated a little about the success of a rundown store, but I still emphasize that sales techniques play a very important role in overall success. You must learn how to work with clients correctly, know when and how best to approach them, what to say, what to do, how to turn an ordinary visitor into a permanent and happy client. Let's figure it out together, because in this article I will tell you how to sell correctly and give 15 effective tips and recommendations.

Proper sales are based on working with clients, therefore, all sales techniques, first of all, are aimed at learning how to work with your visitors correctly.

1. Surround with attention carefully, win over, get closer to the client. This has already said a lot. The very first moment of rapprochement is very important. If you pounce on the buyer and immediately bombard him with intrusive questions, he will immediately run away from you. Before you start getting close to a client, try to understand what brought them to you. Show observation, endurance and patience, let him get comfortable and look around, and finally, just let him catch his breath if he came to you in a hurry. Do not rush to offer anything. Try to make contact. Smile, just greet, as if hinting that you are nearby, if that. You can ask him about something on an abstract topic - are there any traffic jams in the city center or something like that. Be creative...

2. Find out what he wants. Convince him that you know what he wants. Offer him what he wants. That's the order, don't break it. Offer everything - bad idea, this does not work. The client wants a TV, you know what kind of TV he wants - it's easy to find out by asking him a few the right questions. Ask for which room, if the room is small, respectively, you should not offer him a "cinema". In a word, ask questions, give answers to them in the form of a ready-made solution.

3. Direct the buyer in the direction you need. Listen, observe, use the doubts and objections of the client in order to find out even more about his tastes and preferences, so that it would be easier to lead him in the direction you need.

4. When a person knows what he wants, he is already motivated and it is not worth motivating him more. If your client knows what he needs, and besides, he understands more than you what is offered to him, it will be superfluous to make an advertising presentation of the product - it will look extremely ridiculous. The ability to behave with restraint in such cases brings a much greater result than excessive activity.

5. What is most important for your client? If you get an answer to this question, you will get access to his wallet. But only if you provide him with your offer. This is the first key point of your proposal.

6. What does he dislike the most? The second key point of your proposal. It should be treated with special attention. Be sensitive to the client's emotional needs.

7. If he says, I'll think, agree, but with a reservation. In no case do not persuade and do not enter into debates when the client says: “I will think about it,” agree without unnecessary emotions and comments, but make a reservation - they say, you are always ready to serve him in the highest class and, if provided, even do small discount or free bonus.

8. Emotional attachment - brand. This or that trade mark of the manufacturer is a very strong emotional attachment. If you know your customer's preferences, that's half the battle. Find it out as soon as possible. But do not try to break his attachments in a way that will harm both your business and your client.

9. Do you want anything else? When a person falls into a buying trance, it is very appropriate to ask him: “Does he want something else?” Here you can offer any of the related products: accessories, tools or spare parts. Do not offer anything that comes to hand - no one will appreciate it, and you will look stupid.

10. People like to be important. You didn’t notice how your self-esteem rises, your well-being improves and “wings grow” when your loved one gets the attention of a pleasant, handsome and intelligent person who tries to please you in every possible way. So be this courteous, attentive, charming and benevolent person. Let your client enjoy the importance of his own person - try to fulfill any of his, of course, reasonable desires.

11. Tap subtly to choices. Propose options based on the tastes and preferences of your client, guided by the information you already have. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed options, focusing on what is most important to the client. The proposed options should not have signs that the client does not like it, and do not try to convince him of his emotional assessment.

12. The more options for solving problems, the better. But the client needs help, i.e. direct him, suggest reasoned. It happens when there is not something that would ideally suit your client. Justify the possibility of considering one or another product option. It's not enough to say, "I like this one better!" - unless the buyer asks you about it, of course.

13. Two things that are always important to remember: first - the client pays money, second - what does he get for them? Let the client understand that he receives much more than he pays, justify this, of course, indirectly.

14. 95% of our thoughts are subconscious. We are not aware of what we are doing. We make purchases under the influence of emotions, but we judge things logically. Be as logical as possible in the presentation of your offer to buy this or that thing. If the logic is lame, a vacuum is formed that is difficult to fill. And this, in turn, gives rise to a number of doubts, anxieties and mistrust of the buyer.

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To know how to sell a car under the new rules, you need to remember a certain procedure, be attentive to details and take into account a few nuances. We will talk about this in our material.

How to sell a car according to the new rules

To successfully sell a used car, take 6 rules on a pencil:

  • prepare a DKP (purchase and sale agreement) in triplicate: for yourself, the buyer and road inspectors;
  • check the documents for the car;
  • indicate your data, the buyer and the car in the contract using a computer or manually;
  • sign the DCT and make sure that the buyer's signature is there;
  • Give a car, in return - get money;
  • Prepare a tax return (if necessary).

Now let's look at each item in detail.

Preparation of contract copies

The new rules for selling a car allow you to sell a car using PrEP. The risks are minimal, the procedure is not time-consuming - fill out the form in 5-10 minutes. The contract does not need to be notarized. The only thing, for reinsurance, print out the certificate of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle along with the DCT. This document will help prove that you really transferred the car.

Experts do not advise drawing up a contract on your own - you can make mistakes or skip paragraphs. It is better to immediately download the current form on the network. Prepare 3 copies: leave one for the buyer, give the other to the traffic police (for re-registration), keep the third for yourself. If only you have the contract, it will take a lot of time to justify yourself before the traffic inspectorate or even the court. For example, it will be difficult to prove that it was not you who drove in the neighboring area at a speed of 150 km / h.

Verification of documents

Make sure that you have all the documents on hand - PTS, STS, OSAGO policy, as well as a power of attorney if you are not the owner of the car. If the TCP is lost - spend time and money on restoration and eventually get a duplicate - the transaction may not take place. It is easier with OSAGO and a certificate, but it will also take time.

If there is no space for a new entry in the vehicle passport, update the document before the conclusion of the PrEP. If you do this through public services, you will save 30% of the amount of the fee: you will pay only 595 rubles for issuing a new STS, making changes to the owner’s data. Or find out the details of the traffic police on the website of the traffic inspectorate, but then the alteration of documents will cost more.

Registration of DKP

To formalize the sale of a car under the new rules, the seller needs to provide a passport, STS and PTS to the traffic police. If you are not the owner of the car, the owner must write a power of attorney for you.

How to write

Fill out the contract form completely, preferably with a blue pen. Do not shorten words, write without errors and blots. Put dashes in empty columns.

What to write

Be sure to indicate the exact date of the conclusion of the contract. Write down the mileage at the time of sale and the exact time when the car was handed over to the new owner - so protect yourself from a dishonest buyer or just a reckless driver who became the new owner of your iron horse. Display the technical features of the machine, such as all-wheel drive. If the new owner tries to "shake off" money from you for non-compliance specifications declared - you will have a document stating the opposite.

Where to issue

The safest way to sell a used car in 2019 is to visit the traffic police. Go to the MREO together with the buyer - you can issue a DCT and transfer documents for the car there. At the same time, you will check that the car is registered again, and now it has a different owner.

What to expect

Often, new car owners take a long time to register the car. If the buyer has not re-registered the car within 30 days, contact the traffic inspectorate. There, file an application for termination of registration of the vehicle, because. don't know where he is. To draw up a document, grab a passport.

If the buyer does not show up, you can remove the car from the register. In this case, the car is subject to disposal, and driving such a car is fraught with a fine.

Signatures in the contract

Make sure that the new owner of the car has put his signature on all copies of the contract. If you missed it somewhere, the traffic police may have questions. By signing, the buyer confirms that he bought your car and is now the legal owner. Your signature is a sign that you handed over the car and received the money. If there is no signature in at least one of the copies, the court may invalidate the transaction. This will turn into serious problems for you if the buyer of the car, for example, provoked an accident and fled. He may claim that you forged his signature, and then you will find not only a “bucket” that needs to be repaired, but also problems with the law.

Receiving the money

The rules for buying and selling a car imply, of course, the exchange of a car for money. As a rule, this happens as follows: in the contract you prescribe the amount for which you give the car. Many sellers make it smaller than the real one to avoid taxes. For example, the car cost 190 thousand rubles, and the seller writes 140 in the contract. Accordingly, when terminating the transaction, they pay the buyer less than it actually was. It's wrong, illegal, but it happens often. Moreover, 99 out of 100 buyers will not go to prove that they bought a car for more than it is written in the DCT.

When you have received the money, put it in a small bag or other inconspicuous place. No one should know that you have a large amount of money with you.

Give the buyer the keys, the OSAGO policy (if it is still valid), PTS, STS, service book (if available). Ready!

Preparation of a tax return

First, let's figure out in which cases it is not necessary to draw up a declaration:

  • if the car has been owned for more than 3 years;
  • the price of a car upon sale is 250 thousand rubles or less;
  • the car was sold for the same money that was bought, or cheaper.

For example, you drove a car for 2 years, after which you sold it for 500 thousand. The difference between this amount and the established tax deduction of 250 thousand rubles will be taxed. We believe:

500 - 250 = 250 tr.

In your tax return, write:

  • make, model of car
  • body type
  • state number at the time of sale
  • year of issue
  • your full name

Fill out the tax return and submit it to the IFTS from January 1 to April 30 of the year following the year the car was sold. So, if you sold the car on August 15, 2017, submit the declaration no earlier than 4 months later.

To the declaration, attach the DCT and a certificate from the traffic inspectorate, which contains information about the car and the amount of the transaction.

According to the tax receipt, pay the amount indicated in the declaration at the bank no later than July 15 of the year in which the declaration was submitted.

The rules for selling a car also include the seller's confidence in the cleanliness of the car - external and legal.

You can check the car online using the Autocode service. Perhaps the report will show problems that you were not aware of. For example, you will see information about the seizure, the date the car loan was issued. Or you will find out that the previous owner “hangs” several fines, the mileage is twisted, or the car is stolen altogether.

If the history of the car is "clean" - show the results of the online check to the buyer. This will build trust in you and the car, and help you sell your car for a higher price.

If there is absolutely no time to visit a car service and find out the technical condition of the car, attract an on-site check "Autocode". You can do this shortly before meeting with the buyer. Leave a request on the website or in mobile application, then tell the specialist a convenient place and time for the meeting.

The field master will assess the condition of the suspension, engine and other components, check the geometry of the body, paintwork, analyze the operation of the battery and sensors. A specialist will definitely evaluate the interior, track signs of twisted mileage or exploded airbags. Also, the master will drive a few hundred meters by car and thus check for problems in the chassis, steering, and brake system. The price of a detailed check using professional equipment is from 2600 rubles.

The rules for selling a car are the same for everyone. A conscientious seller will make sure that the buyer has left positive opinion about the previous owner of the car. If you don’t know about any problems, and the new owner of the car realizes that he bought a “bucket”, he will blame you for cheating. Or the buyer will be dishonest and say that he found repainted parts after an accident, although he himself became a participant in it. Make sure that the car has no "pitfalls", that it is technically sound. And then sell with a clear conscience.

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The conversation should be conducted in such a way that the interlocutors from enemies are made friends, and not friends enemies.


But everyone can learn how to work with people, you just need to work hard on yourself. The ability to learn and perseverance allow us to "create real miracles." Let's try to isolate the most important for success.

1. Greet the client fully armed

"I don't have to work around the clock," you say. But preparing for work before it starts is completely normal. After all, teachers prepare in advance for lessons, and do not start leafing through the textbook after they enter the classroom. Actors rehearse roles, and do not go on stage with a cheat sheet in hand. This is where you need to be ready to go.

2. Study products and prices for similar products in other companies

First, you must replenish the assortment if you see that some product is in demand, but you do not have it. Second, you will be prepared to discuss financial matters.

Your prices should not be higher than those of others, and if they are higher, then be sure to explain to the customer why this is due: longer service life, additional functions ("mobile phones sold by us have built-in GPS, you will not need to buy a separate navigator for auto").

3. Forget the adage "if you don't cheat, you won't sell"

Moreover, the client now went informed - before meeting with you, he had already sat on the Internet, and discussed the issue with friends, and looked at a couple of other companies or called. In any case, you can deceive the customer once, the second time he will not come to you.

Anyone who wants to have a permanent clientele trades honestly (remembering the proverb: "Tell the truth, only the truth, but do not tell the truth inappropriately!" - do not give out unnecessary information without the need!).

4. The client does not have to wait

Taxi, private trader, garbage truck - but you have to be there ten minutes before the meeting in order to have time to look around, check that your appearance is in order, and enter the office minute by minute.

The same applies to order fulfillment - have a board or calendar on your wall with a note next to each date when you should remind customers that the goods will be shipped to them tomorrow. And if they promised "tomorrow in the first half of the day" - it should be so.

The storekeeper's binge, transport problems, technical reasons do not concern the customer. Accuracy is not only courtesy of kings. This is the first thing to learn when wondering how to learn how to sell.

5. Don't get lost!

All the time that you are not in the office, you must have a mobile phone in working order (check in advance that it is charged). In the office - telephone, fax, Email(It is possible to receive notifications of incoming emails).

It should be easy for the customer to contact you. And if you also remember (by yourself or with the help of the list on the table) which customer is called, this will help to activate contacts.

6. Trade "on the go"

At the oriental bazaar, they always weigh as much as the buyer requested, and add a little more from themselves ("with a trip"). You should always have some not too formal supplements ready for the client - offer him free instruction on how to use the product, give him a calendar with the company logo.

In a word, do something beyond what is supposed to. Does the customer care about you? And you to him too! Seeing that you work with all your heart, he will enjoy the purchase, recommend you to other people, and the next time he will come back to you. No familiarity, but be friendly.

7. Make a good impression!

You should always be in a great mood and in good shape. It is always easier for a fit, healthy, energetic salesperson to achieve results. There are no trifles here - everything is according to Chekhov: "And the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts."

Comparing, for example, two approximately identical dental clinics with equal prices, quality and range of services, a person will choose the one where the staff is more pleasant, polite, erudite.

8. Remember that it is always easier to work with a group than with one buyer.

Remember, from Gilyarovsky: "To persuade one village peasant to go into a shop and buy something - that's difficult. And I will persuade the crowd to swim in the hole in the winter!" When acquaintances, family members, or even just other visitors are nearby, it is more difficult for a client to refuse a deal than face to face.

If it is possible to organize meetings with groups of clients - be sure to do it. This approach is good for retail sales. Using this technique, any sales consultant will understand how to sell correctly very quickly.

9. Not a day without a new customer!

10. A negative result is also a result

Of course, in order to understand how to sell correctly, you need to gain experience, which usually consists of a large number of negative results. Yes, it's frustrating when a deal falls through - but it gives you the opportunity to understand what exactly went wrong for you.

After analyzing the reasons for the failure, you change tactics - and next time everything will be fine. You need to believe in yourself, work on yourself - and success will come.

Question from Maxim Zhukov:

Hello Nikolai and other readers of this cool site. I have a business in which direct sales play a very important role and you need to be able to close a deal by communicating with a client. Could someone tell me some tricks or techniques for effective direct sales. Or give advice on how to sell something that is not for sale?) Thanks in advance!

Answer to Maxim's question:

Hello Maxim. My name is Nikolai (author of this blog). The fact is that I am not particularly strong in direct sales, so I turned to one of the specialists. Therefore, Stepasyuk Mykola, an experienced sales manager, will answer your question;). So, the answer!

Everyone who enters the field of sales must work very hard and hard, honing their skills - I realized this already on the first day of my internship as a salesperson non-food items. The problem is that none of my newly minted colleagues burned with a special desire to teach me something. Ask why? The answer is very simple and does not require much explanation - competition. Competition is a kind of confrontation between people, designed to reveal the strongest and best face. A person who has a large amount of knowledge and skills in a particular area undoubtedly has more chances to emerge victorious in a competitive confrontation. What does it mean to be a winner best seller than your colleagues, what do you think? Respect, authority, a sense of dominance and, most importantly, a great wage is what distinguishes good seller from a super seller.

Having understood this in the early days, I gave up hope that someone would teach me something really worthwhile and effective and began to take steps towards my goal without outside help. Observation has become my main learning tool. I constantly followed the advice of my colleagues and listened to every word, picking out bit by bit the most successful and convincing sales techniques. Thus, within two months, I began to surpass all my colleagues in the art of selling various kinds of goods. Personally, I worked as a consultant in the IT department, but it does not matter, because the sales scheme for any product is the same.

In the three electronics stores where I worked, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the so-called "customer service standards". I must say that the time spent reading these rules was not wasted. Such documents are compiled on the basis of extensive research involving various categories buyers. Further, the information is processed by psychologists and financiers, who, on the basis of the collected data, draw up service standards. Not all retail chains are the same. This is due to the fact that such rules of conduct for sellers are prescribed for certain categories of customers and products that the outlet distributes.

In order to give you a general impression, I will give an example of the basic standard scheme by which customers are served in any stores where advice is provided. So here it is:

  1. Greeting (eye contact, smile, greeting itself);
  2. Attachment expression (the sales assistant must ask the client a question to which he cannot answer “No”);
  3. Clarification of needs (by asking various types of questions, the consultant should understand the client's need as clearly as possible);
  4. Presentation (for the presentation, you need to select two, maximum three products. When a person shows interest in one of them, you need to talk about it in detail. When naming a function, the seller must immediately indicate how it is useful and what benefits it gives to the client);
  5. Pushing to buy (you need to “force” the buyer to make a decision to buy a product. There are many methods for this, among which there are very effective method three "Yes", more about it later);
  6. Completion of the purchase (fill in all the documents and give the goods to the buyer).

Method of three "Yes"

Human psychology is arranged in such a way that after several affirmative answers, he will not be able to immediately answer “no” to any other question, but will automatically say “yes”. Based on this human feature, it was developed this technique. In practice, it is still easier than in words. For example, the seller asks the question: “Do you like this phone model?”, “Are you satisfied with the camera?”, “Are you buying?”. To the last question, 90% of people will give an affirmative answer, that is, they will say “yes”. Of course, this does not guarantee that the buyer will definitely buy the product, but it significantly increases the chances of this. The main thing in this technique is to choose the first two questions correctly, to which a person will definitely say “yes” without hesitation.

From beginning to end, a conversation with a buyer is a battle for trust and respect for yourself, that is, the seller. When communicating with people, you should not blindly follow pre-memorized phrases, but adapt yourself to each individual person who has visited your trading network. It is this principle that has inspired me to develop my own individual methods of talking with clients. And, the essence of these methods is as follows:

  • Start right. I'm sure few of you understand what I mean. The bottom line is that standard scheme requires you to start the conversation with a phrase-attachment, but does not oblige the sales assistant to first give his name before moving on to business. And this, I will say from my own experience, is a very important thing. If you introduced yourself, then the person feels a strong connection with you, because you have shown that you are ready to communicate not only as an employee, but also as a person. Humanity is what everyone wants for themselves. Smart and experienced salespeople always name first and only then start talking to the point;
  • Give a compliment. Take a closer look at the person even at the moment when he just entered. Find something in him that you can compliment him for, but be gentle. A compliment can be done not only for appearance. For example, during a consultation, you saw that a person is quite well versed in the product that you are selling to him - praise him for this. Thus, you will be able to evoke a feeling of gratitude towards you, which will positively affect the further course of the conversation;
  • Conduct the conversation skillfully. Do not look your client in the eyes all the time, and also at your hands, at the wall, or somewhere else - it is not necessary. Best of all, when the seller glances at the product, says one or two of its features and then returns to the eyes of the interlocutor, where he stops for 5-8 seconds. And, as for the volume of the conversation, what do you think? Keep the volume of your voice just below average. It has been scientifically proven that at this mark the voice of any person is the most pleasant, and therefore information is perceived best under such circumstances;
  • Control the attention of the interlocutor. This item should be given special attention to employees of large outlets with a heavy traffic of customers who walk, make noise and distract both the seller and the buyer. In order for the client not to be distracted, take in your hand any object (a pen will be the best option) of a bright color and from time to time focus the interlocutor's attention on it. To do this, you can point this object at the product or raise it to the level of your eyes, make two or three circular movements, while substantiating or describing the functions of the product;
  • Work with objections. Personally, I think that the way companies offer to deal with customer objections is fundamentally wrong, and you will now understand why. If the buyer makes a claim about the goods, then according to the generally accepted scheme, the seller must say the following: “You are partly right, but ...”, “I can agree with you, but ...” and so on. I am convinced that if you say this, then the person will not be completely sure of the veracity of what you, that is, the seller, will say next. Thus, he subconsciously understands that he can be deceived. That is why I recommend that you clearly say the following: "No, it's not" or "I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you." With such words, you will not question your authority and do not offend the buyer, because you did not directly say that he was wrong;
  • Play with dignity. By "lose" I mean failure, that is, when the customer never "ripens" to make a purchase. Many sellers in this case, even "goodbye" can not normally say, not to mention something else. In the case when a person leaves without making a purchase, you need to sincerely smile and agree with his decision. It will be very pleasant for the client if you take him to the exit and wish him all the best there and ask him to come to you again. But this moment is important. It is generally accepted that a person should be invited to the store, but, personally, I think that the buyer should be invited to his place, for example: "I will be very happy if you come again and we will have the opportunity to talk again."

I wrote this article to answer Mkxim's question and so that young people who are just starting their journey can learn and improve their skills. Through competition and greed, I had to learn everything myself and spend precious time. I do not want to keep anything a secret, I am ready to share my knowledge, because I believe that in this way I can contribute to the formation of young professionals. I have never understood people who hide knowledge because it should not belong to one person - it is the property of many people.