We select ideal professions for introverts. Professions (work) for introverts: an overview of the most suitable areas of activity for people with this type of temperament What kind of work is suitable for unsociable people

  • 28.09.2020

Introverts are a psychological type of personality. According to psychologists, they make up the majority of society. A feature of such people is a tendency to solitude. The range of introversion varies from calm characters to unsociable, withdrawn ones.

In any team there are both bright representatives of this type, and not immediately distinguishable, hidden ones. At an extreme degree of manifestation, introverts completely withdraw into themselves, communication with the outside world is minimized.

Features of introverts

Typical introverts are reasonable, thorough people, often shy. Reflections, fantasies, imagination are of particular importance to them. Only alone with themselves do they feel calm in their souls. With others, they always feel tension, carefully monitor their words.

The main difference between introverts is the way they replenish their vital energy. Loneliness, personal space is not a limitation, but a necessity to restore balance. In this they will be helped by a hobby that can be done alone or the opportunity to focus on a particular business.

If an introvert is a woman, she can easily be calculated in a team. He prefers not to talk about himself, his life. It gives the impression of an extremely restrained nature, a laconic and even arrogant person. Feels shy, but can surprise with his thoughtful answers to complex questions, be an eloquent interlocutor. Such women or girls show exceptional accuracy in everything, discipline, prudence. They have the ability to anticipate possible errors in advance.

If an introvert is a man, he is often secretive and rather silent. He always achieves his goals. Distinguished by assertiveness, understanding of problematic issues. Strives to avoid controversy.

Features of personalities with introversion:

  • concentration on personal feelings, thoughts and experiences;
  • perseverance, patience, predisposition to painstaking, possibly monotonous work;
  • try to avoid crowded places, noisy companies, public speaking;
  • strive to plan and think one step ahead, do not have a penchant for sudden decisions;
  • caution, honesty, politeness, as a barrier from the outside world.

Introversion is divided into groups. This division is conditional and includes several subspecies.

  • Sensory introversion manifests itself in the character of a shy, closed individual. It cannot be in the center of everyone's attention, a large crowd of people. He is suspicious of new acquaintances, avoids them. Does not tolerate criticism, easily offended. Long remembers insult. Lives for today. Concrete information, exact algorithms of action are preferable to theories.
  • Logical-intuitive introversion prevails in the character of a lover of all kinds of theories, classifications. He carefully analyzes and systematizes everything. He always defends his opinion. You can call him a cold, calculating person. An introvert with a rational preference is characterized by concentration, determination, focus on final result. Rational introverts can often be found in leadership positions, among the military. The list of their advantages is quite impressive. You can often hear criticism of their lack of sociability, arrogance.
  • Logic-sensory introversion encourages creativity, the desire to see beauty in everything. Such a person absorbs new things with pleasure (study, self-education). Remarks are more easily transferred from friends in the form of advice, but not as criticism. Usually he does not control others, does not achieve his goal at any cost. Most often, this type of personality is found among girls.
  • Ethical-intuitive introversion- A person lives mainly with feelings. He tries to change everyone, according to his worldview. He is prone to new ideas, fantasies. Getting carried away, distracted, not bringing the matter to the end. Lacks discipline and endurance, not organized.

List of suitable professions

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will give you a chance not to make a mistake with the choice of your favorite business. Introverts are ideal for professions that are not associated with constant communication, spontaneous decisions. It's hard for them to be on a team. Necessary condition is a calm environment that will allow you to concentrate as much as possible.

  • Work with numbers, data processing and analysis, their systematization, the construction of algorithms, tables are most suitable. For example, work in financial sector, accounting, banking. This is where their diligence and attentiveness come in handy.
  • Opportunity to work in the IT industry: programmer, system administrator, manager, designer or site administrator. Work based on numbers and codes. Distant work, limiting face-to-face meetings, contacting clients via e-mail.
  • An introvert can choose a literary direction: writer, journalist, copywriter, text translations. The ability to competently express their thoughts, a rich imagination, a tendency to think, observation. Great way to express yourself. For starters, you can work as a librarian.
  • Work as a designer. For example, individual landscape projects, designer of clothes, jewelry, websites.

  • Top professions in science: researcher, breeder, laboratory assistant. A special predisposition, ability, experience is needed.
  • Ideal for the humanities creative professions no public speaking. Expectations: immersion in one's own reality, solitude. Observation, self-discipline, diligence and, undoubtedly, talent are necessary. For example, an artist, with his sharp vision of the world, developed fantasy, desire for loneliness.
  • An introvert may well be satisfied with various technical specialties: technician, mechanic, engineer. Requires special specialized education. Alternatively, take a driving course. Vehicle. At the moment, these are the most sought-after professions among men. It is not uncommon to see girls and older women driving taxis, for example. Attentiveness, concentration, accuracy, clear rules and tasks. Irregular working hours.
  • Choose activities that focus on the natural world. Veterinarian, cynologist, trainer, plant breeder, beekeeper, florist and many others. Perseverance, compassion, sensitivity to nature. Less stressful, solitary work.
  • Needlework, various crafts, cooking. Now there is a real opportunity to realize your work on various sites on the Internet. City fairs.

What kind of work for introverts is better not to choose

Do not choose professions that involve frequent contact with people, the likelihood of stressful situations.

  • Employees social sphere such qualities as a stable psyche, the ability to communicate easily, and stress resistance are simply necessary.
  • Trade and service workers need strong nerves, eloquence, psychological skills in working with clients. It is unlikely that an introvert will feel comfortable in an atmosphere of constant movement, crowds, noise.
  • All public professions: stage, show business, performances, interviews, photo shoots - probably the most inappropriate activity for an introvert.
  • Various kinds of consultants. Inevitable conflicts will be a daily test for an introvert.
  • Work in medicine. Mandatory interaction with patients and their relatives will become a great moral burden for a person who prefers loneliness, and it is unlikely that patients will be relieved.
  • Pedagogy. There is an opinion that it is impossible for introverts to work as a teacher, a teacher of preschool education. A lesson with such a teacher turns into a mini-lecture with theses. But it is always possible to turn the features of your character into advantages.

Interviewing for introverts is a real challenge. Perhaps recommendations for a successful interview will increase the chances of getting your dream job.

  • People who are prone to introversion do not have an excess of energy, communication with strangers tires them. Affects the excitement and self-doubt. This must be taken into account when planning the day for which the interview is scheduled. To be in shape, you should try to spend the morning in a relaxed atmosphere. If possible, be alone, take a walk, get some fresh air. Concentrate on what's important and leave other things for later. You can come to the meeting, in advance, so as not to be afraid of being late.
  • During the meeting, you need to control your condition. Try to relax, smile at the interlocutor, turn on the positive. You can use your resume to keep the conversation going. Do not make long pauses while choosing words. When talking, try to look the recruit in the eye.
  • It is necessary to tune in to small talk. The recruit will deliberately ask generalized questions in order to look at the applicant. Assess his behavior, friendliness. It is advisable to keep the conversation going, not to get annoyed, not to become isolated.

It is important to keep your attention throughout the conversation. In this, perhaps, such a psychological method will help: you need to try to become a “reflection” of the interlocutor, repeat his posture, gestures, pace of conversation. Thank the other person for their time.

Today's article on "Beautiful and Successful" will be about how to find a job for an introvert - a vulnerable, self-absorbed and extremely withdrawn person. Indeed, with such qualities, it is often not only impossible to get along in a team, but it can even be difficult to pass confidently.

And if you succeed, then at work you have to literally suffer, experiencing constant stress and earning nervous diseases. For psychological comfort, an introvert needs special working conditions and occupation.

An introvert is not a vice, but a lifestyle

According to scientists, introversive and extraversive psychological personality types can easily "get along" in one person, but one always prevails. You can’t be half introvert and half extrovert, either type is more likely to manifest itself in various situations.

An introvert (inward-oriented) experiences discomfort during active communication with a large number of people, constantly refuses corporate parties, loses a lot of energy during communication, and can only regain strength when alone or at home.

That is why not every job is suitable for introverts.

Personal qualities: isolation, lack of sociability

Many psychologists agree that sales are definitely not suitable for introverts, since skills such as improvisation and free communication are important here.

In addition, it is difficult for an introvert to take leadership position, but at the same time, such personalities make good managers if they have to deal not with people, but with objects.

Although it is difficult to find a job for a non-communicative introvert that is not related to people today.

It is also believed that introverts and large corporations are incompatible, working as a psychologist will be an extremely painful task for him, and internal anxiety will develop from tutoring, as he will have to let unfamiliar people into his personal space.

The answer to the question of what kind of work suits introverts is simple - a minimum of communication with people.

The sphere of interaction with machines (IT and automated production), plants (landscaping, botanical garden) or animals (veterinary medicine) is excellent.

Strengths of an introvert:

  • creative ability, creativity
  • good memory
  • analytic skills
  • carefully considered decisions

Networking and well prepared improvisation

A high degree of competition today is by no means on the side of introverts, since extroverts are more attractive against the background of closed and even a little “inhibited” applicants.

But still, you can find a suitable job for an introvert if you follow a few tips from the site:

  1. Networking is the real salvation of the unemployed introvert. The bottom line is to find a job with the help of a circle of people you know. At the same time, you will check whether the “rule of five handshakes” works. Actively use the Internet: announce that you are looking for a job, in in social networks. Do it creatively (write down, for example, a video resume - read our tips on how to do this) - likes and reposts are provided to you. During a period of temporary unemployment, take care of your personal accounts- make them more presentable.
  2. Communicate with the HR manager over the phone. If the call took you by surprise, feel free to ask for a moment to grab your notes and collect your thoughts. But remember that phone work is not suitable for introverts.
  3. If you are scheduled for an interview, try to have the interview with the employer in private. A large number of people in the room will not play in your favor. The ideal option is a Skype interview.
  4. All the information that you will need at a personal meeting with the employer (same as in the case of telephone conversation), write it down in a notepad. Duplicate short summary, write down your strengths, professional achievements, advantages - in general, everything that is asked during an interview.
  5. Psychologists, speaking about what kind of work suits closed introverts, come to the conclusion that this is any position where you need to analyze. Therefore, ask more questions at the interview (make a list in advance), of course, if your interlocutor is not an introvert 🙂 interesting ideas. The employer will definitely appreciate it, and you will be able to parry in case of tricky questions.
  6. During the interview, show your full potential and do not agree to several interviews in one day - you will need at least one evening to recover.

Remember that finding a job for a pronounced introvert is simply vital, such that it charges him with energy, and does not deprive him of it. Otherwise, every evening you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

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If you are an introvert, then you probably imagine your dream job in a completely different way than most people around you. Why the majority? Because there are only a third of people like you in society, say American psychologists Kroeger and Tusen in their book On Personality Type. What job suits you best? We asked an expert in the field H.R.

Valentina Pakuleva, client relations specialist from a recruiting agency


There is a strong opinion that introverts, due to their closeness, focus on the study of their inner world, and also do not high level sociability tend to choose certain types of professions, and also cannot be successful in those professional areas that require overcoming the introversion of character.

What types of activities can be considered the most comfortable for an introvert? Definitely those that minimize the need for interaction (personal or telephone) with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people. Crossing the threshold of a new office, getting used to the company's staff, creating a familiar daily routine for yourself, albeit with deadlines and hands-on work, but not requiring interaction with strangers, is one of the most acceptable options. Introverts are less likely to change jobs, because it is quite difficult to independently initiate a change in the usual rhythm of life.

We've made a list the best works in which an introvert can manifest himself without the need for active interaction with the outside world:

1. work at home. This includes absolutely any direction. professional activity, the main thing is that a person who is accustomed to reducing communication with others to a minimum can communicate with these others, but in a familiar and comfortable environment. As they say, houses and walls help. You can communicate with clients or customers by e-mail or, in extreme cases, by phone. However, the familiar home environment in this case minimizes the stress factor. Another thing is that not all people (regardless of personality type) have the level of self-organization necessary to work at home.

2.Copywriting, rewriting, blogging, writing. Introverts are creative people. Each person has a need for self-expression, a desire to be heard, but it is often easier for introverts to convey their thoughts in writing than when communicating with an audience “live”.

3.Working with databases. There are a number of organizations where much attention is paid to filling in internal databases and updating the information contained in them. The work is mechanical and requires a high concentration of attention, but it minimizes the need for interaction with external sources information.

4.Analytics. In fact, in any field of activity, an important block is occupied by analytics - marketing, sales, finance, logistics. If you are interested in a specific professional area, you can delve into the analytics of this unit - work on the fundamental tasks of analyzing external and internal factors and indicators, as well as developing strategies to bring the direction to a qualitatively new level. The work is algorithmized, but not without a creative component.

5. Accounting. It is considered one of the most standardized professions. Key actions are driven accounting and are clearly regulated by law. It should be noted that at the same time, work in the field of accounting is, in principle, associated with a high level of stress, in addition, there are a number of areas that require constant involvement in interaction with external contractors and services (suppliers, contractors, banks, tax, audit companies).

6.IT. Perhaps everyone is familiar with jokes about IT professionals living in their own world and communicating with others in the language of numbers and codes. All this forms a certain idea of ​​the profession as a whole. For an introvert, IT specializations can be an excellent professional outlet, and most importantly, interesting, as well as highly paid. It should also be noted here that the IT sphere is very versatile: there is a support service for external and internal users (especially the first line of support), system administrators, external consultants who are in constant and often emergency interaction with the customer.

7.Laboratory. A concept that is also associated with various fields of activity - a research laboratory can be at some scientific unit, or it can be located in a medical institution. In any case, the flow of information from the outside world comes in the form of data or materials that need to be studied.

8.Scientific activity. In general, the item is quite similar to the previous one, but can be associated with a large external interaction (for example, sociological or psychological research).

9.Technological specializations. In production in great demand used by chemical technologists, process engineers, technical specialists. These are people who develop new recipes, control the quality of incoming raw materials, own the methodology for processing products, analyze the results, the causes of defects. In some cases, such activities involve communication with suppliers or customers, require product presentations, but in most cases, the work involves the algorithmization of the creative process within a manufacturing enterprise.

10.Art. As stated earlier, creative activity for an introvert, it is a way of self-expression and communication with the outside world, so any creative undertaking, if desired, can be developed into a profession.

One way or another, introversion is not a diagnosis and not an indicator. Yes, it will not be easy for a person who is not prone to regular active communication to work at the reception, in the customer or user support service, make cold calls and sell products or services. But "difficult" does not mean "impossible"! Don't push yourself too hard, there are many positive examples of introverts who have made careers in law, HR, sales, PR, and marketing. The main thing is an interest in a certain field of activity and the ability to work on oneself, to engage in self-development.

After all, introverts are not those people who do not know how to build communication, introverts are those people who can do without it.

Character is the basis of personality. It is he who has a direct influence on the fate and success of a person, his methods of achieving his goals. Psychologists distinguish several classifications of character depending on its type. Introversion is one of them. Many have had to deal with such people. But few of them truly imagine who an introvert is.

To find out what an introvert means, you need to refer to the work of the person who first introduced this concept. Now we are talking about Carl Jung. The notorious psychologist argued that introverts draw mental energy from within, but their complete opposites, extroverts, take it from outside.

What the word introvert means is not difficult to understand. This is the name of a person who is maximally focused on his own inner world. It is characterized by contemplation and isolation. All the most important points that have meaning for such a person occur within him. Of course, from time to time he has to leave his comfort zone in order to contact people around him. However, it is much more pleasant for him to be alone with himself. After all, only in the inner world no one can offend him. Here he always feels completely safe. An introvert person cannot imagine life without order. He prefers to always have control over the situation.

Distinctive features of an introvert man

Guys and men who consider themselves to be this type often ask themselves the question: "What if I'm an introvert?". It can cause them excitement and anxiety. In fact, such worries are completely unnecessary. After all, introversion is good for them, it helps to form an adamant and holistic personality.

Men prone to introversion are distinguished by their ability to maintain a sober mind in any situation. They almost never succumb to provocations from other people. Such a person is not able to throw a tantrum over a trifle. He also prefers to be secretive and quite silent. Due to this, a man achieves his goals.

An introvert man can be described as follows:

  • Has a rich inner world.
  • Differs in assertiveness in solving problematic issues.
  • Kind towards others.
  • Plodding.
  • Tries to avoid conflict.
  • Observes the rules of etiquette in dealing with women and the elderly.
  • Selflessly helps people who are dear to him.
  • Sincerely relates to the beloved.
  • Never commit adultery with another woman.
  • Keeps away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

A woman who is prone to introversion is easy enough to figure out in society. It is characterized by a clear isolation and silence. She shows indifference to pathos. It is difficult to attract such a woman with an offer to attend a noisy event, for example, a party. She would rather spend this time alone with her own thoughts. She likes loneliness, which she tries to strive for.

An introvert woman is distinguished by such features:

  • Knowledge of the exact sciences at a high level.
  • Deep inner peace.
  • Love for fiction.
  • prudence.
  • Tendency to emotional experiences.
  • The ability to anticipate possible errors in advance.
  • Attachment to only a few people who are truly dear to her.
  • The tendency to hide one's own feelings.
  • The hard experience of betrayal by a loved one.

Work for an introvert

This type of character makes a person develop certain habits and skills. In the future, they help to get an answer to the question of where to work for an introvert. A man or woman belonging to this type is very attentive to the choice of profession. After all, for them it is not only a source of income, but also the need to connect their lives with new people. Ideally, an introvert should have a job that involves contact with a minimum number of people. Then the level of his anxiety will not be violated.

Introverts choose the following professions for themselves:

  • Taxi driver.
  • Scientist.
  • Security guard.
  • Draftsman.

Such people do not refuse the opportunity to become an employee of an organization offering remote work.

No person is born with a particular character. It is formed as you communicate with other people who surround him in the first years of life. Someone who was born into a loving family and was constantly in the center of parental attention is most likely to become an extrovert.

A person whose needs are rarely met and almost always ignored by their parents for one reason or another will be prone to introversion. After all, in childhood he has to look for affection and love in himself, his own inner world. Based on this, it is not difficult to guess how to become an introvert.

You can turn into an introvert even at a more conscious age. This feature of character is manifested in people who have to spend most of their time alone. Their only surroundings may be a couple of people and pets. Over time, such a quiet pastime begins to please. Introversion also helps to cope with the pain that a close friend or relative has caused a person. Immersion in oneself deprives him of the opportunity of frequent communication with other people. So, the risk of a new betrayal becomes equal to zero.

How to live an introvert in this vast world, which is inhabited by several billion people, is very difficult to understand. People around are sure that representatives of this type of character are unhappy. Actually it is not. Introverts experience joy and complete harmony in the soul precisely in those moments when no one touches them. And it is this attitude to the world that helps them solve complex problems, find ways out of problem situations and simply live in their own pleasure, not depending on the opinions of others.

Video instruction

Each person has his own psychological type, which determines his behavior with people, his thinking and even his capabilities. If a person is closed, constantly immersed in himself and very painfully endures all words addressed to him - he is an introvert. It is difficult for such people to get along in society, they always try to separate, to be alone. So where do these people work? After all, the work team requires communication, clients need presentations, bosses make them report at planning meetings. There is a solution! Today we will tell you what kind of work for an introvert fits perfectly into his psychological type.


What is an introvert?

Introverted people are called introverted. Usually they are pessimistic about what is happening, shy, do not express their emotions violently. They do not like noisy parties and parties, they prefer to be alone. Such people do not change their point of view and do not succumb to provocations. This psychological type of people is prone to feelings for any reason, these people are very vulnerable and touchy.

Introvert men are very soft both in relation to women and in communication with the stronger sex. They cannot fight back, caustically answer the opponent, it is easier for them to get away from the conflict. Women take advantage of the weakness of introvert men, they can manipulate them and force them to do what they do not want. Male introverts paired with strong woman become henpecked, while an introverted woman feels great in marriage with an extroverted man.

Melancholic introverts at work do not participate in the life of the team, refuse joint holidays, corporate parties, rarely communicate and look forward to the end of the working day. That is why it is more difficult to find a job for an introvert.

Where can an introvert work?

An introvert will never get a job in sales. There it is necessary not only to establish contact with the client, but also to improvise, to give out emotions, to build a dialogue. This still does not fit in with the behavior of an introvert, so you need to forget about such work.

Working for a large corporation is also not an introvert's dream. Large corporations employ hundreds or even thousands of people. A person of this psychotype will not be able to comfortably exist in this "anthill".

Teacher, tutor, psychologist - all by. These professions require communication with unfamiliar people on a daily basis, which will be a lot of stress for an introvert.

The strengths of an introvert are his creativity, the ability to break stereotypes, analyze. Introverts usually have excellent memories and are able to make informed decisions. Here are some suitable jobs:

  • Writer. Here, love for creativity and unity will merge together. Writers can stay at home all day and night, printing their next “brainchild”. Communication with people is reduced to a minimum, and Creative skills are used to the fullest.
  • Accountant. In the head of an accountant, there are only numbers, reconciliations, acts. They have no time to be distracted by others, they live in a world of numbers. In addition, now outsourcing is gaining popularity, then the work will be done at home, on your favorite couch. Moreover, the attentiveness of introverts will help them to advance well in this profession, accountants should check their calculations more than once.
  • Designer. Once again, a great opportunity to work from home, and even show your creativity. Designers with a good portfolio get large and highly paid projects, so this is also a way to earn decent money.
  • Copywriter. If an introvert has no problems with the Russian language and has the ability to write texts, this can be a good way to earn money at home. Copywriters can communicate with the customer exclusively by e-mail or in social networks, while receiving a tidy sum for their creation.
  • Translator of foreign texts. This profession will require a high level of language skills from an introvert, but at the same time it will free you from office slavery and communication with people. For the customer, the main thing is the result, and the introvert is able to give this result.
  • Programmer. A great option for an introvert-melancholic. Only he and a computer, nothing more is required for successful work. Please note that all programmers in life are uncommunicative, but they can lead an active Internet life (participate in discussions on forums, joke, become leaders in online games), this is due to their temperament.

If still working from home is not suitable, you need to send out a resume and prepare for an interview. Here are some tips for introverts in case they pass interviews.

  • Before the interview, familiarize yourself with the company's website, find out what functions are performed by the specialist whose position you are striving to occupy.
  • Write down your strengths and weak sides separately on a piece of paper (for yourself). Eighty percent of executives ask this question.
  • Make a list of questions for your future boss. Your interest in the work of the company will be judged on merit.
  • Come up with a couple of interesting ideas that can promote the company. Show that you know her strengths and weaknesses. Employers like enterprising employees.
  • Attend no more than one interview per day. Forces will be spent, and it will no longer be possible to make the proper impression.
  • Don't be afraid to talk about your interests and hobbies. The openness of an employee is very important for the employer, he must trust his subordinate, and not expect a trick from him.
  • Before the interview, try to simulate it with friends. This will allow you to identify mistakes during the conversation, feel more confident, hone your speech.

As we have seen, there is work for an introvert (male or female, melancholic and choleric), the main thing is to choose the area in which the person will be interested in working. If an introvert tortures himself with an unloved thing, is constantly under stress, then he can get serious psychological trauma and close himself off from the world around him completely. Therefore, try to choose a profession to your liking, then financial position will be in perfect harmony with the state of mind.