Viktor Rashnikov, Russian billionaire: biography, family, fortune. Family and family business. Viktor Rashnikov attracts his daughter to the management of Magnitogorsk

  • 22.11.2019

On the Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway in the Moscow region, a giant palace of the head of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Viktor Rashnikov, with an area of ​​6,000 square meters, was discovered.

This luxurious palace complex, located in the elite village of Riita on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway in the Moscow region, was discussed immediately after its publication in Architectural Digest. The magazine does not disclose the name of the owner, but, as the journalists found out, 6,000 square meters of palace-type real estate, as well as the adjacent territory, belong to a person whose full name fully matches the data of Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov, head of the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Initials match

The cadastral value of a plot of 278 acres, as Dozhd's journalists found out, is 142 million rubles. This is confirmed by the data of Rosreestr. Viktor Filippovich has owned the site since 2005, the main attraction is a luxurious mansion with an area of ​​5,000 square meters and a cadastral value of 130 million rubles. There is no one to ask directly, “Is this your palace, Viktor Filippovich?”

Viktor Rashnikov became Chairman of the Board of Directors of MMK in 2005. He began his career there, in 1968, as a simple mechanic. A breakthrough in his career coincided with perestroika: in 1991, Rashnikov became deputy CEO, in 1997 he himself headed the plant. After that, according to Dozhd, he began to buy shares in Magnitogorsk Metallurgical and by the 2000s received a controlling stake in one of the world's largest steel production enterprises; Rashnikov owns 87.27% of MMK shares through Minta Holding Limited.

In parallel with business, Viktor Rashnikov also built a political career: in the 2000 elections, he was a confidant of candidate Vladimir Putin, twice (in 2003 and 2007) he was elected to the State Duma from the party " United Russia”, but then refused the deputy mandate. Rashnikov was also successfully elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region (five times, to be exact). Combining lawmaking with business, Viktor Rashnikov does not receive a salary in parliament, and, accordingly, does not submit income declarations to the Legislative Assembly. However, according to the publication, in 2007 he declared 293 million rubles. It is not possible to obtain more recent data, even by appealing to the law "On Combating Corruption".

“We urged deputies to submit declarations, but there is nothing more we can do. We hope that the deputies realize the degree of responsibility to the voters,” the head of the press service of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region commented on this situation at the time. But there is Forbes data: the magazine estimates Viktor Rashnikov's fortune at $3.8 billion, placing him in 23rd place in its ranking of the country's richest businessmen.

Strictly confidential building

The palace in the village of Riita, as mentioned above, was the first to be evaluated by experts from the specialized architectural magazine Architectural Digest (the September publication in the Russian version repeats the article from the June 2015 Italian issue). According to the publication, the palace (as the author of the text Gilles Dyer calls it) was designed by the famous French architect of Lebanese origin, Joseph Karam. He is often approached with orders by Arab sheikhs and Russian oligarchs who want to acquire luxury real estate while maintaining maximum confidentiality. Foreign media indicate that Joseph Karam's portfolio also includes an estate near Moscow with an area of ​​65,000 square feet. The French architect attracted many performers to its creation: artists, cabinetmakers, craftsmen artistic forging, sculptors, drapers, etc. According to AD, orders were passed on to hundreds of art and craft workshops.

Dozhd found another mention of these luxurious interiors on the specialized Archreview portal: there Olga Terentyeva is called the author of the design of the estate in the palace style. "Rain" tracked down the designer, but Additional information could not receive - Olga declined to comment, citing confidentiality requirements.

The Karam Architecture company operated in Russia from 2005 to 2015, the activity had to be stopped due to financial crisis and the associated lack of new orders. The project in the Moscow region, however, was successfully completed: as a source familiar with the activities of Karam Architecture told Dozhd, this happened back in 2010 (“six years of design and titanic work,” writes AD). The development of the project, according to this informant, was carried out in France, and directly in Russia, Karam carried out general design supervision.

Inna Leshchiner, a broker from KalinkaGroup's out-of-town real estate department, was asked to evaluate the elite real estate and the Dozhd site. In her opinion, the cost of such a house with a plot can reach up to 70 million dollars, you can try to sell for 80-90. True, it will be very difficult to find a buyer right now.

There is something to see

According to the description given in AD, the palace in "Riita" consists of 118 rooms, decorated and furnished by French and Italian craftsmen. The artistic preferences of the owner are reflected in the collection of paintings and art objects: in particular, the publication writes about the painting by the Russian avant-garde artist of the early twentieth century El Lissitzky, vases by Russian masters of the XIX century (presumably, their auction value may exceed $ 2.5 million) and others rarities.

The large living room of the estate “is crowned with a thirteen-meter-high dome, and the rotunda below it, decorated with marble columns, leads to private rooms and apartments of the owner himself, his daughters and grandchildren. The perfection of finishes, carefully calculated showiness and underlined luxury remind not of today, but of an idealized past, ”Rain” quotes from an enthusiastic description in AD.

"Riita" is indeed a village with a history; in Soviet times, the party elite rested there. Today, the village on Rublevsko-Uspenskoe highway is built up with mansions of the new Russian elite, designed, according to, “in various architectural solutions". In the design of the Palladian-style palace, which is supposed to belong to Viktor Rashnikov, the longing for imperial Europe is clearly expressed: there is a pool in the style of the Parisian Grand Palais, and benches made of Carrara marble, vases of the Regency era, furnishings in the spirit of the Second Empire. The study of the owner of the mansion, decorated in the French Empire style, copies the study of Napoleon the First in Malmaison.

If Dozhd's assumptions are correct, and the palace in Riita really belongs to Viktor Rashnikov, there is someone to build Napoleonic plans in Rublev reality: after all, one can already talk about a dynasty of billionaires. Two daughters of Rashnikov, according to him, are successfully engaged in business. The youngest of them, Olga, is on the board of directors of MMK, her personal capital, according to Forbes, is $ 3.5 billion (30th place in the ranking of the heirs of billionaires). The grandchildren are also growing up. Think about real estate here. You have to live somewhere! And, preferably, to live well - inhaling the "healing air of centuries-old coniferous forests" and crunching a French bun at a Napoleonic table.


JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" is one of the world's largest steel producers, the leader of Russian ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Previously bore the names: Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. I. V. Stalin, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. V. I. Lenin, PO "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after. V. I. Lenin. Incorporated in 1992. Today, MMK's assets include a large metallurgical complex with a full production cycle (from the preparation of iron ore to the deep processing of ferrous metals). In 2015, MMK produced 12.2 million tons of steel and 11.2 million tons of marketable metal products. MMK Group's revenue in 2015 amounted to $5.839 billion, EBITDA - $1.668 billion.

The board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the largest iron and steel producer in Russia and the main payer to the budget of the Chelyabinsk region, will soon have a new iconic person - Olga Rashnikova, the youngest daughter of the president of the management company of the plant, Viktor Rashnikov. Who is she? Why hasn't anyone heard of her before? And what is behind this coming decision? Details - in the material "URA.Ru". There are 11 candidates for 10 seats on the Board of Directors at OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Of these, five independent directors, those who are not connected with the enterprise by property relations and hold positions at the invitation of the management, are Sir David Logan, Zumrud Rustamova (wife of the assistant to the current president of Russia Arkady Dvorkovich), Bernard Sucher, David Herman and Peter Charow. Next on the list are Viktor Rashnikov himself, MMK CEO Boris Dubrovsky, Deputy General Director for Commerce Vitaly Bakhmetiev, Deputy General Director for Sales Nikolai Lyadov, Deputy General Director for Production Pavel Shilyaev and, finally, Finance Director Olga Rashnikova. The daughter of the "owner of Magnitogorsk" and the director of the plant for finance, which on the upcoming May 25 annual meeting shareholders, most likely, will become a member of the Board of Directors of MMK, is absolutely closed to the public. AT in social networks it is useless to look for data on her or on her older sister Tatyana. On the Vkontakte network there is a page of Viktor Rashnikov, marked "real". But there are no family photos. So it is not clear how “real” Vladimir Filippovich is on the Internet. They say that at first Viktor Rashnikov did not want to connect the fate of his daughter with the industrial giant, MMK. But then I figured it out and changed my mind Funds mass media confused in the testimony regarding our heroine. So, in the lists of the richest heirs and heirs of Russia, appearing in the federal media, as well as in biographical databases, the year of birth of Olga Rashnikova is 1985. In fact, Olga Viktorovna Rashnikova was born in 1977, she is 34 years old. She has three children - a son and two daughters. The boy, by the way, was named Victor, in honor of the famous grandfather. Olga studied at one of the schools in Magnitogorsk, received further education at Franklin College in Switzerland, where she received a bachelor's degree in economics. Then she continued her studies at the Moscow State University of Management, completing the Executive MBA course, Institute financial management. For some time, information was circulated on sites where compromising evidence was thrown in that Rashnikova Jr. had three apartments, two in Magnitogorsk and one in Moscow. On the other hand, why shouldn't the daughter of the head of Russia's largest metallurgical plant, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $5.6 billion, have decent housing? In the list of rich heirs, in the same one where Olga Viktorovna's date of birth was confused, Rashnikova Jr. and her sister Tatyana occupy 40th and 41st places, respectively. But at parties where the children of wealthy Russians gather, neither in the capital nor abroad, Olga Rashnikova, like her sister, practically does not appear. In Magnitogorsk, she is also very rarely seen in public. - She has a rather narrow circle of acquaintances. She mainly communicates with him, - tell "URA.Ru" own sources. - She does not lead a secular life. Even in Abzakovo (a ski complex in Bashkortostan, owned by MMK - ed.), she was not seen skiing either. - Great smart, pleasant in communication. Her business acumen is amazing, others share. - He dresses very elegantly. But without defiant chic. Diamonds are not abused. At least at work. Strict with subordinates, but "without fanaticism." - Speaks foreign languages. By the way, her nanny speaks English to the children. It was specially brought from abroad so that children would know languages, - a third source claims. Rumor has it that Olga Rashnikova is now an independent lady. She broke up with her husband, Ilya Melnikov. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that just over a year ago Melnikov was removed from the post of director of the MMK trading house. Then the information about the resignation of Melnikov immediately gave rise to rumors that Viktor Rashnikov was preparing the plant for sale and therefore withdrawing his people from management. But Olga Rashnikova, a month before her husband's resignation, was appointed director of the plant for finance, continued to work. As a result, rumors about the sale of MMK subsided. And now Olga Rashnikova should enter the Board of Shareholders of MMK. And although there is one superfluous in the list of candidates for the board of directors (1 person for 10 seats), no one doubts that Rashnikov will not be “superfluous”. Olga Rashnikova takes over the management of the largest metallurgical production in the country - I have two daughters. The eldest, Tatyana, works for us in foreign sales. Olga, the youngest, an economist, also works at the plant. Basically, I would like to see them involved in the business. But it is unrealistic to say that one of the daughters will lead everything. Such a company should be run by a professional and a man. MMK is not a confectionery factory. It takes a lot of time and effort, and a woman should take care of her family more. Hope for grandchildren, - Viktor Rashnikov said five years ago in an interview with Vedomosti. But, apparently, he was convinced of the good business qualities to his daughter and nevertheless decided to transfer to her the care of a controlling stake in MMK OJSC, for which he introduces her to the board of shareholders, in order to then cede the post of president of MMK Management Company LLC. At least that's what some media outlets suspect. In general, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is a "family" enterprise in the broadest sense of the word. Children and grandchildren of those whose biography is closely connected with metallurgy work both in workshops and in offices. In an almost forgotten song Magnitogorsk Pioneer” is sung: It swirls over the open-hearths, Like a cloud of smoke, We will come to replace our fathers, When the time comes! And if there are working dynasties, why not be a "dynasty of bosses"? At the same MMK, Sergey Nosov, the general director of CJSC " Ruspetsstal”, the son of the director of the Dneprodzerzhinsky Iron and Steel Works Konstantin Nosov and the grandson of the legendary director of the MMK Grigory Nosov, whose name is now Magnitogorsk Technical University. True, then Sergei Nosov left the plant: he quarreled with Rashnikov, but that's another story. - Why not? - one of the experts of URA.Ru talks about the prospects of Olga Rashnikov - Rashnikov himself is not yet a deep old man, he can help, give advice. In addition, the plant is not a state structure where the laws of inheritance cannot operate. - In order to manage such a metallurgical plant, you need to live your life on it. Rashnikov started here as a mechanic 45 years ago. And his daughter immediately entered the management and does not know the “kitchen” completely, - another expert retorts, but immediately corrects herself. - Although now is the time that it is not necessary to start with the machine. And yet there is no precedent in Russia for a lady, even the most intelligent, to lead the metallurgical production. It's still a man's business. However, experts are sure that until the time when Rashnikov's daughter fully takes over the management of the plant, it is still very far away.

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The richest people in the world are a special caste of the planet's population, which lives at some distance from the rest of the people. Russian billionaires are no exception in this matter, whose wealth, according to experts, reaches colossal values, thanks to which the rich of Russia are included in the elite club of world business in terms of their income. In principle, this fact is not surprising, since the Russian Federation is famous for its natural resources and high level intellectual development of specialists in various industrial and other fields.

This article will discuss one of the representatives of the Russian establishment, whose name is Viktor Rashnikov. It is worth taking a closer look at his person, since it is largely thanks to this person that Russian metallurgy survived the default of 1998 with minimal losses, and the current sanctions by European Union and the United States of America. Of course, people like Viktor Filippovich are always in the spotlight and do not always have a crystal clear reputation, but we will only touch on the main milestones of his biography, leaving various speculations and rumors at the mercy of other people.

Brief biographical excursion

The future modern billionaire was born on October 13, 1948 in the city of Magnitogorsk. In 1974, he defended his degree in engineering (specialty - "metal forming"). The native university for Rashnikov was the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. In 1994, Victor became the owner of the second higher education. His specialty was "organization of production management."

In 1996, Viktor Filippovich was awarded the title of Candidate of Sciences for his scientific report on the topic "Improving the end-to-end technology for the production of rolled products in order to improve product quality." The businessman also became a doctor of technical sciences, having defended a dissertation, which was devoted to the effective improvement of the “steel - rolled metal products” system in order to obtain a rolled profile with a high degree of competitiveness as a result.

Production activity

Rashnikov began his glorious career in 1967, when he came to the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works as an ordinary repairman. His first job was the repair shop for metallurgical equipment No. 2.

In 1974, Viktor Filippovich took the post of operator of sheet-rolling shop No. 5. Subsequently, he also worked as the head of the team for the delivery of hot metal in the swaging shop, adjusting master, and led the shift of rolling shop No. 9.

In 1970-83, Rashnikov was the head of workshop No. 9. And from 1983 to 1985, he worked as deputy head production department the entire plant. In 1985, Viktor was for some time the head of the section rolling shop.

Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich was the head of the production department of the enterprise from 1985 to 1986, after which he was the deputy chief engineer of the plant for four years, in charge of production and supply of products.

Rashnikov became the first deputy general director of the metallurgical plant in 1990, and from 1991 to 1992 he worked as chief engineer.

OJSC "MMK" Viktor Filippovich headed in 1997 and was the first person of the enterprise until 2005. By the way, he got to this post thanks to the recommendation of Prime-Leasing.

The billionaire was also a member of the board of directors of OAO Central Company FPG Magnitogorsk Steel and several banks.

Since 2006, he has been the head of LLC " Management Company MMK.

It is also worth noting that already in 1999, Rashnikov also controlled the Russian Metallurgical Company, Yuzhuralavtoban, Russian Bread and several other enterprises, which were valued at a total of about one and a half billion dollars.

An effective crisis manager

An important point: in 1998, Viktor Rashnikov, being the head of MMK, agreed with the Germans on obtaining a fairly large loan, but obtaining it became much more complicated due to the August default of the Russian economy. But still, for the sake of justice, it is worth saying that it was Rashnikov who contributed to stopping the decline in production, and by 2002, production volumes were increased by 65%.

Political life

In 1994, Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of his native Chelyabinsk region. Over time, he was successfully re-elected there more than once.

At the end of 1998, he became one of the key figures in the Fatherland party, which was then headed by Yevgeny Primakov and

In 2000, Viktor Filippovich was Putin's confidant during the election campaign for the presidency. Russian Federation.

In 2003 Rashnikov was elected to State Duma However, for unclear reasons, he resigned his mandate. He also took part in the 2007 parliamentary race, where he was second in the list of United Russia members in the Chelyabinsk region. He worked in the committee on industry, transport, fuel, energy and communications.

Rashnikov took the post of president of the Union of Industrialists, Entrepreneurs of the Chelyabinsk Region in 1997, and three years later he became a member of the board of the coordinating council of domestic manufacturers.

In 2009, Viktor began working in the government commission for the development of the metallurgical industry, which he headed

Family status

Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich, whose family is quite large, is married a second time. The real wife of a businessman is Tatyana Kuzmina. From his first marriage, Victor has two daughters, he also has two granddaughters and two grandchildren. There is information that the oligarch's younger brother headed a company that supplied black scrap to a metallurgical plant.


Viktor Rashnikov is an ardent fan of mountain and water skiing. Some sources say that it was thanks to him that a ski slope was built near Magnitogorsk, covered with artificial snow. Viktor Filippovich also reveres hockey very much. For almost 20 years he has been the head of a hockey club called Metallurg.


In the early 2000s, Rashnikov gave 150 million US dollars to Chigirinsky in order to enter into a share in the construction of the newest Rossiya hotel complex. But already in 2013, Victor was paid a penalty from the government of the capital in the form of the Renaissance Hotel for disrupting the project. The oligarch immediately sold the building, and, according to some financial experts, also for $150 million.

Support for your child

In 2009, Viktor Rashnikov ("MMK" - an enterprise that he owns almost completely) made a rather non-standard decision: he completely refused his dividends in the amount of 1.86 billion rubles. The head considered that these funds should be directed to support and various needs of the enterprise.


Viktor Rashnikov, whose biography is full of various events, has repeatedly fallen into the epicenter of scandals. So, the billionaire was charged with creating a corruption scheme, which consisted of working with 39 intermediary firms at low export prices. At the same time, the founders of these firms were either Rashnikov himself, or his close associates. Also, Viktor Filippovich managed to arrange the supply of coal to the plant at an inflated cost from Kuzbass. Money laundering took place with the help of Moscow banks and representative offices of foreign firms. It should be said that all this information does not have any serious documentary evidence and no litigation has been conducted in this regard.

In 2014, Rashnikov actively supported the then governor, and now the current head of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky. As such, there was no scandal in this situation, but local oppositionists and the public were quite reasonably worried that Dubrovsky would become an active lobbyist for Rashnikov's financial interests. And all because the governor before being elected to the post all his life was under the wing of Viktor Filippovich at the metallurgical plant. There were rumors that the oligarch not only poured money into Dubrovsky's election campaign, but also paid for the very expensive leisure of his protégé. It was known that Dubrovsky had a rest in the most expensive hotels on the planet, including the only seven-star Burj al Arab. In this regard, it became obvious to many that money from the treasury of the region could begin to flow into structures owned by Rashnikov.


On the Day of the Metallurgist, which fell on July 15 in 2016, an extremely unpleasant surprise awaited Viktor Rashnikov - his house was robbed. According to operational data, in the midst of the holiday, unknown persons entered the cottage of the head of the plant and took out all the valuables and a rather large sum of money from there. At the moment, the security forces are investigating how the attackers managed to get into a fairly well-guarded area.


Viktor Rashnikov, whose yacht, according to 2015 data, was one of the largest in the world, is true to himself: he approached the purchase of the vessel with all responsibility, as well as any other issue.

The yacht called Ocean Victory has a length of 140 meters. She left the shipyard in Italy in 2014. The design of the yacht was developed by Espen Oino, while the interior was handled by Alberto Pinto.

The vessel is equipped with a steel hull. The number of decks is seven. There are also six pools, each of which is up to eight meters long. There is also a helipad with a beach club. For a pleasant stay there is a SPA-zone. Ease of movement between decks provides an elevator. In addition, the yacht is equipped with a garage for a fourteen-meter sailing vessel.

Viktor Filippovich's yacht can reach speeds of 19 knots per hour (approximately 35 km/h). During the development and construction, the creators paid attention to its environmental friendliness, using the most modern technologies and development. Engineers made sure that the ship minimized harmful emissions of harmful substances and elements.

Degree of wealth

Viktor Rashnikov, whose fortune today is about 3.8 billion dollars, was able to rise from thirtieth to twenty-third place in the ranking of the most in a year. with $14.4 billion in assets. In general, Russian billionaires, as before, can boast of high incomes and large fortunes.

family business

In 2012, Rashnikov's daughter, Olga, joined the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. This lady is quite closed to society. Various media quite often get confused about her personal details. It is only known for certain that she was born in 1977 and has three children.

Initially, the oligarch's daughter studied at a simple Magnitogorsk school, but after that she continued her studies in Switzerland, where she was able to become a bachelor of economics. After that, the girl continued to learn science in Moscow, having attended Executive MBA courses at the State University of Management. According to some reports, Olga owns three apartments, but this fact has not been confirmed.

Olga Viktorovna was not seen at various get-togethers of the children of wealthy Russians, either at home or abroad. In addition, even in her native Magnitogorsk, she is rarely seen in public.

According to people who know Victor Rashnikov's daughter closely, she has a rather narrow social circle and practically does not lead a social life. At the same time, it is noted that she is very pleasant in conversation, does not abuse jewelry and jewelry, and dresses very elegantly and elegantly. He treats subordinates very strictly, but does not cross the line of reason. Olga is also fluent in three languages. foreign languages and also teaches his children to knowledge. For this purpose, a professional nanny was called from abroad.

Rashnikov himself claims that he is not against the participation of both of his daughters in the metallurgical business. However, he does not represent any of them at the helm of a metallurgical enterprise, because this industry is an exclusively male prerogative, which takes a lot of time and effort, and a woman is still the keeper of the family hearth and must pay serious attention to the family.


Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich (“Forbes” rightly ranks him among the richest people in Russia) in May 2016 was once again re-elected to the post of chairman of the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Recall that the revenue of this enterprise last year amounted to almost 6 billion US dollars.

Earlier this year, Rashnikov said that hot-rolled production at MMK's existing plant in Turkey could be launched only after confirmation of the economic feasibility of this event. So far, only the cold rolling shop is operating at Metalurji.

Also, from the achievements of Rashnikov, it can be noted that this year an agreement was signed between Magnitogorsk and Gazprom for the supply of pipes.

In addition, being the head of the Metallurg hockey club, Viktor Filippovich openly declared that he was ready to help the Russian Ice Hockey Federation in the construction of the newest hockey stadium in the Urals. In particular, he said that the plans include the construction of a training rink close to the existing ice arena.


  • Viktor Filippovich has a medal "For Labor Valour". He also has the Order of Merit and Honor to his credit.
  • In the summer of 2002, Rashnikov was thanked on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • As part of the award Peter the Great in 2000, Victor received the title of laureate "For his great contribution to the development of the Russian economy."
  • In 2001 he was awarded for the increase in production and high quality steel produced in the oxygen-converter shop.
  • In 2002, he was awarded the prize for technological re-equipment of the energy sector based on energy-saving technologies, and also received the Kosygin Prize.

Politicians, businessmen, artists and other media people have always been the object of close attention of ordinary citizens. Of particular interest are the biographies of Russian billionaires, whose income level gives them access to the very top of world business and politics. One of such prominent representatives of the Russian financial elite is Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov.

The future billionaire, Viktor Rashnikov, was born in the Soviet Union in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, on 10/13/1948, in a simple working-class family. The parents of little Vitya: father, Rashnikov Philip Nikiforovich - foreman of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) and mother - Galina Egorovna. The childhood of Rashnikov Jr. passed like that of all Soviet boys of that time: study, joining the pioneers and the Komsomol.

In such a family, Victor could not become a parasite and helped them in every possible way with housework, which, with modest material prosperity, was a good help. From the elder Rashnikovs, the children were given the desire to rely only on themselves in everything. Viktor Rashnikov did not rest a single summer during his studies and obtaining a specialty.


At the end of the eighth grade, the future famous businessman continued to receive education and a profession at an industrial technical school, from which he graduated in 1967. Thanks to the possibility of distance learning, in 1974 he received a diploma from the Magnitogorsk GMI. G. Nosov, specializing in Metal Forming.

Victor Rashnikov

However, Rashnikov does not stop there, and already in 1994 he received another higher education in the specialty "Organization of Production Management". Thanks to perseverance and hard work, he was able to successfully defend his Ph.D.

Rashnikov's career growth: from a locksmith to a billionaire

The future businessman began his path to the heights of political and financial success in 1967 at MMK, where he came after an industrial technical school as an equipment repairman. A year later, Viktor moves to the sheet rolling shop, in 1970 he becomes the operator of the same production area, and in 1974, after receiving higher education, he was appointed foreman of the crimping shop.

From 1967 to 1990 V.F. Rashnikov walked along career ladder the path from a locksmith to the first deputy general director of the metallurgical plant in Magnitogorsk. During 1991-1992 he holds the post of chief engineer at the same enterprise. In 1997, "Filippovich", as the workers and fellow countrymen began to simply call him, takes over the reins of the management of OJSC MMK and manages it for 8 years. From the spring of 2005 to the present day, Rashnikov has been the head of the board of directors of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, and since 2006 he has been the head of MMK Managing Company LLC.

Thanks to the management of Rashnikov, MMK stopped the decline in production and increased the volume of output by 65%. Also increased wage and a large-scale reconstruction of the plant's capacities was carried out.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that in 1999 Viktor Filippovich controlled Russian Bread, Russian Metallurgical Company, YuzhUralavtoban and several other enterprises valued at about $1,500,000. The year 1997 was marked for Rashnikov by taking the post of president of the Union of Industry of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Political activity

In addition to business management, V.F. Rashnikov is active in politics. In 1994 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region. Subsequently, Viktor Filippovich will be re-elected there more than once. And at the end of 1998, he became one of the main members of the Fatherland party, headed at that time by Yu.M. Luzhkov and Evgeny Primakov.

In 2000, Rashnikov was a confidant of V.V. Putin during the election campaign for the presidency of the Russian Federation. Three years later, Viktor Filippovich is elected to the State Duma of Russia, but for unknown reasons, he refuses his deputy mandate. On the political account of Rashnikov, participation in the 2007 parliamentary elections, as well as work in the committee on industry, transport, fuel, energy and communications.

Material well-being of Viktor Rashnikov

For more than 10 years V.F. Rashnikov is on the list of 40 most successful Russian businessmen, out of two hundred represented by the international rating of FORBES magazine. How much does one of the richest people Russia? Highest Income this Russian billionaire was recorded in 2008 and 2011 and amounted to 13.3 and 11.2 billion dollars, respectively. At the same time, the worst years in financial plan for Rashnikov, steel in 2009 and 2014 - 2.5 and 2.8 billion dollars, respectively. As of the current 2018, the businessman occupies the 14th position in the ranking with an income of $93.3 billion.

It is difficult to say exactly where the oligarch lives now. Among the real estate owned by Rashnikov, a luxurious palace with an area of ​​​​6000 m 2 in the elite village of Riita, located in the area of ​​Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, is noted, and according to the latest information, it has an estimated cost of 70-90 million dollars. The mansion has 118 rooms decorated in the palace style. The network has a video showing the palace and its furnishings. There is also information about two huge villas in Nice - Villa Nellcote (formerly owned by Mickey Jagger) and Villa les Figuiers.

The billionaire owns a luxury superjet Gulfstream G650ER with two Rolls-ROYCE jet engines. The plane has tail number VP-BOT and costs about 75 million dollars. The interior of the aircraft is striking in its luxury.

Rashnikov is not indifferent to yachts either. The current vessel reaches 140 m in length and is recognized as one of the largest in its class. The yacht is called Ocean Victory and was launched by an Italian shipyard in 2014. The vessel has a high-strength steel hull, several decks, six pools up to 8 meters long each, a helipad, as well as a SPA area and a hangar for a 14-meter sailboat. For comfortable movement between the decks of the yacht there is an elevator.

Victor's wife and children

Each successful person must have support. Such a support in the biography of Viktor Rashnikov was his family: his wife Tatyana Kuzmina, with whom he has been living for many years, two children - daughters Tatyana and Olga and grandchildren. All close friends characterize Viktor Filippovich as a loving husband, caring father and grandfather. The personal life of a businessman is practically not covered in the news, carefully guarded by the head of the family.

Olga Rashnikova - daughter

The youngest daughter of a businessman in 2012 joined the board of directors and committee strategic planning OJSC MMK. Olga was educated first in a regular school in her hometown, then she studied in Switzerland, where she received a bachelor's degree in economics and completed her studies at Moscow State University in Executive MBA courses. Despite the wealth of the family and being included in the so-called "golden" youth, Olga Viktorovna did not shine at various elite parties and was not involved in any video scandals. Even in her hometown, she rarely appears in public.

Tatyana also previously worked at the plant and was responsible for foreign sales of products. Viktor Filippovich also has a younger brother, Sergei, who served as general director of CJSC UK Profit, which supplied scrap to OJSC MMK.

Sports hobbies

As in the biography of any person, V.F. Rashnikov, has his own hobbies, which he indulges in all his free time. The businessman is very fond of skiing. According to available information, thanks to the personal funds of Viktor Filippovich, the Magnitogorsk ski slope with artificial turf was built. The billionaire is also a passionate fan of hockey and has been president of the Metallurg hockey club for almost 19 years.

Viktor Filippovich today

Now Rashnikov is successful businessman, a sponsor, a wonderful family man and a person who can easily establish contacts with people. For many years in a row, he has occupied the top positions in the Forbes rating and has been invariably re-elected to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of MMK. According to the latest data, the plant has a cold rolling shop in Turkey, and also signed an agreement with Gazprom for the supply of pipes.

As the president of the Metallurg hockey club, he has repeatedly stated in the news that he intends to help the FH of the Russian Federation with the construction of a modern ice arena in the Urals. Also, the businessman is the author of about 100 developments and studies in the field of improving the technology of rolled products and improving its quality. In addition, Rashnikov has a lot of government thanks and awards.

For all the time he worked in the field of metallurgy, Viktor Filippovich, for his personal contribution to the development of Russian industry, was awarded many orders:

  • "Honor" - 1995;
  • "For Services to the Fatherland" - IV degree (1998), III degree (2004) and II degree (2013);
  • "St. Sergius of Radonezh" - 2001;
  • "Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow" - 2005.

Rashnikov was also awarded a medal for "Labour Valor" in 1989 and "100 Years of Russian Trade Unions". In addition, the businessman is the winner of the following awards: "The Government of the Russian Federation for achievements in the field of science and technology" - 2001 and 2002 and "Kosygina A.N." - 2002. Also V.F. Rashnikov was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the Chelyabinsk region and Magnitogorsk.

The owner of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), Viktor Rashnikov, first came to the enterprise in 1967. The future billionaire and a native of Magnitogorsk, whom the locals nicknamed "Filippych", got a job in the Magnitogorsk repair shop as a simple mechanic and methodically climbed the career ladder. In 1991, he became the chief engineer of MMK, and six years later he headed the plant. At the same time, Rashnikov bought shares in Magnitogorsk and in the 2000s became the owner of a controlling stake.

In the struggle for the plant, the metallurgist went through many corporate wars. Rashnikov's opponents were the structures of the Trans World Group of the Cherny brothers, a billionaire, the owner of Mechel, and a mining magnate. Having retained control over the plant, Rashnikov brought MMK to an IPO in 2007, which brought in $1 billion.

In 2011, Rashnikov withdrew from the operational management of MMK, transferring control to the then general director of the plant. In 2014, Dubrovsky, who had worked at MMK for over 35 years, became the governor of the Chelyabinsk region. In March 2019, he retired.

Rashnikov himself is no stranger to politics. In the presidential elections of 2000, he was a confidant of Vladimir Putin. The metallurgist was twice (in 2003 and 2007) elected to the State Duma, but both times he refused the mandate. In 2010, Rashnikov became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Regional Duma for the fifth time.

Rashnikov is a passionate hockey fan, since 1999 he has been the president of the Magnitogorsk hockey club Metallurg.

Rashnikova's youngest daughter Olga has been a member of the Board of Directors of Magnitogorsk since 2012. The eldest daughter Tatyana also worked at MMK for a while and was responsible for foreign sales.

Education Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute (1974).

Deal In February 2019, Rashnikov bought from Mikhail Gutseriev the main share of the project for the construction of a luxury hotel on Tverskaya Street on the site of the former Tsentralnaya Hotel.

Event Immediately after the collapse of a residential building in Magnitogorsk on the night of December 31, 2018, Rashnikov flew into the city and stayed at the scene of the tragedy for nine days.

Court Rashnikov's Snapbox company in Cyprus from the structures of Alexander Chigirinsky $ 134 million in dividends from the sale of their joint project - the Evolution Tower.

Detail In 2016, the media reported on MMK's plans to merge with Severstal. MMK denied them.

A toy Rashnikov's 140-meter yacht Ocean Victory takes 11th place in the list of the largest yachts in the world. On December 2, 2016, the Ocean Victory yacht (76 m) previously owned by Rashnikov was arrested in the Netherlands at the request of the Swiss authorities, who were investigating the current owner of the boat, Vice President and son of the President of Equatorial Guinea, Theodorin Obiang.