Business plan of an educational institution. Types of educational institutions. Market of educational services. Development of a business plan for educational services Business plan for a budget educational institution

  • 07.08.2020

Where do people not regret investing money? In the education of their children. This trend has become widespread in our time. Why shouldn't investors agree with the opinion of society and not invest in a business plan for an educational institution or service? Today, this business has every reason to become successful.

What to Consider

The reason that there are still empty niches in this area is that some skills and experience are needed. Ideally - the skills of the organizer and experience in the education system. However, if the project is a collective one, it is enough to have a similar experience for one person. Depending on what knowledge the project executor has, it is necessary to choose the direction of the educational institution or educational services that will be provided on a paid basis.

In addition, much depends on the financial capabilities of investors. For the organization of a higher educational institution or a high-class gymnasium, significant funds are needed, which will be returned in about 3-5 years. But in the future, the resulting profit will be quite significant.

In case of limited financial possibilities, one should turn to rendering popular today educational services. Quickly pay off and children's preschool institutions, which are constantly lacking, despite the seemingly significant number.

Free niches

The decrease in public funding for this sector has led to the ability of private structures to work more quickly and productively. In this regard, the following main areas can be developed:

  1. Higher educational institutions. With today's opportunities using part-time, individual and distance learning, the need for equipment and large areas of classrooms is significantly reduced, and the problems associated with them also disappear. To pass accreditation, a number of conditions must be met, but the reduction of state institutions made it possible to recruit sufficiently qualified personnel who will correspond to the tasks set. Even getting a loan from a bank will not leave the project without a net profit in 2 years.
  2. secondary educational institutions. If the opportunity to get higher education in specialties of interest on a paid basis - a sufficient incentive to become a student of a private institution, then with schools and specialized schools the situation is completely different. For the popularity of the gymnasium or lyceum, the business plan of the educational institution must include Additional services that students can receive. These may include additional foreign language courses, sports groups under the guidance of experienced trainers, preparatory courses for testing, obtaining prestigious working specialties.
  3. Preschool institutions. Depending on the possibilities and directions, they can be either a full-fledged kindergarten or a small group of different ages for classes on popular pedagogical developments of well-known foreign and domestic specialists. Such institutions can be supplemented with some kind of bias in development - philological or logical-mathematical, sports, musical or theatrical, add the services of a round-the-clock kindergarten, weekend kindergarten or with an extended working day. Such services do not require significant cash costs, but are paid at higher rates.
  4. Educational services. They are divided by age and direction, but they have some common features - small initial capital, which must be invested to start the activity. Their difficulty lies in the selection of sufficiently qualified personnel, on which, in this case, all the work rests. You can develop a business plan for the following educational services:

Necessary expenses

Depending on the direction, the costs will vary greatly in size and investment items. The business plan of an educational institution requires more attention to be paid to a fairly spacious complex of premises, a significant number of equipment. For a creative laboratory, a small room is needed, but specific equipment is needed, and the design is non-standard.

For the provision of some educational services, business plans may provide only a small administrative room for 2-3 rooms (an administrative room shared by employees and a small organizational room for storing some necessary equipment). For other types of services, large halls are needed.

The main items of expenditure will still be:

A sample business plan for an educational institution can only give a very rough picture of all expenses and income, since they differ significantly for each individual case. Typical projects will not be very popular - they have sufficiently saturated the market.

Drawing up a business plan for an educational service based on standard samples is much easier, since in most cases large premises or unique equipment are not needed there.

Approximate calculations for a small private kindergarten

The business plan of an educational organization of a small size will not carry a large financial burden for the entrepreneur and will allow you to quickly start earning a net income. As an option, you can offer a kindergarten for two groups of different ages. The location in a residential area will allow you to find suitable clients quite quickly, since it will be possible to take or pick up a child in any weather, with any degree of employment. In addition, the premises can be easily converted by buying or renting several apartments in one of the houses.

The calculation is for groups of no more than 20 children of different ages, an additional service is a kindergarten on weekends, a round-the-clock kindergarten.


Thus, a minimum of $50,000 will be spent per year. For each child, the monthly payment for a day stay will be from $50. Overnight stay - additional $10 for a one-time stay, $50 for a regular one. With full day groups and one night group only for a month, it will be received from 2400 dollars. In less than 2 years, the project will pay off even in not the richest city in Russia.

Business from scratch - how to write a business plan: Video

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Business plan for educational services

Resume with a budget

A project to create a Higher Educational Institution, abbreviated as a university, is presented to your attention.

The project requires financial investments in the amount of 35300000 rubles, and pursues the following tasks:

  • Complete satisfaction of the educational services of the consumer market;
  • Creation of a highly profitable enterprise that brings a stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

As it was written earlier, to establish such a project, funding in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles is required. To obtain the required amount, you can attract investors, or take a commercial loan from a bank at 14% per annum.

The profit that investors or the bank will receive is 2,269,289.24 rubles. The total profit for the time life cycle enterprise, which, by the way, is designed for two years, will amount to 118748222.76 rubles.

Estimated payback period of the enterprise: 9 months.

The loan must begin to be repaid from the first month of the launch of the enterprise.

Steps required to open your university:

1. Rent or purchase of a building, premises and various outbuildings
2. Obtaining a state license, passing certification
3. Carrying out a whole range of repair and construction works
4. Purchase and installation of all necessary equipment
5. Passing various state inspections: SES, Fire inspection, Sanitary and epidemiological station, and other permitting authorities.
6. Search and recruitment of the entire faculty in the amount of at least 2 teachers per subject.
7. Hiring other staff (security, cleaners, secretaries, accountants, concierges, etc.)
8. Conducting an extensive advertising campaign

Types of training

Usually, university education is divided into several types:

  • Full-time education. All classes are held in person, as a rule, in the daytime, daily from Monday to Friday;
  • Extramural studies. Correspondence students have a separate schedule, and appear at the university, often, only during the session, doing the rest of the time on their own;
  • Evening form of education (part-time);
  • Distance form of education. Teachers give the student tasks in electronic form, he completes them and sends the answers back. All reading is done by the student himself.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of educational services in Russia

Equipment required in universities:
1. Desks, tables
2. Chairs
3. Boards, projectors, media boards
4. Stationery
5. Decor items: flower tubs, curtains, busts, portraits of scientists and prominent figures
6. Audio-video equipment, microphones
7. Office furniture, executive furniture
8. Toilets, shower rooms
9. Lighting, signaling
10. Library. Both electronic and regular
11. Equipment for the gym: simulators, mats, balls, bars, etc.
12. Executive class car for the rector of an educational institution.
13. Coffee machines
14. Buffet, canteen or something similar to provide food for students. Also, the buffet provides additional profit for the university itself, students invest in the university, and not in outside stores.

The reform of the education system and modern socio-economic conditions in our country have led to the fact that the discovery educational institutions has become a very profitable business due to the quick payback and high profitability, which in turn attracts a huge number of entrepreneurs.

This is not surprising, since the demand for education is currently very high, whether it be a higher education institution, educational courses, individual educational services or child Center development. Those wishing to receive this or that education and the document corresponding to it will always be found. Thus, opening your own educational institution is a rather profitable business.

But in order for your business not to suffer losses, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for an educational institution that can reflect all the risks of the enterprise.

Initially, I would like to note that the calculations presented here are focused on a provincial industrial city with a population of approximately 350,000 and an average per capita income of 23,000 rubles per month. This business plan reflects the main organizational and content conditions for opening a non-state educational institution that provides training services foreign languages(English, French, German).

In order to write good business plan, remember that its structure should include the following sections:

  1. Summary.
  2. Description of the services of educational institution.
  3. Innovative potential of the enterprise (firm).
  4. Clientele and market of educational services.
  5. Competition.
  6. Resources needed to get started.
  7. Organizational planning.
  8. Financial plan.
  9. Risk analysis.

An example of writing a business plan for an educational institution

In relation to an educational institution that provides services in the field of teaching foreign languages, a summary may look like this.

The idea of ​​opening a non-state educational institution based on such an organizational and legal form of doing business as individual entrepreneur(IP), is based on the provision of general educational services to the population in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​and combines the classical foundations of tutoring and the basic principles of management of highly organized educational institutions.

The list of services, in addition to the traditional teaching of the basics of foreign languages, includes additional services that are informational and organizational in nature.

Within the framework of this educational institution, it is planned to implement an innovative approach to the organization of tutoring, as a result of which our company receives a qualitative difference in comparison with similar educational institutions. The implementation of student-centered learning and an individual approach leads to more effective learning, in contrast to teaching foreign languages ​​in state educational institutions.

To start running entrepreneurial activity in such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur, little capital is needed, as a result of which the need for the services of credit institutions is removed. This greatly reduces the risk. Due to the demand for the services offered, the financial costs pay off in a short time (3-5 months).

The company has great potential due to the introduction of the fundamental principles of classical pedagogy into the educational process, combined with innovative pedagogical activities (problem-based learning, project method, reflective approach in teaching) and the use of modern computer programs (HiClass, Language Teacher Partner).

To implement the learning process in this educational institution, experienced, highly qualified, disciplined teachers are selected, who at the same time are PC users. Each teacher is supposed to have a portfolio that reflects the main merits of its owner: a diploma of education, participation in conferences, reviews and characteristics.

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Description of educational institution services

This educational institution provides a large list of services related to teaching foreign languages ​​(English, French, German) to the level of free communication, reading original literature and a complete understanding of addressed speech.

The list of services includes:

  • free consultation and diagnostics of the initial level of a foreign language;
  • reliable information about entrance exams to higher educational institutions in the specialty of foreign languages, as well as about studying abroad;
  • information about travel to countries where English, French, German are predominantly spoken.

The list of training services includes:

  • development of individual educational routes based on the basic level, reflecting the entire adaptability of the learning process (methods, means, techniques, results);
  • implementation of original teaching methods developed by qualified teachers;
  • training in the process of various forms and types of classes (lectures, practical, etc.);
  • providing the necessary methodological literature in both printed and electronic versions;
  • the use of special licensed computer programs that provide effective language learning at all levels;
  • during the training session provided for by the curriculum or program, consultation of the teacher during independent study of the material.

Other services provided include:

  • provision of a language laboratory and a room for doing homework for the duration of the classes;
  • provision of computers to clients.

Thus, the clients of this educational institution receive the entire necessary material and access to equipment for effective foreign language teaching.

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Innovative potential of the enterprise

The advantages of this institution are to provide a free information service to students in conjunction with a student-centered approach, modern software and high quality teaching.

Clientele and market

At the moment, the educational services market is clearly segmented mainly into state institutions, private institutions and private tutors. At the same time, it is worth remembering that changes in the field of education, the democratization of the economy have significantly expanded the scope of consumers, and, accordingly, sellers of educational services.

The developed business plan takes this feature into account. As a result, schoolchildren, applicants, students, people engaged in international business or frequent travelers are seen as the main consumers of the services provided.

It should be noted that in the market of educational services related to teaching foreign languages, this institution occupies a certain intermediate (combination) position between the services of tutors and private schools. This is due to the fact that the educational process is based on an individual approach to the client (student), a full range of services and the proposed forms of education, typical for private educational institutions.

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Competition market research

The market of educational services provides a wide choice for the consumer. At the same time, it should be noted that, as a rule, state and non-state institutions compete with each other. This educational institution is a private educational institution. Its advantages in comparison with public educational institutions are as follows:

  1. The reliability of the services provided (for example, licensing of programs, etc.) along with the variability of education (the client has the right to choose a course of study in accordance with his own needs). Orientation to the interests and capabilities of the client is a fundamental principle.
  2. The quality of the services provided is determined by the involvement of exclusively qualified teachers (preferably with a PhD degree), the implementation of author's methods, the technological effectiveness of teaching and the use of multimedia and technical means training and modern licensed computer programs.
  3. Guarantees: variable forms of payment (mainly hourly) exclude material risk for clients.
  4. exclusivity. Distinctive feature this educational institution - the construction of the educational process on the basis of private tutoring.
  5. A price that can compete with state educational institutions (for example, 500 rubles for 2 academic hours, 700 rubles for the same time with the teacher's home visit).
  6. The variability of the services provided and the forms of classes in accordance with the wishes of the client.
  7. Delivery: the possibility of leaving the house.
  8. Counseling: free consultation before the first lesson, diagnostics of the basic level of a foreign language and individual counseling during the lesson.
  9. Information: use exclusively modern literature, fresh periodicals and media mass media in order to ensure the relevance of students' knowledge; providing information on the use of the acquired knowledge in life.

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Resources required to start activities (including financial)

In order to implement a business plan, you must:

Material and technical equipment:

  • premises (reception and 4 rooms) - rent 40,000 rubles per month;
  • office furniture (30 desks, 60 chairs, reception equipment, 3 tables, 4 computer chairs) - 239,000 rubles;
  • equipment for a language laboratory (for 10 people) - 160,000 rubles;
  • 3 magnetic boards - 15,000 rubles;
  • equipment (printer, projector, 12 desktop computers) - 265,000 rubles;
  • consumables (pens, notebooks, A4 paper, etc.) - 10,000 rubles per month.

Staff: experienced highly qualified teachers (one teacher each teaching English, French and German). The offer is quite attractive for clients when your institution will provide services to degree personnel (for example, candidates of philological sciences).

You will need an administrator to work with clients. The individual entrepreneur himself is responsible for maintaining documentation and accounting, advertising and organizing the learning process (you can hire a special person, but this requires certain financial costs).

To ensure the educational process, it is necessary:

  • educational programs (existing or copyright), plan of the educational process;
  • special educational licensed computer programs;
  • methodical literature and periodicals (newspapers, magazines).

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Organizational planning

The organizational and legal form of doing business is individual entrepreneurship, although you can choose other options (for example, LLC - a limited liability company). The first option differs in that it is easier to maintain financial and accounting records, while the tax rate is somewhat lower.

To open your own educational institution, some preparation is required: monitoring other educational institutions that teach foreign languages, choosing a room and renting it, purchasing material and technical equipment, equipping rooms, purchasing literature (methodological, periodical), recruiting, work plan.

After all the formal procedures related to documentation and approval of the selected activity in accordance with the regulatory framework (this will be discussed in more detail below), advertising campaign. As clients apply, groups are formed according to the entry level of students and the chosen course of study (for example, business English, French for travelers, etc.), a group training schedule is drawn up, and the institution begins its full-fledged activity.

The payment for the work of teachers is 20% for each student, and wage administrator is fixed (at least 15,000 rubles).

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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The amount of initial investment - 2,028,000 rubles;

Break-even point - for 3 months;

Payback period - 21 months;

The average monthly profit is 103,369 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Recently, the growth of industry in the country amounted to about 5%, which is a good indicator. Automation plays an important role in this development. technological process, i.e. implementation information technologies to the enterprise. To solve this problem, competent personnel with knowledge in this area is needed. Thus, there is a need for qualified labor resources. This need can be met either by attracting third-party specialists, which requires significant financial resources, or by training your own staff already at the preschool stage, which is a cheaper alternative.

Thus, the need for this project is obvious, in addition, the organization of a computer class will create a more favorable general social background in the area.

Preschool is an educational institution owned by the municipality.

Over the past years, specialists from the New Technologies Implementation Department have researched and developed a range of unique information services that meet the most pressing needs of the population in the area.

Therefore, the subjects of business is educational services.

The founder and organizer of this project is the administration of the preschool education institution represented by the unit for the introduction of new technologies.

The structure of the proposed services is as follows:

  1. getting basic computer skills;
  2. access to Internet resources;
  3. work with developing and educational software products (“Intellect-plus”, “Smart child”, etc.);
  4. gaming leisure;
  5. work with software package(Windows, office software package, PhotoShop, etc.) to increase the level of computer knowledge (for the most gifted children).

Fundamentally new is that this project there is an introduction of new information technologies in education in preschool educational institutions, which is an exception, because. an attempt was made to combine modern technologies with a childish outlook and mind. Thus, there is some free space in the market, which this project can successfully fill.

The second positive argument is that there are experienced teachers and a psychologist in the class, i.e. children are under tight control.

Particular attention must be paid to the safety of classes. Before each lesson or leisure activity, children are given instructions on the correct behavior and work in the classroom. To this process had the greatest efficiency, the rules are read in the form of a game, i.e. the teacher shows everything with his own hands.

In view of the fact that there is only one preschool educational institution in this area, it can be argued that the offered services in education will remain in demand, at least until the appearance of a second such institution.

3. Description of the market

Thus, we can conclude that both women and men prefer classes with their children once a week or more to all other options. Some men want classes for children in the amount of more than 1 time in two weeks or even a month, which is not at all typical for women. Approximately the voices in the answer “never” poured in. Those. it can be noted that, in general, women are characterized by the position of either doing or not doing it at all. Men, on the other hand, are more restrained in this matter and offer to leave the choice to the children.

Thus, we can conclude that when segmenting by gender, and given that the first category is the most significant, women have a greater influence on the schedule of classes, i.e. mothers, which is a fairly predictable factor.

4. Organizational structure

Organizational and legal form - LLC.

The general management of the project will be carried out by the administration of the PEI. The project will be directly managed by the department for the introduction of new technologies represented by its head. All consulting, technical and other issues related to the project will be resolved by the staff of the above department, which has all the necessary intellectual and methodological resources for this, as well as patents for unique software products. The control system is presented in the table.

fixed costs Salary The number of employees Sum Average salary per month per employee
Director25 000 1 25 000 45 403
Administrator20 000 2 40 000 26 801
Teacher13 000 6 78 000 35 670
Insurance premiums

42 900
Total payroll

185 900

This staff meets all staffing needs of the project, other workers will be hired as needed. The remuneration system provides for a remuneration policy in the form of lump-sum payments from profits.

5. Financial plan

To open a computer class in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary, first of all, to purchase the required equipment and furniture. Costs structured by items are presented in the table.

Name Quantity Price for 1 piece total amount
Author's methodology of developmental classes3 50 000 150 000
interactive board6 62 000 372 000
Set of educational toys2 35 000 70 000
Teaching materials, set1 40 000 40 000
A computer20 25 000 500 000
Desk-chair set30 12 000 360 000
Sofa4 15 000 60 000
armchairs8 7 000 56 000
Reception equipment1 30 000 30 000

1 638 000