Certification for the position of the head of an educational institution broadcast. How to conduct certification of heads of educational institutions. Who is exempt from passing

  • 28.08.2020

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1.1. These Procedures and terms for the certification of candidates for the position of manager and manager educational organization administered by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, (hereinafter - the Procedure) determine the procedure for attestation of candidates (candidate) for the position of head and head of an educational organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the timing of its implementation (hereinafter, respectively - attestation, candidates, heads of educational organizations, the Ministry) .

1.2. The objectives of certification are:

a) increasing the efficiency of the selection and placement of heads of educational organizations;

b) assessment of knowledge and qualifications of candidates (candidate) for the position of head of an educational organization;

c) assessment of the knowledge and qualifications of the heads of educational organizations and confirmation of their suitability for the position held;

d) stimulation professional growth heads of educational organizations.

1.3. Certifications are subject to:

a) candidates (candidate) for the position of head of an educational organization;

b) heads of educational organizations.

1.4. Heads of educational organizations are not subject to certification:

appointed to the position by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

who have worked in their position for less than one year;

pregnant women;

women on maternity leave (their attestation is carried out no earlier than one year after leaving the leave);

persons on leave to care for a child until they reach the age of three years (their certification is carried out no earlier than a year after leaving the leave).

1.5. Certification of heads of educational organizations is carried out at least once during the period of validity employment contract. Certification of the head in order to confirm the compliance with the position held is carried out within a year after appointment to the position.

1.6. Certification is carried out in Russian and consists of the following successive stages: analysis of the submitted documents and materials about the candidate for the position of manager (manager) and interview.

1.7. For attestation, the Ministry:

a) creates an Attestation Commission for the attestation of candidates for the position of head and heads of educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Attestation Commission);

b) generates lists of candidates to be certified for the positions of heads of educational organizations on the basis of proposals received in the prescribed manner, including from the permanent advisory body of the Ministry, which considers issues of staffing educational organizations higher education under the jurisdiction of the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the advisory body);

c) draws up lists of heads of educational organizations subject to certification;

d) determines the schedule for certification;

d) cooking Required documents for the work of the Attestation Commission;

g) requests from candidates (candidate) for the position of head, head of an educational organization, as well as relevant organizations, deliberative body documents, materials and information necessary to ensure the activities of the Attestation Commission;

h) exercise other powers in order to ensure the activities of the Attestation Commission.

1.8. The attestation commission operates on a voluntary basis.

1.9. The main principles of the Attestation Commission are competence, objectivity, openness, independence, and observance of professional ethics.

1.10. Methodological, analytical, organizational and technical support for the activities of the Attestation Commission is carried out by the structural subdivision of the Ministry, which is entrusted with these functions.

II. Functions, powers, composition and work procedure of the Attestation Commission

2.1. Certifying commission:

conducts attestation of candidates (candidate) for the position of head of an educational organization;

conducts certification of heads of educational organizations;

analyzes the submitted materials in relation to candidates (candidate) for the position of head and head of an educational organization, including checking their compliance qualification requirements specified in qualification guides, according to the relevant positions of the heads of educational organizations and (or) professional standards, the absence of grounds that prevent them from engaging in pedagogical activities, and restrictions on employment labor activity in the field of education, conducts a comprehensive and objective study of candidates for appointment to the positions of the head of an educational organization.

2.2. The attestation commission has the right:

a) request from candidates (candidate) for the position of head, head of an educational organization, as well as relevant organizations, an advisory body, documents, materials and information necessary for its activities;

b) set deadlines for submission of requested documents, materials and information;

c) conduct the necessary consultations;

d) create working groups with the involvement of experts and specialists, the composition of which is approved Certification Commission;

2.3. The composition of the Attestation Commission is approved by the order of the Ministry.

The Attestation Commission includes representatives of the Ministry, representatives of federal government bodies, representatives public organizations, representatives of trade union organizations, representatives of state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory the organization is located * (1) , as well as members of the supervisory boards of autonomous organizations and members of the advisory body * (2) .

The Chairman of the Attestation Commission is the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The Chairman of the Attestation Commission carries out general management of the activities of the Attestation Commission, chairs its meetings, organizes the work of the Attestation Commission, exercises general control over the implementation of the decisions taken, distributes duties among the members of the Attestation Commission.

The Deputy Chairmen are the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and a representative of a public organization. In the absence of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission, the duties of the Chairman are performed by one of his deputies, who is entrusted with such duties by the Chairman of the Attestation Commission.

The Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission, in the absence of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission, performs the functions of the Chairman of the Commission in full.

The Executive Secretary of the Attestation Commission is a representative of the Ministry.

The Executive Secretary of the Attestation Commission prepares materials and draft decisions of the Attestation Commission, sends requests and notifications on behalf of the Attestation Commission, ensures that the decisions of the Attestation Commission are sent to educational organizations.

2.4. The certification committee independently determines the procedure for its work.

The main form of activity of the Attestation Commission are meetings. The place, date and time of the meeting of the Attestation Commission, its members are notified by letter or telephone message.

The meeting of the Attestation Commission is considered competent if it is attended by at least half of the total number of its members.

Decisions of the Attestation Commission are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the decision for which the chairperson at the meeting of the Attestation Commission voted is considered adopted. At the suggestion of the members of the Attestation Commission, the decision may be taken by secret ballot.

Decisions of the Attestation Commission are documented in minutes, which are signed by the Chairman of the Attestation Commission or his deputy, who chaired the meeting of the Attestation Commission, and the executive secretary of the Attestation Commission.

A member of the Attestation Commission who does not agree with the decision made has the right to express his dissenting opinion in writing, which is attached to the minutes of the meeting of the Attestation Commission.

Decisions of the Attestation Commission adopted on candidates (candidate) for the position of the head of an educational organization or the head of an educational organization, in the form of an extract from the protocol, within seven working days from the date of the meeting of the Attestation Commission, are sent to the educational organization, as well as, respectively, to the candidate for the position of head or head of an educational organization.

IV. Certification

4.1. Proposals for candidates (candidate) for the position of head of an educational organization and materials on them are submitted to the Attestation Commission:

b) a structural subdivision of the Ministry, carrying out personnel policy, in agreement with the structural subdivision of the Ministry, which coordinates the activities of the educational organization.

Proposals for candidates (candidate) and materials must be submitted to the Attestation Commission no later than 60 calendar days before the expiration of the term of office of the current head of the educational organization (if early termination of his powers - within 15 working days) and / or within the time limits established by the Ministry.

4.2. Materials for attestation of the head of an educational organization are submitted to the Attestation Commission directly by the head or a person authorized by him within the time limits established by the Ministry.

4.3. A set of materials for a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization is drawn up in Russian and should include:

application of the candidate with a request to carry out his attestation by the Attestation Commission and consider his documents (indicating the contact phone number, place of residence and Email(if any), attached documents);

the candidate's statement of consent to the verification and processing of the submitted information about the candidate;

information about the candidate in accordance with the appendix to the Procedure;

the development program of the relevant educational organization, as well as the main provisions of the program of the candidate for the position of head of the educational organization (no more than 2 pages);

an extract from the decision of the authorized collegial management body of the educational organization on the inclusion of a candidate in the list of candidates for the position of the head of the educational organization (in the event that the educational organization submits proposals for candidates (candidate) for the position of the head of the educational organization);

representation of the supervisory board autonomous organization on a candidate for the position of head in the case provided for by the charter of the organization;

a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitating grounds; * (4)

the consent of the relevant commission on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of state or municipal employees and the settlement of conflicts of interest; * (5)

certified copies of documents on the appropriate level of education and (or) qualifications, academic degree, academic title;

additional documents at the discretion of the candidate.

4.4. A set of materials for the head of an educational organization subject to certification is drawn up in Russian and should include:

statement of the head of the educational organization on consent to his certification by the Attestation Commission and consideration of his documents (indicating the contact phone number, address of residence and e-mail (if any), attached documents);

statement of the head of consent to the verification and processing of the submitted information about the head;

report on the results of the implementation of the development program of the educational organization and the report of the head for the corresponding calendar year (hereinafter referred to as the report);

an extract from the decision of the authorized collegial governing body of the educational organization on the results of the consideration of the report;

a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution on rehabilitating grounds * (6) ;

additional documents at the discretion of the head.

4.5. Candidates for the position of head and heads of educational organizations, documents and materials for which were not received, were not received in full, later than the established deadlines, or comments on the documents and materials of which were not eliminated within the prescribed period, by the decision of the Attestation Commission, are not allowed to attestation.

4.6. Candidates (candidates) for the position of the head of an educational organization and the head subject to certification are notified of the place, date and time of the certification by mail or telephone no later than 7 working days before the certification.

4.7. Certification is carried out with the invitation of the head to the meeting of the Certification Commission. If the manager fails to appear at the meeting of the Attestation Commission without a good reason or refuses to attest, he is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the attestation is postponed to a later date.

4.8. Candidates for the position of head and heads of educational organizations, in respect of which, at any stage of certification, their non-compliance with the established qualification requirements or professional standards, or the presence of restrictions on their teaching activities, or restrictions on work in the field of education, or violation of the established in accordance with with the charter of the educational organization of the procedure for nominating a candidate for the position of head, or forgery of the submitted documents, by the decision of the Attestation Commission, they are recognized as not having passed the certification and are not allowed to other stages of it.

4.10. In case of non-participation in the interview, the candidate for the position of head, as well as the head of the educational organization, is recognized by the Attestation Commission as having not passed the attestation.

4.12. If a negative result is obtained during the interview of a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization or head of an educational organization, the Attestation Commission makes an appropriate decision:

on the recognition of a candidate for the position of the head of an educational organization or the head of an educational organization as not having passed the certification;

on the recognition of the head of the educational organization as not having passed the certification and his inconsistency with the position held.

4.13. In case of a positive result during the interview of a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization or head of an educational organization, the Attestation Commission makes an appropriate decision:

on certification of a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization and on a recommendation to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to appoint a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization;

on attestation of a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization and his inclusion in the personnel reserve of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to fill the positions of heads of educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as the personnel reserve);

on the certification of the head of the educational organization and its compliance with the position held.

Information about changes:

The Appendix was supplemented by paragraph 4.13.1 from December 2, 2017 - Order

4.13.1. Inclusion and exclusion from the personnel reserve is documented in a protocol in accordance with paragraph 2.4 of this Procedure.

Information about changes:

The Appendix was supplemented by paragraph 4.13.2 from December 2, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 27, 2017 N 1052

4.13.2. The grounds for exclusion from the personnel reserve are:

a) a personal statement;

b) appointment to the position of the head of an educational organization;

c) continuous stay in the personnel reserve for five years;

d) death (death) of a citizen or recognition of a citizen as missing or declaration of his death by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

e) recognition of a citizen as incapable or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

g) the presence of grounds that prevent the engagement in pedagogical activities, and restrictions on employment in the field of education;

h) recognition of a citizen as completely incapable of labor activity in accordance with medical opinion issued in the manner prescribed by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4.14. Based on the application of the head of the educational organization that has not passed certification, the Certification Commission has the right to decide on its re-certification. The head of the educational organization is notified of the place, date and time of the certification in accordance with this Procedure.

4.15. The head of an educational organization who has not passed certification within the established time limits and in respect of whom a decision on re-certification has not been made is suspended from work by order of the Ministry for the entire period of time until the certification is successfully passed, with the Ministry appointing an acting head of the educational organization.

4.16. The head of an educational organization, in respect of which the Attestation Commission has decided that he is inappropriate for his position, may be relieved of his position (dismissed) in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


*(1) The powers of this member of the commission extend to the period of consideration of a candidate for the position of head of an educational organization located on the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation.

*(2) The powers of this member of the commission extend to the period of consideration of a candidate for the position of head of an autonomous educational organization.

*(3) Proposals on candidates (candidate) and materials are submitted by an educational organization if the charter of the educational organization establishes the replacement of the position of its head based on the results of the election. These proposals must be formed from candidates who meet the requirements for the position of the head of the educational organization and who have been nominated in accordance with the procedure established by the charter of the educational organization.

*(4) In accordance with the first part of Article 351.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, N 1 (part 1), art. 3; N 30, art. 3014, art. 3033; 2003, N 27 (part I), art. 2700; 2004, N 18, item 1690; N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 1 (part 1), item 27; N 19, item 1752; 2006, N 27, item 2878; N 52 (1 hour), 5498; 2007, N 1 (1 part), item 34; N 17, item 1930; N 30, item 3808; N 41, item 4844; N 43, item 5084; N 49, item 6070; 2008, No. 9, article 812; No. 30 (part 1), article 3613; No. 30 (part 2), article 3616; No. 52 (part 1), article 6235, art. 6236; 2009, N 1, item 17, item 21; N 19, item 2270; N 29, item 3604; N 30, item 3732, item 3739; N 46, item 5419; N 48, 5717; 2010, N 31, item 4196; N 52 (part 1), item 7002; 2011, N 1, item 49; N 25, item 3539; N 27, item 3880; N 30 (part 1), art. 4586, art. 4590; art. 4591, art. 4596; N 45, art. 6333, art. 6335, N 48, art. 6730, art. 6735; N 49 (part 1 ), item 7015, item 7031; N 50, item 7359; 2012, N 10, item 1164; N 14, item 1553; N 18, item 2127; N 31, item 4325; N 47, Article 6399; No. 50 (part 4), Article 6954; No. 50 (part 5), Article 6957, Article 6959; No. 53 (h. 1), Art. 7605; 2013, N 14, Art. 1666, Art. 1668; No. 19, Art. 2322, art. 2326, Art. 2329; No. 23, Art. 2866, Art. 2883; No. 27, art. 3449, Art. 3454, Art. 3477; No. 30 (Part I), Art. 4037; No. 48, Art. 6165; N 52 (Part I), Art. 6986; 2014, N 14, art. 1542, art. 1547, art. 1548; N 26 (Part I), Art. 3405; No. 30 (Part I), Art. 4217; No. 45, Art. 6143; No. 48, Art. 6639; N 49 (Part VI), Art. 6918; N 52 (Part I), Art. 7543, Art. 7554; 2015, N 1 (part I), art. 10, art. 42, art. 72; No. 14, Art. 2022.

*(5) To be submitted by a candidate who holds or has held positions of public office or municipal service, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts, within 2 years after dismissal from the state or municipal service, if certain functions government controlled relevant educational organization are (were) part of his official (service) duties.

*(6) In accordance with the first part of Article 351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 1 (part 1), Art. 3; No. 30, Art. 3014, Art. 3033; 2003, No. 27 (part I), article 2700; 2004, N 18, article 1690; N 35, article 3607; 2005, N 1 (part 1), article 27; N 19, article 1752; 2006, N 27 , item 2878; N 52 (1 hour), item 5498; 2007, N 1 (1 hour), item 34; N 17, item 1930; N 30, item 3808; N 41, item 4844; N 43, item 5084; N 49, item 6070; 2008, N 9, item 812; N 30 (part 1), item 3613; N 30 (part 2), item 3616; N 52 (part 1), item 6235, item 6236; 2009, N 1, item 17, item 21; N 19, item 2270; N 29, item 3604; N 30, item 3732, item 3739; N 46, item 5419; N 48, item 5717; 2010, N 31, item 4196; N 52 (part 1), item 7002; 2011, N 1, item 49; N 25, Article 3539; No. 27, Article 3880; No. 30 (part 1), Article 4586, Article 4590; Article 4591, Article 4596; No. 45, Article 6333, Article 6335; No. 48, Article 6730, item 6735; N 49 (part 1), item 7015, item 7031; N 50, item 7359; 2012, N 10, item 1164; N 14, item 1553; N 18, item 2127, No. 31, item 4325, No. 47, item 639 9; N 50 (part 4), art. 6954; No. 50 (part 5), Art. 6957, art. 6959; N 53 (part 1), Art. 7605; 2013, N 14, art. 1666, Art. 1668; No. 19, Art. 2322, Art. 2326, Art. 2329; No. 23, art. 2866, Art. 2883; No. 27, Art. 3449, Art. 3454, Art. 3477; No. 30 (Part I), Art. 4037; No. 48, art. 6165; N 52 (Part I), Art. 6986; 2014, N 14, art. 1542, art. 1547, art. 1548; N 26 (Part I), Art. 3405; No. 30 (Part I), Art. 4217; No. 45, Art. 6143; No. 48, art. 6639; N 49 (Part VI), Art. 6918; N 52 (Part I), Art. 7543, Art. 7554; 2015, N 1 (part I), art. 10, art. 42, art. 72; No. 14, Art. 2022.

Sample Questions for Training Leaders and Candidates for Leadership Positions educational institutions to testing

Block I. State policy in the field of education

1. What is the subject of regulation of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"?
Answer: The subject of regulation are social relations that arise in the field of education in connection with the realization of the right to education, the provision of state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education (hereinafter referred to as relations in the field of education).

2. How is the standard defined in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”?
Answer: The Federal State Educational Standard is a set mandatory requirements to education of a certain level and (or) to a profession, specialty and area of ​​training, approved by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education; educational C Standard - a set of mandatory requirements for higher education in specialties and areas of training approved by educational institutions of higher education, defined by this federal law or by decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

3. What programs are included in the main educational programs?
Answer: 1) general education
2) professional
3) professional training

4. What are the main principles of state policy in the field of education?
Answer: 1) recognition of the priority of education;
2) ensuring the right of every person to education, inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education;
3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the individual, the education of mutual respect, diligence, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, respect for nature and environment, rational nature management ;
4) the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of ethnic and cultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation in a multinational state;
5) creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;
6) the secular nature of education in state, municipal organizations, carrying out educational activities ;
7) the freedom to choose education according to the inclinations and needs of a person, the creation of conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including the provision of the right to choose forms of education, forms of training, an organization that implements educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teachers with freedom in choosing forms of education, methods of teaching and education;
8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of a person;
9) autonomy of educational organizations, academic rights and freedoms of teachers and students, provided for by this Federal Law, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;
10) the democratic nature of education management, ensuring the rights of teachers, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students to participate in the management of educational organizations;
11) the inadmissibility of restricting or eliminating competition in the field of education;
12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

5. What is the purpose of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015?
Answer: Ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of the innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation

6. Which of the following principles are included in the management principles of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education (FTsPRO) for 2011-2015?
Answer: The effectiveness of the implementation of the Program will be ensured through the introduction of new approaches, methods and technologies at all levels of the education system through investment in research projects and projects to implement the results obtained, as well as through the use of the principles of the program-targeted approach and "management directed to the result."

7. What activities need to be carried out to solve the problem "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and the demand for educational services"?
Answer: 1) providing conditions for the development and implementation of an independent system for evaluating the results of education at all levels of the education system (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary and secondary vocational, higher professional, postgraduate professional education, additional education) ;
2) development of a quality assessment system vocational education based on the creation and implementation of mechanisms for certification of qualifications of specialists and graduates of educational institutions, taking into account the integration of the requirements of the federal state educational standard and professional standards;
3) creation of a unified information system in the field of education;
4) creation of conditions for the development of state and public evaluation of the activities of educational institutions, public and professional accreditation of educational programs. Public and professional accreditation of educational programs is understood as accreditation, which is carried out by public and professional associations (employers' organizations, trade unions, self-regulatory and other public organizations).

8. What is public and professional accreditation of educational programs?
Answer: accreditation, which is carried out by public and professional associations (employers' organizations, trade unions, self-regulatory and other public organizations).

9. What does the development of network interaction of educational institutions in the FTsPRO include?
Answer: 1) the creation of support centers for gifted children at large universities and distance schools at national research universities;
2) creation of a unified federal database of winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, Olympiads for schoolchildren, events and competitions, based on the results of which prizes are awarded to support talented youth;
3) development and implementation of a per capita funding standard for pedagogical support for the development (education) of talented children.

10. The main directions of development of the national educational initiative OUR NEW SCHOOL, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2010
Answer: 1) Transition to new educational standards
2) Development of a support system for talented children
3) Improvement of the teaching corps
4) Changing school infrastructure
5) Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren
6) Expanding the autonomy of schools

11. What aspects does the development of a support system for talented children, proposed in the National Educational Initiative OUR NEW SCHOOL, include?
Answer: It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be provided with the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance schools, allowing them to master profile training programs regardless of their place of residence. It is required to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account the individual achievements of students when entering universities.
At the same time, a system of support for talented children should be developed. These are, first of all, educational institutions of round-the-clock stay. The existing experience in the activities of physical and mathematical schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities should be disseminated. For children who have shown their talents in various areas activities, rallies, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events will be organized to support the formed giftedness.
Working with gifted children should be economically viable. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. The teacher, thanks to whom the student has achieved high results, should receive significant incentive payments.

12. What aspects are included in the preservation and promotion of the health of schoolchildren, proposed in the National Educational Initiative OUR NEW SCHOOL?
Answer: Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examination, sports activities, including extracurricular activities, implementation of preventive programs, discussion of issues with children healthy lifestyle life - all this will affect the improvement of their health. In addition, there should be a transition from mandatory events for all to individual programs for the development of the health of schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education will be introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account individual characteristics children.
It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child's interest in learning. The practice of individual learning, taking into account age characteristics, the study of elective subjects, the general decrease in the classroom load in the form of classical training sessions, will positively affect the health of schoolchildren. But here we need not only measures on the part of adults. It is much more important to awaken in children the desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, choosing courses that are adequate to individual interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life will become the most important condition for maintaining and strengthening health.

13. What incentive mechanisms are included in the Priority National Project "Education"?
Answer: The Project contains two main mechanisms for stimulating the necessary systemic changes in education. Firstly, this is the identification and priority support of leaders - "points of growth" of a new quality of education. Secondly, the introduction into mass practice of elements of new management mechanisms and approaches - "crystallization centers" of institutional changes.

14. What is the goal of supporting the best teachers within the priority national project "Education"?
Answer: The purpose of this event is to stimulate the teaching and educational activities of teachers, the development of their creative and professional potential

15. The purpose of the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012 - 2016) "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")"?
Answer: Creation by means of education of conditions for the formation of personal success of students and pupils in society.

16. Priority policy of the Government of the city of Moscow in the field of implementation of the state program "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education"), aimed at providing an opportunity for every child aged 3 to 7 years old, living in the city of Moscow?
Answer: 100% coverage of various forms of pre-school education for all children aged 3 to 7 years old living in the city of Moscow and in need of various forms of education

17. How is quality improvement achieved? general education in accordance with the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow (“Capital education”)?
Answer: 1.Support (on a competitive basis) of educational institutions that provide the Moscow standard of education quality;
2. support (on a competitive basis) for general educational institutions that ensure the maximum progress of individual educational achievements for all groups of students;
3. support for the implementation of projects for the long-term development of educational institutions developed on the basis of the Our New School initiative;
4. support (on a competitive basis) for educational institutions and their innovative networks that implement projects for the introduction of modern educational technologies that ensure the achievement of educational results necessary for life and work in an innovative economy (development of meta-subject competencies, creativity, competencies of social and intercultural interaction), in including support for general education institutions implementing programs corresponding to international standards(including the International Baccalaureate program);
5. support (on a competitive basis) of educational institutions and their innovative networks that ensure the construction of an individual educational trajectory (including in the conditions of pre-profile and profile education) of students;
6. Creation of internship sites for the dissemination of best practices

18. For what purpose is the direction of improving the quality and prestige of vocational education programs determined as a priority of state policy?
Answer: Training of qualified performers and specialists in demand by the Moscow economy. Widespread use of public-private partnership mechanisms in vocational education.

19. What does comprehensiveness, integration and attraction of external resources imply as a key principle for the implementation of the State Program of the City of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016)?
Answer: The objectives of the Program are achieved through the entire network of educational institutions and organizations located in the city of Moscow and providing educational services (regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership). This approach allows us to maintain positive competition, use resources efficiently, share best practices, and create maximum opportunities for building individual educational trajectories.
To implement this principle, interdepartmental negotiation platforms will be created, where the strategy and tactics of cooperation will be developed, models of interaction and integration of various types of educational institutions, institutions of culture, sports, youth policy, social protection will be implemented; institutional partnerships of state educational institutions with organizations have been created. Conditions will be created for the development and realization of the potential of the non-state sector of services for the education and development of children, support for the initiatives of organizations of the non-profit sector.

20. What are the goals of the state policy in the field of "Preschool education"?
Answer: 1) ensuring the availability of preschool education for the population;
2) creating conditions for the full physical and mental development of preschool children;
3) improving the quality of preschool education to ensure equal starting opportunities for education in primary school;
4) preservation and strengthening of children's health, development of physical culture;
5) development of inclusive preschool education;
6) organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the family, increasing the competence of parents in matters of education and development.

22. Indicate the directions of the subprogram "General education" in accordance with the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education").
Answer: 1) the achievement by each student of the educational results necessary for successful socialization and work in an innovative economy;
2) ensuring equal opportunities for access to quality services of general and additional education, regardless of the area of ​​residence;
3) the formation of the "innovative generation of the city of Moscow" - a galaxy of young people, motivationally, intellectually and psychologically prepared for work in innovation sector the city of Moscow;
4) preservation and strengthening of the health of children and adolescents through the creation of health-saving conditions for education and the implementation of programs for the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
5) individualization of the educational route and the organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities and developmental disabilities;
6) the formation of moral values, cultural identity, communicative competence, abilities for responsible self-determination among the younger generation;
7) teaching migrant children the Russian language, implementing programs for their cultural adaptation and integration into the society of the city of Moscow.

23. What aspects are focused on by the subprogram "Primary and secondary vocational education" in accordance with the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")?
Answer: 1) orientation of programs of primary and secondary vocational education to the requirements of the labor market, prospects for the development of the economy of the city of Moscow;
2) increasing the attractiveness of vocational training programs, primary and secondary vocational education for graduates of educational institutions;
3) increasing the efficiency of interaction between state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and employers;
4) improvement of the organizational, legal, financial and economic conditions for the functioning of the system of primary and secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow to improve the efficiency of activities, increase investment attractiveness;
5) ensuring the effective socialization of the student youth of the city of Moscow;
6) involvement of state educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in career guidance programs for students and pupils of educational institutions.
The subprogram "Primary and secondary vocational education" is focused on strengthening the connection of the vocational education system in the city of Moscow with the real needs of the economy of the city of Moscow. It provides for measures for the organizational, structural and territorial optimization of the network of state educational institutions of vocational education, the introduction of new educational programs and tools for assessing the quality of education (including independent certification professional qualifications) based on interaction with employers.
Measures to improve the organizational, legal, financial and economic conditions for the functioning of the system of primary and secondary vocational education will increase the volume of production and provision of services demanded by organizations and the population of Moscow, and increase the investment attractiveness of the system.
The subprogram provides for measures to form a support system vocational guidance and self-determination of students, aimed at mastering the competencies of building an educational and professional career.

24. What aspects are focused on by the subprogram "Higher and continuing professional education" in accordance with the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")?
Answer: Integration of all state educational institutions that implement programs of higher and continuing professional education in the city of Moscow into a single educational complex, which will significantly increase the contribution of universities to the socio-economic and cultural development of Moscow. It involves the development of a network of state educational institutions of higher and continuing professional education together with federal executive authorities, the introduction of new tools for managing the quality of education with the participation of employers, the creation of a unified information environment for vocational education and the labor market. Within the framework of the subprogram, mechanisms will be created to use the potential of young students in the interests of the development of the city of Moscow, including competitive support for student initiatives, business incubators and technology parks

25. What activities are included in the subprogram "Management of the quality of education" in accordance with the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")?

Answer: Measures to form an optimal functional and territorial management system, expert-analytical and organizational and technical support for the activities of the education system, informatization and automation of the education management system. Measures are in place to ensure information and feedback with the public, including translation public services in electronic form, as well as activities for the development of innovative activities, interregional and international cooperation in the field of education.

26. What does the roadmap "Action Plan" "Changes in industries" social sphere aimed at improving the efficiency of education and science", approved on December 30, 2012?
Answer: 1) The implementation of measures aimed at eliminating the queue for enrolling children in preschool educational organizations includes:
2)Provision High Quality Early childhood education services include:
3) The introduction of an effective contract in preschool education (in accordance with the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2 years, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012) includes:

27. What are the aims of the changes in the field of preschool education identified by the road maps?
Answer: 1. Providing subsidies to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for co-financing the implementation of regional programs (projects) for the development of preschool education;
2. creation of additional places in state (municipal) educational organizations of various types, as well as the development of variable forms of preschool education;
3. updating the requirements for the conditions for the provision of preschool education services and monitoring their implementation;
4. creating conditions for attracting non-governmental organizations to the field of preschool education.
5. Ensuring high quality of pre-school education services includes:
6. development and implementation of federal state educational standards for preschool education;
7.staffing of the system of preschool education;
8. development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of preschool education.
9. The introduction of an effective contract in preschool education (in accordance with the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2 years, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012) includes:
10.development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of preschool education organizations;
11. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational organizations of preschool education in terms of establishing the relationship between the indicators of the quality of public (municipal) services provided by the organization and the effectiveness of the head of the educational organization of preschool education;
12.information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

28. What are the aims of the changes in the field of general education, determined by the road maps?
Answer: 1. introduction of federal state educational standards;
2. Formation of a system for monitoring the level of training and socialization of schoolchildren;
3. development of guidelines for adjusting the basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, taking into account Russian and international studies of the educational achievements of schoolchildren;
4. program of training and retraining of modern pedagogical staff (modernization of pedagogical education).
5. Ensuring equal access to quality education includes:
6. development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of general education;
7.development and implementation of regional support programs for schools operating in difficult social conditions.
8. The introduction of an effective contract in general education includes:
9. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of general education organizations;
10. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational organizations of general education in terms of establishing the relationship between indicators of the quality of state (municipal) services provided by the organization and the effectiveness of the head of the educational organization of general education;

29. What are the aims of the changes in the field of additional education, determined by the road maps?
Answer: 1. development and implementation of programs (projects) for the development of additional education for children;
2. improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for ensuring the availability of additional education services for children;
3. distribution of regional and municipal models of organization of additional education for children;
4.creation of conditions for the use of resources of the non-state sector in the provision of additional education services for children;
5. development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of additional education for children.
6. Creation of conditions for the development of young talents and children with high motivation for learning includes the implementation of the Concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents.
7. The introduction of an effective contract in additional education includes:
8. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of additional education organizations;
9. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational organizations of additional education in terms of establishing the relationship between the quality indicators of the state (municipal) services provided by the organization and the effectiveness of the head of the educational organization of additional education;

30. What are the aims of the changes in the field of vocational training and secondary vocational education, determined by the road maps?
Answer: 1. monitoring the evaluation of the activities of organizations implementing programs of vocational training and secondary vocational education;
2.implementation of regional programs for the modernization of vocational education;
3. Creation of a network of multifunctional centers of applied qualifications;
4.normative-legal and methodological support for the development of network forms of organization of educational programs.
5. Improving the quality of vocational training and secondary vocational education includes:
6. development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of services in the system of vocational training and secondary vocational education;
7. Formation of new principles for the distribution of state assignments for vocational training programs and secondary vocational education.
8. The introduction of an effective contract in the system of vocational training and secondary vocational education includes:
9.development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers and masters of industrial training of organizations implementing programs of vocational training and secondary vocational education;
10. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational organizations of the system of vocational training and secondary vocational education in terms of establishing the relationship between the indicators of the quality of public (municipal) services provided by the organization and the performance of the head of the educational organization of the system of vocational training and secondary vocational education;
11.information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

31. What are the aims of the changes in the field of science and technology identified by the roadmaps?
Answer: 1.development of fundamental and applied scientific research;
2. development of a system of instruments for financing science on a competitive basis;
3.implementation of projects for the creation of large scientific installations "mega-science" on the territory of the Russian Federation.
4. Improving the quality of the human resources potential of science and the mobility of scientific personnel includes:
5. formation of a network of research laboratories based on educational institutions of higher education, scientific institutions of state academies of sciences and state scientific centers;
6. Improving the system of indicators for assessing the performance of public scientific organizations.
7. The introduction of an effective contract in state scientific organizations includes:
8.development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with scientists from state scientific organizations;
9. development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of state scientific organizations in terms of establishing the relationship between the indicators of the quality of public (municipal) services provided by the organization and the performance of the head of the state scientific organization;
10.information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

32. On what principles is the state policy of the city of Moscow based in the field of labor protection?
Answer: 1) recognizing and ensuring the priority of the safety of life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities;
2) interaction and cooperation of public authorities of the city of Moscow with employers and their associations, trade unions and their associations and other representative bodies, authorized employees.

33. What types of activities are implemented by the head (director) of the educational institution?
Answer: Carries out management of the educational institution in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter of the educational institution. Provides systematic educational (educational) and administrative and economic (production) work of an educational institution. Ensures the implementation of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements

34. Which document specifies the requirements for the mode of the educational process?
Answer: Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

35. Does a teacher, as an individual, have the right to provide paid educational services to his students in order to receive additional income?
Answer: Yes, but only by registering as an individual entrepreneur engaged in individual labor pedagogical activity;
“Individual labor pedagogical activity is not licensed. When registering it, the applicant submits to the relevant local government only an application and a document confirming the payment of the registration fee ”(Article 48, paragraph 2 of the Law on Education). Obtaining permission to carry out this activity at the main place of work, even if it is a municipal or state educational institution, is also not required.

36. Is the director of the educational institution right, who did not allow the teacher to work, who refused the next medical examination?
Answer: Yes, in all cases.
"Law on Education" Article 53. p. 3. Pedagogical employees of educational institutions are required to undergo periodic free medical examinations, which are carried out at the expense of the founder.

37. Whose comment about the applied teaching methodology should the teacher take into account if he does not agree with the content of any of these comments?
Answer: The head teacher, who requires a change in methodology, since it does not provide the required quality of education;
Pedagogical workers have the right, at their discretion, to choose teaching methods for use in their professional activities (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Article 55, paragraph 4). No one has the right to oblige the teacher to use one method or another. If such a methodology does not provide the required quality of education, the school administration, for example, represented by the head teacher, has the right to require the teacher to change it or choose a different teaching method. Such a right of the school administration follows from Article 32, paragraph 3, subparagraph 2 of the Law: "an educational institution is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for: ... the quality of education of its graduates ...".

38. Does the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" oblige all teachers to switch to a contract form of concluding an employment contract with a term of work stipulated in it?
Answer: No, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" does not regulate this issue, but proposes to act in accordance with labor legislation.
The current labor legislation does not use the concept of "contract". The employee and the employer enter into labor Relations on the basis of an employment contract concluded between them in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (see Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 16). Employment contracts can be concluded for an indefinite period and a fixed period (no more than 5 years). A fixed-term employment contract should be concluded only in cases where there are sufficient grounds for this.

21. In accordance with the State Program of the City of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of Education in the City of Moscow (“Capital Education”) State educational institutions of preschool education will receive support in the implementation of modern educational programs. Specify the directions of these programs.

Heads of educational institutions periodically have to confirm their knowledge themselves. This makes it possible to provide educational organizations qualified managers. Certification of managers in this area takes place both when they enter the position, and during the period of the employment contract.

Main regulatory acts

Mandatory certification is determined legal status head of an educational organization. The Russian law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (Article 51, clause 4) requires persons heading such institutions to be certified both as a candidate for a managerial position and as an acting leader. The regulation applies to state and municipal educational institutions.

There is no single procedure and deadline for certification. They depend on which department (service) a particular educational organization is subordinate to. Each of them develops its own orders, where the corresponding procedure is described in detail. For example, the certification of the heads of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is detailed by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 267 of May 26, 2016, and organizations subordinate to the Federal Tax Service - by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-4 / [email protected] from 02.09.2014.

Within the framework of this article, we will consider how the certification of heads of educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is carried out. The procedure and terms of its implementation are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 240 dated March 16, 2015.

General rules

Certification of a candidate (candidates) for a responsible position is carried out in order to select the most competent management personnel. Its negative result will not allow the applicant to lead an educational organization.

Certification of the heads of educational institutions in 2018 is carried out at least 1 time during the period of validity of the employment contract concluded with them, and in order to confirm the compliance of the head with the position held - within a year from the date of commencement of work in this responsible place.

  • heads of educational institutions appointed by the President of the Russian Federation / Government;
  • pregnant women;
  • employees who are on "maternity" / parental leave (up to three years).

After leaving the specified holidays, managers can be certified no earlier than one year after the resumption of work.

Certification of heads of educational institutions 2018: procedure

Members of the attestation commission work on a voluntary basis, that is, free of charge. Its composition is approved by a special order of the Ministry of Education, incl. it includes representatives of the ministry, authorities, trade unions. The chairman of the commission is the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

Before checking his competence, the head submits a package of documents to the commission:

  • application for certification activities;
  • consent to the verification and processing of personal information;
  • a report on the implementation of the program for the development of the educational institution entrusted to it and a report for the year;
  • an extract from the decision of the collegial body of the educational institution - on the results of consideration of the head's report;
  • certificate of no previous criminal record;
  • additional documentation - at your own discretion.

The head is informed about the time and place of the certification no later than seven (working) days in advance by letter or telephone message. If he does not appear at the appointed time without a good reason, or refuses to check, a disciplinary sanction is applied to the head of the educational institution, and the certification is rescheduled for a later time.

A positive result of the attestation is the decision of the commission on the compliance of the executive employee with the position held. If the result is negative, the manager is recognized as not having passed the certification and not corresponding to the position held.

Document's name: (as amended on September 6, 2018)
Document Number: 1014
Type of document: Order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow
Host body: Department of Education of the City of Moscow
Status: current
Published: The document has not been published.

Electronic text The document was prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified according to: the official website of the Moscow Department of Education www.dogm.mos.ru (scanner copy) as of 03/29/2017

Acceptance date: August 11, 2016
Effective start date: January 01, 2017
Revision date: September 06, 2018

On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and terms for attestation of heads and candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

The government of Moscow


On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and terms for attestation of heads and candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

Document as amended by:
(entered into force on January 1, 2017);

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Regulations on the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 27, 2011 N 447-PP

I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure and terms for attestation of heads and candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (appendix).

3.1. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated April 30, 2015 N 201 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for attestation of heads and candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow" .

3.2. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of May 26, 2015 N 241 "On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of April 30, 2015 N 201" .

3.3. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated June 09, 2015 N 293 "On the suspension of certain provisions of the order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated April 30, 2015 N 201" .

3.4. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of July 24, 2015 N 1291 "On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of April 30, 2015 N 201" .

3.5. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of August 13, 2015 N 2014 "On the suspension of clause 3.9 of the annex to the order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of April 30, 2015 N 201" .

3.6. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of October 22, 2015 N 2825 "On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of April 30, 2015 N 201" .

3.7. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of November 13, 2015 N 2865 "On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of April 30, 2015 N 201" .

3.8. Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of December 16, 2015 N 3551 "On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of August 13, 2015 N 2014" .

4. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

Head of department
education of the city of Moscow

Application. Regulations on the procedure and terms for attestation of heads and candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

to the order of the Department
education of the city of Moscow
dated August 11, 2016 N 1014

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the procedure and terms for the certification of heads and candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure and terms for the mandatory certification of heads and candidates for compliance with the position of head of a state educational organization subordinate to the Department of Education of the city Moscow, implementing educational programs preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general, secondary vocational education, basic vocational training programs, additional general education programs, additional professional programs(hereinafter - educational organizations).
(Clause as amended by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated September 6, 2018 N 359.

1.2. Certifications are subject to:

- heads of state educational organizations (hereinafter - heads);

- candidates for the positions of heads of state educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as candidates), including deputy heads, as acting heads of educational organizations during his absence.

1.3. Certification of candidates and managers is mandatory.

1.3.1. Certification of managers is carried out in order to confirm the compliance of their qualifications with the requirements for the position they hold.

1.3.2. Certification of candidates is carried out in order to establish the compliance of their qualifications with the requirements for the position of the head of an educational organization.

1.4. The main objectives of certification are:

- determination of the level of knowledge of legislation, normative legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents regulating activities in the field of education;

- stimulation of purposeful, continuous improvement of the level of qualification, personal professional growth, the use of effective, modern management technologies, methods and means;

- improving the efficiency and quality of management activities;

- identifying prospects for using the potential of managers and candidates.

1.5. The main principles of certification are publicity, openness, collegiality.

1.6. Attestation of managers and candidates is carried out by an attestation commission created by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Attestation Commission).

1.7. Certification of managers and candidates is carried out in two stages: passing qualification tests and an interview with the Certification Commission.

2. The procedure for attestation of managers

2.1. The next certification of the manager is carried out no earlier than 5 months and no later than 2 months before the expiration of the previously established certification results.

2.2. Extraordinary certification of the head is carried out:

- by decision of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) due to low performance indicators of the educational organization, in the presence of justified complaints, following the results of inspections, as a result of which violations were revealed, etc.;

- by personal decision of the head of the educational organization.

Based on the results of an extraordinary certification, a new validity period for the certification results is established. The validity of the previously established certification results is terminated.

2.3. The application of the head of the educational organization for certification (hereinafter referred to as the application) is sent in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including using the Internet, to the organization that accompanies the certification procedure in accordance with Section 5 of these Regulations.

Copies of documents are attached to the application for certification:

- about education (basic and additional),

- on advanced training (for the last 3 years),

- an attestation sheet or an extract from the order on the results of the previous attestation (if any).

2.4. The head sent for an extraordinary attestation submits an application to the Attestation Commission no later than 5 working days after the Department makes a decision on the need to undergo an extraordinary attestation.

2.5. The organization accompanying the attestation procedure, no later than five working days from the date of receipt of the application, conducts a technical examination of the documents attached to the application.

2.6. The duration of the attestation procedure is at least two and no more than four months from the date of receipt of the application until the decision of the Attestation Commission.

At the written request of the certified manager, if there are valid reasons, the certification procedure may be extended, but not more than for one month.

2.7. The organization that accompanies the certification procedure, in relation to the managers going for certification, no later than three months before the expiration of the previous certification, sends an information request to the Department (department for working with citizens' appeals, department for the development of public administration and public relations, department supervision and control in the field of education), the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow, the Financial Control Service (hereinafter referred to as the SFC) on the presence and results of citizens' appeals, inspections, as well as reports in official media sources, taken into account by the press service of the Department (Appendix).

The results of the information request are sent to the organization accompanying the certification procedure no later than 5 working days for further familiarization of managers and accounting in preparation for certification procedures (testing, formation of a certification certificate).

The results of the information request in the form of an electronic document are sent to the certified manager for review no later than 10 working days from the date of application.

The certified manager is not entitled to make changes and adjustments to the results of the information request.

2.8. The manager, no later than 45 working days from the date of filing the application, is obliged to sign up and pass qualification tests in the form of testing using automated system(hereinafter - testing).

During the certification, the head has the right to be tested no more than three times within 45 working days from the date of application.

2.9. Testing is carried out in five modules: "Human Resource Management", "Resource Management", "Process Management", "Results Management", "Information Management".

The test is considered to be successfully passed if overall quality test completion at least 70% and for each of its modules at least 50%.

2.10. If all three testing attempts are passed with a result below that specified in clause 2.9 of these Regulations, the first stage of certification is considered completed, the head is not allowed to the second stage and is recognized as inappropriate for the position held by the order of the Department.

2.11. Features of testing:

2.11.1. The number of modules for testing is determined individually for each head of the educational organization.

2.11.2. Heads of educational organizations that have taken the first 300 places in the ranking of the contribution of schools to the quality education of Moscow schoolchildren based on the results of the academic year preceding the certification (hereinafter referred to as heads of schools included in the TOP-300) and who have worked in this educational organization for at least two years are exempted from passing testing, if at the time of filing an application for certification, all deputy heads are certified for compliance with the position of the head of the educational organization, in the absence of penalties, justified complaints, as well as instructions from regulatory authorities and if there are positive results of the information request specified in clause 2.7 of these Regulations.

2.11.3. Heads of schools included in the TOP-300 are tested based on the results of an information request about the availability and results of citizens' appeals, inspections, as well as media reports regarding their educational organizations:

- managers who have non-certified deputies for ensuring the quality of education and the implementation of the educational process (for the content of education, for quality control of education, for upbringing, socialization and additional education), are tested in the modules "Process Management", "Results Management";

- managers who received instructions from the SFC during the inter-certification period or who do not have certified deputies for resource management and financial and economic activities are tested in the "Resource Management" module;

- managers who had justified negative appeals to the Department from the subjects of the educational process are tested on the "Human Resources Management" module;

- leaders who had a violation of the rules for providing information during the inter-certification period, who had no feedback or had negative feedback about the activities of an educational organization in the media at the regional and federal levels (official sources taken into account by the press service of the Department), are tested on the Information Management module;

- leaders who have disciplinary action are tested in all modules.

2.11.4. Heads of schools not included in the TOP-300 are tested in all modules.

2.11.5. A manager undergoing an extraordinary certification by decision of the Department is tested in all modules.

2.11.6. The head of a school included in the TOP-300, who is undergoing extraordinary certification on his own initiative, is tested in accordance with clause 2.11.2 and clause 2.11.3.

2.12. For the certification of the head, 14 working days before the meeting of the Certification Commission, an attestation certificate is formed in the form of an electronic document, which includes:

- data obtained from information analytical systems Department;

- results of the information request in accordance with clause 2.7 of these Regulations;

- test results;

- proposals of the chairman of the interdistrict board of directors on the period for which the head can be certified;

- recommendations of those responsible for the implementation of city projects, on certification of heads of educational organizations, teaching staff which made the greatest contribution to the implementation of city projects for a period of 5 years.
(The hyphen is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of February 20, 2017 N 53 by order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of February 21, 2018 N 52.

The head, no later than 5 working days before the meeting of the Attestation Commission, is obliged to familiarize himself with the attestation certificate against signature. It is not allowed to make changes and adjustments to the attestation certificate generated according to the information analytical systems of the Department.

2.13. The head personally attends the meeting of the Attestation Commission. If it is impossible to attend the meeting, the head must notify the responsible secretary of this no later than one working day before the appointed date.

Before the start of the interview, the head informs the members of the commission orally about the presence or absence of additional information regarding the procedure for conducting his certification.

2.14. The attestation commission reviews the attestation certificate, conducts an interview with the head, hears the chairman of the relevant interdistrict board of directors, the adviser of the department for inspecting administrative districts of the Office of State Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow and makes one of the following decisions:

- corresponds to the position of the head of the educational organization;

- corresponds to the position of the head of the educational organization, taking into account the recommendations;

- does not correspond to the position of the head of the educational organization.

2.15. The head is certified for a period of up to 5 years. If during the attestation of the head by the Attestation Commission recommendations are given, the validity period of the attestation results is 3 years.
(Clause as amended by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated June 15, 2017 N 405.

2.16. In relation to the heads of educational organizations with the honorary title "People's Teacher of the Russian Federation", the decision on compliance with the position held is automatically prolonged once every 5 years. At the same time, these managers are exempted from passing qualification tests and interviews with the Attestation Commission.
by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated November 10, 2017 N 1126.

In relation to the heads of educational organizations who have recommendations from those responsible for the implementation of city projects, the Attestation Commission makes a decision on the suitability of the position held on the basis of an attestation certificate. At the same time, these managers are exempted from passing the first stage - qualification tests.
(The paragraph is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of February 20, 2017 N 53; as amended by the order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow of February 21, 2018 N 52.

2.17. To recognize the performance indicators of educational organizations used in the order of the Moscow Department of Education of October 30, 2014 N 862 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Remuneration of Heads of State Educational Organizations Subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow" as indicators reflecting the results of management activities of heads of educational organizations.

The list of heads of educational organizations that have shown high management results is provided to the chairman of the Attestation Commission by the Economic Analysis Department of the Moscow Department of Education based on the results of annual monitoring of these indicators by March 15 of the current year.

With regard to the heads of educational organizations included in the list of heads who have shown high results in managerial activities, the Attestation Commission decides on the suitability of the position held on the basis of the attestation certificate. At the same time, these managers are exempted from passing the first stage - qualification tests.
(The paragraph is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated April 10, 2017 N 109)

3. The procedure for attestation of candidates

3.1. The certification of a candidate is carried out on the basis of an application for certification (hereinafter referred to as the application), which is sent in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including using the Internet, to the organization accompanying the certification procedure in accordance with section 5 of this Regulation.

The following documents are attached to the application for certification:

- candidate profile;

- copy work book and (or) other document confirming labor activity;

- copies of documents on education (basic and additional),

- copies of documents on advanced training for the last three years,

- a copy of the certification sheet or an extract from the order based on the results of the previous certification (if any);

(The hyphen is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated February 21, 2018 N 52)

Copies of documents are certified by the candidate's employer. If the candidate is temporarily not working, then copies of the documents are certified by the organization that accompanies the certification procedure.

3.2. The organization accompanying the attestation procedure, no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application, conducts a technical examination of the documents attached to the application.

3.3. Based on the results of the technical examination of the documents, the candidate is denied the attestation procedure if:

- grounds that prevent the engagement in pedagogical activities, and restrictions on employment in the field of education,

- termination of the employment contract under article 81, paragraphs 3, , , -11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
(The hyphen is in the wording put into effect on January 1, 2017 by order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204.

3.4. The Certification Commission admits to the certification of candidates who do not have special training provided for by the requirements of the CEN and (or) professional standard, but having sufficient practical experience in the education system of the city of Moscow and professional competence. In this case, candidates must submit an employer review containing an assessment of their professional activity taking into account its effectiveness and significance for the development of an educational organization.

3.5. The candidate must sign up for testing within 45 working days from the date of application.

According to the application, the candidate has the right to two testing attempts.

If within 45 working days from the date of submission of the application the candidate has not signed up for testing, then in order to resume the certification procedure, it is necessary to re-submit the application.

3.6. Testing is carried out in five modules: "Human Resource Management", "Resource Management", "Process Management", "Results Management", "Information Management".

The test result is considered positive if the overall quality of the test is at least 70% and for each of its modules is at least 50%.

If the test results are less than 70% of the overall quality of the test and (or) less than 50% for one of its modules, then the attestation procedure for this candidate is terminated, and the Attestation Commission does not consider his candidacy at a meeting.

Candidates who have recommendations from those responsible for the implementation of city projects are exempted from passing the first stage of attestation - qualification tests in the form of testing.
(The paragraph is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated February 21, 2018 N 52)

3.6.1. The test result is valid for one year from the date of its passage.
(Clause 3.6.1 as amended, entered into force on January 1, 2017 by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204.

3.6.2. candidate, successful tested, and recognized by the Attestation Commission as inappropriate for the position of the head, has the right to apply for a second interview with the Attestation Commission, but not more than three times during the validity period of the test result.
(Clause 3.6.2 as amended, entered into force on January 1, 2017 by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204.

3.6.3. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204 ..

3.7. For certification of a candidate, an attestation certificate is generated in the form of an electronic document, which includes:

- information obtained from the documents provided by the candidate;

- test results;

- recommendations of those responsible for the implementation of urban projects (if any).
(The hyphen is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated February 21, 2018 N 52)

The candidate, no later than 3 working days before the meeting of the Attestation Commission, is obliged to familiarize himself with the attestation certificate.

3.8. The candidate is personally present at the meeting of the Attestation Commission. In the absence of a candidate at the meeting, his candidacy is not considered.

3.9. The certification committee reviews the certification certificate, conducts an interview with the candidate and makes one of the following decisions:

- corresponds to the position of the head of the educational organization for a period of 5 years;

- corresponds to the position of the head of the educational organization for a period of 3 years;
by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated June 15, 2017 N 405.

Corresponds to the position of the head of an educational organization for a period of 3 years, taking into account recommendations;
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated June 15, 2017 N 405.

Does not correspond to the position of the head of the educational organization.

3.9.1. Candidates for whom more than 80% of the members of the Attestation Commission voted positively are included in the lists of the management reserve of the Moscow Department of Education.
(Clause 3.9.1 is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow of December 6, 2017 N 1155)

3.10. The period of validity of the results of attestation of the candidate is 3 years.
(Paragraph as amended. put into effect by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated June 15, 2017 N 405.

The validity period of the results of the attestation of a candidate is 5 years during the attestation of civil servants:

- acting as deputy heads of the Department;

- acting as heads of departments of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow;

- acting as advisers to the department of inspection of administrative districts of the Office of State Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Department, previously certified for compliance with the position of the head of an educational organization subordinate to the Department, and who have fulfilled all the recommendations given to them by decision of the Attestation Commission;

- transferred to work in the structure of the Department from the position of the head of an educational organization subordinate to the Department.
by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204.

For current deputy heads of schools included in the TOP-300, attestation is allowed for a period of 5 years, if the deputy head has worked in this organization for at least two years, has previously been certified for compliance with the position of the head of an educational organization subordinate to the Department, and has complied with all the recommendations given him by decision of the Attestation Commission.

4. The procedure for the work of the Attestation Commission

4.1. The personal composition of the Attestation Commissions and their number are approved by the order of the Department.

The commission includes representatives of the Department, the chairman or deputy chairman of the Moscow city organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation, organizations subordinate to the Department, public figures, representatives of higher education, public organizations, as well as chairmen of interdistrict boards of directors of educational organizations and advisers to the inspection department administrative districts of the Department of State Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.
(Paragraph as amended by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated April 21, 2017 N 172.

4.2. The membership of the Attestation Commission includes:

- chairman;

- vice-presidents;

- executive Secretary;

- members of the Attestation Commission.

4.3. Chairman:

- carries out general management of the activities of the Attestation Commission;

- chairs the meetings of the Attestation Commission;

- forms decisions of the Attestation Commission;

- exercises general control over the implementation of decisions taken by the Attestation Commission.

4.4. The Deputy Chairman, in the absence of the Chairman and (or) on his behalf, chairs the meetings of the Attestation Commission and acts as Chairman.

In case of temporary absence of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission and his deputies, the duties of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission are performed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission of another composition, approved by order of the Department.

If it is impossible to attend the meeting of the Attestation Commission, the chairman, deputy chairman and executive secretary have the right to entrust the execution of their powers to a representative of another composition of the Attestation Commission on the basis of a power of attorney. In the absence of the chairman of the Moscow city organization of trade unions of workers of public education of the Russian Federation for a good reason, he can be replaced by a person with an appropriately executed power of attorney from the Moscow city organization of trade unions of workers of public education of the Russian Federation.
(The paragraph was additionally included from January 1, 2017 by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204)

4.5. Executive Secretary:

- ensures the processing of applications for certification and other documents provided by the certified;

- provides organizational preparation for meetings of the Attestation Commission;

- informs the members of the Attestation Commission and the attested managers and candidates (hereinafter referred to as the attested) about the place, date and time of the meeting;

- forms the agenda of the meetings, summarizes the attestation certificates and submits them to the Attestation Commission;

- keeps minutes of meetings of the Attestation Commission;

- prepares draft orders based on the results of certification;

- prepares extracts from orders for each certified person for transfer to their employer or certified.

4.6. Members of the Attestation Commission personally participate in the meetings of the Attestation Commission.

4.7. The chairman of the interdistrict board of directors of educational organizations is invited to a meeting of the Attestation Commission and participates in voting only when considering issues of attestation of heads of educational organizations located on the territory of the council.

The adviser of the Department for Inspection of Administrative Districts of the Department of State Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow is invited to a meeting of the Attestation Commission and participates in voting only when considering issues of attestation of the heads of educational organizations of the administrative district supervised by him.
(The paragraph is additionally included by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated April 21, 2017 N 172)

4.8. The meeting of the Attestation Commission is considered competent if it is attended by at least half of the total number of its members.

4.9. The decision of the Attestation Commission is made by a simple majority of votes - more than 50 percent of the votes of the entire composition of the Attestation Commission present at the meeting, by secret electronic voting.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated December 26, 2016 N 1204.

During the meeting, the certified person gets acquainted with the voting results, which are displayed on the electronic scoreboard.

The decision of the Attestation Commission is communicated to the certified person immediately after the voting results are displayed on the electronic scoreboard.

When passing the attestation, the attested leader, who is a member of the Attestation Commission, does not participate in the voting on his candidacy.

4.10. The decision of the Attestation Commission is drawn up in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman, deputy chairmen, executive secretary and members of the Attestation Commission who took part in the voting.

4.11. The decision of the Attestation Commission on the results of attestation is approved by the order of the Department.

4.12. Extracts from the order based on the results of certification are issued to those who are certified on hand against signature.

4.12.1. An extract from the order based on the results of the certification of the head is stored in his personal file.

4.12.2. When drawing up an employment contract with a certified candidate, an extract from the order is stored in his personal file.

4.13. Disputes about violation of the procedure for attestation of managers and candidates established by the Regulations are considered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.14. The certified person has the right to file an appeal about the violation of the certification procedure established by the Regulations.

Appeals regarding the content and structure of test tasks, interviews with members of the Attestation Commission are not accepted.

4.15. The appeal is submitted in the form of an electronic document within three working days after the completion of the attestation procedure to the organization accompanying the attestation procedure, and is considered by the appeal commission within seven working days from the date of its receipt.

4.16. The composition of the appeal commission is approved by the order of the Department.

4.17. The Appeal Commission organizes verification of the information contained in the appeal and makes one of the following decisions:

- on satisfaction of the appeal;

- dismissal of the appeal.

4.18. The decision of the appeal commission is drawn up in a protocol. The certified person is informed about the decision of the Appeal Commission within two working days at the e-mail address indicated by him.

5. Organizational, methodological and information and technical support for certification

5.1. Organizational, methodological and information and technical support for the attestation procedure is carried out by the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Institute of Open Education" (hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Institute of Open Education).

5.2. Moscow Institute of Open Education:

- accepts and registers applications for certification from managers and candidates in the form electronic documents using public information and telecommunication networks, including using the Internet;

- organizes the acceptance of documents and materials necessary for the work of the Attestation Commission;

- develops application forms for attestation, attestation certificates, a candidate's questionnaire and coordinates them with the Attestation Commission, and also ensures their placement in the public domain;

- conducts technical expertise of documents submitted for certification;

- forms schedules for testing, brings them to the attention of the certified;

- provides testing;

- organizes information-analytical, organizational and technical support for the work of the Attestation Commission;

- develops questions and tasks for testing with the involvement of specialists (if necessary);

- conducts approbation of test tasks by members of the Attestation Commission;

- develops guidelines on the organization of the certification procedure;

- Provides psychological support for certified;

- ensures the development and operation electronic resource accompanying the certification of candidates and managers;

- maintains a database and an archive of managers and candidates who have passed the attestation procedure;

- submits reporting documentation on the results of certification at the request of the Department.

Application. Information request form


Query metrics

Request result

Modules for testing

Information provider

Availability of non-certified deputy directors:

On the issues of ensuring the quality of education and

Process management

Human Resources Development Department

implementation of the educational process

Results Management

education systems

Resource management and financial and economic activities

Resource management

Instructions received as a result of inspections by regulatory authorities

Resource management

SFC, department of state supervision and control in the field of education, department of economic analysis, contract service

Appeals to the Department from the subjects of the educational process (justified negative)

Personnel management

department for work with citizens' appeals

Violations of the rules for providing information

Information management

department of coordination and planning,

Lack of information about the activities of the educational organization in the media sources taken into account by the press service of the Department

Information management

information technology development department,
management for the development of state-

Availability of confirmed negative reviews about the activities of the educational organization in the media sources recorded by the press service of the Department

Information management

public administration and public relations

Presence of disciplinary action

Personnel management

Resource management

Process management

Results Management

Information management

department of coordination and planning

Test "Tasks for the head (director)

educational institution"

(examples of options used)

Dear leader!

After reading each task, choose the most correct (complete) answer in it, in your opinion, and indicate its number in your answer sheet for this test. Abbreviation used: OU - general education institution.

Option 1.

161. In accordance with the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, in states where ethnic minorities exist, a child from among them can enjoy ...

1) native language and must know the state language;

2) native language and practice their religion;

3) their culture.

171. Participants in the educational process of educational institutions are ...

1) students and teaching staff;

2) teaching staff and service personnel;

3) students, parents and teachers.

181. The director of the educational institution, when hiring a teacher, before signing an employment contract, is obliged to familiarize him with ...

1) an order for employment;

2) internal regulations and other local acts(under painting);

3) collective agreement, internal regulations and other local acts (under signature).

191. The main task of the head (director) of the educational institution is ...

1) creation of conditions and organization of the pedagogical process of the institution;

2) direct management and management of the activities of the institution;

3) carries out education and training in accordance with the Charter of the institution.

201. What types of activities are implemented by the head (director) of the educational institution?

1) registration of accounts, bypassing offices, purchasing teaching aids;

2) ensuring systematic educational (educational) and administrative and economic work of the institution, determining the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of the institution;

3) work on the generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, the provision of assistance and control over the self-education of teachers, the preparation of accounts.

211. The following indicators are the basis for the preparation of the cost estimate of the PI.

1) the number of classes, the number of teachers and other staff;

2) the number of students and the number of classes;

3) information on capital investments and current material costs.

221. If before the end of the current fiscal year budgetary funds of the educational institution having the status legal entity, not fully used, they ...

1) may be withdrawn from the institution or offset by the founder in the amount of funding for the next year;

2) remain at the disposal of the institution, cannot be withdrawn from the institution or credited to the amount of funding for the next year;

3) remain at the disposal of the institution, with the exception of cases provided for by law.

231. What properties of memory develop in children and adolescents with age?

1) verbatim, selectivity, unconsciousness;

2) involuntary, unconscious, mechanistic;

3) consistency, associativity, manageability.

241. What characterizes formative education?

1) simplification, conventionality, fragmentation;

2) consistency, purposefulness, activity;

3) abstraction, stages, superficiality.

251. What are the characteristics of the behavior of adolescent students?

1) selfishness, maturity, dependence;

2) plasticity, stiffness, pliability;

3) touchiness, stubbornness, harshness.

261. The effect of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basics of labor protection does not apply to ...

1) students of educational institutions;

2) all employees of the OS, with the exception of technical staff;

3) OU students passing industrial practice and for citizens of the Russian Federation working for hire in other states.

271. A document of a higher governing body, which is mandatory for execution, is called ...

1) a policy document;

2) an order;

3) instructional letter.

Test "DSh-1a"

Dear director!

The following are paired phrases describing variousactions of the director of a general education institution as a leader. You must do the following:

1) choose one phrase in each pair of phrases, describing the action that you personally are generally better able to carry out (compared to the action described by the next phrase in this pair);

2) next Please rate the degree of preference for the selected phrasein each pair: either in 2 points (the action described by the selected phrase succeeds better than the action described by the adjacent phrase in the given pair, always or certainly more often), or in 1 point (the chosen action works better a little more often).

Record your choices in your answer sheet: for each number of pairs of phrases (that is, for each item of this methodology), circle the corresponding letter and score (for example, 2a).

Selecting "0" try, if possible, do not use.

Do this for every pair of phrases.

So what do you do best?

1a. Analyze interactions with senior management on organizational matters beyond learning activities.

1b. Analyze the participation of parents in extracurricular activities.

2a. Evaluate the results and adjust the learning activities of students.

2b. Evaluate the results and adjust the technical support of educational activities.

3a. Plan and make decisions on the educational activities of teachers.

3b. Plan and make decisions on interaction with higher management in the organization of educational activities.

4a. Plan and decide on the use of contacts with fellow directors to support learning activities.

4b. Plan and decide on the use of contacts with external organizations to ensure educational activities.

5a. Ensure the implementation of decisions on the educational activities of teachers.

5 B. Evaluate the results and adjust the educational activities of teachers.

6a. Plan and make decisions on extracurricular activities of teachers.

6b. Plan and make decisions on the legal and regulatory support of extracurricular activities.

7a. Plan and make decisions on the use of contacts with fellow directors to provide extracurricular activities.

7b. Ensure the implementation of decisions on the use of contacts with fellow directors for the implementation of extracurricular activities.

8a. Ensure the implementation of decisions on the use of contacts with fellow directors to support extracurricular activities.

8b. Ensure the implementation of decisions on interaction with senior management in matters of organizing extracurricular activities.

9a. Analyze the use of contacts with external organizations to support learning activities.

9b. Analyze the participation of teachers in the provision of educational activities.

10a. Ensure the implementation of decisions on interaction with parents of students in matters of administrative and economic activities.

10b. Ensure the implementation of decisions on financial and economic support of administrative and economic activities.

11a. Analyze the learning activities of students.

11b. Analyze the conduct of educational activities by teachers.

12a. Ensure the implementation of decisions on the use of contacts with fellow directors to support learning activities.

12b. Ensure the implementation of decisions on the issues of technical support of educational activities.

Test "DSh-2a"

Dear director!

In each of the 15 points below, choose one of the two options that is relatively more acceptable to you in solving problematic issues that inevitably arise in a number ofsituations business communication with subordinates) and circle corresponding letter (“a” or “b”) on your form. Selecting "0" try, if possible, do not use.

  1. a) I try to find a solution that takes into account the interests of the other person and my own;

B) rather than discussing what we disagree on, I try to draw attention to what we both agree on.

  1. a) sometimes I sacrifice my own interests for the interests of another person;

b) I usually try to get my way.

  1. a) settling controversial situation, I always try to find support from another;

b) I try not to hurt the other person's feelings.

  1. a) usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal, because I know what exactly is needed for the cause;

B) I first of all try to determine what all the interests involved and the controversial sides of the issue consist of.

  1. a) I try to calm the other person and save our relationship;

b) I make an effort to get what I want.

  1. a) I firmly strive to achieve the fulfillment of my will;

b) if it makes the other person happy, I will give him the opportunity to have his own way.

  1. a) First of all, I try to determine what all the interests involved and the controversial sides of the issue consist of;

b) I insist that everything be done the way I think is right.

  1. a) I usually push hard to get my position accepted;

b) I try to immediately overcome our differences.

  1. a) I always tend to discuss the problem directly;

b) I always insist on my position, since it is verified from the point of view of the interests of the case.

  1. a) First of all, I seek to clearly define what all the interests involved and the controversial sides of the issue consist of;

b) I try to calm the other person and, mainly, to save our relationship.

Test-189 ("DSh-3")

Dear director!

Each statement (item) of the proposed questionnaire must be answered sign “+” (if you agree with the statement), or sign ”-” (if you disagree with the statement), or sign "0" (if you do not know or are not sure how to answer) by circling the appropriate box on your form for each item.

  1. When dealing with people, I prefer to quietly stay away.
  2. If I saw children fighting, I would try to stop the fight.
  3. I love Andersen's fairy tales.
  4. I am a very hardy person and can do uninteresting work for a long time without reducing the intensity.
  5. All my actions I usually carefully plan.
  6. I get a little uneasy if I suddenly find myself in the center of attention of a group of people.
  7. Usually people spend too much of their free time doing duties to relatives and helping around the house.
  8. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.
  9. I love to overcome difficulties when they arise during my business or activities.
  10. I like work that requires fast and frequent switching from one operation to another.
  11. As a rule, I carefully analyze my actions and draw appropriate conclusions for the future.
  12. I am always happy to be among people, for example, at a party, at a dance, at some collective event, etc.
  13. I believe that ease of behavior is more important than the observance of good manners.
  14. Usually I have several hobbies at once, for a long time I don't tend to get carried away with anything.
  15. I would like to be a member of several circles or societies.
  16. It often happens that in my thoughts I am ready to deal with my opponent, but I practically do not dare to do what I have planned.
  17. I don't like making new friends.
  18. During my studies, the most unpleasant thing for me was doing math assignments.
  19. Usually I am silent in the presence of elders in age and position.
  20. When doing something, it is much more important to enjoy the location the right people rather than trying to achieve first-class performance.
  21. I willingly take part in all meetings and other social events.
  22. I can quickly go from rest (rest) to intense activity.
  23. It is much easier for me to remember the meaning of an event than the details of where and when it happened.
  24. I find it difficult to speak or speak in front of big group of people.
  25. Thinking about the difficulties in the upcoming case, I try to plan them in advance.
  26. The case for which I undertook, it is difficult for me to postpone even for a while.
  27. Without any fear, I enter the room where everyone has already gathered and is talking.
  28. I usually make decisions on my own.
  29. I quickly connect with new people.
  30. I would rather play chess than play dominoes.

Test-30 ("DSh-4a")

Dear director!

In each of the paragraphs for the underlined word, select one of the three proposed characteristics (under the numbers 1,2,3), which, in your opinion, fits this word more than the other two. Your choice (number 1, 2 or 3) for each item indicate (circle) in your answer sheet.

1. Ship

1) people sit on it;

2) walks on water or air;

3) he carries other things.

2. Winter

1) opposite to flight;

2) season between spring and autumn;

3) climate.

3. Repair

1) fix broken;

2) fix some specific thing;

3) do it again.

4. Detail

1) part of the mechanism;

2) part;

3) part of something.

5. Assembly

1) a certain number of people;

2) a meeting of a large number of people;

3) an organized meeting.

6. Hide

1) mask;

2) hide;

3) tell a lie.

7. Huge

1) rather big;

2) large sizes;

3) giant.

8. Hurry

1) hurry;

2) quickly, soon;

3) be late.

9. Start

1) start some work;

2) the beginning of the movement;

10. Ponder

1) think;

2) plan;

3) hesitate.

11. Cave

1) a hole inside a mountain;

2) a place in the mountains;

3) a crack in the mountains.

12. Designate

1) indicate where everything is;

2) somehow characterize;

3) to call conventional signs.

13. Homemade

1) cozy, inviting;

2) your own;

3) room.

14. Spend

1) lose, reduce;

2) spend, use, consume;

3) money to buy something.

15. Finish

1) conclude at the end;

2) complete;