VK groups for aliexpress products. We earn with AliExpress on groups in social networks. networks. We study costs, draw up a business model

  • 09.11.2019

In the social networks. Before proceeding to the sequence of actions, it will be described how everything works, and why it is possible to make good money on it.

Constantly, the volume of purchases on the Internet is growing rapidly, and it is no secret to anyone that you can buy almost everything on the Internet. I will not paint what products are used in great demand, and which ones are smaller - it doesn't matter at all now. The only important thing is that any product made in Europe or the USA has at least 3-4 Chinese analogues. Branded items, unique gizmos, accessories of any complexity - all this and much more can be ordered from China at a price 2-3 times lower than the market price.

In this guide, we will not talk about reselling goods from China - it's all very complicated and has a number of disadvantages. The main one is that you need to buy goods with your own money, not being sure of its quality, and not knowing the exact delivery time. In this guide, we will talk about how to sell anything with AliExpress, getting a percentage for it. AliExpress website translated into many languages different countries world and delivers to any corner of the planet.

One drawback is that the delivery of goods from China is long, and you will receive your percentage only after the delivery of the goods to the buyer.

Our main tool in the fight for sales will be prices, they are an order of magnitude lower than in any store or online store. Our goal: "Find people who are interested in buying this or that product and offer it to them."

And we will be rewarded for this by the affiliate program (pp) of the Aliexpress website, which pays from 8.5% for each order through our affiliate link.

The second is cashback or a refund for purchases. In this case, everyone who uses this feature becomes your referrals and you get 30% of their return on purchases. But for now, we'll focus on the first one.

This way of making money on the Internet is available to almost everyone, without exception, as it does not require special knowledge and skills. If you are at least superficially familiar with AliExpress or CPA platforms, then you can easily understand the essence and principles of earning. If not, I will now tell you everything and try to describe everything in detail with examples.

CPA - Cost Per Action

There are two large CPA networks in RuNet that work with AliExpress, these are: ePN and Admitad.

Consider the work on the example of ePN. The first thing to do is register with it. ePN will be our place of work in the future.

Login to your ePN account. This is how it looks like:

In the left menu we see sections, these sections first of all offer to create their own advertising creatives different kind and with different meanings.

Create a group

I hope that you have an account on the VKontakte social network, since it will be our main platform (in this example), on which we will promote links. We will not spam our links in other groups, although this also brings results. We will create our own source of income, which will constantly bring you money, almost automatically. We are talking about creating your own VKontakte group.

The group must be created in your main account.

If you drive in the key query aliexpress in the search for VKontakte groups, you will see dozens of huge groups with a huge number of subscribers. Remember, these bands are not our competitors, they are large bands of cheap knick-knack lovers. Of course, we will also strive to develop into a wide-niche group, but this is definitely not right now.

First of all, you need to understand what we will advertise, and how we will do it, so that people would buy it. Since we are newcomers and we have no money for promotion, we will work in narrow niches, but we strive to develop the group to a large size. Choose what interests you. For some, these are auto goods, for some, various gadgets, for some, children's things and goods for newborns. In other words, what you buy yourself.

You come up with the name of the group yourself, the main thing is that it contains the word AliExpress in English or Russian spelling.

A few examples:

  • Products for fishing from AliExpress
  • AliExpress for fishermen
  • Fashion clothes from AliExpress
  • Auto products from AliExpress
  • Products for tourism from AliExpress
  • Cheap items from AliExpress
  • AliExpress for kids (toys/clothes)

If you want to change the address of the group (in the group settings), then when choosing, please note that its address (url) should not contain the word "aliexpress" - these are the rules of this affiliate program.

We draw an avatar for the group. If you have basic skills in working with graphic editors like photoshop or corel - great, then you can do it yourself. If not, you can ask a friend for help or, in extreme cases, order for 200-300 rubles from some amateur designer you can find in the same VK.

We publish goods

And so, at the previous step, we registered with ePN. We go there, enter the private office.

Your referral link is valid for one browser session. This suggests that people who follow your link to Aliexpress and purchase ANY item will bring you income. That is, even if a person through your link got to AliExpress and wandered through the pages in search of another product, then bought it, you will still receive 8.5% of the amount of his purchase, no matter what kind of product it will be. Within one browser session!

With this link, we go, in our case, to our VKontakte group and create a new entry on the wall there, adding our description of the product (because Chinese descriptions are still that nonsense). And inserting photos of the same product from the aliexpress website.

How to choose products to publish:

On aliexpress, goods in any category can be sorted by the number of orders - this is a win-win option. Click this button, in the category that corresponds to your group, and you will get all the frequently ordered products, and since there is a demand for them, then the visitors of your group will like them.

Before inviting someone to a group, fill it with 50-60 products.

And now, about the main thing:

Of course, you can publish products, as I described above: manually creating links through the plugin, copying photos to your computer, and then pasting them into VK, writing a description for each photo, etc. But, for me personally, at some point I got tired of it, because it takes a lot of time. And I, with my colleagues, developed a service AliPoster for automatic posting of products in groups. It does almost everything for you, you just need to provide a link to the product you want to publish in your group and write a description for it. AliPoster itself will generate your affiliate link, copy all the pictures of the product, price, reviews and a bunch of other information and publish it in your group according to the given post template. About how to start working with the system, it is written

There are 100,500 different groups in contact, one way or another connected with the Aliexpress website. But the most official of the official ones is vk.com/aliexpress, it is called AliExpress.com in Russian.

Dial Vkontakte *Aliexpress* and this group will be the very first in the list, as it is the most relevant, that is, there is the most active subscribers and the most activity.

And Alibaba was the name wisely chosen by Jack Ma when he started his company from a distance. We were in a complete internet boom, not only in America, but also in Europe and China. And Jack Ma decided to create an e-commerce site in China. Subscriber inquiries have exceeded stock supply in the past few days. The founder nevertheless found his treasure.

With the entry into the market, Jack Ma becomes one of the richest people in the world. In this sense, the most unusual appearance Alibaba is the contribution of Chinese development. Fifteen years ago, despite the efficiency of production and low labor costs, many manufacturers of intermediate goods in China had difficulty selling their products to the Western world. For consumer goods, an issue with large distribution networks has been resolved. They had huge buying offices in China that identified the best products, tested them, and then sold them on a large scale in the West.

Here people share their successful and unsuccessful purchases with Ali. You can look at photo albums, ask people questions, ask for measurements. Of course, there is a human factor everywhere, someone will throw a picture and forget. But most people are still adequate and normally answer questions. Thanks to the group, I bought a lot of things.

In general, I'm not afraid to order on Ali without any preliminary searches, but this only applies to industrial goods and some children's clothing. Ordering clothes and shoes for yourself is still somehow scary, because everyone knows what kind of crap is going on there with sizes. The seller’s table corresponds to reality 50/50, that is, it’s either true or not))) For clothes and shoes, I signed up for Vkontakte aliexpress.

Not so much for intermediate goods. If a manufacturer in America or Italy needed an electric motor in relatively small quantities, he certainly shouldn't have looked for it in China. In order to buy an intermediate product, a business must first be absolutely sure of the technical specifications. A few millimeters of difference in engine diameter can require huge adaptation costs. Second, the market for intermediates is not based on the "brand" of the product, but on the manufacturer's reputation in the reference area.

There are more than a hundred albums, thematic albums.

Basic group rules if you want to add a photo:

1. Find the desired album. It is the right one, not the first one that comes across. For example, you do not need to add sandals to the album with winter shoes, the photo will be transferred at best, and at worst deleted.

2. Upload a photo there, ideally a photo of yourself. It is not necessary to take a picture of yourself, there are no requirements for this. It’s just that it’s more interesting for you to look not just at the sweater lying on the sofa, but at how this sweater sits on the figure.

The Chinese manufacturers had no reputation. A potential buyer had to travel to China, hire an interpreter, earn the trust of the locals, and then gather information. The costs are too high for all but large companies.

Finally, there was the issue of payments. Chinese sellers wanted to pay for goods on delivery because they did not trust Western buyers. At the same time, Western buyers were hesitant to pay for shipping because they did not know how to compete in China if the goods did not meet the promised quality requirements. Because of these transaction costs, many Western companies have chosen to pay much more for local intermediary products than to buy Chinese ones.

3. Specify your parameters! Again, this is not necessary, but if we take the same sweater as an example, then even if it is photographed on a person, it is not clear to me in the photo how tall this person is - 150 cm or 180 cm)) Or we hug the hips of the person who ordered pants size M. Maybe I also looked after M-ku according to the seller’s table, but it turns out that this M-ka won’t fit on my 95 cm at all.

Not only does the Internet provide a wealth of information about the products being sold, it also makes it easy to do online research on which products are the most suitable. Even the Italian economy would have a desperate need for his Ali Baba. If you are looking for beautiful and quality branded products, you should know what this term means.

In our article, you will learn how to shop through hidden sales and what rules to follow. One of the rules is that sellers do not sell branded goods and do not violate the rights of individual brands. You will find examples at the end of the article. hidden sales. You pay for your dress, but your watch will arrive home. Only if we announce this offer, because we are in close contact with our dealers. All hidden sales can be found in our branded merchandise article. Everything is separated by brands so you can easily find what you are looking for. You will always see a picture of what you are actually ordering. You will always find instructions for each element. Are the vendors' testers recommendations?

4. From the previous paragraph, this one follows - as a link, let's take a snapshot, and not just a link to the product. A snapshot is a link to your order, it shows what size you ordered and how much the product cost. Let's say there is a photo, chic jeans, the author boasts that he bought it inexpensively, we look at the snapshot, the price is $ 20. We go to the actual product page - and there it is already $ 35. Reason to think.

These marketers do not have a rating. However, in this case, the same vendor rating rules do not apply to classic orders. These are the vendors with whom we communicate directly and who give us these tips as soon as they are published. We believe that these sellers are valid because we have ordered them several times and we know that the product is beautiful. The quality of the product is excellent, so we recommend it to you. What are hidden selling rules?

To preserve hidden links as much as possible, the seller does not ask questions about branded products, and also does not provide product reviews. Why not ask sellers questions? Using filtering, it looks for supplier posts that mention brand names. When there are many questions about one product, it is clear that something is wrong. Why not add reviews?

I wrote all these points based on my own wishes. I go to the group to see things live, and I want to immediately understand what parameters this person has in order to compare with my own and where to order it.

Aliexpress (aliexpress) is one of the most popular online stores with affordable prices.

You won't help anyone, you'll get hurt

Why do branded links stop working? Inactive links are also revoked by sellers if something happens that could threaten them. In case of a dispute, he will refund the money for unsold goods. Whether the item was branded or not. What is the delivery time for branded products?

A guaranteed way to find hidden sales of branded products through our website. All covered sales have been broken down by brand to make it clearer. We will continue to add hidden elements. You can choose the color combination here: Silver - Silver, Gold - Gold, Rose - Ruzova. Just select the number in the picture. Select watch and select number when ordering. It's just a hidden selling point.

But he also has his own subtleties and tricks:

  • When ordering on aliexpress, the buyer may choose the wrong size for himself (it should be noted that the sizes on aliexpress may not match the real ones, since Chinese models have different parameters).
  • Often in topics (even in Russian aliexpress) there are no adequate, complete

Aliexpress is a huge online store Chinese goods. Regular customers Chinese stores sooner or later they think why not buy the cheapest goods on Aliexpress for further sale on VK or any other social network. We will learn the features of selling goods from Aliexpress. Consider step by step instructions sales of goods on VKontakte. We will study the pros and cons of such an activity.

Features of selling goods with Aliexpress in VK

We find the cheapest products from Aliexpress for sale in the VK group.

If we find the cheapest goods on aliexpress, then on VKontakte we will be able to sell them faster. As a rule, cheap goods allow you to make a good profit, because the products look good.

When starting a business with China, consider the following points:

  • range;
  • optimal amount;
  • procurement risks;
  • delivery;
  • suppliers;
  • customs clearance, certification;
  • design, promotion of the group, public, VK pages;
  • price policy;
  • initial capital.


What can be sold with Ali on VK publics? Oversized, heavy loads are expensive and problematic to deliver. Clothes are often of poor quality. It is difficult to predict what sizes, models will be in demand, it is difficult to choose.

It is optimal to start with watches, goods for fishing, sports. If you start your VK business by selling watches, you can definitely make money. As a rule, all men love to wear beautiful watches.

Attractive jewelry and small electronics are also in demand. According to the statistics of orders for Aliexpress, choose small things for manicure, kitchen, home. All of the above weighs little, pleases with a good margin and will not deteriorate.

To find good product for implementation on VKontakte, it is important to turn on the brain. Show ingenuity. If you like the product, it will be easier to sell it.

Understanding the optimal amount will come with practice. If you start with small batches, you will be able to avoid problems with customs.

Risks when selling Chinese goods on VKontakte

The risks include marriage, re-sorting, long delivery, scammers with Ali, errors in the ordered quantity (will lead to a freeze of money).

All this is solved: you can open a dispute, return part of the money or the full cost of the defective product, arrange a promotion.

Offer subscribers a contest, during which you will reward customers with a stale assortment.

Good shipping is an option with tracking

For peace of mind, please choose a tracking method. Remember that some products may take more than a month (for example, cosmetics). If we are talking about technology, then the package can arrive in a couple of weeks. As you know, it is important to understand exactly when your package will arrive.

If you find reliable suppliers, then everything will be fine.

Building relationships with suppliers

For wholesalers, as you know, a discount is provided. This is additional profit, it is worth fighting for.

Negotiate even with the most intractable, but reliable suppliers. Due to the exchange rate, the profitability of resales fell especially for the Russians. It is important to use every opportunity to increase the profitability of the business. If you find 3 reliable suppliers, then the whole business will delight you and your subscribers. To be successful, you must like the product.

Customs clearance of Chinese goods for VK

Customs clearance, certification is usually not required for the sale of goods in the VK online store. If necessary, you can find a company that will help certify Chinese goods. This will require clearance. It is also necessary if an expensive product or a large batch is ordered. The cost, quantity of goods required for certification in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus vary. Russian and Ukrainian customs are characterized by more flexible rules and regulations for the import of goods from China. Up-to-date information track on specialized forums.

Prepare in advance a platform where you will sell the selected categories of goods. The group, the community on VKontakte should be promoted, filled with attractive content, posts calling to buy this or that position. Start with a narrow specialization. Name the store clearly (for example, "everything for fishing"). Be sure to add the word Aliexpress.

Price policy

The pricing policy consists of the cost of analogues from competitors, purchases, delivery. The business must be profitable.

The net margin when working with Aliexpress can reach 200%. If the product is well understood at 250 rubles apiece, try increasing the price. Most customers will pay more for not waiting for a package from China, not looking for cheap deals.

Money to start a business in VK

The initial capital will be needed for the purchase of goods for resale, paid promotion of the online business site. Practice shows that the minimum initial investment is about $100.

Try to work on prepaid, but this is a thorny path of development. Few people will agree to a scheme without a reliable intermediary, like Aliexpress. You can earn initial capital with the help of cashback, affiliate programs to attract referrals - you do not have to invest your hard-earned money. Deeplink links cashback services(for example, ePN and others), place in the same Vkontakte group that you use for business.

How to sell goods with Aliexpress in VK

The essence of the business is not much different from any other sales, it comes down to three "pillars":

  1. Search for the cheapest deals on Aliexpress.
  2. Organization of delivery.
  3. Selling at a premium.

How to organize a startup? The scheme of successive steps will prompt the direction of development.

Choosing your business model

Choice of business model. There are several ways to sell goods. You can combine them or use one, the most convenient.

  1. Dropshipping is suitable for those who want to do without investments. it intermediary services for a certain percentage. Customers order, the application is transferred to the supplier, the parcel is sent to the customer's address. The minus of the model is that there are few who agree to make an advance payment and wait for the goods indefinitely.
  2. Wholesale. Also intermediary services for the implementation of large parties. Look for partners on websites free ads, in social networks.
  3. Online store. You will need to create a catalog, purchase goods for the home, manicure or any other. Post offers in VK groups.
  4. Retail sales in the rented area or in the "showroom" method (own housing).

Finding resources to get started

Calculation of initial investments, resources. The amount that they are willing to invest in a business affects the choice of a sales model.

  1. little or no start-up capital - start with dropshipping. The costs in this option are minimal, the “burning out” of the business is practically excluded.
  2. several tens of thousands of rubles or hundreds of dollars - purchase goods in accordance with a well-thought-out catalog. An online store (subject to good promotion) will provide the owner with a good profit, a volume of work.
  3. a significant amount and some work experience, established contacts with suppliers - engage in wholesale sales.

Be successful, work in your niche

Finding your niche, assessing the prospects of the product, consumer demand. Analyze competitors, search engine statistics. Take a look at the following inexpensive categories:

  • accessories: bags, watches, belts, umbrellas, bijouterie;
  • small electronics: card readers, splitters, cigarette lighters;
  • cases and accessories for smartphones;
  • devices for cars: navigators, video recorders, floor mats, phone holders;
  • hygiene products;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • children's things, toys, designers;
  • goods for fishing, manicure.

This is not a complete list of popular, popular Chinese goods, look for what is interesting, what you understand.

Expensive goods are also purchased for further sale, but this is quite risky.

For success, we find Ali products with a low cost

Perhaps the most important step
- find the cheapest goods on Aliexpress so that the store in the open spaces of VK is competitive and profitable. Buy goods low, sell high.

We find reliable suppliers of goods

Select suppliers, check if they are on the list of scammers. Examine the reviews, documents, the existence of the store, contacts. If only the city is indicated, this is alarming, but it is quite common on the Aliexpress site. Do not immediately reject such a business partner. Ideally, arrange a trip to the warehouse of the manufacturer or supplier (in the case of planned wholesale sales).

We study the conditions of local business

The sixth step is to study the terms of delivery, ordering goods. All the necessary information about the purchase, delivery, discounts for large orders is indicated on the store's website. Contact the seller, ask for an additional discount.

If you learn how to order with discounts on Aliexpress, you can earn more. As a rule, during the holidays, a discount on interesting goods is 25-50%.

Larger consignments can be deployed by customs or impose an import duty. Break the parcel into smaller ones, indicate the addresses of relatives for delivery.

We constantly find buyers among VK subscribers

Search potential clientsimportant point when building a VKontakte business. Create a VK group, promote it. Actively use the methods of cheating likes, subscribers, the “tell your friends” option, and pranks. If you use special services, you can quickly achieve results. To make people join more willingly, your number of subscribers is important.

To find new subscribers, we constantly make and improve content.

We study costs, draw up a business model

Profitability calculation, business plan preparation. It is advisable to study the market for similar products, the cost of selected categories. The initial price should be attractive, competitive, and profitable. If your profit from one sale will be 25%, then this is a good business.

We beat first, we get experience in doing business in VK

We are testing a business model: we buy a trial batch and try to sell goods from AliExpress to friends.

We develop business

We are constantly looking for ways to increase the number of subscribers and orders.

Pros and cons of selling goods with Aliexpress in VK

VK - popular social network. This is both a plus (a large number of potential customers) and a minus (high competition). If in your city a certain group of goods is in demand, then you can start working. Even with great competition, as a rule, it is possible to take orders and sell goods.

As you know, there is something to fight for if the competition is high.

Possible problems when selling goods with Aliexpress

To possible problems we take the following:

  1. Negligent suppliers - look for reliable ones.
  2. Low quality products - buy a small test batch.
  3. Customs problems - break packages with a large number of identical goods.
  4. Low demand - carefully analyze information from groups and communities of competitors, assortment, price.

Starting a business does not require special entrepreneurial skills or a narrow-profile education. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the listed steps in order to follow them. A permanent income from your favorite business - a dream will come true. In order to constantly grow profits, engage in the sale of goods that interest you.

Aliexpress (aliexpress) is one of the most popular online stores with affordable prices.

But he also has his own subtleties and tricks:

  • When ordering on aliexpress, the buyer may choose the wrong size for himself (it should be noted that the sizes on aliexpress may not match the real ones, since Chinese models have different parameters).
  • Often in topics (even in Russian aliexpress) there are no adequate, complete reviews about the product, which complicates the choice situation for other users.
  • It is quite difficult to be in contact with the seller on aliexpress, so in many cases it is not possible to clarify the state of things, the duration of their dispatch and other important issues.
  • A common situation is automatic grading in personal account aliexpress. By default, after the expiration of the time allotted for sending the parcel, the rating is "excellent" (if the user did not mark it himself). Ratings, in turn, affect the status and rating of the seller. There are no reviews in such cases either.
  • A large number of photos in the ad does not guarantee a complete understanding of the product being sold (for example, what type of processing and decoration is used, the density of the fabric), so the client may receive something that he did not expect.

Is there a way out of this situation? Of course! For aliexpress customers, a special VKontakte group “Aliexpress Boasts (aliexpress.com) has been created. Reviews, photos. The main goal of the community is to publicly express the opinion of the participants about the goods received, to identify all the pros and cons of the products.

How to become a member of the group?

Opportunities for group members.

  1. There is a link in the group, by clicking on which, the participants will visit the Russian aliexpress. This is the official version, thanks to which you can read topics and news in Russian without using an Internet translator.
  2. The VKontakte group consists of people who have ever used the services of aliexpress or those who are going to become one. The community does not contain advertising, does not seek to promote the store and commercial transactions, so all news and posts consist of feedback and comments from members.
  3. The post is a full description of the ordered goods. The presence of a photo (from one or more), a detailed description of the user's opinion and a link to the seller / product are required. These metrics provide the most detailed summary of an order.
  4. Community members can communicate not only through comments, but also in personal dialogues, clarifying their questions. You can also always contact the administrator for information about current discounts and sales, as well as questions related to the VKontakte group. In addition, you can always offer joint purchases to subscribers if you are going to checkout.
  5. The community will be of interest to both fashionistas and those who want to purchase (or have already purchased) household goods, things for the home and children, decor items. All posts related to products from the aliexpress site are allowed to be published.