Plan of a boiler house for liquid fuel. Boiler shop and its equipment. Advantages and disadvantages of a solid fuel boiler house

  • 10.10.2020

General plan

2.1. Land plots for the construction of boiler houses are selected in accordance with the heat supply scheme, planning and development projects for cities, towns and rural areas. settlements, master plans of enterprises, schemes of master plans for groups of enterprises with common facilities (industrial units).

The size of the land plots of boiler houses located in residential areas should be taken in accordance with building codes and regulations for the planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements.

2.2. When designing the master plan of the boiler house, it should be possible to place pre-assembly sites, warehouses, as well as temporary structures necessary for the period of production of construction and installation work.

2.3. Warehouses of fuel, reagents, materials, laboratory premises, as well as auxiliary premises of boiler houses located on the sites of industrial enterprises, should be combined with similar buildings, premises and structures of these enterprises.

2.4. The main building, fuel facilities and ash and slag removal facilities, a transformer substation, a gas control point (GRP), a condensate collection and pumping station, hot water storage tanks, a water treatment and reagent facilities building should be located on the boiler site.

These buildings and structures may be combined, observing the requirements of Section 11 of these rules and regulations.

(J) For built-in and attached boilers, closed storage facilities for solid and liquid fuels should be provided, located outside the boiler room and the building for which it is intended to supply heat, in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89.

The capacity of liquid fuel storage facilities should not exceed the values ​​established by building codes and regulations for the design of oil and petroleum product storage facilities for storage facilities of the second group.

The fencing of boiler rooms should be designed in accordance with the Guidelines for the Design of Fences for Sites and Sites of Enterprises, Buildings and Structures.

Buildings and structures of boiler houses located on the sites of industrial enterprises are not allowed to be fenced.

2.5. Outside the site of the boiler room, it is allowed to have unloading devices for fuel supply, fuel depots, fuel oil farms, stations for collecting and pumping condensate, hot water storage tanks, pumping stations and tanks for fire fighting and drinking water supply, ash and slag dumps; at the same time, fuel oil facilities, hot water supply storage tanks, fire-fighting and drinking water supply tanks must have fences.

2.6. The drainage system from the territory of the boiler house should be designed open, and in the conditions of development - in conjunction with the networks of industrial and rainwater sewerage of the enterprise or area in which the boiler house is located.

2.7. Distances to residential and public buildings should be taken:

  • from buildings, structures of the boiler house, as well as from equipment installed in open areas - according to sanitary standards for the permissible noise level in residential buildings;
  • from warehouses of solid and liquid fuels, acids, alkalis and other highly toxic substances - according to special standards.

2.8. Ash and slag should be used for the needs of construction and the construction industry. If it is impossible to use them, ash and slag dumps should be designed, observing the following conditions:

  • the size of the ash and ash dump site should be provided taking into account the operation of the boiler house for at least 25 years, with the allocation of the first stage of construction, designed for the operation of the boiler house for 10 years;
  • ash and slag dumps should be placed on unsuitable for Agriculture land plots near the boiler site; at the same time, for ash and slag dumps, lowlands, ravines, wetlands, developed quarries to be improved, taking into account the prospective development of the construction area, should be used.

When designing, it is necessary to provide for the protection of water bodies from the removal of ash and slag by rain or flood waters.


2.9. Transport scheme the boiler house is taken on the basis of its design capacity, taking into account the sequence of construction and expansion prospects.

2.10. The regime for supplying rolling stock for unloading the main or reserve fuel and reagents (weight rate of supply, number and size of rates, duration of unloading, carrying capacity of wagons and tanks) is established in agreement with the bodies of the Ministry of Railways. When establishing the weight rate of supply, the storage capacity calculated in accordance with Section 11 of these rules and regulations must be taken into account.

2.11. The supply of loaded wagons and the hauling of empty wagons must be carried out by means of the Ministry of Railways or industrial enterprise where the boiler house is located.

2.12. For boilers with a capacity of more than 50 Gcal / h, when delivering fuel or removing ash and slag by road, the main road entrance connecting the boiler site with the external road network should have two lanes.

For boilers with a capacity of 50 Gcal/h or less, regardless of the method of fuel delivery and removal of ash and slag, an access highway with one lane.

2.13. Projects should provide for the possibility of access road transport to buildings and structures of boiler houses and to equipment installed in open areas.

Roads for road transport, which ensures the conduct of the technological process, must have improved capital coatings.

Solid fuel boilers are used as a permanent or backup source of heating, to supply private housing or small industrial outbuildings with hot water.

Advantages and disadvantages of a solid fuel boiler house

1. Advantages of aggregates:

  • the main advantage is the autonomous type of systems. On the basis of a solid fuel boiler house, individual hot water supply and housing heating are made independent of public, communal systems;
  • the organization of heating with a natural type of coolant circulation does not require additional connection of electrical appliances;

  • autonomy - an ideal solution to the problem of providing buildings remote from centrals;
  • for areas with unstable supply of electricity, diesel fuel or gas, solid fuel plants act as an auxiliary source of heat supply;
  • with modern instability, the decisive factor in the use of solid fuel heating is the economic factor;
  • the optimal heating solution for areas where the main fuel is wood, coal;
  • an economically sound solution for heating with a solid fuel installation at the enterprises of the woodworking industry. Briquettes of pressed chips and lumber cost a penny, reduce waste disposal and recovery costs.

2. Disadvantages of solid fuel installations:

  • The most important disadvantage of a solid fuel system is the impossibility of fully automating the process. When creating theoretically ideal conditions, the operation of the boiler on coal does not exceed 3 days, and on firewood only a day. In reality, the time is much less. Usage solid fuel does not provide complete comfort for residents, as does the installation on liquid and gaseous fuels;
  • the use of coal determines the placement of titanium in a separate room, the installation of a chimney, the allocation of space for storing coal;
  • seasonal rough work for the selection and screening of coal, for its storage.

3. Alternative fuel for solid fuel units:

  • modern industries have begun to produce alternative fuels to replace coal or wood. Installations for heating work at special wood granules - pellets;
  • the main advantage of such boiler houses: efficiency, low level of exhaust gases, hygiene, high heat and calorie content;
  • the possibility of automating the supply of fuel to the boiler;
  • The disadvantage of the heating system is energy consumption. The boiler room falls out of the category of autonomous.

Solid fuel boiler project

During construction, the design of a boiler room is as important as the laying of the furnace. To avoid further financial losses, to have a guarantee of safe use is possible only when applying for a project to a professional contractor.

1. List of customer requirements for design and construction organization:

  • the contractor must have all the accompanying documents: permitting the activity, confirming the level of qualification, guaranteeing the profile of the activity;
  • involvement of the customer in the preparation terms of reference, which contains a project and a list of wishes for installation;
  • joint drafting and approval of engineering changes in the construction of a solid fuel boiler house in a private building;
  • preparation and approval of estimates for the design, clarification of the moments of the rise in the cost of installation work;
  • receiving in hand finished project with drawings, specifications, with the calculation of thermal loads for heating and hot water supply.

2. Mandatory functions of the contractor:

  • the contracting organization is obliged to coordinate and register the project with the relevant state bodies;
  • ensure the completion of the boiler room with specific equipment;
  • install a solid fuel boiler house with subsequent commissioning;
  • to hand over the installation to the customer on a turnkey basis: to carry out a control start-up of the boiler house in the presence of competent persons;
  • provide the customer with the most appropriate option for the implementation of the project.

Scheme of a solid fuel boiler house:

The proposed video plot is led by a professional with extensive experience in drawing up diagrams and installing solid fuel boilers. Visual information for beginners, for home craftsmen. The plot is rich in payload and does not contain an advertising focus:

Solid fuel boiler room requirements

1. Mandatory requirements for installation when heating with wood, coal, pellets:

  • guided by necessary requirements norms and rules for the construction of boiler rooms, furnaces, furnaces. The norms were drawn up on the basis of experience in fire fighting and elimination of water supply bays;

  • installation of solid fuel boilers to be carried out in a separate technical room. Foresee the construction of such a room during the construction of a residential, private house, since the requirements for the boiler room have an impact on the design of the heating system already during construction;
  • the room under the boiler room must be done with a separate exit. It must not be intended for habitation;
  • boiler power is assumed to be 0.15 + 0.2 m3 for every 1000 W. The maximum value should not exceed 7 m3;
  • Natural lighting must be provided. The window is selected from the conditions of 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of furnace. If it is impossible to install a window, electric lighting is carried out;
  • an extension for the boiler room is placed on one of the blank walls of the building, which does not have adjacent contact with the wall of the living room. Maintain a horizontal and vertical distance from window or door openings of at least 100 cm;
  • fence off the boiler room from other rooms with ceilings made of fireproof material. The fire resistance limit is assumed to be at least 0.75 hours. Optimal material for the walls of the boiler room - this is a refractory brick, facing with ceramic tiles. Economy option - throw 2 layers of plaster from the mineral composition on the wall;
  • arrangement of a room for a boiler room in the basement or basement with the door opening outward. The door without a deadbolt, does not close during heating with a lock;
  • maintain the width of the opening at least 0.8 m. Cover the surface with metal from the inside or immediately install metal gates;

  • from the boiler room to the living room, the direction of opening the door inside the furnace room. The door is automatically adjusted by a spring;
  • the height of the furnace room is at least 2500 cm;
  • it is unacceptable to arrange attic rooms above the boiler room;
  • maintain a minimum distance from the wall to the front of the solid fuel boiler of at least 2000 cm;
  • around the boiler, free space is left around the entire perimeter of the titanium. Free access for cleaning and fueling should be provided;
  • installation of industrial units is carried out in accordance with the instructions in the data sheet;
  • heating waste: hot ash, slag - is raked out into a special metal container, filled with water and taken out to a waste place;
  • when burning, the boiler uses the air from the room. Monitor its composition, prevent leakage of combustible, flammable substances.

2. Requirements for the installation of ventilation in the furnace:

  • for the combustion process, fresh air must be constantly supplied to the boiler room. Supply and exhaust ventilation is provided. This may be a natural supply and exhaust system;
  • the ventilation scheme is developed with the participation of professional craftsmen;
  • for self-calculation of ventilation, the following values ​​​​are taken:

The cross section of the supply and exhaust ventilation duct is taken larger than the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney.

It is forbidden to block, obscure or reduce the size of the cross section of the ventilation opening in the furnace.

With a solid fuel boiler power of up to 30,000 W, the ventilation section area is assumed to be 0.2 m2.

  • installation of ventilation is carried out in the lower part of the wall, door, opposite the front of the boiler;
  • if necessary, you can use the ventilation grille, already cut into the outer wall of the boiler room. Cross section not less than 25 cm2;
  • calculation minimum area sections to be made by specialists;
  • when self-calculating, take the volume of incoming air 3 times the volume of the room.

The cost of a solid fuel boiler

The price depends on installation, installation, boiler type, auxiliary works.

Overview of prices in companies, the average cost of installing a modular boiler room:

  • boiler house power from 60 to 150 kW - from $ 2050;
  • boiler house power from 150 kW to 300 kW - from $ 3100;
  • boiler house power from 350 to 600 kW - from $ 6500;
  • installing a boiler room with your own hands, taking into account materials, costs from $ 100.

Modular solid fuel boilers

Type of boiler rooms, made in the form of a separate autonomous mobile module, block modules, equipped with necessary equipment. Types of modular boilers for fuel supply: automatic, manual.

The installation of the boiler room is carried out on a flat surface. Connecting to a common system is quick and easy.

Advantages of modular boiler rooms:

  • no need for system design;
  • construction of a capital structure is not required to accommodate the boiler house;
  • the ability to transport and move the unit as needed.

Mini solid fuel boilers

Optimum, cost-effective heating installation small area, for example, a private house, workshop, outbuildings

1. Types of mini-boiler rooms according to the principle of installation:

  • installed in the basement of the house. Convenient location for service. The boiler room operator will not have to leave the comfort zone, go out into the cold or in bad weather. The installation work of the heating and hot water supply system is carried out much faster. No need to pull pipes from the extension, just stretch them from the basement to the house;
  • boiler room located in an isolated separate room. This is, for example, a garage or a barn.

2. Features of finishing the room for the boiler room:

  • in a wooden frame house:

For a wooden house, there are certain requirements for finishing the boiler room. The type of combustion in a solid fuel installation is accompanied by the combustion of fuel in a special chamber. In the event of a malfunction in the boiler system, a fire may occur in the room. Therefore, it is shielded in advance with thermal materials. The boiler body is placed away from flammable materials. Ideally, forced-air and exhaust natural ventilation is carried out.

  • in a separate building:

The walls of the room are tiled or covered with plaster. Carry out ventilation.

Mobile solid fuel boilers

Mobile boiler rooms are turnkey mini-buildings. The walls are made of sandwich panels. Inner and outer walls are finished with heat-insulating, non-combustible materials. Installations are used for backup heating of buildings remote from communication systems, mobile change houses.

The cost of a mobile boiler house is high, this factor limits the scope of their application in the private sector.

Advantages of mobile boilers:

  • commissioning is fast, without obtaining the relevant documents from the authorities. Installation only relies on obtaining a registration number and factory certification;
  • minimum installation time. Mini-boiler rooms are delivered in a semi-finished state from the factory. The contractor simply needs to assemble the modules according to the attached diagram and connect them to the heating system;
  • fully or partially automated technological units. Removes the issue of maintenance. If necessary, it is completed with equipment for full automation;
  • mobile installations are initially designed with the possibility of power adjustment. Increase or decrease the pressure of the water supply, increase or decrease the temperature of the coolant. It is possible to assemble mini-stations with a capacity of up to 4 MW.

In the absence of centralized heating, boilers take over the responsibility for heating the dwelling. To accommodate such equipment, it is necessary to prepare a separate room, observing the requirements and safety standards.

Agree, at first glance, the task looks difficult. However, it is not. Knowing the basics of calculations, the rules and principles of design, it will be possible to independently plan the room. A typical scheme of a boiler room of a private house is developed taking into account a specific type of boiler and a list additional equipment heating system.

We will help you understand the issue, describe the features of different boiler rooms, outline the requirements and rules for their arrangement. Thematic videos clearly demonstrate examples of the organization of premises for the installation and piping of boilers.

The requirements for boiler rooms are set out in SNiP with the nomenclature designation II-35-76.

Depending on the place where the room with the heating equipment installed in it is located, boiler rooms can be classified into one of the following types:

  • built-in;
  • stand-alone;
  • attached.

The dimensions of the room allocated for the boiler room are selected based on the type of fuel,.

When arranging a special one is difficult, there is another option - a mini-boiler room.

It is placed in a container assembled according to the principle of metal structures, which can be placed in the courtyard of the house. It remains only to connect the mini-boiler room to communications.

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The main parameters of the boilers:

Primary steam pressure behind the boiler 255 kgf / cm 2

Primary steam temperature 245 0 C

Feed water temperature 260 0 C

Secondary steam capacity 830 t/h

Secondary steam pressure at the inlet 39.5 kgf / cm 2

Secondary steam temperature at the inlet 320 0 С

The pressure of the secondary steam at the outlet is 37 kgf / cm 2

The temperature of the secondary steam at the exit 545 0 С

Hot air temperature 350 0 С

Flue gas temperature 142 0 С

The following accessories are installed with each boiler:

Ball drum mill type Sh-50A - 3 pcs.;

Raw coal feeder H=500 mm - 3 pcs.;

Mill fan type BM100/1200, Q=113000 m 3 /hour, H=1100 mm;

Primary blower VGD-20 - 2 pcs., Q=183000 m 3 /hour, H=252 mm;

Axial smoke exhauster type DOD-31.5 - 2 pcs., Q=1080000 m 3 /hour, H=380 mm;

Regenerative air heater: boilers No. 1-3 - type RVV-68; boilers No. 4-6 type RVV-68M; boilers No. 7, 8 of RVP type;

Dust cyclone NIOGAZ Ø 3250 mm - 3 pcs.;

Dust separator TKZ-VTI Ø 4750 mm - 3 pcs.;

Blower fan VDN - 24x2 - II, Q=560000 m 3 / hour, H=270 mm - 2 pcs.;

Dust feeders type APP and ULPP - 12-24 pieces/boiler.

The boiler units are connected to 4 reinforced concrete chimneys:

Boilers of station No. 1, 2 to chimney No. 1 180m high, mouth diameter 6.3m

Boilers of station No. 3, 4 to chimney No. 2 250m high, mouth diameter 7.2m

Boilers of station No. 5, 6 to chimney No. 3 250m high, mouth diameter 7.2m

Boilers of station No. 7, 8 to chimney No. 2 250m high, mouth diameter 9.6m

2.2.2. Burners.

Burner - a device for the formation of mixtures of solid, gaseous or liquid fuels with air or oxygen and their supply to the place of combustion.

Pp-830(950)/255zh boiler is equipped with vortex pulverized-coal and combined oil-gas burners:

1) Vortex pulverized coal burner TKZ (Taganrog boiler plant).

1 - snail primary air.

2 - secondary air snail.

3 - kindling nozzle.

All swirl burners produce a short, wide, short-range flame.

2) Combined oil-gas burner TKZ:

1 - nozzle.

2 - gas distribution manifold.

3 - section of the blade apparatus.

4 - disk damper (when it is shifted to the left / right, the air flow is regulated, while maintaining the degree of swirling of the air flow).

W resp. ≈ 80 m/s, W in ≈ 40 m/s, P g = 300÷1000 kg/m 2 , V g = 1÷6 t/h.

2.2.3. Ash collection plants

The following equipment is installed to clean flue gases from fly ash:

At power units No. 1-4 - 4 single-field electric filters UG2-1 × 53 and 8 ash collectors of the V-4200 type with Venturi pipes, designed by the Ural branch of ORGRES;

At power units No. 5-6 - 4 four-field electrostatic precipitators of the EGA-I-30-12-6-4 type;

At power unit No. 7 - 4 four-field electrostatic precipitators of the EGBM-I-25-12-6-4 type;

Power unit No. 8 has 4 four-field electrostatic precipitators of the EGA-I-30-12-6-4 type.

2.2.4 Ash and slag removal system

NchGRES uses a hydraulic ash and slag collection system. Ash and slag slurry is fed into the bager pump rooms through separate gravity channels:

To the bager pump room No. 1 from boilers Nos. 1, 2;

To the bager pump room No. 2 from boilers No. 3, 4, 5, 6;

To the bager pump room No. 3 from boilers No. 7, 8;

The following equipment is installed in the bager pump room No. 1:

2 drag pumps type 12GR-8T, Q=1320 m 3 /hour, H=50 m c. Art.;

2 drainage pumps type AR-100, Q=54 m 3 /hour, H=20 m c. Art.

Ash and slag pulp is fed to the ash and slag dump through two pipelines D=350 mm.

The following equipment is installed in the bager pump room No. 2:

1 bager pump type 12GR-8T, Q=1320 m 3 /hour, H=50 m c. Art.;

2 drainage pumps type AR-100M, Q=97 m 3 /hour, H=30 m c. Art.

The ash and slag pulp is fed to the ash dump through three pipelines D=350 mm.

The following equipment is installed in the bager pump room No. 3:

3 baggage pumps type GRT-1250/71;

2 drainage pumps type AR-100M.

The ash and slag pulp is supplied to the ash and slag disposal site through two pipelines D=350 mm. In all bager pumping stations, one water-jet ejector with Q=80 m 3 /hour is installed. The estimated output of slag from one boiler is 3.75 t/hour.

Estimated amount of ash captured in the ash collection units of power units:

Power units No. 1-4 - 21 t/h each;

Power units No. 5-8 - 21.5 t/h.

Estimated amount of ash and slag pulp from bager pumping stations:

Bagerny pumping station No. 1 - 1330 t/h;

Bagernaya pumping station No. 2 - 2700 t/h;

Bagernaya pumping station No. 3 - 1345 t / h.

The ash dump is located in the floodplain of the Aksai River and consists of three sections with a total area of ​​179 hectares, with a capacity of 29.84 million m 3 .

At present, section No. 1 is in operation, designed to build dams up to a mark of 31 m with an increase in capacity by 5 million m 3 . Ash and slag dump section No. 2 has been worked out, the surface is backfilled with clay and washed with sand. Ash and slag dump section No. 3 has been worked out and is in the process of reclamation. Waste pulp is transported by rail freight.

The following are installed in the ash removal system:

3 clarified water pumps, Q=3240 m 3 /hour, H=32 m c. Art.;

2 flush pumps type 200D-60, Q=600 m 3 /hour, H=82 m c. Art.;

4 irrigation water pumps type 650D-90A, Q=600 m 3 /hour, H=35 m c. Art.

Layout and technical - economic indicators of boiler houses

Master plans for boiler houses. Due to the explosion hazard of boilers, the possibility of fires and sanitary and hygienic requirements, boiler plants are in most cases located in separate buildings. Build in and attach boiler rooms to residential and public buildings where gatherings of people are possible is prohibited.

The boiler rooms include a number of such premises and structures, such as: a boiler room where boilers are installed, rooms for auxiliary equipment, service and amenity premises, GRU, power supply facilities, fuel facilities and ash removal systems, hot water storage tanks, wet storage bunker salt, etc. A number of facilities are located inside the boiler house, and others - on the territory of the boiler house. The mutual arrangement of the boiler house building and other structures is depicted on the master plan.

Fig.75. master plans for boiler rooms:

a - on liquid fuel; b - solid fuel

Figure 75 shows the general layouts of boiler houses operating on fuel oil and coal. The mazut economy is represented by a receiving railway overpass, two mazut tanks and an mazout pumping station. This part of the site is bunded to prevent fuel oil from spreading.

Near the boiler house there is a blowdown well 2, a wet salt storage tank 3, two hot water storage tanks 4 and a chimney 8.

Coal is delivered to the warehouse by railway and stored in stacks. Delivery of coal to the boiler house is carried out by a forklift, which stands under a canopy 10 during non-working hours. The slag is stored until the next removal by a dump truck in a collection bin 9.

Placement of boilers and auxiliary equipment. Boilers and auxiliary equipment are located in the boiler room in such a way that their maintenance is safe and convenient, and the communication device would be characterized by optimal costs for their construction and minimal heat and hydraulic losses during operation.

In the boiler room, the boilers, as a rule, are installed with the service front in one line and facing the windows of the boiler room. With a single-row layout, the front of the boilers has good natural lighting and convenient monitoring of the boilers. The evacuation of service personnel is simplified in case of accidents and fires through doors located on the sides of the front of the boilers.

To reduce the length of gas-air paths, blowers are installed in front of the boilers, and economizers, smoke exhausters and ash collectors are installed behind the boilers. Fuel supply, ash removal, water treatment plants, power systems and other systems are usually made common to the entire boiler house.

The main part of the auxiliary equipment is usually located to the right or left of the boilers on the floor of the boiler room. Deaerators; and often, network water heaters are installed on sites located at a height of up to 5 - 7 m.

Norms of passages and distances. To ensure convenient and safe maintenance, boilers and auxiliary equipment, in accordance with the requirements of Rostekhnadzor, are installed at a certain distance from each other, as well as from walls and ceilings. For example, minimum distances from equipment to walls

and floors, as well as passages between the equipment should be:

- distance from the front of the boilers or protruding parts of the furnaces to the opposite wall of the boiler room ...... 2-3 m;

- distance from the protruding parts of the burners to the wall of the boiler room .... 1 m;

- the width of the free passage along the front of the boilers .......... 1.5 m;

- the passage between the boilers, if necessary, their lateral maintenance ..... 1.5-2 m;

- the same, but in the absence of maintenance, as well as other passages between the equipment and the walls ....... 0.7-1 m;

- distance from the service platform to the overlap ......... 2m;

- distance from the upper element of the boiler to the ceiling in the absence of maintenance ..... 0.7 m.

Certain requirements are imposed on the arrangement of platforms for servicing boilers and auxiliary equipment and the stairs connecting them.

Platforms and steps of stairs are made of sheets or elements with a non-smooth surface and are fenced with railings. The width of the free passage of platforms and stairs is arranged at least 0.6-0.8 m, and the height of the railing is at least 0.9 m. The height of the steps should be no more than 200 mm, and their width - at least 80 mm. With a ladder height of more than 1.5 m, their angle of inclination to the horizontal should not exceed 50 0. The railing shall be sheathed from below to a height of at least 100 mm.

Buildings and boiler rooms. In modern boiler houses, frame-type buildings are most often used, with spans of the same direction, the same width and height. For the manufacture of buildings, unified reinforced concrete and metal structures are used, which are used in industrial and special construction. So, for example, the spans of buildings are taken to be 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 or 30 m, and the pitch of the columns is 6 or 12 m. The height of the premises (floors) and the breakdown of window openings are taken taking into account the panels and large blocks used.

Fig.76. Production and heating boiler house with boilers DKVR-4-13:

1 - blow fans; 2 - steam boilers; 3 - network pumps; 4 - make-up pumps; 5 - feed pumps; 6 - filters; 7 – salt wet storage tank; 8 - purge well; 9 – purge separator; 10 - water heaters; 11 - deaerator; 12 - water economizers; 13 - smoke exhausters; 14 - chimney.

Boiler rooms, as a rule, are made one-story and without attic floors. In addition to the hall in the boiler room, rooms are provided for a workshop, a chemical water treatment laboratory and an electrical switchgear. In accordance with the requirements of industrial sanitation, wardrobes with washbasins, showers, latrines, a dining room, a room for the head of the boiler room, etc. are arranged in boiler rooms. These service and amenity premises are located in the end part of the building or in a separate annex of several floors. In some cases, the boiler rooms may include premises (extensions) for hydraulic fracturing, a transformer substation, and sometimes for storing fuel reserves.

Buildings (premises) and structures of boiler houses, depending on the degree of explosion and fire hazard, are divided into various categories production and for each of them the degree of fire resistance is established. For example, boiler rooms belong to production category D and must have a fire resistance degree of II, and hydraulic fracturing rooms - to category A with a fire resistance degree of II.

When designing and constructing the boiler house building, the possibility of its expansion is taken into account, so one of the end walls of the boiler room remains free. Mounting openings are provided in the walls of the boiler room for carrying and transporting equipment. For the same purpose, door and window openings are used.

For the evacuation of personnel in case of fires and accidents, the boiler room must have two doors that open outwards. One exit is provided in small boiler rooms with a floor area of ​​​​less than 200 m 2 with a boiler front length of not more than 12 m. Doors from other rooms should open towards the boiler room.

The floor of the boiler room in front of the front of the boilers is made not lower than the level of the adjacent territory. The deepening of the floor worsens sanitary and hygienic conditions and makes it difficult to exit in case of accidents.

To maintain the air temperature, to remove harmful gases, dust and moisture, the boiler rooms are equipped with a ventilation system, and, if necessary, heating. So, for example, industrial premises are equipped with air heating, and auxiliary premises are equipped with heating systems with local heating devices. Boiler rooms with permanent attendants are equipped with natural air exhaust, taking into account air infiltration into the gas-air path of the boiler. If necessary, forced exhaust ventilation is used, including draft fans. In the premises of oil pumping stations, a ten-fold air exchange per 1 hour is provided with the help of two supply and two exhaust ventilation units with a capacity of 100% each.

Good lighting of workplaces is important for the proper maintenance of equipment: level indicators, measuring instruments, heat shields, control panels. boiler fronts, etc. Therefore, boiler rooms have sufficient illumination natural light and artificial lighting. In addition, at the installation sites of measuring instruments and devices, local lighting with an illumination level of at least 50 lux is used. Emergency lighting is also provided.

The electrical receivers of boiler rooms are classified in the 1st and 2nd categories in terms of reliability of power supply (taking into account the category of the boiler room).

23.2. Technical and economic indicators of boiler houses

The main technical economic indicators boiler houses are:

– installed heat output of the boiler house, Gcal/h;

– annual generation and supply of heat to consumers, thousand Gcal;

– annual costs of natural and standard fuel, water and electricity;

– number of personnel, persons;

- total estimated cost of building a boiler house (capital costs), thousand rubles;

– annual operating costs, thousand rubles/year;

– prime cost of 1 Gcal of released heat, rub/Gcal;

- construction volume of the main building of the boiler house, m 3, etc. .

The most important indicators are capital costs and annual operating costs.

Capital costs for the construction of a boiler house. The estimated cost of a boiler house is determined by its heat output and technical equipment and depends on the type, number, performance of boilers and type of fuel, on the type and quantity of auxiliary equipment, on the design of the building part and local conditions.

Capex K is the sum of the cost of equipment with installation of K OB and the cost of construction works TO STR:

K \u003d K OB + K STR

The share of the cost of equipment with installation is 45-60%. Boilers operating on solid fuels are of great value. At the same time, the cost of installation work is 30-40% of the cost of equipment.

The cost of construction works reaches 40-60% of the total capital costs. At the same time, boiler houses with hot water boilers that burn oil-gas fuel have the lowest costs.

To compare the cost of boiler houses, the concept of specific capital costs is used, i.e. capex per 1 MW (1 Gcal/h) of installed capacity in thousand rubles/MW (thousand rubles/Gcal/h). Boiler plants with coal-fired steam boilers have the highest specific capital costs, and hot water boilers with steel boilers have the lowest. With an increase in thermal power, specific capital costs decrease. For example, in 1985 prices, the specific capital costs of boiler houses with coal-fired steam boilers are: with a capacity of 10 MW - 40 thousand rubles, with a capacity of 40 MW - 25 thousand rubles. Gas-fired boilers have the lowest costs, and coal-fired boilers have the highest.

Annual operating costs determined for the annual period of work and include the cost of fuel, electricity, water, wages, equipment depreciation, maintenance and general boiler costs in thousand rubles per year:

S YEAR = S T + S E + S V + S SZP + S AM + S TR + S GEN

Fuel costs are found according to the formula:

C T \u003d q t Per year

Fuel price ts t is accepted according to the current price lists of selling prices, taking into account its transportation to the boiler room. Annual natural fuel consumption IN YEAR is based on the generated heat Q EXY YEAR:

IN YEAR \u003d Q EXY YEAR / Q n r η,

where η is the average efficiency of the boiler. Q n r - calorific value of fuel

Fuel consumption for kindling boilers and fuel losses in warehouses are added to this expense.

Fuel costs are 50-70% or more of the annual cost of operating a boiler house.

Electricity costs. At the installed electric power of the boiler house R more than 100 kVA electricity costs are the amount of payment for consumed electricity E kWh/year and payments for the installed electric capacity of the boiler house:

S E \u003d c E E + c R R,

where c E- price of 1 kWh, rub; c R- price of 1 kVA of installed capacity, rub/kVA.

The installed electric power of the boiler house can approximately be found from the known thermal power of the boiler house Q SET from the following relation: R/Q SET= 10 - 30 kVA / Gcal / h. In this case, it should be taken into account that the installed capacity utilization factor is 0.5-0.7.

Electricity costs are approximately 10-12% of annual general boiler costs.

Water costs directly proportional to water consumption and the cost of 1 cubic meter of water.

Payroll expenses take into account direct monthly payments operating personnel, taking into account accruals for seniority, bonuses, vacations, social insurance for fulfillment and overfulfillment of planned targets. With approximate calculations, the annual salary fund is taken to be 1650 - 1800 rubles / person per year. The number of personnel depends on the type of equipment installed, its performance, type of fuel, degree of mechanization and automation technological processes and determined staffing. To find the number of personnel of the boiler house, the staffing coefficient is used, that is, the number of people per unit of installed heat output of the boiler house. For example, for solid fuel boilers with a capacity of 5 to 15 MW, the staffing factor is assumed to be 4 people / MW, and for a capacity of 15 to 30 MW - 2.6 people / MW.

Depreciation deductions- this is money intended for performing current, major repairs and replacing physically worn out or obsolete equipment. Depreciation deductions are formed as the sum of deductions from capital costs for equipment and the cost of construction work:

C AM \u003d a STR K STR / 100 + a OB K OB / 100,

Where a STR = 3%, a OB\u003d 5.5 - 9% - standard coefficients of deductions, respectively, from the cost of the construction part and equipment, depending on the type of equipment, type of fuel and the number of hours of use of the equipment per year.

Most of the depreciation deductions are spent on capital repairs.

Maintenance costs associated with the cleaning of equipment, replacement of defective parts, revision and adjustment of equipment and are included as part of depreciation:

C TR = a TR C AM

where a TR= 0.2-0.3 share of deductions for current repairs.

General boiler costs include costs for operating materials (oil, chemicals, gasket materials, etc.), for slag removal and unloading of fuel, for the maintenance of security and administrative staff, for taxes, fees and other mandatory deductions. Their share is a OVR\u003d 0.3-0.45 of the amount of salary expenses, depreciation and current repair:

S OVR = a OVR (S RF + S AM + S TR)

Cost of released heat:

c \u003d C YEAR / Q OTP rub/ Gcal,

where Q OTP - annual amount of released heat, Gcal/year.