Plant champignon mushrooms. How to grow mushrooms at home. Compost heap laying

  • 30.06.2020

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Hiking in the forest for mushrooms is perceived by most people as a pleasant pastime. But quiet hunting is extremely dependent on the season, weather and climate of the region. Few people think that the cultivation of mushrooms can be profitable, but the most common varieties can be grown at home almost on an industrial scale.

Growing mushrooms at home for beginners

Mushrooms are an ingredient with a minimum amount of calories and fat, a high content of potassium, fiber. The process of growing them is extremely simple, but, like any other enterprise, it requires certain preparatory steps. By following the basic rules of mushroom gardening, you can provide not only your family with a product, but also make a significant profit by selling mushrooms for sale. Where to start growing mushrooms? Find out how the whole process takes place step by step:

  1. First, decide on the species that you are going to grow. The most popular and easiest to cultivate are oyster mushrooms, shiitake, champignons. There is no particular difference in the process, but the nutrient medium changes for each species.
  2. Buy mycelium. It looks like sawdust, in which mushroom mycelium is germinated - the root system or "seed". In fact, these are seedlings or seedlings, if we draw an analogy with ordinary garden plants. The substrate with mycelium can be bought in the online store (the cost is relatively low). Growing oyster mushrooms, other edible species from spores, is a troublesome process, it requires good practice and a long time.
  3. Creation of a nutrient medium. Straw and sawdust must be sterilized to kill all foreign microorganisms. They can compete with the mycelium, even absorb it. One of the methods of sterilization is steam heating of the material of the medium until the moisture is completely evaporated. This is where the hot steam treatment of the dry substrate is important.
  4. To spread the mycelium throughout the nutrient medium, it must be heated. Sawdust or straw with mycelium already added is evenly distributed on a baking sheet or in a shallow but wide pan. Then the container is placed on a thermal pad, which will maintain the temperature (21 degrees Celsius). For 3 weeks, the nutrient medium is left in a dark place.
  5. After 21 days, the mycelium that has grown in a nutrient medium moves to a dark place with a constant temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. For these purposes, the cellar is quite suitable. Sawdust or straw is covered with a small layer of clean soil and abundantly wetted, but not flooded. To control moisture, you can put a towel on top and additionally moisten the soil as needed.
  6. After another 3 weeks, the first fungi will appear. The medium must be kept moist at all times to aid in the growth of fungi. The room should be without lighting for the maximum amount of time.
  7. The first crop can be harvested when the cap is fully formed and separates structurally from the stem. Mushrooms need to be cut, not plucked, so as not to damage future fruits.

Growing mushrooms as a business

A business plan for cultivating mushrooms does not require serious expenses. Mycelium can be purchased everywhere, the price does not bite. The main thing that is required is a room with the ability to regulate humidity and temperature. As practice shows, the mushroom growing business pays off after the first harvest is sold. The cost of maintaining growth is negligible, so the net profit is received after a month, while the profitability is maximum.

How to grow mushrooms at home

Cultivation of mushrooms at home is not at all expensive, bringing a quick income. The main thing is to create suitable conditions for growth (described above) and maintain them. For personal consumption, some craftsmen convert the pantries or balconies of their apartments. A greater result in making a profit can be achieved using a garage or basement. In this case, you can safely do the main work. Mushroom pickers do not require constant care, weeding and watering.

On the garden plot

Growing mushrooms in a country house or garden plot is even easier than indoors. For the location of the mycelium, a moist and shaded place is selected. About half a meter should be indented from the nearest buildings and trees. It is important to remember that forest species of mushrooms do not tolerate proximity to fruit trees. It is better to cultivate them not far from the species familiar to them in the forest: boletus near birch, boletus near aspen. There are several breeding options on the ground:

  1. Disputes. To do this, you need to collect overripe hats, which are skipped during the usual "silent hunt". Even wormy specimens will do. They need to be placed in a bucket, pour rain or river water, add sugar or sourdough, knead until smooth and leave for a period of several days to a week (periodically you need to stir the contents). Then strain through a large sieve. The resulting liquid mass should be diluted with water (1 part of the mushroom mass to 100 parts of water) and water the area from an ordinary watering can with it.
  2. Mycelium. To do this, you need to dig a fragment of soil with mycelium and plant it in moist soil. It should also be kept moist during transport.
  3. Ready mycelium. Purchased at a low price, a grain or compost base with mycelium filling is planted according to the instructions. This method is the easiest for those who want to achieve the fastest possible result.

In the basement

It is much easier to grow mushrooms in the basement than indoors on the surface - a suitable microclimate is constantly maintained here. Regardless of the species that will grow, you should prepare the basement before starting germination. Walls and floors are disinfected with any of the antiseptics. After that, the room is thoroughly ventilated. The ventilation holes are covered with a fine-mesh grill so that insects do not get inside.

Depending on the type of mushrooms, racks or suspensions are installed (their cost is low). With a large basement area, it can be zoned into two parts - for incubation and for growth. The most important thing is the temperature and humidity, which must be maintained at the same level. In all other respects, mushrooms are extremely unpretentious and grow on their own.

What mushrooms are grown at home

The idea of ​​​​growing mushrooms at home, first of all, will put you in front of the question - which type to choose? Almost all "domestic" mushrooms do not require extra effort for breeding. Mushrooms can be called an exception, but they will not be a problem for an experienced gardener. Therefore, you have to choose solely from personal preferences and the desired profit (if you plan to organize a mushroom business). The most popular types can be divided into two groups:

  • woody - shiitake, oyster mushrooms, winter mushrooms;
  • soil - champignons, ringlets.

Methods for growing mushrooms

Depending on the desired result, there are two ways to grow mushrooms - extensive and intensive. For gardeners who do not seek enrichment, the first is more suitable. For those who care about regular yields, you should pay attention to the second. The difference between them is the same as between natural breeding of chickens and getting broilers.

  1. Extensive - independent growth of mushrooms in the natural environment on the site. Harvest - the same as in nature. But the same dangers - pests, weather changes, diseases of the mycelium.
  2. Intensive - active cultivation in prepared conditions - basement, on the balcony, pantry. Requires competent preparation of the nutrient medium, control of humidity and temperature.

Mushrooms at home - technology

The traditional technology for growing mushrooms was described above - a prepared environment where the mycelium is placed, regular watering and a light regime. After 3 weeks, the first result appears. The alternative growing method is more labor intensive. Growing on logs or stumps of deciduous trees requires a long preparation phase (drying logs, sawing holes). The result will be only in a year. A plus can be called unusual types of mushrooms that can be grown - mushrooms, chanterelles, reishi.

Exist alternative ways mushroom growing at home: ready-made kits purchased via the Internet, growing on coffee grounds. They look more like a kind of hobby than actual breeding for food and sale. The result will be the minimum yield of the finished product. This option is especially interesting for children of preschool or school age as a home experiment.


Creating a mycelium for growing mushrooms - 40% of the time spent on breeding. At the same time, experienced mushroom growers prefer to grow mycelium on their own, so as not to depend on sellers, because even time-tested suppliers can fail. The mycelium is grown on a grain substrate or wooden sticks. It depends on the type of future mushrooms.


An artificial substrate for growing mushrooms is the basis in which mycelium develops. According to its chemical and mineral composition, it should be as close as possible to natural soil. The prepared substrate mass with the correct composition (depending on the type of mycelium) will give a higher yield in the absence of pathogenic factors and natural pests.

Under what conditions can mushrooms be grown

Conditions for growing mushrooms various kinds do not differ from each other. During incubation, the growth temperature (21 degrees Celsius) and high humidity of the substrate are maintained. In the process of growth, it drops to 13 degrees at the same moisture level. The maximum time mycelium and germinated bodies are without direct access to light. Minor nuances are found only in the types of mushrooms.

Production equipment

Equipment for mushroom production at home can be easily assembled with your own hands. For incubation period you will need an electric oven with a temperature controller. Stands for placing the substrate are shelves for trays, if these are soil types. In the case when the substrate is in bags, it is hung on the crossbeams or directly from the ceiling. Actually, this is the minimum set for starting a business.

How to grow oyster mushrooms at home

The technology for growing oyster mushrooms is considered the most optimal for home conditions (can be found in the video below). The finished substrate with mycelium is placed in PVC bags for their entire volume, which must be placed half a meter apart. They are installed on the floor or suspended, cuts of 2-3 cm are made in the film for growth and evaporation of excess moisture. The temperature in the room is about 20 degrees Celsius. Watering - 1 time / day.


Shiitake mushrooms (pictured) are grown using the usual "bag" technology. Sawdust of deciduous trees is used for the substrate. It is important to pay attention to the size of the sawdust mass. Too small a fraction will clump and prevent aeration of the mycelium. All the rest technological process completely identical to the method of cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

White mushrooms

The cultivation of porcini mushrooms is best done on natural soil in the garden. But the harvest will be exclusively natural, that is, once a season. Room breeding requires a constant temperature of 8-12 degrees, good ventilation of the room at a humidity of 90-92%, dim lighting is required daily for a short time.


Growing champignons at home is considered the most expensive (in preparation), but quite profitable. The most expensive will be the purchase of mycelium and the preparation of the substrate. The soil should initially be high in minerals and trace elements. Humidity is maintained at 80% at a temperature of +12 degrees. The rest of the mushroom cultivation process is no different from porcini mushrooms.

Good day, dear readers. Mushrooms are an important part of human nutrition. Every tenth loves "silent hunting" in the autumn forest, others buy fruiting bodies in supermarkets, and still others grow products at home. So today we will talk about how to grow champignons at home.

We note right away that this is a troublesome business, compared with the cultivation of oyster mushrooms in bags, for example. But on the other hand, the return of the crop is profitable, and for some people, growing champignons has become so profitable that it has become a regular business.

Before asking how to grow champignon mushrooms at home, let's analyze the availability of a place available for cultivation. It is better to breed mushrooms in the basement, cellar or other room with the ability to maintain a constant positive temperature.

Is it possible to grow champignons in open ground on the garden plot? Of course you can, but it greatly depends on climatic conditions and is subject to temperature changes and other external influences. A brief note on growing in a garden plot, read at the end of the article.

For own consumption, it is not so important where mushrooms are grown, but for sale it is better to equip a permanent warm room.

Mushroom growers advise dividing the room into two halves with different thermal indicators:

  1. Room for incubation of mycelium in the substrate with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.
  2. The room for forcing the fruiting bodies of mushrooms is 16-18 degrees.

To prepare the soil substrate, you will need a concrete pad or a large container for mixing and preparing the components.

It should be noted that the necessary components of the premises are supply and exhaust openings, with the help of which the temperature and humidity conditions in the room are regulated. The ventilation ducts are tightened with a metal mesh that prevents the penetration of animals and insects. Consideration should be given to heaters to increase the thermal level and sprayers to humidify the air.

For growing champignons, boxes 10-15 centimeters high are used, which will be transferred from one room to another. First, they are installed in a warm room until the mycelium takes root, and then they are moved to racks for forcing fruiting bodies in a cool room.

Preparing the soil for planting champignons

The composition of the soil for growing mushrooms is important, therefore, we will devote a separate chapter to how to properly prepare the substrate. First, compost is prepared from straw with horse or cow manure, chicken droppings.

Composting should be in an open area under a canopy that protects the pile from the sun and rain. The weight ratio of manure and straw is 4:1.

Let's describe the composting process step by step:

  1. We soak the straw for a day in warm, at 20-25 degrees, water.
  2. We stack manure and straw in layers in a pile. You will need to make at least four layers.
  3. Each layer during the laying process is additionally moistened at the rate of 40 liters per 10 kilograms of straw. In water, we first dissolve 50 grams of urea and 200 grams of superphosphate.
  4. We mix the components.
  5. Add gypsum - 800 grams per 10 kg of straw.
  6. Mix again.
  7. Add superphosphate - 150 grams.
  8. Mix for the third time.
  9. We fall asleep 500 grams of chalk (also for 10 kg of straw).
  10. We mix finally.

Recommended stack dimensions: one and a half meters in height, length and width. On the third or fourth day, a thermal reaction will begin, and the products will warm up to 60-75 degrees Celsius. The preparation process will last three to four weeks depending on the ambient temperature, after which the substrate is inoculated.


Before infecting the substrate with mushroom mycelium, it is laid out in prepared boxes, and they, in turn, are brought into a warm room: a warm room, a greenhouse or other suitable room.

Before purchasing mycelium, calculate the required amount, application rate per square meter of substrate:

  • grain - 400 grams;
  • compost - 500.

If you have compost mycelium, then do this:

  1. In the prepared and laid soil, we make holes with a diameter of five centimeters.
  2. We arrange the holes in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 20 centimeters. The depth of the holes is 5-7 centimeters with a total thickness of the compost layer of 10-15 centimeters.
  3. We put the mycelium in the holes and sprinkle with compost on top.

Grain mycelium is simply scattered over the surface of the substrate, it is worth lightly spraying the surface with warm water from above.

After a few days, white threads of mycelium will appear on the surface of the substrate. This means that the inoculation was successful and the mycelium began to grow. At this point, it should be covered with a layer of soil of 3-4 centimeters. The composition of the soil is as follows:

  • peat - 5 parts;
  • lime - 1 part;
  • sod land - 4 parts.

Mushroom forcing

The next stage in growing champignons is the forcing of fruiting bodies. 3-5 days after filling the mycelium with soil, the temperature in the room should be reduced to 13-17 degrees or the boxes should be moved to another room. Fresh compost is brought into the incubation room for the continuity of the process.

Now two things become important:

  1. Ventilation of the room so that there is no mustiness.
  2. Constant spraying to avoid drying out of the substrate and mycelium.

Harvesting champignon mushrooms

Three to four months after the boxes are rearranged into the forcing room, the collection of mushroom fruiting bodies begins. The return of the crop occurs in "waves", which can be 5-8 pieces, while the main share of mushrooms falls on the first 2-3 harvests, up to 70 percent.

You need to collect unopened hats with a diameter of 4-6 centimeters, old mushrooms are less tasty and are worse digested by the human body. Distinctive feature fresh champignon - a thin film from the bottom of the mushroom head.

When collecting, the leg is not cut off, but twisted. The holes formed in this case should be immediately covered with earth and moistened a little from the sprayer. This process will accelerate the emergence of new fruiting bodies.

In the future, the collection of new waves is carried out 1-2 times a week, depending on the intensity of growth. The total yield per square meter reaches 5-10 kilograms.

Growing mushrooms in open ground

For personal consumption, you can lay a mushroom bed directly on the garden plot. Let's describe this process step by step:

  1. We build a bed-box in the garden. The dimensions of the box depend on the personal preferences of the owner, but we recommend using narrow "mittlider" ridges 45 centimeters wide, the length is arbitrary.
  2. In a bed with a height of 15-20 centimeters, we lay compost, which is prepared according to the method described above.
  3. We inoculate mushroom mycelium into the bed. Embedding depth 10-15 centimeters, hole spacing 20 centimeters.
  4. We cover the surface of the bed with a film for better engraftment.
  5. After the growth of the mycelium, we remove the film and cover it with a layer of earth, its composition is also described above.
  6. Harvest as it ripens.

This method gives a lower yield, but mushrooms planted once can be harvested for several years from one garden. To do this, it is worth laying a new compost mixture on top of the soil every spring.

At home? Many want to have natural product food in your kitchen. Champignons are unpretentious mushrooms and are easily cultivated in artificial conditions. Any darkened basement with good ventilation and a satisfactory microclimate will do. The method of growing champignon mushrooms at home is simple, and anyone can master it. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions and maintain the required air humidity.

Champignon cultivation technology

To grow champignons at home, you will need:

  • basement or other darkened room;
  • fans to create good air circulation;
  • boxes made of plastic or wood (in extreme cases, bags are also suitable) for the substrate;
  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of the substrate and air;
  • hygrometer for monitoring air humidity.

A properly prepared substrate is the key to success in growing mushrooms. The volume and quality of the product will depend on its useful properties. Well, if you managed to get horse manure, the so-called "mullein" is also suitable. They are excellent ingredients for preparing nutritional formula. If it is not possible to purchase these types of fertilizers, it is practiced to replace them with pig manure or chicken manure, but in this case one must be prepared for reduced yields.

Substrate preparation for growing champignons

In order to grow champignon mushrooms at home, you need to master the art of preparing the substrate due to the lack of an accurate dosage. One reason is the complexity of the chemical reactions that take place in compost. Based on the many years of experience of amateurs practicing the cultivation of mushrooms, it can be noted that a substrate consisting of 25% straw and 75% horse manure shows good results.

To create a small mycelium measuring 3 m², you will need:

  • high-quality straw - 100 kg;
  • manure - 200 kg;
  • urea and superphosphate - 2 kg;
  • gypsum - 8 kg;
  • chalk - 5 kg.

Upon completion of the process, more than 300 kg of the finished product will be obtained.

The substrate should be made in a well-ventilated room, and even better in a yard or garden, since after the components are combined, a complex reaction begins, which significantly increases the temperature in the pile. It is important to protect the substrate from factors such as rain and direct sunlight.

So we find appropriate place. We water the straw with water, then give it 2-3 days for soaking. Then we begin to prepare a mixture of the remaining components (chalk, gypsum, urea and superphosphate). Everything is well and evenly mixed into a powder until a homogeneous structure.

Compost is made by stacking one layer on top of another. Initially, at the chosen place, we decompose the pre-soaked straw, then sprinkle it with the prepared mixture. Then spread the manure and sprinkle with powder. This algorithm is repeated 4 times to obtain 8 layers. To ensure optimal fermentation of the components, it is recommended that the length and height of the stack be about 1.5 m and about 1.3 m wide.

The compost ripening process lasts about 3 weeks. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out from 3 to 4 procedures of mixing the mixture at regular intervals, each time moisturizing it well.

Then the finished mixture is placed in special boxes or on racks.

With a lack of experience in the manufacture of nutrient mixtures, you can buy an already prepared product in special outlets.

How to grow champignons at home (video)

Planting mushroom mycelium

Ready compost is filled with wooden or plastic boxes, bags are also suitable. Here it is important to observe the height of the laid out compost, which should be about 20 cm. For 2 weeks, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the substrate so that it does not exceed 28-30 ° C. You also need to take care of humidification.

So, the substrate has reached the required parameters and is in the selected room. Next, you should settle in the place of the future mycelium. Only specialized laboratories can grow it under sterile conditions. Buy this product can be found in specialized gardening stores.

Depending on the method by which the cultivation was carried out, grain and compost mycelium are distinguished. Both are used as seeding material.
The consumption of seed per 1 m² of substrate is 0.5 kg of compost mycelium or 0.4 kg of champignon grain spores.

For inoculation, lay a small handful of mycelium to a depth of 5 cm in the compost. Holes should be located no closer than 20-25 cm from one another. As for the spores of champignons, they can simply be gently scattered over the surface.

Subject to all technological recommendations, the process of growing mycelium will occur very quickly. It is important to regularly moisten the soil during this period. Care must be taken to monitor the temperature of the substrate and not to exceed the threshold value of 27°C. Violation of the regimen can lead to the death of the mycelium, and the idea of ​​​​growing mushrooms will not come true.

After 2 weeks, when the mycelium has grown, it is necessary to add a small layer of soil by about 3-4 cm. This coating is prepared from a proportion of 50% peat and soddy soil to 50% chalk and loamy soil. The ingredients are treated with hot water to destroy unwanted microorganisms, and then thoroughly mixed.

How to care for planted champignons

At the end of the incubation period, in the mycelium that has grown and covered with a layer of soil, the growth of fruiting bodies will begin. This is a crucial moment. It is important to keep the temperature in the room no higher than 13-16°C and relative humidity no more than 65-80%. The substrate itself can have no more than 20-22°C. The room should be well ventilated, at least once a day.

You can expect the appearance of the first fruits in 3.5 months. The harvesting procedure begins with mushrooms, the cultivation of which is completed, carefully twisting the legs, but not cutting. The fruiting process lasts about 60 days. Experienced mushroom pickers during this period manage to grow and harvest up to 7-8 harvest waves. It should be noted that the main yield falls on the period of the first two waves. 1 m² of mycelium area is able to give up to 12 kg of a dietary product.

How to grow mushroom mycelium at home (video)

What is the benefit

So, having considered the question of how to grow champignon mushrooms, we can say with full confidence that this is a worthy occupation. This method of cultivation makes it possible to have fresh mushrooms every day. O useful properties no one needs to tell these delicacies anymore. They can be used even by pregnant and lactating women. Growing champignon mushrooms at home, if desired, will work even in a city apartment. Having provided your family with this delicacy, the remaining products can be easily sold on the market. For this, mutually beneficial cooperation with the nearest store is established. You just have to make the right choice.

As expected, let's start with the cheapest, simplest method that will satisfy the requirements of many farmers. An ordinary bed is a layer of earth with fertilizers, which is located in basement, greenhouse. Ideal for growing is an old vegetable store, a shallow mine, a closed poultry house, and the like. The main thing is that the room has high humidity, and the temperature is a secondary indicator, it can be adjusted with the help of heaters. Consider step by step instructions for growing champignons on the ridge.

>Step 1: Composting.

First, the floor is leveled, then a plastic film is laid on it, which will retain moisture. Compost up to 30-40 centimeters thick is superimposed on it.

>Step 2: mycelium seeding.

The purchased seed can be immediately sown in the furrows previously made in the compost, can be scattered on top, and then covered with another 4-5 cm layer of compost.

>Step 3: Watering and temperature maintenance.

It is necessary to pour the crops abundantly so that they are constantly saturated with moisture, only then the mycelium will grow well, and new fruiting bodies will appear within 10-12 weeks after sowing.

To date, more than 80% of all farmers use this method, since it is really profitable. Benefits this method many, let's look at them in more detail.

  1. There is no need to purchase expensive trays, so you can save 600-700 rubles on one.
  2. Quick bed equipment. You can make it in almost 1 day, just pour the finished compost. With trays, bags, there is much more red tape.
  3. Rational use of usable area.

There are more disadvantages, of course. First of all, we pay attention to infections. If they arise, they spread throughout the garden, and this can be a very serious loss. You also need to take into account that it is impossible to clean the room, therefore, sooner or later, infections will start, brought by shoes from the street or just on a person’s clothes. Another disadvantage is the inability to raise the bed to a comfortable height, so manual labor will be much more difficult than with the Dutch technology.

Growing champignons at home on the shelves

This is a more modern way, which provides for convenient placement in drawers. This is the so-called Dutch growing method, which involves rational use space in the room, as well as the highest quality care. The shelf system involves the use of special mechanized equipment, therefore it is considered more expensive. Many farmers have abandoned this method precisely because of its relative high cost. Minimum start-up capital for a room of 50 square meters is 8000 dollars.

The profitability of production starts from only 6 kg / 1 m 2, so it will be profitable to grow only good hybrids that will give a lot and often. But, with good yields, the method is very practical, since labor costs are reduced by 2-3 times compared to horizontal ridges. As a container for the substrate, plastic forms are used, from which rows are made, they go one above the other. Drip irrigation is necessary, because with conventional sprayers, infections that enter the top row will quickly spread to the lower containers.

How to grow champignons in the basement in regular bags

This is the most popular method for oyster mushrooms, but in recent years, champignons have also begun to gradually move into polyethylene, as this is one of the most practical methods to get a good harvest with little labor and low material investment. Let's take a closer look at how to make a mushroom grow out of a bag.

>Step 1: We prepare the substrate.

To do this, we need 15 kg of horse manure, 3 kg of straw, 2 kg of sunflower husks, 5-6 kg of black soil, 2 kg of mullein. We mix all the above ingredients and get an excellent mixture for planting mycelium.

>Step 2: Waiting for it to burn out.

Fill with plenty of water and wait for the temperature of +80 degrees. After 20 days, we spread the soil mixture in a thin layer, dry it.

>Step 3: Throw everything into a bag.

Everything is simple here. We fill the bag to the top, make it very dense, pour water into it so that the moisture content of our mixture is as high as possible.

>Step 4: We sow the mycelium, put the bags.

Holes are made in the bag, about 10 centimeters in diameter, in a checkerboard pattern so that the bag does not burst. You get a surface made of polyethylene in a mesh, where a mycelium will need to be placed in each cell.

The technology allows you to save on the purchase of containers, but, at the same time, gives you all the advantages of shelf cultivation. When an infection gets into one bag, you simply throw it away or disinfect it, the bacteria do not spread to neighboring blocks. Of the shortcomings, the most significant is manual labor at the first stage, which will require a lot when driving each bag, mixing, moistening, planting mycelium.

container way

Americans know best how to grow mushrooms at home. It was they who came up with aerated (ventilated) containers for growing. This method allows you to get fresh fruiting bodies even on the balcony in the apartment, not to mention the basements. To do this, you need a special container with a lid and a tray into which all moisture will drain. The compost is prepared as for growing in bags, after which it is placed in wooden containers, previously disinfected at a temperature of +200 degrees in the oven.

Further, the mycelium is sown to a depth of 4-5 centimeters, the soil is moistened, placed in a warm place (a temperature of up to +28 degrees is needed). The method is very effective, convenient, especially when an infection enters the soil. You can easily localize the epidemic, as it will not go beyond one container. The biggest disadvantage of this method is the high cost for industrial scale, so farmers very rarely use it in Russia. If you have not yet figured out how to grow champignons at home without unnecessary "dust and noise", then this one is right for you. Compact containers will fit in any basement or room.

How to grow champignon mushrooms in blocks and what is it

Blocks (or as they are also called - briquettes) are specially prepared in the production of presses from manure, seed husks, sawdust, peat. The ideal ratio of all components, as well as high-quality mixing on production equipment, will benefit the future harvest.

There are many benefits to growing this way. You do not waste time, effort, money on the construction of beds, you get ready-made material. As a rule, compost is sold in cylindrical or rectangular polyethylene blocks. You can hang it on a string, or just put it in a prepared metal container. It is very easy to change it, so growing champignons at home does not require much effort: we collect 3-4 waves of mushrooms and throw away the "stuffing" of the metal box. We buy a new briquette, put it, fill it with mycelium. The main disadvantage of this method is the same as in the previous one - the cost. However, since the first 3 waves give about 80% of the harvest, such a frequent change of the substrate will be somewhat beneficial if you want to get stable and large mushroom yields.