Register rsa technical inspection. Inspection. Checking the diagnostic card according to the PCA database

  • 16.04.2020

Maintenance is an important moment in the operation of the car. Without it, driving this vehicle will be prohibited. It is important to pass a technical inspection in order to obtain an OSAGO policy. And checking the technical inspection on the basis of the PCA will help identify an illegal passport and avoid further problems.

How often maintenance should be carried out depends on the category of transport. In addition, since 2019, new rules for the frequency of technical inspections have been in force. Now MOT is also required to pass trailers and semi-trailers.

The frequency of maintenance for cars and trucks with a maximum load capacity of 3.5 tons, motorcycles, trailers and semi-trailers:

  • The first three years of maintenance is not needed (the year of manufacture is also taken into account). Three years later - the first inspection.
  • Five years after release.
  • After seven years.
  • Then every year.

An important point: it is the time from the moment the vehicle was released, and not from the moment it began to be controlled, that is taken into account. Those. if new car it will stand for seven years, the technical inspection will still have to be passed in three years, and in five years, etc.

Every year From the moment of issue, they must undergo MOT:

  • Trucks with a permitted weight of cargo transportation over 3.5 tons.
  • Vehicles with special signals: firefighters, ambulances and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, government.
  • Training cars.
  • Construction and agricultural machinery.

Once every 6 months undergo MOT:

  • Buses.
  • Taxi.
  • Vehicles carrying dangerous goods and their trailers.
  • Trucks transporting people with 8 seats, not including the driver's seat.

Required documents for MOT

The technical inspection can be passed both by the owner himself, presenting his passport, and his representative, presenting a power of attorney and passport. The power of attorney may be written by hand. Next Document- This is a car passport or a certificate of registration. A driver's license may not be required.

Excluded from the list of documents required for MOT, a medical certificate and a receipt of state duty. State duty is no longer paid. After all, the function of conducting technical inspection has departed from the traffic police to third parties. Money for maintenance is paid to the cash desk of the organization that carries out diagnostics.

The need for a medical certificate also disappeared, since its requirement did not correspond to the procedure itself - the technical inspection of the vehicle. As mentioned above, both the owner, who may not be the driver, and a third-party person who has received a power of attorney for this, can go through MOT.

After passing the MOT, a diagnostic card is issued to the hands, which indicates the expiration date. IMPORTANT: you need to pass the next inspection before this date, and not after it. Otherwise, it will not be possible to drive this vehicle for some time.

How to check the diagnostic card MOT on the PCA database

To verify the legitimacy of the issued diagnostic card, you can check it against the PCA database. After all, outwardly an illegal card is no different from a real one. Only its numbers will allow you to calculate a fake. So it is better to check the card by number in order to avoid further problems when applying for an OSAGO policy.

There is an official website, which will quickly help in checking the diagnostic card. The information is provided free of charge. You should not check the map on another site that may operate illegally and be associated with illegally operating organizations. It is important to know that card data is entered immediately. This will allow and check the card immediately.

How to check the card on the official website? You must enter data in at least one field. It can be: VIN of the car, registration plate, body number, frame number or EAISTO number.

IMPORTANT! Only capital letters are entered. Any number is driven into a field specially designated for it.

After filling in any field, enter the numbers indicated in the picture and click on the "Check" button.

What is the accreditation of technical inspection operators

Only an organization that has passed accreditation and received the appropriate certificate can be engaged in maintenance. Accreditation is a procedure for confirming that an organization complies with approved criteria and standards.

To pass accreditation and obtain the relevant document, the organization must:

  • possess, on any legal basis, special equipment and facilities intended for the maintenance procedure;
  • approve in staffing position of technical expert;
  • have resources for daily recording of maintenance data and transferring them to a unified maintenance information system;
  • have an agreement concluded with the importer (or manufacturer) of the vehicle for Maintenance vehicle data. An agreement is needed if the organization acts as a dealer.

In addition, the inspection site must meet the following requirements:

  • an asphalt road with the necessary markings directly to the site of the technical inspection;
  • availability of parking for serviceable and faulty vehicles.

List of equipment required for maintenance:

  • equipment for checking brake systems (platforms, roller stands, devices for checking tightness and pressure);
  • equipment for measuring the amount of backlash in the steering drive system;
  • stands for checking the intensity and angle of the headlights;
  • luxmeter;
  • manometer;
  • compressor;
  • simple ruler.

Accreditation may be denied if the requirements for obtaining it are not sufficiently met or if incorrect information is provided.

Accreditation may be issued for the maintenance of one or several vehicle groups. Vehicles are designated by letters that are indicated in the certificate and the register of organizations conducting maintenance:

  • L is the letter for motorbikes, mokiks, motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, tricycles.
  • M1 - cars with no more than 8 seats, not counting the driver's seat.
  • M2 - passenger cars with more than eight seats and weighing no more than five tons.
  • M3 - passenger transport weighing more than 5 tons.
  • N1 - freight transport with a maximum carrying capacity of up to 3.5 tons.
  • N2 - freight transport with a maximum carrying capacity of 3.5 tons to 12 tons.
  • N3 - freight transport with a maximum carrying capacity of over 12 tons.

The accreditation certificate has no expiration date. However, it can be canceled in some cases:

  • when the organization terminates maintenance activities, or the organization is liquidated as a legal entity;
  • if there are two or more cases of violation of the rules of accreditation and (or) technical inspection within two years. Collection from owners is also considered a violation. increased pay for carrying out maintenance, which is regulated by law;
  • when the organization applies for termination of accreditation.

Register of technical inspection operators accredited in the RSA

According to the current rules, the technical inspection is entrusted to third parties. Previously, this procedure was carried out by the traffic police. As a result, many problems arose. Indeed, when contacting an organization, you can run into an incorrectly executed maintenance document, the presence of which makes it impossible to obtain an OSAGO policy. In addition, technical inspection may be carried out with violations associated with the lack of equipment or the unwillingness of employees to competently carry out their work.

The registry is constantly updated, which will allow you to check the operator immediately. He will not be able to refer to something that is not yet included in the official register.

How to check the maintenance operator on the official website

Checking the maintenance operator on the official website of the PCA is not difficult. This information is provided absolutely free of charge. How can you do it:

  1. Go on the website.
  2. At the top, find the line "Inspection" and click on it.
  3. A new field will open. In the middle of the screen, the first red inscription will be “Register of Technical Inspection Operators”. Click on it.
  4. Now enter the data in the designated fields: the number of the OTO, the name, the name of the head, the address of the location. Knowing the OTO number, you can not enter anything else. It is unique and belongs to only one organization. And knowing only the name, you can get several options from which you have to choose. However, the choice is not difficult, since the address of the organizations is given when answering.
  5. Click on the blue "Search" button on the left.

Here you can also check the canceled accreditations by ticking the corresponding box.

Currently, more than 5,500 operators are included in the register, including canceled ones.

How to view RSA maintenance points on the official website

Maintenance points are accredited organizations. We go through the same steps:

  • on the official website, click on the line "Inspection", and then "Register of technical inspection operators";
  • On the left side of the screen, the line "Maintenance points" will appear. We click on it. Now you can see the entire list of accredited organizations. And you can search for the information you need by entering data in the designated fields.

When checking the maintenance point, you need to make sure that it is accredited for the inspection of the required type of vehicle.


Inspection is an important point necessary for obtaining an OSAGO policy. Now it will be much easier to check organizations for accreditation and prepare for maintenance. And, therefore, it will be possible to quickly obtain an OSAGO policy, without which driving a vehicle is considered illegal.

Each motorist faced the passage of a technical inspection of his vehicle, and more than once. However, almost annual changes in the procedure procedure raise a number of questions for many drivers regarding the nuances of its passage. So, a few years earlier, the technical inspection coupon lost its legislative force, and a vehicle diagnostic card came to replace it.

The document is not only kept by the owner of the car, but also entered into a single database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. Such a measure allows you to avoid serious problems when obtaining or renewing an OSAGO policy, since checking the technical inspection card on the PCA database makes it possible to verify its authenticity.

Another effective way there is no verification of the legality of the document, because high-quality fakes outwardly do not differ from the original sample.

Vehicle inspection is one of the most important points its operation. Since its passage gives the right to take out insurance, without which driving is prohibited.

Today, you can go through the procedure for checking a car in any service center with the appropriate accreditation.

Such changes in the legislation have greatly simplified the procedure for passing MOT, because now it is in no way connected with the traffic police and their endless difficulties.

The inspection itself is carried out by an expert who, analyzing the condition of the car, gives an opinion on the possibility of its further operation.

If the condition of the car turned out to be satisfactory, its owner will be given documentary evidence of the passage of MOT.

His absence suggests that the procedure will have to be completed again, after eliminating all the points that did not allow certification to pass.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that repeated maintenance will cost the same cost as the first one, only if a new service center is chosen for its implementation. If the expert remains the same, then you will have to pay only for checking the items that did not satisfy the operator at the first inspection.

During the technical inspection, the service station expert verifies:

  1. License plate, and its compliance with established standards.
  2. Brake system and lighting system.
  3. The steering wheel and its performance.
  4. Technical liquids.
  5. Engine analysis.
  6. Environmental friendliness of exhaust gases.
  7. Availability in the cabin of a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and an emergency stop sign.
  8. Body for damage, chips, cracks and corrosion.
  9. Door locks.
  10. Rubber quality.
  11. The work of wipers, windshield washers and power windows.

Important! No one except the driver of the car is responsible for its condition, malfunctions in which can be detected by regular technical inspection.

Periodicity of maintenance

Each car owner must regularly undergo technical inspection, however, the frequency of the procedure depends on a number of factors:

  1. Yes, the owners Vehicle, just off the assembly line, may not undergo MOT until the car reaches 3 years, including the year of manufacture.
  2. If the age of the vehicle varies between 3-7 years, then the frequency of inspection increases to 1 time in 24 months.
  3. But owners of old cars should contact the service once a year.
  4. Service vehicles, trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons and vehicles designed to teach driving skills must also undergo MOT annually.

All deadlines for passing technical checks for different types of transport are prescribed in Article 15 of Federal Law No. 170-FZ.

Required documents

To undergo MOT, you must have a number of documents with you, the list of which is regulated by Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 170. The list includes:

  • state passport;
  • registration certificate;
  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

A general power of attorney should also be attached to the documents if the citizen who came to the MOT is not the owner of the car.

maintenance cost in 2020

It is quite problematic to name the exact amount in which the technical inspection will result. Since the cost of the procedure depends on the type motor vehicle to be checked, as well as the region of the inspection.

Local authorities only set upper limits on the cost of maintenance, this is where their influence on pricing ends. Therefore, before checking, it is recommended to find out the cost of its implementation at the selected maintenance point.

Today, on average, car owners pay about a thousand rubles for a technical inspection of a class B car.

However, already in next year this figure can increase significantly, due to the latest innovations in the legislation that have affected the maintenance regulations. After all, the purchase of equipment necessary for the implementation of maintenance of vehicles and the training of new personnel are far from cheap for service centers.

Checking the diagnostic card according to the PCA database

Confirmation of the successful completion of the test is the receipt of a diagnostic card of the car.

The card is an A4 format document that contains all the information about the checked vehicle, including the possibility of its further operation.

The card is filled in by the operator in two copies, one of which remains at the maintenance point, and the second is issued to the car owner. The third, additional copy with an individual number, is created in electronic format to be included in the RAS database.

It is by checking the card number against the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers that you can verify its authenticity. Determine it solely by appearance document is not possible.

It is necessary to verify the authenticity of the card on the official website of the union Only on this Internet resource information on the card is loaded instantly, which allows you to check its authenticity without leaving the TO point. In addition, other unofficial portals may provide false information by collaborating with scammers.

In order to check the legitimacy of the card, just go to the site and fill in one of the highlighted fields. Among them:

  • plate number;
  • VIN of the vehicle;
  • body number, frame and EAISTO.

As soon as the field is filled, you can proceed to enter the numbers shown in the picture. The final step is to press the "Check" button. If a vehicle diagnostics card is found at a given request, then its legality paper version you can not worry.

Otherwise, the inspection will have to be repeated. Since a card that is not listed in the database of insurers is a fake, and it is impossible to get OSAGO on it.

How to view maintenance points on the official website

Maintenance points are called all organizations that have received a license authorizing the inspection of vehicles.

You can check whether the organization selected for the MOT is an accredited point on the official website of the PCA -

For this you need:

  1. Go to the site, and select the "Inspection" section.
  2. Click on the sub-item "Register of maintenance operators".
  3. Click on the pop-up line - "Inspection points".

After these manipulations, a complete list of accredited organizations throughout the country will appear on the screen. Russian Federation. For more quick search you can use the "filters" by filling in all the required fields that appear directly at the top of the list.

At this stage, you will need to indicate the number of the VET, the abbreviated name of the organization, the name of its head or address.

When checking a maintenance facility, it is also important to pay attention to what type of accreditation has been obtained and to make sure that it corresponds to the type of vehicle that is being checked.

The PCA website also has a Register of maintenance operators, according to which you can check the selected specialist. This information is provided absolutely free of charge. In addition, the software of the site is as clear as possible, so, as a rule, there are no problems with its use.

Common Questions

  1. What must be in the cabin for MOT?

    In order to successfully pass the technical inspection, a working fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and an emergency stop sign must be in the car without fail.
    In the absence of even one of the listed items, MOT will have to be done again.

  2. What threatens the technical inspection, not passed on time?

    It is pointless to deny the importance of regular maintenance. This procedure is aimed at finding and eliminating vehicle problems that can provoke dangerous situations on the road.

    In addition, an inspection that has not been passed on time entails a number of other problems, including the impossibility of obtaining an OSAGO policy. And for driving an uninsured vehicle, you can not only get a fine, but also lose your license plates.

  3. When is the MOT ticket issued?

    TO coupons are a thing of the past, and are no longer recognized by law. They were replaced by the so-called diagnostic cards, which contain all the necessary information about the car.
    They are issued to vehicle owners immediately after passing the technical inspection at an accredited service center. If the document has not been issued, this indicates that the car needs to be re-checked.

Technical inspection of vehicles is one of the most important moments in their operation. Thanks to the timely procedure, many problems in cars were detected and corrected, which could lead to serious accidents.

In the absence of documentary evidence of maintenance, it is impossible to issue or extend OSAGO. And, as you know, driving a vehicle without an insurance policy is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


December 13, 2019 deputies State Duma rejected bill№ 634935-7 "On Amendments to Article 2 of the Federal Law "On the Technical Inspection of Vehicles and on Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", introduced by the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on January 29, 2019, providing for the abolition of the technical inspection of vehicles used by citizens - individuals for personal needs.

Information message for technical inspection operators.

In connection with the incoming questions regarding the technical inspection of vehicles equipped with tachographs, technical inspection operators are recommended the following:

If difficulties arise in determining vehicles that are not subject to equipping with tachographs in accordance with the current legislation, consider them as such at the request of the owner of the vehicle or his representative;

Reflect information about the use of vehicles in the contract for the technical inspection, the standard form of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 14, 2011 No. 573 "On approval of the form standard contract on the technical inspection”, if there is an appropriate declaration from the owner of such a vehicle or his representative.

September 30, 2019 The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 1276 "On Amendments to the Rules for the Technical Inspection of Vehicles". This Decree comes into force on November 1, 2019.

Created a new section of the site .

The section is intended for acquaintance and discussion professional community operators of technical inspection of projects of by-laws normative legal acts developed by authorized bodies state power in order to implement the Schedule for the preparation of regulatory legal acts in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 122-FZ "On Amending the Federal Law "On the Technical Inspection of Vehicles and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation ".

On July 26, 2019 the President of the Russian Federation signed Federal Law of July 26, 2019 No. 219-FZ"On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" and Federal Law of July 26, 2019 No. 207-FZ"On Amendments to Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation", strengthening administrative and criminal liability in the field of technical inspection. The said federal laws come into force one year after the day of their official publication. The texts of federal laws were published on the official Internet portal of legal information on July 26, 2019.

On June 6, 2019 the President of the Russian Federation signed Federal Law No. 122-FZ"On Amending the Federal Law "On the Technical Inspection of Vehicles and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation". Text federal law published on the official Internet portal of legal information on June 7, 2019

From June 3, 2019 the address changes Email PCA for sending outgoing mail. The new email address for outgoing RSA mail is .

Pay attention!! This e-mail address is not available (blocked) for receiving requests. Email addresses become invalid from June 3, 2019.

The postal address of the PCA, the official e-mail address for incoming inquiries and recommended forms of inquiries are available in the Contacts, questions and answers section.

Information Security

Dear technical inspection operators of vehicles! Please note that the operator of the Unified Automated Information System for Technical Inspection - EAISTO is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia!

To prevent unauthorized use of access to UAISTO, technical inspection operators need to develop a set of measures to create a reliable corporate system information security which should include:

Daily monitoring of entering information into EAISTO;

Periodic, and if necessary, urgent, unscheduled change of passwords for accounts of both the operator and technical experts in EAISTO;

Immediate deletion of accounts in EAISTO of technical experts who have terminated their employment relationship with the operator;

Verification of compliance with the requirements of the legislation to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in their information systems;

Providing and updating anti-virus protection;

Briefing with technical experts on the use and storage of logins and passwords for accounts in EAISTO.

In case of discovery of the fact of unauthorized use account in EAISTO it is necessary:

Change passwords from the accounts of the technical inspection operator and technical expert in EAISTO;

Check relevance contact information specified in the technical inspection operator's card;

Compare the number of technical inspections carried out in EAISTO with the number indicated in the Book of Diagnostic Cards;

In case of detection in EAISTO information about technical inspections of vehicles in respect of which the technical inspection was not carried out, take measures to remove them according to the data

Scope of accreditation of the technical inspection point L, M, N, O - decoding

In the register of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, the existing technical inspection points (PTO) have the column "Accreditation area", which contains the letters L, M, N, O, corresponding to a certain category of vehicles according to Technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles.

Some PTOs are universal and there you can pass an inspection different types transport. But more often than not, inspection operators specialize in technical inspection and issuing diagnostic cards only for certain vehicles, such as cars or trucks. That's why when choosing a VET, pay attention to the scope of its accreditation!

Code designations for the scope of accreditation corresponding to different modes of transport

  1. L- motorcycles (motor vehicles).
  2. M1- cars used for the carriage of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, no more than 8 seats.
  3. M2- buses used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than 8 seats, with a maximum mass of less than 5 tons.
  4. M3- buses used for the carriage of passengers, having, in addition to the driver's seat, more than 8 seats, with a maximum mass of more than 5 tons.
  5. N1- trucks, maximum weight up to 3.5 tons.
  6. N2- trucks, maximum weight from 3.5 to 12 tons
  7. N3- trucks, maximum weight over 12 tons.
  8. O- trailers (semi-trailers) for cars and trucks, motorcycles, scooters and quad bikes

The driver's license indicates the categories of vehicles that the technical expert of the VET is entitled to drive. Categories in the rights and in the technical regulations are called differently.

Correspondence table of the category of the driver's license of the technical expert conducting the technical inspection in this PTO and the area of ​​accreditation of the PTO:

That is, if a technical expert has only category B open in his rights, then his area of ​​accreditation is only M1, N1. To receive the entire scope of accreditation, the examiner must have all categories open.

Register of Technical Inspection Operators (OTO) accredited by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA)

Map of technical inspection points

Legal documents regulating the activities of the ATO

  • Federal Law No. 170-FZ of July 1, 2011 (as amended on December 28, 2013, as amended on June 4, 2014) "On the Technical Inspection of Vehicles and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 28, 2011 N 697 (as amended on September 27, 2012) "On approval of the Rules for the accreditation of technical inspection operators" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 21, 2011 N 22736)
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 21, 2011 N 587 (as amended on September 27, 2012) "On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the register of technical inspection operators, the formation and placement of an open and public information resource containing information from the register of technical inspection operators" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14 .2011 N 22301)


In accordance with paragraph 52 of the Rules for the accreditation of technical inspection operators, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of November 28, 2011 N 697, the technical inspection operator must annually confirm compliance with the accreditation requirements.