Electronic signature d. Types of electronic identification. How to use an electronic signature

  • 07.06.2020

An electronic signature (ES or EDS) is currently often used on the website of the State Service. It helps to sign any digital documents and is mainly used to get more online services. In our country, every citizen can receive electronic signature for the State Service portal. After the user issues an ES, more opportunities will be available to him when using electronic services and services hosted on the gosuslugi.ru online portal. Through a single portal, you can significantly speed up the receipt of public services, because. no need to bring extra paperwork to government organizations. Citizens can apply for a service using a single portal at any time convenient for them, as well as monitor the status of a decision by the department directly on the website.

How can I get an EDS for public services

Every citizen can receive an electronic signature for public services absolutely free of charge. The user must pay only for the flash drive, as a rule, its cost does not exceed 500 rubles.

The service is provided when a citizen visits a certification center (CA), where you can directly obtain an electronic signature key for the State Service portal. A complete list of CA addresses can be found on the websites of the State Services (e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA) or the Russian Ministry of Communications (minsvyaz.ru/ru/activity/govservices/certification_authority/). After the flash drive has been received, it will be possible to use those services on the portal that were previously not available and required identification using a signature.

What you need to do to get an EP

To create an electronic signature for public services, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out an application for a personal ES on the website of the certification center you have chosen and indicate the phone number and mail for communication.
  2. The specialist of the center takes the application to work, contacts the future owner of the signature and sends the list of documents to the address specified in the application email address. Phys. persons must bring an application for the issuance of a signature, their own, and. Legal entities upon receipt of the ES must provide an application, a certificate of state registration. IP registration, TIN, passport, SNILS and an extract from the USRIP. Sometimes additional documents may be required. In any case, the final list of necessary documentation for each citizen will be sent in a letter to the mailbox Email which was specified in the application.
  3. After providing the requested documents, the electronic signature is made in 1 day.

Types of electronic signature

At the moment, it is possible to obtain one of three types of electronic signature for public services: simple, unqualified or qualified (abbreviated PEP, NEP or KEP).

A simple ES is used to certify authorship and when maintaining documentation in organizations. It does not give the documentation legal force and does not guarantee that there will be no changes in the papers after signing. The most relevant is the use of PES to enter the State Service portal.

The NEP acknowledges the authorship of the papers and guarantees that the content will not be changed. An unqualified ES is used for the circulation of documents within the company and for the exchange of documents between other companies with which an agreement has been established and the rules for using this signature have been determined. To create it, cryptoprotection is required to ensure data security.

A qualified ES has all the advantages of an unqualified one, but it can only be obtained at an accredited CA. CEP is used during the submission of reports to government organizations and for participation in online auctions. CEP certifies cryptoprotection tools federal Service RF security (for example, CryptoPro CSP). Accordingly, such an ES is a valid analogue of a live signature.

Checking the validity of the ES through the State Services

On the website of the State Service, verification of an electronic signature is carried out by checking the accuracy of the root (self-signed) certificate, which is included in the list of accredited CAs and in the list of trusted CAs of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. You can also check the EDS on the website of the State Service by verifying the correctness of the certificate received from an accredited CA.

In the "Select a certificate to verify" column, you need to specify the document whose ES validity must be confirmed, and select the "Check" button. Next, details of the reconciliation result will be displayed.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

An individual registers in the personal account of the State Services website using the CEP. The correct certificate of this signature includes the full name of the owner and the SNILS number.

Legal entities for receiving public services are also registered with the help of CEP. In the certificate, the owner indicates an employee who can perform actions on behalf of this legal entity. The full name of the citizen, SNILS, full name of the legal entity, address and PSRN (main state registration number) must be indicated.

The validity period of the ES key may be different, but usually the certificate is valid for 1 year.

What can EP be used for?

Citizens who own an electronic signature can use it for the following purposes:

  1. Apply for a grant public services through the Internet;
  2. Take an active part in community initiatives;
  3. Fully enjoy online services;
  4. Send documents to higher educational institutions upon admission;
  5. Individuals can apply for loans online in an accelerated mode;
  6. Get expert accreditation;
  7. Send documents for registration of IP;
  8. Individuals with individual entrepreneurs can take part in supplies for government agencies;
  9. Send documents in order to obtain a patent.

How to use a digital signature

In order to use the EP, you need:

  1. Install a cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) on your computer or laptop;
  2. Install the program for a closed flash drive (eToken, ruToken);
  3. Install the user's ES certificate;
  4. Install the certificate of the selected CA.

Usually, the use of EP does not cause difficulties and does not require special knowledge.

Important! Do not forget to timely check the validity period of the EDS through the State Services. If a notification appears that you are using an invalid electronic signature tool, you must definitely renew the certificate.


By applying an electronic signature on the State Services portal, the user is personally responsible for the correct use and is obliged to control the protection of keys from third parties. If there is even the slightest chance of violating the confidentiality of the signature, the ES user must immediately visit the CA in which the certificate was issued.

At the moment, the Gosuslugi portal has minor shortcomings regarding the ES, which are now being preventively worked on: not all organizations are ready to work on new program workflow, not every user of the system has complete information about the benefits of using ES. The creators of the Gosuslugi portal are interested in making its use as convenient as possible for individuals and legal entities in the near future, so they are making every possible effort in this direction.

Before starting work on the public services portal, configure workplace. The article describes step-by-step instruction to set up a workplace.

Step 1. Installing CIPF

CIPF (means of cryptographic protection of information) is a program for encrypting information. Without CIPF, the electronic signature will not work.

Download the distribution kit on the CryptoPro website in the "Support" -> "Download Center" section. The section is available after registration. Which distribution to download depends on the version and bitness of the operating system.

CryptoPro is divided by operating system versions (Windows XP, Windows 7, etc.) and their bit depth (x64/x86).

Determine the version of your operating system to download the appropriate version of "CryptoPro CSP".

In the latest versions of CryptoPro, the distribution kit automatically determines the bit depth and installs the necessary packages.

This manual covers the most popular Windows 8 operating system.

How to determine the version and bitness of the OS?

Right-click on the "Computer" icon (on different operating systems - "My Computer" or "This Computer") and select the "Properties" context menu item.

A window with information about the operating system appeared on the screen.

Please note that the computer has operating system Windows 8 Professional. Suitable distribution kit CryptoPro CSP 3.9.

Accept the license agreement. Download the distribution.

Pay attention to the correspondence between the version of the distribution kit "CryptoPro CSP" and OS Windows.



CryptoPro CSP 3.6

CryptoPro CSP 3.6

CryptoPro CSP 3.6

CryptoPro CSP 3.9

CryptoPro 3.9 (4.0)

How to install a distribution?

Run the distribution and click "Install".

Install all software as a user with administrator rights.

The necessary packages and modules will be unpacked automatically. After installing the packages and modules, a window about successful installation will appear.

In earlier versions of CryptoPro CSP, installation took place in several successive steps, in which additional settings are selected and a serial number is entered. Now the installation procedure has been simplified to a minimum of actions.

The encryption tool has been installed. Trial mode for 3 months was activated automatically. To extend the term, enter the serial number.

Order a means of cryptographic protection of information

Step 2. Entering the serial number / Activating the license

To enter the serial number, enter the "Control Panel", select the "System and Security" category, and then the "CryptoPro CSP" program.

The CryptoPro CSP workspace will appear on the screen.

Click the "Enter License..." button in the "License" section.

Enter your full name the user who plans to work on the computer, the name of the organization, the serial number. It is indicated on the form of the purchased license.

Finish activating the license, click on the "OK" button.

On the General tab, the license validity period will change to the one specified in the license.

Work with "CryptoPro CSP" is over, next time CIPF will be needed to set up an electronic signature and install root certificates.

Step 3. Installing a personal certificate

Go to the "Service" tab and in the "Certificates in the Private Key Container" section, click the "View Certificates in the Container..." button.

A window with a key container selection will appear on the screen.

Click the "Browse" button to see the electronic signatures that are recorded on a secure medium.

A window will appear with a choice of key container.

If there is only one electronic signature on the carrier, there will be no problems with the choice.

If there are several entries, and you do not know which electronic signature is needed, select the first entry in order and click "OK". Then - the "Next" button.

Information about the selected electronic signature will open.

Have you determined that you need a different signature? Click the back button and choose a different signature.

Continue to open information about signatures until you find the right one.

Did you find the right signature? Click the "Install" button.

After successfully installing the personal certificate, a notification will appear on the screen. Click the OK button. The personal certificate is installed.

Purchase an electronic signature for the portal "Gosuslugi"

Step 4Installing the Root CA Certificate

To install the root certificate of the Certification Authority, click the "Properties" button. An electronic signature certificate will open

"ASP Electronic Services» issues qualified electronic signatures from the certification center Kaluga Astral

On the General tab, you will see a message: "This certificate could not be verified by tracing it to a trusted certificate authority." To fix this, go to the "Certification Path" tab.

In the "Certification Path" section, a chain is indicated from the full name. manager to the publisher (certifying authority).

To install the CA root certificate, double-click on it with the left mouse button. An electronic signature certificate window will open.

Click the "Install Certificate" button.

The Certificate Import Wizard will open, click Next.

Place the cursor in the item "Place all certificates in the following store", click the "Browse" button.

A list of repositories for installing certificates will open.

You are now building a chain of trusted certificates, so select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store with the OK button. Then click Next.

At the final stage, click the "Finish" button.

The installation of the certificate will begin.

The operating system will warn you about the installation of the certificate and ask you to confirm that you are the one installing the certificate.

A security warning will appear on the screen.

The security system cannot check the Certification Center of CJSC Kaluga Astral, because Microsoft (the creators of the Windows OS line) is not aware of CJSC Kaluga Astral. Do not worry and agree with the installation.

After installing the root certificate, a window will appear on the screen with a notification of successful installation. Close it by clicking OK.

Step 5Setting upinternet browser

Most government portals work exclusively in Internet Explorer version 8.0 or higher. This is due to two reasons:

  1. Internet Explorer is built into every OS of the Windows family.
  2. Not all Internet browsers support the ActiveX controls required to perform cryptographic tasks on the Internet.

Internet Explorer Icon

Step 6: Set up trusted hosts

Add the addresses of electronic sites to trusted ones so that the Internet browser can run all the necessary "scripts" and modules for working with cryptography.

Launch the Internet Explorer browser and press the "Alt" button on your keyboard.

An action bar will appear at the top of the browser. Click the "Tools" -> "Internet Options" button on the panel.

The Internet Options window will open. Go to the "Security" tab.

Select the Trusted Sites zone and click the Sites button.

In the "Trusted Sites" window (at the bottom), uncheck the box "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in the zone".

In the line "Add the following host to the zone:" enter the address of the portal https://*.gosuslugi.ru . Click Add.

Step 6Configuring ActiveX Components

After adding the nodes, enable the ActiveX components.

In Internet Options, on the "Security" tab, select the "Trusted Sites" zone.

At the bottom of the window, in the "Security level for this zone" section, click the "Custom" button. A window will open with security settings for trusted sites.

In the "Access to data sources outside the domain" option in the "Miscellaneous" section, set the cursor to "Enable".

In the "Block pop-ups" option in the "Miscellaneous" section, set the cursor to "Enable".

At the bottom of the parameter table there is a section "ActiveX controls and plug-ins". Place the cursors in the "Enable" items for all parameters of this section. Click OK and close all open windows. Browser setup completed.

Try to enter the public services portal. You will receive an error notification.

How to install the plugin?

To download the plugin distribution kit, follow the link: https://ds-plugin.gosuslugi.ru/plugin/upload/Index.spr plugin.

Download and install the plugin following the installation wizard.

Restart your internet browser. Your workplace is set up, proceed to registration and / or work on the State Services portal.

Welcome to website. In the article we will talk about obtaining an electronic signature through the public services portal. An electronic digital signature is a unique signature in which all user data is encrypted and through which an individual is identified.

This signature has a number of significant advantages:

  • The user can create requests in government bodies and departments through the Internet.
  • Receive any government services via the Internet.
  • Enjoy favorable prices in the online store and auctions.

So, what is an electronic signature for state services.ru, how to get it and how much will it cost?

There are currently three main types of electronic signatures. The regular signature, which is the most commonly used, does not have the security levels of the other two, which are stronger. They also have a difference in status and in places of their use. Here are the signatures now:

  • A simple signature contains only a password and login. At the time of receiving the service, you must enter a digital code that will be sent as an SMS message to your phone or email, the code is one-time, so you will have to receive it for each operation. Such identification is very common; to obtain this signature, you do not need to visit specialized centers.
  • An enhanced unqualified signature, it is able not only to identify the sender, but also to record any changes in a previously signed document. This signature can only be obtained in a specialized center, it can be used in any service sector, but state secret documents are not signed with it.
  • Enhanced qualified signature, has the highest protective degree of the legislative level. The documents electronic version equated to paper and have the same legal force. Along with the key, the user receives a certificate that contains all the information about its verification. All operations that are legally significant require the use of this key.

There is a simpler explanation for these signature differences:

  • A simple signature is equivalent to a regular badge, if someone else used the phone or computer, only the owner bears all responsibility.
  • An unqualified signature may resemble a pass to an organization, that is, relations between the parties are built solely on trust.
  • A qualified signature is a passport, with its help all services can be used, it is considered an important element of identification in all transactions of a legal nature.

It is worth remembering that the choice of an EDS depends on the user, but a qualified signature makes it possible to use the maximum number of services on the portal. Since you still need to find out how and where to get an electronic signature for an individual for the gosuslugi.ru website, let's continue.

What are EDS keys

When a user receives an electronic signature, the center that handles the identity of the applicant issues special keys to him. The signature itself consists of two main keys:

  • Open.
  • Closed.

The private key is available only to the owner, it contains important information and is used directly to sign documents.

The public key is intended for verification, that is, this key becomes available to all parties to the contract, and it is used specifically to verify the validity of this user's signature.

The certificate of this signature is a file that confirms the authenticity of the keys. This document can be in several versions - paper and electronic. The certificate contains public keys, and it is personal data about the owner. The certificate also contains the necessary information about the center that issued this signature. This certificate is considered a full-fledged identity card of the owner - a participant in the circulation of the document.

EDS encoding occurs due to this certificate. But it is worth knowing that each party to the contract must have valid certificates.

The validity of the certificate is 12 months. When this time expires, the certificate becomes invalid and the signature automatically loses its validity. To continue working with documents, renewal of this certificate is required.

It is worth knowing that if there is a change of name, owner or other changes in the organization, then the certificate is also subject to mandatory renewal.

An electronic signature is an encryption means, and they are used to carry out specific functions:

  • Creation of EP.
  • EP check.
  • Creation of an ES key.
  • ES key check.

What should be done on gosuslugi.ru to get a signature?

In order to have access to all services on the portal, it is required to have a directly enhanced qualified signature. Obtaining an electronic signature for individuals for public services can be carried out both before registration on the portal and after registration. It is optimal to receive it after registration, since the user can first make sure that he needs it to receive the necessary services.

Now about how to get an enhanced qualified electronic signature for the State Service portal. For this you need:

  • Find out all the data about organizations involved in issuing signatures.
  • Select the desired organization.
  • Find out what level of service and prices for the service.
  • Apply for a.

There are centers that provide the opportunity to receive training in the application of a signature, bidding, working with important documents, and much more.

The public services portal allows you to apply for this signature to the center that the user chooses. Or you can first contact the center itself, and then register with the signature in hand. This condition became mandatory only for legal entities.

Regardless of which option was chosen, it will only have to be received at a specialized center. The type of signature is selected depending on what kind of secrecy the transactions will have.

We create an application for obtaining an EDS

The process of creating and issuing signatures is constantly changing, many people ask where and how to get an electronic signature for public services for free, UEC was involved in such issuance, but this project doesn't work now.

But it is worth knowing how they get this signature at the moment. To do this, go to the public services portal and select necessary center responsible for issuing keys quick search you can use a filter.

Then the transition to the data page is carried out, by double-clicking on the line, a link to the site of this center will open. It contains all the necessary information about creating an application and prices for this service.

If you cannot understand something, then you can call the support service at the phone number indicated in the information during business hours and ask what documents will be required to receive it. It is still necessary to go to the center, since the electronic signature and certificate are issued personally to the applicant.

Electronic signature functionality for public services

To make it easier for citizens of the Russian Federation to use the signature, which could sign important documents, the government created two systems:

  • ESIA is a network through which citizens have the right to use some municipal and state services.
  • EPGU is the state portal itself in Russia.

ESIA can be used with a regular signature, it allows you to receive minor electronic services. But for EPGU, an already qualified signature is required, since important legal operations are already being carried out here.

Individuals who have an EDS can use the functionality of the portal in an accessible way. They have the ability to:

  • Re-obtaining a Russian passport.
  • Obtaining a TIN.
  • Obtaining a foreign passport.
  • Open private business.
  • Register at your place of residence.
  • Obtain traffic police certificates on fines.
  • Register vehicles.
  • Get information about retirement accounts.

To use these functions, the user needs to know where to get an electronic signature for public services and how to get an EDS without delay.

How to get an electronic signature for public services

It is impossible to obtain a qualified signature for free. She's more needed legal entities, individuals expand the list of services when they register for public services using SNILS.

To get authorization for the standard view on the portal, you need to go to Personal Area and fill in all the information about the user, indicate the SNILS number, passport data and other important information. After checking these data, the result will be sent to the postal address.

After that, the user will be able to use a large list of services to speed up the verification process, you can use the services of the Service Center in your region.

Obtaining a signature payable service. The number of services is expanding for free on the portal, but it is worth paying for a signature on the portal that looks like a flash drive. The cost of the signature depends on the functionality of the key.

To create this signature, you need to collect a package of documents, fill out forms and contact the center, where specialists will help you get an electronic signature for public services. You will also need to purchase a flash card or disk in advance, on which the signature will be encrypted. This procedure includes the following:

  • Contacting the center, if the applicant has prepared the documents and everything necessary in advance, the procedure will last no more than 30 minutes.
  • Then choose a password, it should be simple and easy to remember, since it cannot be replaced and if lost, the keys will have to be restored again.
  • Fill out the forms, create a private key and download the required files.
  • Submit a package of documents and create passwords.
  • Get a certificate for EDS keys.

At the moment, many centers have been created that issue keys, and in each of them the procedure may be different. Some centers use the Internet for this, and some require a personal visit. It all depends entirely on the center you choose.

Approximately how much does it cost to make an EP

Creating an EDS is a difficult and expensive process. The cost of the keys is different and depends on the center that issues it. The price of a signature varies from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles, the price depends on what functions the user wants to see.

Due to the increase in popularity, the cost may soon drop. So when the user selects , where to get an electronic signature key for public services, you need to carefully study the price range of each center.

Can an electronic signature be suitable for other resources

Using the EDS for the State Services portal will not work on other sites. The FTS website requires a different key in which the TIN will be recorded. Therefore, you will have to purchase a separate key for each portal. Universal keys have not yet been created.

You can expand the set of key functions yourself, there are now on the Internet detailed instructions, how to do it. But no one knows whether it will be possible then to work with important documents after such an expansion of functionality.

That's all. Forgery of an electronic signature is almost impossible, it resembles an iron door, but the structures involved in transactions are just cardboard houses against its background.

In the frantic pace of the modern world, not only legal entities and entrepreneurs need to constantly sign documents, but also individuals increasingly have to draw up all kinds of papers, where a personal signature is a prerequisite. Without it, it is impossible to conclude an agreement, obtain a civil passport, register vehicle And so on. This is a huge area, and it makes no sense to mention all the cases when an individual needs to put his signature.

In addition, more and more activities are gradually moving to electronic platforms - online trading, submission of declarations and other types of documentation to the authorities exercising control, Pension Fund, insurance companies, etc. At this point, many people have a logical question about how to send documents online so that they have the same legal force as paper documents, which must be signed with a personal person concerned. It was for such cases that an electronic digital signature was invented, which is an analogue of a handwritten one.

In the material, we will consider what it is and how an electronic signature is obtained for individuals for public services.

What is an electronic digital signature (EDS)?

A digital signature is a signature of a citizen enclosed in electronic form on the computer. It, like a handwritten one, is unique, that is, it can belong to only one person, copying is prohibited by law.

The electronic signature is divided into three types:

  1. Simple signature. With its help, you can determine the identity of the person who signed any document at any time, but subsequent tracking of changes is impossible.
  2. Unqualified signature. This digital signature is formed on the basis of encryption characters, it makes it possible not only to determine the identity of the signatory, but also to trace all further changes made to the document. An unqualified signature is most often used for the exchange of documentation between partner organizations, if they initially agreed and established the rules for using it. And also this signature is convenient to use for internal workflow.
  3. Qualified signature. This is the most reliable type. Only the owner of a special certificate can receive such a signature, and only in some centers that have passed accreditation. A qualified signature is required to participate in online auctions, submit reports to municipal authorities, and more. Only this type of signature can rightfully be called an analogue of a handwritten one.

Important! you can get an electronic signature for individuals for public services only in those centers that have been accredited by the Ministry of Communications.

Only a qualified signature can be used as a substitute for a "live" one, for example, for signing important documents sent to government agencies. The first two types are most often needed to confirm agreements between participants: signing a document is simple or unqualified signature only means that the parties have become familiar with it.

Why do individuals need an EDS?

The presence of an electronic digital signature gives individuals the following rights:

  1. Receipt different kind services through the Gosuslugi website. An electronic signature gives the user access to all portal services: tracking fines, filling out tax returns and questionnaires for obtaining basic documents (foreign / national passport, etc.).
  2. Opening individual enterprise online.
  3. Applying for a patent.
  4. Participation in electronic auctions.
  5. Persons operating remotely or living in other cities can sign agreements, estimates, acts of work and not wait for the documents to be delivered by mail.

Types of access keys

Two types of keys are used for signing:

  1. With open access. This key is used to authenticate the signature and can be obtained by any person or enterprise. This is most relevant when applying for insurance via the Internet or other important documents on the Gosuslug website.
  2. With restricted access. This key consists of a set of characters unknown to the owner, sets the Certification Authority code and stores it on its own server. The owner can receive it on a removable card or electronic disk, also in coded form. The key works only in pair with the first type.

The procedure for obtaining an EDS for an individual

The whole process consists of several steps:

  1. Selecting the type of digital signature.
  2. Choosing a Certification Authority.
  3. Filling out and sending the application to the Certification Center.
  4. Receipt and payment of an invoice.
  5. Sending to a Certification Authority required documents online.
  6. Providing original documents to the CA and obtaining an electronic signature.

Now we will analyze each step of obtaining an electronic signature for individuals for public services in detail.

How to determine what type of EDS is required?

To understand what kind of electronic signature you need, you should determine the tasks that you are going to solve with its help. Goals can be the following:

  1. Receipt of services on the Unified portal of state and municipal services.
  2. Submission of reports to various authorities (pension fund, tax office And so on).
  3. Participation in auctions on online platforms.

Choosing a Certification Authority

The current list of centers that issue electronic digital signatures can always be viewed on the portal of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

To do this, you need to go to the main page of the site and find the section "Accreditation of certification centers" located in the "Important" column.

Filling out an application

After you have decided on the Certification Authority, you need to send there an application for obtaining an electronic signature for individuals for public services. This can be done in two ways - on the center's website online or in person at the organization's office.

Receipt and payment of an invoice

This step is unlikely to cause difficulties for anyone. After the center receives the application, an invoice will be generated that you need to pay. The amount in the invoice depends on many factors, so you should consult the manager directly on this issue.

Submission of documents to the Certification Center

What documents are required to obtain an EDS?

Many are concerned about the question of how to obtain an electronic signature for the State Services portal? First of all, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. A completed application form.
  2. Identification document.
  3. Pension Certificate.
  4. Tax identification number.
  5. A receipt confirming payment for the services of the center.

How to use an electronic signature?

After the process of obtaining an electronic digital signature key is completed, some people face difficulties in entering the State Services portal. If a person registered on the SNILS website, then he will not be able to use the EDS, first he will have to go through the registration process again, but with confirmation of his identity with an electronic digital signature, and it must certainly be qualified.

After this registration, the portal interface will look completely different, blocks of services will appear, to which access has been opened.

To continue working on the site, you will need to perform some actions:

  1. For the system to work correctly, it is required to install special plug-ins in the browser that you use often, otherwise access to them will be closed.
  2. In addition, you need to install software, capable of reading the encryption code and transmitting it to the appropriate municipal authority to verify the owner's signature.
  3. Install the certificate of the Certification Authority from which you received the EDS.

Very important! The EDS owner needs to send a confirmation to the site - in a special window during the registration process, press the "Confirm" button and specify the path to the EDS file stored on a removable disk.

Verification takes a little time, but after passing it, the owner will be able to send any documents to government agencies without leaving home.

You already know how to get an electronic signature for public services, but do not forget to always monitor its validity period. If the system reports an error due to the use of an invalid tool, then you must urgently renew the certificate.

EDS usage rules

The question is how to get an EDS for individual, undoubtedly significant, and it is also important to maintain its confidentiality afterwards. In the process of working with EDS, you must always follow some rules that are a guarantee of security:

  1. Keep signature confidentiality under control.
  2. Never use it where there is the slightest doubt about confidentiality, if the certificate has been revoked or suspended, or if the certificate has expired.
  3. In the event of a violation of the confidentiality of the enhanced qualified signature, it is necessary to immediately notify the National Certification Authority, and then all interacting participants.
  4. EDS can only be used in the areas indicated on the certificate.

Now you probably know how to quickly and easily get an electronic signature. EDS is a really useful and necessary option for many of the official signature that can replace a handwritten one. Individuals can use it to certify applications, questionnaires and contracts. You can buy it in special centers.

In the digital age, many documents can be processed online. However, some types of requests need to be signed. Today this issue is solved by an electronic digital signature. Let's figure out what an EDS is, what it is for and how to get an electronic signature for the State Services website.

What is an EDS and why is it needed

An electronic signature is a digital analogue of a conventional handwritten signature of a person. As a result of cryptographic transformation, characters are generated in a certain sequence and allow you to identify the owner. Functions of such a signature:

  • confirmation of authorship;
  • a guarantee of the invariance of the document after signing.

Scope of EDS:

  • participation in electronic auctions on special sites;
  • electronic document management;
  • submission of reports in electronic form;
  • electronic documents with an electronic signature are used as evidence in case of disputes between business entities;
  • Internet portal of public services (some types of services are available only to the owner of the electronic signature).

Types of EDS

  1. Simple- created using special tools: logins, passwords, etc. This type of digital signature makes it possible to confirm authorship, but there is no guarantee of immutability. For documents that require printing, it is not enough.
  2. Reinforced unskilled- for creation, they resort to means of cryptoprotection. This type of electronic signature also performs the function of authorship confirmation and provides a guarantee of immutability.
  3. Reinforced qualified- similar to the previous type of ES, but the issuing centers and the means for its creation undergo a thorough procedure for meeting security requirements. This signature is equated to ordinary ink.

How to make an electronic digital signature for public services

EDS is created in accredited certification centers, the list of which is available at . To find out where in your city you can order:

A list of certification centers will appear on the page with an indication of the status (valid or not valid). By double-clicking on the line with the center you like, a new window will open. It will contain the address, opening hours, contacts, a website where you can find out about the prices for the service and additional information.

When visiting a certification center, a citizen needs to take a passport, tax certificate and SNILS with him. At the office, you need to fill out an application for obtaining an EP. After filling out the application, the center employee will prepare a physical removable media (token), where the citizen's signature, key and certificate will be stored. Upon receipt, you will need to add a special plug-in, connect the media to the USB connector and configure the software.


To properly configure the EDS, you need to install the CryptoPro CSP program, after installation it is recommended to restart the computer (download from the link). The program is paid, but has a 3-month trial period, which will be enough to set it up. Then we are engaged in installing the plugin for the browser. Setting instructions:

Before setting up, insert the media with the signature into the appropriate slot on the PC

  1. Run the program, at startup the "CryptoPro CSP Properties" window will open.
  2. Find "Service", click "View certificates in container".
  3. A window will open, there we click "Browse", a window will appear with the name of the container and the available reader. We press "OK".
  4. The “Certificates in the private key container” window will appear, do not change anything, click “next”.
  5. In the window for displaying information about the user and ES, click "properties".
  6. The "Certificate" window will appear, click "Install Certificate", then "OK".
  7. In the "Certificate Import Wizard" window, click "Next" and select "Place all certificates in the following store". Clicking on the "Browse" button opens a list for choosing a storage location, in it we click the "Personal" folder, then "OK".
  8. In the final window "Completing the Certificate Import Wizard" click "Finish".

The EP setup has been successfully completed, now let's check it.

EDS verification at public services

To check the EDS certificate at the State Services, the user should use the old version of the portal, since in new version the possibility of verification is not yet fully implemented.

We open old version site, we log into your personal account, at the bottom right we find the "Reference Information" section.

Scroll down the page, on the right we find "Electronic signature".

In the line "Confirmation of the authenticity of the ES" click "Certificate", below click "Upload file", select the file you need to check and enter the code from the picture for verification, then click the "Check" button.

The verification procedure is free of charge. If successful, the citizen will receive data on the authenticity, owner, validity period of the ES and the organization that issued the signature. The line "The authenticity of the document is confirmed" will appear, which means that everything is in order and you can start working with the portal.

After that, all electronic services will become available. For legal entities, the signature will enable online documentation and workflow, submission of reports without loss of legal force.

The price for an individual is 700 rubles (the cost depends on the center for obtaining a signature). The certificate is valid for 1 year, after which it must be renewed.