The message is stuck. What to do? Chinese national postal operator (China Post) What does it mean crossed the border of China

  • 31.05.2020

Currently, ordering various consumer goods on Chinese websites and virtual trading platforms is becoming increasingly popular among residents of Russia and Ukraine. Buyers are attracted by the huge range of products offered here, as well as its low cost.

General information

Although China Post is state enterprise and has been part of the Universal Postal Union almost since the beginning of the 20th century, its modern infrastructure was formed only in 1949. To date, China Post has more than 82,000 post offices and nearly 900,000 employees in the industry.

The list of functions of China Post includes the provision of services to the public related to the design, delivery, sorting, forwarding and issuance of both domestic and international mail. To optimize the process, more than two hundred postal sorting and processing centers have been created in the country, the largest of which are located in Shanghai and Beijing. The bulk of international parcels are delivered to the airports of these cities for their further transportation.

Sending mail from China

There is no particular difference between the design of sending a postal item from China and from any other country. The procedure is standard and is carried out in each post office. In addition, it is possible to arrange and pay for sending a parcel remotely, via the Internet. This is the most beneficial in terms of both saving time and sending speed, since electronic appeals processed first. In fact, in this case, literally within an hour or two, the track number of the parcel is already sent to the sender.

The accepted and paid shipment goes through the same stages for any country - this is sorting and customs clearance, only then it is directly sent to the addressee's place of residence.

Like all postal operators that are members of the UPU, China Post is subject to rules governing the weight limit of accepted parcels (up to 20 kg). In the case when the shipment is carried out by express service EMS, this limit increases to 31 kg.

Shipment classification

The principle of classification of international postal items in China is common to all members of the Postal Union: items weighing up to 2 kg are called a small package, over 2 kg - a parcel.

Small packages are registered or unregistered, but parcels are registered by default, any shipments are also registered when they are sent by the EMS express service.

Accordingly, a registered shipment makes it possible to track its movement using special Internet services, both official and independent, while an unregistered one does not.

To track the shipment, a unique code of 13 characters is assigned, where the first character necessarily indicates the category (R - small package, C - parcel, E - EMS shipment), the second character is added to increase uniqueness and can be any Latin character, followed by 9 -digit numeric code, and the last two characters indicate the country of the sender. The code of the country from which the parcel was sent is typical according to UPU standards. In particular, all shipments sent from China end with the letters CN.

If the track number for your parcel was not provided to you by the store, you should find out - perhaps its purchase is offered as a separate service for an additional fee (usually insignificant).


At an early stage of sending, you can use Chinese services for tracking, for example, the official website of China Post or independent services:

Here you can find out details about each stage at which your package is now, if it has not yet left the sender's country.

In the case of contacting the express delivery service, the tracking service addresses will be as follows:

After the shipment has crossed the borders of China, it will be more convenient to track its status through the services of the postal operators of the destination country (Russian Post, Ukrposhta, Kazpost, etc.).

Understanding which of the sites you can track your mail from China is a thankless task. Moreover, the parcel can be sent not only by China Post, but by one of the "non-standard methods", i.e. private carrier. It is also a very popular delivery method today. Baolai, ZTO, Yanwen Express - and that's not all, new ones are constantly appearing (as a rule, the seller sends the name of the delivery service along with the tracking number, but not always).

For tracking, you can use our tracker, which will always help you find out the current status of the mailing. The program will automatically determine the delivery service and send a request to the appropriate site. On each page of our site you will find a form where you can enter the tracking number.

And in the upper right corner there is a link to a page with an extended form, where you can specify the country of destination of the parcel. And also read the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Enter the number, wait for the system to determine the delivery service. Specify the country of destination if it is entered incorrectly and press " trace". If the button is inactive, then the type of track number is not recognized. Check it again.

Typical examples of mail item statuses

China Post uses the following statuses to indicate the stages of passage international parcel long way to destination:

  • Collection- the shipment is issued and accepted at the post office of China.
  • Opening- the shipment arrived at the sorting point.
  • Dispatching- the shipment is at the stage of processing and preparation for shipment outside the country.
  • Departure from outward office of exchange- Customs clearance completed.
  • NULL- designation of various kinds of intermediate statuses not translated into English language. After this entry, there are usually several Chinese characters in the status. The reason lies in the fact that parcels from China go through several additional procedures within the country that are not accepted in other states. That is why these statuses do not have an English translation, and they are displayed only on the websites of Chinese tracking services or in special programs such as TrackChecker.

In statuses with the NULL designation, three-letter encodings are also used, indicating the name of the international airports to which the parcels are delivered for their further transportation. Examples of such abbreviations can be easily found, for example, on the website.

The last status symbols indicate the abbreviated name of the country of destination, for example: RU - Russia, UA - Ukraine, etc.

If you are confused by hieroglyphs, and you would like to know the exact status of the shipment, just use the electronic translator.

Sometimes it happens that the postal item has already received a status indicating its export, but after a while, using the tracking function, you can see that it has returned to the sorting point again. In this case, you should not worry, it's just that the parcel was not sent on the planned date and is now waiting for the next postal batch.

Postal rates

The base rate for international shipping by China Post is relatively low. Sending somewhere in Europe a small package within 100 g costs only 18 yuan (1 yuan is approximately equal to 5.4 rubles). But for every additional 100 g of weight, you will have to pay another 15 yuan. As mentioned above, most small packages from China are sent unregistered by default, as this is the cheapest type of shipment. Obtaining a track number is paid additionally (about $ 2-3), as well as departure insurance. The cost of insurance is calculated simply: for every 100 yuan of the estimated cost - 1 yuan of insurance.

Of course, EMS China Post express delivery services are much more expensive. For an accurate calculation, you can use tariff tables or cost calculators on Chinese or Russian postal sites. Roughly, we can say that a parcel to Russia or Ukraine weighing 1 kg in this case will cost the sender in the amount of 300 to 450 yuan.

If the seller offers you free shipping, then most often this means that the shipping cost is already included in the price of the goods. However, for large wholesale customers, China Post provides solid service discounts - from here free shipping and favorable cost of goods in large Chinese online stores.

Delivery terms

A year ago, mail from China was delivered to the addressee in record time - within a month. At the present time, thanks to the increasing popularity of purchases in online stores, the China Post operator has faced the same problems as the Russian Post, repeatedly "inclined" by consumers. The organization of the postal network turned out to be unprepared for the multifold increase in the volume of international forwarding, and therefore the delivery time for items from China increased significantly - up to two months, or even more under certain circumstances. We should not forget about the standard for any country period of a sharp increase in the number of parcels - this is the New Year holidays, when the mail is already overloaded a month before and another month after. Incidentally, in China New Year celebrate by lunar calendar, so 2-3 weeks of February, China Post does not work at all. Add to this the national holidays of China, which also affect the speed of delivery - and it turns out that fast shipment is possible with a very small degree of probability.

Given that the volume of orders from Chinese online stores is steadily increasing every year, it is not necessary to wait for the situation to improve in the near future. If you want to receive your order as soon as possible, this can only be done using the EMS service, which respects relatively tight delivery times, usually within two to three weeks.

Other Factors Affecting Delivery Speed

In addition to the general congestion of the postal operator and the abundance public holidays, there are other reasons why the delivery of your order from a Chinese online store may be slightly delayed.

Many postal items from China are sent to their destination in transit through other countries, and this is far from always the case. best options both in terms of delivery speed and travel trajectory. However this scheme regulated by UPU rules and is not a violation. For example, a parcel from China to Ukraine may well go through Hungary, Germany or some other European country. This is due to the lack of a sufficient number of direct flights between countries and directly from the volume of aircraft loading (most shipments are transported by air).

Currently, difficulties with direct shipping are much more common when shipping goods from China to Belarus and Ukraine than to the Russian Federation. It turns out that such a parcel will reach the addressee faster if it bypasses several airports in various European countries in well-organized transit than if it waits at Shanghai airport for a direct flight with enough free space. That is why you should not be afraid if in the status of your parcel sent, for example, from Beijing to Minsk, you will see the code of the French airport.

Of no small importance is the location of the warehouse from which the goods are sent - more precisely, its proximity to modern sorting centers international mail. Such centers equipped with all necessary equipment and having a large staff, cope with the flow of mail quickly enough. They are located in Shanghai and Beijing in close proximity to the main international airports of the country, which also speeds up dispatch. That is why, before placing an order in the store, it is recommended to find out where the product warehouse is located. Usually this information is freely available.

The delivery time is also affected by such a seemingly trifle as the method of processing the shipment. At the beginning of the article, it was already indicated that the items processed via the Internet are processed first. Many sellers take advantage of this, which significantly saves time for themselves and speeds up shipping. However, there are often those who like to carry out registration “live”, personally appearing for this at the post office. Nowadays, such a scheme can slow down the sending of a parcel for a period of one to several days.

Of course, such problems do not concern large companies with large sales volumes, selling their goods through trading platforms. Such firms use intermediary logisticians who promptly perform all the work on processing and sending finished orders.

For various reasons, a parcel that has already been processed and sorted may not be sent across the border on time, but with a delay. In this case, the container ready for shipment is subject to disbandment, and the mail items from it are returned to the previous stage. That's when the servers postal tracking the "sorting" and "export" statuses reappear.

Contact Information

  • Phone number: +8610 11185
  • The main addresses of China Post official websites:
  • Shipment tracking:
  • Addresses of the English-language official websites of the Chinese postal operator:

The seller with aliexpress sent the parcel, but it hung at a certain stage of delivery! Familiar situation? I think that most people who order goods on aliexpress are familiar with the situation when the delivery of a parcel hangs in one status. In most cases, the parcel hangs in the status "Crossed the border of China."

Time passes, a week passes, the second, and the parcel stands rooted to the spot and does not appear in Russia. The seller with aliexpress swears and swears that he sent everything and asks to wait. The support service of the Russian post, can’t say anything other than “the parcel has not yet arrived on the territory of Russia”. Buyer in a panic: What to do? Where to look for a parcel? Who to contact?

Here, real example tracking a hung parcel. Please note that after the parcel left the territory of China, it appeared in Russia only after 24 days. For three weeks there was absolutely no information about the movement of the parcel, and the status “Crossed the border of China” hung in the tracking. Where the parcel was all this time remains a big mystery, it seems (judging by the delivery time) that the parcel went from China to Russia on foot!

To delve into the topic: for what reason there are delays in the delivery of parcels, there is no point. The fact is important! It is clear that you want to receive the parcel on time, but, unfortunately, the recipient cannot influence the speed and quality of the mail! Therefore, first of all, it is important to understand not the reasons for the delay, but what to do in a situation when the package hangs in one status for a long time.

What to do if the package is frozen

First, don't panic! Secondly, if the postal item is stuck somewhere between China and Russia (it has the status “Crossed the border of China”), it may sound strange, but you don’t need to do anything at all! And even more so, you don’t need to “fill up” the seller with aliexpress with letters. The seller, nothing intelligible, except for “wait a bit”, will not be able to answer, but all because he, like you, can only find out about the movement of the parcel by the track number.

Of course, the Chinese seller can call their Chinese post office. But what will be their answer? They will answer that the parcel has already left the territory of China and that's it. You, as the recipient of the postal item, can also call the hotline of our Russian mail (the number is on the mail website). But what do you think they will answer? Correctly! They will answer that a parcel with such a track number has not yet arrived on the territory of Russia. You will spend a lot of time, you will write, call, and additional information you won't get any! Therefore, if a postal item is stuck somewhere in the air, between China and Russia, just be a little patient and wait!

How much can a package cost

In the status of “Crossed the border of China”, the parcel can stand for quite a long time and you may have to wait two or three weeks, or maybe more, until it appears new information. And do not pull yourself or the Chinese seller, there is no need for this! Yes, I really want to receive the order on time, but what to do if there is a delay. Failures happen everywhere and postal services are no exception here, and most importantly: neither the seller nor the buyer can influence the speed of the postal item in any way.

It is important to remember that all purchases on aliexpress are protected, and a fairly long time is allotted for the delivery of goods, and if during this period you do not receive the order, the store will refund your money in full. To return the funds, it is enough, not long before the closing of the transaction, to open a dispute and demand a full refund!

And yet, it happens that the parcel freezes while already on the territory of Russia. Often, this is due to the fact that at the post office, they simply forget to enter information about the movement of the parcel into the database on time. A call to the mail hotline, as a rule, clarifies everything, you just need to tell the operator the track number.

If the operator hotline does not report anything new about the location of the parcel, then the recipient can apply to search for the postal item. The application is sent by e-mail to the department of search of postal items. The application form can be downloaded from the Russian Post website. It should be noted that the Russian postal search department works quite quickly!

If your package is stuck somewhere, don't think that everything is lost! In fact, nothing is missing! Or the package will show up or aliexpress will return the money.

One of the most pressing questions for buyers is what they need to do if the package is stuck at some stage of tracking (that is, tracking statuses do not change for a long time). In this note, we will talk about the reasons why parcels can get stuck. And we will give advice on what actions can be taken if the parcel does not move anywhere.

Why does the tracking status take a long time to change?

First of all, I would like to reassure everyone and say that in a situation where the tracking status does not change, this does not mean at all that the package is not going to you.

1. The track number of the parcel is tracked only until the border is passed.
The most common reason for a package to hang up is that it was sent in a budget way. And will only be tracked to the country of the recipient. After passing the border, the track number will not be read. These tracks are not up to standard. postal services(for example, track numbers consisting of numbers). Many buyers do not know about this and when tracking they see that the parcel has reached the border and the information is not updated further. As a result, it seems to them that their order is not moving further, but in fact it has been going through the territory of the recipient's country for a long time.

It's also worth noting that some low cost shipping methods only have a couple of tracking statuses. In which it is said that the parcel was accepted by mail and sent further. On this tracking this track ends.

2. The package goes through the import process.
It is believed that the export-import process is one of the longest stages in the movement of a parcel. In some seasons, parcels may hang for 1-2 months at the sorting center before the shipment is registered with your country's post office and appears new status tracking. This may be related to the fact that the package is coming through sorting centers with a large load and outdated equipment, as well as with seasonal congestion (during sales). And also with banal bad luck, when your parcel gets into the far corner of the temporary storage warehouse and waits for its turn to be registered.

3. Delays in updating package tracking databases.

Another reason why package statuses have stopped updating is delays in updating the tracking database. Sometimes the buyer may receive his order before new information about the movement of the parcel appears. It is especially famous for this

4. Loss and theft of the parcel.

This option is quite rare. There are practically no situations when a parcel disappears without a trace. Often the buyer gets at least an empty box.

What should I do if the package freezes?

If your parcel has started to be tracked, then for any reason it hangs, you will have to wait. At least until it expires. But in reality, it’s better to open a dispute for the reason “Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way” a few days before the buyer protection timer ends. Since if you open a dispute quite early and aggravate it, then the Aliexpress mediators, first of all, seeing that the track number was tracked, will be asked to wait for the parcel. Since they are interested in the fact that the deal still took place. And you still have to wait for the goods, only with an open dispute.

It should be noted that mediators are more willing to accept disputes if the protection timer is almost over, but rather it was previously extended and the period expires again. It makes no sense to open a dispute ahead of schedule if the goods were actually sent by the seller and the track number was tracked.

In any case, wherever your package hangs, patiently wait for it, periodically looking at the buyer protection timer and tracking the track number. To exclude the option of moving and receiving a parcel sent to the wrong address.

If the track number has stopped updating on the territory of your country, and you are interested in receiving the parcel, and not just in returning the money, then you can apply

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