In what phase of the moon is it better to quit. How to find a good job. Conspiracies on the Moon. Lunar calendar of affairs: choosing the day of the wedding or engagement

  • 08.08.2021

When it is better to look for a job, the lunar calendar will tell you. In it you can find answers to questions about which days are favorable for interviews, and which days you should not even try to solve the problem of employment and submit documents, since all the efforts made will be in vain.

Choose the right day

The best lunar days for changing jobs include, lunar days:

  • If your workplace ceased to satisfy you both morally and financially, today is a great time to look for a new job.
  • It doesn’t matter at all whether this desire has matured in you over a long period or it came to your mind spontaneously. On the best day for a job change, you will succeed, be sure of this!
  • Today the moon has a beneficial effect on business area, patronizing the brave, risky and courageous people.
  • Do not forget that these days there is still a chance for a productive conversation with your superiors. Perhaps your claims and demands will be heard.
  • Well, if not, be bolder and without hesitation write a letter of resignation from work.

  • If you clearly decide for yourself to change the organization - in a good way, astrologers do not see anything wrong with this.
  • If, nevertheless, you are tormented by doubts, move the adoption of such an important decision to a more favorable day for getting a job.
  • Spontaneous decisions can lead to a lot of problems that will affect material well-being. The expected work will actually not be as positive as it seemed.
  • In a new place, you will have to seek the favor of your superiors and colleagues, as they say, with sweat and blood.
  • If you decide to change on this day, do not expect support from colleagues. Your former team will be envy, and the new bosses will be wary and cautious. long time look at you.

Lunar days can be considered a bad time to quit and get a job.

1. Today the moon is not in a position to change employers. A new place can bring a lot of negativity, you will feel dissatisfied.

2. It will seem to you on this day that everything is set against you, everyone is trying to put spokes in your wheels.

3. At a new job, it will be difficult to find common ground with colleagues, and you should completely forget about help.

4. The decision to change jobs can seriously undermine your career.

5. It's not about others at all, it's just that today's energy is not conducive to your decision.

4. On a piece of paper you need to write your desire, indicating desired position and place of work. After cutting the leaf into small pieces, burn it, mix the ashes with finely chopped bay leaf and wrap it in a bill. Such a talisman must be taken with you to interviews.

Here are some more tips for finding a job during the moon phases:

  • - this is a period when you need to carefully consider your decision, weigh all the pros and cons. You need to be specific about what exactly you want.
  • Having thought everything over well, during the period of the growing moon, you can make an attempt to achieve your goal. But don't expect everything to be easy. At this time, you need to write a resume, register on a job search site.
  • Be brave enough to get noticed necessary people. will contribute to your good luck. Send your details to all the agencies you know, call employers. Keep in mind, sitting still, you will not be able to find the job of your dreams.
  • The 4th phase of the moon is the time of debriefing. If you successfully passed the interview, then now is the best time to inform your former employer about the dismissal. During this period, it is recommended to transfer cases, “clean up the tails”, return debts in order to old work there was nothing more to do with you.

Write your opinion


Looking for a job with the help of a conspiracy on the moon

It happens that life circumstances develop in a completely unhappy way. I've been wanting to change my job for a long time, but I can't find a suitable option. Or even worse - for an extended period of time, do not work at all. From all this you are discouraged or even on the verge of despair.
It is possible that any of the moon phase conspiracies will be successful and will help restore self-confidence and, finally, find the job you are looking for.

. The waxing moon is a time of energy growth and uplifting. The moon promotes the success of new beginnings.
However, do not rely only on the phase of the moon. The effectiveness of the conspiracy primarily depends on you, your energy and conviction. It is important to believe in the success of the ceremony, to be confident in your own abilities and in your luck.
No need to rely only on a conspiracy and sit back. We must act. A conspiracy is an additional force that contributes to finding a job.

How to find a job on the New Moon

Talisman for job seekers from the Great Soothsayer Vanga

The advice of "cooking" this talisman is related to the clairvoyant Vanga.
The ceremony of creating Vanga's talisman for job seekers spend on the New Moon.
On a piece of paper, write down your wishes for your new job: position, salary, location, and other requirements.
Cut the leaf into small pieces and burn them by mixing with chopped bay leaves. Wrap the remaining ashes in a bill and carry it with you as a talisman.

How to find a job with a growing moon

Looking for a job in the forest

This plot for a good new job is held on the Friday immediately following the New Moon and its essence is as follows.
After the New Moon on Friday, you need to go to the forest (not necessarily at night). You need to walk confidently, do not look back and do not talk to anyone.
In the forest you need to find two nearby stumps. Sit on one of them and quietly whisper the plot.
Then, without looking back or talking to anyone, return home confident that a good job will soon be found.
The main thing is to be confident in your luck. The moon is already growing and favors your undertaking.

The text of this conspiracy to work is approximately the following:
"I am a servant of God (say your name) I sit in this place and look for a good place for myself.
peresyadu (change to a nearby stump) on another stump and get a good seat the next day.
Let it be so. Amen".

30 coins - talismans

Preparation for the plot: you will need 30 coins and a pouch. On the night of Monday to Tuesday, sew yourself a small bag of red fabric. Collect thirty small coins.

This ceremony with coins-talismans for finding work is carried out with the growing moon.
At dawn, put the collected coins in the prepared bag.
Putting a bag of money on your right palm and covering it with your left, say the plot seven times:
“Thirty coins - thirty talismans.
Find me a job, hurry up, show me the way.
It will be for me, a servant of God (say your name), prosperity on the road.
Wherever I go, I find a job, I won’t get a refusal.
Let it be so. Amen".

Twenty coins from the bag must be buried on the same day in different places preferably away from each other. Carry the remaining ten coins in the red bag with you as a talisman to find a job.

About the unconscious choice of a life partner with a certain set of qualities, etc.

The moon determines our subconscious reactions, which means that it can also be used to judge human behavior, its manifestation in the external world and interaction with the world. An interesting fact is that the sign of the Moon in a person's horoscope can also indicate his abilities and desire for certain type of activity because we act and live in many ways, guided by our subconscious impulses.

The sign that the Moon was in at the time of your birth is determined by the lunar calendar. If you do not yet know your Moon sign, you can open the ephemeris for the year of your birth, or use any online service , of which there are now a million.

On request "my moon sign" or " online calculation of the sign of the Moon in the horoscope» in the search engine it is easy to find many sites where you enter the date and time of birth, and you will be given exact position your moon.

Remember that the Moon is in the same sign about 2.5 days, so often on the same day it happens in two signs in turn. During the day, the Moon passes approximately 11-13 º, depending on the speed. Here you can not do without the time of birth to find her exact position. If the Moon is at the very end of the sign - for example, at 29.59º, it will still belong to this sign, and not to the next one.

Horoscope according to the lunar calendar

2. How does a person choose a profession, according to the sign of the Moon?

Profession and occupation are usually chosen by a person consciously and subconsciously. If you exclude at the same time one thing - the mind, rational thinking or feelings, emotions, inner needs - you will not be satisfied with what you have. When choosing a profession, it is very important to consider your psychological comfort.

For example, if you want to choose a money-making and sought-after profession, for which you have no soul at all, there will be little sense: you will suffer and regret, the money you earn will not please you, or you can quit this occupation altogether, and sometimes (if conditions and opportunities allow), give up professional realization altogether.

The professional sphere of our life is very important, because it is our routine, our environment and daily selection. How comfortable will we feel in Everyday life depends on our general physical condition and health, mood, level of satisfaction and, ultimately, happiness.

3. Why is it important to know your Moon sign when choosing a profession and place of work?

If you do not use your lunar qualities in your work, you will feel uncomfortable, you will experience and suffer from the daily work that you do day after day.

The position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac at birth gives a clue about internal motivations human, his deep desires and needs. And each of the signs of the Zodiac has its own set of motivations. If you choose a profession and work according to these inner needs, you will be comfortable in your labor activity and it will be easier to earn.

In order to determine what is best for a person to do in life and how he will earn, you need make a detailed analysis of the entire horoscope. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors of the horoscope.

However, the position of the moon may already tell something interesting, if you know the peculiarity of each sign in which it falls at the birth of a person.

Each of us has his own character warehouse, his own attitude to money, his own fate and ancestral programs. Everyone wants, of course, to live well and earn enough to feel comfortable.

Each sign of the moon will have their own tips for attract more amount of money. But there are universal tips that can help you become richer if you implement them in your life.

· You should not make a cult out of money, but you can't give a damn about them either;

Treat money as a means to get something specific (you must clearly understand what you need to buy with it), and not as an indefinite goal to which you need to go;

Get rid of the attitudes of poverty, increase your level of norm;

· Choose a job you like, where you feel comfortable and where you can realize your potential, do not waste time on something that you do not have a soul for;

Act according to your set of qualities and your capabilities, which the horoscope will tell you, and do not look at other people (you can’t think that if someone made money on it, then you will make money on it - everyone has their own way).

· Increase your level of self-confidence by polishing your knowledge, never rest on your laurels, never be afraid to learn new things or improve your skills in your chosen field.

Moon horoscope sign

5. Job needs and money of the lunar Aries

General Job Needs

If the Moon is in Aries in your horoscope, you will always feel the need to be appreciated by other people. It is very important for you to feel very meaningful for your environment. Your openness, fearlessness and desire to take leadership positions often make you a boss or at least a very enterprising employee.

Lunar Aries is not used to being silent when he feels that something is worth changing somewhere, so he is often quite annoying and not shy to speak your opinion. He will be the first in everything, he will come before everyone else, or he will complete the assigned tasks faster than anyone else.

Also, Aries does not like to wait, so any monotonous and boring work will be perceived by them with hostility. He can easily pass it on to someone else or avoid it altogether, no matter how high the pay is.

If the work is boring and tedious, the lunar Aries will be very worried and tormented. For him, the conditions where necessary are much more suitable. make decisions quickly, where there are deadlines and rush jobs, where you need to quickly cope with the current flow of affairs.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Aries do not always make a successful career: sometimes they simply may not have enough perseverance and patience to do the same job. They are mentally unprepared for a long and tedious walk to their distant career goals.

If the work is active and interesting to Aries, he will strive for more. However, many lunar Aries still have a need to occupy a high position, and not even because of money and power, but because of the opportunity to be more free, offer your ideas, lead other people and be significant in society.

Lunar Aries problems at work

The main problem can be emotional overload lunar Aries. Sometimes he is so capable of getting carried away by something that he loses touch with reality, or easily breaks down on others and even on superiors.

No matter how much the lunar Aries will work, he must always find time for good rest. Lunar Aries have a very large charge of energy and enthusiasm, but they use them up very quickly, so a long and high-quality rest is simply necessary to gain strength and recharge their batteries.

If the lunar Aries will give all of himself to work and at the same time will forget to rest, health problems will not be long in coming.

What does money mean to lunar Aries?


Money is usually not the driving force behind Aries at work, but comes as a "side effect" of what he does with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. If the lunar Aries feels comfortable in what he is doing, then he will always have money.

In addition, praise positive reviews and evaluations of the work of the lunar Aries affect his feelings much more than material rewards without such emotions. However, money will be made much easier if Aries will be pleased because his work is appreciated. Also lunar Aries will get more where he can be a leader or where he will consider himself as such: that is, if he can do this work faster, better, better than others.

· Choose a profession in which you can feel like a leader and where you can express your abilities to the fullest;

· Work in a team, not alone;

· Surround yourself with people for whom you can become an authority and who will highly appreciate you as a specialist;

Choose a job in which the speed of reactions and a change in activities are important (the legs of the wolf are fed);

· Having one permanent job, still look for opportunities to get even more interesting work;

· Never stand still, do not slow down your professional development.

6. Needs for work and money of the lunar Taurus

General Job Needs

The Moon in Taurus usually characterizes an emotionally calm person for whom it is important to feel calm, safe and secure. That is why the lunar Taurus is not too fond of speed and sudden changes in events. They feel much better in an environment where there is no need to run anywhere, where everything is predictable and stable, where there are no jobs and deadlines, and where nothing threatens his peace, stability and security.

Lunar Taurus usually have a good endurance and willpower, and they strongly resist any changes that can unsettle them from their usual rut.

Taurus people know how to work long and responsibly, holding the same position for many years. Even if their work is connected with people, teams and a constant change of environment, Taurus will do everything to keep their activities more - less stable and predictable. That is why they are hard going through any emergency situations.

Also an important thing when choosing both professions and places of work, for any lunar Taurus will always be financial reward. People with the manifest sign of Taurus have a need to obtain material stability.

Lunar Taurus will stay at work as long as it suits him financial position. He is good at calculating and planning and is often willing to work extra hours and even overtime if he has the specific financial goal.

However, do not think that this will always be the case. If we compare the lunar Taurus with Capricorns, who are ready to work hard for days, the lunar Taurus is still can be lazy and relax, so they are more likely to look for a job where they could work less for the same or more profit than they had before!

Since the sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, the Moon in Taurus can give a person the desire to surround himself. beautiful and even luxurious things. Any Taurus Moon will look for good and sometimes even elite working conditions or will create beauty around him if the conditions are more modest.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Taurus will not change his tactics much, he is quite stubborn, rational and knows how to achieve career goals. That is why among the lunar Taurus there are many people who have a successful career. For career growth, it is usually important for such a person to occupy a special financial position. Career achievements for him will always be measured in money.

Taurus make a good career often thanks to wise planning and innate skill good count. They will subconsciously choose the most profitable areas, and even if the profession is not very paid on average, they will strive to become in it such a professional who will be well paid.

They do not like to experiment too much, so they prefer to study already. time-tested strategies and go this way, so they will be more confident and calm that everything will work out.

Problems of the lunar Taurus at work

The Taurus Moon risks his reputation at work only because of his need for some laid back and lazy life. Some representatives of this sign put their comfort and tranquility in the first place, thereby not trying to get out of your comfort zone to get more. Usually such unambitious Taurus lose a lot, but it’s easier for them.

What does money mean for the lunar Taurus?

Lunar Taurus sees a lot of sense in a stable financial position, therefore, at best, everyone unconsciously strives for earnings. more money which could give them a calm confidence in tomorrow- to himself and his family.

Lunar Taurus know how to save money well and therefore are able to realize everything your desires that require material costs. They are not particularly fond of overspending and usually know exactly what they will spend on when they go shopping.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

· Clearly determine for yourself what level of income you need for peace of mind and independence;

Find a place of work where everything is stable and clear and where there are no big reorganizations and changes;

Find an activity in which the cash flow is more or less steadily moving up or at least not falling, where you can earn leisurely, but productively;

Set yourself realistic financial goals, set yourself clear time frames to understand exactly where you are and when you need to make more efforts;

· Create your own detailed plans achieving your financial goals by breaking them down into smaller goals and sub-goals;

· Do not risk money, but invest it in some reliable and stable things (for example, in real estate, expensive jewelry, art or securities);

· In earnings, focus on your talents and professional skills, and hoping for great connections and patronage of influential people.

7. Job needs and money of the lunar Gemini

General Job Needs

Lunar Gemini are sociable and very mobile people. Their inner comfort is determined by the quantity and quality transmitted and received information. That is why they need a good level of communication in their work and are more likely to choose to work with people than alone.

Although the writing profession is under the sign of Gemini, usually such people work independently, but the lunar Gemini, even if they choose such a job, will be as much as possible be in public, chat, interview and write off their characters from real acquaintances.

Lunar Gemini have a strong need for recognition by other people of their mental abilities and communication skills and talents. They want to showcase these talents and abilities at work, share their own ideas and collect others'.

Their work should be more varied and active. They will languish in tedious and monotonous affairs, where nothing can be reorganized and you can't make any adjustments.

Usually they prefer a job where there are a lot of calls, letters, messages, there is an exchange of opinions, collective meetings and conferences, a large flow of customers. It also happens that the lunar Gemini cannot decide exactly what they need in their work. They change one job after another, not finding the right thing. However, by and large, it is the job change that gives them feeling of change, the very changes in which they are pleased to be and to which they are subconsciously drawn.

The main thing in the work of the lunar Gemini is not to experience the severity of circumstances and to be free(it is very good to work in positions with a free schedule or the ability to leave at any time).

What will his career be like? ?

Usually lunar Gemini is not particularly eager to make a big career. Often such people have free professions (self-employment), or may have several professions or places of work, easily switch from one to another. This allows them not to get bored and, plus, surround themselves with even more interesting people.

This is another reason why they do not make a career: it is difficult for them to focus on one thing and they don't like stability too much and routine.

If the chosen profession meets all their inner needs, the career can go uphill, regardless of them. They could not set far-reaching plans and goals, not set boundaries and deadlines, not strive for a big position: everything happens somehow by itself and without their titanic efforts.

Problems of lunar Gemini at work

Lunar Gemini are not accustomed to bother and get hung up on something. They don't worry about the mistakes they make., can easily tolerate them due to inattention and inability to concentrate.

Some lunar Gemini may not give a damn about work and their clients. In the worst case, they do not take responsibility and may easy to deceive. This, of course, is the lower level of manifestation of the sign, but this is also not so rare.

What does money mean to lunar Gemini?

Lunar Gemini is not particularly attached to the material. The main values ​​for them are communication, information, knowledge, everything that can develop them intellectually, that can captivate their mind. Lunar Gemini treats money easily: today there is - tomorrow there is none. They don't like to hoard and build far-reaching financial plans, and money usually comes to them when they don't bother about them.

Without money, the Gemini will be just as comfortable as without them, the point is different: how much the lack of money can affect the level of their communication, freedom and ease of climbing. If they need money to do this, they can just as easily going to earn them so as not to fall out of the cage.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

· Find a job with a pleasant team of colleagues with whom you will be on the same wavelength and with whom you will always have something to talk about, regardless of age;

Work at several jobs or hold several positions at once;

· Spend money or let it work, don't keep it in your pockets;

· Do not try to cheat, cheat and hide income;

· Invest in movable property (such as cars).

Lunar horoscope by date of birth

8. Needs for work and money of lunar Cancer

General Job Needs

The Moon in the sign of Cancer manifests itself to the fullest, because this is her native sign, the sign of her abode. The essence of the Moon itself has little to do with hard and strenuous work. People who have the Moon in this sign are more likely to show softness and pliability and are able to adapt to any situation.

For such people in any work it is important to be emotionally attached to their work. If there are no emotions, then the work will be very burdensome. Lunar Cancers often choose professions in the service sector, that is, where you can provide someone with support, help or show care and attention. By the way, among the lunar Cancers there are also often actors who use their emotions in their work.

Even if the work is not associated with such manifestations, the lunar Cancer will be very be kind to your team, as to his family, and will become strongly attached to those whom he sees and with whom he crosses paths every day.

He will take the matter seriously, stick to him, as they say, with his soul, so it’s very good if this it will be his own and not someone else's business. Any departure from work can be very painful for such a person. It is good for Cancer Moons to have a family business or work from home: it will bring them more comfort.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Cancers are very stubborn in achieving their goals, so they are not used to dropping things halfway and usually know what they are doing. That is why they often achieve a fairly high bar if they really want it.

As a boss, lunar Cancer is ideal, because it usually refers to its team very carefully, take care of everyone and does not like turnover, as it becomes attached to people.

Problems of lunar Cancer at work

Lunar Cancer can take some situations too close to heart, is very touchy and emotional where it is necessary to show firmness and resistance to stress. Also lunar Cancers can be soft there where you need to be solid and vice versa.

What does money mean for lunar Cancer?

Any work that Moon Cancer is engaged in should bring tangible benefit to others. It is these motives that Cancers have when they achieve professional goals. Cancers are also quite attached to the material, if money gives them a certain level of security, which they really need.

Usually lunar Cancers do not stop at a certain level of salary and strive for more. Moreover, they usually earn not only for themselves, but also for their families. If the lunar Cancers have a need to earn more, because the family requires it, then they can move mountains, but achieve the desired financial stability.

Lunar Cancers are usually not too prone to squandering and spend money quite carefully. They always have a reserve for a rainy day, a fund "in the name of themselves." If there are savings, lunar Cancers will feel more comfortable.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

Rely on your strong intuition at work;

· Find a job in a pleasant and friendly team (it is possible with relatives or close friends);

· Work where others really need your work, where others need your help, support or your goods.

· Always have a certain reserve of money for a rainy day.

9. Job needs and money of the lunar Leo

General Job Needs

It is very important for any lunar Leo to be appreciated. Whatever position he occupies, he must be a "star". Lunar Lions are very proud and sometimes even arrogant, so they are not used to give one's seat to another.

They want to brag about their achievements and skills, and if somewhere someone starts to outshine them, most likely they will do everything to become better than the competitor, or disappear altogether, looking for a more successful, in their opinion, place of work.

Leos love to win and expect praise from others, so it is vital for them to receive such praise and attention at work. That is why they usually do their work very carefully and responsibly and strive to ensure that their work is done. perfect.

Also, people with the Moon in Leo are very fond of attract attention, and will not be particularly offended if you flatter them. But they do not treat criticism very well, because they perceive any criticism as a knife in the back.

Usually the profession makes it very easy for them to win the attention of the public, they often create personal brand. Lunar Leos do not particularly like working in a large team, because it is easier to get lost there, and they also do not particularly need a business partner, because they are great at making decisions on their own.

What will his career be like? ?

Leos love power, so at work they tend to surround themselves with those who will somehow depend on them. Even if the lunar Leo works in the lowest position, he will present himself in such a way that that everyone owes him, and not he to someone.

However, Leos are usually ambitious and strive for more. They are not afraid of change and are ready to take the initiative, especially if they understand what it is. bring them success, attention, admiration. The main driving force of the lunar Leo in a career is the highest appreciation of their work and themselves as individuals.

If the lunar Leo understands that there is nothing to catch at work and there is no need to wait for a promotion, he will most likely do everything improve your expertise or even be ready to change the type of activity if he sees great prospects in a new place.

Lunar Leo problems at work

Sometimes the problem is that the Lions turn their noses up too much and start put yourself above others. This usually happens with weak and overly self-confident people, for whom there are no other authorities other than themselves.

As a result, such a person can be put in his place by stronger personalities, and he is left with nothing. Where there is an opportunity to develop and achieve their inner needs for attention and admiration, such a Leo gets the opposite. And all you had to do was to remove your pride and become a professional in your field.

What does money mean to the lunar Leo?

Lunar Lions treat money with respect - after all, this is a means to achieve certain status, position and recognition. Sometimes such an opinion goes beyond all boundaries, and the Lions see no other way to win the recognition and respect of others, except to get enough money.

In addition, Lions love not so much to earn money as to spend it, especially on themselves, their whims, entertainment. To look presentable, it is also important to have money, so Lunar Leos tend to financial success, to spend enough money on yourself. They know how to make money on their image and their appearance, while they may not need partners in their work.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

Work where you can show all your talents and abilities;

· Surround yourself with those who admire you and who are ready to follow you as a leader;

· Take a leading position;

· Constantly improve your knowledge and increase your expertise;

Never show your weakness to others;

· Work alone, without partners, take responsibility for your financial situation.

10. Job needs and money of the moon Virgo

General Job Needs

Lunar Virgos are inherently not afraid of work, they are ready to do the most tedious, scrupulous and boring work, they choose routine activities where they can not show any creative idea. The upside is that lunar Virgos usually very meticulous about what they do. They are ready to notice any details, take into account any little thing, which is why they are so good at exact sciences.

In work, the lunar Virgos do not particularly like changes, so they usually do everything to feel stable. They are very critical of both their work and the work of others, often do not understand how some creative people can earn money by “selling air”.

They need specifics, accurate calculations, real results that can be felt, seen or even touched. It is quite normal for them to work at the same place of work. long years, so often they don't even try to find something new if they feel comfortable. This is usually a typical situation for lunar Virgos - resistance to all sorts of changes.

However, among the lunar Virgos there are those who, on the contrary, are constantly in search and cannot stay in one place for a long time. This is mainly due to the fact that a person cannot find exactly those comfortable conditions that he subconsciously needs: namely, stability, clear technical specifications, real results from activities, a stable salary with guaranteed growth.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Virgos are able to make a career, but this does not always happen. If they are quite comfortable and stable, they will not be pulled to achieve more. Those who experience discomfort, who are uncomfortable or feel bad in certain conditions, will try to climb up, using your expertise and improving your skills.

Usually, Moon Virgos devote so much time to polishing their skills that they become narrow specialists in their field, and, most likely, specialists of a very high level.

Problems of the moon Virgo at work

Sometimes lunar Virgos approach their activities too critically, so constantly doubt that what they do. Criticism can also be transferred to other people, so in teams Virgos can often be disliked, considered boring.

What does money mean to the moon Virgo?

Usually lunar Virgos take finances very seriously. If there are no contradictions to this in the horoscope, they are not used to wasting money and know how to save it, and spend on the most important and necessary. They are ready to compare and fix prices in different stores and will never buy anything at random without checking other offers.

Usually, lunar Virgos know how to make money, and money for them is, first of all, stability and confidence in the future, as well as for other earth signs.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

· Work in those areas that give real tangible results;

Use time management in your work;

· Look for a job with clear and understandable tasks and plans that add up to a logical system;

· Plan your income and expenses;

Make clear plans and goals, with details and very small sub-goals that will help move towards bigger money;

· Spend money on training, improve skills, polish your professionalism;

· Do not waste money, do not buy overpriced goods, save and save.

11. Needs for work and money of lunar Libra

General Job Needs

People with the Moon in Libra are often pretty humble and indecisive. It is difficult for them to make quick decisions, so they prefer such activities where there is no haste and speed in making decisions, where there is time to think and weigh everything carefully before drawing final conclusions and proceeding to real action.

Lunar Libra needs partners with whom they can easily get along and next to whom they feel quite confident. Libras don't like to work alone. they are not very comfortable. They need someone else around to give good advice and with whom it was possible in which case to share responsibility.

Lunar Libra can support friendly relations with everyone and don't like to get into conflict, therefore, in teams where there are intriguers, gossips, envious people, it is very difficult for them to get along. Such a place of work will be very uncomfortable for them, so they will look for something better - where there is agreement, balance, partnership and a friendly environment.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Libras do not often become careerists, and they are usually not characterized by workaholism. They usually will not selflessly devote themselves to a career. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a career can prevent fulfillment in personal life, and here it is necessary to find a balance, to which Libra subconsciously will always strive. However, they can, if they want, and if the strength of their character allows it, become the head of some companies with good and reliable partners.

Problems of lunar Libra at work

Lunar Libra is sometimes lazy, they don’t like to bother too much on some routine actions, sometimes you can get more from them talk than action.

It can be difficult for them to start doing something, they lack inspiration, they need a kick or inspirational advice from other people. Also, lunar Libra is alien to work where decisions are required. quickly and without hesitation. They may not feel very comfortable when someone puts pressure on them, forcing them to make a choice that is always very difficult for them.

What does money mean for lunar Libra?

For lunar Libra, money becomes important when it helps them. rise socially, acquire a certain status in society, become a respected person.

In addition, it is extremely necessary for Libra public opinion, and if lunar Libra needs money for positive assessments, they will strive to earn it. Lunar Libra knows how to appreciate the beautiful, so they are often ready to spend money on beautiful things, art objects, and are also ready to invest in cultural values.

But lunar Libra, especially for women, are far from always ready to go in search of work themselves. They may well entrust this task your partner, and do not mind being dependent on them in a material sense.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

· Work in partnership, share responsibility with others;

· Build good relationships at work with colleagues, superiors, subordinates or partners;

· Emphasize more on your diplomatic qualities;

· Choose a job in which there is an opportunity to consult, evaluate an expert, coordinate someone else's work; agree on something, conduct and organize various negotiations;

· In work, try to act in such a way as to please others, inspire sympathy and trust (in particular, among clients);

· Consult with experts or partners in regards to spending, investing or earning.

Lunar horoscope of work

12. Job needs and money of the lunar Scorpio

General Job Needs

Scorpio is one of those signs that loves power, and where there is power, there is financial stability. Lunar Scorpios feel the need to be a little further than the rest and reach a certain position.

Lunar Scorpios are always very cautious and do not let people close to them so easily. They feel the need for thrills, so they will subconsciously choose for themselves a job where there is a certain level of risk and adrenaline, where there may be some kind of difficult team or where you need to get to the bottom of something important.

Usually lunar scorpios know everything about their colleagues, superiors and subordinates, but others do not know anything about them! Lunar Scorpios are quite secretive and will not share the most intimate, always keeping a certain distance with others.

Lunar Scorpios have good intuition, and if it is also developed, they can work well with people, feeling their weaknesses and knowing how to behave with them in order to get what they want. Scorpio will not tolerate when someone from the team tries to incubate him or push him out, he himself can hurt to bite in case of danger. Know that with any lunar Scorpio, jokes are bad!

Lunar Scorpios are often dissatisfied with the status quo at work, and if they have a high enough level of self-esteem and know what they want, they will do everything to get what they need.

If it is strongly necessary, they are ready to change everything in their lives, starting with clean slate . However, a crisis situation can only attract the lunar Scorpio more, or he will personally create crises and problems in order to solve and overcome them. Otherwise, he will simply become bored and uninterested in working further.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Scorpios usually achieve high goals due to their strong qualities and aspiration. They are ready to stick to their goals and not like to roll from the chosen path.

In career aspirations, they can go over their heads if necessary. If a person is of a higher level, he will climb the career ladder, improving his professionalism and thus leaving its competitors far behind. Although not all Scorpios are born leaders and businessmen, they can still lead others if they want.

Problems of the lunar Scorpio at work

Scorpios can also make mistakes, such as following their own prejudices. They can be too stubborn and often unshakable in their assessments. They are do not like to forgive mistakes others, but at the same time they may not notice their shortcomings. Being on a low floor, the lunar Scorpio is able to appropriate someone else's.

What does money mean to the lunar Scorpio?

Money for lunar Scorpios means a lot, they know how to appreciate the material, referring to the elements of Water. Having good intuition, lunar Scorpios are able to prudent use both their own and other people's finances. That is why they can work well in areas where other people's money is spinning, ranging from cashiers in exchange offices and small bank clerks to fairly wealthy financiers or owners of insurance companies.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

Use other people's resources to earn your own;

· Take reasonable risks, do not put everything on the line and think carefully about strategies so as not to be left with nothing;

· Look for work in areas where you can eliminate crises and some problems where you have to take risks;

· Work in areas where other people's money is spinning.

13. Job needs and money of the lunar Sagittarius

General Job Needs

Lunar Sagittarius does not particularly like to bother with something, loves movement, change and freedom, which is why he often chooses a job where all this can be combined. At work, such a person often takes the helm or begins to teach everyone the mind of reason, which may not please everyone, especially if he does not occupy some high responsible post.

Lunar Sagittarius, like other fire signs, needs all the attention to be drawn to them. However, they are enough can work well in a team and even “tolerate” some other leaders next to them, unlike, for example, the lunar Lions, who do not tolerate rivals.

Lunar Sagittarians often choose such professions where they can teach someone something, share their experience, but they themselves like to learn everything new. That is why for the lunar Sagittarius a job will be a gift, where constantly need to improve knowledge, teach someone, go on business trips and attend refresher courses. Sagittarians are usually quite easy-going, do not like to sit in the office "swamp" and do everything to escape from it.

Lunar Sagittarius do not like monotony, so they usually choose professions and places of work where there is no daily boring routine, where you can change areas of activity, not stick to one thing. Also important for Sagittarius evaluation and social status. They are social creatures, so working alone is usually not too comfortable for them.

What will his career be like? ?

Like other fire signs, lunar Sagittarians are not averse to taking a leading position, so they will more often strive for career growth. However, if a career seems to them too exhausting and will deprive them of their freedom, then Sagittarius can be quite content with lower positions, while feeling very comfortable.

Lunar Sagittarians have great sense of humor and they know how to find an approach to the authorities, they are usually very noticeable in the team, they are singled out and appreciated, therefore the authorities are usually favorable to them, and they can quickly move up the career ladder.

Problems of the lunar Sagittarius at work

Sometimes lunar Sagittarius are not too accurate and may not bring everything to the end. They can set themselves unrealistic goals, overestimate your capabilities, or try to embrace the immensity or move towards several goals at the same time, missing important things and details.

What does money mean for lunar Sagittarius?

Sagittarians do not have a strong need for money and material things - they are certainly not materialists, so money is usually are calm(today is, tomorrow is not).

They are prone to grand gestures, do not like trifles and save money, and feel more or less uninhibited and freely, if there is an opportunity to spend money on yourself and your loved ones. That is why Sagittarians are often left without money.

Knowledge and the opportunity to be free are the main values ​​of the lunar Sagittarius, so he is ready to invest a lot of money in his education, new knowledge, in order to discover new areas for himself. Traveling is also a big part of his expenses.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

Choose elite areas where you can show yourself and your knowledge and where you can teach someone and learn something;

· Looking for a job in large companies or in companies where there is an opportunity for growth, development, improvement of knowledge;

· Use new methods in your work, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and culture;

Set yourself clear and realistic financial goals that will not be blurry and streamlined;

· Be generous, do not go in cycles in money;

· Be in an elite society more often, communicate with people of a higher status;

· Accumulate not money, but knowledge and contacts of high-ranking persons or very respected people.

14. Job needs and money of lunar Capricorn

General Job Needs

Lunar Capricorns have the strongest need for professional growth and recognition from all the signs of the Zodiac. These people usually do not scatter emotions, they want to see clear and precise tasks in their work, not waste time on nonsense and create order and structure.

The moon in the sign of Capricorn is weak in strength, therefore it does not give a person softness and weakness. Usually these are rather tough people who do not show their emotions. Of course, like everyone else, they know how to empathize and sympathize, to be weak, but they have very strong stress tolerance and they will express care in their own way, keeping their emotions under strict control.

Lunar Capricorns need a structured and orderly life, therefore they work quite normally in government and other structures where discipline where there is a clear hierarchy and a clear development plan. They themselves are usually responsible for such things at work, even if they work in small trading firms.

And yet, the lunar Capricorn, most likely, will not get along well in places where there is no stability, plans and prospects. He is much more comfortable where there is a direction in which he must move and move forward without fail, even if this requires go around or work hard for decades.

Often people with the Moon in Capricorn work at the same job for years, especially if the job corresponds to their understanding about comfort. They need respect from colleagues and other people from the inner circle.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Capricorns feel quite normal, devoting a huge amount of their time to work, so with the right approach achieve great results.

In most cases, they are able set goals and go for them, they are looking for order and stability, solid ground under their feet, so if they need to make a career for this, they will confidently go to their career goals, albeit not too quickly.

Problems of lunar Capricorn at work

The main problem of the lunar Capricorn is that he does not always know how to stop in time and properly rest. Lunar Capricorns are often workaholics forget about high-quality and proper rest, which affects their health.

What does money mean for lunar Capricorn?

Money for the lunar Capricorn is significant as a means to obtain stability and confidence in tomorrow. They usually do not like to spend money and make clear shopping lists before going shopping.

Even if Capricorn can still relax by spending the money he has earned, most likely he will choose a purchase for a long time and buy only what he needs. really necessary At the moment.

Without money, Capricorn usually feels insecure, so it is imperative that at least something is left in his wallet after global shopping. He will most likely always have put money in a piggy bank for a special occasion that will never come.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

・Aim for stable income, which can be predicted and calculated;

· Have a certain amount of money in the piggy bank;

· Strive to take high positions at work, where you can improve your professionalism and build strategies for development and growth;

· Look for a job where there is discipline and a clear direction of activity, where there are real results that can be seen and evaluated;

· Build hierarchical relationships, have subordinates and obey superiors;

· Look for a job where you have to follow a strict schedule, where there are certain rules and laws that should not be violated, and where it is required high level disciplines.

15. Needs for work and money of the lunar Aquarius

General Job Needs

The general need of lunar Aquarius is always associated with certain level of freedom, so such people often tend to find work with a free schedule, where there are not a lot of bosses and no rigid framework!

The dream job of any Aquarius is that there he can show his creative and intellectual abilities, being absolutely not squeezed by circumstances where he can freely choose how to act, when and how much time to devote to work.

If Aquarius feels comfortable, he can get carried away to work and get a lot, striking with their results those who see them and can appreciate them.

Lunar Aquarius are social creatures, so often their work is connected with people. However, they may also feel quite comfortable working alone, but at the same time being involved in new technologies or in some way. predicting and anticipating the future.

Lunar Aquarius will quite find a circle of friends in addition to work. This is especially true for those lunar Aquarius who do not tolerate other people's pressure, pointers from superiors and a regulated working day. They easily go freelancing, saying goodbye to the team, but at the same time they can maintain friendly relations with those with whom they have not worked together for a long time.

Lunar Aquarius is also suitable for a place of work where colleagues and superiors treat each other in a friendly and even familiar way. He will be comfortable working with those with whom he is associated and informal relationships, and also often he finds friends precisely within the walls of his office.

Lunar Aquarius works well in places where you can apply some unique skills and knowledge, where there is a development of modern technologies and where products, for example, defy the times. He will also be interested in rare and unique professions, he will boldly start working in areas that have just appeared on the labor market.

What will his career be like? ?

Lunar Aquarians usually do not strive for a career, they do not particularly need it, because higher positions mean higher responsibility and the loss of a certain level of independence. Lunar Aquarius will be much more comfortable in lower positions if the job suits their needs.

If Aquarians become big bosses, it's nice to work with them. They are understand their subordinates if they do not like the rules and attitudes, so they are ready to make concessions. Such bosses often become friends with their team, so everyone tries to work honestly, hiding nothing.

Lunar Aquarius problems at work

The main problem of the lunar Aquarius in the work will be the unwillingness to obey the rules and orders, as well as any hierarchy. Often in large teams it is simply necessary to follow the rules so that people do not relax, discipline is maintained. Aquarius can act as rebel who will vehemently defend his freedom and his rights, for which he is often punished.

What does money mean for lunar Aquarius?

Lunar Aquarius are usually calm about money. They do not particularly like to save, and if they do, it is solely because they are convinced that having a supply of money, they have freedom dispose of them.

If Aquarius has ideas that they can use, they are not in danger of poverty. They can be very resourceful in choosing a way to earn money and work quietly for multiple jobs at the same time with multiple sources of income.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

· Get ​​unique and complex knowledge, become a unique specialist in your field or within one enterprise;

· Use informal methods to earn money, learn new ways of earning money or new professions (for example, earnings on the Internet);

· Look for a job where there is a certain level of freedom;

· Work in a friendly team, in a team with like-minded people;

· Constantly generate new ideas and put them into practice;

· Look to the future, apply modern technologies.

16. The need for work and money of the lunar Pisces

General Job Needs

Moon in Pisces at birth gives people rich imagination, subtle organization of the soul, increased sensitivity, the ability to sympathize and compassion. These are subtle natures who know how to adapt to different conditions, but who are sometimes not so easy to survive in this cruel world.

Often such people choose creative professions because it is in such areas that they can realize their great potential. At work, it is important for them to believe in the idea, in their business, that it is real. will benefit someone, so often lunar Pisces choose a job where dedication is required, where you can take care of someone or sympathize with someone.

Lunar Pisces are usually good psychologists. Many people can tell them about their problems, because they are very understand others well, never judge, know how to empathize and give advice.

They do not feel very good in rigid structures, but if in these organizations there is an opportunity to show their lunar qualities - empathize, care, help, then they ready to be disciplined.

Also for lunar Pisces, places where you need to hide and hide something may come up. For example, do not talk about your activities, sign non-disclosure agreements for some information, or work in closed institutions where there is no place for outsiders.

What will his career be like? ?

Moon Pisces often do not aspire to high positions and do not even try to make a big career. They just don't need it. In work, the main thing is to be useful to others, to have ideals that you can strive for and help those who who needs help.

Pisces moon problems at work

Lunar Pisces often have to make choices that are not in their favor. They are not materialists, and they usually hard to predict moves ahead, it is difficult to structure the work and it is difficult to suspect dirty tricks. They are quite gullible creatures, which is why they suffer.

Pisces often take over overtime work, it is easy to impose unnecessary duties on them, arousing sympathy and compassion. This can be used by cunning colleagues or overly greedy bosses.

What does money mean for lunar Pisces ?

Usually lunar Pisces are not obsessed with money, do not have a clear plan for their extraction and freely part with them if necessary. Regardless of the material, Pisces often attract good income which are simply not covered.

Lunar Pisces generally do not like to tell someone where it comes from, and is not tormented by remorse, sat down to hide some of their income. Lunar Pisces can calmly make money informally or play some backstage game. One source of income may not be enough for them. They also usually do not strive for stability and know how to be content with little.

Tips for Raising Money in the Profession

Do not strive for stability, calmly accept that money can be different from time to time, but have reserves for a rainy day;

· Have multiple sources of income;

· Do not spread to others (even those closest to you) about how much you really earn;

Visualize the desired income, dream and mentally attract money to yourself;

Choose a job in which you can help someone or take care of someone, be a vest, provide moral support;

· Use your intuition and worldly wisdom to increase your income.

17. Useful Lunar Psychology Books for Further Reading:

A. Semenova "Moon and big money"

E. Selezneva "Lunar psychology of personality"

P. Globa "The Moon in Signs"

T. Muri "Lunar Astrology"

Would you like to receive more information about what profession and what job would suit you best? Here you can not do without an in-depth analysis of the horoscope on the topic of career guidance and money. Knowing your horoscope will help you understand how well you have chosen a profession, whether you should work in an office, work at home better or start your own business, how to increase your income and much more. This is especially true if you are still in doubt, are at a crossroads, and have to make important choices in life.

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Auspicious day. On this day, you can do a lot and get interesting offers. You can use the help of partners. Day of friendship and solidarity of people. Good day for those associated with vehicles.

- decide financial questions

- to be active

- decide common problems

- work in a team and individually

– business trips to sign contracts

- creation

- distance yourself from the team and confront yourself

March 16, 2020

A day of spiritual and creative renewal. Auspicious day for writers, poets, scientists.

- checking new documents

– conclusion of contracts

— study of archives

- Dedicate this day to education and learning.

- transfer knowledge and personal experience

- communicate and negotiate

- solve simple problems and not make serious decisions

— to be a sponsor, mainly for creative people and intellectual development organizations

- start new and serious business

- to work a lot

These days, mood and general activity increase. People are usually calm, balanced and benevolent.

A favorable period for concluding contracts and submitting any applications. You may feel an interest in social activities.

Good for legal issues. You can start new business, make long trips and business trips, draw up documents.

Avoid buying land and starting new construction

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 17, 2020


The energy of this day is complex and can lead to conflict and aggression during conversation. The second half of the day is not favorable. If you act alone, then the power of the moon can help realize the most complex plans. This is a day of change. Unimportant things can be eliminated.

- talk less or avoid contact altogether

- express inner peace and balance

avoid crowded places and new companies

- do something important

- negotiate

- share your thoughts and ideas

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 18, 2020


Auspicious day for creativity, presentation of artworks.

- to plan

- work with archives

- start a new business

- complete important projects

- be active

– lay the foundation for construction, start repair work

- buy property

- for the leader: carefully analyze what actions lead to success

- for an employee: ask the boss about a raise and a raise

- holding exhibitions, performances, concerts, parties

- to study

- improve skills

- complete important projects and tasks

During Capricorn, it is favorable to make plans and start important things. A successful period for precise work, mathematical calculations and precise execution of instructions. The right time to do business with real estate.

Avoid financial issues, loans. Don't look new job. Logic is pretty much updated these days. This is not a favorable period for creative individuals.

People usually demonstrate responsibility, efficiency and awareness of their responsibilities.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 19, 2020


The first half of the day is unfavorable. In the afternoon you will be able to solve many problems.

- during the first half of the day, avoid teamwork

- in the afternoon, trust your intuition

- solve simple problems - discuss the current situation

- hurry

- to be active

sign contracts, establish new contacts, make important decisions

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 20, 2020


This day is considered unfavorable for any business.

- do current work

- listen to the advice of others

- solve simple problems

– be neutral and express more empathy for colleagues

- resist mood swings

- make important decisions

- travel

During the Aquarian period, people are usually interested in everything new and unexpected ideas can come to them. An auspicious day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to authorities.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. These are favorable days for scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, a penchant for experimentation.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 21, 2020


On this day you can receive revelation and secret knowledge. You may receive good news from friends. You can profit from previously completed contracts. The first half of the day is more favorable.

- pay attention to any financial issues

- pay off debts

- charity

- avoid anxiety and stress

– in the afternoon sign contracts, new documents, start new activity

- Eliminate previously encountered problems with partners, colleagues, bosses

- demonstrate patience, understanding, diplomacy

- carry out scientific research

- brag about your accomplishments

During the Aquarian period, people are usually interested in everything new and unexpected ideas can come to them. An auspicious day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to authorities.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. These are favorable days for scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, a penchant for experimentation.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

During the 21st lunar day, the Sahasrara chakra is active.

About dreams

on 21 lunar days

The main task of dreams on this lunar day is to show how creative energy is manifested in life - it is suppressed or harmoniously used. In other aspects, dreams have no meaning and rarely come true.

Gardening for today

Sagittarius days are Fruit days.


  • planting fruit trees, fast growing vegetables.
  • pruning trees and shrubs (during the growing moon).
  • sowing grain.
  • underground pest control.

In the life of any of us, periodically there are crisis moments associated with the loss of a job or the need to find a new, well-paid job. At times economic crisis this problem declares itself in full voice, knocking us out of the usual rut and depriving us of the comfort zone. In this crazy world, none of us is immune from meeting her.

However, each crisis phenomenon is fraught with not only a destructive beginning, but also a huge potential for evolutionary growth, which we simply must use for our own benefit.
But, it must be recognized that human life, alas, is not endless, and young, able-bodied years fly by quickly and imperceptibly. For this reason, people who are very pragmatic and ambitious prefer to act for sure, choosing the most favorable time to implement their plans.

It is for these purposes, as well as to optimize and improve the quality of life, that elective astrology exists. With its help, favorable days were calculated for getting a job or starting a business in 2020. Moreover, these calculations are universal, that is, they can be used by all people living in the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, regardless of the date of birth.

Favorable days for starting a business and getting a job in 2020

January - there are no favorable days;

February - 10;

March - 28;

April - 3, 6, 24;

June - there are no favorable days;

July - 15, 23, 24, 30;

August - 20;

September - 8, 15, 22;

October - 12;

November - 10, 16;

December - 25 (the day is favorable for the European part of the CIS).