Why iota began to load the Internet badly. Iota catches badly: there is no network - what to do. Problems with picking up a signal from the base station

  • 24.06.2020

As one of the leading telecommunications companies, Yota provides services mobile communications, strives to be among the leaders in the promotion of 4G LTE Internet in Russia. Already now, its subscribers are several million Russians, which is explained by the availability of flexible tariff plans combined with high-speed Internet.

It’s just that not everyone succeeds in working stably at 4G speeds due to spontaneously arising problems with wireless communication. And they can appear for various reasons. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common reasons that answer the question: “Why does Yota Internet not work?”

Network failure

Failures during connection and during operation may occur due to:

  • weak signal;
  • excessive load on Iota;
  • problems with the device or SIM card.

Fortunately, the above remarks are easily detected experimentally: by checking for performance in the next block or on another device.

People living in densely populated residential areas often complain about network failures, not understanding why the Internet does not work and blame the provider for this reason. In fact, the problem lies in the oversaturation of the surrounding space with radio waves that come, for example, from Wi-Fi routers of neighbors. As an output, you can get more powerful equipment or purchase a special signal amplifier.

If Iota does not work due to failures, then the Internet settings in the device itself may have been deleted. You can order the current settings for accessing the Iota Internet through Personal Area or technical support of a mobile operator.

Bad weather

The weather can affect the transmission of the radio signal in different ways. For example, clouds and clouds in dry weather improve the quality of data transmission over the air, thereby increasing the stability of wireless communications and the Internet. In this case, the clouds act as a passive repeater, reflecting and propagating the signal from the transmitter over a greater distance. Conversely, thunderstorms and snowfall worsen communication, preventing the free passage of the radio signal.

Payment problem

Yota is a prepaid provider. This means that at the end of the billing period (30 days) and there is not enough money on the account to extend it, access to the Internet is terminated. The countdown of the new period will automatically start from the moment the account is replenished in the amount provided for by the starter package.

The limitation or absence of wireless Internet may be caused by exceeding the limit specified in tariff plan. To resume work, you will have to remember the terms of your tariff and pay for additional megabytes.

No signal

No matter how cellular companies try to provide stable coverage, there are still enough gaps on the map of the Russian Federation in which wireless Internet does not work. Nevertheless, Yota is rapidly developing its 4G network, installing the latest equipment not only in large cities, but also in the periphery. To help subscribers on the official page of Iota, a coverage map is provided, where zones with a stable level of 2G, 3G, 4G are marked.

When using a Yota modem ( WiFi router) for a computer, an unstable, intermittent signal can be caused by poor hardware placement. First of all, this is the problem of panel-type high-rise buildings with load-bearing reinforced partitions, which perfectly dampen any radio signal. To ensure uniform coverage in all rooms, it is best to mount the router in the corridor, ensuring that the signal passes to all rooms through the doorways.

Poor quality network equipment

The speed of receiving and transmitting a signal largely depends on the quality of the transmitting equipment, and therefore on its model and price. The user must understand that a $50 router built to the new standards will perform better than a $20 router made 7 years ago. Providers, as a rule, have in their arsenal different models network equipment and offer customers budget options for discounts and promotions.

It is not surprising that some cheap devices cease to function normally in the first year of operation. For example, low voltage from the power supply leads to frequent failures in the router. Without knowing this reason, you can complain for a long time about the low speed due to anything, without suspecting a breakdown in the power supply.

Problem with settings

In addition to technical troubles, the reasons why the Internet from Yota may not work may be of a software nature:

  1. The data transfer service is disabled on the tablet (smartphone). To activate it, the easiest way is to call Iota support.
  2. Point malfunctions WiFi access, or rather in the proxy server settings. You should check and deactivate the proxy server in your smartphone.
  3. Change your Wi-Fi password. You need to delete the current connection and then create a new one.
  4. After a temporary loss of connection, the gadget could not automatically register on the network. You should reboot the device or manually set the search for available networks, followed by registration in Yota.
  5. Crashes in USB operation modem. In this case, you need to update the driver.

Smartphone problem

In order to save money, our compatriots order “gray” smartphones from China, which they then independently flash for their preferred operating system. But few people think about the operating frequency range (band) of the built-in radio module. The result is an inconsistency. A smartphone at the hardware level cannot implement high-speed data transfer at the frequency of the provider.

For example, in Russia, LTE 4G operates on bands No. 7,20,38, and in China, other frequencies are used, which the “gray” smartphone was originally configured for. It is impossible to reconfigure such a gadget, since some microprocessor manufacturers already integrate an LTE-enabled radio module into one chip with a processor.


No matter how hard programmers try to protect their software, viruses still manage to sneak into tablets and smartphones and interfere with their work. If applications in the smartphone begin to respond inadequately to button presses, it is recommended to check the device for viruses. By the way, block Internet Yota not only a virus, but also an antivirus program can. To check if this is the case, you need to change the antivirus settings, gain access to data transfer and restart the device.

Of course, there are other, more specific problems, due to which Yota Internet may not work on your smartphone or computer. In such cases, it is better to call or write to the support service chat. mobile operator.

Read also

The Yota operator is today included in the list of the most demanded cellular companies in the territory Russian Federation, offering its customers the opportunity to use high-speed mobile internet on the favorable conditions and other services cellular communication.

Despite this, sometimes users may experience problems using the services and wonder why the Yota Internet is not working. And today, as part of our article, we will consider the most popular of these questions.

Why Yota Internet is slow and what to do in this case

If you are faced with the problem of a noticeable decrease in Internet speed within the framework of the tariff plan used, this may be the result of several factors. Which we are talking about below:

  • Bad connection: If you have traveled or moved to a remote area of ​​your locality, a noticeable decrease in the speed of Internet access can be influenced by more weak signal;
  • Account depletion: in case of using all the funds on the subscriber's account, Yota does not block access to Internet access services, but only reduces the maximum access speed to 128 kbps. This is a significant decrease, which is immediately felt even by not the most experienced users of computers and the Internet.

Based on the above answers to the question why Yota is slow, you can also answer the question of what to do in such a situation. When it comes to communication problems, the most obvious and simple solution is to change the location of the user or the device itself. Even moving the modem closer to a window or balcony, if the device is used indoors, can significantly affect the speed and quality of communication.

If we are talking about a zero account balance, then here the solution to the problem is also obvious - it is necessary to replenish the account. Moreover, this will not be a problem at all, because Yota leaves users with access to the network at a speed that will be quite enough to enter Internet banking and complete the payment procedure for services.

Why the Yota modem does not work and how to fix it

Another fairly common problem that may affect Yota Internet users is the incorrect operation of modems and routers used to connect modern gadgets to the network. For example, one of the most popular devices today is Yota Many. This is a small modem, which is assembled very high quality, and has virtually no flaws. However, like any technique, from time to time it is able to let down its owners. Often, problems arise precisely at the software level, which leads to the fact that the Yota Internet does not work well, or does not work at all.

In such situations, the solution to the issue can be one, and any subscriber is able to cope with it. The main thing is to follow the instructions below exactly:

  1. Find the power button on the device, press it and hold for 25-30 seconds. This action will start the procedure for resetting the device to the factory state.
  2. Connect the Yota modem to the computer via a USB cable.
  3. Launch a web browser on your computer and go to status.yota.ru. (basically, a redirect to this resource will happen when you launch any site in a browser).
  4. Set the hotspot name and create a password, if necessary, to access the Wi-Fi shared by the device.
  5. Save the router settings and check the account balance to be sure that Internet access will be provided at the speed selected according to the terms of the tariff.

After completing these steps, you can start using the Internet through the Yota modem under standard conditions.

The new generation of 4G wireless communication differs from its predecessor 3G in higher speed and stable signal. Work in networks of the fourth generation of the LTE standard is offered by many domestic providers, including Yota. Despite the excellent speed characteristics, even for this innovative technology, in some cases, an additional amplifier of the signal received by the subscriber is required. Yota signal.

So far, wireless communication is not stable and is very dependent on some external factors, especially if the user lives outside the city far from the base station. In addition, "air" technologies in terms of speed and continuity have always lost to conventional wired internet. The introduction of fourth-generation communications, of course, has become a breakthrough in the field of telecommunications, but still not enough to overtake the cable counterpart in terms of basic characteristics.

The functionality of wireless equipment can be affected by many factors. An amplifier for a Yota modem or router will help to compensate for the distortion.

The user can carry out an independent installation of the Yota amplifier, which is offered to be bought from the provider, or a home-made device made on its own. Installation of such equipment will help Eta subscribers avoid problems with the wireless communication channel and increase the signal strength.

Before amplifying the received wireless signal Yota, the user should deal with the reasons that have a negative impact on the quality of the Internet connection. Negative factors that reduce traffic speed and worsen the strength of the transmitted impulse include:

  • intensive "parsing" of traffic in the network during peak hours;
  • distance from the base station;
  • simultaneous connection to a dedicated channel of several mobile or stationary devices;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • rugged terrain;
  • metal structures and reinforced concrete walls;
  • a large amount of furniture in the room, which is an obstacle to the passage of a radio pulse;
  • corners in the room and so on.

This is just a small list of what affects the quality of communication. And it should be understood that the signal amplifier for a Yota router or modem is not able to eliminate all types of impacts negative factors. If the speed of the Internet connection has dropped due to heavy network congestion, then the user will not be able to improve the signal in any way.

Influence of metal boxes and wall corners

Super high frequency (SHF) signal Yota has a greater penetrating power than light waves. It can pass through opaque objects without compromising the quality of communication, as long as such objects do not conduct electricity. When passing through the conductors, there is a distortion of the ultra-wideband radio signal that provides the wireless channel of the Internet connection. This phenomenon is observed in a reinforced concrete house or in a room where there are various types of metal structures.

Nearby houses, and even the corners of the walls in the room, also distort the microwave signal, creating a "reflection". The result is an interference pattern of minimum and maximum signals. How can the quality of Yota 4G Internet be improved in such a situation?

First you need to try to change the location of the modem or router, following the indications of the link indicator. You need to move slowly in the room, moving the equipment horizontally and vertically. Usually around the window, the speed and quality of the wireless connection improves. The modem connected directly to the computer for the convenience of moving it around the room must be switched to a USB 2.0 extension cable, which will allow you to maintain an acceptable data transfer rate. To comfortably move the modem, you need to use a cable with a length of at least 7 meters.

How to amplify the Yota signal

Before amplifying the signal of the Iota Internet connection, you need to measure it. This will determine the area of ​​stable reception. How to check the 4G signal level of the Yota modem? To evaluate this indicator, you should use a special service provider. Measurements should be taken not only indoors, but also outdoors. If the radio signal is more stable outside the house, then the Internet amplifier from Yota will have to be installed outside, while not forgetting to protect it from atmospheric factors.

Although routers and modems sold by the service provider have a built-in antenna, it is usually not strong enough to significantly improve the signal. An antenna purchased from a provider can serve as an additional amplifier in specialized outlets or made by hand.

External antenna for signal amplification

If the user is far from the base station, then he can purchase a ready-made antenna from the operator. You will need to install the Yota amplifier in a place with stable signal reception. Purchase finished equipment- the easiest way to increase the power of the Yota 4G LTE RF pulse.

Wi-Fi repeater - add Yota router coverage

You can implement an improvement in the quality of Yota communication for a router by extending the existing network. Routers have several channels, on which the physical and functional characteristics of signal reception can be different. To change the channel, you need to enter the device configuration and select the one that has a more stable signal.

How to improve Yota reception with your own hands

How to improve the Yota modem signal level if it is not possible to purchase an antenna from a provider or in a store? In such a situation, the Yota signal will help to strengthen home-made devices. They are quite enough to increase the power of the Yota signal even when the user is far from the base station.

An antenna for a city apartment or cottage can be made from improvised means. For this, a metal or aluminum cover, foil, metal grill are suitable. You can connect an amplifier for 4G Internet from Yota in an apartment building or a private cottage in this way in a couple of hours. At the same time, a home-made device will perform its functions not much worse than expensive branded equipment.

can amplifier

If there is no stable coverage in the room, is it possible to amplify the Yota 4G signal for a router or modem? The subscriber will be able to “raise” the Yota signal in such a situation by making a 4G modem amplifier from Yota from an ordinary beer can. For this you need:

  • calculate the dimensions of the antenna from the can;
  • determine the location of the nearest base station;
  • find out the geographical coordinates of your home and the found base station;
  • calculate the direction azimuth to the selected base station from home;
  • use the compass to set the direction of the can antenna.

It is best to install such an amplifier by the window.

Lattice Amplifier

To improve the unstable reception of Yota LTE, you can use a metal grill as an antenna, to which you need to attach the modem. Such a structure is fixed in the location where the most high speed internet connections. The grille should be directed towards the base station. If such an antenna, which improves the low 4G signal from Yota, is installed outdoors, the equipment attached to it should be protected from precipitation.

foil reinforcement

How to make Yota signal reception stable if there is no special equipment nearby? For the manufacture of the antenna, you can use ordinary foil, turning it into a hollow cylinder to which you will need to attach the modem. This does not require any specific skill. To make a home-made device of this type is within the power of any user.

How to improve the quality of the Yota signal in a private house located in the suburbs? In this case, a pseudo-satellite, which is assembled from:

  • colander, aluminum pot or bowl (stainless steel utensils are also suitable);
  • foil material;
  • a metal grill or an old umbrella;
  • USB extension cable 5 m long;
  • two screws.

To assemble a pseudo-satellite device, you will need:

  • make two holes in a metal dish;
  • put the foil material and fix it with the USB cable connector so that the upper part of the “whistle” is in the center.

Then a homemade amplifier must be installed in the place of a stable signal.

How to strengthen the signal of a Yota 4G modem with your own hands using an omnidirectional antenna

Users themselves will be able to make a Yota active amplifier in the form of an omnidirectional antenna, which is used to receive television broadcasts. In order to make it, you will need to acquire:

  • 50 ohm cable with BNC connector;
  • soldering iron;
  • glue gun;
  • with a knife;
  • ruler;
  • awl.

The cable is exposed 4 cm from one end. The wire twist is unraveled and a screen is made from it. Four screen taps need to be twisted, bent at an angle of 45 degrees and processed with a soldering iron. The base of the beams must be treated with glue and fixed inside the structure. The cable without insulation should be reduced to 3 cm. The same length should be left for the four outlets. After that, the Internet amplifier from Eta is recommended to be placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window, where the signal is always more powerful.

Using improvised means, you can independently improve the quality of wireless communication from Iota, especially if the subscriber lives far from the base station and does not have a special antenna.

The next reason that can be easily solved can be the banal obsolescence of the Yota firmware or drivers.

Decision #3

Check the new drivers for your device on the Yota official website or on our page. Install the latest drivers and easily continue to enjoy all the delights of wireless Internet using our website resource.

Why might not work?

Yota Internet settings are sent to the smartphone automatically when the SIM card is activated. Unfortunately, the message may end up in spam and the settings must be entered manually. Less common are other reasons:

The SIM card is physically damaged;

The Yota SIM card is inserted into the second slot. If the smartphone has two cards, then Yota must be placed in the first slot;

There is no 3G/4G network coverage where data transmission is not guaranteed. To avoid the last problem, it is necessary, before purchasing a sim card, to be sure to familiarize yourself with the coverage map on the official website of the operator.

How to setup?

Setting up a Yota access point takes no more than a minute:

1. For the iPhone, we perform the following actions: go to the settings menu, then "Cellular". Here we select "Cellular data network" and indicate the APN data "internet.yota", do not fill in other fields.

2. Yota settings on android: in the settings menu, select "Mobile networks". We find "APN access points", select "Create access point", specify:

Name - yota;

APN - internet.yota

APN type - default, supl;

The username and password are not filled in.

Important! Some phones may show a roaming icon - R. This problem most often occurs on older devices. How to set up Yota on Android with old firmware? You need to enable data roaming in your phone settings.

What else should you know?

Internet Yota for a smartphone does not work if the package of minutes and the Internet is not connected. You can activate the service package using the Yota smartphone application or by contacting your mobile operator via chat. The problem with the Internet can also occur with a low signal. If less than half of the divisions are displayed, then you need to try to move. If you are indoors, for example, you should come closer to the window, as walls can negatively affect the quality of data transmission. Some delays in the Internet may occur after the call. This is due to the phone switching from 2G / 3G to the LTE network. The signal delay is up to 30 seconds. If the expectation exceeds this figure, you need to contact the contact center.

Being one of the leading telecommunications companies, Yota, providing mobile communication services, strives to be among the leaders in promoting 4G LTE Internet in Russia. Already now, its subscribers are several million Russians, which is explained by the availability of flexible tariff plans combined with high-speed Internet.

It’s just that not everyone succeeds in working stably at 4G speeds due to spontaneously arising problems with wireless communication. And they can appear for various reasons. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common reasons that answer the question: “Why does Yota Internet not work?”

Network failure

Failures during connection and during operation may occur due to:

  • weak signal;
  • excessive load on Iota;
  • problems with the device or SIM card.

Fortunately, the above remarks are easily detected experimentally: by checking for performance in the next block or on another device.

People living in densely populated residential areas often complain about network failures, not understanding why the Internet does not work and blame the provider for this reason. In fact, the problem lies in the oversaturation of the surrounding space with radio waves that come, for example, from Wi-Fi routers of neighbors. As an output, you can get more powerful equipment or purchase a special signal amplifier.

If Iota does not work due to failures, then the Internet settings in the device itself may have been deleted. You can order the current settings for accessing the Iota Internet through your personal account or through the technical support of a mobile operator.

Bad weather

The weather can affect the transmission of the radio signal in different ways. For example, clouds and clouds in dry weather improve the quality of data transmission over the air, thereby increasing the stability of wireless communications and the Internet. In this case, the clouds act as a passive repeater, reflecting and propagating the signal from the transmitter over a greater distance. Conversely, thunderstorms and snowfall worsen communication, preventing the free passage of the radio signal.

Payment problem

Yota is a prepaid provider. This means that at the end of the billing period (30 days) and there is not enough money on the account to extend it, access to the Internet is terminated. The countdown of the new period will automatically start from the moment the account is replenished in the amount provided for by the starter package.

The limitation or absence of wireless Internet may be caused by exceeding the limit specified in the tariff plan. To resume work, you will have to remember the terms of your tariff and pay for additional megabytes.

No signal

No matter how hard cellular companies try to provide stable coverage, there are still enough gaps on the map of the Russian Federation in which wireless Internet does not work. Nevertheless, Yota is rapidly developing its 4G network, installing the latest equipment not only in large cities, but also in the periphery. To help subscribers on the official page of Iota, a coverage map is provided, where zones with a stable level of 2G, 3G, 4G are marked.

When using a Yota modem (Wi-Fi router) for a computer, the cause of an unstable, intermittent signal may be an unsuccessful placement of equipment. First of all, this is the problem of panel-type high-rise buildings with load-bearing reinforced partitions, which perfectly dampen any radio signal. To ensure uniform coverage in all rooms, it is best to mount the router in the corridor, ensuring that the signal passes to all rooms through the doorways.

Poor quality network equipment

The speed of receiving and transmitting a signal largely depends on the quality of the transmitting equipment, and therefore on its model and price. The user must understand that a $50 router built to the new standards will perform better than a $20 router made 7 years ago. Providers, as a rule, have different models of network equipment in their arsenal and offer customers budget options for discounts and promotions.

It is not surprising that some cheap devices cease to function normally in the first year of operation. For example, low voltage from the power supply leads to frequent failures in the router. Without knowing this reason, you can complain for a long time about the low speed due to anything, without suspecting a breakdown in the power supply.

Problem with settings

In addition to technical troubles, the reasons why the Internet from Yota may not work may be of a software nature:

  1. The data transfer service is disabled on the tablet (smartphone). To activate it, the easiest way is to call Iota support.
  2. Failures in the Wi-Fi access point, or rather in the proxy server settings. You should check and deactivate the proxy server in your smartphone.
  3. Change your Wi-Fi password. You need to delete the current connection and then create a new one.
  4. After a temporary loss of connection, the gadget could not automatically register on the network. You should reboot the device or manually set the search for available networks, followed by registration in Yota.
  5. Faults in the USB modem. In this case, you need to update the driver.

Smartphone problem

In order to save money, our compatriots order “gray” smartphones from China, which they then independently flash for their preferred operating system. But few people think about the operating frequency range (band) of the built-in radio module. The result is an inconsistency. A smartphone at the hardware level cannot implement high-speed data transfer at the frequency of the provider.

For example, in Russia, LTE 4G operates on bands No. 7,20,38, and in China, other frequencies are used, which the “gray” smartphone was originally configured for. It is impossible to reconfigure such a gadget, since some microprocessor manufacturers already integrate an LTE-enabled radio module into one chip with a processor.


No matter how hard programmers try to protect their software, viruses still manage to get into tablets and smartphones and interfere with their work. If applications in the smartphone begin to respond inadequately to button presses, it is recommended to check the device for viruses. By the way, not only a virus, but also an antivirus program can block Yota Internet. To check if this is the case, you need to change the antivirus settings, gain access to data transfer and restart the device.

Of course, there are other, more specific problems, due to which Yota Internet may not work on your smartphone or computer. In such cases, it is better to call or write to the mobile operator's support chat.

Read also

Users of the mobile Internet from Yota complained in social networks about problems with the provider. According to several reports, there was no connection for more than an hour. The Yota press service confirmed to TJ that there were problems, explaining them by an accident in Moscow.

At the same time, users reported problems with all types of connections at once - both using routers and on mobile devices through the Yota operator.

The Yota press service told TJ that the problems were caused by an accident and promised to compensate for network downtime.

There was a small accident on the network in Moscow. Already completely eliminated. All compensation for the time of the absence of the Internet will be made in the near future.

Yota press office

At about 23:55 Moscow time, that is, about an hour and a half after the shutdown, the Yota Internet started working again, one of the subscribers told TJ.

In 2014, the Internet provider Yota became a mobile operator: the announcement on April 23, and the issuance of SIM cards in August. The company is a subsidiary of MegaFon and uses its cellular capacity, while high-speed LTE connection is provided by Yota itself.

Updated January 28 at 17:18: One of the Yota subscribers found out from the representatives of the operator that for an hour of downtime in the Internet, he is entitled to compensation in the amount of 41 kopecks. In a conversation with him, a Yota support employee asked him to fill out an official application for compensation on paper and send it by mail or a scan. The decision on the adjustment was promised to be made in two weeks.

Yota explained to TJ that for this specific accident, a different settlement procedure will be used.

The message presented in the screenshot describes the standard compensation procedure. For customers affected by the accident on January 26, an individual recalculation scheme has been established. Users of the mobile operator Yota will be refunded the amount of 50 rubles, which will be credited to their account, and users of the modem product will receive an additional package for 4 hours of Internet access on top speed. Recalculation will be made from tomorrow (since January 29 - approx. TJ).

Using cellular services, we often complain about the insufficient signal level in the network. As a result, mobile equipment begins to show unstable operation. You can fix the situation...

Using cellular services, we often complain about the insufficient signal level in the network. As a result, mobile equipment begins to show unstable operation. You can fix the situation...

Previously, networks from G to H + were enough to access the Internet, but at the moment, a modern person who wants to always have quick access to any information simply needs more advanced signaling technologies. Therefore, several years ago, manufacturers began to create new type networks - LTE (4G). Now it is quite difficult to find a high-quality device capable of working with LTE technology, but it is quite possible. Relatively recently, Yota conquered the market with a fundamentally new 4G LTE modem with Wi-Fi distribution.

Specifications wifi modem Yota 4G LTE:

  • LAN communication standard: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 1×1;
  • Built-in multi-band antenna;
  • Single color indicator light (blue);
  • Software for Internet access is pre-installed in the device's memory;
  • USB connection;
  • Dimensions: 92x35x13 mm;
  • Weight: 50 g;
  • Service life: 1 year.

But sometimes users who decide to buy a modem are faced with the problem of non-working devices and rush headlong to the store to return unusable goods, although these problems are most often easily solved. So, we will try to analyze all types of problems with a non-working Yota 4G (LTE) modem, their causes, as well as solutions.

Causes of problems with the Yota 4G (LTE) modem

The main possible causes of problems with the Yota 4g (LTE) modem from the most obvious to the most costly certain forces for fix:

  1. Incorrect or "knocked down" setting.
  2. You do not have the required drivers.
  3. There is no signal.
  4. Network problems.
  5. You just forgot to pay for the Internet.
  6. Viruses.
  7. Mechanical damage.

Yota 4G (LTE) modem settings

Let's start from the very beginning - directly from the installation and configuration of the modem. First you can try to read the instructions - sometimes this item helps. If it doesn't work, try checking the instructions below to see if you did everything right.

On Win XP/Win7 back in 2012, there was a problem that the modem's LED, when connected to a computer, was constantly lit, demonstrating the connection, and the YotaAccess program wrote "Connect the modem." In this case, nothing will help you, except after loading the operating system, remove and insert the modem back.

Step by step setup:

Problem with drivers

If you upgraded to Windows 10, and the modem you bought went on sale earlier, then the drivers for it are outdated and you need to download new ones.

See how the modem was determined operating system. This is done in Device Manager. If everything is fine, you will see the inscription in the list of modems “Modem yota 4g lte”, if everything is bad, the system will display it incorrectly (For example, “Unknown device”), and there should not be an orange triangle with an exclamation mark next to the name.

How to fix it: Simply download new drivers. Better from official or trusted sources.

How to install the driver:

  1. Remove the device from the computer;
  2. Run the downloaded driver installer (this requires administrator rights);
  3. Follow the installer's instructions;
  4. Wait for the installation to complete and restart your computer.

Check visibility again using Device Manager. If the modem is still not recognized, then you have installed the wrong driver. Start from the beginning.

No Yota signal

Naturally, if the Yota Internet does not work, and the modem is blinking regularly, the first thing to do is to check the signal level. It is possible that it is either simply weak or absent altogether.

The fact is that Yota is a rather young provider in Russia and does not have such a large number of towers that, like MTS, Megafon and Tele2, to catch the Internet sometimes even outside the city. Near the towers, the Internet will be incredibly high-quality, but in places far from it, the situation is sometimes deplorable.

Occasionally, this is solved by moving the computer to another corner of the apartment, no matter how strange and stupid it may sound. Try checking the network in in public places. In the worst case, you will have to change the provider and, therefore, the modem (unless you want to risk and reflash it).

Network problems

Sometimes there are isolated cases of network failure. This is quite a common occurrence, from which no provider is immune. The reason may well be even weather conditions. If you think that this is why the Yota 4G (LTE) modem is not working, then call Yota support and find out what happened. Soon the cause of the problem will be eliminated and the connection will be restored. In addition, when you explain your problem, consultants will be able to help you or offer to send a wizard.

You forgot to pay for internet

This, I think, does not need to be explained. You can pay for the Internet:

  • at a bank branch;
  • Through an ATM;
  • Through terminals QIWI, Eleksnet, Kibreplat, etc.;
  • Through the Yota office;
  • On the website of the Yota provider;
  • Using an online bank or internet wallet;
  • Through intermediary sites (For example: Payment.ru, Paid.ru, PLATfon.ru).

Do not forget to clarify the exact cost of payment for your tariff plan.


If no dancing with a tambourine helped, then you should check the Yota modem for viruses. To fix such problems on your own, it is enough to scan your computer with antiviruses, and then cure potentially dangerous objects. Processes that cannot be cured should be removed or quarantined. After that, it is worth cleaning the registry, for example, with CCleaner. In the end, you must (as always) restart your computer.

Mechanical damage

You can show your computer and modem to specialists so that they can diagnose devices (this also applies to viruses). If they tell you that the problem is in the modem, feel free to take it to the store under warranty if you have time. If the cause of the breakdown is yourself, then it is better to give the device for repair.