When is social worker's day of the year? Day of the social worker in Russia. Social workers in the labor market

  • 30.10.2019

Social protection of the population is a sign of a developed state that takes care of its citizens. Assistance in providing such protection is called upon to provide special people - social workers. In their honor, a professional holiday was created - the Day social worker. In 2018 we will celebrate it for the eighteenth time.

Unfortunately, few people know about the date of the Day of the Social Worker - sometimes the date of the holiday and the social workers themselves, and their relatives are forced to find out on the Internet. The reason for this is simple - the holiday is young, created relatively recently, and therefore did not have time to "get used" to the consciousness of the citizens of our country. However, the importance of the work of social workers is difficult to overestimate, and therefore everyone should know the date of the holiday.

The date of the holiday is unchanged, that is, every year we celebrate it on the same day - June 8th. At the same time, Social Worker's Day is not included in the number of days off, of course, if it does not fall on Saturday or Sunday.

history of the holiday

Social Worker's Day in Russia appeared in 2000 - at the turn of two millennia. The basis for the emergence of the holiday was the Presidential Decree of October 27, 2000. The date of the holiday was also not chosen by chance - it was on June 8 that the first social institution appeared in Russia, more precisely, the Russian Empire. In 1701, Peter I ordered the establishment of a new position in the almshouse for the elderly, the sick and the poor - one "healthy" worker who was supposed to monitor and care for the sick. Thus, at the beginning of the 18th century, the first social workers appeared in the country, whose goal was to provide assistance to those in need on a professional basis.

Social Worker's Day in other countries

A holiday with this name exists not only in Russia. There is a social worker's day in almost every country of the post-Soviet space.

Kazakhstan celebrates Social Worker's Day on the last Sunday in October. In this country, social workers have their own holiday quite recently - in 2011. However, the authorities are determined to demonstrate the importance of the new professional holiday. So, in every major city of the country, representatives of the city administration congratulate the workers of social institutions - both state and public - and present memorable gifts to the most distinguished of them, awarding them with diplomas and letters of thanks.

Ukraine introduced the Day of Social Worker to the list of professional holidays even earlier than Russia - in 1999. I celebrate this day in the fall, on the first Sunday in November. The initiators of the creation of the new holiday were the social workers themselves, with the support of officials from the Ministry of Labor and social protection population. The holiday received the warm approval of the president and now has the status of one of the most important among other professional days.

Belarus celebrates its holiday in winter - January 5th. In this country, it has a slightly different name - the Day of Social Protection Workers. The holiday appeared in 1998, and since then the social sphere of the country has undergone significant changes. For example, their social institutions is in everyone locality up to the villages. They can help the poor, victims of natural disasters, domestic violence and other things. Moreover, social protection in this country is not just material support, but primarily psychological assistance.

Armenia created a holiday in honor of social workers later than other CIS countries - in 2009. In this country, the date of the Day of the social worker is fixed - November 4th. According to statistics in Armenia in social sphere about four thousand people work, and at the moment the state intends to increase their number - according to the officials of the ministry, there are many unresolved problems in the field of protecting the population, and each of them requires a special approach. The social sphere, according to the head of state, has been declared a priority in Armenia's domestic policy for years to come.

There are many useful professions in the world.
But it's hard to find a better one
How to help the elderly and children,
Caring, warmly bear them.
Your work is honored, social worker!
For a good heart, accept
Congratulations from us! We wish you health
Patience, kindness and love!

Every year on June 8, Russia celebrates the professional holiday of social workers.
The "Day of the Social Worker" appeared in the calendar of official holidays in Russia relatively recently. October 27, 2000 President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed Decree No. 1796 "On the Day of the Social Worker". The head of state stopped on June 8 to celebrate the Day of the Social Worker of the Russian Federation not by chance, the choice of this date is directly related to history social work in Russia. It was on this day, almost three hundred years before Vladimir Putin, on June 8, 1701, that Peter the Great issued a tsar's decree "On the establishment of an almshouse for the poor, the sick and the elderly in the brownies of His Holiness the Patriarch." According to the decree of the king: "For ten people in the almshouse there should be one healthy person who would go after those sick people and repair all kinds of help for them."
Today, social services for the population are represented by the presence of various social services, which, by virtue of their competence, use various forms and methods of serving the disabled, pensioners, and the poor. After all, social work is a set of activities (professional, service, voluntary) to meet the basic social needs of citizens in difficult situations.
In Autonomous non-profit organization center social services The population of Dobroe Delo serves more than 1,000 people and employs more than 90 social workers. The main backbone of the team is made up of employees with many years of experience and work experience behind them.
On the eve of the professional holiday, the Day of the Social Worker, a festive meeting was held at the ANO CSC "Good Deed". Head of Information and Analytical Department of the Administration municipal district Birsk district Trapeznikov Anatoly Pavlovich in his speech congratulated social workers on their professional holiday, presented certificates of honor: Salmiyarova Tamara Konstantinovna, Davledbaeva Tatyana Alekseevna, Mukhamedyarova Gafiya Angamovna, Lentochkina Svetlana Viktorovna, thank you letter Gainetdinova Elizaveta Isanbaevna. Anatoly Pavlovich noted that social work is one of the most difficult, but especially necessary professions.

In her speech, the director of the ANO CSC "Good Deed" Elena Borisovna Gabdrakhmanova touched on the history of the emergence social service in Russia and spoke about the formation and development of the social service in the city of Birsk, then sincerely thanked the social workers for their conscientious work.

The most cordial and kind words addressed to social workers were heard in the appeals of citizens who thanked for the warmth and care, conscientiousness and responsibility in their hard work.

Unprotected segments of the population need additional attention, which can be provided by a person by vocation - a social worker. That is why the wards are interested in the question of what date the Social Worker's Day is celebrated. In Russia, workers in this area are officially congratulated on June 8. This day is not a public holiday, but is massively celebrated in all corners of the country, which emphasizes its importance and relevance in modern society.

Who is a social worker?

On Social Worker's Day local authorities self-government celebrate the best employees. But who is a social worker? This is the person who serves the vulnerable segments of the population. These may be the elderly, the disabled, low-income or large families, orphans. It is on the Day of the Social Worker that the importance and necessity of such an area of ​​employment is noted.

A social worker is the person who can help his ward not only with a deed, but also with a pleasant word of support. Therefore, often people become social workers not by coercion, but by vocation. Very often these are people who have previously volunteered. It is also important here that a person’s purposefulness, psycho-stability, respect and sociability, since each ward will have to find his own approach, and sometimes it is very difficult.


Events on the day of a social worker in recent years have been held en masse in order to show the importance of this profession and the demand in the labor market. There are many vacancies for qualified social workers, since the demand for this profession is low.

In order to start working in this area, it is not necessary to graduate from a university, you can take special courses or have an average specialized education. A feature of the profession is that every year a specialist is assigned a certain category that affects the level wages. So, after three years of work in this area, an employee can receive a 10% increase in salary, and after five - 30%.

But distinctive feature this category is the absence career development, which deters young professionals from going to work in this area.

Pros and cons of the profession

Social Worker's Day is another opportunity to remind modern society of the importance and necessity of such employment. Like any profession, it has its pros and cons.

Some of the benefits of social work include:

  • being in demand regardless of the time, economic growth or decline in the country, since the unprotected segments of the population have always been and will always be in any state;
  • versatility (often a social worker is not only a personal assistant who can, if necessary, buy bread, help clean the apartment and pay for services, but also a huge psychological, and sometimes legal assistance).

Despite the demand, this profession has its drawbacks:

  • (despite the fact that a social worker has certain duties, very often the problems of a person or family must be approached individually, therefore a social worker is always a bit of a psychologist);
  • low pay (despite being in demand and necessary, this area of ​​employment is not considered prestigious, therefore, low-paid);
  • human qualities and the ability to empathize (this is what an employee needs, but it should be his innate qualities, since this cannot be learned, often because of empathy and sympathy, the employee transfers the difficulties of his ward to his personal life).

So far, in Russia, there are much more disadvantages of employment in the social sphere than advantages, despite the importance and significance of the profession. Another shortcoming or imperfection of this system can be considered the inadequate training of competent specialists, since scientific research in this area in Russia has been started quite recently.

The history of the celebration of the Day of the Social Protection Worker

The Day of Social Workers is one of the youngest holidays in the Russian Federation. It has been officially celebrated for only 17 years, since 2000. On June 8, all social workers celebrate their professional day. Often official events are held on this day at the level of districts and districts.

The history of the development of the profession dates back to the Petrine era. The decree on the creation of special institutions for the elderly, the poor, and the sick was signed by Peter I back in 1701. Then such almshouses were opened on the territory of churches, and real doctors worked in shelters. Officially, the profession of a social worker appeared in Russia at the end of the 20th century.

Now Social Worker's Day is a special holiday for those who are themselves called wards by those employed in this area. On this day, they can express their gratitude to their helpers and saviors and thank them for their work.

Event format

Events that are held in honor of social workers are more official than entertaining. On this day, in each district or district, as a rule, small gifts and flowers are solemnly presented to the best workers in this field of activity.

Social Worker's Day Scenario cultural event held in districts of the same format. Children's and creative groups are often invited to such holidays.

Social work in different countries

Back in 1951, the United Nations adopted a resolution that recognized social work as professional activity. Workers in this area were required to receive special specialized education or take courses. In many countries there are special training programs at universities for obtaining the profession of a social worker, while 70% of students and employed in this area are representatives of the weak half of humanity.

Social Worker Day celebrates the importance of this profession. Thus, in many countries, those employed in this area undergo mandatory refresher courses, which is not the case in Russia. These refresher courses are allocated public funds, according to statistics, about 75% of employees after receiving a profession continue to study, remotely or periodically attending courses. After passing special training, each employee employed in the social sphere passes special tests to determine the level of knowledge he has acquired.

There is also the International Association of Schools of Social Work, which includes representatives from more than sixty countries. International conferences are held, a reference book is published, which acts as a work guide for each social worker.


Social Worker's Day is not a tribute to fashion, it is another opportunity to remind everyone how important the work that is done by such employees is.

In such a person as a social worker, not only professional skills should be successfully combined, but also such human qualities as endurance, patience and compassion. After all, these people cooperate and help precisely the unprotected segments of the population: poor or large families, elderly people who cannot serve themselves. Their assistance includes not only assistance in daily matters and payment for some services and food, but also legal and psychological advice.

Happy social worker day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You have a lot of good and patience,
I want responsive people.

Let life go well
And happiness is in full swing.
Caring for family and friends
Let it flow like a stream!

The June storm is thundering.
Gloomy rain beats the tap dance.
And he goes, and he hurries
To the one who is waiting for him,
Who with the blackness of emptiness
For a long time I could merge imperceptibly,
But the gilding of kindness
Cares with radiant light
Painted and heated
All loneliness features.

Wet. Prodrog. But on the threshold
Steps with a smile habitually,
Not just doing duty, -
The soul is full of indifference!
She has compassion as the key.
Pours its waters endlessly.
And gratitude this day
For work, attention, humanity
We'll send the social worker
Wishing you good health.

On this day we congratulate
Great people.
May health be strong
Your life will be brighter.

Social congratulations to workers
On this holiday from the heart!
Your business is very important.
Many people need you.

We congratulate you today
Those whose work is more expensive than others,
Those who help people
And he can't feel sorry for himself.

We wish you good health
And good luck and good
Our social worker
Happiness, peace and warmth!

We congratulate social workers,
We wish you health, happiness, smiles.
May your work bear fruit
Bow to you today our to the ground.
We wish you patience, strength and kindness,
May you all have the best life.

June 8th in the seventeenth century
Tsar Peter issues this decree:
He created a social security system
And thus protected the lower class.

Over the years, the decree has lost its force,
And everyone lived on their own.
But Brezhnev built such a system,
That we are all equal.

But perestroika divided into classes
The people who worked and lived.
Where did the rich people come from?
And who is more honest - that wilted.

And again the problem is relevant:
The people need protection!
And who will protect? And who will lend a shoulder?
The whole native country is in tears.

Same date in the twenty-first century
And Putin issued his decree:
Protect the people! And there are millions of them.
We need to raise the lower class!

Patriots joined the ranks of social protection -
Here is help in the people's destiny!
Who can hear him, calm him down,
Who does not think about himself.

And on the Day of Social Protection, we will unanimously congratulate
All those who stand for the people:
He will wipe away a tear, even stroke his back,
Anyone will come to the rescue.

Our Russia is rich in reserves,
The country is rich in people.
Doesn't appreciate the government
Human strength, that is given to the Fatherland.

And to raise the standard of living for the people,
Fields to plow now
Build farms, build factories -
The lower class itself will also disappear.

All social workers
Today we send congratulations.
Opens doors hospitably
Thanks to our people
Because you are kind to people
And give warmth to your soul.
May your hard work be respected.
We wish you luck in life!

Who will help the weak people?
Protect them and save them.
Many bitter difficult fates
Who will take it into your heart?

Social worker only.
He's on the lookout for things like this.
So that in making decisions
He was confident and brave!

Congratulations - the holidays are here.
Happiness to you all and love.
And good luck, different successes
And patience in the chest.

YES, social problems
Pretty hard to get around.
But it's good that in that system
You meet on the way
To all those who need
Support, help from people.
You are irreplaceable for such
Because the world is kinder.
But the salary has shrunk
More precisely, there is none at all -
On a voluntary basis
Everyone has to work.
We want you to be heard
Who is sitting at the top in the Duma
And the salary was raised
Who will protect all the weak.

The social worker seeks
Bring kindness to every home
So that hope can be kept
For large and small families.

So that the homeless, and the poor, and the weak
The cruel world could not offend.
They think forever about the main thing,
And do not count their ways and roads.

social worker today
We celebrate your glorious day.
Warmth to you, happiness, health
And success always and everywhere.

May your worries return
Labor will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.
And let them reign in your family
Understanding, order and harmony.