Council for Professional Qualifications in the Hospitality Industry. Participation of business in the training and evaluation of personnel for the food and hospitality industry

  • 06.03.2020

Tourist and hotel business it is necessary to increase representation in the Council for professional qualifications in the hospitality industry or create its own, separate council. The Russian Union of Tourism Industry addressed the Chairman of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications (NSPK) Alexander Shokhin with a corresponding request. The letter was also signed by the leaders of the Russian Hotel Association, Turpomoshch, STA, and the National Academy of Tourism. This issue was discussed at the recent Commission on Tourism and Hospitality Industry of the RSPP.

Recall that from July 1, 2016 in Russia, the law on professional standards, developed by the Ministry of Labor. From 2017, a law on qualification assessment will be added to the standards, which will spell out the procedure for exams and confirmation of the employee's compliance with the position held. This compliance will be checked and certificates of qualification will be issued, including in the field of tourism and hotel industry, by Qualification Assessment Centers (CSCs) - accredited organizations that are currently being created. Above them are industry councils for professional qualifications (SQC), and the entire system is led by the National Council for Professional Qualifications (NQC) under the President of the Russian Federation.

However, as stated in the letter to the head of the NSPK, the Council for Professional Qualifications (VQC) in the hospitality industry now consists in an absolute majority of representatives restaurant business and related structures, in particular the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (FRIO). There are clearly not enough representatives of the tourist industry and hotels in it. Not to mention the fact that FRIO, for example, includes only 9 hotels, and 530 as part of the Russian Hotel Association, which is not included in the council.

The Public Council under the Federal Tourism Agency proposed in November last year to reorganize the current SEC in order to ensure equal, proportional participation of all three main components of the tourism industry - tourism, hotels and Catering. And if this cannot be done before the entry federal law No. 238 into action, consider establishing a separate Tourism and Hospitality Council. Now the existence of the SEC in the tourism industry with the transfer to restaurateurs of the function of an independent assessment of qualifications in the field of tourism and the hotel industry is not consistent with either the spirit or the letter of the law “on independent expertise”.

The PCT also considers that, with the current limit of 31 members on the board, it is difficult to carry out all the tasks assigned to it, given that certain types Tourism is already developing as a completely independent industry. The list of positions in the field of tourism of the Unified qualification handbook positions (EKS).

Svetlana Stavtseva, RATA- news

Topical issues of organizing the assessment of professional qualifications of personnel in the hospitality industry (on the example of professional standards "Waiter (bartender)" and "Baker")

Zaitseva N.A.

The article considers the existing trends in the organization of the assessment of professional qualifications of personnel and gives their author's assessment. The features of the procedure for conducting professional and public discussion of draft professional standards and explanatory notes to them on the example of professional standards "Waiter (bartender)" and "Baker". The procedure for assessing the professional qualifications of personnel in the Council for Professional Qualifications in the hospitality industry is described.

The author considers current trends in the field of evaluation of staff professional qualifications and the author's evaluation is given. The features of procedures for professional public discussion of professional standards and explanatory notes to them as an example of professional standards "Waiter (Bartender) " and "Baker" are presented. The procedure of evaluation of staff professional qualifications in the Council for Vocational Qualifications in the hospitality industry is described.

Keywords: professional standard, assessment of qualifications,

hospitality industry, competencies.

Keywords: professional standards, assessment of qualifications, hospitality, competencies.

Assessment of professional competencies of personnel: a necessity or a tribute to fashion?

Changes in consumer preferences, high competition between service and tourism enterprises lead to the fact that the client is no longer satisfied with standardized service. He needs new impressions, emotions, and for this he needs a creative approach in developing the concept of tourism and hospitality enterprises, organizing their current activities, including the service component.

All this leads to the fact that enterprises are forced to adapt to changes. external environment, to change the system of personnel training both at the level of their enterprises, and to form a social demand in the education system. In its turn educational organizations to ensure their competitiveness, they must work ahead of the curve, i.e. prepare specialists with the competencies needed in the future. That is why it is so important to clearly understand what kind of specialists and with what competencies there are now and which ones the business will need in 5-10 years or more, which personnel will be effective in a relatively stable environment, and which ones in a crisis.

Speaking about the current level of competencies, I would like to present the results of assessing the professional level of employees Russian companies SMEs received by KellyServices.

In a study conducted by the recruiting company KellyServices among their candidates in 2014, 1579 candidates took part. At the same time, applicants were evaluated on a five-point system, in which 1 point is the worst rating, 5 is the highest rating, which means that the candidate is likely to be employed in the near future. The main evaluation criteria were chosen not only the level of education, but also

specialization, knowledge foreign languages, professional and managerial experience and other characteristics (Fig. 1).

■ 2013 ■ 2014

initial level specialists management1 walking i

Rice. 1. Evaluation of the professional level of employees of Russian companies, points. Source: KellyServices research

As can be seen from the data in Figure 1, as a result of the study, the company received data that the level of professionalism of candidates, in general, does not exceed 4 points (in 2014, only for managers, the score was 4.06 points), and for the initial level - slightly higher 3 points. At the same time, in 2014, practically in all categories, there was a decrease in assessments, but especially significant for managers - by almost 0.25 points at once.

At the same time, when assessing these values ​​of the professional level of employees of Russian companies, the question arises: how was the assessment carried out? What competencies were assessed and how? How competent are the assessors?

All this suggests that the assessment of professional competencies is not a tribute to fashion, and Russian business really needs it. But at the same time, there should be uniform methodological approaches to such an assessment, moreover, according to the sectoral principle, i.e. in relation to the topic of the article, so that

bakers were judged by bakers, not employees of the universal staffing agency.

It is the development of specialization in the assessment of qualifications that is one of the activities of the National Council under the President Russian Federation on professional qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the National Council), the National Council approved industry councils for

professional qualifications (SPK) for various areas. These SPCs were to become the so-called "responsible organizations", which are responsible for the development and updating of professional standards, their practical use, including for the assessment of professional qualifications.

Such a responsible organization in the hospitality industry is the SEC, established in mid-2014 on the basis of the NP Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (hereinafter FRIO). In addition, on March 27, 2015, the National Council decided to establish a Tourism Commission within the framework of the SEC in the hospitality industry.

in December 2003, the System of Voluntary

certification of enterprises in the food and hospitality industry, developed by FRIO. Currently, work is underway to update it in connection with the adoption of professional standards developed according to the new requirements of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Also in 2007 - 2008, FRIO developed professional standards and subsequently entered into the National Register of Professional Standards. After the adoption of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Rules for the Development, Approval and Application of Professional Standards". No. 23 dated January 22, 2013, FRIO

information is kept on updating previously adopted professional standards in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

To date, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation has approved three professional standard:

"Head / manager of the hotel complex / network

hotels” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 07.05.2015 N 282n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 26.05.2015 N 37395, the document began to be valid on June 9, 2015);

"Head of a catering enterprise" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 07.05.2015 N 281 n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia

"Sommelier / Cavist (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated

05/07/2015 N 283 n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05/26/2015 N 37396, the document begins to be valid on June 9, 2015)

Also, since March 2015, two draft professional standards have been approved by the Ministry of Labor: “Cook” and “Confectioner”, and two more draft professional standards “Baker” and “Waiter (Bartender)” are under development.

At the same time, it should be noted that the developed draft professional standards, in fact, are an updated presentation of materials previously developed by the FRIO professional standards and published in the two-volume book "Professional Standards of the Food Industry" .

Currently, FRIO can certify the personnel of the following employees of the food and hospitality industry:

head (deputy head) of the hotel complex;

head (deputy head) of a catering enterprise;

Head of department (service) of the hotel complex;

Head of department (service) of a catering enterprise;

Production manager of a catering enterprise;

Maitre d';

Chef, Pastry Chef, Chef Sommelier

Sommelier, wine cellar manager

Senior cook

Cook / confectioner;

Assistant cook / confectioner / waiter / bartender



Wardrobe attendant;

Hall manager;

Multipurpose food worker, kitchen worker;

Worker for washing and ironing table linen;


Cleaning woman.

Through the efforts of the working groups of the National Council with the direct participation of representatives of all SECs, normative and

guidelines creating legal basis needed to create national system assessment of qualifications and professional and public accreditation educational programs. All these documents are publicly available on the website of the National Council.

So at present, the following organizational and methodological documents have been approved in the National Council in order to form a system of independent qualification assessment:

Typical requirements for a center for assessing qualifications

Standard procedure for the selection and termination of powers of a center for assessing qualifications

Typical requirements for members of the qualification commission of the qualification assessment center

Methodology for determining the cost of work on assessing qualifications

Standard requirements for the Appeal Commission of the Council for Professional Qualifications to consider appeals to centers for assessing qualifications.

In these model provisions and methodology, each SPC has the right to make its own small changes and approve them at a meeting of the SPC.

Qualification Assessment Procedure

Consider the example of the professional standard "Waiter (Bartender)" the procedure for passing the assessment of qualifications.

First of all, the applicant (a person applying for a job as a waiter or bartender or already working in this position) must contact the website of the FRIO Personnel Qualification Assessment Body, which will be located on the FRIO website ( ). Bye

this section is being created on the FRIO website, but all the necessary information can be obtained at Email FRIO ( [email protected]).

First of all, the applicant must familiarize himself with the requirements for applicants for various types professional activities in the food and hospitality industry. After that, he has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the list of documents that he must submit to the Qualification Assessment Body and download the forms of these documents.

Applicant who submitted all Required documents, is allowed to pass a qualification exam, consisting of two parts: an oral or written exam in the form of a test and a practical exam for the declared level of qualification.

Necessary conditions to obtain a certificate of qualification are:

Completed application documents.

Information about payment for personnel certification services

Successfully passed qualifying exams (theoretical and practical).

A certified specialist receives a document,

confirming his qualification (certificate) 10 working days after the last day of the exam. To do this, he must come to the Qualification Assessment Body with a document confirming his identity (passport, driver's license). At the request of the applicant, his certificate can be sent by registered mail to a pre-specified address.

In the event that the applicant urgently needs confirmation of the successful passing of the qualifying exam (for example, for an employer),

then, at his request, the Examination Center issues a corresponding certificate.

As noted above, the procedure for passing the qualifying exam includes a test part (knowledge assessment) and a practical part (demonstration professional skills).

The examination is conducted by the examination committee. The number of members of the commission in the SEC in the hospitality industry is three people. The examination committee must include:

Representative of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Hospitality Industry or a person authorized by it - a representative of employers;

Expert practitioner in a professional activity;

Representative of the education system or associations (unions, etc.) by type of professional activity.

As a result of passing the assessment of professional qualifications, the applicant receives a certificate of qualification of the following type (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Standard form of the certificate of qualification.

With regard to the professional standard "Waiter (Bartender)" as qualifications (back side of the Qualification Certificate) will be indicated labor functions, knowledge and possession of which he was able to confirm during the qualification test. For example, the following:

Catering table setting;

Meeting consumers of catering and taking orders from

Serving ready meals and drinks ordered by catering customers;

Carrying out settlements with consumers of the catering organization for the orders made;!

Service mass events in catering organizations;

Serving consumers of catering organizations with drinks and snacks at the bar counter.

Participation of employers and representatives of education in the development of professional standards and the creation of a system for assessing qualifications

One of the most important conditions for the approval of professional standards in our country is not only that professional standards were developed by representatives professional community, but also a wide discussion was held with representatives of employers, professional communities,

trade unions (their associations) and other interested organizations.

Placement on the website on the Internet of the developer of the draft professional standard for a period of at least 30 days, as well as on the websites of participants in its development;

Placement on the specialized website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "Professional Standards" ( for a period of at least 30 days;

Organization of special forums on the Internet;

Conducting a survey of specialists;

Holding public events: conferences (including

Internet conferences), round tables, seminars and other events;

Placing information on the development of a professional standard in the media mass media(hereinafter - the media);

Publication of articles in special (industry) publications.

The purpose of discussing draft professional standards in the professional community and subsequent independent professional and public expertise is to form

To do this, in the process of developing the professional standards "Waiter (Barman" and "Baker" FRIO), four public discussions were organized, two of which were held in Moscow (but representatives of different regions participated in them) and two in the regions (in Kazan and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ), reports of which are posted on the FRIO website in the section "Professional Standards".

The most massive was the discussion of the draft professional standards "Baker" and "Waiter (Bartender)" and explanatory notes to them

May 28-29, 2015, which was held as part of the scientific-practical session "Problems and development of the hospitality industry in Russia until 2035", organized by NP "FRIO" at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (hereinafter RANEPA).

The event was opened by the President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers Igor Bukharov. He called this event interesting and significant and noted the good choice of the session format. “We expect that it will be even more interesting than last time, and the results of the work will be summarized and presented to the Government in the form of developed road maps,” the expert said and urged the participants to work as efficiently as possible.

Discussion of the draft professional standards "Waiter (Bartender)" and "Baker" within the framework of the scientific and practical session "Problems and development of the hospitality industry in Russia until 2035"

After the installation session, work was carried out during the day

groups in four separate sections:

State and industry - a study of the interaction of the hospitality industry with government bodies and structures;

human capital- personnel issues in the industry;

Technological group - issues of industry development and the use of alienated technologies;

The market is the study of the connections between market participants.

The main outcome of the event was a general map of the future development of the hospitality industry in the Russian Federation with a development horizon up to 2035. The document reflects the mechanisms for reducing bureaucratic barriers and fighting corruption, improving the training system, including through the development of professional standards. The prepared roadmap will be presented to the relevant ministries and departments. In addition, important recommendations were made on changing the draft professional standards "Waiter (Bartender)" and "Baker".

The next event was the discussion of the draft professional standards "Cook" and "Waiter / Bartender" and

Representatives of the professional community who came to the event - managers and leading employees of hotels, restaurants, cafes, as well as from the educational community - colleges and universities involved in training personnel for the food and hospitality industry, made several comments on the content of the draft professional standards, especially on the draft professional standard


Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Tourism and Service of the Sakhalin State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yakimenko R.V. addressed the audience with a request to send to the address of the institute all their suggestions and comments on the draft professional standards "Waiter / Bartender" and "Baker" and

explanatory notes to them.

Discussion of draft professional standards "Waiter (Bartender)" and "Baker" in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

In general, based on the results of the discussion, it was decided to hold such meetings on a regular basis to take into account the regional peculiarities of organizing the activities of catering and hospitality enterprises in regions as remote from Central Russia as Sakhalin.

Also, the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers together with the NGO "Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan" on June 23 in Kazan held a round table to discuss the draft professional standards "Baker" and "Waiter (Bartender)" and explanatory notes to them.

The discussion of the draft professional standards "Baker" and "Waiter / Bartender" and explanatory notes to them was attended by top management and leaders of the Shalyapin Palace Hotel, Olympus, Grand Hotel Kazan, Romada, Milena, restaurants "Imperator", "Trattoria on Minskoy" and other representatives of the professional community of employers and education in Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Discussion of draft professional standards "Waiter (Bartender)" and "Baker" in Kazan

During the discussion of draft professional standards, comments were made regarding the reflection in professional standards of the features of serving guests in restaurants of national cuisine, including Tatar cuisine.

The employers present at the event spoke about their experience in applying the professional standards previously developed by the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers and made proposals for changing the draft professional standards "Baker" and "Waiter/Bartender" submitted for discussion.

The issues of participation of employers in the development of educational programs for the training of waiters, bartenders and bakers based on these professional standards were also considered.

At the end of the event, the participants exchanged views on the quality of training for the food and hospitality industry and possible directions for their improvement based on the integration of the efforts of employers and the educational community.

The last event was the holding of a round table within the framework of the seminar "Training of experts in the system of professional

public accreditation of educational programs" (August 3-5, 2015), organized by NP "FRIO" in Moscow, a discussion of the draft professional standards "Baker" and "Waiter (Bartender)" was organized.

Discussion of the draft professional standards "Waiter (Bartender)" and "Baker" at the RANEPA August 4, 2015

Representatives of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers showed great activity in the discussion of draft professional standards Orenburg region: Marinin A.P., Trofimov N.V., Sklyarenko P.V., Andreich A., Tisevich E.V., Tisevich A.V., who gave examples from personal management practice in managing catering enterprises, including bartenders , waiters and bakers.

In the process of discussing the draft professional standards "Baker" and "Waiter (Bartender)", an active discussion was held between representatives of the education system (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russian University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Russian State Social University, Financial University, Russian New University and others

educational organizations) and representatives of the restaurant and

hotel business.

Prospects for the process of organizing the assessment of professional qualifications of personnel in the hospitality industry

At the end of the study of the state and prospects of organizing the assessment of professional qualifications of personnel in the hospitality industry, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that business owners in the future will be increasingly demanding on graduates of educational organizations, while simultaneously enhancing their role in the educational process, forming a business order for training of personnel with a specific set of competencies.

Lacking significant financial resources, unlike big business, the hospitality industry will, however, use every opportunity to participate in the training of personnel for their specific needs and requirements.

There are many opportunities for this that employers from the hospitality industry are already using: they participate in the development and approval of the main professional programs, in the preparation and defense of graduation qualifying works, providing bases of practice, professional and public accreditation of educational programs, subsequent certification of qualifications of graduates of educational organizations, etc.

All this creates conditions for the creation of a comprehensive system of training for the hospitality industry, including bakers, waiters and bartenders, which meets the needs of the market and contributes to increasing its competitiveness.


1. Dzhandzhugazova E.A., Zaitseva N.A., Larionova A.A., Pervunin S.N. The Russian Hotel Market: condition and development under the crisis. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No 3 S5 (2015), pp. 289-296. DOI 10.590/mjss2015.v6.n3s5p289

2. Goncharova O. Modern specialists are smarter than managers, a recent study by KellyServices has shown. Vedomosti newspaper. 11/06/2014

3. Zaitseva N.A. Experience in the implementation of new educational standards in the field of tourism: problems and prospects scientific and practical conference. St. Petersburg, Asterion, 2012, p. 106-111

4. Larionova A. A. Problems of training bachelors of management. Journal Russian regions: a look into the future. 2014, no. 1, p. 70-84

5. Professional food industry standards. M.: Edition of LLC Information Group Restaurant Vedomosti, 2013

6. - Methodical materials on the assessment of professional qualifications on the website of the National Council

7. - section "Professional standards" on the FRIO website

The role of the National Council and SEC in the hospitality industry in ensuring the participation of business in the training of personnel for the food industry

The National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the National Council) has been functioning for more than a year.

During this time, he approved 20 sectoral professional qualifications councils (SQCs), which should eventually become the so-called "responsible organizations" responsible for the development and updating of professional standards, their practical application, including for the assessment of professional qualifications in specific areas of professional activities.

Such a responsible organization in the hospitality industry is the SEC in the hospitality industry, created in mid-2014 on the basis of the NP Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (hereinafter FRIO). In addition, on March 27, 2015, the National Council decided to establish a Tourism Commission within the framework of the SEC in the hospitality industry. Thus, now FRIO is the "responsible organization" for four areas of activity: the food industry, the hospitality industry, tourism and service.

As you know, in 2007-2008, FRIO developed professional standards and were subsequently officially included in the National Register of Professional Standards (Appendix 1 and 2). After the adoption of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Rules for the Development, Approval and Application of Professional Standards” No. 23 dated January 22, 2013, the FRIO is carrying out activities to update previously adopted professional standards in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Labor.

At the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Labor approved seven professional standards developed by FRIO:

  • "Head of a catering enterprise" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 05/07/2015 N 281n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05/26/2015 N 37510);
  • “Head/manager of a hotel complex/hotel chain” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 05/07/2015 N 282n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05/26/2015 N 37395);
  • “Sommelier/cavist (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 07.05.2015 N 283 n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 26.05.2015 N 37396)
  • "Confectioner" (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 7, 2015 N 597n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 21, 2015 N 38940)
  • Cook
  • "Waiter/Bartender" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 1, 2015 N 910Н, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 25, 2015 N 40269).
  • "Baker" (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 01, 2015 N 914Н. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 25, 2015 N 40270).

Through the efforts of the working groups of the National Council with the direct participation of representatives of all SECs, organizational and methodological recommendations were developed and approved, creating the legal basis necessary for the development of the national system of independent qualification assessment (IQA) and professional public accreditation (PAA) of educational programs. All these documents are publicly available on the website of the National Council (for example, Methodological materials for the assessment of professional qualifications are presented on the website of the National Council: - on the right is the “Documents” tab)
At present, the following organizational and methodological documents have been approved by the National Council in order to form a system of independent qualification assessment:
Typical requirements for a center for assessing qualifications

  • Standard procedure for the selection and termination of powers of a center for assessing qualifications
  • Typical requirements for members of the qualification commission of the qualification assessment center
  • Methodology for determining the cost of work on assessing qualifications
  • Standard requirements for the Appeal Commission of the Council for Professional Qualifications to consider appeals to centers for assessing qualifications.

Each SEC has the right to make its own minor changes to these standard provisions in accordance with the specifics of a particular area of ​​activity and approve them in the National Council.

The procedure for passing an independent assessment of qualifications.
Consider the procedure for applicants to pass an independent assessment of qualifications.
The document “Typical Requirements for a Qualification Assessment Center” approved by the National Council states that the Qualification Assessment Center (CAC) - entity or his structural subdivision selected by the Professional Qualifications Council and empowered to conduct an independent assessment of qualifications. Such organizations receive a document issued by the council for professional qualifications, confirming that the organization has passed the selection for an independent assessment of qualifications and the authority of the center for assessing qualifications in the established field of activity.

In this way, independent evaluation employees of the food, hospitality, service and tourism industry can only be conducted by those organizations that have been selected in the SEC in the hospitality industry. Based on the results of such selection, these organizations receive the right to conduct an independent assessment of the qualifications of employees for a certain one or several areas of activity related to the competence of this SEC.
An important condition for the successful selection of CSCs in the SEC in the hospitality industry is their compliance with the requirements specified in the Standard Requirements for a Qualification Assessment Center. Of particular importance is the fulfillment of the requirements for the material and technical base of the CSC and the availability of employees who have been trained under the expert training program "Training of experts of the all-Russian system of independent assessment of qualifications" (the first group of experts was prepared on December 16-18, 2015 in Moscow). After a specialist in the hospitality industry receives the appropriate document on completion of training for such a program, he can apply to the SPC in the hospitality industry and pass an attestation (test of 20 questions and a personal interview). Only after this information about it is entered into Federal Register for the Assessment of Professional Qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Register), the website of which is currently being developed by the National Council.
Any applicant who wants to confirm his qualifications in a particular field of activity related to the service and hospitality industry can apply either directly to the SPC in the hospitality industry, or to any of the CSCs that have received such a right from the SPC in the hospitality industry (information about they will also be presented on the website of the FRIO and the Federal Register).
First of all, the applicant must familiarize himself with the requirements for applicants in various areas of professional activity in the hospitality industry, as well as with the list of documents that he must submit to the CSC, and download the forms of these documents from the CSC website.
An applicant who has submitted all the necessary documents is allowed to pass a qualification exam, which consists of two parts: an oral or written exam in the form of a test and a practical exam for the declared level of qualification.
The prerequisites for obtaining a certificate of qualification are:

  • fully completed application documents;
  • information on payment for the qualification assessment service;
  • successfully passed qualifying exams (theoretical and practical).

The procedure for passing the qualifying exam includes a test part (knowledge assessment) and a practical part (demonstration of professional skills).

The examination is conducted by the examination committee. The number of members of the commission in the SEC in the hospitality industry is three people, from among those who are included in the Federal Register as an expert on NOC, certified in the SEC of the hospitality industry. The examination committee must include:

  • a representative of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Hospitality Industry or a person authorized by it - a representative of employers;
  • expert practitioner in professional area activities;
  • representative of the education system or associations (unions, etc.) in areas of professional activity.

Based on the results of passing the qualification assessment, the specialist receives a document confirming his qualification (certificate) 10 working days after the last day of the exam. To do this, he must come to the Qualification Assessment Center with a document confirming his identity (passport, driver's license). At the request of the applicant, his certificate can be sent by registered mail to a pre-specified address.
If the applicant urgently needs confirmation of the successful passing of the qualification exam (for example, for the employer), then at his request, an appropriate certificate is issued.
All applicants who have successfully passed an independent assessment of professional qualifications are also entered in the Federal Register of NOCs.
Participation of business in the training of personnel for the hospitality industry
In addition to assessing professional qualifications, the National Council also deals with the issues of conducting professional public accreditation (PAA) of educational programs.
Professional and public accreditation of educational programs on service and hospitality can also be carried out only by those organizations that have been accredited by the SEC in the hospitality industry.
At present, the most important goal of PAA in the service and hospitality industry is to support those educational organizations that train personnel that are in demand in the region. These colleges and universities will receive additional budget places, because. the presence of a certificate of PAA is one of the important conditions taken into account when distributing admission control digits.

Problems and prospects of interaction between business and education
Unfortunately, so far, business and education are mostly not together, but in parallel: education trains personnel in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), and employers are waiting for students to graduate and come to them, prepared in accordance with their requirements, and not some GEF, which few employers have seen.
As a result, there are mutual reproaches. Employers say: they did not prepare the way we need, and now these graduates need to finish their education. Representatives of educational organizations complain that their Ministry of Education and Science (Ministry of Education and Science) forces them to involve practitioners in the educational process (according to many Federal State Educational Standards higher education their share should be at least 10% of the total number of teachers participating in a particular educational program), and employers do not go, because. The wages offered to them do not suit them at all.
That is, it turns out that the only organization that forcibly forces employers and education to unite is now the Ministry of Education and Science. Not a single Federal State Educational Standard is accepted by the Ministry of Education and Science for approval if employers did not take part in its development, no admission will be opened for any educational program if it is not approved by employers. Also, as noted above, employers must participate in the educational process, in the defense of final qualification works, and in many colleges it is now a mandatory condition that the employer must be not just a member, but the chairman of the state certification commission.
But what happens in practice? The developers of the Federal State Educational Standards and educational programs invite their graduate as an employer, who, for example, has a small cafe, and without looking, he signs everything that he will be given to sign. It turns out, as Lenin said: formally correct, but in essence a mockery.
The difficult economic times that our economy and the service sector in particular are going through now (although it’s hard to remember when we didn’t have such times) will probably still lead to the realization that business itself should begin to form a social demand for what kind of graduates with what competencies they need. Moreover, this request should reflect the characteristics of each particular region. And this is only possible if employers begin to participate in the development of educational programs, come to universities at least for master classes, albeit practically on a volunteer basis (by the way, this is a good opportunity to attract the most capable students to practice, and then for a permanent job).
Professional and public accreditation of educational programs by the professional community should also play its role in the process of improving the training of personnel for the food and hospitality industry. Since the requirements are now quite stringent, and the reputational risks of the SEC in the hospitality industry are high, you can be sure that this will not become a process of “stamping” certificates, but will allow you to identify the really most worthy educational organizations that the Ministry of Education and Science will provide support in the form of providing reception check digits, i.e. budget financing.