The construction of the hotel is what you need. How to build a hotel and earn. What documents are needed to open a hotel business

  • 20.04.2020

The hotel business is developing rapidly and rapidly today, and one of the main reasons for this is its high demand. High economic activity, the development of tourism lead to the fact that in most cities - both large and small - there is a growing demand for places to accommodate guests. This is especially true of inexpensive hotel rooms and rooms of the middle category. If you are thinking about how to open a hotel, most likely, we are talking about a private mini-hotel: it is this that can be organized at the lowest cost, and it will pay off relatively quickly. Travelers usually prefer just such establishments: of course, there are no huge conference rooms or a dozen restaurants for every taste, but these places usually differ in low prices and almost home comfort.

Which hotel to open

The mini-hotel format is optimal if you are just entering the hotel business. However, you should know that even a small hotel will definitely require considerable investments, and you need to be prepared that it will not pay off right away. And one of the first tasks that a future entrepreneur will have to solve is attracting investors. But before you think about financing the enterprise, you need to decide what kind of hotel you want to open.

Small hotels are those with no more than 50 rooms. These include:

  • apartment-type hotels (about 10 rooms not removed from the housing stock);
  • mini-hotels for 10–20 rooms
  • small hotels located in separate buildings, their number of rooms can be up to 50 rooms.

Depending on the level of services provided by the hotel, its price category is also selected. It could be:

  • low budget student hostel,
  • small economy class hotel,
  • comfortable business hotel,
  • apart-hotel (it can be either mid-level or luxury).

Another option for organizing a hotel is the so-called "apartment". This type of activity has recently been very popular among entrepreneurs, and therefore it is worth dwelling on it in more detail. Such a business is among the "gray" - not formalized properly. It is done like this: several neighboring apartments are bought in one house, it is done minimal repairs(rarely - redevelopment), apartments are furnished, and it remains only to find clients for daily rent (usually through ads on the Internet or in local newspapers). It would seem that opening a private hotel in this case is very easy.

But even here there are difficulties of their own, for example, neighbors may be indignant at the fact that there is a “passage courtyard” in the adjacent territory, and, having escaped to another city, tourists and business travelers often do not want to behave decorously and nobly, but on the contrary, they prefer noisily and with relax on a grand scale, which again causes dissatisfaction with the neighbors, and even complaints to the appropriate authorities, which can turn into trouble for the "underground" businessman.

Doing any business without proper registration is always a risk, illegal business entails not only administrative and tax, but in some cases criminal liability.

In addition, the work of the entrepreneur in this case will not be easy: you have to look for guests on your own, enterprises, institutions and organizations are immediately excluded from the list. potential clients(they need supporting documents for reporting), difficulties will arise with the placement of full-fledged advertising, because such an institution is not officially considered a hotel, and each client who comes to the ad may turn out to be a tax representative.

And although without the cost of official registration, compliance with sanitary standards and paying taxes, such a business may seem profitable, whether these incomes justify the high risks that are inevitable in this case is an open question, and everyone decides on their own.

And yet, speaking of how to open your own hotel, we will consider a business that is conducted legally. And you need to start it with or, and then move on to solving other important tasks.

Finding a suitable room

One of the most difficult and at the same time the most important questions is where to open a hotel. It is best to find a room in a business or historical part of the city. Infrastructure should be developed here: transport stops, cafes, restaurants, shops. It would be nice if the sights were located nearby. A beautiful view from the window is a plus for the hotel, although, of course, they don’t charge extra for it.

Even if the institution will not occupy the entire building, it is desirable that your hotel has a separate entrance.

One of the reasons for the high cost of this enterprise is that it is desirable to buy the premises. It is hardly worth renting a building for a hotel: too much investment will have to be made in its interior and equipment, and an unexpected proposal from the landlord to terminate the relationship can result in big losses and, of course, loss of business. An acceptable option is a long-term lease with an option to purchase.

If it is possible to raise significant funds for the project, it is possible to start construction of a separate hotel building, but at the same time, one must be aware that the search and purchase of a suitable site, preparation permits, design and construction works may take more than one year.

The best option is to purchase a room for a hotel. It can either be non-residential or represent several apartments (a large communal apartment is also suitable for these purposes). The area must be 300 sq. meters and above. If you buy apartments, they will need to be removed from the housing stock. Be prepared for the fact that this procedure will require costs - both financial and time.

Hotel interior: important details

After choosing and acquiring the premises, it's time to start creating a hotel project, redevelopment and repair. Moreover, the coordination of the project and obtaining permits for redevelopment can take much more time than the actual repair. Reconstruction of the premises and its documenting can be up to half the value of the property itself.

When the redevelopment is completed and you begin the interior decoration of the hotel, you can already apply for approval to the interested services (sanitary and epidemiological station, fire supervision), as well as conclude contracts with public utilities.

Creating the interior of a hotel is of great importance, although there are no unified rules here and cannot be. The approach to arranging the premises will depend on the concept of the hotel, as well as on its price category. Somewhere business and practical minimalism will be appropriate, somewhere - eternal classics, and someone wants to make rooms with rich decoration - it all depends on the tastes of the owner and on the preferences of the target audience. But the main thing is a comfortable layout and high-quality repairs, the rooms should look clean and tidy, even if they are not luxurious.

Another important point– furniture and plumbing should be High Quality. It’s not worth saving on them too much, such savings can turn into additional costs: flimsy furniture will quickly break down, because it’s no secret that “public” property is rarely treated with care.

Make sure that the hotel has its own corporate identity, which is noticeable even in small things. Needless to say, interior design is best entrusted to professional designers.

Mini-hotel staff: how many and what kind?

It is better to be puzzled by the selection of personnel a few months before the planned opening. By the time the work begins, the employees must have all the necessary documents drawn up, and they themselves must be trained and ready to start working.

You need to recruit staff based on what services you plan to provide in the hotel. If, for example, the guests will be provided with food, cooks will be needed. As for the attendants, there is a rule: its total number (administrators, maids, porters) is approximately equal to the number of rooms.

If the hotel is small, employees can combine different positions(administrator - to make reservations, maid - to be responsible for the laundry). This is beneficial both for the owner, who does not have to keep extra staff at work, and for the employees themselves, who can earn more.

An important requirement for hotel staff is knowledge foreign languages(at least English). It is necessary to organize systematic training and refresher courses.

Services in the hotel: important and secondary

First and foremost, the rooms must be clean. Daily cleaning, timely replacement of linen and towels is a prerequisite for the operation of each hotel. If it is not possible to organize laundry in the hotel itself, you should conclude an agreement with a third-party company providing this type of service.

A breakfast consisting of coffee, tea, and ready-made cookies can be provided by the hotel, even if there is no restaurant or cafe on site. If your own cafe is planned, you need to be prepared for additional costs. To open it you will need:

  • equipped room that meets all fire and sanitary requirements;
  • all necessary permits and approvals;
  • staff: cooks and waiters;
  • liquor licenses.

However, your own cafe or restaurant is already a separate business, you will need to attract customers to such an institution from outside, only on the guests of a mini-hotel it will not pay for itself. It is much easier to negotiate with one of the neighboring cafes about the delivery of food to guests in the room or, for example, about discounted breakfasts.

The hotel should be able to provide its visitors with car parking, safe, internet, telephone, and, if necessary, temporary registration.

Another unconditional obligation of the hotel is to ensure the safety of customers. To do this, he must have an agreement with a security company, installed an alarm button. We must not forget about the measures fire safety: emergency exit, fire detectors. There will also be a guarded parking lot.

Separately, it is worth taking care of guests with children (baby cots and high chairs will not interfere in the hotel) and disabled visitors (you will need a spacious elevator and ramps).

Hotel advertisement

You need to inform everyone about the opening of the hotel in advance, preferably 2-3 months in advance. Place a banner on the building soon opening, give information in travel agencies, create a hotel website and advertise on the Internet, on specialized resources.

Quality service and reasonable prices will do their job over time - there will be your own client base, and yesterday's guests will recommend the hotel to their friends.

We consider the profitability of the hotel

The fact that a hotel is a costly enterprise has already been said more than once. It's time to calculate how much it costs to open a small hotel. Of course, the calculations will be approximate, in order to get an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture expenses and incomes, you will need to obtain additional information:

  • find out how much the service is in demand in your city (its population, level of infrastructure development, tourist destination, business and production, which sports or cultural events are held here)
  • analyze the market: how many hotels are in your city, what is their advertising and pricing policy, how busy are they and how does seasonality affect this);
  • make a preliminary cost estimate: the cost of real estate in the village, as well as prices for construction and other work;
  • decide what the concept of your hotel will be: the composition of the number of rooms, the services provided, the level of service and, as a result, the target audience.

As you can see, it is almost impossible to answer the question exactly how much it costs to open a mini-hotel, too many factors will influence this. Investments in a capital hotel can be ten times greater than in a regional one, so the figures below are very approximate.

You can open a mini-hotel with 10-15 rooms in a small regional town by spending about 8-15 million rubles. At the same time, a small hotel in St. Petersburg or Moscow will require about 50 million rubles. And if you decide to build a separate building and purchase a land plot, the cost will increase to 150-200 million rubles.

All expenses for organizing a hotel are divided as follows:

  • 50% - for the purchase or construction of premises;
  • 25% - for redevelopment, (including project and administrative costs);
  • 15% - for interior repairs, interior decoration, purchase of equipment and furniture,
  • 10% - other expenses (costs for salaries and staff training, advertising, purchase of consumables).

In a metropolitan city, a hotel will pay off in about 5–7 years, in a large city with more than a million inhabitants - in 6–8 years. In a small regional town, this can take 9 to 12 years.

The hotel business is not in vain considered profitable, which is why there are more and more new hotels. However, you cannot call it a quick payback, so this is an entrepreneurship for those who stand firmly on their feet, and therefore are not afraid of large investments and large-scale projects. Compiling the same detailed business plan It is better to entrust such a complex and expensive project to specialists.

How to open a hotel business? The aspiring entrepreneur decided to open a small hotel or inn. Where to begin? How profitable is this business? How to choose the best option for the type of enterprise, choose the location, what documents will be needed to open it, how to get a license for such an activity? Read the answers to all these and many other questions in our article.

The regulations and approvals required to open a small hotel are an impressive list. Some procedures, such as removing the premises from the housing stock, can take up to a year.

In order to legally open your hotel from scratch, you will need the following required documents:

  1. Documents confirming the ownership of real estate;
  2. Registration certificate legal entity or IP;
  3. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  4. Permission for redevelopment or construction;
  5. Documentary confirmation of compliance with safety standards, such as sanitary, fire, environmental and technical safety;
  6. Service agreements with contractors: these can be private security companies, accounting and legal services, cleaning, waste disposal, food delivery, utilities, and others;
  7. Documents confirming registration cash register in the Federal Tax Service;
  8. Permission to .

Also, depending on the desire of the entrepreneur, the following are drawn up optional documents:

1. Certificate of conformity: needed if you want to officially confirm the "star" status. The requirements necessary for the assignment of stars can be found in the Federal Law No. 25, dated 01/25/2011;

2. Licenses for trading rights alcoholic products, foodstuffs, for the organization of public catering enterprises. Licensing is also required for hairdressing and dry cleaning services.

You do not need a license to open a hotel business!

Despite the mass of necessary documents for the legal implementation of the hotel business on the territory of the Russian Federation, special licensing of guest houses, motels and hostels, etc. is not provided, and anyone can open such a business.

Hotel business in Russia

Any novice entrepreneur who plans to open a private hotel in the Russian Federation, first of all, should get acquainted with the saturation of the hotel market. It does not matter which hotel you plan to open: for 10, 20, 50, 100 rooms, first of all, you need to study the demand for this type of service.

Today the least in need of new hotel-type enterprises are cities such as Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. According to experts, this information may change over the next 5-10 years. This is due to the growth of cities and, as a result, the growth in demand for quality accommodation.

The most promising and promising for this direction are Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. The reason for this is the high rate of development business activity these cities, which entails an increasing influx of business travelers, creating suitable conditions for opening a private hotel here.

Types of inns and hotels

The hospitality business involves many different types of businesses. They differ in such characteristics as location, number of rooms, target audience, interior features. We will talk about options for creating such a business. small organizations or individual entrepreneurs and consider the main types of small hotels:

  • Mini Hotel;
  • Small hotel;
  • Mini-hotels of resort type in Russia: Sochi, Crimea;
  • Roadside hotel;
  • Mini-hotel in a private house;
  • Hostel.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options and highlight the main differences.

How to open a mini-hotel

A mini-hotel differs primarily in the number of rooms, which should be no more than 50 places for temporary accommodation. Each of them should preferably have its own bathroom. Let's find out how to start a business and come to a stable income.

Choosing a place for a mini-hotel

To open a small hotel, the first step is to decide on the choice of location. Business will flourish if the location of the hotel is convenient for settling in and living. We will consider an option in which an entrepreneur, wanting to open a mini-hotel in a residential building, buys apartments for further redevelopment into rooms. We will talk about how to build a profitable hotel on your own and how much it will cost in a separate chapter of this article.

When opening a hotel from scratch, it is advisable to choose the central area of ​​the city, from where it will not be difficult for guests to get to any point using public transport.

If the city has a metro, then walking distance from it will play into your hands. Pay attention to the location of the building relative to airports and train stations - this factor also often helps guests make a decision when choosing a suitable place for temporary accommodation. Many entrepreneurs prefer communal apartments or dormitories, as they hardly need redevelopment.

Should be evaluated availability and quality of shops, cafes, and shopping centers nearby. The next moment is the building itself. It should be in good condition, the yard and entrance neat and clean - all this will later work for the image of your organization and help develop a profitable business.

Floor selection. Owners of mini-hotels often choose the first floor. This is convenient, given that you can make a separate entrance to the reception,. Guests can easily find you, and local residents will know that the hotel is located here and offer it as an option for their friends and relatives who come to visit from other cities.

Opening a mini-hotel step by step

How to open a hotel? Let's figure out what you need to know and what actions to take after the building is selected. It is time to buy apartments or rooms, depending on the type of premises. We take as a basis the purchase of two floors, with a total footage of 300 square meters. To open a hotel in a residential building, it is easiest to make such a purchase in a new or still under construction building, avoiding the resettlement procedure.

Another question that new residential buildings are rarely built in the city center, the situation is much easier with new buildings near metro stations. If you enter into shared construction, you will save money on repairs and redevelopment, but you will have to wait for the commissioning of the construction site. The purchase price of housing, in order to later open a small mini-hotel, will be approximately $340,000.

The following are the stages of paperwork for registration and redevelopment. Acquired premises must be removed from the housing stock. The transfer procedure can be found in Article 23 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. With a statement and all necessary documents you will need to contact your local government.

This is a rather lengthy and complicated procedure.. The withdrawal may take a year or more. In each individual case, the removal of premises from the housing stock has a different cost, there is no fixed price.

At the time of filing an application for the withdrawal of apartments from the housing stock, you can submit a redevelopment project to the same body and agree on the details. The hotel project must comply with GOSTs and standards, which are described in detail in clause 11.9 of Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508, ed. 840, Annex 1, as well as in Art. 288 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Don't forget to notify your local BTI of your activities.

All this will be needed when registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Speaking of a small hotel with 50 rooms or less, the owner usually registers his activities as an individual entrepreneur.

When registering, you must specify OKVED codes depending on the characteristics of your business: 55.1 Hotel activities; 55.11 activities of hotels with restaurants; 55.12 activities of hotels with restaurants.

After obtaining permission for redevelopment, the removal of premises from the housing stock, the turn comes to work on repairs - installation work.

If a If your hotel does not provide a bathroom in each room, then the number of bathrooms and toilet rooms must comply with the standards: 1 bathroom for 10 guests.

When making repairs in a future hotel, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of fire supervision, the sanitary and epidemiological station, and the premises must also meet safety standards. Without documents confirming the compliance of the premises with the specified standards, the activities of the hotel will not be considered legal.

It is necessary to think over and competently organize power supply, water supply, ventilation and temperature control systems. If the house is new, then replacement of windows is not required. Do not forget about the doors to the rooms and the hotel itself. Redevelopment and redecoration of a mini-hotel with 20 rooms will cost about $20,000 - $30,000.

The next step is the purchase of furniture, appliances, plumbing and everything you need for room service and future guests. The minimum set for each room includes a bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, chair and table. Take into account single, double and triple rooms.

Among other things, additional furniture, equipment and accessories, such as paintings, dressing tables, mirrors, safes will be needed for rooms of the "Lux" and "Junior" classes.

It doesn’t hurt to buy a couple of washing vacuum cleaners, washing machines, clothes dryers and kitchen appliances. Let's not forget about the face of our hotel - reception equipment. total cost equipment costs will be about $15,000 - $20,000.

Necessary little things

Keeping in mind that the cleanliness of even the simplest and most budgetary mini-hotel is the most important component of a positive reputation, it is necessary to purchase cleaning products, detergents, laundry detergents, as well as related accessories. This expense item will also include towels, disposable slippers, bed linen, blankets, pillows, bathrobes and mini-packages of shampoos, shower gels and conditioners.

You can’t do without buying bath mats, in the hallway, shower curtains (if provided by purchased plumbing), and curtains for windows. Crockery, trays, soap dishes and other little things should also not be deprived of your attention. The cost of all this will be about $ 3,000.

Staff for a mini-hotel

After the preparation of premises for temporary accommodation of guests, it is time to hire service personnel. Given the provision of such services as breakfasts in our hotel, we will need:

  1. Director - salary $ 800 / month;
  2. Administrators, 2 people - salary of $ 400 / month. each, total - $ 800 per month;
  3. Cook - salary 600 dollars. per month;
  4. Maid, 4 people - salary of $ 300 / month; each, total - $ 600 / month.

Don't forget about an agreement with a private security company - $ 175 / month, and accounting services - $ 300 / month.

After all the stages of preparation are completed, you can finally open a mini-hotel for guests.

How to open your own small hotel

A small hotel differs from a mini-hotel mainly in terms of rooms. If it includes up to 50 rooms, then a small hotel is a hotel business with up to 100 rooms.

Accordingly, the cost of purchasing premises, repair and installation work, furniture and equipment, as well as the work of maintenance personnel will increase in proportion to the number of rooms by which the number of rooms will be increased.

Mini-hotels of resort type in Russia

Hotels in Russian resort cities are very popular among Russians and not only.

The hotel business on the Black Sea is gaining momentum and for good reason: the profitability of such an enterprise will not be long in coming. The features of such a business are, first of all, in the target audience for which the place for temporary residence is designed.

If you decide to open a mini-hotel on the sea, then it will be necessary to equip your hotel with a swimming pool, a bar and a grill area. For vacationers with children, the presence of a playground, high chairs, cots for babies and a trampoline will help to give preference to you.

In case you are focusing on business guests, then these amenities are not required, but the rooms must be equipped desks and lamps for work, as well as be sure to include such a service as Wi-Fi.

How to open a mini-hotel in Crimea

Today, every year there are more and more vacationers in Crimea, especially among our compatriots. This is due to the lack of need to issue a passport and visa. In this regard, the city is developing, infrastructure is growing, new shops, cafes and shopping centers are being built.

Hotel business in Crimea is gaining momentum, tourism is booming, and holidays here are considered a relatively budget option. Last year, more than 4 million guests visited Crimea from January to August. Summer here lasts about 5 months. Such numbers promise stable demand for small hotel business owners, which means quick profits.

Choosing a location for your future business will not be difficult if you know exactly what you want to get as a result and how much money you are ready to invest. The most popular among the guests of the Crimea are the cities of Yalta, Evpatoria and Feodosia.

The most well-groomed, including sandy beaches are located there, infrastructure and services are better developed. Prices for everything here are significantly higher, including hotel rooms.

Competition in these cities is high, hotels are presented in a variety of options, real estate prices are also an order of magnitude higher than, for example, in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

So, for example, in Yalta, a plot of 15 acres overlooking the sea, will cost an average of $ 265,000 - $ 270,000. The construction of a small hotel with a total area of ​​170 sq.m will cost around $52,000. A similar plot in Sevastopol, also by the sea, costs $88,000 - $93,000.

Construction of a small hotel within the same 170 sq.m. — $52,000. Simferopol is not recommended as an option for creating a resort hotel, since this city does not have access to the sea, but it is well suited for those who flew to Crimea for work. The cost of real estate here is about the same as in Sevastopol.

If we talk about buying ready-made premises for restructuring into a mini-hotel, then the prices also differ by 2-3 times. There are also options for ready-made hotels. For example, a hotel with an area of ​​230 sq.m. on the seashore in Yalta, with furniture and everything you need, costs $450,000. A small hotel in Sevastopol, with an area of ​​200 sq.m. with a pool, furniture and everything you need, can cost $ 160,000. It is worth noting that the real estate market has a lot of offers for the sale of unfinished hotels with a finished layout and a laid foundation.

If you decide to opt for a small city of Crimea, which is less popular among tourists, pay attention to the nearby beaches. Often the beaches in such cities are not ennobled and are not suitable for a good rest. This circumstance can leave a negative impression and affect the reputation of the hotel in the future.

How to open a mini-hotel in Sochi

For holidays in Russia, the resort town on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory is no less popular than the Crimea, but it should be remembered: the beaches here are mostly pebbly, and the season suitable for recreation lasts less than three months. All these circumstances only prolong the payback period of a small hotel in a given resort town.

Ready-made hotel in Sochi, 180 sq.m. will cost around $250,000, depending on the condition of the hotel and its location relative to the sea. Land for construction, area. 15 sq.m., not far from the sea, will cost about $100,000.

Choosing an area in the resort area- central or outskirts, remember that tourists often choose the center with a view, and those who come to the city for work, in order to save money, prefer rooms on the outskirts of the city.

How to open a roadside inn

A roadside hotel, also known as a motel (motor hotel), is designed for truckers and tourists traveling "savages", that is, on their own by car, without a ticket. The demand for motels is impressive, the competition in this area of ​​business is extremely small, and in some regions of Russia it is completely absent. At right choice places, the profitability of such an enterprise will be guaranteed.

The choice of a place comes down to an analysis of the congestion and length of those Russian highways that unite large cities. To open a motel, the distance between large settlements should be at least 4,000 - 5,000 km. The trucker's journey in this case will be about 3 days, which means that he cannot do without an overnight stay.

Located on the highway, the motel will be a great option for a hearty dinner and a good night's sleep.

If the cost of a night in such a motel is acceptable, and the rooms are clean - your company will enjoy enviable popularity.

When building a roadside hotel, special attention should be paid to the parking lot. If the parking is fenced and with a security post, then this will attract even more customers to you. A separate entrance to the room, parking windows for the comfort of guests and the opportunity to have a quick bite to eat - this is the secret of a successful motel. The rooms should have a minimum of everything you need, this meets the needs of guests and makes temporary accommodation more affordable.

How much does it cost to open a small motel?

There are 2 options: buying an already finished object, or building from scratch. Depending on the region, buying a small hotel will cost from $30,000 to $53,000.

The construction of a new motel (300 square meters) is more expensive - about $60,000 -80,000.

Plus, for repairs, the purchase of furniture, plumbing and everything you need, you will need an average of $ 16,000. Speaking of profit, such a hotel with 20-25 rooms will bring up to $9,000 per month.

Mini-hotel in a private house

Usually, such hotels have 6 - 8 rooms, the owners of the house live in a separate private room or in a small house on the site. As a rule, such hotels do without the involvement of additional staff and business owners do their own cleaning, breakfast preparation and laundry. This option is very popular among budget tourists in the resort cities of Russia, since, as a rule, they are located near the sea, and the rooms are attracted by very low prices.

Guest houses are distinguished by comfort, home-cooked food and the absence of a large number of guests. If the rooms are well equipped, and the owners provide everything necessary for living, then such a hotel brings its owners a good income.

The disadvantage of such an enterprise is seasonality. Cities - resorts in Russia cannot boast of a swimming season all year round, which means that guests in a private mini - hotel will appear only a few warm months a year.

How to open a hostel

Things to consider before you start. The hostel has a slightly different target audience. The hostel consists of several large rooms with beds, usually bunk beds. Shared bathroom, kitchen and lack of personal space makes a bed in a hostel cheap, and therefore attractive for students and those who prefer saving on accommodation over additional amenities.

The discovery of such hotel company differs from the opening of a mini-hotel already at the stage of choosing a room for a hostel. The future business owner is looking for premises with a larger area, does not aim to equip bathrooms in every room. Often, for these purposes, options for non-residential premises are considered.

Speaking of bathrooms, then hostels should have at least 1 toilet and 1 shower for 15 people. If there are many guests, then it is advisable to separate the bathrooms for women and men.

When creating a hostel layout project, a separate room is allocated for a bedroom, according to the standards, at least 4 meters for one single or bunk bed. One room for the kitchen, and one room with a TV, books and sofas. The rest room and the kitchen are often combined into one, in order to save space and budget.

In general, the difference between a hostel and a mini-hotel, in addition to the layout, is significantly lower in the cost of furniture and appliances, but the cost of one bed is 2-3 times cheaper compared to a room in a full-fledged hotel.

How much does it cost to build a hotel yourself

The answer to the question of how much it costs to open a hotel or mini-hotel depends on the following factors:

  • Location. In the city or outside the city? In the resort area or is it a business in the capital? In a developed metropolis or in a small but developing city? All this significantly affects the cost of land and construction of the facility;
  • Room fund;
  • Type of hotel business: Hotel, hostel, motel, mini-hotel, guest house, etc.
  • Star level of the future object;
  • The presence or absence of a bar, swimming pool, gym, elevator, SPA and other comfort elements.

Answering the question of how much money will be required to invest in order to open a small hotel, we will take as a basis a hotel enterprise with 12 rooms, a total area of ​​300 sq.m., without subsequent assignment of stars, which will be located, for example, in Novosibirsk. The cost of building a turnkey hotel will be the following figures:

  1. Purchase of a plot in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk, closer to the central district, 9 acres - $ 70,000;
  2. Design and coordination of the project of the construction object with the authorities local government – 4 000$;
  3. Purchase building material – 20 500$;
  4. Construction and installation works, laying of communications + finishing - $ 20,000;

In total, to build your own small hotel you need$115,000. This is the cost, taking into account the fact that we use materials of the middle price segment (+ skilled workers). If you use the most inexpensive materials, then a small turnkey hotel for $ 55,000.

Hotel business plan, profitability

Calculate how much you need to invest and the final profitability of the hotel. For example, let's take the figures from the previous chapter on the cost of building a mini-hotel in Novosibirsk and make calculations: how much does it cost to open a hotel or mini-hotel. To calculate taxes, let's take the simplified tax system income minus expenses for individual entrepreneurs.


  • Finished hotel building - $115,000;
  • Purchase of necessary furniture, textiles, plumbing and equipment - $ 90,000;
  • Site design, fencing, parking, LED sign - $ 8,700;
  • – 800$.

In total, opening your own business will cost: $220,000.

Monthly costs:

– Salary to employees + outsourcing services – $3500;
Purchase of consumables - $ 200;
Utilities – 300$.

Total: $4000/month


We will calculate the profit based on the constant occupancy of the number of rooms in 80%
The average cost of living is $ 30 / day.
Total total profit will be $9,000/month, and net 5000 dollars.

Return on hotel business:

According to calculations, excluding income tax, it will pay for itself in 2.5 years. The net profit of the hotel will be $5000/month. Income tax for this period will be about $ 29,500, which will extend the payback period by another 5 months. Also, during this period, from time to time it will be required to repair and replace elements of furniture and equipment, which will entail the need to invest in the business all new funds. Summarizing, it can be concluded that successful business in the field hotel service payback in 2-3 years on average.

The hotel business has many pitfalls and subtleties. Here is what experienced hotel owners in Russia advise:

It requires considerable investments, and its payback period will be at least 3 years. Despite this, owning a hotel will be a profitable investment, as it will provide you stable income for many, many years.

The specifics of opening a hotel business in resorts requires a particularly careful weighing of the stage-by-stage scenario of action. Even with increasing demand for Russian seashores, the hospitality industry is highly volatile. And the seasonality of the enterprise gives rise to great doubts about the possibility of obtaining greater profitability. In this article, read about how to draw up a business plan for a hotel by the sea, read the example given and calculate your strength based on it.

Hotel and restaurant business is one of the most difficult areas in business. A simple buying and selling scheme does not work here. How well you define target audience how correctly you choose the location, how competently you build advertising campaign, and the success of the enterprise depends on many other factors.

Today it is difficult to imagine a major undertaking without a clear and comprehensive financial plan. In the hotel business, as in other areas, it is necessary to consider the level of workload of the enterprise, which is extremely difficult to predict. However, there are some average indicators from which you can and should build on.

The main feature of the hotel business on the sea coast is the uneven workload of the hotel. In the summer, an ordinary resort hotel has no end to clients (provided that you present yourself correctly). Between October and early May, such hotels either cease to function or take steps to reduce staffing, costs, and practically reduce activity to a minimum.

What costs need to be taken into account

Of course, you can choose for yourself a special policy for the provision of service, pricing policy and targeting wealthy citizens. But in this article we will give a list of the necessary minimum, without which no self-respecting hotel can exist.


  • Company foundation
  • Buying or renting real estate
  • Employee payroll
  • Redevelopment of areas
  • Rough and fine finishing
  • Room design and interior design
  • Catering, cleaning and room maintenance equipment
  • Furnishings
  • taxes
  • Hotel promotion
  • Utility expenses and monthly expendable materials

So we need to open a hotel in resort town. For example, let's take the city of Kerch in the Crimea and start from the realities of such a city. In our "standard" hotel there will be a minimum service: free Internet; maintaining the proper condition of the room stock; possibility to provide an iron and ironing board; buffet on the ground floor and a shop.

Premises for a mini-hotel by the sea

In this example, we will rent a room. The mini-hotel will be designed for 20 rooms, 3 of which are deluxe, 9 standard double rooms and 8 single rooms for guests. To open such an institution, we need an average of 500 m2.

The success of your business depends on the choice of location. We will choose a building located 30 minutes from the coast. You can get there by public transport in 10 minutes. There is a parking place for cars (because some of the guests come by their own transport). Let's put on rent payments 200 000 rubles monthly.

Here we note that you may prefer a room with a smaller footage, but it should be borne in mind that, according to the norms, one guest should have at least 15 square meters of room area. The building must be equipped with good ventilation, hot water supply, etc.

We will take into account the fact that you may have to restrain the price at the first stage of the development of the business. Therefore, we propose to take into account the following figures: Suite - 4400 rubles per day; double room 3200 rubles; standard single room 2000 rub. Let's calculate the average cost of a room - 2900 rubles. per day. Our hotel can accommodate up to 32 people at a time. The occupancy of the hotel on the sea is extremely uneven. 4 hot months it will be up to 100% (let's take 90%), and in winter it can decrease significantly.

For 4 months, the company's income will be about 10 million rubles.


We will need to take out a loan for rent, organizational issues, the arrangement of the hotel and its advertising. The loan amount will be 11,600 thousand rubles. Let's take it for 15 years. For the purchase of furniture, appliances, sanitary ware and others, we allocate an amount of 5 million rubles. We will need to equip common areas, as well as all technical areas - 1.8 million. Opening a company, obtaining permits and legal services 100 thousand rubles.

In the current environment, promoting a business on the Internet has become a necessity. We will take you to the opening of your own website and other promotional items 200 thousand rubles Don't forget about unexpected expenses. This is something that was accidentally forgotten; bureaucratic costs; loss and damage to part of the property, etc. We will lay down expenses for unforeseen circumstances of 700 thousand rubles.


When calculating your business plan for a hotel by the sea, you will need to study the level wages In your city. What staff do we need:

  • Director with a salary of 30,000 rubles.
  • 2 administrators at the reception in 2 shifts - 2 x 17000
  • 2 cash tellers - 2 x15000
  • 2 sellers in the buffet - 2 x 16000
  • Maid, cleaners 5 x 14000
  • Armor specialist - 17 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising manager - 18 thousand rubles.
  • Accountant for 0.5 rate - 17,000 rubles.

The total salary fund will cost 250 thousand rubles. every month. Let's not forget about taxes on this amount (about 40% of the payroll) - 100 thousand rubles.

The taxation system will need to be chosen together with the accountant. We will assume that the choice will fall on the "simplified". It is important to take into account the seasonality of the enterprise. We will allocate 15% of the proceeds to replenish the city treasury in the form of taxes.

It is not necessary to protect the institution with the help of a permanently in the service of a security guard. Today more and more hotels resort to the help of private security companies, whose services are cheaper than the content of the staff. We will allocate 15 thousand rubles. per month for these purposes.

After drawing up a business plan, you need to consult an accountant, but it is advisable to apply a simplified taxation system for such an area and pay 15% to the city treasury.

In addition, we will need some kind of protection of the enterprise. Maintaining a staff of security guards is very expensive, so we will contact the private security company to install a “panic button”. The price of their services will be 15,000.

In the previous paragraphs, we did not mention utility costs. The area of ​​our hotel is considerable, therefore, approximately 65,000 rubles must be provided. In addition, every month it is necessary to purchase consumables at the hotel - 30,000 rubles.

Monthly profit will be 1,317,500 rubles. For 4 hot months with 90% hotel occupancy, you will earn 5,270,000. Use our example to form your business plan using a simple algorithm. And only after these estimates go to a professional estimator for detailing.

It is gaining more and more popularity both from customers and from those who want to open their own profitable business. This is facilitated by developing tourism and business trips, which have already become part of the lifestyle. business man.

It is cheaper for businesses to pay for a room in a hostel or hotel than to rent a separate apartment for an employee. Each city tries its best to attract tourists to its region. Therefore, the hotel business becomes a profitable business.

The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths and choose the type of hotels for which there will be the least competition. But the quality and range of services provided must be on top. This article contains a comprehensive answer to the current question of how to open a hotel business from scratch and what is needed for this.

If you buy several communal apartments for a future mini-hotel, you will have to make a lot of effort to register the BTI. It takes a lot of time to obtain all the necessary certificates - fire system, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, certificates for the services provided, etc.

If the presence of alcoholic beverages is expected, then a separate license must be obtained for them. To avoid queues and waste of time, you can use the My Business services on the Internet, which work online. There you can find a complete package of documents, forms, applications that are needed to open an IP.

After collecting all the documents, obtaining the necessary permits, it's time to deal directly with the arrangement of the premises themselves. Refurbishment and repair is always present at the initial stage. The purchase of furniture, plumbing and kitchen equipment, equipment will certainly follow the repair.

Pay a lot of attention to selection personnel for your hospitality business. The most basic features that every major hotel provides:

  • meeting clients in the hall - hall and their further accommodation depending on the possibilities and wishes;
  • cleaning and room service;
  • cooking according to the menu;
  • control by the security service;
  • fast engineering response technical service for malfunctions;
  • financial and commercial department;
  • other employees who perform additional or support functions.

As you can see, this is the minimum list of services that a hotel should provide. If your city has strong competition, then consider expanding or innovating this list. For example, hire not just a cook, but a pastry chef.

Freshly baked pastries according to an individual recipe perfectly complement a cup of tea or coffee during breakfast. Specify dishes for the younger generation in the menu. It is desirable that the chef or his assistant be creative in serving food.

It is very important to focus on politeness No client will use the services of the hotel again if his stay in the room was accompanied by constant rudeness and rudeness.

The quality of your workforce directly affects the reputation and competitiveness of the hotel itself. Therefore, if employees perform their duties with high quality, stimulate them with good salaries, bonuses, etc. Find a competent administrator who will represent the face of the hotel.

To get a regular profit, you need to develop a permanent customer base. For greater profitability, the average daily occupancy of the hotel should be at least 60%. To attract a flow of customers, spend time and money on advertising.

Publish ads on websites on the Internet, in newspapers, magazines, banners. You can use the services of a peddler of leaflets and business cards. Order the development of your own website. Of course, these costs should not make up the lion's share of the allocated budget.

If the competition in the region is high enough, try to innovate in your business. Allocate a separate room for a cafe or restaurant, equip a children's room, connect free WiFi, cable or satellite TV, etc.

Remember that customers make money.

Therefore, sometimes conduct unobtrusive questionnaires or mini-surveys to hear their wishes in a friendly tone, and not read them later negative feedback. The cleanliness of the rooms, quality food, polite staff and modern trends will attract not only regular customers but also new guests.

It must be admitted that the development of the tourism sector entails a number of positive consequences, one of which is the need for temporary housing. And hidden in this trend are opportunities for active entrepreneurs. The question of how to open a hotel from scratch is notable for its apparent simplicity: we all have stayed at establishments of this kind at least once in our lives, and therefore we are sure that we understand the essence of the idea. But few people suspect that there are more pitfalls here than in any other line of business.

Legal aspect

Opening a hotel in our state does not involve obtaining a license, but you still have to comply with some formalities. Licensing of activities will be required only if it is planned to open a cafe or a restaurant selling alcoholic beverages within the hotel.

Registration of an enterprise may take the format IP. If we have to talk about large scales, then it is still better to immediately think about an LLC.

Coordination of activities in the presence of a ready-made premises will have to be carried out with the following authorities:

  • Fire Department;
  • Rospotrebnadzor (if shops and catering points open in the hotel).

You can choose a simplified taxation system, while the size of the institution does not matter. To expand the circle of customers, it is recommended to get certified for certain types of services that will be additionally provided at the hotel.

Choose a format

At the planning stage, the main thing is to decide on the format of the institution. A mini-hotel will be the most suitable option for business beginners. These hotels include those with less than 50 beds.

Among them:

  • apartment-type hotels - no more than 10 rooms not removed from the housing stock;
  • mini-hotels - 10-20 rooms;
  • small hotels in separate buildings - 50 rooms.
  • low-budget student hostel;
  • economy class hotel;
  • comfortable business hotel;
  • apart-hotel.

Increasingly, recently you can meet the so-called apartment type of hotel. However, it can easily be classified as a "gray" business, since this type of business does not receive proper formalization.

The process goes like this:

  1. Bought several neighboring apartments.
  2. Repairs are being made, furniture is being purchased.
  3. Visitors are moving in.

Such apartments are rented, as a rule, by the day. But with all the outward simplicity, this form of business organization has more disadvantages than advantages. The main one is the desire of city guests to behave differently than at home. That is noisy, on a grand scale, not taking into account the interests of neighbors. The latter, in turn, do not skimp on complaints to the relevant authorities, which threatens the businessman with problems alone.

In addition, you always have to search for clients on your own, since there is a chance to meet tax representatives if you advertise. And such a segment as business travelers immediately disappears, because they need checks for reporting.

We select a room

So, the question of where to open a mini-hotel remains the most difficult for an entrepreneur. The best option would be premises in the business districts of the city, in historical centers. If there are no plans to aim at the luxury level, then the best choice there will be buildings near railway stations, metro stations, transport interchanges, along highways.

An additional plus will be beautiful landscape outside the window and a separate entrance. The latter is especially important if your establishment is not located in an independent building.

There are three options for ownership of the premises:

  • to rent;
  • build;
  • redeem.

It is at this stage that this direction frightens off many, since the question of serious capital investments arises. Room rental is not the best option because the owner can always change and decide to use the building for other purposes. Then your business will simply be on the street.

Construction may take more than one year, as it will have to deal with the execution of permits, project coordination, and land issues. From this we can conclude that it is most profitable to buy a room, or still rent it, but only for a long time and with the right to subsequently buy it.

Interior and staff

Having completed all the preparatory questions, you can proceed to the creation of the concept of your institution, the creation of the interior and exterior design. Do not forget at the same time that if you have a reconstruction or redevelopment ahead, then sometimes it costs half the cost of the property itself, and therefore really evaluate your capabilities. In addition, these procedures will also require certain approvals.

Even if you have to solve such a question as how to open a hotel in a private house, you should always remember that it must be recognizable. An excellent option would be the construction of a separate building, in the project of which you yourself lay all the necessary premises and interior features - columns, pools, attics.

Important: it will be necessary to invite SES and the fire service exactly when the main stage of construction alterations is completed and all communications are connected.

Room decoration

Of course, there is no single approach to interior design. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owner himself. Only one point remains important - quality. The rooms may not be particularly luxurious, but they should be comfortable, clean, tidy and kept in perfect cleanliness.

What not to save on:

  • plumbing;
  • furniture;
  • bed sheets;
  • curtains.

The last two points are business card hotel. Cheap washed towels in a room lined with gold good reputation don't deserve.

State Selection

Next important question- staff. They need to be puzzled long before the opening, because by this memorable day all hotel employees must be properly decorated and trained. As for their number, here you need to adhere to general rule- the total number of staff (administrators, maids, porters) should be equal to the number of rooms.

The variety of positions will depend entirely on the services that will be provided at the hotel.

Profitability analysis

To have a complete picture of upcoming expenses, it is necessary to clarify the following points:

  • how much a hotel is generally necessary for your city;
  • pricing policy and workload of existing hotels;
  • the value of real estate in your locality;
  • determine the concept, format and level of the future institution.

In this regard, it is impossible to say with accuracy how much your project will cost. Everything will depend on the answers you get to the questions listed.

The approximate cost of opening a mini-hotel in a small regional city is 10-15 million rubles.

But the construction of your own building for the hotel will have to spend about 150-200 million.


An approximate cost estimate can be presented as follows:

  • 50% of the amount will be spent on renting, buying or building a building;
  • 25% - for redevelopment;
  • 15% - for interior repairs;
  • 10% - for other expenses (advertising, salaries, staff training).

The payback period will also depend on the size of the city:

  • in the capital - 5-7 years;
  • in the regional center - 6-8 years;
  • in the district center - 9-12 years.

Open a successful hostel - how to do it: Video