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IPBOT 275-2008 Instruction on industrial safety and labor protection for the minder of the cementing unit TsA-320

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IPBOT 275-2008


on industrial safety and labor protection
for minder of cementing unit TsA-320


Trade Union of Oil Workers, gas industries industry and construction Russian Federation

Chairman of the trade union L.A. Mironov


Director of LLC "SPKTB Neftegazmash" M.P. Semashko

Deputy director of LLC "SPKTB Neftegazmash" - GKP Krivtsov V.S.

1 General safety requirements

1.1 Male persons at least 18 years old after training in specialized centers, who have a qualification certificate in this specialty, who have passed a preliminary medical examination and have no contraindications to perform the specified work, are allowed to work as a minder of the TsA-320 cementing unit.

1.2 The motor operator of the cementing unit must perform the following scope of work:

1.3 The mechanic of the cementing unit must know:

  • specifications, purpose, design, operating rules of the unit, motor vehicle; device, interaction and principle of operation of all units of the unit;
  • the technological process of cementing, chemical treatment, flushing and killing of wells, hydraulic fracturing, types of unit repairs and the basics of plumbing;
  • device, frequency Maintenance and a list of maintenance work to be performed on the 9T pump safety valve.

1.4 Preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers performing work with dangerous and harmful production factors, are held medical organizations who have a license for the specified type of activity.

1.5 The frequency of periodic medical examinations is determined by the territorial authorities Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being together with employers, based on the specific sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological situation, but periodic medical examinations must be carried out at least once every two years.

Persons under the age of 21 undergo periodic medical examinations annually.

1.6 When hiring, a motorist undergoes an introductory briefing. Before admission to independent work it must pass:

  • initial briefing at the workplace;
  • an internship at the workplace under the guidance of an experienced mentor lasting no more than 14 working days;
  • verification of knowledge by profession and types of work;
  • knowledge test on safe operation new type of equipment;
  • testing knowledge on first aid for victims of an accident at work;
  • testing knowledge on fire safety;
  • testing knowledge on electrical safety.

The test results are recorded in the knowledge test certificate.

1.7 The newly hired employee is issued a knowledge test certificate, in which an appropriate entry must be made on the test of knowledge of the instructions and rules specified in clause 1.6, and on the right to perform special work.

Qualification certificates of personnel during execution official duties may be kept by the supervisor or with him in accordance with local conditions.

1.8 Admission to independent work is issued by order for the enterprise or structural unit.

1.9 The mechanic of the TsA-320 cementing unit, who has not passed the knowledge test within the established time limits, is not allowed to work independently.

1.10 The mechanic of the TsA-320 cementing unit in the process of work must pass:

  • repeated briefings under the program of primary briefing at the workplace in full - at least once a quarter;
  • knowledge check:
  • by profession and type of work;
  • for the safe operation of equipment;
  • to provide first aid to victims of an accident at work;
  • on fire safety;
  • on electrical safety - once a year.

1.11 After 5 years of work, the mechanic of the TsA-320 cementing unit must undergo retraining in this specialty.

1.12 When introducing new types of equipment and mechanisms, new technological processes, as well as when new rules and instructions for labor protection are put into effect, the minder of the TsA-320 cementing unit must undergo an unscheduled briefing.

1.13 An employee or eyewitness must immediately notify his/her immediate supervisor of any accident or accident.

1.14 Each employee must know the location of rescue equipment, emergency warning signals, rules of conduct in case of accidents, rules for providing first aid to victims.

1.15 At the facilities of ZAO SSK, an employee may be exposed to the following main hazardous and harmful production factors:

1.15.1 chemical:

  • heavy and light fractions of hydrocarbons;
  • explosion and fire hazard of the oil and gas environment;
  • toxicity of the oil and gas environment;
  • chemical aggressiveness of individual fractions and components of the oil and gas environment;
  • the ability of the oil and gas environment to penetrate into closed cavities and spaces of buildings and structures, accumulate in various recesses and spread over long distances and areas through the air, land and water surface;
  • lubricating oils;
  • acids;
  • alkali.

Effects of the factor: possible irritation of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, poisoning of the body and other diseases, acute and chronic skin diseases; when acid gets on the skin, dermatitis and burns are formed; sulfuric acid vapors corrode teeth and disrupt the physiological functions of the esophagus;

1.15.2 biological:

  • viral infectious diseases. The carriers of these diseases are insects and rodents. A worker can become infected by being bitten by the virus pathogens or by direct contact with them and their secretions;
  • remoteness production facilities from stationary bases and the inaccessibility of a significant number of production areas for medical care for workers.

Actions of the factor: diseases of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;

1.15.3 psychophysiological:

  • the continuous nature of technological processes carried out around the clock, regardless of various climatic and seasonal changes states environment;
  • long periods of continuous operation of the entire complex technological equipment;
  • physical overload (work "standing", the monotony of labor, the severity of labor, the intensity of labor);
  • neuropsychic overload (overstrain of analyzers, emotional overload, monotony of work).

Factor actions: possible diseases of the musculoskeletal system, prolapse of internal organs, vascular and other diseases, increased fatigue, decreased attention and, as a result, the possibility of injury to the employee, diseases of the cardiovascular system are possible;

1.15.4 physical:

  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • significant potentially dangerous destructive properties of process equipment;
  • high pressures of pneumo-hydraulic systems and gases;
  • high temperatures of equipment surfaces;
  • high voltage power system;
  • static electricity;
  • increased noise level, vibration in the workplace.

Effects of the factor: physical injury to the employee, decreased hearing acuity, impaired functional state of the cardiovascular, nervous system, possible vibration disease;

1.15.5 microclimate:

  • increase in air temperature of the working area;
  • lowering the air temperature of the working area;
  • increased air movement.

Action factor: contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body, the occurrence of various acute and chronic colds, frostbite of individual parts of the body;

1.15.6 insufficient illumination of the working area.

Actions of the factor: there is visual fatigue, pain in the eyes, general lethargy, which leads to a decrease in attention and the possibility of injury to the employee;

1.15.7 severity and intensity of the labor process:

  • units of external mechanical work per shift (kg m);
  • weight of the lifted and moved cargo manually (kg);
  • stereotyped work movements (number per shift);
  • the value of the static load per shift while holding the load;
  • application of effort (kgf s);
  • working posture;
  • complex working environment combination factors.

Effect of the factor: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolism, cardiovascular and other diseases are possible.

1.16 Production personnel are obliged to work in PPE, issued free of charge in accordance with the approved standards in ZAO SSK.

Control over the correct application and issuance of PPE is carried out by the employer. Responsible for the use of PPE production personnel. Accounting for the issuance of PPE is carried out on a personal personnel card in accordance with Appendix N 2 (book 1).

1.17 Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area are indicated in Appendix N 3 (book 1).

1.18 When an employee appears at the workplace in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, the head of work removes him from work with an entry in the shift log of the time and reason for suspension. An act is drawn up on the presence of an employee at the workplace in a state of intoxication signed by at least 3 persons, a medical examination is carried out this employee. The work manager writes a report addressed to the head of the enterprise.

1.19 Smoking is allowed only in specially designated and equipped areas.

1.20 Production personnel are subject to mandatory social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law N 125-FZ of July 24, 1998

1.21 Compliance with the requirements of instructions on industrial safety and labor protection is mandatory for both the employer and production personnel. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the instructions on labor protection set forth in this collection, production personnel may be involved, depending on the severity of the consequences, to disciplinary, administrative, criminal and liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.22 The illumination of the workplace must comply with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules in accordance with Appendix No. 6 (book 1).

1.23 TsA-320 cementing unit motorist working during harmful conditions, has the right to receive free of charge according to the established norms of milk or other equivalent food products, as well as the right to replace dairy products with monetary compensation.

1.24 Moving to and from the place of work is carried out in passenger buses or specially equipped cargo on-board vehicles, in difficult terrain - on all-terrain vehicles or on sled tractor trailers.

1.25 Standing or sitting on the sides of the car, jumping on the footrest of the car or jumping off it while driving is prohibited.

1.26 Driving on tractors, pipelayers, bulldozers, in the bodies of dump trucks, on trailers, on vehicles equipped for the carriage of long loads, in the bodies of vehicles when transporting flammable substances or goods in them, as well as on other self-propelled vehicles not intended for transportation people is prohibited.

1.27 It is forbidden to operate the unit with faulty instrumentation, in the absence of safety devices and serviceable tools.

1.28 At explosive facilities and when performing gas-hazardous work, a tool made of metal that does not give sparks during impacts should be used, and car mufflers should be equipped with spark arresters of an appropriate design.

1.29 Pressure gauges should be selected with such a scale that the working pressure measurement limit is in the second third of the scale. They must have a red line on the division corresponding to the maximum allowable working pressure.

1.30 Defective or expired pressure gauges are not allowed to be used. Checking of pressure gauges and their sealing should be carried out at least once every 12 months by a specialized organization.

1.31 At least once every 6 months, the enterprise should carry out an additional check of working pressure gauges with a control pressure gauge, recording the results in the log of control checks.

1.32 All types of work on existing well pads must be carried out jointly with the operator or foreman of the oil and gas production enterprise.

1.33 The CA motorist must know the device, frequency and list of maintenance work for the 9T pump safety valve and perform the following types of maintenance:

  • daily - before starting work,
  • periodic - after 25 hours of operation,
  • TO-1 - after 50 hours,
  • TO-2 - after 500 hours.

The list of works performed during each maintenance is determined by the "Regulations on the maintenance system for the upper equipment of the TsA-320 unit (UNB 160/40, ANC-320)" and the "Regulations for servicing the 9T pump safety valve".

1.34 The CA motorist is responsible for the serviceability and maintenance of the valve in working condition.

2 Safety requirements before starting work

2.1 Before starting work, you must:

2.1.1 put in order overalls. Sleeves and floors of overalls should be fastened with all buttons, hair should be removed under a headdress. Clothing must be tucked in so that there are no hanging ends or fluttering parts. Shoes must be closed and low-heeled, it is forbidden to roll up the sleeves of overalls and tuck the tops of the boots;

2.1.2 make a detour of the serviced equipment along a certain route, visually check the condition (integrity) of units, mechanisms and tools, the presence of reagents, instrumentation and instrumentation;

2.1.3 obtain the necessary information from the shift hander about the condition of the equipment, malfunctions requiring immediate elimination, and orders for the upcoming shift;

2.1.4 familiarize yourself with all entries in the journals: operational, defects, accounting for work on orders and orders, orders issued during the time elapsed from the previous duty.

2.2 After completing the round, inform the work manager about the readiness to accept the shift.

  • test the equipment before accepting a shift;
  • leave the shift without registering the acceptance and delivery of the shift.

2.4 Before leaving, it is necessary to check the technical condition of the vehicle (in accordance with the "Basic provisions for the admission of the vehicle to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety").

2.5 It is forbidden to carry out inspections or work on a vehicle located on an inclined plane. In case of emergency, it is required to take measures to prevent spontaneous movement of the vehicle: apply the parking brake, place stops under the wheels (at least two), and other measures to ensure the safety of the work being carried out.

2.6 Prior to the start of operation of the unit, it is necessary to check the operation of components and mechanisms at idle.

2.7 The unit must be equipped with discharge pipelines and articulated elbows.

2.8 It is necessary to refuel the unit with fuel and lubricant during the daytime. If night refueling is required, lighting should be electric (battery powered).

2.9 Special care must be taken when refueling; Do not smoke.

2.10 In the event of a fire, the access of fuel to the fires should be stopped. To extinguish, use fire extinguishers, felt, tarpaulin, sand.

2.11 It is forbidden to smoke, use open fire, pour fuel and lubricants on the ground in the parking lots of machines and mechanisms.

2.12 It is forbidden to drive if the service brake system, steering, coupling device (as part of a road train) is malfunctioning, headlights are not lit (absent) and rear position lights are on roads without artificial lighting at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, the windshield wiper is inactive on the driver’s side during time of rain or snow.

2.13 If other malfunctions occur along the way, with which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, the minder must eliminate them, and if this is not possible, proceed to the place of parking or repair, observing the necessary precautions.

2.14 Transportation of workers to the place of work should be carried out along the established route.

2.15 Driving on bridges is permitted only if the weight of the installation does not exceed the carrying capacity of the bridge.

2.16 It is forbidden to transport passengers and foreign cargo on the units. All tools must be placed in a special box, pipelines are fixed in regular places.

2.17 When crossing large ice crossings, it is necessary to follow the signs indicating the permissible ice carrying capacity established by the road service.

2.18 Moving inside commercial ice crossings is allowed only after a commission from representatives of special equipment workshops determines the thickness of the ice and its carrying capacity.

2.19 In the event of a forced stop of the car, it is forbidden to sleep in the cab with the engine running, as exhaust poisoning is life-threatening.

2.20 Upon arrival at the fishery, the minder should familiarize himself with the nature of the forthcoming work, with the layout of the units, with possible dangerous situations during work.

2.21 Before starting the engine, you must:

  • check the presence of water in the heater and, if necessary, warm up the water and oil of the power plant;
  • inspect all moving parts of the transmission and remove foreign objects;
  • open the taps on the oil and fuel lines;
  • warn maintenance personnel about starting the engine and remove strangers;
  • set the speed switch handle to the neutral position.

2.22 When preparing the unit for start-up, it is necessary:

  • connect the intake pipe of the unit with similar units and auxiliary equipment;
  • connect injection lines;
  • check the valves on the intake and discharge pipelines;
  • check the manometers high pressure on the discharge manifold and the condition of the safety devices;
  • check the serviceability of individual lighting;
  • check the articulated knees, because they are critical nodes of a collapsible pipeline, and the safety of technological operations depends on its condition.

2.23 Before starting work, the elbows, as part of the pressure pipeline prepared for operation, must be pressure tested.

2.24 Before pressure testing of the elbow, it is necessary to inspect and check the reliability of the plugs fastening.

2.25 Fluid leaks both in quick couplings and through the seals of the rotary elements of the elbow are not allowed.

2.26 It is not allowed to leave hinged elbows for a long time in the assembled pipeline filled with oil or other medium acting on rubber, because subsequent pressurization may allow fluid to pass through the seals.

2.27 After each operation, the knees must be flushed with fluid and cleaned of dirt.

3 Safety requirements during work

3.1 Cementing of wells should be carried out during the daytime. In case of forced cementing of wells at night, the site for installing the unit must have an illumination of at least 15 lux and be carried out only under the guidance of a foreman or shop engineer.

3.2 The cementing head, prior to its installation on the string, must be pressurized with a pressure that is 1.5 times higher than the maximum design pressure for well cementing, but not more than the test pressure indicated in the passport.

3.3 Cementing of wells is only allowed if there are checked safety valves and pressure gauges on the units, as well as a pressure gauge on the cementing head.

3.4 The safety valve of the cementing unit should operate when the nominal pressure is exceeded by no more than 3.5%.

3.5 The pipelines of the cementing unit to the cementing head and the pipelines through which the cement slurry is to be pumped into the well should be pressure-tested to the expected value when the well is cemented.

3.6 During well cementing, it is forbidden to repair units, cementing head and pipelines under pressure, as well as to be near the specified equipment.

3.7 For maintenance of the unit and the possibility of leaving one of them to the side, the following distances must be observed:

  • from the wellhead to the block manifold - at least 10 m;
  • from the block manifold to the unit - at least 5 m;
  • between cementing units and other special equipment - at least 1.5 m.

3.8 When testing equipment and cementing wells, filling pipelines should be carried out at the second speed and low engine speeds.

3.9 After completion of the cementing work, before stopping, it is necessary to thoroughly flush (pump with clean water using a pump) the pipelines and the measuring tank.

3.10 After stopping the pump, it is necessary to drain the water from the pipelines, the measuring tank and the pump itself, close the pressure devices on the suction and discharge pipelines.

3.11 When killing a well where oil and gas shows take place, the minder of the cementing unit is obliged to:

  • drive up to the well only from the windward side;
  • when assembling communications, be very careful not to work with a sparking metal tool;
  • do not leave the unit in an oil-contaminated area and closer than 10 meters from the well.

3.12 When working on a well, the units must be equipped with serviceable spark arresters.

3.13 During operation of the pumps, it is necessary to monitor the readings of pressure gauges and the condition of the safety valve.

3.14 If the safety pin is sheared, the pump must be stopped to replace it. The safety pin must be suitable for the operating pressure.

3.15 It is forbidden to dismantle a running pump after it has stopped, if the pressure has not been relieved to atmospheric pressure.

3.16 After stopping the pump, release the pressure in the pump discharge line through the discharge line into the measuring tank.

3.17 Before bleeding the high pressure into the measuring tank, it is necessary to visually inspect the fastening of the clamp and the fixing bolt, in case of malfunctions, carry out work to eliminate them. When opening the high-pressure bleed valve, you must be in a safe area, do not stand in front of the discharge line.

3.18 Open the valve of the discharge line (pipeline), if there is pressure in the line, by slowly turning the valve plug.

3.19 When switching the valve to release pressure while the pump is running, it is forbidden to close the valve on the line going to the well until the valve on the discharge line is opened.

3.20 In order to prevent fires and fires during the operation of the installation, it is prohibited:

  • discharging the well into the measured containers of the unit;
  • smoking and using open fire;
  • allow spills and leaks of fuel and lubricants;
  • open storage of rags soaked in fuels and lubricants;
  • work with faulty fire extinguishers, spark arresters, electrical equipment.

3.21 The following safety rules must be observed on the territory of the fishery:

  • move around the territory of the fishery in elevated places;
  • do not rest for meals near gas hazardous places;
  • work on killing wells is carried out only together with the operator of the OGPD shop.

4 Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1 If higher than expected pressure develops in the discharge pipeline, pumping of cement slurry should be carried out at the lowest speed of the unit.

4.2 If it is necessary to urgently repair running, rotating or moving parts of aggregates or cement mixers, all transmissions, clutches, and gearboxes should be turned off. The machine can only be put into operation after notification of the completion of the repair by the repair person.

4.3 In the event of a fire, it is necessary:

  • stop all technological operations;
  • report a fire
  • turn off the power;
  • take measures to remove people from the danger zone;
  • skillfully and quickly fulfill the duties set out in the emergency response plan;
  • isolate the fire from the surrounding air;
  • fill burning volumes with non-combustible gases or steam;
  • take measures to artificially reduce the temperature of the burning substance.

In most cases, combustion is eliminated by the simultaneous use of several methods.

4.4 In case of an accident, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the impact of the traumatic factor, provide him with first aid and inform the immediate supervisor about the accident.

If necessary, call ambulance or send the victim to a healthcare facility.

5 Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1 After the cementing process is completed, the valve on the cementing head must be closed, and the pressure on the injection lines of the piping of the units must be reduced to atmospheric pressure.

5.2 Displacement and flushing liquids in the tanks of cementing units must be drained into a pit.

5.3 The discharge line, the pump of the cementing unit, as well as the piping system, the manifold block must be flushed. The units must be brought into transport position.

5.4 After the completion of the cementing process, the maintenance personnel should not leave the units and machines without the permission of the responsible work manager.

5.5 The departure of units and machines after the completion of cementing work should be carried out in the sequence provided for by the project, and only at the command of the work manager.

5.6 Before starting the movement, the driver must make sure that there are no people in the way of movement and give a warning sound signal.

5.7 Upon arrival at the garage:

5.7.1 put in order workplace. Devices, tools, remove and put in the place provided for them;

Operation manual CA-320

The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation dated 11/14/2000 N 81

Cementing machine operator

§ 18. Cement unit motorist

Job Description. Maintenance of power and process equipment and running gear of cementing units during well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment of wells. Preparation of the cementing unit for work at the facility. Assembly, disassembly, piping and pressure testing of high and low pressure lines. Participation in the technological process well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical, heat treatment, killing and flushing of wells, installation of cement bridges. Participation in pressure testing of casing and drill pipes, manifolds. Ensuring the normal operation of the engines of the cementing unit. Determining the end of cementation. Transfer of process liquid (without pressure). Monitoring the flow rate of fluid injected into the well. Troubleshooting that occurs during the operation of the cementing unit. Driving, refueling. Production of preventive and current repairs of the cementing unit and the car. Preparation of documentation for the work performed.

Must know: the technological process of drilling wells and extracting oil, gas and other minerals; technical characteristics, purpose, design, operating rules of the cementing unit, vehicle; device, interaction and principle of operation of all units of the unit; technological process of well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment, flushing and killing of wells; types of repairs of the cementing unit; plumbing; basic information about the technology of workover and development of wells.

When working on cementing units with pressure up to 15 MPa (150 kgf / sq. cm) inclusive - 5th category;

when working on cementing units with pressure over 15 MPa (150 kgf / sq. cm) - 6th category.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Cementing machine operator» are used for billing works and assigning tariff categories according to Article 143 Labor Code Russian Federation. Based on the above performance characteristics and requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description is drawn up for a cementing unit minder, as well as documents required for interviewing and testing when applying for a job. When compiling work (job) instructions, pay attention to general provisions and recommendations for this issue of ETKS (see

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0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check this document produced at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Motor operator of the cementing unit of the 6th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualifications- vocational education. Training. Work experience in the profession of a motor operator of a cementing unit of the 5th category - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- general concepts on the technological process of drilling wells and extracting oil, gas and other minerals;
- technical characteristics, purpose, design, operating rules of the unit, motor vehicle;
- structure, interaction and principle of operation of all units of the unit;
- technological process of well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment, flushing and killing of wells;
- types of unit repairs;
- plumbing.

1.4. The motor operator of the cementing unit of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category directs the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The minder of the cementing unit of the 6th category during the absence is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Serves power equipment and undercarriage of cementing units with pressure over 15 MPa (150 kgf / sq. cm) during well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment of wells.

2.2. Prepares the unit for work on site.

2.3. Compiles, disassembles, ties and crimps lines of high and low pressure.

2.4. Participates in the technological process of well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment, killing, well flushing.

2.5. Participates in pressure testing of casing and drill pipes, manifolds.

2.6. Ensures the normal operation of the unit's engines.

2.7. Drives a car, fuels it.

2.8. Conducts preventive and Maintenance s assembly, car.

2.9. Prepares documentation for completed work.

2.10. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.11. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory acts on labor and environmental protection, complies with norms, methods and techniques safe execution works.

3. Rights

3.1. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The mechanic of a cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise / institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The mechanic of the cementing unit of the 6th category is responsible for the misuse of the provided official powers and use them for personal purposes.

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March 16, 2020 - Neftekhimservice LLC - Samara, in connection with the development of the enterprise, is opening a recruitment for the position of a flushing unit ENGINEER / (Motor driver CA SIN 320) to carry out work on the territory of customers. Tasks: - Prepare equipment...

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February 21, 2020 - Urgent for work on a rotational basis minder CA-320 required Work schedule 30/30 Place of work - Krasnoyarsk Territory Wage white: Accommodation, meals - paid by the employer. Job Requirements Experience Must have...

February 21, 2020 - Responsibilities: maintenance of power equipment and chassis of cementing units during well cementing, chemical treatment of wells; preparation of the unit for work at the facility; compiling, disassembling, tying and crimping...

March 8, 2020 - Responsibilities: Perform work 11 hours a day Monitor equipment Requirements: At least 1 year experience Availability required documents Conditions: Payment for travel, food and accommodation is provided on a rotational basis...

February 21, 2020 - Responsibilities: Management of the cementing unit Keeping the TA in good technical condition, its maintenance and current repairs Requirements: High school education Experience of 3 years or more Technical knowledge of vehicle components and assemblies...

March 1, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintenance of power and process equipment and chassis of cementing units during well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment of wells. Preparation of the cementing unit for work...

March 1, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintenance of power and process equipment and chassis of cementing units during well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment of wells. Preparation of the cementing unit for work...

February 27, 2020 - Responsibilities: By job description Requirements: Work experience on units with plunger pumps Conditions: Work on a rotational basis at the Customer's facilities Money is given for food 7500 per month Full employment Work clothes are issued Payment ...

March 16, 2020 - Requirements: Pay attention to the mandatory presence of category "E". Responsible and careful attitude to technology. Mandatory possession of a motorist certificate CA-320. Driving license category C, E. Conditions: Work on the Urals 4320 SIN-35 (plunger) ...

March 5, 2020 - Responsibilities: Work on TsA-320 Requirements: Work experience of 3 years, confirmed work book. Possession of a valid qualification certificate. Conditions: Place of work: Suzun, Tagul, Vankor, Kuyumba Watch 45/45 days. Delivery from...

March 15, 2020 - Big transport company Cementing unit minder required for shift. Responsibilities: work on a cementing unit Requirements: certificate of a cementing unit minder Conditions: shift, month after month, dispatch from ...

March 8, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintenance of power and process equipment and chassis of cementing units during well cementing, hydraulic fracturing, chemical treatment of wells. Preparation of the cementing unit for work...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: work at the TsA-320 cementing unit Requirements: at least 3 years of experience as a cementing unit operator discipline responsibility Conditions: work on the territory of the Astrakhan region work schedule - rotational official...

March 12, 2020 - Requirements: - Possession of a driver's license for a flushing unit or minder TsA 320; - Driver's license cat. B, C; - ADR, a driver card is desirable. Responsibilities: - delivery of chemical reagents and technical liquids by a flushing unit to...

March 13, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintenance and work on pumping units such as TsA-320, SIN-32, etc. in the process of developing and testing wells at the oil and gas complex of the field Requirements: Knowledge of vehicle components and assemblies, experience in repair work Experience in areas.. .

February 16, 2020 - Responsibilities: Driving and safely delivering equipment to the work site (the distance from the production base to the site is from 10 to 300 km). Monitoring the technical and working condition of the vehicle. Connecting hydraulic fracturing equipment at the facility...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: to work on a cementing unit TsA-320 or a steam mobile dewaxing plant requirements: - driver's license category BC, - experience in working on trucks, - Training at the company's expense as a CA minder or PPDU driver, ...

February 21, 2020 - Motorists CA-320 with experience are required for a transport company to work at the fields of the YaNAO. Our conditions: - Payment for travel after the probationary period. - Official employment. - Free accommodation. Our Requirements: - Experience...

February 17, 2020 - Your main tasks: Knowledge of the rules for operating a vehicle; Knowledge of vehicle maintenance and repair procedures; Maintaining travel sheets; Requirements for the candidate: Control of the technical condition of the vehicle ...

March 10, 2020 - Requirements: work experience in the specialty. Responsibilities: Carry out work and maintenance of the car. Conditions: Shift work. Accommodation is provided. Questions on the specified contact Contact person: Watch...

March 5, 2020 - Responsible and careful attitude to technology. Mandatory driver's license. Driving license category C, E. Availability of winter driving and protective driving, first aid certificate. Medical certificate...