How to hire the people you need. An effective way to attract newcomers to your team Where to recruit people

  • 14.02.2021

Such an inconspicuous, but fundamental position for every organization - what is the name of a recruiter? What are his responsibilities and how does the profession develop in modern realities? What is the name of the person who is looking for employees for the company and is it always one person? Interesting nuances and moments of work in this industry.

The profession of a person who selects staff and looks for new employees, when old ones are fired, is called - recruiter . Previously, the position had a different name - HR manager, HR manager .

By the way, there is another name applied to a person performing such duties - an HR specialist (human resources - English human resources). However, this position includes not only the obligation to search for a new staff. More on this below.

What are the responsibilities of a recruiter and HR specialist

The job responsibilities of a recruiter working for one five-day firm are limited to a small set:

  • search for new candidates according to the necessary criteria for the vacant position;
  • documentation management: registration / dismissal of personnel, maintenance of work books;
  • drawing up and monitoring the vacation plan for employees, interchangeability;
  • collecting data on employees, their specialized education.

Young organizations with small staffs rarely hire a full-time recruiter or HR manager. To reduce the cost item, to search for specialists, they turn to a recruiting agency.

By the way, such a recruitment policy saves not only the organization's money, but also significantly improves the quality of recruitment. The recruiting agency has well-established, proven over the years, mechanisms for finding the “right person”.

Monetary relationships develop in a simple way: the agency selects a staff, who, after the final interview with the director, finds a job in the company. After working out probationary period the agency gets paid.

HR Specialist – Recruitment Search and…

Fortunately, modern companies, inspired by the successful development strategies of Western colleagues, are increasingly abandoning a “flat” personnel officer or a typical recruiter. They are replaced by HR (human resources) managers who combine several positions: a personnel officer, a psychologist, a coach-trainer, and a motivator.

Unlike the usual "search-employment" strategy, HR specialists are constantly working with personnel, conducting various trainings, motivational courses and seminars on personal growth and development within the company.

By the way, such a specialist looks much wider at applicants. He judges them not only by points earned: education received, recorded in work experience, etc. And above all, in communication and knowledge "here and now."

Such a policy, a strategy for the selection and development of personnel in companies leads to lightning success. Each employee is motivated, has a chance to develop within the company, constantly works with a coach, not letting his potential fade away.

Do you know the name of the recruiter in your company? Pay attention to this person, because if not everything, then a lot depends on him.

How chatbots recruit Revision 2018-09-25 http://site/upload/resize_cache/iblock/392/2560_1200_1/392d37bc68f862c53c857268272b201f.jpg

About how IKEA, Hoff, L'Etoile, Magnit, X5 Retail Group and other large companies began to recruit employees 100 times faster.

Artificial intelligence is penetrating deeper and deeper not only into our everyday life but also to work. Amazon robots cope with their tasks 4 times faster than a human, thanks to them, instead of 600 traders, Goldman Sachs has only two. However, artificial intelligence does not so much threaten human work as it helps to find it. If 2 years ago, chatbots that review and select resumes, call back suitable candidates and make appointments were a curiosity, today they have moved from the category of HR fiction to reality. This is a daily practice in Ikea, Heineken, Hoff, Nissan, L'Etoile, Magnet, X5 Retail Group and other companies facing the need for mass recruitment.

Hundred interviews per hour
The growing popularity of chatbots is due to several factors. First, the technology itself, which automates the routine, repetitive actions of a recruiter. The main difficulty of mass hiring is that an HR specialist needs to perform many of the same actions in order to find staff: find relevant candidates in the database, view resumes, call selected applicants, asking them, in general, the same thing, and invite the right people for an interview. This is a large amount of work that researchers go through every day. It takes an average of 2 weeks for one specialist to call 100 candidates alone, and a chatbot can do all the work in 1 hour.

At IKEA, an adapted version of the employment questionnaire was "sewn up" into a job kiosk with chatbot technology. Anyone wishing to work for the company can apply for a job without leaving the store.

Automated solutions allow you to analyze the audience, select candidates according to the required parameters, send invitations, conduct preliminary interviews, filter the results and, based on this data, invite screened applicants to the first meeting with an HR specialist in the company. What is important - all this affects the speed of hiring, and hence the reduction of costs. Different industries have different standards.

For example, in some companies, the candidate's response needs to be processed within a week, in others - in 3 days, and in the most advanced companies, 1 day is allotted for this. That is, no more than 24 hours should elapse from the moment a candidate's response to a vacancy is received to the processing of a resume and a response from the HR department. A chatbot can do all this in an instant. In fact, a job that used to take a week is now reduced to a few minutes, making life easier for HR in the face of a shortage of quality staff.

For an interview via QR code
There are many ways to use a chatbot. So, a potential employee can receive an invitation to an interview through a billboard posted, say, in mall: the candidate scans a QR code from the phone and gets into a chat, where a bot is talking to him instead of a recruiter. At Ikea, an adapted version of the employment questionnaire was "sewn up" into a job kiosk with chatbot technology. Anyone wishing to work for the company can apply for a job without leaving the store. Heineken uses a chatbot as a tool for recruiting communications with young professionals.

The main difficulty in mass hiring is that an HR specialist needs to perform many of the same steps in order to find staff. This is a big amount of work. It takes an average of 2 weeks for one specialist to call 100 candidates alone. And a chatbot can do all the work in 1 hour.

Given the current trends in the labor market, the issue of attracting the younger generation is becoming increasingly problematic. The company decided that it was most effective to speak the same language with the audience today using modern digital solutions: the chatbot talked about the Heineken management training program to novice specialists and collected data from those who wanted to try themselves as company employees. In other words, a potential candidate received an SMS message or a letter with an invitation to go through the selection process, those interested followed the link and passed the initial interview with the chatbot, and recruiters eventually received ready-made candidates who met the key selection criteria for further work.

If you give specific numbers: every tenth person followed the link, 38% of them started a conversation with the bot, more than half answered all the questions and completely passed the survey, and 4% completed the test task and were invited for an interview. In the future, the company plans to adapt chatbots to other business processes, such as collecting feedback from events.

How to effectively recruit employees? Recruitment as step by step technology

You need to recruit the required number of new employees for the position of interest to us. There may be more than one such position. Then you have to organize several recruitment processes in parallel. And in the end, hold several competitions. Recruiting employees for several different positions in the process of one competition is not an easy task. Experienced, savvy recruiting executives can sometimes play these tricks. But for those who do not yet have a truly big and successful experience recruitment, I wouldn't recommend it. It is much better, easier and more reliable to hold a separate competition for each position for which you need to recruit employees. The main thing is that a sufficient number of more or less suitable applicants take part in each of these competitions.

Consider the recruitment competition as step by step technology. Competition is a phased business process. Moreover, the efficiency and effectiveness of the competition at each stage can and should be objectively monitored.

Let's start with the fact that, in accordance with the first principle of effective selection of personnel from the open labor market, "there are NO suitable personnel." You should not expect that at the right moment in the labor market there will be at least one person who is completely suitable for working in our Company in the position of interest to us. At best, we can select and recruit employees with potential. From which we ourselves will subsequently, with our own efforts, make the professionals we need.

This means that without an effective onboarding program and further training, all of our recruitment efforts are doomed from the start. Adaptation should begin from the very first day when new employees come to work with us. And in general, the most important thing for the successful entry of new employees into our team is the first days, and especially the first hours of their work in our Company. If we do not pay attention to them when they are just starting to work for us, they will leave us faster than we have time to come to our senses. It turns out that it is better not to hold a competition at all than to hold it and leave the newcomers to their own fate.

Therefore, first of all, we must plan which of our leaders and experienced staff will conduct the adaptation of newcomers. How will he do it, and when will he be able to make time for it. Please note that those who carry out the adaptation of beginners will have to take time to carry it out from their, of course, important matters. Until we plan who, when and how will carry out the adaptation, there is no point in launching a competition.

By the way, even now you can increase the efficiency of the recruitment process. To do this, I will leave you questionnaires for the competition. Enjoy!

Get questionnaires

Let's consider the key stages of our business process for recruiting personnel from the open labor market to the position of interest to us:

  1. We determine for which position we recruit employees, and how many people we need for this position.
  2. We decide which of the employees of our company will organize the competition and resolve administrative issues for the entire period of collecting resumes and conducting selection.
  3. We decide who will be in charge during the competition, who will be on the jury. And who will be with the applicants in the common room.
  4. We plan who exactly and how many days will carry out the adaptation of job seekers. Based on this, and taking into account the fact that it usually takes three weeks to collect resumes before the first selection, and another week before the second, “double” selection, we plan the dates of the competition. We set the dates for the competitive selection, preliminarily approve the budget for the placement of vacancies.
  5. We prepare texts of vacancies, post them on the Internet. If necessary, we prepare blocks of vacancies and place them in employment newspapers. If necessary, we will use other channels for posting vacancies (radio, television, stickers in transport, posting ads - from universities to transport stops, etc.)
  6. We administer the posted vacancies on a daily basis and control the pace of collecting resumes so that all the vacancies posted by us work out as efficiently as possible, and our counterparties do not let us down.
  7. Authorized employees of the company (at least 2-3 specially trained and trained people) effectively respond to calls and letters of job seekers, ensuring the receipt of resumes from the vast majority of targeted job seekers who applied to our company.
  8. A few days before the competition, resumes are printed and sorted. If necessary, steps are taken to strengthen the competition with additional resumes. We select the required number of the most interesting resumes for us to invite applicants.
  9. Authorized employees invite applicants for an interview. Their task is to ensure that the screening of applicants at the invitation stage does not exceed the planned level. And so that, as a result, a sufficiently significant number of applicants targeted for us came to our multi-stage competitive selection at the same time, in the same place.
  10. The first competitive selection usually takes place three weeks after the start of posting vacancies. During the competitive selection process:
    a. At the first stage, which needs to be carried out quite quickly, we weed out the vast majority of applicants who are of little interest to us.
    b. At the next stages of the competition, the applicants left by us after the first stage are subjected to careful selection and analysis. We make sure to check each of them in practical tasks. Then there are extended interviews, answers to questions, analysis of questionnaires.
    c. As a result, we recruit selected applicants to work in our company.
  11. When new employees come to work in our company, an adaptation program is necessarily carried out for them. At the same time, it makes sense to call their previous jobs on resumes and on labor - both recommenders and other employees of the same companies. In order to minimize the risks of accepting a problematic employee into our team, if possible. We also analyze what we did well with this set of personnel, what could be done better. And how we can improve our recruitment technology.
  12. If necessary, one or two weeks after the first competitive selection, a repeated competitive selection is carried out - a “double”. The sequence of actions is the same as in the first competitive selection. From selecting resumes and inviting applicants to the competition - to adapting and checking previous jobs of applicants.

To analyze what results should be provided at each stage of the competition, let's go from the end of the business process we are interested in to its beginning. Based on the third principle of professional recruitment, “recruit twice as many”, at the end of the competition we need to recruit several applicants. If we need one employee, we need to recruit at least two. If three - at least six. If you need one employee, and for a position where the simultaneous internship of several applicants is hardly possible, we recruit one, and “recruit” a few more, leaving them in reserve. To each of the “recruited” applicants, we say:

You have successfully passed the first three stages of our competitive selection. Now we would like to take a break, think it over again, discuss it. And make an informed decision. During the week from tomorrow, we may contact you to invite you for a final interview. If you successfully pass this interview, you will start working immediately. If within a week there is no call or letter from us, you are free from obligations to our Company.

If the first applicant you recruited did not show up for work or turned out to be completely unsuitable for testing, contact the first applicant from the “reserve” list. If he came for an interview, you recruited him, he got to work and everything is OK - great! If not, contact the second applicant from the "reserve" list. And so on.

In any case, we need to recruit (immediately, or taking into account the "reserve" list) several fairly promising candidates at once. To do this, we must provide a choice of a sufficiently significant number of applicants at our competition. Preferably - more or less specialized, interesting and adequate. How many applicants should come to each of our competitive selection?

  • If less than 5 applicants come to the competition, such a competition will not differ much from individual interviews. The probability that you will be able to hire at least one interesting and promising employee is low.
  • From 5 to 9 applicants - an "average" competition. You need a lot of experience and high qualifications to get a good result from such a competition.
  • From 10 to 14 - a "good" competition. The probability of hiring good, promising employees is high. The main thing is not to make gross mistakes during the competition.
  • From 15 to 19 - "excellent" competition. The situation works for you, applicants are much more interested in working for you, and their requests become more adequate.
  • If 20 or more applicants come to your competition, you can do whatever you want with them!

On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to maintain control during a competition that has 50 applicants at the same time. And it is almost impossible - if 60 applicants or more came. At such competitions, there is usually an uncontrolled screening of applicants. A significant part of the participants leaves the competition on their own initiative. Including those that could be quite interesting to you as employees. Therefore, it makes sense to divide too large competitions into several competitions with fewer participants. Best of all - from 20 to 45 participants in the competition, if you need to hire 1-2 employees. Or several competitions of 20-30 participants each, if you need to select and hire a significant number of employees.

  • If you completed all four stages of the competition in 2.5 to 4.5 hours, this is an excellent indicator! Of course, provided that you have properly considered all the interesting applicants. And successfully recruited the number of new employees you need. Hurrying up with the competition and, as a result, screwing it up is, you see, not the best result!
  • From 4.5 to 5.5 hours for the four stages of competitive selection - normal, average timing. When holding a competition with the participation of 15-20 applicants, it is not so difficult to meet this time. And you have every opportunity for successful recruitment.
  • From 5.5 to 6.5 hours for the competition - "so-so". No matter how many applicants come to the competition at the beginning, such a long time for the competition is hardly justified. Most likely, you yourself are delaying the competition. Plus, you give some chatty job seekers some more time. The result of the competition will most likely be worse than if you had kept within 5 hours.
  • If it takes you more than 6.5 hours to complete the four stages of the competition, this is bad! By delaying the competition beyond any measure, you cause serious damage to its result.

How to make sure that the competition does not drag on, and the time is not wasted inefficiently? According to the logic of our four-stage competitive selection, at the first stage we decide which of the applicants is more interesting to us. And in the next three stages of selection, we pay our full attention only to those applicants whom we have selected for in-depth consideration based on the results of the first stage. We test them in practical assignments, conduct in-depth interviews with them, test them, recruit them.

Therefore, it makes no sense for us to delay the first stage of the competition too much. The faster we conduct it, the more time and attention we can devote to the most interesting applicants for us. How long should the first stage of the competition last?

  • Within one hour - "excellent"! Especially if during this time we have been able to effectively "sift the wheat from the chaff" by selecting the most promising applicants for us from among those who came to the competition.
  • An hour to an hour and a half is "acceptable." Especially if more than twenty applicants came to the competition. If there were originally ten or fifteen or fewer applicants, it is still advisable to conduct the first stage of such a competition in no more than an hour.
  • From one and a half to two hours - "so-so". Most likely, you spent too much time on the first stage of selection.
  • More than two hours is bad! Time is wasted inefficiently, applicants will get tired of waiting, many will leave on their own. Including those that might be of interest to you as employees. Too long the first stage of selection is detrimental to the effectiveness of the entire competition.

What should be the dropout according to the results of the 1st stage of the competition?

According to the results of the 1st stage, it makes sense to weed out from half to 60-70% of applicants (unless initially too few applicants came to the competition). Leaving 5 applicants after the 1st stage is acceptable, 8 is normal. In any case, I would not recommend leaving more than 12 applicants. Always leave (at each stage of the competition!) 1 applicant more than you really plan to recruit! The last one at each stage should always be the applicant, in whose recruitment you are not really interested. As a "backup" option - and to create competition for other participants.

Let's return to the fact that we need to ensure a decent number of applicants who came to the first stage of the competitive selection in order to be able to choose the right number of candidates suitable for us in the future. To do this, we must organize the competition in such a way as to get the number of resumes of target applicants we need. Moreover, it is desirable that these applicants send their CVs specifically for the purpose of employment in our Company, based on the results of consideration of our vacancies. At any time, you can print out a significant number of resumes posted there by the applicants themselves from employment sites. Only when communicating with these applicants you will immediately find yourself in a situation where they have not seen your vacancies, they know nothing about your company and are not interested in your work. From such resumes and applicants you will not be very useful.

How many targeted resumes should you receive before each contest?

  • In Moscow it is considered good result if before the competition you have collected from 80 to 150 targeted resumes. If you have collected 200 or more targeted resumes before the competition - that's great! A fairly large number of resumes required for effective competitions in Moscow is due to the fact that in Moscow there is a significantly higher percentage of “dropouts” of applicants at the stage of invitation to the competition than in any other city in Russia and the CIS.
  • In other cities, it is considered a good result to have from 50 to 80 targeted resumes before the competition. If you have collected 100 targeted resumes or more before the competition - great!

What kind of attrition rate should we expect when we invite them for an interview? It is unlikely that we can count on the fact that 100% of the applicants invited by us will come to our competition!

In regional cities, dropouts are considered normal when 50% of applicants come to the competition, who swore that they would come. Or more. On the verge of acceptable, if only a third of the applicants from the total number of those who swore to come to you came to the competition. If the percentage of applicants exiting is even lower, you have a clear problem with inviting applicants to the competition. Those who invite applicants are killing your competition in the bud. Most likely, the fact is that you have not developed an effective technology for inviting applicants to the competition. Or they didn’t document it and didn’t train their employees to properly invite applicants using this technology. Finally, the problem may be in the low loyalty of employees who invite applicants to the competition. Perhaps they are simply not interested in successful recruitment for your Company.

In Moscow, it is considered normal if a third of the applicants from among those who swore to come to the competition come to you. If from 40% to 50% of applicants come to you, who previously swore to come, then the employees who invited them are simply geniuses! Well, or you have a company with a very promoted brand. Or applicants know that your working conditions are just chocolate. All this, of course, also increases the turnout of applicants! The screening of applicants on the verge of acceptable for Moscow means that only 20% of the number of applicants who firmly confirmed their arrival came. Or a little more. If less than 20% of those applicants who firmly confirmed their arrival came to the competition, you have a serious problem with invitations.

From all of the above, it becomes obvious how important it is to properly organize the administrative preparation of the competition - posting vacancies, answering calls and letters from applicants, inviting applicants. This work must be carried out within 3 weeks before the first competitive selection. And then another week - before the second competitive selection. If this work is not organized at the required level, you do not apply effective technologies at each stage of the organization of the competition - the results will be disastrous. In the same way, all your efforts will not lead to success if you develop ineffective job postings. Or place these vacancies not where they can give you a return. Or do not allocate the necessary funds for paid posting of vacancies:

  • The average budget sufficient for the effective placement of vacancies, if you have prepared high-quality vacancies and place them where necessary, can be from 25 to 45 thousand rubles. - for the month during which you conduct recruitment, which includes two multi-stage competitive selection.
  • For a strong advertising campaign to post your vacancies, in most cases it will be enough to allocate from 70 to 100 thousand rubles. These figures will be true for Moscow and other cities in Russia and the CIS.

This budget for job posting will be sufficient if you post high-quality job postings and well-designed job blocks in the most effective media. First of all, we are talking about specialized job sites - especially and An attempt to hold a competition and not pay the required amount for paid placement of vacancies these days will in most cases be a fatal mistake. However, if you have not been able to develop a truly high-quality vacancy text, or post vacancies in the wrong media, even a five times larger budget will not help you collect the required number of targeted resumes.

If we look at the situation from this side, what you expect from the competition - success or failure, will be quite obvious. If in the first days after posting a vacancy, you start receiving from 6 to 10 more or less targeted resumes, this is not bad. If in the first week you receive from 30 to 60 targeted resumes, there is hope that in three weeks from the moment the vacancy was posted, you will be able to hold a good competition. And if in the first week you received 100 targeted resumes or more, if you wish, you can good competition already next week.

If, on the contrary, you receive from 0 to 3 resumes every day, it's time to sound the alarm. If during the first week of posting vacancies you received less than 20 resumes, you need to immediately take steps to strengthen the posting of vacancies. Perhaps the text of our vacancy is ineffective. Then it needs to be redone. Or the very position for which we recruit employees is not very popular. In this case, it makes sense to place vacancies in several different positions in parallel. With paid posting of vacancies on the Internet, there is usually no difference in costs for you when you post one vacancy - or several. So why not take advantage of this? At the same time, resumes submitted for all these vacancies can be used to invite applicants to the same competition. Finally, you can increase the budget for posting vacancies. And, as an option, try to place vacancies in other media that you have not yet used. And in general, experiment with new channels for posting vacancies and additional sources of attracting job seekers. Be persistent and inventive in experiments, control the number of resumes that came to you from each source and received through each advertising channel. And you will definitely provide yourself with the right amount of targeted resumes. And - as a result - high-quality applicants.

Summary: apply efficient technology set of frames. Your task is to clearly organize and conduct the competition, stage by stage. And then you will be able to recruit employees of a completely different level than those that the vast majority of companies manage to recruit from the labor market. And most importantly - and this is especially nice - you will be able to recruit these employees to your team at a very favorable conditions! In order to then they began to earn many times more from you. And so that at the same time your company earns an order of magnitude more. I hope and sincerely wish you that as a result this will lead to a very serious and noticeable increase in your income! And not only in the near future, but also in the medium and long term.

© Konstantin Baksht, CEO Baksht Consulting Group.

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“Personnel officer. Recruiting for a personnel officer”, 2008, N 2


When a company has to recruit a large number of employees in a short time, the usual tactics of searching and selecting candidates are powerless. They get into action special technologies mass recruitment.

“We need a loader for a large food production. The company offers 7000 - 7500 rubles. per month plus a social package, medical insurance and quarterly bonuses. Leaflets of approximately the same content were received by people near one of the terminal stations of the Moscow metro. To staff the staff of a new enterprise, and in a short time, is not an easy task. Today, examples of mass hiring (50 people or more) in Russia are quite common. As a rule, we are talking about hiring grass-roots personnel in connection with the opening of a store, enterprise, or simply a one-time action that requires many temporary employees - agents or promoters.

It is quite difficult to quickly recruit a large number of people, even with a planned expansion of staff. The problem can be solved in two ways. If a company does not have the time and resources (suppose employees who are able to conduct a large number of interviews), it is better to turn to professional recruitment agencies - Kelly Services, Manpower, Anchor. The demand for recruiting services is constantly growing. Kelly Services launched a special division Kelly Commercial a year ago to recruit entry-level staff for industrial enterprises, retail chains, call centers and sales departments. This service has already employed about 1400 people.

"Seventy people won't fit into the tram"

Interacting with a lot of people is always fraught with surprises, so in mass recruitment projects, comical situations often arise. One of Kelly Commercial's latest customers, a major bank, instructed the agency to recruit about 200 temporary employees for the information processing center in two weeks. “We had to carefully administer a project involving a large number of people,” says Natalya Dolzhenkova, director of the Moscow branch of Kelly Commercial. The company quickly found the right number of candidates, tested their skills and selected people. But that was not all - the employees had to be divided into groups and brought to the bank for training. “And now our specialist meets the first batch at one of the metro stations to take them to the bank. It took the tram only three stops. And who would have thought that seventy people would not fit into an almost empty car! - continues Natalia Dolzhenkova. - We have thought through all the details, but we could not foresee this fact. I had to take people in two passes. We'll take that into account next time."

Mass hiring is always a large flow of people crowding into the office every day. To some extent, they are even capable of paralyzing normal work. In one company, which faced such a situation for the first time, the guards had to call for reinforcements: they did not have time to issue passes and escort applicants to the right office.

By the way, the latter is highly recommended. They say that at a certain enterprise, managers were negotiating with a key client, and suddenly, at the most crucial moment, the door opens, an aunt with string bags comes in and asks where they sign up for work. In some firms, it is customary to post special signs with arrows so that people do not get lost and do not wander into places where their presence is undesirable.

For some reason, many candidates believe that no one will know about their “exploits” at their previous job. But even in the case of mass hiring, HR managers should not let their guard down. “We were about to hire a secretary, and then she mentioned that she forgot work book says the director production company. - I don't know why, but we decided to call her previous employer. It turned out that she came there without a job, “forgotten” at her previous job. And then one day she left this company - taking expensive leather folders. We immediately turned her down."

However, working with an agency is not cheap. Depending on the complexity of the project - up to one salary of the future employee. In addition, recruiters are not always able to fulfill an urgent order. Natalya Dolzhenkova continues: “There is a catastrophic shortage of labor in Moscow - this is the problem of the city. If we are asked, say, to find 300 movers in a week with medical books, we will refuse - it is unrealistic to do this in the capital. But in three weeks such an order can be fulfilled.

If the agency does not guarantee that the problem will be solved within the proposed time frame, or if the costs for this option are too high, people will have to be searched for on their own. According to HR managers, the technology of mass selection is essentially not much different from ordinary recruitment, but there are subtleties here, without which it is impossible to implement a project.

Where to catch candidates

To effectively solve the problem of mass hiring, one has to act on the principle of a pyramid, when there are initially several times more candidates than vacancies. As Ms. Dolzhenkova explains, “if you want to hire 100 people in a company, you need to present at least 200 to the customer. To show 200 candidates, about 800 - 1000 should come to the interview. And for a thousand to come, almost 10 thousand people will need to call.”

Massive advertising is capable of providing such an intense flow. Naturally, you need to know where to place it. “It's like fishing: it's important to find a place with a good bite,” says Elena Konnova, Deputy Head of Human Resources at Renaissance Insurance Group. The most effective advertising medium is specialized publications about work. Three newspapers are considered the most effective for mass projects - “Job for You”, “Job and Salary” and “Job Today”. At the same time, as experienced personnel officers explain, it is better not to rely on one publication. So, Elena Konnova said that ads placed, say, in Moskovsky Komsomolets, consistently give up to 90 calls daily, but sometimes there are inexplicable failures - only three or four responses per day.

Employment publications are getting thicker every month, so it's important to stand out among total weight ads. “In the case of conventional recruitment, people first need to be found. With mass projects, candidates should be attracted, interested with the help of a beautiful advertising module with the most detailed information,” says Evgenia Volyanskaya, HR director of the Capital Evening Newspaper. This publication employed up to 150 people. per month - in particular, office staff for the distribution service and sellers of newspapers on the streets of the city. “In the ad, it is desirable to indicate the amount of salary and work schedule. The name of the company should also be present - this reduces the level of distrust. Many candidates simply do not respond to anonymous announcements,” says Ms. Volyanskaya.

But the value of the module, as practice shows, does not affect the effectiveness of advertising. Elena Konnova: “We deliberately varied the size of the ad, but the number of calls did not change dramatically. Therefore, you do not need to buy half a page at once, it is enough to be present in each issue of the publication. So that the ad does not look too formal, it makes sense to add some zest to it. They say that even such a banal phrase as “Success awaits you with us” can attract attention and make a person call.

Internet resources have managed to establish themselves as effective tool search for employees, however, in the case of mass projects (especially if unqualified personnel are needed), they do not always give the desired result. By the way, far from all categories of people buy newspapers and magazines that specialize in employment issues, and free district and regional publications do not always reach their goal. Some companies have successfully used cable TV with ticker ads. But there are other ways as well.

Additional sources

When it comes to really large-scale projects, the advertising campaign often resembles a carpet bombing. In 2002, even billboards appeared in Moscow with advertisements for hiring employees - they were placed by the Metro Cash & Carry chain. The same technique was used in Liggett-Dukat, carrying out an additional set sales representatives and merchandisers. Due to the break between promotions the company had free space, and the idea arose to use them to search for employees. "AT general case such a method can hardly be effective from an economic point of view,” says Valentin Timakov, Head of Human Resources and Training at Liggett-Dukat. Exactly the same conclusion can be drawn regarding advertising in the subway. “There are quite a lot of calls. But when compared with costs, the ratio is not the best,” says Ms. Dolzhenkova.

If a company needs people living in a particular area of ​​the city, you can reach them with the help of leaflets. Distribute ads, for example, at the subway or scatter them in mailboxes. It is also not shameful to lure employees away from competitors by hanging a billboard in front of their office.

Educational institutions are a good source of labor force. The garment factory, located in the Kashirsky district, decided to establish relations with the local vocational school. As its director said: “We met with the authorities. Then they took managers and students of the school to their factory, showed them jobs and equipment. Now we have graduates of the same stream.

However, in the case of educational institutions, establishing contact with the management can take a long time. According to one personnel officer, “although universities are glad to receive employers' requests, they are well aware that students are a cheap labor force. And often there is a feeling that the employees educational institutions want money for their services.

Another source of personnel could be government centers employment, but most companies did not like working with them. The reason is simple: people who register at the labor exchange are not eager to get a job, they are more interested in benefits.

Staff cloning

In a critical situation, when other methods are no longer suitable, the company can help its own employees. Thus, in Renaissance Insurance Group, recruitment issues were always planned in advance. But in connection with the introduction of OSAGO, it took ten days to hire about a hundred agents for temporary work. “We used all the channels we could,” says Elena Konnova. “I consulted with three agencies, but none of them guaranteed that the order would be completed on time, despite the fact that due to the urgency, the cost of services increased dramatically.” The company was left alone with its problem.

And then the Human Resources Department decided to hold a campaign among employees “Bring an agent - earn money for yourself and for the company“. According to the terms, any employee who brought his acquaintance to the company received a cash bonus if the candidate successfully passed the interview and training. It cannot be said that initially the company's management seriously counted on this action. All channels were involved - advertising in print and electronic media, agencies, universities and labor exchanges. But their employees turned out to be the most effective recruiters - they brought about 70% of agents. The most distinguished ones were even noted publicly.

“At that moment, the company was working on OSAGO as a project, and all employees were motivated. From an economic point of view, this is more profitable option than advertising in the media, besides, the money in this case is distributed among their own staff,” says Ms. Konnova. This method of selection turned out to be convenient also because the employees performed a large amount of primary work - they knew the requirements well, weeded out the most unsuitable and informed the candidates a lot primary information which usually takes a lot of time. Now the company is considering this option of finding people for other vacancies.

How to quickly recruit staff

1. Decide on the timing and number of required employees, evaluate the available budget for this project.

2. Formulate requirements for candidates.

3. Decide whether to search on your own or involve recruitment agency.

4. Find out where the "found" the target audience and in what media is it best to advertise.

5. Identify and use additional channels for attracting personnel (universities, labor exchanges, leaflets, own employees, etc.).

6. Prepare infrastructure ( telephone lines etc.) and instruct operators.

7. Make a schedule for the work of interviewers, prepare a room for meetings with applicants.

8. Select the most suitable candidates from the interviewed candidates and place them for work.

Organizational matters

Attracting a "critical mass" of candidates is half the battle. Still need technical support further work. It is believed that for the selection of one hundred employees within a month, you need at least two people - to answer phone calls. Therefore, additional lines should be taken care of and operators should be instructed. Kelly Services, say, has a small call center with eight people on the phone.

In addition, you will have to allocate at least two more specialists who will conduct interviews. Interviews with unqualified personnel usually take 15 - 30 minutes, and the workload is very high - an average of 20 candidates per day. In some cases, it is necessary to create a separate group for the selection of employees. For example, in 2000 Liggett-Dukat formed a regional sales structure and opened 17 offices and warehouses in major cities in six months. To implement this project, a specially trained team of five people was allocated - task force. First, advertisements were placed in the local print media, then questionnaires were collected for two weeks. After that, members of the task force traveled to the region to conduct interviews: usually for three days, ten interviews daily.

In situations of mass hiring, it is necessary to consider where to accept applicants. According to Evgenia Volyanskaya, it is very important to give the candidates a clear map of the route, and it is desirable that the meeting point is not too far from the metro - otherwise they will not go or simply will not find it.

According to Mrs. Volyanskaya, people are extremely sensitive to the "carriage effect" - whether people are crowding in the office or not. “It is important to feel that life is seething there. For example, we conducted interviews right in the warehouse, and immediately for a group of people. And it gave a very good effect.”

The “human factor” should be taken into account - a certain number of candidates simply do not show up for the meeting. When it comes to regular recruiting and one out of three candidates doesn't show up for an interview, it's a disaster. In the case of mass projects, everything is not so scary. So, out of 100 - 120 people do not reach the interview 7 - 10%. This is a lot, but not critical. Personal experience Evgenia Volyanskaya testifies: out of every ten secretaries, one or two come for an interview. The most conscientious lawyers in this regard. For safety reasons, it is better to invite several people at the same time. And waiting in line is a good idea to offer tea, coffee or soft drinks.

Bulk recruitment does not preclude verification of professional and personal qualities candidates. For example, Western companies use short tests - for logic, spatial imagination, typing speed, etc. Many even manage to call the job seeker's previous jobs. In any case, careful screening significantly reduces subsequent staff turnover. In the supermarket chain "Kopeyka" for mass selection, such a scheme is used. The Human Resources Department determines the qualities required by candidates, organizes advertising campaign and ensures the flow of applicants. And the task of selection rests on the shoulders of line managers, who can better test the knowledge and skills of applicants. True, they are still trained in these technologies beforehand.

If possible, you need to register people for work right there, “without leaving the cash desk.” If you tell a person: “Come back in a week”, he may change his mind. After taking it, it is advisable to immediately keep newcomers busy so that there is no long downtime. So, large network supermarkets recruited employees long before the stores opened, and for two months people were simply paid a small salary. But when the time came to go to work, many were not ready for the load, especially since until recently they received money for almost nothing. At first, the turnover was huge, the work of hiring grass-roots personnel actually went down the drain.

“Traditional hiring technologies are not obsolete”

Kirill Dmitriev, Vice President of Delta Capital:

Perhaps I disagree with the fact that mass hiring should not use traditional technologies. First of all, it is necessary to apply them - to advertise in the print media, the Internet, attract a good recruitment agency, etc. Perhaps the personnel officers have already prepared 300 - 400 resumes of the people we are looking for.

Not too long ago, a company we invested in needed to hire 40 salespeople in two weeks. It was not difficult to gather candidates in such a situation. The main problem was to select the right people and quickly train them. Since it was impossible to interview all the candidates in turn, we organized a business game, during which we managed to understand what kind of people gathered in the group, what qualities they possess, etc. Such games are useful. With their help, you can quickly achieve that a person behaves in the same way as in real life. As a result, you can immediately see how the candidate communicates with people in various situations. If the applicant has a bad day, it does not excuse him. Who can guarantee that such a mood does not repeat itself every other day? And whether the applicant managed to “get together” at an important moment for him, overpower himself and communicate normally with people, on the contrary, demonstrates his personality. In our recruiting experience business game is perhaps one of the most interesting and useful methods. This is much more effective than conducting resume interviews with traditional questions. Moreover, there are a lot of companies on the market that are able to successfully organize such a game in a day and give advice on which of the applicants to choose. It is clear that the more important the vacancies are, the more the company should be involved in the recruitment process. But if the positions are not very high, you can safely give this procedure to the mercy.

The initial training sessions also give good results. However, in this case, we try to conclude contracts with employees that oblige them to work for at least three months in the company. Early dismissal implies a return of the money invested in training these people.

“Word of mouth” is a way to assemble not the most professional team. However, it is also impossible to say that some other personnel selection system is 100% effective. There is always a risk of hiring a bad employee and rejecting a good one.