What to do if you are not hired. Can I get a job without a residence permit? Without a residence permit they do not hire: what to do? Labor disputes. It's good that they denied

  • 15.03.2021

Most HR professionals, when hiring a new employee, study his work book. If an employee was dismissed from a previous job under the article, he may have serious problems with employment. Dismissal under the article is like a stigma that characterizes an employee as an unreliable and, therefore, undesirable employee in the company. Someone, having received an unsightly record in labor, despairs and thinks what to find Good work can no longer. But a lot here depends on the area in which the person works, and on the specific employer, and on the applicant himself. What to do in such a situation, how to look for a new job, what to say at the interview?

A fatal entry in the labor force may appear for various reasons: a conflict with management, a real violation by an employee labor discipline, unwillingness of the employer to release the employee. But we will not talk about these reasons, since HR specialists usually do not investigate these reasons.

"We will call you back"

Discussions about the abolition of work books in Russia have been going on for a long time, and personnel specialists are more likely to speak out against the abolition, noting that the existence of work books helps maintain labor discipline. When employees care about their reputation in the labor market, they take their responsibilities much more seriously. An experienced personnel officer, according to the information available in the labor office, can assess the reliability, discipline of an employee, his potential “loyalty” to the organization, and he does not want to lose access to this information at all.

At the same time, for an employee who has work book dismissal under the article, search new work often turns into a whole epic. If rare and valuable specialists can afford such a record without great consequences for further employment, then it is very difficult for everyone else in this situation. As soon as it becomes known about the dismissal under the article, the applicant receives a refusal without consideration or the standard phrase “we will call you back”, which usually ends everything. Why is this happening?

The entry in the work book about the dismissal under the article, like a bright flashing red button, immediately informs the personnel specialist: problems may arise with this employee in the future. The task of the personnel officer is to choose the best specialist, optimally suited to the requirements for the position, a specialist with whom in the process of work there will be no unforeseen difficulties. As a rule, recruiters do not want to take risks. After all, if the hired worker again makes the same mistake, they will ask for it from the one who hired him.

For this attitude, many accuse HR managers of stereotypical thinking and the lack of an individual approach, but they just do their job - to make sure that every single cog in the company works properly and stably.

It is worth mentioning that a lot depends on the area in which the dismissed person has a job, on the situation on the labor market. It will be easier to find a job in mass specialties, in which there is a standardly high turnover of personnel, but a qualified specialist looking for a job in a profession in which competition is tangible will remain practically without a chance.

How to find a job if you were fired for absenteeism?

It is difficult to give unequivocal advice in this situation. Even on specialized forums recruiters, applicants fired under the article, HR managers themselves advise to “lose” their labor and start everything from clean slate. Although this is not the only option available, many follow the path least resistance and they do just that. We only note that in this case the accumulated experience, reflected in the work book, will “burn out”. In addition, you will have to lie to the employer, risking being caught in a lie: if you want to find out where the person actually worked and why he quit, the employer can.

The second option is to look for a job through an acquaintance. With such employment, there are usually no interviews, the employee does not need to compete with other applicants. In this case, you will not have to get rid of documents or lie to the employer. When you change jobs, the problem will arise again, but the dismissal under the article will be covered by a new entry, and get good recommendations dating won't be difficult.

The third option, the most honest, but also the most difficult, is to look for a job, go to interviews and hope that one day the employer will accept the applicant for who he is. And in this case, a number of questions again arise: what to do, so as not to receive refusals at the first contact with the employer, how to behave at an interview, how to explain the reason for dismissal under the article.

Everyone finds their way out. Someone works outside their specialty, while at the same time looking for a suitable job. One employee gets a job through an acquaintance, blocking the ill-fated record in the labor, the other gets rid of this labor altogether, taking risks, the third goes through many interviews.

For the latter, competitiveness in the labor market is a critical issue. You can become more competitive by stubbornly raising your professional level, or you can simply lower your desired salary. The only thing that is categorically not recommended to be done in such a situation is to give up and think that now the career is over. You can always find a way out, just someone will cut the path by choosing a short path, and someone will go to the goal for a long time, gaining new experience. The choice always remains with the employee.

Interview Difficulties

The first task of the applicant is to make sure that he is invited for an interview. Therefore, the reason for dismissal does not need to be indicated in the resume and, moreover, immediately inform the employer about it in telephone conversation. Every employee has advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses and strengths. Speaking at an interview about your shortcomings, if they are not asked about them, is not recommended in principle.

To increase your chances, if possible, you should try to get an appointment not with the personnel department, but directly with the employer, since in this case the approach to you will be more individual.

It is not worth talking about the reasons for recording in the labor force, unless you are asked about it directly. Any explanation will sound like an excuse and will not add any pluses to you. And if at the same time it contains negative and impartial reviews about the former employer, most likely this will not be interpreted in your favor.

When answering the question about the reason for dismissal under the article, it is better not to allow too much emotionality and explain everything briefly. An answer in the spirit of a famously twisted soap opera with former colleagues and bosses in the lead roles may seem interesting to the employer, but such an employee will most likely prefer to be abandoned before he comes up with new history about the new boss. Therefore, it is better to be concise: give the actual reason and add that you are sorry that the circumstances turned out that way. The ability to admit and correct a mistake is valued much higher than the ability to disguise it.

Lowering the salary is an extreme option, since you risk not only earning less in the end, but also getting to an employer who needs a “convenient, willing” employee. Your agreement to work for a lower salary than your colleagues is the first signal to the employer that you are just such a person. Another situation is work in a company or a small firm, where salaries are lower and where mostly novice specialists come. Experienced employee in such a company they can take, even despite the spoiled labor.

If the employer shows hesitation, you can offer to hire you with probationary period to make sure you are qualified.

Anna Shevchuk

If a person lost his job at the age of 45-50, an attempt to find a new one can turn into a shock for him. First of all, he will turn to a job search site, but will be unpleasantly surprised to learn that many employers do not read resumes when they see age.

In 2013, the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation" was amended to prohibit age restrictions from being indicated in vacancies. Now the employer will be fined for the announcement "Required an employee not older than 40 years." But in general, the overall picture is changing slowly.

Infographics "RG":

Here are some tips to help you in your search.

1. Contact the employer on your own, bypassing recruiters. Many organizations post vacancies on their websites. Find contact information and send your resume directly to the HR department.

2. Apply to organizations where people of mature age are in leadership. They have no prejudice against the elderly. An experienced leader knows that one employee of not young years can be more valuable than two guys of the USE generation.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov / Olga Plakhotnikova

3. When writing a resume, limit yourself to the last 10 years. And describe mostly specific achievements and successes.

4. Seeing in the list of requirements for the applicant "the ability to work in a young ambitious team", "the ability to grow and develop", "burning eyes, initiative and dynamism" (quotes from real ads), do not waste time. Such an employer only needs a young employee.

5. When preparing for an interview, sit in front of a mirror, place a voice recorder or recording phone nearby, and retell your resume. Listen, be horrified, and then practice a few more times, correcting mistakes. Then, when meeting with the personnel officer, you will feel calmer.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov / Olga Plakhotnikova

6. Look for work on specialized sites for people over 50. Such as babadeda.ru, 50plus-rabota.ru, and many others.

7. Some manage to find a new place through professional community in the Internet. Register, keep in touch, take part in discussions. Information that someone needs an employee may appear here earlier than with personnel officers.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov / Olga Plakhotnikova

brain storm

It makes no sense to complex because of age. Memory may deteriorate over the years, but some parts of the brain increase in power. The peak of intellectual activity falls on the age of 50-70 years, several teams of researchers from Canada and the USA (in particular from MIT) found out.

Igor Sikorsky designed the world's first practical helicopter when he was in his 50s.

Leo Tolstoy started learning Greek, Sanskrit and Hindi when he was in his 80s.

“I was refused. I am not being hired again,” the situation is extremely unpleasant. You write a resume, prepare for an interview, worry. And everything went well - the director was smiling, the work experience is impeccable. But they didn't get hired again. Why does the employer invite you for an interview, but does not take a job?

Resume turns into a pumpkin

Some applicants are better off writing than talking. As soon as they begin the story, the promised sociability suddenly disappears somewhere, and the description of duties at the previous job becomes an impossible task. “In fact, I worked there for only two weeks,” and a beautiful fairy tale on paper turns into a gray reality.

Lying on a resume is the most common reason for rejection, according to Maxim Kutov, HR Development Manager at Parallels: “A candidate “floats” in the skills indicated in the resume, and this is revealed by experts during the interview.”

It is to test the skills of the applicant that interviews are most often conducted. “You need to describe your skills in your resume as accurately as possible,” advises Tatyana Kovtun, head of the personnel department at the Baltika-Novosibirsk plant. “Otherwise, the interview may reveal a discrepancy between the information in the resume and real competencies.”

Applicants sometimes exaggerate the volume and complexity of duties at their previous job, according to Elena Alekseeva, HR Manager at Holiday Company LLC: “The applicant may also be refused if he does not really understand the specifics of the position, does not know what exactly he wants.”

No chemical reaction

If you have ever gone to meetings with virtual acquaintances, then you know this strange feeling when it seems that the person is the same, but for some reason you no longer want to communicate with him. Approximately the same "virtualization" occurs when the employer first meets the author of the resume.

“Top and mid-level specialists are often rejected after an interview because the candidate’s chemistry does not match the manager’s chemistry, and people will simply feel uncomfortable working,” says Tatyana Drebentsova, IBC Human Resources recruiting expert.

Candidate's inconsistency with the corporate culture of the company can lead to rejection

The reason for the refusal may be the inconsistency of the candidate with the corporate culture of the company. “In many positions, this is even more important than experience. For example, one of our clients turned down a candidate for a top position because he found his team management style unacceptable: “We don’t need to wave a saber. We need to talk and help,” says Elena Shestak, regional director of the international recruiting company Kelly Services.

“We, HRs, clearly know which employees will take root in our company,” says Natalia Gerus, Head of the Recruitment and internal communications MR Siberia, Human Resources Department, Human Resources Department of MTS OJSC. - For example, the applicant, having an excellent resume, showed himself as an anxious, distrustful, always dissatisfied person. How to explain to him that we need optimistic people, with a share of adventurism and the ability to act in non-standard situations?

“Often an employer is guided by a type with a certain manner of dressing, behavior, motivation,” says Tatyana Omskaya, director recruitment agency"IMIKOR-Siberia". - Although when hiring rare and scarce specialists, the main thing is their unique experience. A rare super-pro can afford any temperament and manner of dressing.

Courtesy of kings

Accuracy and punctuality are also the courtesy of applicants. You can make such an impression that no work experience will save. “It’s very unpleasant when an applicant chews gum during an interview,” Natalya Grekova, HR manager of the Novosibirsk branch of the Maria-Ra company, shares her observations. - When he arrives in an untidy form, he is late and does not warn by phone. Some job seekers start the conversation right away by asking about wages refuse to complete questionnaires or tests.”

Bad manners, excessive demands of the applicant are common reasons for refusal

Excessive applicant requirements are a common reason for rejection. Yesterday's students have too big ambitions, who, having no work experience, immediately demand high salary. At the interview, not only ambition is evaluated. “At a personal meeting, you can evaluate other qualities of character - charisma, focus on results, responsibility,” says Elena Shestak. “Resumes are the facts of the biography, and at the interview you can present yourself in all its glory.”

And don't forget about clothes. They will not tell you out loud that your tracksuit is far from business style, but they will refuse to work. Natalia Gerus spoke about such cases: “Summer, a girl in jeans and a T-shirt with straps and, sorry, without a bra, comes to an interview at a federal level company. The question arises, did the girl make a mistake with the door, maybe she needed to see a beautician? Another example: a young man comes, apparently - he did not sleep much, and the day before he vigorously celebrated his birthday. All the consequences of the holiday on the face and clothes. As a result - an interview for 15 minutes and thank you for visiting.

It's good that they refused!

“Once I was refused and explained this by the fact that I would not be interested in this position,” a familiar applicant shared. She's very lucky! It often seems to us that for a high salary any job will be interesting. But the employer keen eye sees our talents and understands that he is not the middle peasant that is required. Such a smart employer will never let you waste time in a position that is not interesting for you.

Rejoice in the refusal even if the employer seemed to you not the most adequate character. For example, in one of the Novosibirsk companies, the applicant was refused due to the fact that she did not pass a psychological test. Although she had good sales experience and was applying for the position of sales manager for plumbing fixtures. Apparently, experience turned out to be less important than the ability to find mutual language with toilets.

Employers also have bad specialists or specialists who themselves do not know what they want. “Sometimes an employer makes excessive and unrealistic demands on an employee, and at the same time the salary is underestimated. Or the employer just can't decide. Doubting, he continues to search for an ideal, ”says Igor Eisvald, director of the Modern Staff recruitment agency, representative of the Metropolis personnel association, about a common reason for refusal.

Don't be stone-faced

Rejection must be accepted with dignity. Let the employer see that you are, of course, upset, but sure that you will find another job. Don't try to slam the door and say whatever you think. Suddenly, your next company has a girlfriend of a resentful recruiter who will meet you with the thought: “Here is the crazy one.”

“In case of refusal, you need to say thank you for the time spent on you and express the hope that you will someday be able to work in this wonderful company. Who knows, maybe in the near future they will open a new position or someday they will have to work with them, ”says Veronika Andreeva, manager of the reception and accommodation services at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel.

Leave a good impression about yourself so that they would like to cooperate with you in the future

“Do not show that you are upset, leave a good impression of yourself,” advises Andrey Vovchenko, a consultant at the People group recruitment and development center. “Personalists often help their colleagues in the selection of employees, and soon you may be offered another vacancy. And if you behave incorrectly, you can be blacklisted.”

Sometimes it is not the one who is more experienced who gets the job, but the one who is more confident in himself. In order to impress the employer, you need to demonstrate at the interview the qualities necessary for the chosen position, - says Anzhelika Sosnova, HR manager of KP Sibirsky Gurman LLC: “What will you do? Communicate with clients? Sell ​​wood? Analyze data? And now highlight 3-4 qualities necessary for the successful completion of tasks. Here they are to be shown. For example, if you will sell, then at the interview show a virtuoso knowledge of information. You are expected to answer any question and sincere interest in the company in which you came to work. It will be a plus if you collect information about the organization in advance.

“Strong applicants can already be seen on the resume. However, hiring laws are such that it is necessary to invite at least two candidates for an interview, for leadership positions- four, ”says Veronika Andreeva.

An interview is like a competition. Sometimes favorites turn out to be underdogs. The main thing to remember is that everyone has a chance to get a job. And if, nevertheless, you were not accepted, then think about something else: competition for a position is just a game!

There are 12 main reasons why you are not hired after an interview. After reading the article, you will thank me!

If you were invited, excuse me, for interrogation, this means that the chief (recruitment service) is interested in your resume.

The conversation took place in a spacious office, where you seemed to clearly answer the intricately posed questions.

Then what the hell, you ask, you were not employed after a lengthy interview?

Here they are, these 12 main reasons.

* You were invited, knowing in advance that they would not be accepted for any position. Yes, for reporting purposes.

In some firms, recruiters work on a piece-rate wage system.

The more applicants, the higher the monthly income. As you can see, the solution is clear as daylight.

*Despite the fact that you showed yourself as a specialist, during the interview you had to reject a series of incoming calls.

It's the employer's biggest concern.

By the way, he himself allows himself not only to be distracted, but also to sign papers during your conversation.

So turn off your cell phone.

* You will never be hired if you do not bother to familiarize yourself with the scope of the organization before the interview.

What does our firm do, Pyotr Ilyich? Why did we like you so much? - will ask you an intriguing question.

Start “sculpting a hunchback”, fill up the interview, despite your professionalism.

* Another reason that occurs in one case out of three.

You so brilliantly withstood the interview that the employer saw you as a future competitor.

Too smart and purposeful are not loved anywhere. You obviously went too far in something.

So they got an excuse in the form of an excuse.

* Untidy (repulsive) appearance. Here I will also add an overly harsh aroma, even if it is an elite perfumery.

See, do not overdo it with cologne. Many people are allergic to it!

* You do not agree to stay late at work.

* At the interview, you asked if they were paid sick leave including childcare.

In this situation, you will definitely be denied a job. How? Yes, they just “forget” to call.

* Well, there's simply nothing to complain about, but some bosses prefer to call the offices where you had the opportunity to work.

And if you quit with a scandal, don't expect positive references from your last job.

* A fairly common reason is stiffness and insecurity, as well as conflicting answers, which are akin to lies and high self-esteem.

* You often interrupted the employer.

* Few people like it when the applicant demands by all means job description, certified by the seal of the organization.

This is a hidden hint of your potential conflict and the ability to download rights in a situation where you need to give up own principles, make concessions, cover someone.

crisis, however. Unemployment, mass layoffs. In connection with all this, I was still going to do a small master class on interviewing. Fortunately, it just so happened, in recent years I have conducted many interviews. Several thousand. At all these interviews, living people, made of flesh and blood, sat in front of me. And these different people day after day, month after month, they made the same mistakes.

So. I give a list common mistakes applicants.

Mistake 1. Laziness

The main mistake, funny as it may seem, is the banal unwillingness to go to interviews. I have repeatedly seen people who “look for a job” for months and go to interviews not even every week.

This, of course, is not a job search, but only an imitation of a search.

Simple arithmetic. In many decent places, 10-20-30 people are browsing per place. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed a job, you need to go through about a hundred interviews. Lucky - less. No luck - more.

At a pace of one or two interviews a week, that's a year. At a pace of three interviews a day, that's one month.

Therefore the day job seeker should look like this. I woke up, looked at the latest vacancies. I sent out 20-50 resumes, filled with interviews tomorrow. Went to today's interviews.

Again, not wanting to look closely for work is mistake number one, by a wide margin. If you are not ready to attend several dozen interviews, it is better to resign yourself to the fact that you will eventually have to agree to a mediocre option.

Mistake 2. Picky about the company

Many, leafing through the newspaper, begin to select "fat". “This will not work, it is written from 15 thousand, but I need 25.” "This won't work, the packer said, but I need a senior packer." Well, and so on.

The root of this "pickiness" lies in the natural reluctance to go to interviews. Well, in fact, why not save time and cross out in absentia a company that might not fit?

The answer is simple. This is the case when it is better to take a chance and ride "at random" than to sit at home and watch TV. Be sure - if the employer likes you, he will find a way to offer you interesting conditions.

In the end, even if it turns out that the proposed conditions do not suit you, you will gain valuable experience passing another interview.

Mistake 3. Being picky about yourself

The mirror image of the second mistake is being too picky about yourself. Well, for example, it is written that you need experience of three years, and you have a year of experience. What, go straight to the next job?

Of course not! The requirements for applicants that are indicated in the vacancy are, almost always, nothing more than wishes. For the simple reason that if a person meets a long list of HR requirements, they are more likely to qualify for a higher salary.

Therefore, if you are satisfied with the offered position and salary, it makes sense to send a resume and call to check if it has been received.

Mistake 4. Being late

A significant part of personnel officers (including me) immediately refuses applicants who are 15 minutes late. There will be a lot of hemorrhoids later if it turns out that the employee hired is a pathological latecomer.

Latecomers are ready, grimacing, to endure only in semi-freelance or low-paid positions, such as couriers or distributors of cosmetics.

Therefore, coming to interviews at the wrong time, you almost several times lower the speed of your device to work.

Mistake 5. Whining

Nobody likes whiners. If you start the conversation by whining like “no one wants to hire people over 50”, be sure that you will be denied this place too.

Well, whiners look pathetic, while the employer needs a fighter in the team, not a disabled person. In addition, many personnel officers rightly fear that whiners will spoil the atmosphere in the team and hack. Indeed: what kind of work can be expected from a person who is dissatisfied with his position?

Just in case, I will decipher in more detail what not to do. Here you are for an interview. The employer asks how they got there.

No need to talk about nasty weather and terrible traffic jams. Simply say, "well done". Or: "no adventure." Or: “Great trip, the weather is fabulous. Like Pushkin: frost and sun.

Mistake 6. Previous place of work

Why not talk about your previous job? No need to tell what all the bastards were there and how they tormented you. In no case should you talk about conflicts, scandals, fights and courts.

Since the employer, asking you about your past work, wants to understand how you will work for him. Wants to understand if you will create problems, and how easily you will join the team. He wants to understand whether clients will call him later, complaining about your rudeness.

And if, for example, the system administrator tells how he was thrown, and in retaliation he erased the database for three years - well, you understand. Such an employee will not be hired - it's scary.

In general, if you want to make a favorable impression, forget about the negative. Nobody needs brawlers. Talk about a former employer and former colleagues as if they were dead - either good or nothing.

Yes, more. Just in case, a life story.

A comrade, 59 years old, came to me for an interview. I ask him where he works. It turns out that he works in the same office twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. Well, it was just Tuesday.

I ask the security question - how did he get off work. And the candidate tells me that he is poorly controlled there, he works alone, and he can easily leave for two or three hours. The employer, they say, sucker and will not know anything.

Do you think I hired this man?

Mistake 7. Wrong resume

I'm scared now to even think about those thousands of workers whom I did not invite for an interview or for a job for the simple reason that I could not get through to them.

Someone did not have a mobile number on their resume at all, someone did not answer my call. Someone answered, promised to call back in 15 minutes and did not call back. And someone ran out of money on the pipe.

Therefore, it is very important that on your resume in a conspicuous place, the mobile phone number must certainly be indicated. A working cell phone.

Resume formatting is also important. But probably, it makes no sense for me to dwell on it in detail: type in Google “how to write a resume”, they will explain to you. Yes, still important point. Often, after a brief telephone conversation, the personnel officer asks: “Send your resume by fax.”

This does not mean that the personnel officer scoffs at you. This does not mean that you have just been rejected. This means that the resume must be sent by fax. The usual reasonable requirement.

Don't have a fax? Well, find somewhere. Stop by at lunchtime to visit a friend with a fax and send faxes from him. Your chances of finding a good job will increase.

Mistake 8. Wrong motivation

Do you know what motivation is? Motivation, in the understanding of the personnel officer, is the driving force that will make you work. And a good personnel officer will certainly check whether you have this motivation.

If you say you need money to pay rent and food, great. Everyone needs money, it's close and understandable.

If you say that you simply “want to develop” or, say, “love to work with people”, this is a minus for you. Because today, let's say, you want to develop, and tomorrow you have other interests - and goodbye to work.

Simply put, you must convince the employer that you really need a job, and you will not give up on it when you get tired of working.

Mistake 9. Long thoughts

Here you are for an interview. We talked. It seems like everything is fine, and you suit the employer, and he suits you. How much time do you have to decide whether this job is right for you or not?

In a good way, you need to decide right away. Or right during the interview, or, in extreme cases, in the morning of the next working day.

I'll tell you why. Here you are sitting at the interview, all such an angel. Do you think the personnel officer will see you through and through in half an hour, like an open book? Obviously not. In order to roughly understand what a person is like as an employee, you need to work with him at least one or two weeks together.

So it is with work. To understand what a company is like, you need to work in it for at least a few days. Therefore, thinking for a long time is completely pointless. Thinking for a long time, you risk being late, and earn a reputation as a person who does not know what he wants.

Mistake 10. Curling fingers

Some, when they come to the interview, begin to list their many skills and tell what large sums they are used to receiving in the form of a salary. This often does not please the employer at all.

Just imagine: a man thirty-five years old, with two higher education, with fluent German and French and lines in the resume like "executive director" and "head of department". Will you take him to work?

I would not. 'Cause this man can obviously claim more highly paid position. So he wants to get a job with me temporarily, for a couple of months, until he finds another option. Or perhaps he has some hidden defects, such as addiction to alcohol or the habit of being half a day late.

Mistake 11. Refusal of tests

The employer often asks to do something. Fill out an application and take a written test. Do another simple task for 10 minutes.

If the employee performs the task - silently, calmly and accurately - this is a plus for him. If an employee begins to resent, such as “why is the questionnaire so long” or “but this question cannot be answered unequivocally” - this is a minus for him.

This is especially true for tests. Be sure if the personnel officer gave you a test, this is important. A decision about you will be made based on the results of the test. And if you fail this test, it will be a very serious reason to refuse your admission.