Mobile game for carols middle group. "Christmas carols" - a short-term project for older preschool children. Children go to the group to drink tea

  • 23.07.2020

Compiled by: Korovina A.Yu.

arouse interest in the traditions and art of the Russian people;
create a festive mood.
expand and consolidate knowledge about the traditions of the Russian people;
to cultivate love for the traditions of the Russian people.
The children are dressed up in costumes.
Preliminary work with children:
Riddles guessing;
Learning carols;
Familiarity with the holidays: Christmas and Christmas time;
Acquaintance with the tradition of caroling.
Entertainment progress:
A cheerful Russian folk melody sounds - Pereplyas.
The mummers enter - the teacher and the children.
I sow, I sow, I sow
Happy New Year,
On the New Year for new happiness.
Go away, bad weather.
Freak out, wheat,
On the field - shocks,
On the table - pies.
Let me come in.
And the lady of the house?
The hostess comes out.
Hostess. I am at home, at home, dear guests.
We wish the hostess of the house happiness and health.
And we wish your children great happiness.
Thank you, guests,
What came to the holiday to us!
Oh you! How many carolers came to us!
Come in, come in, tell me what you want?
What, hostess, give us,
What will you give us now?
They didn't dance, they sang a little,
Did you want treats?
Wait, wait
Dance and sing.
Let's get in a circle and play.
The mummers - the teacher and the children stand in a round dance and dance to the song "Let's jump the goat."

The game "Come on, goat, let's jump ..."

(The driver, chosen by the goat, stands in the center of the circle, the children repeat the movements behind him).
Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump, ( Everyone is jumping.).
And kicking legs, kicking, kicking, (Children jump in place).
And clap your hands, clap, clap, (clapping).
And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp, (Stomp).
We'll wave our tail, we'll wave, we'll wave, (Waving).
And again we will dance, we will dance, we will dance! (They dance).
(After the game is over, the Goat chooses a new driver and the game continues.)

Let's arrange gatherings: guess, guys, my riddles.
The owner makes riddles.
The bear stopped crying
The bear went into hibernation in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows?
When does it happen? (in winter)
What kind of star is this?
On a coat and on a scarf -
All through, cut out,
Will you take water in your hand? (Snowflake)
The cold has come
Water turned to ice
Long-eared hare gray
Turned into a white bunny, (Winter)
Someone came to the house
And nowhere did he inherit
But funny pictures
Appeared at the window.
Who is he that did not sleep at night
Did you draw on the windows? (Freezing)
He has an old hat on
The nose was attached and instantly appeared (snowman)
Stay up, guys, isn't it time to play!

The game "Tangle"

Children roll the ball to each other in a circle, singing to the melody of the song “Oh, you canopy ...”. We will stand together in a circle, We will roll a ball, Whose ball freezes, He will dance for us.

hostess(at the end of the game): Here the ball rolled, At the gate it stopped. The creaky door "sings" ... Someone is coming to visit us.

Music sounds and Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick

Baba Yaga:

I am a forest grandmother

I love to scare everyone!

But don't be afraid of me, kids

I will not offend you!

Hello kids, chicks!

Tay, tay, come on

Play a game with me!

Will we play, run away from the broom?
Russian folk game "Baba Yaga"
Baba Yaga stands in the center of the circle with a broom. Children go around the circle, saying:
Grandmother-Ezhka, bone leg,
She heated the stove, cooked porridge.
I went to the garden
Made all the people laugh.
Went to the lawn
Scared the bunny.
(Baba Yaga drives a whisk under her feet, children jump)

Baba Yaga: I don’t understand what’s wrong with the legs to the right, they rush to the left. They do not stand still and dance like that!
Baba Yaga: So we played. Break out, people. Dance takes me!
« Dance» Russian nar. a piece of chalk. - everyone is dancing

Baba Yaga: oh tired

We sang and danced.

The holiday was celebrated with carols.

I will come more than once, say goodbye now.

Baba Yaga - leaving

Mistress: Look, Baba Yaga left her basket and a note in it. (Reads)

May love and kindness

They live next to you.

Get a treat

Remember me Yaga.

There is no better joy

For guys than sweets

Here's some candy for you all

May you be sweet, children.

Mistress: Gloriously we caroled, danced and danced. It's time for us to sit down at the table. Enjoy the treat!

Carols are held from 7 to 19 January. To carol means to sing under the windows on the eve of Christmas songs called carols.

Purpose: To form love for folk traditions in the minds of children through acquaintance with Russian folk holidays.


- Raise love, respect and interest in Russian folk holidays;

- Introduce children to carols, increase vocabulary (carols, carols, carolers);

-Create conditions for the emergence of positive emotions in children and good mood;

- Present folklore as a phenomenon that combines music, action and texts;

-Introduce the rite of caroling in Russia (introduce the attributes and characters of the rite of caroling.

Preliminary work was carried out with children:

introductory lesson and conversations on the topics: "Christmas", "Christmas-carols".

Acquaintance of children with the attributes and characters of caroling, games, folk divination.

Making together with the children the attributes of the caroling ceremony (masks, a Christmas star, a wonderful bag, gifts) Learning Christmas songs and carols with a music director.

Why is there a tradition to dance around the Christmas tree, to put on costumes, masks, turning from ordinary people into fabulous, magical characters?! All this is permeated with traces of ancient origin, although it is perceived by us as a completely modern holiday.

Children usually caroled during the day, and adults - in the evening. You could dress up for carols. This was called "twisting" or "dressing". They dressed as best they could.

The hosts treated the guests with pies, “goats” - gingerbread made in the form of animals, sometimes they gave money.

All the treats were put in a fur to the mehnos, and after the end of the carols, the collected food was eaten together, in a circle. Hence, another meaning of the word "carol" - circular food.

Anna Kovaleva
"Christmas carols". Entertainment scenario for children of the middle group

« Christmas carols»

entertainment scenario for children of the middle group

In the project's boundaries "Russian hut".

Target: to preserve Russian folk traditions and customs; cultivate love and interest in folk holidays.


attach children to the origins of Russian folk culture;

meet children with new games, fun;

improve performance carols, ditties that accompany winter Christmas time;

to cultivate respect for the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

Equipment: audio recordings (song « Kolyada» , funny songs for games, a bag of cereal for playing "Who will you be?", boots for the game "Boots".

Event progress:

Near the central wall there is a village house, a bench. Grandfather and Baba sit on a bench and remember.

Woman: Do you remember, Grandfather, how it used to be fun? We went to the huts carols sang, the owners were called, Christmas time was celebrated?

Grandfather: Do you remember, Baba, how much caroling mummers was?

Woman: Oh, Grandpa! Do you remember how you used to guess, how you wanted to know your fate? They looked in the mirror, in the saucer, in the cup. And what songs they sang!

Grandfather and Baba sing: Oh, Ovsen, Ovsen,

In the forest, in the yard,

The pines stood

Green, curly...

Grandfather: Enough to remember youth, you can take a walk in old age!

Woman: I'll go and put the dough. Suddenly guests will drop in, I'll bake pancakes.

Grandfather: That's right, Baba, “The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies”.

(Noise is heard, songs are heard, children enter with a star on a pole.)

Children: Kolyada, Kolyada,

You give me a pie

Or a slice of bread

Or half the money

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb,

Or a turkey, or a tuft of hay,

Or pitchforks to the side!

(Grandfather and Baba bring treats, put them in bags).

Children: We walked, we walked

According to Holy Russia.

Congratulated, praised.

Good luck to everyone.

Woman: Kolyada has come,

Brought joy to everyone.

Don't sit, don't be bored

Get up for the game.

The game "Boots".

The host throws a felt boot over his shoulder. Whom the toe of the felt boots points to, he dances or sings.

Grandfather: Trendy brandy, balalaika,

Play more fun.

Woman: Or do we not have singers?

Or no good guys?

Who can sing ditties?

Come out quickly.


We are ditties on carols

Cheerful let's sing,

You treat us sweeter,

And then we will be offended - we will leave!

Kolyada comes to your house,

And carries bags with good,

Who will give us the most

A big success awaits!

Here is mother - winter has come,

Open up the gate!

The holidays have arrived!

Came carol!

We went through the village

They took bags and bags,

Good caroling,

Too bad we didn't bring backpacks!

An angel came down to us from heaven

And Jesus said was born.

We came to glorify him

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Woman: We sang and played

But they haven't guessed yet.

After all, fortune-telling was very popular in Russia.

Divination "Who will you be?"

Small toys with different professions are placed in a bag of cereals. The child puts his hand into the bag and pulls out a toy with a handful of grain. What toy he got, so he will become.

Grandfather: Containers-bars! Containers-bars!

We invite you to the samovar.

Woman: From time immemorial in Russia there is a custom old: meet guests at the samovar. Today I treat everyone with hot Russian tea.

(Carolers go to the group where tea drinking takes place.)


1. Petrov V. M., Grishina G. N., Korotkova L. D. Winter holidays, games and fun. – M.: Sphere, 1999.

2. "Preschool education" No. 12, 2011

Municipal government preschool educational institution No. 28-2 "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the physical direction of the development of children" Ryabinka "

Compiled by: Schipacheva Tatyana Aleksandrovna,

educator of the highest category,

Nabokova Ludmila Nikolaevna,

music director of the 1st quarter category.

Revda, 2017


Project characteristics:

According to the dominant method: game, information and creative.

By the nature of the content: child, society and culture.

By the nature of the child's participation in the project: a participant from the inception of an idea to obtaining a result.

By the nature of contacts: in contact with one age group.

By the number of participants: group.

Duration: short term.

Purpose: To introduce children to Russian traditional culture, to introduce them to the rite of caroling in Russia.

To acquaint children with the ritual holiday "Carols";

Learn musical folklore material, use it in Everyday life;

Encourage children to explore together creative activity;

To instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of their country, to cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Project participants:


Musical director.

Expected Result:

For kids:

Introducing children to the tradition of holding a folk holiday - Carols through empathy and their direct participation in the common action.

Creating an atmosphere of joy of joining the traditional folk holiday.

Increasing children's cognitive interest in their native history.

For teachers:

Organization of pedagogical search through implementation innovative programs.

Raising the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers.


1. Goal setting - to generate interest in cognitive activity.

A task. Introductory conversation about the meaning, customs of the holiday "Svyatki".

2. Project development:

Tasks: Make a plan to familiarize yourself with the customs of celebrating Christmas time

Educational area: music.

Types of musical activity: listening, singing, musical and rhythmic movements.

3. Project execution

Purpose: active participation in the project.

Implementation period: January 2017.

Working with children: The song "Crystal Winter", a song-call

“A carol came on the eve of Christmas!”, “Chatushki for carols”,

round dance "Zimushka-zimushka, how good you are!",

round dance games: “A goat was walking through the forest”, “Grandma Ezhka, a bone leg”,

games with singing: “Gilded chest”, “Dawn-lightning”,

“Already I walked along the lane, walked along the lane”, “Club”, “Shuttle”, “Cook soup”,

"Girdle", "Dough", "Blind Man's Buff".

General improvised dance "Lady".

Working with educators:

Purpose: to direct joint activities by project.

Talk about the customs and traditions of the holiday.

Consultation on the topic "Christmas".

Listening and learning carols.

Selection of folk riddles, proverbs, sayings, carols, children's fortune-telling.

Production of the "Christmas Star", hats "Goat", "Wolf", "Bear", "Hare", elements of the costumes of Baba Yaga and brownie Kuzi.

Application No. 1.

Municipal state preschool educational institution No. 28-2 "Kindergarten

of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for physical

direction of development of children "Ryabinka"

FORM: entertainment


PURPOSE: Formation of the desire to actively participate in entertainment, communicate, be friendly and responsive.


    To acquaint with traditional Russian folk holidays, their origin and purpose; customs and traditions associated with their organization and conduct;

    Develop an understanding of the names of holidays;

    To instill love for Russian folk holidays.


    Expand children's ideas preschool age about Russian folk traditions, introduce rituals, carols;

    Maintain children's interest in the origins of Russian national culture;


    To instill love for folk calendar and ritual holidays;

    To introduce to the world of folk culture, folklore;

    To cultivate love and respect for the traditions and culture of their country.

Preliminary work: conversations about the celebration of Christmas, the New Year, memorizing carols, folk games, riddles, signs, wishes for the new year.

Characters: Hostess - host, educator, Goat, Wolf, Fox, Bear, Hare - adults.

Entertainment progress:

1 Presenter: Christmas has come - We have been waiting for it for a long time.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people: they have fun and sing.

Rejoicing old and young

Who got to the gatherings with us!

1 child:

On this winter evening, smoke curls over the chimney,

The moon is shining over her, and the hut is full of guests.

2 child:

Here are the red girls, the beautiful sisters,

Good fellows around, and the hostess at the table.

3 child:

We invited you here to play, have fun,

Indulge in Russian dance with soul.

We will while away the evening, sing a song together.

song "Crystal Winter" - music by Oliferova

4. Sow, sow, sow, Happy New Year!

For calves, for foals and for little guys,

To be healthy, live for many years!

Presenter: Kolyada, carol, We open all the houses,

All windows, chests, We give sweets, pies.

5. A carol came, On the eve of Christmas!

Carol, carol, open the gate!

6. Frost is not great, but does not order to stand,

The stove is heating up, I want a pie!

7. Carols, carols, carols - pancakes are good with honey!

And without honey - not like that, give, aunt, pies!

8. Shchedrik-Petrik, give me a dumpling!

A spoonful of porridge, sausages on top.

9. This is not enough, give me a piece of lard.

Take it out quickly, do not freeze the children!

Presenter: To whom we sing songs, it will be good,

To an ear - from a log, and grain - from a bucket!

The song will come true, will not pass


The carol came on the eve of Christmas! Carol, carol, open the gate!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing, sons and daughters have come to you,

You meet carolers, welcome us with a smile!

Presenter: Kolyada, Kolyada On the Eve of Christmas

Damn yes cake, owner Alyoshka

Give us a nickel, we won't leave the house like that!!

10. A little boy sat down on a glass,

And the glass is fragile, give the hostess a rub!!!

11. As everyone knows, girlfriends

Masters of singing ditties.

And you guys don't yawn!

Help sing ditties!

12. We will sing ditties for merry carols,

You treat us sweeter, otherwise we will be offended - we will leave!

1. Hey, Vanyusha, play the harmonica, hurry up!

It will be more fun for us to sing ditties under it!

2. I have roosters and roosters on my sundress,

I myself am not a clubfoot, clubfoot suitors!

3. I was at the market, I saw Miron,

Myron has a crow croaking on his nose1

4. I will go out, I will go out to dance in brand new shoes,

All the guys say I'm like a picture!

5. There are clouds in the blue sky, it will rain or hail.

Olya asks for pens on the way to Kindergarten!

6. Alla was sitting at the table, thinking at the plate,

Pinocchio sat down with her, ate all the compote and porridge.

7. Polina tried to eat half of the porridge.

The porridge got bad. Laughed at Polina.

8. Everyone is making a snowman, mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son? Where is he? Rolled into a snowball.

9. The chicken went to the pharmacy and said “Crow!

Give soap and perfume so that the roosters love!

10 Here, an overdressed rooster rushed off at full speed:

Soul warmer on fur - know it screams: “Crow!”

11. A bear came out of the snow den, not himself.

He won’t understand in any way from sleep - is it winter, or spring?

12. I will put on a new dress, I will be beautiful in it,

Let the lazy people do not come until they are corrected!

Presenter: A goat is visiting, a dereza goat is visiting us.

There is a horned goat, there is a butted goat.

Goat (adult, singing). Where the goat walks, there the wheat will give birth,

Where a goat has a tail, there is a life of a bush, Where a goat has a foot, there is a life of a shock,

Where a goat is with a horn, there is a haystack of life.

2 Host: Where did you, goat, go, where did you, white, wander?

Goat. I walked through dark forests, through damp forests, I was tired. (Goat falls)

Host: What does a goat need? What does she love?

And our goat needs a little:

A bucket of buckwheat for baking

Yes, a pot of oats at the end of the tail.

Sieve of oats, on top of it - sausage.

Yes, three pieces of bacon so that the goat gets up!

The owners present the Goat with a bag of sweets. She jumps to her feet and starts dancing. Children surround the Goat and begin to dance.

The game "The goat was walking through the forest."

WOLF and FOX appear from both sides (adults)

Grey Wolf met a red fox in a dense forest. - Hello, Lizaveta! -How are you, Toothy? -Nothing is going on, the head is still intact. - Where have you been? - On the market. - What did you buy? - Pigs. - How much did you take? - Wool shreds, skinned right side, tail gnawed off in a fight ... - Who gnawed off? - Dogs. - Are you alive, dear kumanek? - BARBLE LEGS dragged away

Okay, honey, you won't get tired if you play with us!

1. Host: One - two, one - two, the game begins!

The game "Already I walked along the street, walked along the lane"

Already I walked along the lane, walked along the lane,

I already found a thread, the ball stretches, does not end,

I took the thread, only the thread broke!

Children start a snail, then the needle finds a hole, crawls out and unwinds the threads - a ball.

A Little Bear appears, a Hare meets him:

Hare: Hello, Little Bear! Want,

I'll give you a very tasty carrot. Shows.

Teddy bear: Well, I'm fragrant honey for you, this whole barrel is showing.

Hare: But the carrot is tastier, and sweeter, and more satisfying.

Teddy bear: There is no better honey in the world, even children will tell you.

Hare: No, a carrot is better.

Bear cub: No, honey.

Hare: No, carrot. They argue.

Teddy bear: Honey is more fragrant, juicier.

Oh so sweet, yum yum. Eating

Hare: Well, the carrot is tastier,

Yes, and sweeter, and more satisfying.

Oh, what a delicious, sweet Eats carrots.

Hare. Mish, let me try honey.

Bear cub. And I'll have your carrot.

Hare: (looks into the keg) Ah, but where is Mishka honey?

Teddy bear (also looks into his barrel and speaks in bewilderment).

And my mouth ate it all. Where is your carrot?

Hare: Teeth gnawed.

Both: That's right! What are we friends to do?

Hare: Oh, guys, help, What should we do, tell me!

The game "Clutch"

Children stand in pairs with a "train" boy-girl in front of each other in a circle. Music sounds, the girls dance, and at the end they take a place in pairs, one remains. Everyone says in unison: "One - two - three - you are a muddler!" »

Leading: Kolyada, carol, carol, cheerful and rich.

Sow, be born, live and wheat,

Barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, lentils.

Be healthy, be happy.

Live without trouble for many, many years!

Host: Well, our gatherings are over. We say to you: goodbye, peace to those who are in this house. Until we meet again, until new holidays.

The children leave the room.

Application number 2.

FORM OF CARRYING OUT: entertainment.

TOPIC: "Christmas time"

PURPOSE: To introduce children to the origins of Russian traditional culture, to acquaint them with the rituals that existed in Russia.


    To acquaint children with the concept of Christmas time, with the traditions, customs and rituals associated with their organization and conduct: fortune-telling, folk festivals, caroling, decorating the Christmas tree.

    Broaden your horizons through familiarization with art and national culture.

    Educate in children sustained interest and responsiveness to works of musical folklore.

    Learn to play children's musical instruments in an ensemble.


    To enrich the memory of children, intellectual abilities, their creative activity, fantasy, imagination, initiative, arbitrariness.

    Build artistic taste.


    Contribute to the development of the child, instilling in him love, respect for his nation, spiritual sensitivity and receptivity to others.

    To develop the need to do good deeds and deeds, to form a moral sense.

    To instill love for folk holidays and traditions.

Integration educational areas: knowledge, communication, music, fiction, health, Physical Culture, socialization.

Preliminary work: a conversation with children about the traditional celebration of Christmas and Christmas time; learning the ritual repertoire with children (carols, songs, games, riddles, sayings about the table, tablecloth, towel, bread, samovar, tea).

Materials and equipment: household items for the "hut": a table, a towel in folk style, a samovar, a fake house, folk costumes for the hostess, a hoop for playing with Baba Yaga, a chest, a “snowball”, a CD with audio recordings, a Christmas star, Russian folk costumes for children, for “mummers”.

Characters: leading - educators, Baba Yaga, brownie Kuzya.

Event progress:

1 Presenter: Hello guys, hello dear guests!

All for Christmas! All for Christmas! Come on guys!

What are the holidays? Haven't you guys heard?!

Well, you have to tell and, of course, show.

2 Presenter: This holiday is the longest

It's funny and old fashioned.

Our great-grandparents,

Had fun for two weeks

From Christmas to Baptism

Having prepared a meal.

1 Presenter: They sang different carols,

We went around the yards to Christmas time,

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved!

2 Presenter: Guys, Holy days have come - Christmas time!

Christmas time is celebrated by the people: they have fun and sing.

"Dance with scarves"

1 Presenter: In the evening, the peasant family gathered in the hut and sat around the table. The table was interpreted as a “throne”, “God's palm”, giving daily bread, therefore it is not supposed to knock on the table at which they eat. Let's listen to the proverbs and sayings of the Russian people about the table.

"Proverbs about the table"

It is filled with plates, deep and shallow,

There are spoons, forks and knives ... What do they stand on, tell me? .. (Table)

Behind him - we sit, Behind him - we eat,

He is necessary for the whole family ... (Table)

He has a big back, and on it he allows

And write, and draw, And sculpt, and cut ... (Table)

He holds the dishes on himself, He rested his legs on the floor.

The tablecloth was covered with white Strong and reliable ... (Table)

2 Presenter: The table was always covered with a tablecloth. Tablecloths were different in color, pattern and manufacturing technique. Festive tablecloths were distinguished by the best quality of the linen and

had a lace seam, tassels or fringe. And who knows the riddles about the tablecloth?

"Mysteries about the tablecloth"

Tablecloth from the table - and friendship swam

They beat me, beat me, And they put me at the table with the king. Answer: tablecloth

Who is standing in our dining room, Propping up a bowl of porridge?

Lace embroidered hem. Who is on the table now? Answer: tablecloth

1 Presenter: There was always bread wrapped in a towel and a salt shaker with salt on the table. Guests were greeted with bread and salt on an embroidered towel. The owner sat at the head of the table, looking around the family, the father took a knife in his hands, pressed a bread roll to his chest, cut off slice after slice and distributed it to the family sitting at the table. The Russian people used to say proverbs, sayings, and riddles about bread. The children will tell us.

"Riddles, proverbs about a towel and bread"

Soft, fluffy White, clean.

I'll take it with me to the shower. I'll be clean and dry. (towel)

And terry, and smooth happens. Who washed himself, he does not forget about him:

Wipe the adult, the baby ... (towel)

Soft mohair, brand new,

After the bath, After the bath, On Vanya-Tani's shoulders. (Towel.)

Everyone has in the apartment, And more, And wider.

After the bath, after the shower, you will be hugged and dried. (Towel.)

If in the bathroom you were going to splash, splash,

Wash in the shower, wash your hands, wash your face noisily,

Lie down in the soapy foam and warm yourself in the water

Don't forget to take a Large (Towel) with you

Bread father, water mother.

Bread on the table, so is the table throne; and not a piece of bread - and a board table.

Death without bread, laughter without salt.

Bread is the head of everything.

2. Presenter: But there was one secret - the mummers came only to those houses on the windows of which a candle was placed. (Put a candle), set the table with an embroidered tablecloth, put a samovar, various treats. The carolers were invited to the table, to treat themselves to sweets, to drink tea.

"Proverbs about tea drinking"

We do not miss tea - we drink six cups each.

Have a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

The samovar boils, does not order to leave

Come to tea - I treat you with pies.

1 Presenter: It was customary to guess at Christmas time. Everyone guessed - both adults and children. People loved this fun very much, the girls wondered what awaits them in the new year, and the guys measured their strength. To drive away evil spirit, which interferes with the holiday, in the old days they made a lot of noise, laughed, sang loudly. And we will drive away all the evil spirits with a noise orchestra.

Noise Orchestra "Lady"

There is a knock on the door, Baba Yaga comes in.

B.Ya. See how they have fun! Have drunk tea! Eat pies! And Baba Yaga hasn't had a crumb in her mouth since last Christmas.

2 leading. Hello B.Ya. stay on our holiday, play with us.

The game "Grandma Yozhka", the game "Log" (boys pre-gr.)

1 Presenter: B.Ya. they also guessed at Christmas time. The girls threw the felt boots out of the gate - in which direction the “nose” looks at him, the groom will come from there. Do you want to tell fortunes and find out your fate?

Fortune telling "Boots": "Brides" (girls) - throw boots, "Grooms" (boys) - catch.

Baba Yaga: And tell me! I also want happiness! (B.Ya. throws, and Kuzya the Brownie catches).

2 Presenter: Here is your fiance! Who is this, come in, dear guest, introduce yourself, please!

Brownie Kuzya: In appearance, maybe inconspicuous, not large in sprout,

The chest in the hands of a secret, shoes - lapotochki,

They call the brownie Kuzey, I sleep behind the stove, where it's warm.

Yes, I play with the cat Muska, at night, when it is already dark.

Hello, hello, respectable audience!

What's that noise? What kind of laugh? There is no rest!

2 Presenter: Gatherings here with us, we called you here

Play, have fun, dance fun spinning!

Let's stand together in a circle

We will roll a lump.

Whose lump freezes

He will dance for us.

One-two, one-two, the game begins!

"Game with a lump in a circle."

1 Presenter: Brownie Kuzya, what is this secret, gilded chest? And you know how to guess, teach us.

Brownie Kuzya: I have a chest, and we will tell fortunes with it.

Gilded chest

Tell us friend.

What will come true, what will become

Let the bad stay.

Girl's fortune-telling "Gilded chest"

The girls stand in a circle around the casket, sing a song,

they take out an object, Brownie reads what it means.

Ribbon - a long road awaits you.

Mirror - you will be beautiful

Money - to wealth

Button is a big, friendly family

Towel - go on a trip

Bun - you will always eat sweets

Ring - guests will come, grooms

Doll - will give a new doll.

Comb - long, lush hair.

Slipper - dance at the ball

Beads - the first beauty

Bracelet - wait for a gift

Lipstick - prom queen

Dress - wait for new clothes

Heart - family happiness,

Key - new house,

Wheel - to buy a car,

Flower - for a gift,

Apple - to good health.

2 Presenter: Good luck!

1 Presenter: After such fun games

Let's dance now.

Invite each other.

The legs themselves are torn to dance.

Cheerful dance under R.N. music

2 Host: We can’t sing glorious songs for everyone.

Do not say good words to everyone.

Our holiday was a success.

It's fun to play Christmas time.

The children leave the room.

Target: Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture, acquaintance with Christmas ritual holidays.


Introduce the ritual of caroling;
- introduce children to folk games, songs, carols, divination, dances;

Develop emotional responsiveness, attention;

To cultivate interest and respect for the past, for the history and culture of their people.

The phonogram of a Russian folk song sounds.

Children! Ordered up to you
Bring the decree at this hour,
prepared by myself
Our mother - in winter.
(Reading the order.)
Every year, this day,
As the sign says,
People of the city, village
Come to the holiday!
Surely everyone should
To be at the Winter Festival.

Hey, hurry up everyone here!
Kolyada came to visit.
We will joke, grimace,
Run, jump, have fun.
Give me your hand, friend!
We are waiting for you all in a fun circle!
Children dance to the soundtrack of the song "The Moon Shines", performing the movements shown by adults.

Leading: I invite you to celebrate a great holiday - Christmas The story of the Slavic holiday "Kolyada"

The Slavs began the holiday decorously - dinner in their native home. Woman baking round bread. The whole family gathered at the table. The table was covered with a tablecloth, under which straw or hay was placed. On the table is a Christmas kutyadakasha. Be sure to have a krendel pie on a platter, and they also baked animal figures from wheat dough for the holiday - cows, lambs, goats, cockerels and hens and shepherd men.

They decorated tables, windows of the hut (between the frames), they were sent as gifts to relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and children, they were presented to carolers. Here the whole family sits sedately at the table. Only the elders speak, they remember the year (good and bad in it), and the younger ones listen, although they can’t wait to get outside as soon as possible - to carol! At the end of the meal, the children took part of the remaining kutya to grandparents, as well as to the homes of the poor, so that they could celebrate. Neither the food nor the tablecloth was removed until the morning, believing that the souls of the deceased parents would come to the table to also eat.

Carolers dress up as a bear, horse, goat, cow, and this is an ancient symbol of abundance. Boys and girls “dress up in hari (masks)” of horses, goats, cows, bears and other animals, and mummers walk around the yards, sing carols - songs glorifying Kolyada, who brings good to everyone. They glorify the owners, wish well-being to the house and family, and for this they demand gifts, jokingly predicting ruin for the miserly.

Previously, occasionally, the gifts themselves: cookies, loaves - were called Kolyada. Kolyada was symbolized by a sheaf or a straw doll, which was sometimes brought to the hut at Christmas with songs. The rite of caroling consisted of a kind of exchange of gifts, gift for gift. The carolers "gave" prosperity to the peasant house for the whole year, and the owners gave them goats, as well as pies, cheesecakes, beer, and money.

It is worth saying that in many areas of Russia, bread products were considered the main gift. On the eve of Christmas, roes were baked especially for distribution to carolers. Carol songs have always been varied. And this diversity depended on in which region, even in which district caroling took place.

Leading: Let's wish each other Merry Christmas and sing "Carol":

Kolyada! Kolyada!
And sometimes carols
Christmas Eve!
The carol came
Brought Christmas!
Kolyada is young
Went through new gates
And then Frost
Overgrown through the tyn.
He brought the cold
So grandfather Arkhip became young.
Frost is not great
Yes, he does not order to stand.
The frost does not order to stand,
It's time for us to carol!

Kolyada, Kolyada, would you like a pie?
With onions, peppers
With a mosquito heart.

This holiday is the longest, it is cheerful and ancient. Our ancestors drank, ate, had fun for two weeks.
Pie game.
Children stand in two lines facing each other. A participant depicting a "pie" sits between the ranks. Everyone sings:
Yes, he is tall
Yes, he is wide
Yes, he is soft
Cut it and eat it.
While singing, at the words "high-witted" they raise their hands up, "wide-width" - spread to the sides, "soft" - stroked on the stomach. Immediately after the words "Cut it and eat it", one participant from each line runs towards the "pie". Whoever touches the "pie" first, takes him to his team, and the loser remains to portray the "pie".
The group with the most pies wins.

And now we offer you a game -
Measure strength, as happened in the old days.
We invite the strongest guys,
Come on, stand up, strong men, in a funny row.
tug of war

Leading: Although the game, but in it a hint of good fellows lesson!

Do you want to listen to my New Year's fairy tale?

Only your help will be needed for me ... I will give you noise instruments. We will tell the story together.

Distributes noise instruments to children

Fairy tale-noisemaker "Christmas tree"

A Christmas tree grew in the forest standing still with arms outstretched
Squirrels jumped on its branches - jump forward (tap the xylophone with a stick)
A woodpecker flew “fly” or slap hands on the sides.
and loudly pounded his beak - stretch the index fingers forward, drum them on the body (knock with sticks).

Sometimes a big bear passed by - we walk, waddling from foot to foot (slowly tapping the drum with our palms)
Sometimes a little bunny ran - bouncing in place (playing the xylophone)
In the evening, the breeze blew on her - we blow
At night, the stars lit up over it - stretching out the index fingers, as if we draw dots-stars above the head (we play on a triangle)

In the summer, mosquitoes flew around her - we move our fingers in the air, saying "z-z-z"
In winter, white snowflakes fell on her - drawing points from top to bottom with index fingers, we show how snowflakes fall (we pinch the strings).

(voicing a fairy tale with noise instruments)

Leading: Thanks guys, we got an interesting fairy tale.

Christmas does not happen without divination. Especially girls love to guess. Find out your fate.


Guess-guess girl

In which hand will you get

Life will roll

Prettier - dress up

Youth will get...

And let's take a guess...

The light goes out. The leader lights a candle.

In every cup of grain your destiny is hidden. Every thing is a prediction.

Several children take objects out of the cup.

Coin - to wealth

Bread - to a full life

Mirror - for new outfits

Leading: And let's tell fortunes, we'll look under the pots.
(The game “Fortune-telling on pots” is being played. There are five pots on the table in the middle of the hall.)
Children lead a round dance and sing: A pot with tops, tell us, my friend - what will come true, what will happen? Let the bad stay. (A towel is taken out of the pot - a towel).

presenter: Towel! It spreads far ... a long road awaits, a journey.
(Children walk in a circle again, pronounce the words. The second pot is with a bun).

presenter: Bulka! The mouse runs in the upper room, drags the loaf into the house. There will be prosperity in the house, well-being.
(Children hold hands and walk in a circle again, pronounce the words. There is a ring in the third pot).

Presenter:Ringlet! Sow flour, bake pies! Soon there will be guests, and grooms for the girls!
(In the fourth pot - a ribbon).

Presenter:Ribbon! Walking through the field, weaving a Russian braid, weaving it with silk. Overflowing with gold! Ribbon - to wealth, profit.
(In the fifth pot - a button).

presenter: Button! Oh, the bug walked along the mound, threw the good on the washcloth. We all live a happy life in a big family.

Leading: The next fortune-telling by profession for children: what comes across will come true (the following items are in the bag):

1. Scissors for children - hairdresser

2. Centimeter - tailor

3. Book - writer, scientist

4. Musical instrument - musician

5. Paints - artist

6. Thermometer - doctor

7. Car - driver

8. Monet - accountant, cashier, banker.

Leading: And, there is also such a sign - if you catch a star from the sky ... and you make a wish, then it will certainly come true. Catch wish stars.

presenter: Guys, catch stars, make a wish. Just take care of the stars.

Leading: And of course, they played different games, which we will play with you.

The game "Zhmurki"
"Zhmurka" is blindfolded, forced to turn around several times, then asked.
- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?
- At the pot.
- What's in the pot?
- Kvass.
- Catch the mice, not us.
The participants in the game scatter, the "blind man's blind man" catches them. The one he caught becomes a "blind man".

Leading: And now the game is not entertainment

And with great, great meaning

So that the spikelet is long

To make flax grow tall

Jump as high as you can

You can jump over the roof.

The game "Miracles in the sieve."

4 saucers, 20 peas, 2 spoons. To the music, one pea must be transferred from one saucer to another.

"Grandpa's Rhymes"
Always in any village there was a grandfather who knew more than all the jokes, jokes, proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters, ditties. Children are encouraged to take part in the competition.
1. “You can’t speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t pronounce them” (the participants themselves or the presenter offer the tongue twisters).

2. A ram - a bully climbed into the weeds.

3. Like on a hill, on a hill
Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

4. How much the sieve did not eat,
Never been full.

5. There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.

Let's play the game "Hot Pie"

Two teams are selected, which stand in two lines (in each alternation: a boy, a girl) facing each other. The condition is that the players must keep the ball under their chin, during the transfer it is impossible to touch the ball with their hands in any case, while it is allowed to touch each other in any way, so as not to drop the ball.

"Golden Gate"
The Golden Gate is not always missed.
The first time is forgiven, the second is forbidden,
And the third time we will not miss you!

Leading: You are smart guys

Guess the riddles!

1. Front patch,

back hook,

middle back,

There is a bristle on the back.

(Carolers guess: piglet).

2. Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.

(The carolers guess again: a rooster).

3. Little boy

In a gray coat

Wandering across the field

Stealing hemp!

Flies through the yards

Collects crumbs!

(Carolers are thinking ... Sparrow)!

4. Humpback cat

The girls rub their shoulders.

In the morning

Went out of the yard

Lying on the shore

Didn't swim in the water!


5. Knock-knock in the forest,

In the hut blunder blunder,

In the hands of the ring-ring,

On the floor - top-top.


Sitting in summer and running in winter. (skates)
A piece of wood is uphill, and a horse is downhill. (sled)
12 brothers follow each other, they do not bypass each other. (12 months)
A white fur coat dressed the whole world. (snow)
No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (freezing)
Who has a piglet that is not clamped into a fist? On his feet are hooves, he eats and drinks from a trough. (piggy)

Leading: They had fun at the feast for the eyes, they deserved a treat!

Treats children with donuts

Did you like everything?

What do you remember more ?

Leading: To all good people

We wish you well, gold and silver!

fluffy pies,

Soft pancakes!

Good health!

Butter cow!

To whom we sing songs, it will come true,

That will come true, it will not pass.

The event ends with a fun dance to the song "Ice Ceiling"
(In accordance with the text, children perform movements).

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