The development of tsmit. The program for the development of youth innovative creativity centers in the Moscow region will be expanded. The order of consideration of applications

  • 28.08.2020

The authorities of the Moscow region plan to expand the program for the development of youth innovative creativity centers: four CMITs will open in 2017 and 2018, the press service of the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region reports.

As recalled in the press service, on November 14, the official opening took place in the city of Fryazino. CMIT was created on the basis of the scientific club "Noosphere" and the "Center for the Development of Scientific and Technical Education of Youth". At the moment, more than 250 children are already studying at the center in the following areas: electronics and robotics, aircraft modeling, TRIZ, programming and IT technologies, as well as exact sciences, such as physics and mathematics with preparation for school Olympiads and the NTI Olympiad.

“The main objective of this program is to create conditions for the education of young people. The center provides an opportunity for classes in robotics, programming and others. Children from five to six years old can participate in it, but adults will also be able to attend classes at the centers,” said Denis Butsaev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, Minister of Investments and Innovations of the Moscow Region, whose words are quoted in the material.

According to the press service, the CMIT plans to increase the number of children involved up to 500. Preparing to launch learning programs on project activities and preparation for competitions in technology management, prototyping and CAD modeling, materials science, chemistry, creative workshop, Earth remote sensing, autonomous vehicles and others. At the moment, "Noosphere" actively cooperates with ANO VO "University of Innopolis" and is the regional organizer of the World Robotics Olympiad.

“Last year we opened four centers of youth innovative creativity (TsMIT), this year we plan to open four more. Four more CMITs are planned to be opened in 2018,” Denis Butsaev said.

In the future, the centers will receive financial support from the government through a competition for best center, the funds received will be used for technological upgrades, the message explains.

As explained in the press service, the key idea of ​​creating the CMIT is to show and teach how to implement the chain: "the emergence of an idea - the experimental verification of the idea - the creation of a mock-up sample - the manufacture of a prototype - the commercialization of an innovative idea." As part of the development of the innovation sector of the region, it is important to ensure the connection (stages) of the degrees of education and development of potential researchers and engineers.

In 2016, four centers of youth innovative creativity were created in the Moscow Region with the support of the Government of the Moscow Region in Dubna (TsMIT "Kilowatt"), Dmitrov (TsMIT "GENESIS"), Zhukovsky (TsMIT "TELEKONT") and Protvin (TsMIT "TechProLab"). According to the results of 2016, more than 2.5 thousand people used the services of CMIT in the Moscow region, of which more than 500 were students elementary school. Four centers are planned to open this year - in Odintsovo, Balashikha, Pushchino, Fryazino.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The goals of the program are:
1.1.1. Financial provision of projects that contribute to the involvement of young people in innovative activity performed on the basis of the CMIT and / or in the interests of the CMIT;
1.1.2. Financial provision of elements of the innovation infrastructure for the subsequent creation of new small innovative enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SIE) and their development;
1.1.3. Identification of potential participants in the UMNIK and START programs of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (hereinafter referred to as the Fund);
1.1.4. Assistance in the expansion of opportunities for modeling developments by potential participants in the UMNIK and START programs carried out by centers of youth innovative creativity (hereinafter referred to as CMIT), small innovative enterprises(hereinafter referred to as IIP) in the interests of the CMIT.
1.2. Financial support is provided in the form of a gratuitous and non-refundable subsidy in cash (hereinafter referred to as the grant) allocated for carrying out infrastructural work carried out by TsMIT and research and development work (hereinafter referred to as R&D) performed by MIP.

2. Participants of the Program and requirements for the information provided

Applications for R&D and infrastructure work are accepted from legal entities and individuals.
2.1.1. Individuals should not participate in other projects implemented with the financial support of the Fund.
2.1.2. Legal entities (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) must meet the criteria for classifying as a small business in accordance with federal law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007, and also meet the following requirements:
- the applicant is a participant of the program state support small and medium-sized businesses of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia to create and (or) ensure the activities of the CMIT, or act in the interests of the already established CMIT;
- among species economic activity there is an OKVED code 72.1 (OK 029-2014 dated 02/01/2014) "Scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences", or an OKVED code 73.1 (OK 029-2001 and OK 029-2007);
- the proposed project should not have other budgetary sources of funding during the entire period practical implementation project using a grant from the Foundation;
- Applicant is not an executor open competitions held by the Fund and has no pending contracts with the Fund;
- leading employees of SIP (participants of the CMIT program) should not participate in other projects implemented with the financial support of the Fund.
2.3. Requirements for the information provided.
2.3.1. If the information contained in the documents submitted as part of the application is found to be unreliable, the applicant is excluded from participation in the Program at any stage of its implementation, up to the conclusion of the contract (agreement).
2.4. Other mandatory requirements:
- copyright and other rights of third parties must not be violated; there must be the consent of the copyright holders to submit materials to the Fund and their use by the Fund for examination and for publication;
- the proposed project should not be similar in content to a project simultaneously submitted to competitions of other scientific foundations and other organizations, or currently being implemented at the expense of funds or organizations, a state (municipal) task;
- the applicant has the right to apply under this program for only one direction (infrastructural work, R&D);
- the proposed project must be aimed at the implementation of civil technology and must not contain information constituting a state secret or classified as protected in accordance with the law Russian Federation other restricted information.
2.5. In case of violation of the specified conditions, the Fund stops financing the project, regardless of the stage of its implementation, while simultaneously demanding from the grant recipient the funds paid to him in the prescribed manner.
because 3. Terms of participation in the Program
3.1.1. Performance of R&D by the WMIT itself, or in the interests of the WMIT, if at least 3 WMIT from various regions of the Russian Federation are interested (if there are supporting documents: contracts, agreements, intentions on cooperation) aimed at the following goals: Development of career guidance installations (laboratory stands, mechanisms explaining the process of manufacturing products, or processes occurring in production and in the real sector of the economy). Development of devices for children with disabilities (designers, training sets, vehicles, as well as other elements). Development of children's toys aimed at the scientific and technical creativity of children. Development of hardware and software systems (development of technical solutions / creation of technologies) for the integration of people with disabilities and people with disabilities into the urban environment. Development of a dynamically configurable 3D interface core with elements of natural human-machine interaction (NUI) to control remote and virtual laboratory equipment through a computer network using native browser tools. Development of a hardware and methodological complex for the implementation of DIY robotics classes using 3D printers or for creating flat graphic objects and 3D printing.
3.1.2. The volume of financing by the Fund for one project is up to 7 million rubles.
3.1.3. The term of the work is 12 months.
3.2.1. Performance of works of an infrastructural orientation, carried out by the CMIT itself, or in the interests of the CMIT, aimed at the following goals: Carrying out training programs for the specialists of the Center for Information Technology on the organization of project activities of pupils and students; Organization all-Russian competition design work pupils and students attending CMIT.
3.2.2. The amount of financing by the Fund for one project is up to 2 million rubles.
3.3.3. The term of the work is 12 months.
The share of extra-budgetary co-financing is taken into account when evaluating projects as an indicator of the effectiveness of the applicant's activities in attracting extra-budgetary sources of funding to the development of innovative youth creativity.
As a result of the work should be:
- intellectual property was created based on the results of the project (R&D);
- submitted documents confirming the implementation of these developments in the CMIT (R&D);
- publications are presented in the media (possibly online publications) on the stated topics based on the results of the project (R&D and infrastructure projects).
Grant funding can be used to finance the costs of R&D and infrastructure projects as part of the implementation of an innovative project in accordance with the approved cost estimate of the grant:
· wage;
charges for wages;
materials, raw materials, components (no more than 30% of the grant amount);
payment for the work of co-executors; other works and services of an industrial nature performed by third parties (no more than 30% of the grant amount);
· other general business expenses (no more than 10% of the grant amount).

4. Procedure for consideration of applications

4.1. Registration and submission of applications takes place on the Internet at the following address: by filling out all forms and attaching the required documents to in electronic format. Applications received on paper are not considered and are not returned to the applicant.
4.2. The application must include the following mandatory documents:
- consent to the processing of personal data (filled in by each subject of personal data in respect of which there is personal information in the application);
- extract from the United state register legal entities issued by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (only for legal entities);
- constituent documents of a legal entity (only for legal entities).
4.2.1. The application, in addition to the required documents in accordance with clause 4.2 of this section, must also include the following documents:
- documents confirming the interest in the development of at least 3 CMIT from various regions of the Russian Federation (when applying from an individual or a legal entity acting in the interests of the CMIT);
- documents confirming the attraction of funds (if any) for the implementation of the project from extrabudgetary sources.
4.3. Applications are considered in the following order:
4.3.1. Applications that do not meet the requirements established in section 2 of these Regulations, as well as do not contain mandatory documents in accordance with clause 4.2 of this section, are removed from consideration.
4.3.2. Expert evaluation of R&D applications is carried out according to the following criteria:
- scientific and technical level of development, including: assessment of the novelty of the development, its advantages over existing analogues and the adequacy of protection of rights to intellectual property on the subject of the project;
- the prospects for introducing the development at the CMIT, including: the validity of the strategy for introducing the product and the sufficiency of the volumes of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds attracted for the implementation of the project;
- Availability and qualification of labor resources for project implementation.
4.3.3. Expert evaluation of applications for the implementation of infrastructure projects:
- the significance of the project for the activities of the CMIT;
- availability and qualification of labor resources for project implementation
4.4. For each application, at least two independent examinations are ordered to assess the scientific and technical level of development, the prospects for implementation, the availability and qualification of labor resources for the implementation of the project. An independent examination is carried out by experts registered in the FOND-M system. The experts involved in the examination must have the necessary qualifications to evaluate projects in the areas specified in clauses 3.1.1 and 3.2.1 of these Regulations.
4.5.Based on the results of an independent examination expert advice The Fund forms its recommendations on the submitted projects. These recommendations are sent to the Bureau of the Fund's Supervisory Board, which approves the results of consideration and evaluation of applications.
4.6. The results of consideration and evaluation of applications are posted on the Foundation's website at no later than ten days from the date of approval of the results of the competition by the Bureau of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation.

5. The procedure for concluding an agreement (agreement) on the provision of a grant with the winner of the competition

5.1. The conclusion of contracts (agreements) on the provision of grants with the winners of the competition is carried out with enterprises - small businesses (hereinafter referred to as grant recipients).
5.2. Individuals (individual) - the winners of the competition register an enterprise that meets the criteria for classifying as a small business in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. and development work. The established enterprise must meet the requirements of clause 2.1.2 of this Regulation, as well as the following requirements:
5.2.1. Individuals (individuals) who submitted an application approved for financing must have a share in the authorized capital of the enterprise of more than 50%.
5.2.2. The head of the enterprise must be an individual - the winner of the competition.
5.2.3. The period of registration of an enterprise should not exceed 30 calendar days from the date of publication of the competition results.
5.2.4. Within 5 working days from the date of registration of the enterprise, the following documents must be submitted to the Fund: Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities issued by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Constituent documents legal entity.
5.2.5. After receiving these documents, a list of grant recipients is formed, which is approved by order CEO Foundation.
5.3. Contracts (agreements) for receiving grants are concluded with the winners of the competitions, which were recommended by the jury with the conditions, only if these conditions are met within the following terms.
5.4. The contract (agreement) on receiving a grant must be agreed and submitted by the grantee within the following terms:
- no later than 30 calendar days from the date of placement of the results of the competition if the winner of the competition is a legal entity;
- no later than 60 calendar days from the date of posting the results of the competition if the winner of the competition is an individual.
5.5. In the event that the winner of the competition does not submit an agreement (agreement) on the provision of a grant to the Fund within the period specified in clause 5.4 of this section, he is recognized as evading the conclusion of an agreement (agreement).
5.6. Documents for the conclusion of contracts (agreements) are prepared by grantees in electronic form in the Fund-M system at .

The Center for Youth Innovation Creativity (TsMIT) is an open space where children and teenagers learn to turn their engineering ideas into functional prototypes. The main task of such sites is to teach young people free of charge new technologies: robotics, digital manufacturing, modeling, prototyping and working on machine tools.

Russian TsMIT are an analogue of the well-known international project FabLab, which was initiated by the Massachusetts technological Institute(MIT). The project grew out of MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld's university course "How to Make (Almost) Anything".

In Russia, the project to create the TsMIT was launched in 2012 on the initiative of public organization"Young innovative Russia". Its purpose is to provide children and youth free access to high-tech equipment for acquiring skills that will be in demand in the near future.

How to open CMIT

The opening of the CMIT can be compared with the opening of a training center or a creative club: you need to register a company, draw up a charter, rent a room, purchase equipment and ... go ahead! A business plan can be quite simple. There are several main sources of income:

  • execution of small orders, for example, prototyping, 3D printing or automation;
  • holding an engineering school for children and adults;
  • mini production series of products.

Cost items are also easy to predict:

  • rent;
  • purchase of equipment, software and materials;
  • employee salaries;
  • taxes and a number of fixed costs.

The steps you need to take to open WMIT are the same as those required to start any offline business. Another issue is the creation of such a center with state support.

The project to create the CMIT was supported under the State Support Program for Small and Medium Enterprises of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. According to this document, small businesses can apply for federal budget subsidies in the amount of ₽7 million.

Who gives subsidies

A subsidy for the implementation of the project can be obtained within the framework of the competition "Support for the Centers of Youth Innovative Creativity (CIT)". Applications for participation in the competition are accepted by the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (Innovation Assistance Fund, or "Bortnik Fund" - editor's note).

Who can apply for a subsidy

You may be eligible for a subsidy legal entities that meet the criteria for being classified as a small business in accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ:

  • the amount of revenue for the previous year, excluding VAT, does not exceed ₽800 million;
  • the average number of employees is not more than 100 people;
  • the share of third parties in the authorized capital of the company is not more than 49%.

The company must be a member of the state support program for SMEs of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia for the creation or operation of the CMIT, or act in the interests of the already established CMIT, and also have OKVED 72.1 "Scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences", or OKVED code 73.1.

The proposed project must not have other budgetary sources of funding during the entire period of project implementation using a grant and any other pending relationship with the Innovation Promotion Fund. The project participants themselves individuals should also not participate in other projects funded by the Innovation Assistance Fund.

What to spend money on

Subsidies from the federal budget can only be used for approved areas of activity:

  • purchase of high-tech equipment (with a set of spare parts and Supplies);
  • acquisition of electronic computing equipment (equipment for information processing);
  • acquisition software, peripheral devices, copiers;
  • providing communication;
  • financial support educational projects and activities to involve children and youth in innovative activities.

Requirements for centers

There are a number of requirements that the CMIT must meet:

  • the presence of own or rented premises with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 120 square meters. m for equipment placement;
  • availability of a standard set of equipment;
  • the presence in the state of at least two specialists who can work with this equipment;
  • availability of specialists with experience in working with children;
  • providing open access to equipment;
  • availability of Internet connection and Internet portal.

In addition, the organizers of the WIC must ensure its activities for 10 years from the date of its creation.

Standard set of equipment

The list of standard equipment of the center is small: 3D printer and scanner, milling machine and laser cutting machine, cutting plotter. The center also needs office equipment: computers or laptops, printers, scanners, telephones.


Polina Dyatlova, head of Fab Lab "Polytech" (Russia, St. Petersburg):

– In 2011, the Polytechnic University sent me and my colleagues for an internship at Fablab at the University of Catalonia (Barcelona, ​​Spain). At about the same time, a support program for the Center for International Information and Information Technologies from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia was opened in Russia. Our team set about organizing such a center at the Polytechnic University and received the first grant from the Innovation Promotion Fund, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Government of St. Petersburg.

To popularize engineering creativity among young people, we organize engineering schools, science weeks, intensive courses for applicants. Basically, we receive financial support from the Polytechnic University, as well as in the form of grants from foundations and development institutions, but there are also commercial orders. From my own experience, I can say that the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, to go forward, to test in practice the emerging design and organizational hypotheses.

The head of the Fablab "Polytech" Polina Dyatlova at the Fabacacademy 2016 awards

Grzegosh Belika, Vice-President of FabLab "Lodz" (Poland, Lodz):

– Our formula for existence is to remain independent of government grants and subsidies. Our history of fundraising is quite complex: 90% of the funds received over the past three years were collected from individual work with private foundations. We also involve businesses in cooperation, conduct crowdfunding campaigns…

The target audience of our center is enthusiasts of the DIY (do it yourself) movement. We provide a creative and innovative space (including equipment) for development and self-realization. In addition, we conduct courses on 3D modeling, programming, fashion design and even welding.

Fablab Lodz 3D printer for ZSP 20

CMIT Russia

According to RVC, today there are 226 CMITs in 32 regions in the country. In the most complete list, which is presented on the website of the Community of the CMIT and fab labs of Russia, there are 154 organizations. According to a study conducted by Docsourcing, 65 centers from this list have an up-to-date website or their own page on social networks, which provides minimal information about the organization, including address and contacts.

Of these 65, 41 ITCs are completely non-profit, that is, they do not receive any profit and operate at the expense of grants and sponsors. The commercial model of existence was chosen by 24 organizations. Most of them conduct paid courses and trainings, a smaller part provides services: manufacturing small batches of products, renting equipment, space, etc.

Below is a list of the 65 most active Russian WICs:

UPD: five more CMITs are listed, now there are 70 of them





Arkhangelsk Center for Innovative Youth Creativity

Laser cutting, CNC milling, 3D scanning


3D printing, 3D printers, robotics, modeling

Fablab "Interkot"


Fablab "Eureka"

Programming, electronics, robotics, biomedicine

CMIT "Creative laboratory "Genesis" Dmitrov 3D modeling, electronics, robotics and remote control systems
CMIT "Progress" Dmitrovgrad tsmitprogress.rf Radio engineering and electronics Arduino, 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting and engraving, milling, plotter cutting, robotics, unmanned aircrafts

CMIT "Polytech"

Robotics, electronics, web programming, C++1, laser cutting and engraving

Robotics Laboratory "Cosmoport"


CMIT "Zhukovsky"

3D printers, laser machines, milling machines

CMIT "Youth"

3D scanning, 3D printing, 3D modeling, laser engraving

CMIT "Innovation Agency"

CMIT "Design Factory"

3D scanning, 3D modeling, 3D printing

CMIT "Baikal"

3D printers, electronics and robotics

CMIT "Digital House"

Robotics, engineering, prototyping, animation, sound engineering, painting, journalism

Center for Youth Innovative Creativity

3D scanning, 3D printing

CMIT "Composite"


CMIT "Fablab Angar" Krasnoyarsk 3D printing, laser cutting, engraving, milling machine, cutting plotter, band saw machine, screw-cutting lathe

CMIT of the Republic of Tyva


CMIT "Innovator"

Invention training, streamlining, 3D modeling, prototyping, programming, robotics, laser cutting

Children's University of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Robotics, electrical engineering

Production base "3D Ideas"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

CMIT "Bauman Fab Lab"

3D technologies, robotics

CMIT "Leader"

3D scanning, 3D printing, laser engraving, laser cutting, 3D modeling, design

TsMIT at the Science Park of Moscow State University

3D modeling, 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting/engraving, milling, prototyping

MIIT Prototyping Center

3D design, 3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

CMIT "Vertical takeoff"

3D printers, 3D pens, CNC laser, CNC router

CMIT "RoboSkart"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

CMIT "Russian engineer"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, design, programming

CMIT "Superlab"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

Innovation laboratory "MOUSE LAB"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, laser machines

CMIT "Wisteria Lane"

Robotics, aircraft modeling, car modeling, ship modeling, architecture and art, programming, transportation and space systems, 3D design, 3D design, web design

CMIT "Academy"

3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting/engraving, milling, prototyping

CMIT "Bionic Lab"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing

CMIT "Cube"

3D modeling, 3D scanning, 3D printing, laser machines

CMIT "Robots and Gadgets" Moscow

CMIT "RoboScart" was opened on May 19, 2016. Every year, more than 10,000 people visit our site to participate in excursions, master classes, scientific entertainment, various competitions and championships. We invite you to visit the RoboScart Center located in the Technopark of the SKOLKOVO Innovation Center.

On May 19, 2016, the company "Laboratory of Intelligent Technologies LINTECH" opened the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity "RoboSkart" ("RoboSkart") in SKOLOVO.

In front of the astonished guests, a robot with scissors appeared in the doorway, made its way to the entrance to the CMIT and with a precise movement of the tentacles “opened” the entrance to the creative laboratory of technology and engineering. Among the first guests of RoboSkart were experienced robotics professionals - representatives of the Skolkovo Robotics Center: Head of the Robotics Center Albert Efimov and project manager Alexei Gonnochenko. The partners of the LINTECH company were also present: industrial partner and representative of the Sentex company Sergey Ananiev and head of the MAMI prototyping center Pavel Petrov.

Since that day, our center has opened its doors to everyone who wants to improve their skills in the field of robotics and systems engineering, as well as for the commercial use of their resources.

CMIT "RoboSkART" operates within the framework of the existing Program for the Development of Centers for Youth Innovative Creativity, being in fact one of more than 200 CMITs opened under this program throughout the country. Initially, we also planned our work with a large number of schoolchildren interested in working with machines, gaining new knowledge, and preparing for participation in various competitions. However, already in the first months of the Center's work, we realized that we would have to look for our own model of involving schoolchildren in the work on the basis of the Center for International Information Technologies, and such models were found.

Today we do not offer schoolchildren the possibility of individual lessons at the CMIT at any time. We work only with organized groups of schoolchildren or teachers in the direction of the implementation of the national project "Ticket to the Future". The main areas of our cooperation are as follows:

  • Planned excursions around the Technopark and our Center are carried out daily. Such activity is implemented free of charge, we are an accredited Partner of the Technopark in this area and show and tell children a lot of interesting things. The duration of the tour is about 30-40 minutes.
  • In order for children not to waste their time on a trip to Skolkovo, we recommend choosing one or more master classes to study one or another engineering topic or competence ...

Usually this:
- mobile robotics - we assemble a robot and participate in the RoboFootball Championship,
- development and production of a souvenir on CNC machines;
- basics of 3D prototyping and work on a 3D printer;
- systems engineering
And others.
Audience - children from 6 to 18 years old;

We are also ready to cooperate in the directions

  • the opportunity to work on your own projects using our equipment and the experience of our employees;
  • the possibility of preparing for various Russian and international robotic competitions;
  • field events in schools, kindergartens, children's recreation camps;
  • festivals "RoboSkART" in the All-Russian Center "Artek", "Eaglet", "Change";
  • scientific and practical conference children's projects "RoboScart".
  • international competition System Engineering Projects NTSI-Skart;
  • championship of the youth movement STEAMS with the final in Artek;
  • Federal RoboFootball Championship.
  • Championship (4 competitions) as part of the Pro-Fest Robotics Festival at the All-Russian Exhibition Center
  • Corporate Junior Skill Championship "Corporation" in Skolkovo;
  • And much more

Our center is constantly developing and improving. We are waiting for you! Come to our CMIT!

  • Milling machines with CNC Advercut K6090T - every day they produce products that we try to sell in Educational Organizations all around Russia. These are educational modules for studying modern Competences, mobile robotics (designer "Scart"), various relevant educational stands and systems, energy-saving equipment, electronic devices various applications. See the "Our Products" tab for more details.
  • Laser cutter Qualitech 11G - mainly used by schoolchildren and students when performing some tasks, designing and producing individual souvenir symbols and souvenir products.
  • Small laser engravers Raylogic 304 mini also allow you to experiment with souvenir products. and also produce various key chains and fridge magnets in small batches. The largest product is Memodik Robot, which you can purchase at CMIT. Or do it together. All its parts are cut out on an A4 sheet and placed in an envelope, and then from this set you get a real Robot - Box with LED lights, caterpillars and a lockable storage space.
  • The Soldering Station complex allows you to assemble the necessary electronics for projects using existing or developed boards for work;
  • Robotic kits for all ages - a whole room has been allocated for them, where you can not only assemble a robot, but also play with it on your own or as part of the proposed master classes;
  • 3D printers - more than a dozen different workable printers that are able to complete tasks after development in the shortest possible time.
  • Casting machine in Silicone forms under vacuum;
  • Plastic bending equipment;
  • Extensive set of hand tools;
  • and other tools for lovers of engineering and technological creativity.

We are interested in finding qualified personnel to work at CMIT and we invite Specialists, Teachers, as well as STUDENTS of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS and SCHOOL STUDIES and SCHOOLCHILDREN 14 +

An active commercial project in which you can realize your potential already today by becoming:

  • assistant accountant and engage in the formation of "primary";
  • office manager, having mastered the skills of writing letters, working on the phone, personnel management programs;
  • sales manager, having learned how to compose and send out commercial offers;
  • organizer of important events for the company in Moscow and beyond;
  • the head of the direction - for example, the organizer of school excursions, etc.
  • project promotion specialist in social networks;
  • a specialist in the creation and development of project sites;

There are interesting engineering tasks for individual implementation:

  • developer of 3D models for printing on a printer and their printing;
  • developer and manufacturer of souvenirs on CNC machines;
  • specialist in laser cutting and engraving;
  • electrical installation specialist;
  • electronics specialist (development and installation of electronic boards) ...

We are ready to accept more than 100 new employees in the project.

Best Employees– vocational training on competencies, tuition fees at the university, deferred employment contracts.

To participate in the project, fill out a simple form.