Article in the newspaper about the volunteer movement. Help for the librarian. By the Year of the Volunteer (Volunteer). Who is a volunteer

  • 06.03.2020

And for the members of the editorial club "Rovesnik" it was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the volunteers. Because, to paraphrase the famous phrase of Rothschild: “If you own information, you own the world,” let’s say: the more information a person has, the more correct life choice he will make. From this point of view, I think this material will be very useful to our readers.

Who are these volunteers? Young journalists set out to find out. And now in the foyer, looking at the colorfully designed information stands, we get acquainted in absentia with the activities of volunteer groups. It tells about various charitable actions carried out by volunteers, events for the improvement of territories, environmental raids and preventive actions. Yes, these guys are not sitting idly by!

And here they are - with bright smiles, kind, intelligent eyes, a little older than the guys from "The Same Age". Before the start of the event, we manage to talk with some of them.

I like to help people, participate in various events that allow you to change this world, make it kinder. In addition, I made many friends among like-minded people, - says Irina Zozina, a student of the 8th grade of USOSh No. 2, a member of the volunteer association “We are together”.

I have been in the volunteer association "Initiative" of the House of Children's Creativity for three years already. A poisonous person, and for me to do good is quite natural. There are always people in life who need our help, - says tenth-grader Anton Shastin.

Since the beginning of the year, I have been participating in socially significant cases initiated by the volunteer association "Rodnik". For me, this is a new experience, new knowledge and, of course, new friends. My life motto is - not a day without good deeds, - Nastya Lovkova, a student of the 8th grade of the Tersen secondary school, enters into the conversation.

Doing good, you get a big energy boost. Last year, in the competition of agitation teams against drugs, our volunteer association "Together" received 1st place, - says Vlada Vershinina, a student of the 10th grade of USOSh No. 1.

In a word, it's great to be a volunteer! I see how the eyes of my guys light up with genuine interest. This is one of the objectives of the project - to popularize the volunteer movement among the youth.

And now all attention is turned to the stage. The head of the youth policy sector N.V. Kruglov. “Today, presenting a district project for the development of volunteering, we aim to support our volunteers in their good undertakings,” she noted.

The volunteer development initiative is supported by the district leadership.

The volunteer movement, which replaced the previously organized system of "October - Pioneers - Komsomol", is designed to help the state. Today in Russia it is gaining momentum. A striking example is the most important social mission that volunteers carried out in Sochi. Good deeds done in youth form the value system of the younger generation, which they will take with them into adulthood. There is great hope for volunteers, - speaking to the project participants, the head local government A.M. Shilin.

Volunteers are the most important resource of modern civil society. You and I will have a lot of joint good deeds for the benefit of the region. You do not wait for nudges, but hurry yourself to where your help is needed, - the deputy head of the district administration for social issues S.A. Smirnov, curator this project.

The feeling of an elbow, of belonging to one important big cause - disinterested service to people - was also given by the presence at the meeting of the coordinator of the regional project, Yulia Bogova, who on that day wished good luck to the Uren volunteers in the implementation of their plans.

Moved from words to deeds. The implementation of the project includes three blocks. The educational block provides for four thematic seminars. The next block "Joint activities" is to implement own plans volunteer groups and their joint activities. It is planned to hold two major actions on the territory of the district: “Volunteers against drugs” and “Freemarket - the territory of free exchange”. And the third block is directly the competition "The Best Volunteer Association-2014", the results of which will be summed up on December 5 on the International Day of Volunteers. So, the attention of the audience was again captured by N.V. Kruglova and leading specialist of the youth policy sector O.G. Fun. From them, the volunteers had to learn a lot about volunteering, practice and even try their hand at developing a plan for the anti-drug landing "Volunteers against drugs."

At the end of the event, volunteers were presented with volunteer books. Volunteers have a lot of work ahead of them, which we will see and hear about, in particular, from the guys themselves. It is no coincidence that one of the training sections was devoted to the information field of volunteering.

UDC 378.183-057.875 Podkhomutnikova Marina Viktorovna

Candidate of Political Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of History and Cultural Studies

Kuban State University [email protected]


Podkhomutnikova Marina Viktorovna

PhD in Political Science, Lecturer of the History and Cultural Science Department, Kuban State University [email protected]



The article discusses the role of the volunteer movement in the life of young people. Particular attention is paid to the organization of volunteering in high school as an important component of the process of socialization of student youth, their social activity. The experience of organizing volunteer activities of students at the Kuban State University is analyzed.


youth, volunteer movement, volunteerism, volunteer center.

The article discusses the role of volunteer movement in lives of the young people, in particular, organization of the volunteering in the higher school. The volunteers’ activities are considered to be an important component of the students’ socialization. The author studies experience of volunteer services organization at the Kuban State University, and gives some guidelines for volunteers’ work improvement.

youth, volunteer movement, volunteering, volunteers' center.

One of the most noticeable trends that have emerged in recent years is the growth of volunteering (volunteering). Volunteering (volunteering) is the participation of people regardless of age, race, gender and religion in activities aimed at solving social, cultural, economic, environmental problems in society that are not related to making a profit. Youth volunteering is the practical volunteer activity of young people in the substantive solution of social problems, carried out without coercion and having a socializing effect on the subject of activity.

Currently, students play an important role in the development of volunteer volunteering. Volunteer detachments, organizations and movements arise and develop among student youth.

Volunteering as a youth movement in Russia is only gaining momentum in development. In many cities, it plays an important role. The city of Krasnodar is a platform for consolidating efforts public organizations, authorities in the development of volunteering - one of the priority areas for the implementation of state youth policy at the municipal level. According to the order of the department of youth policy of the Krasnodar Territory "On the organization of volunteer (volunteer) activities in the Krasnodar Territory" dated June 1, 2010 No. 183, volunteer centers were opened in many higher educational institutions of the Kuban. The main objectives of these centers are: to provide young people with the opportunity to express themselves and realize their potential; formation of the social value of volunteerism (volunteering) and positive public opinion regarding the participation of young citizens in voluntary (volunteer) activities; development of a system of information, consulting and educational support for volunteering.

On May 14, 2011, the Volunteer Center of KubSU officially began its work at the Kuban State University (KubSU). For the Olympic Games in Sochi, the KubSU Volunteer Center is to prepare and train 2,850 volunteers. The Volunteer Center united 25 volunteer teams from various faculties of the university. According to the Center, over the past three years, more than 4,500 students, teachers and employees of KubSU have taken part in 32 social events.

The mission of the KubSU Volunteer Center is to promote volunteering, motivate and involve young people in voluntary work to promote Olympic values, in the name of the common good and increase the social capital of Russia, and the formation of its attractive image in the world community. Teachers, lawyers, public relations specialists, narcologists, youth workers, workers work with student volunteers at KubSU. scientific library and others. The purpose of this work is to gain experience in volunteer work and then work independently in the youth environment.

The tradition of volunteering is strong at Kuban State University. Back in 1999, on the basis of an anonymous narcological cabinet, the Interuniversity Volunteer Organization of Krasnodar was created. The potential of volunteers working under the guidance of narcologists is used to prevent drug addiction among young people. The task of student volunteers is to motivate young people to solve their problems on their own without using drugs.

Volunteers spend great job among students of schools in the suburbs of Krasnodar: they take part in volunteer surveys, talk about the consequences of taking drugs, alcohol, smoking, hold round tables, trainings “How to say no to drugs!”, master classes, business games aimed at strengthening personal resources. Before the survey with students, schoolchildren, volunteers conduct conversations about the goals of the survey and the importance of filling out the questionnaires correctly. After conducting monitoring studies, analyzing the situation, planning and organization are carried out preventive measures, approbation of the volunteer movement model in a problematic environment, preparation and graduation guidelines and other anti-drug literature.

Volunteer students of KubSU have repeatedly participated in television and radio programs, published articles in newspapers and magazines of the regional and municipal level. The guys took part in the implementation of the project of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation "From Heart to Heart" (Rostov-on-Don). The goal of the project is to create conditions for the effective involvement of young people in solving social problems and the exchange of experience among representatives of the Southern Federal District. This project took place in three stages, after its completion, the volunteers received certificates and volunteer books. The work of KubSU volunteers was marked by numerous certificates, thanks, and valuable gifts from the administration of the city, the Karasunsky district, directors of schools in Krasnodar.

In 2002, a student pedagogical group "Leader" appeared on a voluntary basis at KubSU - public association students of various specialties and courses who voluntarily expressed a desire to participate in creative, socially significant activities in their free time from study. AT next year in the structure of the pedagogical detachment, the volunteer movement "Mercy" is being created, for which the motto of life has become the words: "Hurry to do good, if you have time - you are lucky!". You can find out about the activities of this detachment on the website of the Kuban State University, where materials on volunteer actions are published. Within the framework of the Governor's charity program “Flower-Semitsvetik. Let's help children together

Every year KubSU holds volunteer campaigns to raise funds, as well as exhibitions and sales of children's crafts.

The guys who came at the call of their hearts do not stop there, they are looking for new forms of work with their peers to expand the volunteer movement. To date, there are more than 150 volunteers in KubSU who have received personal books of volunteers.

Volunteer (volunteer) movement in KubSU is a complex, dynamic, developing process. Despite the successes in the field of volunteerism, it is necessary to mention the shortcomings. For example, of the total number of volunteer teams created at the faculties, only a few are actively working, among them the volunteer team of the Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies "Prima materia", the pedagogical team "Mercy" of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communications and the volunteer team "Watercolor" of the Faculty of Journalism.

Among the motives of voluntary (volunteer) activity, one can single out social motives (high demands on oneself, colleagues, the results of one's work, a sense of responsibility, duty, patriotism, compassion, etc.), cognitive motives, pragmatic motives, passion outward signs motives of imitation.

The main motives for volunteering are:

The realization of personal potential, the manifestation of one's abilities and capabilities, the realization of human destiny. These are the leading motives for human participation in socially significant activities. An important role in maintaining this motivation belongs to a person's awareness of his own internal capacity, defining a personal mission, choosing a life path.

public recognition, feeling social significance. It is important for a person to receive positive reinforcement of his activities from significant others, to establish himself in his own eyes, to feel his involvement in a generally useful cause. The basis of this motivation is a person's need for high self-esteem and appreciation from others. Such an assessment plays an important role in a person's choice of goals and objectives of his own activity, the direction of personal growth.

Self-expression and self-determination. An opportunity to express oneself, to declare one's position in life, to find one's place in the system of social relations. The human need for awareness of one's own individuality, the uniqueness of one's inner peace and the desire to fulfill a role in society, according to one's individuality, is the basis of the motivation for self-expression and self-determination.

professional orientation. Volunteering allows a person, especially a young person, to better navigate various types of professional activity, get a real idea about the intended profession or choose the direction of vocational training.

Acquisition of useful social and practical skills. Voluntary (volunteer) activity allows you to acquire useful skills that are not directly related to a person’s professional choice, but are important for life. These include the acquisition of computer skills, various types technology, building skills, experience of interpersonal interaction. The need for active and social development of the surrounding world, for the use of all the opportunities provided to man by society is one of the urgent needs of modern man.

The possibility of communication, friendly interaction with like-minded people. Volunteering allows you to acquire like-minded people, find a social circle that is meaningful to you, and get support in friendly interaction. One of the

Binary human needs - the need to be accepted and involved in personally significant social relationships.

Volunteering gives a young person the opportunity to express himself in various models of interaction, to acquire the skills necessary in later life for responsible leadership and performing activities. The need to gain experience in responsible interaction is a conscious social need.

1. On the organization of volunteer (volunteer) activities in the Krasnodar Territory: Order of the Department of Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory dated June 1, 2010 No. 183 [ Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 4.12.2012).

2. Student pedagogical team "Leader". URL: (accessed:

References (transliterated):

1. Ob organizatsii dobrovol "cheskoy (volonterskoy) deyatel" nosti v Krasnodarskom krae: prikaz departamenta mo-lodezhnoy politiki Krasnodarskogo kraya from 1 June 2010 No. 183 . URL: (date of access: 4.12.2012).

At some point, fatigue covers everything: from the endless beauties of Instagram, and from the excessive creativity of VKontakte, and even from the politicization of Facebook. There comes a moment when you want to get up and go out into the street, see living people, tritely help at least someone cross the road in the subconscious hope that it will be filmed by video recorders, posted on the Web, you will share, and the blessed likes will flash red. You pull yourself up - it's not for the glory! You can earn a lot of likes by simply reposting a request for help, especially if you add a few words from yourself, put exclamation marks where necessary - we swam, we know. Conscience can be calmed by transferring money to the account of another fund. But at some point it ceases to be sufficient. And the need to do something good-great-eternal outweighs everything. You remember, you start to drive in all possible combinations with the word “good” in search engines, and at some point you hang on one of the sites. In my case, it turned out to be the site of the Danilovtsy volunteer movement, although I could just as well have stayed on Mercy or Big Brothers and Sisters.

It just happened. Matched on a plasticine baby elephant.

“Vanya is my very, very first ward. On my first visit to the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. - "NG-politics"), together we sculpted a baby elephant from plasticine. Seems like it was so long ago. October 27, 2012. A few years later they met again. He grew up, matured. More of a teenager than a little boy, whom I met in the fall of 2012. But what joy from the meeting! And he recognizes you, and you him! And now it turns out that the baby elephant has not gone anywhere over the years - he still lives at Vanya's house. On the shelf. Not thrown out. Not forgotten. There is a living memory of a small creative meeting. It would seem - a trifle, but how can a baby elephant be a trifle? is a story of a volunteer about the first meeting with a ward,

And now I also have my own baby elephant - very tiny, made of turquoise. Who is now always with me. Just a little reminder why I'm doing this. After some time, you lose the illusion that volunteering is for the sake of helping others, and you come to the realization that it is for the sake of your own salvation from the emptiness that swallowed you.

Becoming a Danilovite is not as easy as one would like. You have to sign up for an interview, accept the conditions of this organization, but also get the preferences that they have - the experience gained over seven years and 18 already formed help groups, including not only help for children, but also for adults. Plus, the opportunity to choose - the most active extroverts can choose groups to help children in hospitals and shelters, where you need to communicate a lot, engage in creativity with children, arrange a holiday for them, and the most closed introverts, for example, can choose a correspondence group with prisoners where you can communicate with them for many years. people without ever seeing them.

“At the first meeting with those who want to become our volunteers,” says Yury Belanovsky, head of the Danilovtsy volunteer movement, “we clearly define the scope of his competence. There is always an environment around any beneficiary: doctors, relatives, friends, educators, representatives of authorities, etc. A volunteer cannot, and we especially emphasize this, replace anyone from this environment, he must remain himself. For example, in a hospital, a volunteer cannot stand between a mother and a child, even if the mother is "out of her mind", the volunteer cannot question the doctor's prescriptions and, moreover, cannot prescribe treatment. The task of a volunteer is to integrate into the existing environment and provide assistance in cooperation with the entire environment of the beneficiary, building boundaries and trusting relationships.”

There are basic principles of volunteering, which you will also be introduced to: do no harm; be ready to help those in need, regardless of nationality, religion and social status; consider the interests of your loved ones; follow the rules; do not try to replace professionals (doctors, firefighters, caregivers); respect and maintain boundaries; invest effort, not money; rely on your real possibilities; work in a team.

If the above, according to some criteria, does not suit you or ceases to suit you after some time, you are free to choose. In the same way, the organization reserves the right to refuse to cooperate with you without giving reasons. And you also accept this rule, at the interview they explain to you why it appeared - the Danilovites have a very respectful attitude towards volunteers: you have the right to ask all your questions and receive answers to them.

“Volunteers are not free labor. These are those whose hearts have responded to trouble. They are helpers and partners. We as an organization together with them are responsible for their work. As a rule, novice volunteers do not have qualifications and much experience. They are unable to effectively solve complex problems. Their work must be organized, divided into compound tasks they must understand the meaning and know the result. These are all the tasks of the coordinator that each of our volunteer groups has. With any problems that arise in the course of work, the volunteer first of all goes to the coordinator,” emphasizes Belanovsky.

In addition to the coordinators, the work of the volunteer group is accompanied by psychologists who hold both group meetings and individual meetings at the request of volunteers.

“What is the point of accompanying and supporting volunteers? For me, this question is somehow connected with the main philosophical question: what is the point of a volunteer coming to the ward? In my opinion, there can be two answers. The first - from the position of "strong". A volunteer is a kind of Batman who came to save the weak. Such a volunteer does not need training or support: that's why he is Batman. He can only develop his skills. And the second answer: man comes to man. One person, with his strength and weakness, to another such person. This view is extremely important for our movement. It is fundamentally important for me that volunteers are people too. These are people who, just like their wards, like any other person, need help, support and participation. When a person meets a person, there may be difficulties, misunderstandings, and mistakes in their communication. It's okay, that's life. In general, human-to-human communication is a whole art. Art, where there is a place for problems, especially when people with difficult destinies meet. And the fates are often difficult for both the wards and the volunteers,” says Lidia Alekseevskaya, coordinator for accompanying volunteers.

“It happens that a person (in our case, a volunteer) participates in several charitable projects: helps at a fair, visits children in hospitals, feeds the homeless, does something at charity repairs and at the same time he has a job, studies, helps friends, relatives , - says the psychologist of the volunteer movement "Danilovtsy" Svetlana Peregudova. - A volunteer can thus test himself for strength and at the same time feel that everyone needs him, can receive approval from the people around him for his activity, responsiveness, kindness ... But with all this, if a person does not have a clear understanding of why he needs it, what are his strength, that he replenishes in himself through this, there is no understanding of activity through his values, then he may encounter emotional burnout. Through good deeds, a person sets an ambitious goal to “help everyone”, while not being able to find a place for himself in this life, he tries to find him among good deeds, other volunteers or people who need help. All this eventually leads to excessive load. If a volunteer does not realize clearly and deeply what positive things his good deed brings to him, then there is a danger for him to be drawn into activities that destroy him.

I'm still far from that. Every time before I open the door to the wards, I squeeze a small turquoise elephant in my palms as a reminder of how I got here and where I'm going, but in none of my profiles in in social networks you will not be able to see it - this is my small victory over virtual reality and step into real life.

Lana Parastaeva

This world could be a little kinder. Believe!

Every day and every hour everything depends on us.

A ray of sunshine and children's laughter, happiness is enough for everyone!

(Hymn of the Volunteers)

Volunteer is a new term, but not a new phenomenon in public life our country. A synonym for the word "volunteer" is the word "volunteer". The volunteer movement has received modern development in connection with the growing number of social problems, in the solution of which volunteers are indispensable. At the heart of the volunteer movement is the age-old principle “If you want to feel like a person, help someone else”.

In April 2014, a volunteer group "Smile" was created at the gymnasium No. 1. The guys got their first experience at the MOU DOOTs named after. A. Matrosova during the summer environmental shift. Our name and motto was born there: “To live without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere!” Fascinating events and new friends will always be remembered, and a charity concert in the Tunoshna boarding house determined one of the main areas of volunteer activity - helping veterans. For the second year, volunteers organize the action "Gift to a Veteran" and go to the boarding house with charity concerts. They want to give warmth and care to every resident of the boarding house.

To support the families of high school students who find themselves in a difficult life situation, volunteers hold the campaign “Alien life is no longer a trifle!”, autumn and winter charity fairs. What is there just not there: gifts of summer, crafts, Christmas tree decorations, pastries! If you want, then listen to a song or participate in a win-win lottery. Children's fantasy, inspired by the idea of ​​goodness, knows no bounds.

The animal shelter "Vita" is also under the care of volunteers. The guys collect food, medicines needed by animals, care products. It turns out so much that parents can only take it away in the trunks of cars. All children want to caress a four-legged friend, take a walk with him, and three dogs have already found new owners and have become pets of high school students.

In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the volunteers of the “Smile” detachment took part in the “Volunteer of Victory” action. Voluntary donations made by the parents of the gymnasium students and residents of the former village of Smolenskoye made it possible to renew the monument on the grave of the anti-aircraft gunners who guarded the railway bridge over the Volga during the war years. Unfortunately, the search work has not yet yielded results, and the monument has remained nameless.

For the museum of the gymnasium, students and teachers created a Book of Memory, including forty-five stories in prose and verse about the children of the war, defenders of the Motherland, home front workers who brought us Victory. The memory of them was kept in the families of the children, and now it has become the property of all high school students, and will be passed on from generation to generation.

This year, volunteers participated in a series of training seminars held by the City Center for Extracurricular Activities, the “Give Good!” campaign, danced a flash mob at the “Spring Week of Kindness”, defended projects at the competition for the 5th anniversary charitable organization Greendog. And how many more plans that are sure to come true!