What are life values ​​examples. How to define your life values. Priorities in life values

  • 01.06.2020
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Hello! This article will focus on the life values ​​of a person, their main categories, how they are formed and how they are rethought.

Values ​​are the main goals and priorities that define the essence of the person himself and govern his life. This is human faith, principles, ideals, concepts and aspirations. This is what each person defines for himself as the most significant and important in life.

What are life values ​​and their role for us

Life values ​​and guidelines are some absolute values ​​that occupy the first place in the worldview and determine the behavior of a person, his desires and aspirations. They help to solve tasks and set priorities in their own activities.

Each person has their own hierarchy of values. Values ​​determine how a person builds his life, how he makes friends, chooses a place of work, how he gets an education, what hobbies he has, how he interacts in society.

In the course of life, the hierarchy of values, as a rule, changes. In childhood, some significant moments are in the first place, in adolescence and youth - others, in youth - third, in adulthood - fourth, and by old age everything can change again. The life values ​​of young people are always different from the priorities of older people.

Events occur in life (happy or tragic) that can turn a person’s worldview 180 degrees, make him completely rethink his life and re-set priorities exactly the opposite of what they were before.

This is a natural process of development of the human psyche and personality. Adapt to changing conditions environment- the protective function of the body, part of the evolutionary process.

Each individual must be clearly aware of the hierarchy of their own value system. This knowledge helps in various difficult situations, for example, when it is necessary to make a difficult choice between two important things in favor of one. Focusing on paramount values, a person will be able to correctly determine the truly important for his own well-being.

Let's take a typical real life example. A responsible workaholic often stays late at work in order to successfully complete all the tasks. The work is really interesting, well-paid, promising, etc., but never-ending. It always gnaws at the feeling that it does not finish and does not have time. His beloved family is waiting for him at home. The wife periodically complains about her frequent absence from home, which also causes some discomfort. The feeling of dissatisfaction is delayed and becomes chronic.

It is precisely in such situations that it is necessary to learn how to prioritize correctly. It is important to decide what comes first. Solve the problem within yourself and stop rushing about. It is impossible to always do everything, but it is quite possible to choose the primary importance. By sorting out such cases and adopting your own hierarchy of priorities, you can minimize chronic personality conflicts.

There are no right and wrong systems of values ​​in life. For some, a successful career and recognition come first, for some, love and family, for others, education and continuous development.

But there is an awareness of their own hierarchy of priorities and internal consistency with them. And there is an internal conflict when a person has difficulty with and determining the true importance of things for himself.

Basic life values

Conditionally life values can be divided into two groups:

  1. Material:, comfort, home, a sense of financial solvency and stability.
  2. Spiritual:
  • A family: intimate long-term stable in a couple, procreation, a sense of self-need for other people, a sense of community.
  • Friends and work team: feeling of belonging to a group.
  • Career: achieving a certain social status, respect for significant people.
  • Favourite buisness: business project or hobby (music, sports, gardening, etc.), revealing one's own purpose and talents.
  • Education and development any skills, qualities, personal growth.
  • Health and beauty: harmony, good physical shape, absence of diseases.

Both categories are intertwined with each other and turn adjacent values. AT modern world it is difficult to separate material values ​​from spiritual ones. For the implementation of some, the presence of others is necessary. For example, education requires a certain financial condition to be earned. Money brings financial comfort to the family and the opportunity for leisure and interesting hobbies. For health and beauty, material investments are also necessary. The social status of a modern person is largely determined by the acquired material wealth. Thus, material values ​​have become an integral part of spiritual ones.

Life values ​​are:

1. Universal (cultural). These are people's general ideas about what is good and what is bad. They are laid in childhood, and their development is influenced by the society surrounding a person. The model, as a rule, is the family in which the child was born and grew up. The priorities of parents become fundamental in the formation of their own system of values.

Community priorities include:

  • physical health;
  • life success (education, career, social status, recognition);
  • family, children, love, friends;
  • spiritual development;
  • freedom (of judgment and action);
  • creative realization.

2. Customized. Formed in every person throughout life. These are the values ​​that a person stands out from the generally accepted ones and considers important for himself. Politeness, kindness, faith in people, literacy, good breeding, and others can be a priority.

How to discover your values

Currently, psychologists have developed a large number of methods for diagnosing life values.

Tests can be taken online. They usually take no more than 15 minutes. The result appears within a few seconds. Methods are a series of multiple-choice questions or a list of statements for further ranking. Answers are not right or wrong, and results are not good or bad. Based on the results of testing, a list of the main values ​​of the respondent is issued.

These methods help a person quickly get a picture of their own priority hierarchy.

Test results can sometimes be confusing. It may seem to you that they are incorrect and your system of priorities does not correspond to the program issued. Try another test, and then another.

While you are answering the questions, you will be able to simultaneously decide for yourself what is most significant for you in life, and what is secondary.

Another option for determining your own value system is an independent analysis of your priorities.

To do this, you need to write on a piece of paper all the things that are significant to you in life. Everything that you respect, appreciate and value. It is not necessary to use terminology and peeped criteria and definitions. List exactly the words that things are called in your head.

After making the list, take a short break. Switch to another activity. Then take your list again and look at it carefully. Choose the 10 values ​​that are most important to you, cross out the rest. Now the list needs to be halved again. To make it easier to decide on priorities, scroll through different life situations in your head, determining what is more important.

As a result, 5 most significant values ​​remained. Rank them (list them in order from 1 to 5 in order of importance). If you can’t decide what is more valuable to you, imagine a situation in which you had to decide what would be harder for you to lose. And this is exactly what you cannot part with even in your thoughts, and it will be your highest priority life value. The rest will also remain important, but still secondary.

This way you get a picture of your life priorities.

How to instill life values ​​in the process of education

The question of instilling life values, as a rule, is asked by young parents. I want to raise my own person “correct” and happy.

The fundamental factor in choosing a system of priorities that you want to put aside in the child's head is the parents' own understanding of the "correct" values.

Ideas formed in childhood about important things will be fixed in the subconscious for the rest of your life and will remain unchanged without serious shocks. We are talking about universal values ​​(family, love, striving for self-development and education, career growth, material enrichment).

In a family where close people always come first, a child will grow up who values ​​love and interpersonal relationships. In a family of careerists, an ambitious personality is likely to form, craving a certain status. Etc.

The value system of a growing person is built on life experience. On what he “cooks” every day. It is useless to tell the younger generation that the most important thing in life is the family, when the father disappears at work, and the mother does not get out of her gadgets, depriving the child of attention. If you want to form in your baby, as you think, the “right” life priorities, show it on own example. The values ​​of children are in the hands of their parents.

Rethinking values

The formation of basic life values ​​begins in the first year of human life and ends at about 22 years of age.

Throughout life, a person is faced with various situations that entail a rethinking of values. Such moments are always associated with strong emotional upheavals (both positive and negative) or protracted depressive states. It can be:

  • marriage;
  • birth of a child;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • a sharp change in the financial situation;
  • serious illness (own or a loved one);
  • tragic events on a global scale that claimed many lives);
  • falling in love with a person who does not correspond to ideals;
  • life crises (youth, maturity);
  • old age (end of life).

Sometimes a change of priorities occurs involuntarily, when a person instinctively chooses the best path for his future life.

Sometimes, for example, in cases of crises, prolonged mental anguish leads to a rethinking and a new choice of life values. When in long depressions a person feels his own unhappiness, cannot find a way out - and the problem of life values ​​becomes acute. In this case, a conscious approach and a clear desire are required to rearrange the priorities.

Rethinking values ​​gives a person a chance to “start life with clean slate". Change yourself, radically change your existence. Often such changes make a person happier and more harmonious.

Hi all! The values ​​of life are practically the foundation of a person's personality, his core and support. Remember the saying, "Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are"? That's exactly the same way you can characterize anyone, having learned what is most important for him, what he aspires to and longs for.

Role and importance in human life

Values ​​help us make decisions and choose the path we want to take. Or rather, they define it. Because, thanks to them, we orient ourselves in this world and understand what should be done and what is better not to do. Otherwise, satisfying needs and realizing dreams will not work. They often give us They bring stability and confidence in a successful future. The main thing is to refrain from imposing them on others, otherwise they will be transformed into an ideology. And this does not always bode well.

They inspire, motivate and give us strength for accomplishments. Because a person who knows exactly what he wants and firmly believes in the correctness of the chosen path cannot be stopped. It can be said without a shadow of a doubt that they help to find the meaning of their existence. They build character and help create close, deep bonds with people who are similar in their prioritization choices. Agree, it is very difficult to be close to those who devalue. Or does not understand at all the importance of some processes that are significant for the interlocutor or partner.

They also allow the formation of beliefs and a clear position regarding political and, in principle, social issues. Build self-esteem. They are guided in society, in the form of norms and rules of conduct.


In addition to material and spiritual, professor of psychology and pedagogy, Philip Lersh, identified three main types:


These are our hobbies, desires and feelings. To put it simply - the image and style of life. For some, the most significant is a quality vacation, which is why he tries to enjoy and satisfy travel as often as possible. And it is more important for someone to invest in material things, rejoicing at the replenishment of the collection of stamps or figurines.


This category is more typical for individuals who strive to realize themselves, achieve heights and success, having received recognition and respect from others. Why all resources and free time are directed to labor activity. An example is inveterate careerists striving to come to power at all costs and so on.


Based on the name, one can understand that they give meaning and meaning to actions, desires, dreams. This is the desire for creativity, the search for something ideal and perfect. Sincere impulses to serve the good of society and help those who need help.

7 Core Values

Man is in a continuous process of development, except for cases of degradation. He is completely different in different stages of his life. Why is there a constant change of values.

For example, it is not uncommon for successful businessmen left the business, sold houses, cars and went to live in deserted places. To connect with nature and feel the pleasure of life. Their system of priorities was completely changed, old stereotypes and aspirations "fall away", and new ones were developed. They were aware of their problem and sought to correct, to fill the wasted years. And sometimes, and vice versa, the world received geniuses and simply creative individuals who were fed up with solitude and were hungry for communication.

So, despite the fact that everyone has their own views on the world around them and needs, there are still areas that in no case can be ignored. To, as in the previous examples, not to go to extremes. So the core values ​​are:


In the first place, since it is quite difficult to do without it, and sometimes impossible. Agree, without pain and any physical limitations, it is much easier to realize your goals and dreams. Good health is the best companion on the path to success. A surge of strength, vivacity and vigor - isn't this what most of us dream of?

Therefore, it is important to go in for sports, consult doctors in time and periodically undergo examinations to make sure that the state of the body is normal, or to anticipate the occurrence of any disease. Listen to the sensations in your body, follow your desires and quit any kind of addiction. After all, as they say, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

If you don't know where to start, no problem. Tips on how to lead healthy lifestyle life, so that it is useful and enjoyable, and does not consist of only restrictions, you will get by clicking on .


Spirituality is quite multifaceted, and consists of faith, ethics, inner balance and harmony with the outside world, nature, understanding the meaning of life and one's purpose. It also affects the moral side of the individual. All this together helps to feel happiness, to understand what actions are worth doing and what are not. To cope with difficulties, after all, what, if not faith, gives us the strength and motivation to act and move on, no matter what? It is very important to develop spirituality in yourself, and you will learn how to do it.


It is important to receive it as friendly relations as well as in families. Communication is in fact our most important need, after, of course, the physiological ones. To continue your lineage, to feel support and support behind your back, to know that there are associates and people in general who care about you is really valuable.

Many, not getting intimacy, try to replace it with material things, which give the illusion that, in principle, one can live without love. But in fact, the saturation and satisfaction from this is superficial, and short-lived. Nothing can fully replace contact with another person, healthy and full of feelings.

Financial position

Financial independence provides a person with comfort, peace, stability, and sometimes health. Each of us simply must be able to plan expenses, have a passive type of income and avoid falling into a debt hole. Otherwise, anxiety, stress and poor health will be constant companions.

Thanks to money, we can purchase quality products, equip our lives in such a way that it is comfortable. Travel the world, expanding horizons and boundaries of consciousness, learn new things and more. The problem arises when a person tries to replace all other needs directly with money, ignoring relationships, recreation, hobbies. Therefore, take it into service and begin to improve your financial situation.


The realization of one's ambitions and abilities is sometimes vital, as it allows one to gain recognition from colleagues, relatives, and society as a whole. Achieving career success and professional competence, a person experiences self-esteem, and this has a positive effect on his self-esteem.

This includes not only professional activity but also charity. Helping others is the best way to increase self-worth, and for some it also gives an understanding of one's destiny.


To be inspired and recharged with energy, it is important to be able to have a good rest. And believe me, not everyone is capable of this. Life's troubles and grandiose plans are sometimes so addictive that a person is afraid to relax even for a minute. Wallowing in front of the TV or spending time playing computer games and in social networks in fact, they take time, and do not allow you to sufficiently restore strength and resources.

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Every day we are faced with the need to solve some problems and circumstances that constantly test our strength. And in today's world of all sorts of worries and stresses, our life values ​​play a huge role, which are a kind of pointers on the path of life.

If everything we say and do is in line with ours, life is correct and meaningful, and we ourselves are satisfied and confident in ourselves. However, it often happens that our actions diverge from deep-seated beliefs, which is why irritability. And this is an indicator that something is wrong. In addition, such feelings can make us unhappy, and only when we always act according to our conscience, both self-esteem and a state of happiness are preserved.

A person's life values ​​can be safely called his internal compass, according to which it is necessary to compare all steps. After all, when there are certain attitudes, it is much easier for a person to think through actions and, which is the basis of a productive and fulfilling life.

But let's think about what our life values ​​can be.

Did you know that 99 of the 100 richest Russians according to Forbes magazine have children?? I will tell you more about this below.

Are you satisfied with your job, family relationships, health, internal state? There are various problems that happen in every person's life, but many difficulties can be avoided if you act in accordance with the right values ​​in life.

Now I will talk about 8 life values ​​​​and how their satisfaction affects the level of happiness.

8 Life Values

1. Spiritual development. This is your moral state and actions, understanding of life values.

2. Family, loved ones. Your relationship with your soulmate, relatives, friends.

3. Health, sports. Your well-being. Regularity in general examinations can also be attributed to this section, since many diseases can be asymptomatic until the very last stage.

4. Financial situation. Satisfaction with financial position.

5. Career. Career and finances are separated because for many, self-realization in a career is more important than income, for some it is the other way around.

6. Rest, emotions.

7. Self-development.

8. Environment. People you interact with frequently, at work and in other public places.

If you want, you can supplement with your other life values.

Priorities in life values

The maximum efficiency and level of experienced happiness is achieved under 2 conditions:

Your values ​​in life are correct;

You are as close as possible to the uniform satisfaction of all life values.

Now let's analyze these 2 conditions a little and start with the first: Correct life values. Each life value has its own priority.

The main life value is spiritual development, i.e. your moral state. The importance lies in the fact that negative actions have a bad effect on all areas of life: health, recreation, finances, etc. The reason is that bad deeds create conflict with yourself, or rather, with your conscience. Think back to how you felt after the fight. Irritability, headache, stress, etc. are the result of any negative emotions.

All bad deeds are in conflict with your conscience, as a result, stress hormones are produced., which lower immunity, worsen your mood, etc. If, from a moral point of view, you do good deeds, then happiness hormones are produced that strengthen the body's strength and improve mood, which, in turn, affects all other areas of life.

Let's designate the main vital value from above.

The second most important value is family. Problems in the family, as well as in the value of "spiritual development" strongly affect all areas of life, the principle is about the same.

3rd most important value: health, which also affects everything else. Priorities for other values ​​may vary depending on your personality type.

Supporting facts from forbes about success

Many may have doubts about the above priorities, so I will give the facts. Everyone knows Forbes magazine, which annually publishes lists of the richest people in the world. In one of the logs I found the following interesting fact: In the list of 100 richest Russians by forbes versions, I counted only 9 divorced men, 1 unmarried, the rest are all married. But the most interesting thing is that 99 out of 100 have children, even those who are divorced, adopted or their own. At the same time, the average data for all married men in Russia is much lower, you yourself understand this.

It turns out that the most successful men- Married and who have children. This is a fact of statistics.

How do you like this arrangement? It seems to be the opposite, according to the logic of a modern person, the more you work to achieve success, the less time you have for everything else. Why is it so difficult for single men and women to succeed? Why do they have to work harder and achieve less?

So, according to the statistics in marriage, you are more likely to realize your desires. But let's try to understand why this happens, because a family and children require time, care, and effort!

We are so arranged that at good deeds joy hormones (dopamine, serotonin, etc.). Remember how you felt when you provided invaluable help to another person. You can look at the faces of the people who work in charitable foundations, even from the photographs it immediately becomes clear that they feel much happier than others.

Taking care of others, in particular, family, children, greatly reduces susceptibility to stress, because our brain cannot think about several situations at once, it works sequentially. What does this mean? And then, when we want to help someone, positive thoughts of help do not allow negative emotions to develop. If there were no thoughts about how to help your neighbor, then experiences and negative emotions would fill the void.

This is why after a divorce, so often people start drinking and fall into other harmful ailments, they just become more susceptible to negativity. And family people, on the contrary, are less proud, offended, sick, this happens because when a person takes care of someone, his morale improves.

That's why family can help not only get the release of happy hormones: endorphins, but also reduce the production of stress hormones by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Success and morale

The foundation of success is your morale. Everyone understands that people avoid cooperation with proud, arrogant, evil people and, on the contrary, are drawn to interaction with calm, polite, kind people. Therefore, the most important value is spiritual development, which improves your morale and reduces negative actions. As a result, there is less conflict with conscience and less negative thoughts that negatively affect through the release of stress hormones.

I will share my experience, I go to an Orthodox church, regularly go to confession and receive communion. It helps to improve morale, remove negative thoughts and feel happier.

The family gives a person the opportunity to more quickly spiritual development, because caring for one's neighbor makes a person better, his morale improves, his actions become correct. Therefore, family and relationships with loved ones are the 2nd most important life value.

Priorities allow you to make a more accurate analysis and help you better understand what needs to be done to change your life for the better. For example, satisfaction financial position should not be higher than satisfaction with spiritual development. Or career satisfaction should not be higher than satisfaction family relations. That is, on the wheel of life, you need not only to tighten up your sagging needs, but also to ensure that lower priority life values ​​do not rise above higher priority ones.

Often people work where they do not like. And every day unloved work brings more and more disappointments and spoiled mood. Often the reason is not a bad job or even a bad employee, but that they do not fit together. If you approach the choice of work and lifestyle in accordance with your life values, then you will be more successful in any area.

How to evaluate life values

The criterion for success in life is the level of happiness experienced. Perhaps everyone wants to be happy. The more you satisfy your life values, the happier you will feel.. But in order to understand where to start, you need to know at what stage of satisfaction your current life values ​​are.

Now is the time to evaluate your life values. First, take a piece of paper and draw a circle, then divide it into 8 parts by drawing 4 lines through the center. Put zero in the center of the circle - this is your starting point. Divide each of the 8 axes into 10 parts, grading with risks. There will be zero in the center of the circle, and 10 along the edges at the intersection of the lines with the circle.

Label each intersection of the line with the circle described above with 8 life values.

Ask yourself: Are you satisfied with the work you have done to improve your health, relationships with your family, etc. For each item, rate your level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10 and tick on each axis.

It is important to add that the question should not be asked related to satisfaction in general, but to how you have worked on each area. Not important final goal but your aspiration and movement towards it.

I'll explain why: Life constantly limits us in some way and there are situations when it is impossible to achieve the desired, but you can achieve satisfaction from the labor invested. For example, a person does not have a leg, of course, everyone would like to have full-fledged limbs, but so far this is impossible, so if such a person always indicates a low result on the health axis, this will demotivate him, because he wants, but cannot .

And if you put your movement towards a goal on the wheel of life, for example, a person without a leg trains every day to feel as natural as possible on an artificial leg and indicates high numbers on the health axis, then this will motivate him to further training. Therefore, 10 points on each axis is the value of the maximum result that you can achieve, and not someone else in this life situation.

As a result, you should get a figure similar to a circle. If this did not work out, then look at all the sagging areas of life. First of all, it is necessary to satisfy the most lagging vital values, because. it is always easier to saturate the base level than the higher one, i.e. to get a uniform circle. In addition, balance in life is extremely important for a person. Only a balanced life will bring happiness.

Now you know how much your life values ​​coincide with the real state of affairs and what needs to be changed in the first place.

You need to determine life values ​​regularly, draw a circle of life at least once a month, preferably once a week.

The figure to strive for is a circle. When you determine your life values ​​and the degree to which they are realized, it will be much easier to prioritize things, your life will become more balanced, you will feel happier.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc., ask me, I will try to help. Skype consultation is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take an online training "How to get 1 hour extra time". Write comments, your additions;)

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15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase "values ​​of life"? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What are LIFE VALUES."

Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) argument examples confirming your reasoning: one example, give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.

The length of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay neat, legible handwriting.


(1) Housework
smells and screams floated. (2) Nadezhda set the table and cursed with Oksana, who
was in the bathroom and answered through the wall. (3) No words were heard, but
Korolkov caught the meaning of the conflict. (4) The conflict was that Hope
wanted to sit at the table with the youth, but Oksana didn’t want to
cited as an example other mothers who not only do not sit at the table, but
even leave home. (5) Hope screamed that she spent a week on
cooking holiday table and all past life for the upbringing of Oksana and not
intends to sit in the kitchen like a servant. (6) Korolkov was lying in his room on
couch and thought that Oksana did not know how to talk to her mother, and Nadezhda
- with daughter. (7) She commands, humiliating her. (8) And they light up each other
friend, like a match on a box. (9) Korolkov knew by himself: it is also possible from him
to achieve something only by flattery. (10) Flattery, as it were, raised his possibilities,
and he strove to raise himself to this new and pleasing limit.

(11) Opened
door, and Oksana entered in a long new jacket in the retro style, or, as she
called, "retruhi".

- (12) Dad,
Well, tell her,” Oksana complained loudly. - (13) Why does she make me nervous

– (14) How
are you talking to your mother? Korolkov snapped.

- (15) Well,
papa (16) Well, why is she sitting with us? (17) I will be tense all the time. (18) She
something is always blurted out, and everyone is uncomfortable ...

– (19) What
does it mean "flicker"?

- (20) Well,
won't blurt. (21) Will make a toast to world peace. (22) Or will begin to turn to
attention to me ... (23) Or he will start putting everyone on plates, as if hunger ...

- (24) Pretty much
I hate listening to you,” Korolkov announced. - (25) You talk like
complete selfish.

- (26) But
because it's my birthday. (27) I'm sixteen years old. (28) Why on this day
can't do what i want?

(29) Korolkov
looked longingly at her clean, brand new face with brand new bright white
teeth and thought that she had fallen out of love in childhood and now she would have to reap what
sowed. (30) He understood that his daughter needed him not when he carried her in his arms
and attended a children's health camp. (31) Namely, now, at sixteen
years, when the foundation of all future life is laid. (32) And not outpatient,
as the doctors say, he came, he left. (33) And stationary. (34) Every day.
(35) In order not to miss possible complications. (36) And complications, as he understood,

(37) Called
Door. (38) Oksana was blown away by the wind along with her displeasure, and in a second
her voice was heard - tight and sonorous, like a jet launched under pressure.
(39) She was fine. (40) A holiday is ahead, and life is like
holiday. (According to V. Tokareva)*

* Tokareva Victoria Samoilovna
(born in 1937) is a modern Russian prose writer and screenwriter.


Life values ​​are what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only the fate of a person, but relationships with others. Life values ​​are formed in childhood, they lay the foundation for all later life. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of the modern Russian prose writer and screenwriter V.S. Tokareva. Her hero - Korolkov - is sadly watching his own sixteen-year-old daughter. He notes that she grew up selfish, because she does not take into account the opinion of her own mother and thinks only of herself. Korolkov understands that he himself is to blame for what is happening: it was necessary to form spiritual values ​​​​in the child from early childhood. Therefore, the hero is aware of the responsibility for his own daughter and is ready to correct the mistakes made.

Another example that confirms my words can be cited from D.I. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth". Mrs. Prostakova, like Korolkov, did not teach her son Mitrofan many important things: to respect his own father and elders, to work, to study. The main priorities in life for him are to eat well, sleep and laze around. He lacks moral guidelines Therefore, it will be difficult for him to establish relationships with people around him.

Thus, life values ​​must be formed in childhood, otherwise in future life man will face many difficulties. (185 words)