I want to open a nail salon where to start. How to start a nail business at home. Is it possible to open a manicure parlor without an IP

  • 07.11.2019

Opening a beauty salon is confidently one of the five most popular business ideas in Russia, along with a car wash, tire fitting, etc. And in terms of the ratio of bankrupt enterprises to successful ones, this business probably ranks first - it is impossible to give exact statistics here, since many salons work in the form of an LLC with model statutes, in which the type of activity is incorrectly indicated, or without documents at all. Today, Irina will share her story of opening a manicure room, and then a beauty salon. The story is typical for this business, and therefore it will be very instructive for all beginning business women.

How I decided to open my own nail salon

Girl doing a pedicure

My name is Irina. I want to tell a story about an attempt to run a business that lasted from 2011 to 2014. In 2011, I opened a small manicure parlor in one of Belgorod. At that time I was 23 years old.

Two years earlier, I gave birth to a son and was in maternity leave . I had a lot of time, but not enough money.These two factors became the signal to start. I have mastered the courses of the master of manicure and nail extension, andbegan to receive clients at home.

I have to say, I liked this one a lot. Pretty quickly, everything began to work out for me, and in a short period of time I got a lot of clients for manicures and pedicures. She worked, of course, for a penny, as she received people while living in a hostel with a small child who always interfered. Therefore, I took a little money, as they say, for "inconvenience." So I would continue to work if ...

One day my relative came to me for a manicure, let's call her Lyudmila. Lyudmila has been running a business for several years - a children's development center. She told me that the city administration distributes grants for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. And that she is already collecting documents to receive it. And, as if inadvertently, she asked: “... Why do you do manicure at home, you would have opened a salon by now.” I thought, “Why not?”

Is it possible to get a subsidy to open a beauty salon

From that day on, I was on fire with this idea. A week later, I had a business plan ready. The result of my four sleepless nights. I went with him to the Center for Support of Medium and Small Business.

They took me in and told me what to do. It turns out that in order to receive a grant, you need to have your own individual entrepreneur and an already functioning business. Opening an IP is not a hassle. Therefore, after a couple of weeks, the opening documents were already in my hands. I rented a room - an office measuring 11.8 sq. m. The owner allowed me to pay a month later, after I earn money. Golden man! He did me a disservice. At that time, I had only 150 rubles in my pocket! Where did I go without first initial capital? I hoped for a grant, naive ... By the way, I never received it.

From the editor. Aid to small businesses is regulated federal law dated 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russian Federation". There are several types of subsidies and grants. The amount of the subsidy varies from region to region. The author did not specify the type of financial support she applied for from the state. In this case, we are talking, most likely, about the most common subsidy from the Center for Entrepreneurship Support in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Rule 3L: Location, location, location!

There were no clients, the place was impassable, in the private sector, the craftsmen left, because everyone except me saw that the project was unsuccessful! Where did my eyes look when I agreed to such rent? Don't know. Probably, I was let down by the confidence that everything would turn out the same way as with a manicure parlor.

In general, I was left with two loans and one office. But then my ego jumped even more! How is it that I couldn't? So, I will do what I can. No, do not cut your nails in your cozy office and do not engage in attracting more clients there. It seemed too easy for me. I decided to open a similar manicure parlour, only in a different fitness center.

Pretty soon I found a good fitness club. In the very center of the city. Agreed with the manager about the amount of rent. To my surprise, the cost of a completely similar cabinet of 11.8 sq. m. was the same as in my first office - 15,000 rubles a month. But, as they say, having burned ourselves with milk, we blow on the water. I've been reinsured. I persuaded the manager to buy equipment for me at the expense of the club, since the room was completely empty. And he did agree! I was so proud of myself! I don't have to take out a loan anymore!

In addition to two loans at that time, I had a lot of credit cards, so I was already practically in debt.

My second nail salon opened in April 2014 and closed in September of the same year. Why? While I was working at my first point as a foreman and as a manager, I absolutely did not have enough time to get there to check how the girl works. My manicurist didn't work very well. Clients did not go, and I consoled myself with the hope that it was not the season. Although everything worked out with rent here, I couldn’t be torn between two offices!

I had to re-raise my first cabinet, as it suffered greatly from my absence in the winter, while I was trying to promote this ill-fated salon. The second point had to be closed. I stayed with my first and favorite cabinet, and was happy that I had at least this left ... But then the problems began.

Business development on consumer loans - can you pay off?

In order to pay off my loans on time, I began to delay paying rent. Naturally, my landlord didn't like it. It was necessary to somehow solve this problem. And then, as luck would have it, one of my best masters left, and, naturally, the lion's share of clients left after him. And I decided to take a desperate step. Sell ​​this office as ready business. How many tears did this decision cost me! I can't write, I'm still crying...

How to open a beauty salon

The buyer was found pretty quickly, and not alone. After all, the club itself, in which we rented a room, was the best in the city, and the office was already well known. The first buyer came with money, but at the last moment I refused him. I felt so sorry for my "blood". And I decided to try to pull us out of the crisis after all. It took me exactly 2 months. I realized that if I don’t make a decision now, I will be paying off debts for the rest of my life!

In December 2014, I sold an office with an area of ​​about 12 square meters, which was on lease (already at that time 18,000 rubles a month), with all equipment and materials, for 300,000 rubles! Good deal, you say. But this money was not enough for me to pay even half of the loans! After all, I also owed a lot for the rent. Like this.

Well, now a new chapter: tax ...

While I was all so poor and unhappy, running from one point to another, closing one salon after another, climbing, trying to earn money, I did not think at all about the documentary side of my activity.

After all, I have an IP, I have responsibility. I will not talk about zero declarations. I will only say one thing: do everything on time and do not joke with the state. It won't forgive you.

I often "scored" on these declarations, paid fines for not submitted on time. It's also a cost! And if I were a little more responsible, these expenses would not exist. Separately, I want to note the PFR. There, too, I had a lot of problems.

I did not pay insurance premiums, hoping for a chance. I listened to the “girlfriends” who, like me, tried to promote hairdressing salons, that, they say, you don’t need to pay the FIU, they will forgive this debt as soon as you close the IP.

IP closed. And then I find out that bailiffs are already going to me. I haven't paid any dues for 2 years. The amount accumulated is tidy - 72,000 rubles.

Financial results of my experience in business

Now let's summarize what I have achieved in these three years.

  1. The first manicure parlor on average brought me 20,000 - 30,000 rubles of net income (I have already deducted the rent and purchase of consumables).
  2. The beauty salon worked in minus. I can't even say that I "beat off" at least half of the rental value.
  3. Manicure parlor in the city center worked to zero. Everything we earned went to pay rent.

I got loans for a total amount of about half a million. On average, per month I paid 27,000 for loans, 75,000 for one salon and 30,000 for 2 cabinets. Only the first cabinet paid off. And if I did not open other points, everything would be fine. But at his expense, I pulled all my failed attempts. And, of course, I lacked finances. So it turned out such a “wonderful”, deep debt hole.

Now I am on maternity leave with my second child, slowly repaying debts. It hurts that my children suffer from this. I have already given away most of it. But this story will haunt me for a long time.

If you want to open a beauty salon

Now I want to talk about all the nuances of this activity. Suddenly someone decides to open a salon. So:

  1. The first and most important commandment : always, every month clearly plan your expenses! Both personal and business expenses. This will help you later understand what you can save on and what is better to spend money on. If you find yourself out of budget, don't hire a cleaner or garbage man. After all, at first you can do some work yourself.
  2. Never allow familiarity in the team! If at least once your employee calls you on YOU, write wasted. He will consider you his, sidekick, friend. You can not explain your lateness to work, communicate with clients the way he likes, swear in front of the client, leave without asking, and then put you before the fact.
  3. If the master is dissatisfied with the working conditions or payment - drive out! At the slightest indulgence, they all become impudent very quickly! It is better to spend time looking for another master than to endure the tantrums of the current one.
  4. Clearly divide your activities into 2 working hours. The first time is my clients. The second is the purchase of materials, documentation, reporting, payment of state fees,. You can hire a special person for this job, but if the business is small, like mine, then it's better to save money. After all, with the right planning, you can handle it yourself.
  5. And the last, most important thing. Work with integrity . Serve your customers well, don't forget about them. After all, even if your masters merge, you will have a solid foundation, and you will never be left without a penny, even if you burn out. Good luck to you!

P.S. By the way, if anyone is interested in what is now with my office, which I sold for 300,000, then it has already closed. Yes, yes, the new owner worked there for about six months, and recently I found out that she closed the office, took out all the equipment and moved somewhere with the masters. I can’t say what happened there, but I know for sure that they didn’t find common language with the landlord and the staff of the fitness club.

The culture of doing manicures in salons, and not at home, is firmly entrenched. Such a business does not require large investments (start-up capital is only 300-400 thousand rubles), but it brings from 100 thousand net profit monthly. In the future, it is possible to offer Additional services in the field of beauty and personal care.

According to surveys, 42% of manicure and pedicure masters have a weekly flow of clients from 10 to 30 people, and 23% have more than 30. About 55% of Russians do manicures, 37% do not forget about pedicures. Economic instability in the country has almost no effect on profits in the field of nail service. In the world market, interest in this area is also growing. According to a report by Grand View Research, Inc., the global nail coatings market will reach $15.55 billion by 2024 (9.5% annual growth).

50% of beauty salon services are for manicures. The disadvantage of this business is high competition. The niche of premium-class services is filled, the market segment focused on clients with medium and low income levels is formed by 50%. The network of salons is poorly developed.

The target audience

The main audience (95%) - women aged 16 to 50 years. Basically, they work and visit the salon from 1 to 4 times a month (depending on needs and income level). A separate subgroup is the non-working population (mothers on maternity leave, housewives, students). 5% of the entire target audience are men.

To make it easier to form a set of services and tools for their promotion, we will draw up a client portrait. It is important to consider:

  • life style;
  • wage level;
  • preferences;
  • needs;
  • values.

Conduct an in-depth analysis and collect the following information:

  • Full name, contact details;
  • date of the first visit to the salon;
  • total number of visits;
  • optimal time to visit;
  • the client's opinion about the quality of services and the salon as a whole;
  • which masters served the client.

This is how a permanent clientele is determined, the degree of its loyalty to the salon, the quality of the work of employees is monitored. This information is invaluable when developing a strategy to attract and retain a customer base.

Types of manicure business

At the planning stage, it is important to choose the format:

  • Manicure room. A room designed for work, a maximum of 2 masters. Advantages - classic format, standard services, low start-up costs. Flaws - small area, expansion difficulties.
  • Studio. Beauty salon with all types of manicure and pedicure and qualified staff. Advantages - prices are above average, wide-profile masters. Disadvantages - large investments, long payback period. In addition, it is not always possible to fill the salon with customers.

  • Express manicure (nail bar). Open racks in shopping malls. The advantage is the location in a high traffic area. Disadvantages - expensive rent, a psychological factor (many clients cannot relax while undergoing cosmetic procedures in front of everyone), the reputation of a budget institution (repels many). The business cannot be expanded.

  • Manicure at home. Business with minimum investment. At the initial stage, it does not even require registration. A good option for both a novice master who wants to have an independent source of income, and an experienced one with an accumulated client base. Home studio has a lot of advantages - small investment, the ability to record at any convenient time. The disadvantage is the lack of reputation. People do not trust home craftsmen - it is not known what their skill level is.

Consider what it takes to open a manicure studio from scratch.

The documents

Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are suitable for registering a business. Usually they open an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system or a single tax on imputed income. You will need an open bank account.

Package of documents:

  • Certificate of registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.
  • License.
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Fire department permit.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authorities.
  • Registration with the FSS and the PFR as an employer. Needed for hiring workers for the Labor Code.

A manicure business does not require a large package of documents, but you need to be prepared for checks at the sanitary and epidemiological station, control the medical examination of employees (marks in the medical book are updated every 6 months), and maintain the conditions necessary for customer service in the salon.

If the owner of the premises did not conclude an agreement for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, solid waste, garbage disposal, the solution of these issues will fall on your shoulders.


The location and area of ​​the room depends on the format. It is better to open a salon and a manicure parlor in high-traffic areas - in the central part of the city, near bus stops public transport and crossroads in residential areas, in shopping centers.

The nail studio must meet sanitary requirements:

  • availability of cold and hot water supply;
  • the area of ​​one workplace - not less than 4.5 m²;
  • utility room;
  • separate rooms or areas for manicure and pedicure;
  • high-quality ventilation system;
  • a room for cleaning and sterilizing instruments (instruments and furniture are disinfected after each client visit).
You can study the requirements in more detail in the resolution of 05/18/2010 N 59 "On approval of SanPiN".

For 3 workplaces (2 for manicure and one for pedicure) you will need at least 30 m². The area is designed for work areas, utility rooms and a lobby where visitors will wait in line. Our business plan for a manicure parlor involves renting a one-room apartment on the ground floor. The average rental price in Russia is 25,000 rubles. 30,000 rubles will be required for repairs.


Table number 1. Furniture for a manicure cabinet:

Cost, rub.)

Armchairs for masters

Armchairs for clients

Table for manicure (height not less than 70 cm)

Racks for storing tools and Supplies

reception desk

Sofa for visitors

TV for the hall

Chair for pedicure

Total amount:

Table number 2. Equipment for a manicure room:


Cost (RUB)

UV lamps for building and drying gel polish

Manicure and pedicure sets

Sterilization equipment

Fraser for manicure and pedicure

Bathtubs, coasters and pillows

Paraffin furnace

Nail brushes

Extractor for manicure

Total amount:

Table number 3. Materials for a manicure cabinet:


Customer loyalty depends on the level of service - hence, your income. Therefore, do not take people on the staff without making sure of their qualifications.

Criteria to be met by the candidate:

  • education in the specialty, availability of a resume;
  • Availability sanitary book with a medical examination;
  • politeness, neat appearance;
  • diplomas from competitions, certificates of master classes will be an advantage.

Table number 4. A list of employees:


In the beauty industry the best advertisement counts " word of mouth". A man made a beautiful manicure in your salon, attracted the attention of others. They also want to visit you. The business owner needs to invest only in the quality of services, and the client himself will become an effective and free advertisement.

But if you need to speed up the promotion of your business (especially in areas with high competition), you can use marketing tools:

  • Printable advertisement. Flyers, leaflets, booklets, ads for posting. For design and printing - about 10,000 rubles.
  • Business cards. We distribute at thematic events and in any places with a potential audience. Expenses - 6,000 rubles.
  • Site, groups in in social networks, Instagram account. Most consumers prefer to search for a product or service of interest via the Internet. To underestimate this fact means to lose an impressive share of customers. When advertising services online, keep in mind that consumers want to see reviews, examples of work, prices, and current promotions. You will spend from 15,000 rubles on advertising on the Internet.
  • Participation in competitions, master classes, competitions.
  • Implementation of customer-oriented strategies. Having collected a base of phones, you can congratulate customers on the holidays, offer discounts, profitable special offers.
  • Signboard. There must be an intriguing, attractive cabinet sign. It will take 15,000 rubles for its manufacture and installation.

To attract attention, arrange a grand opening of the salon - with decorations, gifts, drawings, master classes. Place photo reports on social networks or order an advertising block in media mass media. This method of advertising will require from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Pay attention to the design of printed products. Bright, creative, stylish design of business cards, flyers, posters, ads will arouse trust and interest in the audience.

How much does it cost to open a manicure studio: a business plan with calculations

Let's calculate the costs required to open a salon with 3 jobs in a one-room apartment on the 1st floor:

  • Business registration, payment of state duties and taxes - 10,000 rubles;
  • Cosmetic repairs - 30,000 rubles;
  • Furniture - 132,000 rubles;
  • Equipment - 35,000 rubles;
  • Materials - 29,000 rubles;
  • Advertising - 40,000 rubles;
  • Additional expenses (training of masters, opening, transportation costs) - 50,000 rubles.

In total, 351,000 rubles will be needed to start.

Monthly expenses:

  • Taxes - 8,000 rubles;
  • Renting an apartment - 25,000 rubles;
  • Utility payments - 10,000 rubles;
  • Salary to employees - 126,000 rubles;
  • Materials - 5,000 rubles;
  • Advertising - 5,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses: 179,000 rubles.

There are many different nail care and treatment procedures. The standard ones include manicure, pedicure, scrubs, masks, paraffin therapy, wrapping, moisturizing, massage, modeling and strengthening nails with gel, acrylic, as well as the nail design itself (lacquer coatings, artistic painting). Additional services:

  • SPA procedures;
  • aroma peeling;
  • aroma massage;
  • healing coatings.

Offer only popular services at first to save on equipment and supplies. According to statistics, manicure is in high demand. Its share among all procedures carried out by manicure rooms and salons is 30%. Nail extensions also account for 30%. For pedicure - 15%. Subsequently, you can expand the range of services - for example, eyelash extensions, eyebrow tinting.

Table number 5. Services of a manicure cabinet and their cost.

Price (RUB)

Manicure without coating

Hardware manicure

Lacquer coating

Gel Coat

Nail polish removal

gel extension

Design (art painting, rhinestones, etc.)


Hand paraffin therapy

Paraffin foot therapy

To establish accurate prices, monitor the prices of competitors in the region. Offer low prices to attract an audience at the opening stage.

The average profit of 3 masters per day will be 9,000 rubles.

This is about 252,000 rubles per month.

Net income: 252,000 - 179,000 \u003d 73,000 rubles.

Payback period: 5 months.

Is it worth it to run a franchise?

When opening an office under a franchise scheme, the franchisor takes on a huge share of the tasks. This is the development of a business plan, the search for premises, repair and design work, the purchase of equipment and materials, advertising. The franchisor has experience, a supplier base - therefore, you will save time, money and get rid of the risk of running into "pitfalls" that await a beginner on the way to creating a startup from scratch. Support is usually provided at all stages - from registration to organization of work processes. A ready-made, tested in practice model guarantees income.

The downside of a franchise is the need to give back part of the profits every month.

What is more profitable: a nail salon or a home business?

If you are professional master and do not have the capital to open your own office - a home salon will become best solution. Why is he good?

No need to take responsibility for the quality of work of other masters, spend time and money organizing business processes. Some are repulsed by the prospect of doing a manicure at someone's home, however, with a quality service, a base of regular and loyal customers will be provided. And with it, a constant source of income. When it comes to profits, when running a business from home, the limit will be limited by your time.

Business risks

  • High competition. To attract the Central Bank, it will be necessary to introduce new technologies, promotions, Special offers, develop customer retention strategies.
  • You need to constantly monitor the level of service. One dissatisfied customer cause significant damage to the business.
  • High qualification requirements. The sphere is becoming more complex, new standards are emerging - it is important to keep up with the latest trends. The professionalism of the master determines the loyalty of the audience.
  • Procurement difficulties. The niche is full of unscrupulous manufacturers and suppliers, so caution is required.


Is not seasonal business- there is a demand at any time of the year and regardless of the economic situation in the country. The sphere does not require impressive start-up costs and opens up a lot of opportunities in terms of expanding the range of services. An additional advantage is that you do not need to acquire specific skills.

Never neglect planning. Detailed business the plan of the nail studio will allow you to predict the volume of profits and reduce costs to a minimum.

Having decided which method of doing business suits you best, you need to decide on the place of the future nail salon and the types of services most needed in the area.

For example, next to business center cities, a nail bar is more in demand, with an accelerated mini-format. After looking at the premises for rent and agreeing with the owner, conduct a survey of the population and research competitors for negative and positive aspects in this area. You need to conclude a lease agreement after registering and registering your business.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

The place most suitable for rent is selected. A meeting is held with the landlord and further cooperation is discussed. The most popular types of manicure and hand care are studied. There are quite a few of them, and the choice of a master in the selection of personnel will depend on what is in main demand.

For example, a salon next to a student dormitory or university should focus on creativity and trendy youth manicure. If there are many administrative and medical institutions nearby, the emphasis will be on classic and French manicure. When choosing prestigious areas, you need to be prepared for a lot of VIPs, respectively, choose staff capable of doing manicures highest quality and be able to work with such a category of clients.

After that, you need to issue registration, permits, correct the license and make repairs to the premises. It should be stylishly decorated and furnished with comfortable and beautiful furniture. After that, you need to purchase materials, tools and equipment, and do not forget to take the appropriate certificates so as not to have problems with the SES.

Equipment and materials

  • Paraffin furnace.
  • UV or LED lamps.
  • Frasers with nozzles.
  • Chairs for a pedicure.
  • Armchairs for manicure.
  • Plastic baths.
  • Manicure tools (nail files, sticks, brushes, tweezers, spatulas, scissors, brushes, etc.).
  • Towels, napkins, cotton pads.
  • Rollers under the arms.
  • Sterilization container.
  • Gloves.
  • Slippers, packages, separators for a pedicure.
  • Hanger for outerwear.
  • Varnishes, gels, acrylic, rubbing, degreasers, foil, rhinestones, stickers, etc.


When everything is ready to receive customers, you need to recruit employees. At the beginning of your business, it is worth saving on staff, as revenues may still be small. In a nail salon for 2 jobs, 2 masters, an administrator, a cleaner and an accountant are required. You can hire 2 good craftsmen and a cleaning lady, the novice entrepreneur himself will be able to hold the position of administrator. Accounting services are easier to entrust to a third-party company. For a certain fee, its specialists will keep your accounting and tax reporting, and you will not have to deduct contributions for an extra employee. The duties of a cleaning lady are often taken over by the masters themselves for a surcharge. Thus, the number of employees is reduced to 2 people. The salary for the masters is charged as a percentage of each client (from 30 to 50% by agreement).

If you decide to open a manicure salon in a rented area, it should be characterized by good traffic, and you need to focus on ladies and girls who are used to taking care of themselves. The building must have good access roads, public transport, parking nearby or the ability to park the car near the entrance.

A hairdressing salon or a shopping center should be well-known and promoted themselves, so as not to fill bumps and not engage in promotion yourself, since this is quite costly and time-consuming.

It is desirable that there is a cafe, restaurant, tea shop, coffee house or, at worst, a pizzeria nearby. If there is no catering company, you need to consider the option of treating your customers with coffee or tea. This is an additional expense item, but also a big plus for your competitiveness. The expectation of clients can also be brightened up with bright topical magazines about fashion, manicure and stylistic novelties. Suitable for opening a salon: sleeping areas; places near business centers; marketplaces, where there are many shops and boutiques.

The documents

To open a nail salon from scratch, you need to register a business and open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, they open an individual entrepreneur and use a simplified taxation system (STS) or a single tax on imputed income (UTII). You will need to open a bank account and pay the state fee. List of documents and permits:

  1. Certificate of registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.
  2. License to carry out this activity.
  3. Permission from SES.
  4. Permit from the fire department (if the landlord does not have one).
  5. Registration with the tax office.
  6. Registration with the FSS and the PFR as an employer.

The last point concerns employment employment contract- this is the most best option. Unlike most species entrepreneurial activity, to open a nail salon, a large number of documents are not required, however, you need to be prepared for SES checks, control the passage of medical examinations by employees, and have certain conditions in the salon.

According to the existing standards, the requirements for nail salons are as follows:

  • For each workplace should be allocated at least 6 square meters. meters.
  • All masters must have medical books and marks on the regular passage of medical specialists (once every six months).
  • The cabin requires a sterilizer and a sink or cooler.
  • At the end of the reception, the master must disinfect tools and furniture.

If the landlord did not take care of the execution of contracts for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, solid waste, garbage disposal, etc., you will have to do this. As a rule, such documents in hairdressing salons, shopping centers or beauty salons where you will rent an office, these contracts are concluded by the owners, these worries will not fall on the tenant. This circumstance is another advantage of renting versus buying your own premises, at least for the first 2-3 years.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

For a month, the salon will bring an income of 130-180 thousand rubles. Expenses: taxes, payment to masters, communal payments, security, periodic purchase of materials, less often tools. The net profit of a nail salon is 60-70 thousand rubles a month, the costs will pay off in less than six months. In the course of their activities, you can expand the scope of services by adding eyebrow correction, makeup, massage, solarium. In addition, in such establishments it is convenient to offer customers various care products (creams, masks and other cosmetic products), having their own percentage from this.