What is put in the snack machine. Snack machines: what is it and how to build a business on it? Special offer from MVM

  • 11.04.2020
  • Profitable vending guide

Lesson 10 . When are snack machines beneficial?

The most efficient and profitable way to start a vending business is, of course, coffee machines. There are many reasons (from the Russian climate, which encourages the consumption of hot drinks for most of the year, to the tradition of the “office coffee break”), but, one way or another, the result is the same - a coffee machine is actually a win-win option.

In addition, the coffee machine provides more profit! With the right choice of point and vending machines, coffee and snack equipment at the end of the month will bring approximately equal revenue. But, if the markup for coffee is in the region of 200 - 300%, then for snacks the markup rarely exceeds 100%. As they say, feel the difference!

But does this mean that snack machines should be completely abandoned? Definitely not!

Strengthening positions

If you put two machines at once (coffee + snack), it will be much more difficult for competitors to move you from the point, because you offer comprehensive services, and therefore more attractive to buyers and bring more money to the landlord (due to renting a larger area). The only way to get ahead of you is to prove that a competitor has more efficient machines, but if you purchased equipment with the help of recommendations - it's just not possible.

Increasing profit

There are points where no additional reason is needed to install a snack machine, other than the ability to significantly increase revenue. It can be any place near which there is no opportunity to eat. For example, a small office that does not have a cafe or canteen in the building. As experience shows, at least 9 months a year, it will be easier for employees to have a snack than to go to the nearest cafe in the rain or frost. Another example is a large business center (then it is rational to place the snack machine at points far enough from the dining room to make it easier and faster for employees to have a bite with your machine).

The main thing to remember is that the snack machine must be paired with a coffee machine, since coffee in most cases uses in great demand, and a snack is usually an addition to a drink.

There is one exception when it is worth setting up a snack machine "in splendid isolation." If you notice that a lot of coffee machines are installed at the outlet, it makes no sense to fight for a place in the sun, but to supplement the machines of competitors with a snack machine - a good idea. This way you will make their popularity work for you!

Nuance: Some landlords put a condition - "either add a snack to the coffee pot, or leave the point." We will not go into the reasons, but the fact is that such tyrants do exist. And you can’t explain to them that the snack machine at this point will not pay for itself. If the point is dear to you, in this case it is best to putVendo MVC 600 . This is a machine that sells only chocolates, so it is very cheap. In addition, it has a huge download - 850 units, and you can download it about once a month (hardly, more often).

Separately, it is worth mentioning the slave system - this is the connection of a snack machine to a coffee machine based on a common payment system. Since you do not need to pay for two sets of payment systems, it turns out to be a very attractive solution in terms of cost, but it is worth using it only with revenue up to 20,000 r per month, otherwise the bill acceptor will not cope. In addition, high revenue is a consequence of high traffic, a large number of customers. If you use a slave, you will have constant queues, and you will start losing customers who do not want to wait for their coffee or a bag of chips.

It is important to bear in mind that not all brands have the ability to combine machines. Optimal options are But the most reliable is + and + .

And in conclusion, as always, one small but very important secret for a profitable snack trade. All goods can be divided into popular and little-known. Everyone knows the cost of a popular product, and therefore it is precisely by it that buyers determine whether your prices are “overpriced” or not. That is this product is a "beacon" for your customers.

Typical products - "beacons": Coca-Cola and Snikers chocolate bars.

But what do you do with this information? Make a small margin on popular products - 50 - 100%. Firstly, due to the high demand, you will still receive a significant profit. Secondly, customers will see that, say, Cola is sold at a bargain price, and by association they will decide that your other products are also cheap. But already on them you can put a good margin of 300 - 500%.

For example, ordinary mineral water (not some Bon Aqua, but a little-known brand) usually costs only 5 rubles cheaper than Cola in a vending machine. But Cola on the purchase costs 26 rubles, and mineral water - 5 - 10 rubles! A similar situation is with little-known bars, nuts, gingerbread, etc.

Common Mistakes

    • No need to make a high margin on popular products

It may seem that the most profitable option- score the whole machine popular goods and set a high markup. They say "they'll still buy it." 1 time maybe. But even that is not a fact - most buyers will prefer to look for some store or other machine nearby. And believe me, your competitors will not be slow to take advantage of your mistake. In addition, this way you will lose potential regular customers. Even those who buy the same Snikers at an inflated price 1 time will prefer to take it with them another time.

    • No need to go to extremes

Popular products allow you to earn on a large turnover with a small margin. Unpopular - to earn on a large margin with a small turnover. It is important to strike a balance in order for the machine to be as efficient as possible, and always use a rational approach. For example, it is irrational to fill the entire machine with Cola - not everyone always wants sweet water, especially in summer. But putting branded mineral water also makes no sense (unless, of course, your machine is in a large business center, where the brand of water will be studied almost under a magnifying glass, but more on that later). As a rule, when buying ordinary water, people just want to get drunk - it doesn’t really matter to them whose water it is. So remember - a rational approach and balance.

    • No need to decide for the client

Your customers are people with already established tastes and, just like in coffee vending, you need to take into account the preferences of customers. If you install a vending machine in a sports center, focus on the most healthy products (mineral water, bread, etc.), in a large business center you need to provide premium goods (branded mineral water, always with and without gas, sandwiches etc.).

At first, you, of course, will have difficulty choosing ingredients for snack machines. After all, the assortment is huge - much more than for coffee vending. It's so easy to make a mistake, and choosing between hundreds of options can literally make your head buzz. Therefore, pay special attention toBONUS - the offer of this edition.


This concludes the tenth part of the practical guide. A little more - and at least in terms of theory, you yourself will become a real pro. And as a "homework" we suggest you choose the best and a range of goods for your point (rented or one that you are just going to rent). Refresh lesson 5 - think about what might be especially important for your customers. Be sure to do this before you get advice from our experts. Together with them you will be able to discuss your mistakes and right decisions and gain invaluable experience.

And in 1 day you will know how to avoid the most common mistakes in building a vending business.

FROM Best wishes and faith in your strength,

Denis Trifilov, financial director companies

BONUS offer - free consultation on the choice of snacks for your machine, taking into account the stage of development of your business, the features of your outlet and the preferences of your customers. Our advice is based on 5 years of experience in a variety of vending areas. You can buy all the necessary ingredients from us at wholesale prices. And this special offer, since other suppliers of ingredients either specialize in a narrow assortment group or offer retail prices.

Give us a call at 8800-775-0238 and we'll help you get your business off the ground!

Snack machines are the most popular (after coffee machines, of course) tools of the vending business, where you can buy chips, chocolate bars, bottled or canned drinks, a sandwich, and so on. In a word, you can buy snacks there and you can build on it. good business. Let's see how.

How does a snow machine work?

The snack machines have a refrigerator that maintains the temperature from 2 to 20 degrees Celsius. They have special shelves on which the goods lie, and after the buyer chooses something, the selected snack falls into the lower tray, from which it can be picked up by hand. What you can buy here, I have already said - only products that will not be damaged after falling from an insignificant height.

Such machines can last about seven to ten years, perhaps more, but during this time they will become obsolete both morally and physically. In any case, they will need to be replaced with more modern ones.

If we compare snack machines with coffee machines, then their profitability is significantly lower, since, firstly, transport is needed for their delivery, and secondly, a specially equipped warehouse is needed to store food. Consequently, products in the devices will cost more than in stores due to high costs, and this directly affects sales. Another disadvantage is the problems with electricity, which can lead to the fact that goods can be given out for free. At the same time, snack machines also have a lot of advantages, take, for example, summer, when the demand for them is many times greater than for coffee machines. It is understandable, because in them you can buy a jar of a chilled drink.

We do business on snack machines

In order for your business on snack machines to generate income, you first need to decide on the correct location. The device that will sell food and drinks must be located in a conspicuous place in crowded places (students, employees, and so on). So, snack machines work best in:

  • Auto and railway stations.
  • Sports complexes.
  • In the halls of educational institutions.
  • Close to entertainment complexes.
  • in business centers.
  • In underground passages.

Calculate in advance how many people pass in the place of the future installation of the machine per day.

As we have already said, in addition to renting vending machines, you must take care of the transport that will transport them and the room where the products will be stored. Keep all of this in mind when writing your business plan.

Price calculation. When do you need to move snack machines?

Another difference between a snack machine and a coffee machine, which I did not mention, is that the turnover of the former is much higher. Consequently, you will quickly change the product range, and your business will be more in demand and durable from this.

And now a few words about cheating. Try to keep your markup at around fifty percent. If we are talking about devices with hot drinks, then their figure can reach two hundred, and sometimes even three hundred percent, so the reason that snack devices pay off much longer is quite obvious.

One of the most important items on your list of expenses will be the cost of renting one or more devices, and your future income will largely depend on this. To judge sensibly, the rent should be more than ten percent of your monthly income. As for the revenue itself, it should be in the range of 800-1000 US dollars, but if it does not reach the minimum mark, then it's time to think about either changing the location of the device, or about the feasibility of such a business as a whole.

And remember the main thing: snack machines are a fairly common type of business today, so be prepared for the fact that all the “fat” places will already be occupied. In this case, you will need to try hard, perhaps even buy out some of these places.

Technological progress does not stand still, and the number of entrepreneurs is growing every day. Vending combines both statements and is an interesting, modern, and most importantly simple method of trading.

What is vending

Vending is the sale of various goods using special machines. All that an entrepreneur needs is to install such a device, load goods into it and plug it into a socket, like any other household appliance. It works quite simply: the machines are equipped with acceptors for banknotes and coins of various denominations (some can give change), they also have a special screen and keys with which the consumer selects the product he needs, and then the product literally jumps into the hands of the potential client.

Types of devices for vendig

There is a great variety of different techniques for selling food and drinks. Among them, the most popular are: a snack machine for selling hot food and non-food products. They all have similar technical device, but at the same time their own characteristics in accordance with the types of goods that will be sold.

Apparatus snack

For start-up entrepreneurs, a vending machine for selling various chocolate bars, crackers is well suited, and sometimes it also sells bottled drinks with them. The snack device is quite easy to maintain. In the case of minor faults, specialized knowledge can be dispensed with. enough to read technical documentation or in detail, during operation, to study the snack machines. Reviews of these trading machines can be found in large numbers on the Internet, and there are also many special forums where entrepreneurs exchange experience and knowledge, as well as useful contacts.

coffee machine

Just like the snack machine, the coffee machine is a very popular solution for making a profit. It is very good to put a coffee machine next to the vending machine, as a rule, after the client has had a bite, he will want to quench his thirst. This technique can also pour tea, and sometimes milk and jelly, it all depends on the specific apparatus and the selected ingredients.

Recipe for success

The installation of snack machines, and other vending machines in a well-chosen place, is the most important moment in the vending business. The chosen location will depend on the traffic and the number of sales. It is very good to put such machines at railway stations, airports, in large shopping malls, in educational institutions, just large stores (not food products) will do.

The second key factor will be the pricing policy. Do not overcharge, hoping that your client will not have a choice. Most likely, your client will simply pass by and will no longer approach your device, and even tell friends and acquaintances about it. But if the cost of your goods will not differ much from the average retail price, then most likely you will be doomed to success, especially in those points where grocery stores and establishments Catering far away, or if the client is limited to a short period of time.

Maintenance of vending machines

As a rule, novice entrepreneurs are engaged in servicing devices on their own. It is not difficult to turn the key, collect the proceeds, add goods or ingredients, add water in the case of coffee machines. As mentioned above, it is quite possible to fix minor malfunctions on your own, but in general, if repair of snack machines is necessary, it is better to contact specialists. As a rule, qualified service can be provided by the manufacturer of vending machines or their importer, sometimes it is possible on a contract or warranty basis, and sometimes for an additional fee. If there is no way to contact manufacturers or they are located in another city or region, then you can always find a local specialist, especially since the technical device of such equipment is similar to some household appliances and computers, so if there is a demand, then there will be a supply.

What else do you need to run a business like this?

The main thing is to register if you are not an entrepreneur. Otherwise, you need to notify the tax authority about new activity. You should submit documents to the tax authority and choose the legal form. The most suitable for vending - IP. After submitting the documents, choosing the form of taxation and paying the state duty, and after a few working days, you officially become an entrepreneur. This is necessary, first of all, to solve problems with regulatory authorities, as well as to successfully install your equipment on the territory of other enterprises. Often no one will contact individual, and the presence of an individual entrepreneur will increase the chances of a successful conclusion of an agreement on providing a place for the device.

Next, you need to agree with the owner of the premises on the installation of your machine. If the premises are yours, then this problem has already been solved, but more often novice businessmen go to vending. As a rule, there will be demand from you regarding energy consumption and the actual rental itself. If the place is very accessible, and the person responsible for providing the premises is not accommodating, then they may require a small percentage of your profits, but this is rare.

If everything is done correctly, then your equipment will pay off pretty quickly and will start to bring stable income. Good luck!

modern progress and commercial activity combines business on snack machines. Beginners are interested to know whether it is worth starting such a project and how much you can earn on it.

In American and European countries, such a phenomenon as "food in the machine" has long been widespread. Modern devices have become part of the culture and life of people. Vendings are everywhere - in offices, hospitals, educational institutions, train stations. Will this direction become so popular in Russian reality?

What it is?

It is a simple machine for serving packaged products, bottling drinks and selling various goods. The entrepreneur only needs to deal with the timely loading of products into the cells and withdraw the cash.

The operation of such a device is quite simple and is in many ways similar to modern household appliances, so you won’t have to figure out its operation and settings for too long. The machine can sell almost any product and accepts money of different denominations. It is enough just to carefully study the instructions for its operation and set it up accordingly.

The relevance of the business on snacks through the sale through a similar device is confirmed by statistical data. It has been established that in Europe there are about 110 people per snack machine, in America this figure reaches 45, and in Japan - 25. If we talk about Russia, then the prospects are obvious, because here there are at least 2,500 people per installed vending machine with products. human!

In addition, this direction has obvious advantages:

  1. Thanks to the presence of a refrigerating chamber, all products inside the equipment can be cooled, which is especially pleasant in summer.
  2. Very little space is needed to install the machine, which allows you to save on rent and easily find an affordable location.
  3. Fully automated sales process - the computer will accurately calculate and give change, will not make a mistake in the selected assortment, and when serving drinks, it always measures the same amount of ingredients.
  4. For such retail no seller required. This eliminates the risk of fraud and reduces labor costs.
  5. Due to the fast automated process, queues are also excluded.
  6. The versatility of the devices makes it possible to change the range of goods depending on target audience, weather, preferences, fashion.
  7. Short payback periods and ease of doing business are especially attractive to beginners.
  8. The service life of each machine is quite long, so it will not be necessary to change or repair it too often.
  9. Business mobility - with an unsuccessfully chosen place, at any time you can transport equipment to another site, more attractive and profitable.

Obviously, the more devices you place around the city, the higher the income will be. But first you need to carefully research the market, find out people's preferences regarding the choice of a suitable snack, establish the presence of competitors, think over pricing policy and draw up a competent business development plan.


Such activities can only be carried out by registering with the tax service. To do this, choose mainly IP ( individual entrepreneurship), since in this case the whole process is greatly simplified. You do not have to wait too long for a response, the state fee is minimal, and bookkeeping is reduced to several reports per year.

The taxation scheme can be simplified or unified. Here it is better to calculate in advance which of them will be more profitable in practice. OKVED code for vending business - 47.99 - retail sale of goods outside stationary outlets. No licenses or certificates are required.

Pay attention to the quality and related documentation when buying the equipment itself. When checking by the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is important that all parameters of cleanliness and hygiene are observed in the apparatus. This factor is especially paid attention to when selling food products, which include snacks.

Location selection

The location of each device has a huge impact on the amount of profit received. To increase the chances of success, it is advisable to first study the city, the activity of people, identify the places of greatest congestion potential clients. Preferred points for installing snack machines are:

  • office centers;
  • subway crossings;
  • railway stations and airports;
  • entertainment establishments;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • educational establishments;
  • various shopping malls where they don't sell food.

What equipment to install and how to work with it?

The vending business has become quite common today. With the help of vending machines, they sell food, drinks, cosmetics, books, CDs, sporting goods, etc. But for an entrepreneur, in this regard, almost all of them are universal.

Snack production as a business offers customers the widest range conveniently packaged snacks. Therefore, almost any product can be loaded into the device. For an entrepreneur, when choosing equipment, other parameters become important - the method of providing and serving products, the possibility of convenient setup and acceptance of cash, the amount of goods loaded at a time and the cost of the devices.

Factories for the manufacture of vending machines offer the following main varieties:

  1. Conveyor - in this case, the product is fed using an "elevator". This is useful when selling fragile goods. But the sizes and shapes of the packages do not matter, since in any case they are freely located in their positions.
  2. Spiral - the most popular. When the selection key is pressed, the finished product falls directly into the feed tray. They are also considered universal, but fragile goods cannot be sold in this way.
  3. Cellular - involve the issuance of products directly from the cell where it is located. Suitable for oversized items.
  4. The device for the sale of mini-snacks is convenient for the sale of small packages of snacks. It doesn't fit a lot of products. They are often installed next to vending machines for drinks. It is possible to mount on the wall, thereby saving space in the hall.

cost and appearance devices will differ depending on the specific manufacturer and model. The complexity of management in all cases is reduced to simple maintenance, which can be done after reading the attached instructions.

In some cases of complex breakdowns, you will have to call the master from the manufacturer or from the importer. In the absence of an available specialist, you can find a person who understands the work household appliances and easily adjust the functioning of the machine for a small fee.

An operator is hired for daily maintenance. One person is able to monitor the work of 10-20 devices per day. In order to save money in the first months, you can do it yourself.


It is very important to correctly approach the issue of forming the cost of the goods sold. On the one hand, you as an entrepreneur must profit from the implementation process. On the other hand, if prices go up, customers will go elsewhere for a ready-made snack.

Before deciding this question, carefully study the market. What and at what cost are sold nearby. It is very important to stick to averages and constantly monitor the competition. And only by offering some rare and attractive product can you slightly raise the price of it. But usually the vending machines sell the same products as in the neighboring grocery stores.


The payback of such a project comes quite quickly. According to average estimates, this happens after six months of activity. If you install several machines in the city at once, then the income of the entrepreneur will be much higher. But the profit received depends on many factors:

  • location of the machine;
  • product range;
  • set prices;
  • the presence of other outlets nearby;
  • contingent of buyers.

A relatively small amount is needed to start the project.

If you manage to achieve a monthly revenue of at least 30,000 rubles, then during the first year it will be possible to return all investments in full. Obviously, if there are more machines, then the profit of the entrepreneur will be much higher.

Video: how are they different from snacks?

Snack machines sell quick snacks (snacks), drinks, soda in cans, bottles and other packaged goods, the so-called snack products. There are devices with a large load of goods or more "democratic" versions of machines with a small load.

Snack vending machines are not intended solely for the sale of chips, nuts, soda, etc.

Depending on the dispensing mechanism and the maintained temperature of the refrigeration unit, they can also sell sandwiches, yoghurts, sushi, fruits and other goods.

In addition, it can be adapted for the sale of non-food products - books, household goods, cosmetics, etc.

In this section, you can buy a snack machine in Moscow, in the regions of Russia, domestic and foreign production. Sales are carried out by supplier companies of famous brands - Nekta, Saeko, Biachi, Jofemar, Unicum and others famous brands vending machines selling snacks, canned and bottled drinks, and other goods.

Canned drink vending machines

The category of snack machines also includes equipment for selling drinks in cans and bottles - in such, which means that it is possible to sell only those goods that will not be damaged when falling from a shelf into a dispensing tray.

Mini snack

These are wall or desktop machines. The loading of such machines is small, the functions of the payment system are limited. But they are ideal "partners" for coffee machines, are also suitable for the sale of one type of product or for installation in a place with little traffic.

Food vending machine

This device with a drum delivery of goods is also suitable for any fragile goods. You can sell food (salads, sandwiches, etc.) or other fragile goods through machines with an elevator feed, or you can also use snack machines with drum delivery. In a drum snack machine, the customer picks up the product directly from the shelf.