Job description of a sausage molder. Moulder: A specialist in shaping products. Safety requirements before starting work

  • 04.04.2020

§ 109. Sausage molder 5th category

Characteristics of works. Shaping sausages by filling the casing with minced meat on vacuum syringes and automatic machines in compliance with the required filling density and casing consumption rates. Full production of stuffed sausages, smoked meats and piece products (shaped ham, boiled pork, carbonate, etc.). Inspection of raw materials, trimming of fringes, processing with spices, removal of bone and cartilage. Cutting bacon into layers and grinding it to size depending on the type of product, preparing tongues, pork, veal, beef, eggs, butter, etc. Shaping the sausage, putting on the casing. Tight rolling and knitting. Laying in a form, transfer to cooking and further processing. Compliance with the standards for the output of finished products.
Must know: qualitative features and types of raw materials used; rules for the selection of semi-finished products for stuffing (forming) puff and other sausages, smoked meats and piece products; specifications for sausage products and norms for output of sausage products.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established Labor Code, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts ( the federal law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use

The purpose of molding is to shape and protect against external influences. Forming can be mechanized (using syringes) or manual (in the manufacture of stuffed sausages).
According to the current standards, each type and grade of sausage products is produced in a specific casing. This is necessary for external distinction and is of technological importance. So, for products that are further smoked and dried, shells are used that are not too large in diameter and have satisfactory vapor and gas permeability. Products that can be eaten with a shell (sausages) are produced in a very thin edible shell. Stuffed products are molded in wide shells by hand. In other cases, for the same type and grade of products, you can use different casings (within the standard). Before filling, all intestinal membranes are soaked in vats, washed with running water, their integrity and strength are checked.
Syringes are intermittent and continuous action; according to the principle of displacing minced meat, they are divided into piston, gear, eccentric-blade, screw and screw. Batch syringes with a piston displacer can be mechanically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven. The most widely used hydraulic syringes. They are simple in design, reliable in operation and widely used in small industries with a wide range.
The shells are put on the nozzles of the syringes and filled. The pins are metal tubes with a conical extension at the end attached to the nozzle of the syringe, their diameter corresponds to the diameter of the shell (from 16 to 60 mm or more).
Minced meat is molded at different pressures depending on the type of sausages: sausages and sausages under pressure 4 * 10v5-5 * 10v5 Pa, boiled sausages - 5 * 10v5-6 * 10v5 Pa, semi-smoked - 6 * 10v5-8 * 10v5 Pa, smoked - up to 13*10v5 Pa. Boiled sausages are injected with the lowest density, since excessive density leads to a rupture of the casing during the cooking of loaves due to expansion of the contents of the casing. Smoked sausages, on the contrary, are injected with the highest density, since the volume of loaves is greatly reduced as a result of subsequent drying of the products. When loading minced meat into a syringe, you need to ensure that its packing is dense, without air gaps.

1st category

Characteristics of works. Unwinding, rewinding twine into balls, preparing tags and cutting pieces of twine threads for knitting sausages.

Must know: varieties of twine and thread; sizes of pieces of twine, threads and rules for preparing threads, depending on the type of sausages.

2nd category

Characteristics of works. Performing individual operations in the process of molding sausage products by injection method under the guidance of a sausage molder of higher qualification. Putting the shell on the tarsal for stuffing with minced meat. Looping smoked meats.

Must know: types and sizes of casings and the procedure for their use for manufactured sausage products; rules for looping smoked meats.

3rd category

Characteristics of works. Shaping sausages by filling the shell with minced meat on syringes by injection and on automatic machines under the guidance of a highly qualified sausage molder. Tying loaves or rings of sausages to give shape, the required density of stuffing and the length of the loaf in accordance with the knitting methods, product marks and consumption rates established for each type of sausage products. Twisting the casing with minced meat for sausages, wieners and certain types sausage products. Pricking (striking) of long loaves in order to remove air. Hanging sausages and smoked meats on sticks and hanging them on frames or in car smokers. Cooking Hungarian lard. Selection of raw materials, their delivery for processing. Cleaning and trimming of layers of bacon, giving a certain shape, rubbing bacon with pepper, transfer to smoking. Looping, hanging on sticks, frames and laying in containers.

Must know: rules for the selection of raw materials, their delivery for processing; specifications for sausage products.

4th category

Characteristics of works. Shaping sausage products by filling the shell with minced meat on vacuum syringes and automatic machines in compliance with the required filling density and consumption rates of the shell and minced meat. Installation and change of pins. Regulation according to the indications of instrumentation of pressure and vacuum on vacuum syringes. Production of rolls, balykov and necks.

Must know: device and rules for the operation of serviced machines, vacuum syringes; requirements for the quality and density of filling the shell with minced meat, depending on the size of the shell and the variety of sausages; consumption rates of the shell and minced meat.

5th category

Characteristics of works. Shaping sausages by filling the casing with minced meat on vacuum syringes and automatic machines in compliance with the required filling density and casing consumption rates. Full production of stuffed sausages, smoked meats and piece products (shaped ham, boiled pork, carbonate, etc.). Inspection of raw materials, trimming of fringes, processing with spices, removal of bone and cartilage. Cutting bacon into layers and grinding it to size depending on the type of product, preparing tongues, pork, veal, beef, eggs, butter, etc. Shaping the sausage, putting on the casing. Tight rolling and knitting. Laying in a form, transfer to cooking and further processing. Compliance with the standards for the output of finished products.

Must know: qualitative features and types of raw materials used; rules for the selection of semi-finished products for stuffing (forming) puff and other sausages, smoked meats and piece products; technical conditions for sausage products and norms for the output of sausage products.

Material for class hour career guidance

Bright, fragrant-smelling rings of sausages, an appetizing series of sausages, alluring pieces of Hungarian bacon, cocky piles of thin hunting sausages, solid sticks of "Moscow", "Mosaic", heavy loaves-bungs of "Amateur", "Doctor", the list of products of the sausage series can be continue endlessly and each of us, for sure, has thought more than once about those who so skillfully create such delicious beauty.

Fighters of the invisible front, they are sausage molders - representatives of the profession of an ancient family. For the first time, sausage products are mentioned in the chronicles of Novgorod birch bark letters dating back to the 12th century, but in fact, the age of sausage production is more than two thousand years.

I would go to molders, let them teach me!

The profession of a sausage molder is considered narrow-profile and is in demand only at enterprises that produce meat products: smoked meats, sausages, rolls. The molder's regulations determine the qualifications of an employee from the first to the fifth grade, where each has its own production standards, duties, and the amount of necessary knowledge.

Qualifications, norms, duties of the molder

For specialists of the 1st category it is enough to be able to rewind into balls, cut twine for looping (knitting) sausages, understand the varieties of twine and threads intended for looping certain types of sausages, know the rules for preparing a workplace.

Sausage molder 2nd category must be able to inject sausage (stuff the casing with minced meat), put the casing on the bobbin (watering can), loop (tie up) products, and also form rings for varietal sausages under the supervision of a more qualified specialist.

Responsibilities of molders 3rd category includes not only stuffing the shell with minced meat, but also compliance with the norms of density, length / width of sausages in accordance with GOST. In addition, specialists of the 3rd category perform hatching of loaves (piercing air voids inside the shell), forming a shell filled with minced meat into sardels or sausages, selecting raw materials: fat for stuffing, hanging on a frame and sending it to a smokehouse. Masters of the 3rd category are required to know the specifications for the state of the drawing, the structure of minced meat for all types of sausages.

moulders 4th category they are able to determine the diameters and length of the lanterns for stuffing the casing, to regulate the supply of minced meat using control and measuring devices. To know how the equipment is arranged, to make calculations on the consumption of casings and minced meat are the duties of this level of specialists.

Masters 5th category, as a rule, the guru of production. They are responsible for incoming newcomers, teach them the basics of production, while fulfilling the production standards in accordance with the regulations. And this is neither more nor less, but 900 kg per person for 8 hours of working time. To know the consumption rates of raw materials and the yield of each grade of finished products, to be able to knit balyk and other smoked meats, to prepare raw materials, for example, cheese, eggs, for top-grade sausages, to know what size the cut lard should be for a certain type of sausages - this is the responsibility master of the 5th category.

There are practically no contraindications for working in a sausage shop, anyone who passes an SES check and a medical examination of doctors can work in their specialty.

Positive aspects of the profession:

High salary for specialists of the 3rd category and above;
- constant demand in production;
- Opportunity to start your own business.

Negative points: work in constant cold and damp, because the temperature inside the room, even in summer, is not higher than 11 ° C. Negative factor thanks to innovations in light industry, is fully compensated by special clothing and shoes with cork soles, which will protect the employee from diseases: rheumatism, colds.

Where to get an education?

There are no special educational institutions that train sausage molders. The profession requires constant practice, therefore, having received the basic specialty of a cook at a vocational school, you can be trained in the specialty directly at the meat processing plant. Beginners receive the 1st category, the 3rd - after six months, the 4th and 5th - after 3-5 years.

The profession of a sausage molder is considered creative, because the dexterous hands of skilled craftswomen produce beautiful sausages and smoked meats from unattractive raw materials, the taste, textured pattern of which pleases the eye and stomach of buyers. Once you become a sausage molder, you will never run out of money or a job. And this is the most important advantage of the profession in our difficult time.

lard - salo
chereva - natural casing (intestine) for sausages
vacuum filler - special equipment, where minced meat is loaded into the bowl from above, which is fed through a watering can into the shell in the absence of air. Provides a denser structure to sausages. It is used for the production of boiled sausages of the highest grade, as well as for the manufacture of loaves.


I. General provisions

The sausage molder of the 5th category is directly subordinated to __________________. The sausage molder of the 5th category follows the instructions of __________________. The sausage molder of the 5th category replaces __________________. The sausage molder of the 5th category is replaced by __________________. The sausage molder is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department. Must know:
- qualitative features and types of raw materials used;
- rules for the selection of semi-finished products for stuffing (forming) puff and other sausages, smoked meats and piece products;
- specifications for sausages and output standards for sausages

II. Job Responsibilities

Shaping sausages by filling the casing with minced meat on vacuum syringes and automatic machines in compliance with the required filling density and casing consumption rates. Full production of stuffed sausages, smoked meats and piece products (ham in the form, boiled pork, carbonate, etc.). Inspection of raw materials, trimming of fringes, processing with spices, removal of bone and cartilage. Cutting bacon into layers and grinding it to size depending on the type of product, preparing tongues, pork, veal, beef, eggs, butter, etc. Forming sausages, putting on casings. Tight rolling and knitting. Laying in a form, transfer to cooking and further processing. Compliance with the standards for the output of finished products. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

III. Rights

The sausage molder has the right to:

Give assignments to employees subordinate to him, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities. control the execution production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him. request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities and the activities of employees subordinate to it. interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of its functional duties. get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding the activities of the Division. propose for consideration by the manager proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description. submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline. report to the manager on all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

IV. A responsibility

The sausage molder is responsible for:

Improper performance or non-performance of official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined labor law Ukraine. violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise. Upon transfer to another job or dismissal from the post, the Sausage Shaper is responsible for the proper and timely handover of cases to the person entering this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor. offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine. causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine. compliance current instructions, orders and instructions for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information. compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

Name of company





Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization

«____»________________ 2002_«____»________________ 2002_

Protocol No. __________________

Instruction No.__

on labor protection for a sausage molder

    General safety requirements

1.1. Persons with vocational training, who have undergone preliminary training, who have passed preliminary (when applying for a job), periodic and preventive examinations and vaccinations in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as introductory and primary briefings at the workplace, are allowed to the processes of molding sausages .

1.2. Admission to independent work as a molder of sausages is carried out by the head (foreman) of the workshop after the workers have mastered safe working methods and methods under the guidance of an experienced mentor for at least 2-14 shifts. Admission to independent work fixed with the date and signature in the log of the briefing at the workplace.

1.3. Persons who have received the first electrical safety group are allowed to work, during the performance of which there may be a danger of electric shock.

1.4. Internal regulations must be followed. Smoking, eating should be in specially designated rooms. The presence of unauthorized persons at the workplace, drinking alcohol, working under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not allowed. The employee must perform only the work that is entrusted to him, not delegate his work to other persons.

1.5. When transferring to another job, require from the immediate supervisor appropriate training in safe techniques and work methods.

1.6. The sausage molder must be provided with overalls, PPE in accordance with standard norms free issuance overalls and footwear.

Boots are leather;

Sleeves are waterproof;

Cotton apron;

Apron working metal;

Knitted gloves;

Mail glove;

Protective helmet;

1.7. .Comply with internal labor regulations.

1.8. Use for its intended purpose and treat the issued PPE with care.

1.9. Do not allow machines and apparatuses to operate, the structure of which you do not know and work on which you have not been entrusted with.

1.10. If a malfunction of equipment, inventory, tools is detected, as well as if employees are injured, stop work and inform the head of the shop about this

1.11. On the processes of cutting meat products, the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors is possible:

Moving and rotating parts of syringes, conveyor tables, as well as drives of machines moving along the suspended paths of the frame;;

Risk of injury from cuts and pricks with a knife and a bayonet, as well as from rubbing the hands with twine, falling frames and rollers from overhead tracks, falling on slippery floors;

Reduced air temperature of the working area and raw materials;

Increased humidity and air mobility of the working area;

Increased noise level;

1.12. Follow the rules of personal hygiene:

Maintain cleanliness of the skin, clothing, footwear and other PPE;

After each break in work, visiting the toilet, wash hands with warm water and soap, then disinfect with 0.2% chloramine solution and rinse hands again with warm water;

Before visiting the toilet, take off your sanitary clothing, after visiting, disinfect shoes on a disinfectant rug;

Take a shower after finishing work.

1.13. In case of malaise, skin lesions in the form of wounds, burns, pustules, peeling, contact the first-aid post, treat minor injuries with antiseptic solutions.

1.14. Persons who violate the requirements of this instruction are liable in the manner prescribed by law.

    Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. It is correct to put on clean, serviceable overalls and safety shoes that are required according to the norms. Overalls should not have developing ends, sleeves and collars should be tied.

Tuck your hair under your headdress.

2.2. Prepare work equipment workplace and check the clearness of the aisles.

2.3. Check the sufficiency of illumination of the working area, the presence and serviceability of the foot wooden grate, make sure it is stable.

2.4. Prepare necessary inventory(basins for collecting minced meat scraps and shell waste, scrapers for cleaning the table conveyor belt)

2.5. Check the serviceability of the frames for hanging loaves, overhead tracks (turnouts, cutoff guards, as well as safety lanes on turns)

2.4.Check with de-energized:

The sanitary condition of the equipment, the absence of foreign objects inside it;

Serviceability of overhead tracks, arrows;

Availability and strength of fastening of protective fences;

Availability and strength of grounding fastening;

Serviceability of control and measuring devices (signal light, pressure gauge in a pneumatic syringe, vacuum gauge in a screw syringe) and safety valves);

2.5. If there is a foot control pedal, make sure that the machine switch-on pedal and its guard are in good condition, which excludes the possibility of accidentally turning on the syringe.

2.6 Check the operation of the equipment at idle, make sure that there are no extraneous noises, knocks.

2.7 Report all malfunctions and malfunctions to the head of the workshop and do not start work until they are eliminated.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Be attentive, do not be distracted by extraneous affairs, conversations.

3.2. do not use syringes that have problems;

3.3. do not open the cap of the syringe during injection;

3.4. do not wash or clean the stuffing cylinder and outlet holes when the electric motor is on;

3.5. do not put your hands into the loading hopper;

3.6. do not clean the loading hopper from minced meat residues if there is electric current in the starting device;

3.7. do not leave running equipment unattended

3.8. Load syringes of hydraulic and pneumatic action only at the lowest position of the piston and when the pointer of the feed regulator is in the "Stop" position

3.9. While working on the syringe, follow the arrow on the pressure gauge. It must not exceed the maximum allowable pressure.

3.10. Do not allow the accumulation of raw materials in the workplace.

3.11. When knitting sausages with twine, use protective shoulder pads by hand.

3.12. To cut the twine and the ends of the intestinal membrane, use a special knife installed on the table.

3.13. Move the frames along overhead tracks, wearing a helmet and a protective visor.

3.14. Move the frames with sausages one by one along the overhead tracks, while holding both hands no lower than the middle of the frame, carefully move it in front of you without pushing or jerking.

3.15. Do not leave frames rolling along overhead tracks on arrows and curves.

3.16 Carefully monitor the correct position of the arrows.

3.17. To avoid accidents, do not remove the guards.

3.18. Monitor the cleanliness of the floor, prevent the formation of slippery and dirty places.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If any malfunctions in the operation of the equipment are detected (extraneous noise, hum, vibration, sensation of electric current when touching non-current-carrying metal parts, sparking), take measures to stop the equipment by turning off the power supply, report the incident to the head of the shop (foreman).

4.2. In case of fire, inform the fire department of the plant, the head of the workshop, give a fire alarm and start extinguishing it with the available fire extinguishing equipment.

4.3. In case of injury to the arms, legs, torso, it is necessary to open an individual package in the first-aid kit, in accordance with the instructions printed on its wrapper. When applying a bandage, do not touch with your hands that part of it that should be applied directly to the wound. Call an ambulance if necessary medical care.

4.4. When administered with ammonia, the victim should be taken out into fresh air or into a clean, warm room, rinse the nasopharynx with a 2% soda solution.

Call an ambulance.

5. Safety requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Disconnect the equipment from the mains and hang posters on the starting device “Do not turn on. People are working."

5.2. Walk around your site, check the cleanliness and order.

5.3. When sanitizing, make sure that water does not get on electric motors and current-carrying parts.

5.4. Put in order the protective equipment and overalls hang in a separate locker ..

5.5. Wash face, hands with warm water and soap, take a shower.

The instructions were made by:

Head production


Labor protection engineer


(full name of the enterprise with indication of subordination)


Order _______________________

(employer position and


Business name)

_________________ № _________

(day month Year)


ON LABOR SAFETY No. __________


(preparation sausage casing,

stuffing the casing with minced sausage,

sausage knitting and hanging

sausage loaves on sticks and frames)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The instructions apply to all departments of the enterprise.

1.2. The instruction was developed on the basis of DNAOP 0.00-8.03-93 "Procedure for the development and approval by the owner of labor protection regulations in force at the enterprise", DNAOP 0.00-4.15-98 "Regulations on the development of labor protection instructions", DNAOP 0.00-4.12-99 " Standard provision on training on labor protection issues.

1.3. According to this instruction, the sausage molder (hereinafter referred to as the molder) is instructed before starting work (initial instruction), and then every 6 months (re-instruction).

The results of the briefing are recorded in the “Journal of registration of briefings on labor protection issues. After passing the briefing, the log must contain the signatures of the instructing person and the molder.

1.4. The owner must insure the molder against accidents and occupational diseases.

In case of damage to the health of the molder due to the fault of the owner, he (the molder) has the right to compensation for the harm caused to him.

1.4. For non-compliance with this instruction, the moulder bears disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

1.6. Individuals at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, coursework in their specialty, an internship with an experienced specialist and have passed the exam of the qualification commission, have passed the sanitary minimum, have professional skills and a certificate of the established form on the assignment of a qualification category, have passed an introductory briefing on labor protection, briefing at the workplace and briefing on fire safety.

1.7. Before starting work and during work, employees at the enterprise must undergo a medical examination in accordance with the requirements established by the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Each employee must have a personal medical book.

1.8. Before starting work, all employees must undergo training under the sanitary minimum program and pass an exam with a note about this in the appropriate journal and in a personal medical book. In the future, all employees, regardless of the period of their employment, must undergo training and check the sanitary minimum once every two years. Persons who have not passed the sanitary minimum are not allowed to work.

1.9. Persons suffering from diseases specified in the Instructions on the procedure for carrying out medical examinations persons entering and working in food enterprises.

1.10. When there are signs of gastrointestinal diseases, fever, suppuration and symptoms of other diseases, employees of production workshops should inform the administration about this and contact the enterprise’s first-aid post or other medical institution for appropriate treatment.

1.11. Workers of production shops before starting work should take a shower, put on clean special clothing so that it completely covers personal clothing, put your hair under a scarf or cap and wash your hands twice with warm water and soap. After finishing work, also take a shower.

1.12. Change of overalls should be carried out daily and as they become soiled.

1.13. During a period of epidemiological trouble, at the direction of the sanitary and epidemiological station or state veterinary supervision, shop workers must disinfect their hands with a 0.2% solution of chloramine or a 0.1% clarified solution of bleach before washing their hands.

1.14. In case of malaise, skin lesions in the form of wounds, burns, abscesses, peeling, you should contact the first-aid post, in case of minor damage, treat with antiseptic solutions.

1.15. To prevent foreign matter from entering the raw material and finished products prohibited:

1.15.1. Bring and store small glass and metal objects in food shops (except for metal tools and technological equipment);

1.15.2. Fasten overalls with pins, needles and store personal items (mirrors, combs, wedding rings, badges, cigarettes, matches, etc.) in the pockets of dressing gowns.

In each food workshop, accounting for breaking objects should be organized.

1.16. It is not allowed to enter the production workshops without overalls or in overalls for working on the street.

1.17. Employees must keep their hands clean. Fingernails should be cut short and not varnished. Hands must be washed before starting work and after any break in work, in case of transition from one operation to another, after contact with contaminated objects.

After visiting the restroom, wash your hands twice: in the lock after visiting the restroom before putting on a dressing gown and at the workplace, immediately before starting work.

When leaving the restroom, disinfect shoes on a specially designed rug.

1.18. Eating should only be done in canteens, canteens, eating rooms or other eating establishments located on or near the establishment.

1.19. Not allowed to store food products in individual wardrobes.

1.20. The shaper must:

1.20.1. Comply with internal labor regulations.

1.20.2. Use overalls and personal protective equipment.

1.20.3. Undergo periodic medical examinations.

1.20.4. Perform only the work that is assigned by the work manager and in which he is instructed.

1.20.5. Remember personal responsibility for the implementation of labor protection rules and responsibility for workmates.

1.20.6. Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter your workplace and do not clutter it up.

1.20.7. Do not follow instructions that are contrary to the rules of labor protection.

1.20.8. Know how to provide first aid to victims of accidents.

1.20.9. be able to use primary means firefighting.

1.20.10. Keep the workplace clean.

1.21. The main dangerous and harmful production factors that affect the moulder:

1.21.1. Moving and rotating parts of syringes, conveyor tables, as well as machine drives and frames moving along overhead rails.

1.21.2. Reduced air temperature of the working area.

1.21.3. Reduced raw material temperature.

1.21.4. Enhanced level noise in the workplace.

1.21.5. Increased air humidity.

1.21.6. Increased air speed.

1.21.7. Increased voltage values ​​in the electrical network, the closure of which is possible through the human body.

1.21.8. Insufficiency and lack of natural light.

1.21.9. Risk of injury as a result of cuts and pricks with a knife and shaving, as well as rubbing the hands with twine, falling frames and rollers from overhead rails.

1.21.10. Sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of tools, equipment, accessories.

1.21.11. Slippery floor.

1.21.12. Microorganisms found in raw materials obtained from the processing of meat of sick animals, approved by the veterinary supervision for use in the manufacture of sausages.

1.21.13. Physical overload.

1.21.14. Monotony of work.

1.22. The molder is provided with personal protective equipment: leather boots, additionally: fingertips when knitting sausages.

1.23. The preparation of the intestinal membrane should be carried out in a separate room.

1.24. The workplace of the sausage casing preparer should be provided with: a table with a chair of a special design, racks, containers for soaking the intestines (basins for water), a gut strainer, a device for unwinding the intestines, a device for stretching the casing on collets, a knife for cutting the casing into pieces, twine for bandaging scraps of the shell.

1.25. At the workplace for preparing circles, a knife of a special design with a safety visor must be installed.

1.26. All bushings, valves, taps located above two meters from the floor level must have devices for opening and closing them from the workplace.

The force on handles and similar manual control devices must not exceed 40 N (4 kgf),

1.27. Safety strips - counter rails - must be installed on arrows and turns of overhead rails.

Dead-end sections of overhead rails must be equipped with stops.

Work on overhead rails with worn and defective sections is not permitted.

1.28. Transmission mechanisms and the zone of working bodies on syringes must have fences.

1.29. The syringe hopper guard must have an interlock to prevent the syringe from being put into operation when the guard is open.

1.30. Hydraulic syringes must be equipped with serviceable pressure gauges and safety valves.

1.31. A vacuum gauge must be installed on the throttle of the auger syringe.

1.32. Syringe pedals must be protected against accidental activation.

1.33. Double syringes must have a baffle between the pedals.

1.34. It is necessary to load syringes of hydraulic and pneumatic action with minced meat only at the extreme lower position of the piston. The feed regulator pointer should be in the "Stop" position.

1.35. When working on syringes, it is necessary to follow the arrow of the pressure gauge. The pressure must not exceed the maximum allowable.

1.36. Disassembly of the working bodies of the syringe for sanitization should be carried out using special tools (keys, pullers) included in the delivery.

The folding platform for servicing the syringe must be interlocked with the trigger.

The lock should prevent the syringe from being activated when the platform is thrown back.

1.37. On the compressed air supply line, in addition to the pressure gauge, pressure reducing and safety valves must be installed, adjusted to the required pressure.

1.38. The moving parts of the conveyor table for knitting sausages, the drive and tension drums must be covered with casings. "

The edge of the table must be smooth without burrs.

Tables for sausage molders must be equipped with seats that allow working in a standing-sitting position (a retractable chair attached to the table with a footrest) and meet ergonomic requirements.

1.39. To carry out operations for stuffing sausage products, workplaces must be equipped with a rack, containers, a set of spare removable pins of different diameters, trolleys for transporting and placing shell stocks, a descent for minced meat or a lift for a ladle trolley with minced meat, a basin for collecting shell waste.

1.40. To perform knitting operations for sausage products, workplaces must be equipped with a rack, a twine holder complete with devices for cutting twine and casing, babin holders with a frame for a collection of twine scraps, casings, devices (supports) for a collection of minced meat squeezes. The length of the knitter's workplace along the work front should be 1.3 m.

1.41. The design of the tool used for piercing sausage sticks must ensure the possibility of hanging the tool and safety during work.

1.42. To carry out operations for hanging sausages on sticks, workplaces must be equipped with special devices for storing sticks with a pocket for passports, a wooden footboard, trolleys, and frames for sausages.

1.43. In the case of using automatic machines for forming sausages with the imposition of metal clips on the ends of the shells, the rotating parts of the machine must be protected by casings interlocked with the starting device.

1.44. With one of the casings open, the possibility of starting the machine into operation must be excluded.

1.45. To remove staples stuck in the machine, special hooks must be provided.

1.46. The reel holder area of ​​the machine must be protected by a removable casing interlocked with the starting device. When the casing is removed, the possibility of starting the machine into operation must be excluded.

1.47. Air hoses must be secured with clamps.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Check the condition and suitability for use of sanitary clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment.

2.2. Wear sanitary clothing so that there are no loose ends. Tuck your hair under your headdress.

2.3. Check out the workplace. Free approaches to it, do not clutter up during work.

2.4. Check the sufficiency of illumination of the working area, the presence and serviceability of the foot wooden grate, make sure it is stable.

2.5. Make sure that the working tools and fixtures, knives for cutting the sausage casing, stitches for pricking the sausage casing, twine holders and reel holders on the conveyor table are in good condition.

2.6. Prepare the necessary equipment (basins for collecting minced meat residues and shell waste, scrapers for cleaning the conveyor table belt).

2.7. Check the serviceability of the frames for hanging loaves, overhead track (turnouts, cutoff guards, as well as safety counterrails on turns).

2.8. By hanging a warning poster “Do not turn on! People are working”, with the mains disconnected, check:

2.8.1. The presence and strength of fastening of the enclosing devices of the working bodies and the drive of the serviced equipment.

2.8.2. Integrity and reliability of the protective earth connection.

2.8.3. Serviceability of control and measuring instruments (signal light, pressure gauge in a pneumatic syringe, vacuum gauge in a screw syringe) and safety valves.

If there is a foot control pedal, make sure that the machine switch-on pedal and the guard that prevents accidental activation of the syringe are in good condition.

2.9. If any faults are identified, report this to the work manager and do not start work until the faults are eliminated.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. When working with syringes, follow safe working methods:

3.1.1. Do not use syringes that have any malfunctions.

3.1.2. Do not open the cap of the syringe during injection.

3.1.3. Do not rinse or clean the mince cylinder and outlets while the motor is running.

3.1.4. Do not put your hands into the hopper.

3.1.5. Do not clean the loading hopper from excess minced meat in the presence of current in the starting device.

3.1.6. Do not leave running equipment unattended.

3.2 Load syringes of hydraulic and pneumatic action with minced meat only in the lowest position of the piston. The feed regulator pointer should be in the "Stop" position.

3.3. While working on the syringe, follow the readings of the pressure gauge. The pressure must not exceed the maximum allowable.

3.4. Avoid accumulation of raw materials in the workplace.

3.5. When knitting sausages with twine by hand, use protective fingertips.

3.6. To cut the twine and the ends of the intestinal membrane, use a special knife installed on the table.

3.7. When moving the frame along the overhead track, be sure to wear a helmet and a protective visor.

3.8. Frames with sausages must be moved along the overhead track one at a time, while holding both hands no lower than the middle of the frame, carefully moving it in front of you without pushing or jerking.

3.9. Do not leave frames moving along the overhead path on arrows and roundings.

3.10. It is necessary to carefully monitor the correct position of the arrows.

3.11. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the floor, avoiding the formation of slippery and polluted places.

3.12. To avoid accidents, do not remove the safety guard.

3.13. To protect the skin of the hands from the action of moisture, workers engaged in the preparation of sausage casings, stuffing, knitting, hanging sausages should use preventive protective fat-wax paste and silicone protective cream, and hangers, in addition, transparent visors to protect the eyes from scale from hanging frames. rails.

4. Safety requirements after finishing work

4.1. Disconnect the equipment from the mains.

4.4. Tidy up and tidy up your workspace.

4.3. When sanitizing, make sure that water does not get on the electric motor and on conductive parts.

4.4. Put the used inventory, tools in order and put them in the place allotted for it.

4.5. Inspect the used personal protective equipment, put it in order and put it in the place provided for them.

4.6. Wash hands and face with warm water and soap. Take a shower if possible.

4.7. Report to the head of work on all the shortcomings that occurred during work.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. An emergency or an accident can occur in the event of extraneous noise, increased vibration of the equipment, when you feel a current when you touch the metal parts of the equipment, fall on a slippery floor, break overhead tracks, and so on.

5.2. In the event of such a situation, it is necessary to stop work, turn off the power supply, protect the danger zone, and prevent unauthorized persons from entering it.

5.3. Report what happened to the supervisor.

5.4. If there are casualties, provide them with first aid. If necessary, call an ambulance.

5.5. Providing first aid.

5.5.1. First aid for electric shock.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to turn it off, pull him away from the conductive parts by clothing or using improvised insulating material.

If the victim has no breathing and pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in the blood circulation of the brain. In this state, the revival must begin immediately, and then call an "ambulance".

5.5.2. First aid for injury.

To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open an individual package, apply a sterile dressing, which is placed in it, on the wound and tie it with a bandage.

If somehow the individual package was not found, then a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. must be used for dressing. On a rag that is applied directly to the wound, it is advisable to drip a few drops of tincture of iodine to get a stain larger than the wound, and then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to apply the tincture of iodine in this way to contaminated wounds.

5.5.3. First aid for fractures, dislocations, shocks.

In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be hung with a bandage or handkerchief from the neck and bandaged to the torso.

In case of a skull fracture (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or mouth), it is necessary to apply a cold object to the head (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) or make a cold lotion.

If a fracture of the spine is suspected, it is necessary to put the victim on the board, without lifting him, turn the victim on his stomach face down, while observing that the body does not bend, in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.

In case of a fracture of the ribs, a sign of which is pain during breathing, coughing, sneezing, movements, it is necessary to tightly bandage the chest or pull it off with a towel during exhalation.

5.5.4. First aid for burns with acids and alkalis.

If acid or alkali gets on the skin, the damaged areas must be thoroughly rinsed with water for 15-20 minutes, after which the acid-damaged surface should be washed with a 5% solution of baking soda, and the burned with alkali - with a 3% solution of boric acid or a solution of acetic acid .

In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes of acid or alkali, it is necessary to rinse the eyes thoroughly with a stream of water for 15-20 minutes, wash them with a 2% solution of baking soda, and burnt with alkali - with a 3% solution of boric acid or a 3% solution of acetic acid. acids.

In case of burns of the oral cavity with alkali, it is necessary to rinse with a 3% solution of acetic acid or a 3% solution of boric acid, for acid burns - with a 5% solution of baking soda.

If acid enters the respiratory tract, it is necessary to breathe with a 10% solution of baking soda sprayed with a spray bottle, if alkali enters, a sprayed 3% solution of acetic acid.

5.5.5. First aid for thermal burns.

In case of burns with fire, steam, hot objects, in no case should you open the formed blisters and bandage the burns with a bandage.

For first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol.

For second-degree burns (blisters), the burned area is treated with alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.

For third-degree burns (destruction of the skin tissue), the wound is covered with a sterile dressing and a doctor is called.

5.5.6. First aid for bleeding.

In order to stop bleeding, you must:

Raise the injured limb up;

Close the bleeding wound with a dressing (from a bag) folded into a ball, press it from above, without touching the wound itself, hold for 4-5 minutes. If the bleeding stops without removing the applied material, put another pad from another bag or a piece of cotton on top of it and bandage the wounded area (with some pressure);

In case of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with a bandage, squeezing of the blood vessels that feed the wounded area is applied by bending the limb at the joints, as well as with fingers, a tourniquet or a clamp. In case of heavy bleeding, you should immediately call a doctor.

5.6. If a fire occurs, start extinguishing with the available fire extinguishing equipment. If necessary, call the fire department.

5.7. Follow all instructions of the head of work to eliminate emergency.

________________________ ________________ _________________

(head position (personal signature) (surname, initials)


/organizations/ - developer)


Head (specialist)

security services

labor of the enterprise ______________ _______________

Legal Counsel ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Chief technologist ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

A sausage molder is a worker who performs work on sausage molding by filling the casing with minced meat on vacuum syringes and automatic machines in compliance with the required filling density and consumption rates of the casing and minced meat.

Depending on the category, the sausage molder can perform simple or more complex work:

  • Unwinding, rewinding twine into balls, preparing tags and cutting pieces of twine threads for knitting sausages.
  • Performing individual operations in the process of molding sausage products by injection method under the guidance of a sausage molder of higher qualification. Putting the shell on the tarsal for stuffing with minced meat. Looping smoked meats.
  • Shaping sausages by filling the shell with minced meat on syringes by injection and on automatic machines under the guidance of a highly qualified sausage molder. Tying loaves or rings of sausages to give shape, the required density of stuffing and the length of the loaf in accordance with the knitting methods, product marks and consumption rates established for each type of sausage products. Twisting the casing with minced meat for sausages, sausages and certain types of sausages. Pricking (striking) of long loaves in order to remove air. Hanging sausages and smoked meats on sticks and hanging them on frames or in car smokers. Cooking Hungarian lard. Selection of raw materials, their delivery for processing. Cleaning and trimming of layers of bacon, giving a certain shape, rubbing bacon with pepper, transfer to smoking. Looping, hanging on sticks, frames and laying in containers.
  • Installation and change of pins. Regulation according to the indications of instrumentation of pressure and vacuum on vacuum syringes. Production of rolls, balykov and necks.
  • Shaping sausages by filling the casing with minced meat on vacuum syringes and automatic machines in compliance with the required filling density and casing consumption rates. Full production of stuffed sausages, smoked meats and piece products (shaped ham, boiled pork, carbonate, etc.).
  • Inspection of raw materials, trimming of fringes, processing with spices, removal of bone and cartilage. Cutting bacon into layers and grinding it to size depending on the type of product, preparing tongues, pork, veal, beef, eggs, butter, etc. Shaping the sausage, putting on the casing. Tight rolling and knitting. Laying in a form, transfer to cooking and further processing. Compliance with the standards for the output of finished products.

Job description of a sausage molder

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the sausage molder.

1.2 The sausage molder belongs to the category of technical performers.

1.3 The sausage molder is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the established procedure by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the department.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

Head of department


Additional submission


Gives orders


The employee replaces

Person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise


The employee replaces

  1. Qualification requirements for a sausage molder:





work experience

Work experience in the profession of sausage shaper 4 categories - at least 1 year.



qualitative features and types of raw materials;

rules for selecting semi-finished products for stuffing balls and other sausages and piece products;

established technical conditions and norms for outputs of finished products;

rules and norms of work protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.




Additional requirements

5th category, advanced training.

* - for a sausage molder of the 2nd category, you need basic general secondary education, vocational training directly at the factory, and advanced training.

For a sausage molder of the 3rd category, vocational education is required without requirements for work experience or complete or basic general secondary education and vocational training directly at the factory, advanced training in the profession of a sausage molder of the 2nd category - at least 1 year.

For a sausage molder of the 4th category, vocational education and advanced training are needed. Work experience in the profession of a molder of sausages of the 3rd category - at least 1 year.

  1. Documents regulating the activities of a sausage molder

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulations regarding the work being done.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise (head of department); Regulations on the department of sausages, Job description of the molder of sausages, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job Responsibilities of a Sausage Maker

4.1. Completely produces stuffed sausages and piece products (kabak in the form, boiled pork, carbonate, etc.).

4.2. Inspects raw materials, trims fringes, processes spices, removes bones and cartilage.

4.3. Cuts bacon into slices and grinds it according to size depending on the type of product, prepares tongues, pork, veal, beef, eggs, butter, etc.

4.4. Forms sausages, puts on a shell.

4.5. Rolls tightly and binds.

4.6. Places in a form, transfers to cooking and further processing. Adheres to the norms of outputs of finished products.

4.7. Adheres to the rules and regulations of work safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

  1. Sausage shaper's rights

The sausage molder has the right to:

5.1. Familiarize yourself with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

5.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

5.3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

5.4. To request personally or on behalf of his immediate supervisor from the heads of enterprise departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

5.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  1. Responsibility of the sausage molder

The sausage molder is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of a sausage molder

The mode of operation of the sausage molder is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the molder of sausage products are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this job description made by order CEO enterprises.

Head of the structural subdivision


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)
